view libpurple/protocols/mxit/formcmds.c @ 31172:e89df17f5ae7

certificate: Better validation of chains which have an intermediate signed w/ MD5. We already distribute the CAcert class 3 root as a trusted root. Newer versions of GnuTLS (combined with the changes to deal with MSN's cert breakage) require us to check if the last cert (not just its issuer) is in our trusted store.
author Paul Aurich <>
date Sun, 30 Jan 2011 17:51:02 +0000
parents 985b57c4f55c
children 34c9e0d4b4d3
line wrap: on
line source

 *					MXit Protocol libPurple Plugin
 *					-- MXit Forms & Commands --
 *				Andrew Victor	<>
 *			(C) Copyright 2009	MXit Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd.
 *				<>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111-1301  USA

#include "internal.h"
#include <glib/gprintf.h>

#include "purple.h"

#include "protocol.h"
#include "mxit.h"
#include "markup.h"
#include "formcmds.h"


 * the MXit Command identifiers
typedef enum
	MXIT_CMD_UNKNOWN = 0,		/* Unknown command */
	MXIT_CMD_CLEAR,				/* Clear (clear) */
	MXIT_CMD_SENDSMS,			/* Send SMS (sendsms) */
	MXIT_CMD_REPLY,				/* Reply (reply) */
	MXIT_CMD_PLATREQ,			/* Platform Request (platreq) */
	MXIT_CMD_SELECTCONTACT,		/* Select Contact (selc) */
	MXIT_CMD_IMAGE				/* Inline image (img) */
} MXitCommandType;

 * object for an inline image request with an URL
struct ii_url_request
	struct RXMsgData*	mx;
	char*				url;

 * Callback function invoked when an inline image request to a web site completes.
 *  @param url_data
 *  @param user_data		The Markup message object
 *  @param url_text			The data returned from the WAP site
 *  @param len				The length of the data returned
 *  @param error_message	Descriptive error message
static void mxit_cb_ii_returned(PurpleUtilFetchUrlData* url_data, gpointer user_data, const gchar* url_text, gsize len, const gchar* error_message)
	struct ii_url_request*	iireq		= (struct ii_url_request*) user_data;
	char*					ii_data;
	int*					intptr		= NULL;
	int						id;

	purple_debug_info(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "Inline Image returned from %s\n", iireq->url);

	if (!url_text) {
		/* no reply from the WAP site */
		purple_debug_error(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "Error downloading Inline Image from %s.\n", iireq->url);
		goto done;

	/* lets first see if we dont have the inline image already in cache */
	if (g_hash_table_lookup(iireq->mx->session->iimages, iireq->url)) {
		/* inline image found in the cache, so we just ignore this reply */
		goto done;

	/* make a copy of the data */
	ii_data = g_malloc(len);
	memcpy(ii_data, (const char*) url_text, len);

	/* we now have the inline image, store it in the imagestore */
	id = purple_imgstore_add_with_id(ii_data, len, NULL);

	/* map the inline image id to purple image id */
	intptr = g_malloc(sizeof(int));
	*intptr = id;
	g_hash_table_insert(iireq->mx->session->iimages, iireq->url, intptr);

	iireq->mx->flags |= PURPLE_MESSAGE_IMAGES;

	if ((iireq->mx->img_count == 0) && (iireq->mx->converted)) {
		 * this was the last outstanding emoticon for this message,
		 * so we can now display it to the user.


 * Return the command identifier of this MXit Command.
 *  @param cmd			The MXit command <key,value> map
 *  @return				The MXit command identifier
static MXitCommandType command_type(GHashTable* hash)
	char* op;
	char* type;

	op = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "op");
	if (op) {
		if ( strcmp(op, "cmd") == 0 ) {
			type = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "type");
			if (type == NULL)								/* no command provided */
				return MXIT_CMD_UNKNOWN;
			else if (strcmp(type, "clear") == 0)			/* clear */
				return MXIT_CMD_CLEAR;
			else if (strcmp(type, "sendsms") == 0)			/* send an SMS */
				return MXIT_CMD_SENDSMS;
			else if (strcmp(type, "reply") == 0)			/* list of options */
				return MXIT_CMD_REPLY;
			else if (strcmp(type, "platreq") == 0)			/* platform request */
				return MXIT_CMD_PLATREQ;
			else if (strcmp(type, "selc") == 0)				/* select contact */
		else if (strcmp(op, "img") == 0)
				return MXIT_CMD_IMAGE;


 * Tokenize a MXit Command string into a <key,value> map.
 *  @param cmd			The MXit command string
 *  @return				The <key,value> hash-map, or NULL on error.
static GHashTable* command_tokenize(char* cmd)
	GHashTable* hash	= NULL;
	gchar**		parts;
	gchar*		part;
	int			i		= 0;

	purple_debug_info(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "command: '%s'\n", cmd);

	/* explode the command into parts */
	parts = g_strsplit(cmd, "|", 0);

	hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);

	/* now break part into a key & value */
	while ((part = parts[i]) != NULL) {
		char* value;

		value = strchr(parts[i], '=');		/* find start of value */
		if (value != NULL) {
			*value = '\0';

		purple_debug_info(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "  key='%s' value='%s'\n", parts[i], value);

		g_hash_table_insert(hash, g_strdup(parts[i]), g_strdup(value));



	return hash;

 * Process a Clear MXit command.
 *  [::op=cmd|type=clear|clearmsgscreen=true|auto=true|id=12345:]
 *  @param session		The MXit session object
 *  @param from			The sender of the message.
 *  @param hash			The MXit command <key,value> map
static void command_clear(struct MXitSession* session, const char* from, GHashTable* hash)
	PurpleConversation *conv;
	char* clearmsgscreen;

	conv = purple_find_conversation_with_account(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, from, session->acc);
	if (conv == NULL) {
		purple_debug_error(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, _( "Conversation with '%s' not found\n" ), from);

	clearmsgscreen = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "clearmsgscreen");
	if ( (clearmsgscreen) && (strcmp(clearmsgscreen, "true") == 0) ) {
		/* this is a command to clear the chat screen */
		purple_debug_info(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "Clear the screen\n");

		purple_conversation_clear_message_history(conv);			// TODO: This doesn't actually clear the screen.

 * Process a Reply MXit command.
 *  [::op=cmd|type=reply|replymsg=back|selmsg=b) Back|id=12345:]
 *  [::op=cmd|nm=rep|type=reply|replymsg=back|selmsg=b) Back|id=12345:]
 *  @param mx			The received message data object
 *  @param hash			The MXit command <key,value> map
static void command_reply(struct RXMsgData* mx, GHashTable* hash)
	char* replymsg;
	char* selmsg;
	char* nm;

	selmsg = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "selmsg");			/* find the selection message */
	replymsg = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "replymsg");		/* find the reply message */
	nm = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "nm");					/* name parameter */
	if ((selmsg) && (replymsg) && (nm)) {
		gchar*	seltext = g_markup_escape_text(purple_url_decode(selmsg), -1);
		gchar*	replycmd = g_strdup_printf("::type=reply|nm=%s|res=%s|err=0:", nm, replymsg);

		mxit_add_html_link( mx, replycmd, seltext );

	else if ((selmsg) && (replymsg)) {
		gchar*	seltext = g_markup_escape_text(purple_url_decode(selmsg), -1);

		mxit_add_html_link( mx, purple_url_decode(replymsg), seltext );


 * Process a PlatformRequest MXit command.
 *  @param hash			The MXit command <key,value> map
 *  @param msg			The message to display (as generated so far)
static void command_platformreq(GHashTable* hash, GString* msg)
	gchar*	text	= NULL;
	char*	selmsg;
	char*	dest;

	selmsg = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "selmsg");			/* find the selection message */
	if (selmsg) {
		text = g_markup_escape_text(purple_url_decode(selmsg), -1);

	dest = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "dest");				/* find the destination */
	if (dest) {
		g_string_append_printf(msg, "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", purple_url_decode(dest), (text) ? text : _( "Download" ));		/* add link to display message */

	if (text)

 * Process an inline image MXit command.
 *  @param mx			The received message data object
 *  @param hash			The MXit command <key,value> map
 *  @param msg			The message to display (as generated so far)
static void command_image(struct RXMsgData* mx, GHashTable* hash, GString* msg)
	const char*	img;
	const char*	reply;
	guchar*		rawimg;
	char		link[256];
	gsize		rawimglen;
	int			imgid;

	img = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "dat");
	if (img) {
		rawimg = purple_base64_decode(img, &rawimglen);
		//purple_util_write_data_to_file_absolute("/tmp/mxitinline.png", (char*) rawimg, rawimglen);
		imgid = purple_imgstore_add_with_id(rawimg, rawimglen, NULL);
		g_snprintf(link, sizeof(link), "<img id=\"%i\">", imgid);
		g_string_append_printf(msg, "%s", link);
	else {
		img = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "src");
		if (img) {
			struct ii_url_request*	iireq;

			iireq = g_new0(struct ii_url_request,1);
			iireq->url = g_strdup(purple_url_decode(img));
			iireq->mx = mx;

			g_string_append_printf(msg, "%s%s>", MXIT_II_TAG, iireq->url);
			mx->got_img = TRUE;

			/* lets first see if we dont have the inline image already in cache */
			if (g_hash_table_lookup(mx->session->iimages, iireq->url)) {
				/* inline image found in the cache, so we do not have to request it from the web */
			else {
				/* send the request for the inline image */
				purple_debug_info(MXIT_PLUGIN_ID, "sending request for inline image '%s'\n", iireq->url);

				/* request the image (reference: "libpurple/util.h") */
				purple_util_fetch_url_request(iireq->url, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, NULL, FALSE, mxit_cb_ii_returned, iireq);

	/* if this is a clickable image, show a click link */
	reply = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, "replymsg");
	if (reply) {
		g_string_append_printf(msg, "\n");
		mxit_add_html_link(mx, reply, _( "click here" ));

 * Process a received MXit Command message.
 *  @param mx				The received message data object
 *  @param message			The message text
 *  @return					The length of the command
int mxit_parse_command(struct RXMsgData* mx, char* message)
	GHashTable* hash	= NULL;
	char*		start;
	char*		end;

	/* ensure that this is really a command */
	if ( ( message[0] != ':' ) || ( message[1] != ':' ) ) {
		/* this is not a command */
		return 0;

	start = message + 2;
	end = strstr(start, ":");
	if (end) {
		/* end of a command found */
		*end = '\0';		/* terminate command string */

		hash = command_tokenize(start);			/* break into <key,value> pairs */
		if (hash) {
			MXitCommandType type = command_type(hash);

			switch (type) {
				case MXIT_CMD_CLEAR :
					command_clear(mx->session, mx->from, hash);
				case MXIT_CMD_REPLY :
					command_reply(mx, hash);
					command_platformreq(hash, mx->msg);
				case MXIT_CMD_IMAGE :
					command_image(mx, hash, mx->msg);
				default :
					/* command unknown, or not currently supported */
		*end = ':';

		return end - message;
	else {
		return 0;