view src/protocols/irc/irc.c @ 12645:fc28451f5d96

[gaim-migrate @ 14983] SF Patch #1314512 from Sadrul (who has a patch for everything) "This patch introduces a flag for protocol plugins that support offline messages (like Y!M and ICQ). This was encouraged by the following conversation: <sadrul> should offline buddies be listed/enabled in the send-to menu? <rekkanoryo> i would think only for protocols that support offline messaging, if it's indicated that the buddy is offline -- <snip> -- <Bleeter> sadrul: personally, I'd like to see a 'supports offline' flag of some description <Bleeter> one could then redirect (via plugins) through email or alternative methods <Bleeter> just a thought <Paco-Paco> yeah, that sounds like a reasonble thing to have This patch uses this flag to disable the buddies in the send-to menu who are offline and the protocol doesn't support offline messages." I made this make the label insensitive instead of the whole menuitem. This should address SimGuy's concerns about inconsistency (i.e. you could create a conversation with someone via the buddy list that you couldn't create via the Send To menu). I also hacked up some voodoo to show the label as sensitive when moused-over, as that looks better (given the label-insensitive thing is itself a hack). I think this works quite well. BUG NOTE: This makes more obvious an existing bug. The Send To menu isn't updated when buddies sign on or off or change status (at least under some circumstances). We need to fix that anyway, so I'm not going to let it hold up this commit. Switching tabs will clear it up. I'm thinking we just might want to build the contents of that menu when it is selected. That would save us a mess of inefficient signal callbacks that update the Send To menus in open windows all the time. AIM NOTE: This assumes that AIM can't offline message. That's not strictly true. You can message invisible users on AIM. However, by design, we can't tell when a user is invisible without resorting to dirty hackery. In practice, this isn't a problem, as you can still select the AIM user from the menu. And really, how often will you be choosing the Invisible contact, rather than the user going Invisible in the middle of a conversation or IMing you while they're Invisible? JABBER NOTE: This assumes that Jabber can always offline message. This isn't strictly true. Sadrul said: I have updated Jabber according to this link which seems to talk about how to determine the existence offline-message support in a server: However, doesn't seem to send the required info. So I am not sure about it. He later said: I talked to Nathan and he said offline message support is mostly assumed for most jabber servers. GTalk doesn't yet support it, but they are working on it. So I have made jabber to always return TRUE. If there is truly no way to detect offline messaging capability, then this is an acceptable solution. We could special case Google Talk because of its popularity, and remove that later. It's probably not worth it though. MSN NOTE: This assumes that MSN can never offline message. That's effectively true, but to be technically correct, MSN can offline message if there's already a switchboard conversation open with a user. We could write an offline_message function in the MSN prpl to detect that, but it'd be of limited usefulness, especially given that under most circumstances (where this might matter), the switchboard connection will be closed almost immediately. CVS NOTE: I'm writing to share a tragic little story. I have a PC that I use for Gaim development. One day, I was writing a commit message on it, when all of a suddent it went berserk. The screen started flashing, and the whole commit message just disappeared. All of it. And it was a good commit message! I had to cram and rewrite it really quickly. Needless to say, my rushed commit message wasn't nearly as good, and I blame the PC for that. Seriously, though, what kind of version control system loses your commit message on a broken connection to the server? Stupid! committer: Tailor Script <>
author Richard Laager <>
date Fri, 23 Dec 2005 19:26:04 +0000
parents e856f985a0b9
children a0fd3ebcd6fa
line wrap: on
line source

 * @file irc.c
 * gaim
 * Copyright (C) 2003, Robbert Haarman <>
 * Copyright (C) 2003, Ethan Blanton <>
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003, Rob Flynn <>
 * Copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "internal.h"

#include "accountopt.h"
#include "blist.h"
#include "conversation.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "prpl.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "version.h"

#include "irc.h"

static void irc_buddy_append(char *name, struct irc_buddy *ib, GString *string);

static const char *irc_blist_icon(GaimAccount *a, GaimBuddy *b);
static void irc_blist_emblems(GaimBuddy *b, const char **se, const char **sw, const char **nw, const char **ne);
static GList *irc_status_types(GaimAccount *account);
static GList *irc_actions(GaimPlugin *plugin, gpointer context);
/* static GList *irc_chat_info(GaimConnection *gc); */
static void irc_login(GaimAccount *account);
static void irc_login_cb_ssl(gpointer data, GaimSslConnection *gsc, GaimInputCondition cond);
static void irc_login_cb(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond);
static void irc_ssl_connect_failure(GaimSslConnection *gsc, GaimSslErrorType error, gpointer data);
static void irc_close(GaimConnection *gc);
static int irc_im_send(GaimConnection *gc, const char *who, const char *what, GaimMessageFlags flags);
static int irc_chat_send(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *what, GaimMessageFlags flags);
static void irc_chat_join (GaimConnection *gc, GHashTable *data);
static void irc_input_cb(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond);
static void irc_input_cb_ssl(gpointer data, GaimSslConnection *gsc, GaimInputCondition cond);

static guint irc_nick_hash(const char *nick);
static gboolean irc_nick_equal(const char *nick1, const char *nick2);
static void irc_buddy_free(struct irc_buddy *ib);

static GaimPlugin *_irc_plugin = NULL;

static const char *status_chars = "@+%&";

static void irc_view_motd(GaimPluginAction *action)
	GaimConnection *gc = (GaimConnection *) action->context;
	struct irc_conn *irc;
	char *title;

	if (gc == NULL || gc->proto_data == NULL) {
		gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_ERROR, "irc", "got MOTD request for NULL gc\n");
	irc = gc->proto_data;
	if (irc->motd == NULL) {
		gaim_notify_error(gc, _("Error displaying MOTD"), _("No MOTD available"),
				  _("There is no MOTD associated with this connection."));
	title = g_strdup_printf(_("MOTD for %s"), irc->server);
	gaim_notify_formatted(gc, title, title, NULL, irc->motd->str, NULL, NULL);

int irc_send(struct irc_conn *irc, const char *buf)
	int ret;

	if (irc->gsc) {
		ret = gaim_ssl_write(irc->gsc, buf, strlen(buf));
	} else {
		if (irc->fd < 0)
			return -1;
		ret = write(irc->fd, buf, strlen(buf));

	/* gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_MISC, "irc", "sent%s: %s",
		irc->gsc ? " (ssl)" : "", buf); */
	if (ret < 0) {
				      _("Server has disconnected"));

	return ret;

/* XXX I don't like messing directly with these buddies */
gboolean irc_blist_timeout(struct irc_conn *irc)
	GString *string = g_string_sized_new(512);
	char *list, *buf;

	g_hash_table_foreach(irc->buddies, (GHFunc)irc_buddy_append, (gpointer)string);

	list = g_string_free(string, FALSE);
	if (!list || !strlen(list)) {
		return TRUE;

	buf = irc_format(irc, "vn", "ISON", list);
	irc_send(irc, buf);

	return TRUE;

static void irc_buddy_append(char *name, struct irc_buddy *ib, GString *string)
	ib->flag = FALSE;
	g_string_append_printf(string, "%s ", name);

static void irc_ison_one(struct irc_conn *irc, struct irc_buddy *ib)
	char *buf;

	ib->flag = FALSE;
	buf = irc_format(irc, "vn", "ISON", ib->name);
	irc_send(irc, buf);

static const char *irc_blist_icon(GaimAccount *a, GaimBuddy *b)
	return "irc";

static void irc_blist_emblems(GaimBuddy *b, const char **se, const char **sw, const char **nw, const char **ne)
	GaimPresence *presence = gaim_buddy_get_presence(b);

	if (gaim_presence_is_online(presence) == FALSE) {
		*se = "offline";

static GList *irc_status_types(GaimAccount *account)
	GaimStatusType *type;
	GList *types = NULL;

	type = gaim_status_type_new(GAIM_STATUS_OFFLINE, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
	types = g_list_append(types, type);

	type = gaim_status_type_new(GAIM_STATUS_AVAILABLE, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
	types = g_list_append(types, type);

	type = gaim_status_type_new_with_attrs(
		"message", _("Message"), gaim_value_new(GAIM_TYPE_STRING),
	types = g_list_append(types, type);

	return types;

static GList *irc_actions(GaimPlugin *plugin, gpointer context)
	GList *list = NULL;
	GaimPluginAction *act = NULL;

	act = gaim_plugin_action_new(_("View MOTD"), irc_view_motd);
	list = g_list_append(list, act);

	return list;

static GList *irc_chat_join_info(GaimConnection *gc)
	GList *m = NULL;
	struct proto_chat_entry *pce;

	pce = g_new0(struct proto_chat_entry, 1);
	pce->label = _("_Channel:");
	pce->identifier = "channel";
	pce->required = TRUE;
	m = g_list_append(m, pce);

	pce = g_new0(struct proto_chat_entry, 1);
	pce->label = _("_Password:");
	pce->identifier = "password";
	pce->secret = TRUE;
	m = g_list_append(m, pce);

	return m;

static GHashTable *irc_chat_info_defaults(GaimConnection *gc, const char *chat_name)
	GHashTable *defaults;

	defaults = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free);

	if (chat_name != NULL)
		g_hash_table_insert(defaults, "channel", g_strdup(chat_name));

	return defaults;

static void irc_login(GaimAccount *account)
	GaimConnection *gc;
	struct irc_conn *irc;
	char **userparts;
	const char *username = gaim_account_get_username(account);
	int err;

	gc = gaim_account_get_connection(account);

	if (strpbrk(username, " \t\v\r\n") != NULL) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, _("IRC nicks may not contain whitespace"));

	gc->proto_data = irc = g_new0(struct irc_conn, 1);
	irc->fd = -1;
	irc->account = account;

	userparts = g_strsplit(username, "@", 2);
	gaim_connection_set_display_name(gc, userparts[0]);
	irc->server = g_strdup(userparts[1]);

	irc->buddies = g_hash_table_new_full((GHashFunc)irc_nick_hash, (GEqualFunc)irc_nick_equal,
					     NULL, (GDestroyNotify)irc_buddy_free);
	irc->cmds = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
	irc->msgs = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

	gaim_connection_update_progress(gc, _("Connecting"), 1, 2);

	if (gaim_account_get_bool(account, "ssl", FALSE)) {
		if (gaim_ssl_is_supported()) {
			irc->gsc = gaim_ssl_connect(account, irc->server,
					gaim_account_get_int(account, "port", IRC_DEFAULT_SSL_PORT),
					irc_login_cb_ssl, irc_ssl_connect_failure, gc);
		} else {
			gaim_connection_error(gc, _("SSL support unavailable"));

	if (!irc->gsc) {

		err = gaim_proxy_connect(account, irc->server,
				 gaim_account_get_int(account, "port", IRC_DEFAULT_PORT),
				 irc_login_cb, gc);

		if (err || !gaim_account_get_connection(account)) {
			gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Couldn't create socket"));

static gboolean do_login(GaimConnection *gc) {
	char *buf;
	char hostname[256];
	const char *username, *realname;
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	const char *pass = gaim_connection_get_password(gc);

	if (pass && *pass) {
		buf = irc_format(irc, "vv", "PASS", pass);
		if (irc_send(irc, buf) < 0) {
			gaim_connection_error(gc, "Error sending password");
			return FALSE;

	gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
	hostname[sizeof(hostname) - 1] = '\0';
	username = gaim_account_get_string(irc->account, "username", "");
	realname = gaim_account_get_string(irc->account, "realname", "");
	buf = irc_format(irc, "vvvv:", "USER", strlen(username) ? username : g_get_user_name(), hostname, irc->server,
			      strlen(realname) ? realname : IRC_DEFAULT_ALIAS);
	if (irc_send(irc, buf) < 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, "Error registering with server");
		return FALSE;
	buf = irc_format(irc, "vn", "NICK", gaim_connection_get_display_name(gc));
	if (irc_send(irc, buf) < 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, "Error sending nickname");
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static void irc_login_cb_ssl(gpointer data, GaimSslConnection *gsc,
	GaimInputCondition cond)
	GaimConnection *gc = data;
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;

	if(!g_list_find(gaim_connections_get_all(), gc)) {

	irc->gsc = gsc;

	if (do_login(gc)) {
		gaim_ssl_input_add(gsc, irc_input_cb_ssl, gc);

static void irc_login_cb(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond)
	GaimConnection *gc = data;
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	GList *connections = gaim_connections_get_all();

	if (source < 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Couldn't connect to host"));

	if (!g_list_find(connections, gc)) {

	irc->fd = source;

	if (do_login(gc)) {
		gc->inpa = gaim_input_add(irc->fd, GAIM_INPUT_READ, irc_input_cb, gc);

static void
irc_ssl_connect_failure(GaimSslConnection *gsc, GaimSslErrorType error,
		gpointer data)
	GaimConnection *gc = data;
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;

	switch(error) {
			gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Connection Failed"));
			gaim_connection_error(gc, _("SSL Handshake Failed"));

	irc->gsc = NULL;

static void irc_close(GaimConnection *gc)
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;

	if (irc == NULL)

	irc_cmd_quit(irc, "quit", NULL, NULL);

	if (gc->inpa)

	if (irc->gsc) {
	} else if (irc->fd > 0) {
	if (irc->timer)
	if (irc->motd)
		g_string_free(irc->motd, TRUE);

static int irc_im_send(GaimConnection *gc, const char *who, const char *what, GaimMessageFlags flags)
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	char *plain;
	const char *args[2];

	if (strchr(status_chars, *who) != NULL)
		args[0] = who + 1;
		args[0] = who;

	plain = gaim_unescape_html(what);
	args[1] = plain;

	irc_cmd_privmsg(irc, "msg", NULL, args);
	return 1;

static void irc_get_info(GaimConnection *gc, const char *who)
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	const char *args[2];
	args[0] = who;
	args[1] = NULL;
	irc_cmd_whois(irc, "whois", NULL, args);

static void irc_set_status(GaimAccount *account, GaimStatus *status)
	GaimConnection *gc = gaim_account_get_connection(account);
	struct irc_conn *irc = NULL;
	const char *args[1];
	const char *status_id = gaim_status_get_id(status);

	if (gc)
	  irc = gc->proto_data;

	if (!gaim_status_is_active(status))

	args[0] = NULL;

	if (!strcmp(status_id, "away")) {
		args[0] = gaim_status_get_attr_string(status, "message");
		if ((args[0] == NULL) || (*args[0] == '\0'))
			args[0] = _("Away");
		irc_cmd_away(irc, "away", NULL, args);
	} else if (!strcmp(status_id, "available")) {
		irc_cmd_away(irc, "back", NULL, args);

static void irc_add_buddy(GaimConnection *gc, GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimGroup *group)
	struct irc_conn *irc = (struct irc_conn *)gc->proto_data;
	struct irc_buddy *ib = g_new0(struct irc_buddy, 1);
	ib->name = g_strdup(buddy->name);
	g_hash_table_insert(irc->buddies, ib->name, ib);

	/* if the timer isn't set, this is during signon, so we don't want to flood
	 * ourself off with ISON's, so we don't, but after that we want to know when
	 * someone's online asap */
	if (irc->timer)
		irc_ison_one(irc, ib);

static void irc_remove_buddy(GaimConnection *gc, GaimBuddy *buddy, GaimGroup *group)
	struct irc_conn *irc = (struct irc_conn *)gc->proto_data;
	g_hash_table_remove(irc->buddies, buddy->name);

static void read_input(struct irc_conn *irc, int len)
	char *cur, *end;

	irc->inbufused += len;
	irc->inbuf[irc->inbufused] = '\0';

	cur = irc->inbuf;
	while (cur < irc->inbuf + irc->inbufused &&
	       ((end = strstr(cur, "\r\n")) || (end = strstr(cur, "\n")))) {
		int step = (*end == '\r' ? 2 : 1);
		*end = '\0';
		irc_parse_msg(irc, cur);
		cur = end + step;
	if (cur != irc->inbuf + irc->inbufused) { /* leftover */
		irc->inbufused -= (cur - irc->inbuf);
		memmove(irc->inbuf, cur, irc->inbufused);
	} else {
		irc->inbufused = 0;

static void irc_input_cb_ssl(gpointer data, GaimSslConnection *gsc,
		GaimInputCondition cond)

	GaimConnection *gc = data;
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	int len;

	if(!g_list_find(gaim_connections_get_all(), gc)) {

	if (irc->inbuflen < irc->inbufused + IRC_INITIAL_BUFSIZE) {
		irc->inbuflen += IRC_INITIAL_BUFSIZE;
		irc->inbuf = g_realloc(irc->inbuf, irc->inbuflen);
	if ((len = gaim_ssl_read(gsc, irc->inbuf + irc->inbufused, IRC_INITIAL_BUFSIZE - 1)) < 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Read error"));
	} else if (len == 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Server has disconnected"));

	read_input(irc, len);

static void irc_input_cb(gpointer data, gint source, GaimInputCondition cond)
	GaimConnection *gc = data;
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	int len;

	if (irc->inbuflen < irc->inbufused + IRC_INITIAL_BUFSIZE) {
		irc->inbuflen += IRC_INITIAL_BUFSIZE;
		irc->inbuf = g_realloc(irc->inbuf, irc->inbuflen);

	if ((len = read(irc->fd, irc->inbuf + irc->inbufused, IRC_INITIAL_BUFSIZE - 1)) < 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Read error"));
	} else if (len == 0) {
		gaim_connection_error(gc, _("Server has disconnected"));

	read_input(irc, len);

static void irc_chat_join (GaimConnection *gc, GHashTable *data)
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	const char *args[2];

	args[0] = g_hash_table_lookup(data, "channel");
	args[1] = g_hash_table_lookup(data, "password");
	irc_cmd_join(irc, "join", NULL, args);

static char *irc_get_chat_name(GHashTable *data) {
	return g_strdup(g_hash_table_lookup(data, "channel"));

static void irc_chat_invite(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *message, const char *name) 
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	GaimConversation *convo = gaim_find_chat(gc, id);
	const char *args[2];

	if (!convo) {
		gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_ERROR, "irc", "Got chat invite request for bogus chat\n");
	args[0] = name;
	args[1] = gaim_conversation_get_name(convo);
	irc_cmd_invite(irc, "invite", gaim_conversation_get_name(convo), args);

static void irc_chat_leave (GaimConnection *gc, int id)
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	GaimConversation *convo = gaim_find_chat(gc, id);
	const char *args[2];

	if (!convo)

	args[0] = gaim_conversation_get_name(convo);
	args[1] = NULL;
	irc_cmd_part(irc, "part", gaim_conversation_get_name(convo), args);
	serv_got_chat_left(gc, id);

static int irc_chat_send(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *what, GaimMessageFlags flags)
	struct irc_conn *irc = gc->proto_data;
	GaimConversation *convo = gaim_find_chat(gc, id);
	const char *args[2];
	char *tmp;

	if (!convo) {
		gaim_debug(GAIM_DEBUG_ERROR, "irc", "chat send on nonexistent chat\n");
		return -EINVAL;
#if 0
	if (*what == '/') {
		return irc_parse_cmd(irc, convo->name, what + 1);
	tmp = gaim_unescape_html(what);
	args[0] = convo->name;
	args[1] = tmp;

	irc_cmd_privmsg(irc, "msg", NULL, args);

	serv_got_chat_in(gc, id, gaim_connection_get_display_name(gc), 0, what, time(NULL));
	return 0;

static guint irc_nick_hash(const char *nick)
	char *lc;
	guint bucket;

	lc = g_utf8_strdown(nick, -1);
	bucket = g_str_hash(lc);

	return bucket;

static gboolean irc_nick_equal(const char *nick1, const char *nick2)
	return (gaim_utf8_strcasecmp(nick1, nick2) == 0);

static void irc_buddy_free(struct irc_buddy *ib)

static void irc_chat_set_topic(GaimConnection *gc, int id, const char *topic)
	char *buf;
	const char *name = NULL;
	struct irc_conn *irc;

	irc = gc->proto_data;
	name = gaim_conversation_get_name(gaim_find_chat(gc, id));

	if (name == NULL)

	buf = irc_format(irc, "vt:", "TOPIC", name, topic);
	irc_send(irc, buf);

static GaimRoomlist *irc_roomlist_get_list(GaimConnection *gc)
	struct irc_conn *irc;
	GList *fields = NULL;
	GaimRoomlistField *f;
	char *buf;

	irc = gc->proto_data;

	if (irc->roomlist)

	irc->roomlist = gaim_roomlist_new(gaim_connection_get_account(gc));

	f = gaim_roomlist_field_new(GAIM_ROOMLIST_FIELD_STRING, "", "channel", TRUE);
	fields = g_list_append(fields, f);

	f = gaim_roomlist_field_new(GAIM_ROOMLIST_FIELD_INT, _("Users"), "users", FALSE);
	fields = g_list_append(fields, f);

	f = gaim_roomlist_field_new(GAIM_ROOMLIST_FIELD_STRING, _("Topic"), "topic", FALSE);
	fields = g_list_append(fields, f);

	gaim_roomlist_set_fields(irc->roomlist, fields);

	buf = irc_format(irc, "v", "LIST");
	irc_send(irc, buf);

	return irc->roomlist;

static void irc_roomlist_cancel(GaimRoomlist *list)
	GaimConnection *gc = gaim_account_get_connection(list->account);
	struct irc_conn *irc;

	if (gc == NULL)

	irc = gc->proto_data;

	gaim_roomlist_set_in_progress(list, FALSE);

	if (irc->roomlist == list) {
		irc->roomlist = NULL;

static GaimPluginProtocolInfo prpl_info =
	NULL,					/* user_splits */
	NULL,					/* protocol_options */
	NO_BUDDY_ICONS,		/* icon_spec */
	irc_blist_icon,		/* list_icon */
	irc_blist_emblems,	/* list_emblems */
	NULL,					/* status_text */
	NULL,					/* tooltip_text */
	irc_status_types,	/* away_states */
	NULL,					/* blist_node_menu */
	irc_chat_join_info,	/* chat_info */
	irc_chat_info_defaults,	/* chat_info_defaults */
	irc_login,		/* login */
	irc_close,		/* close */
	irc_im_send,		/* send_im */
	NULL,					/* set_info */
	NULL,					/* send_typing */
	irc_get_info,		/* get_info */
	irc_set_status,		/* set_status */
	NULL,					/* set_idle */
	NULL,					/* change_passwd */
	irc_add_buddy,		/* add_buddy */
	NULL,					/* add_buddies */
	irc_remove_buddy,	/* remove_buddy */
	NULL,					/* remove_buddies */
	NULL,					/* add_permit */
	NULL,					/* add_deny */
	NULL,					/* rem_permit */
	NULL,					/* rem_deny */
	NULL,					/* set_permit_deny */
	irc_chat_join,		/* join_chat */
	NULL,					/* reject_chat */
	irc_get_chat_name,	/* get_chat_name */
	irc_chat_invite,	/* chat_invite */
	irc_chat_leave,		/* chat_leave */
	NULL,					/* chat_whisper */
	irc_chat_send,		/* chat_send */
	NULL,					/* keepalive */
	NULL,					/* register_user */
	NULL,					/* get_cb_info */
	NULL,					/* get_cb_away */
	NULL,					/* alias_buddy */
	NULL,					/* group_buddy */
	NULL,					/* rename_group */
	NULL,					/* buddy_free */
	NULL,					/* convo_closed */
	gaim_normalize_nocase,	/* normalize */
	NULL,					/* set_buddy_icon */
	NULL,					/* remove_group */
	NULL,					/* get_cb_real_name */
	irc_chat_set_topic,	/* set_chat_topic */
	NULL,					/* find_blist_chat */
	irc_roomlist_get_list,	/* roomlist_get_list */
	irc_roomlist_cancel,	/* roomlist_cancel */
	NULL,					/* roomlist_expand_category */
	NULL,					/* can_receive_file */
	irc_dccsend_send_file,	/* send_file */
	irc_dccsend_new_xfer,	/* new_xfer */
	NULL,					/* offline_message */
	NULL,					/* whiteboard_prpl_ops */
	NULL,					/* media_prpl_ops */

static GaimPluginInfo info =
	GAIM_PLUGIN_PROTOCOL,                             /**< type           */
	NULL,                                             /**< ui_requirement */
	0,                                                /**< flags          */
	NULL,                                             /**< dependencies   */
	GAIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,                            /**< priority       */

	"prpl-irc",                                       /**< id             */
	"IRC",                                            /**< name           */
	VERSION,                                          /**< version        */
	N_("IRC Protocol Plugin"),                        /**  summary        */
	N_("The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less"),    /**  description    */
	NULL,                                             /**< author         */
	GAIM_WEBSITE,                                     /**< homepage       */

	NULL,                                             /**< load           */
	NULL,                                             /**< unload         */
	NULL,                                             /**< destroy        */

	NULL,                                             /**< ui_info        */
	&prpl_info,                                       /**< extra_info     */
	NULL,                                             /**< prefs_info     */

static void _init_plugin(GaimPlugin *plugin)
	GaimAccountUserSplit *split;
	GaimAccountOption *option;

	split = gaim_account_user_split_new(_("Server"), IRC_DEFAULT_SERVER, '@');
	prpl_info.user_splits = g_list_append(prpl_info.user_splits, split);

	option = gaim_account_option_int_new(_("Port"), "port", IRC_DEFAULT_PORT);
	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);

	option = gaim_account_option_string_new(_("Encodings"), "encoding", IRC_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);

	option = gaim_account_option_string_new(_("Username"), "username", "");
	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);

	option = gaim_account_option_string_new(_("Real name"), "realname", "");
	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);

	option = gaim_account_option_string_new(_("Quit message"), "quitmsg", IRC_DEFAULT_QUIT);
	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);

	option = gaim_account_option_bool_new(_("Use SSL"), "ssl", FALSE);
	prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option);

	_irc_plugin = plugin;



GAIM_INIT_PLUGIN(irc, _init_plugin, info);