# HG changeset patch
# User Daniel Atallah <daniel.atallah@gmail.com>
# Date 1180495076 0
# Node ID a3e68bb05594cf3297c009f53e178e9cef001fe8
# Parent  93ecfed58d7d265a6a8d5f7b6ee30fefcb19b038
Patch from Amir Szekely to make the installer start up faster and use NSIS' built-in Windows version checking. Fixes #1289 (Thanks, Amir)

diff -r 93ecfed58d7d -r a3e68bb05594 COPYRIGHT
--- a/COPYRIGHT	Wed May 30 03:02:21 2007 +0000
+++ b/COPYRIGHT	Wed May 30 03:17:56 2007 +0000
@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@
 David Stoddard
 Sun Microsystems
 M奪rten Svantesson (fursten)
+Amir Szekely (kichik)
 Robert T.
 Greg Taeger
 Peter Tang
diff -r 93ecfed58d7d -r a3e68bb05594 pidgin/win32/nsis/pidgin-installer.nsi
--- a/pidgin/win32/nsis/pidgin-installer.nsi	Wed May 30 03:02:21 2007 +0000
+++ b/pidgin/win32/nsis/pidgin-installer.nsi	Wed May 30 03:17:56 2007 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ; Original Author: Herman Bloggs <hermanator12002@yahoo.com>
 ; Updated By: Daniel Atallah <daniel_atallah@yahoo.com>
-; NOTE: this .NSI script is intended for NSIS 2.08
+; NOTE: this .NSI script is intended for NSIS 2.27
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 !include "MUI.nsh"
 !include "Sections.nsh"
+!include "WinVer.nsh"
+!include "LogicLib.nsh"
 !include "FileFunc.nsh"
 !insertmacro GetParameters
@@ -94,6 +96,13 @@
+;Reserve files used in .onInit
+;for faster start-up
+ReserveFile "${NSISDIR}\Plugins\System.dll"
 ;Modern UI Configuration
   !define MUI_ICON				".\pixmaps\pidgin-install.ico"
@@ -481,12 +490,12 @@
     ; If this is under NT4, delete the SILC support stuff
     ; there is a bug that will prevent any account from connecting
     ; See https://lists.silcnet.org/pipermail/silc-devel/2005-January/001588.html
-    Call GetWindowsVersion
-    Pop $R2
-    StrCmp $R2 "NT 4.0" +1 +4
-    Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\libsilc.dll"
-    Delete "$INSTDIR\silcclient.dll"
-    Delete "$INSTDIR\silc.dll"
+    ${If} ${IsNT}
+    ${AndIf} ${IsWinNT4}
+      Delete "$INSTDIR\plugins\libsilc.dll"
+      Delete "$INSTDIR\silcclient.dll"
+      Delete "$INSTDIR\silc.dll"
+    ${EndIf}
     SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
@@ -1310,19 +1319,13 @@
   ; If on Win95/98/ME warn them that the GTK+ version wont work
-  Call GetWindowsVersion
-  Pop $R1
-  StrCmp $R1 "95" win_ver_bad
-  StrCmp $R1 "98" win_ver_bad
-  StrCmp $R1 "ME" win_ver_bad
-  Goto done
-  win_ver_bad:
+  ${Unless} ${IsNT}
     !insertmacro UnselectSection ${SecGtk}
     !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${SecGtk} ${SF_RO}
     IntCmp $R0 1 done done ; Upgrade isn't optional - abort if we don't have a suitable version
+  ${EndIf}
   Pop $R2
@@ -1385,98 +1388,6 @@
-; GetWindowsVersion
-; Based on Yazno's function, http://yazno.tripod.com/powerpimpit/
-; Updated by Joost Verburg
-; Returns on top of stack
-; Windows Version (95, 98, ME, NT x.x, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista)
-; or
-; '' (Unknown Windows Version)
-; Usage:
-;   Call GetWindowsVersion
-;   Pop $R0
-; at this point $R0 is "NT 4.0" or whatnot
-Function GetWindowsVersion
-  Push $R0
-  Push $R1
-  ClearErrors
-  ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \
-  "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
-  IfErrors 0 lbl_winnt
-  ; we are not NT
-  ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \
-  "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" VersionNumber
-  StrCpy $R1 $R0 1
-  StrCmp $R1 '4' 0 lbl_error
-  StrCpy $R1 $R0 3
-  StrCmp $R1 '4.0' lbl_win32_95
-  StrCmp $R1 '4.9' lbl_win32_ME lbl_win32_98
-  lbl_win32_95:
-    StrCpy $R0 '95'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_win32_98:
-    StrCpy $R0 '98'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_win32_ME:
-    StrCpy $R0 'ME'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_winnt:
-    StrCpy $R1 $R0 1
-    StrCmp $R1 '3' lbl_winnt_x
-    StrCmp $R1 '4' lbl_winnt_x
-    StrCpy $R1 $R0 3
-    StrCmp $R1 '5.0' lbl_winnt_2000
-    StrCmp $R1 '5.1' lbl_winnt_XP
-    StrCmp $R1 '5.2' lbl_winnt_2003
-    StrCmp $R1 '6.0' lbl_winnt_vista lbl_error
-  lbl_winnt_x:
-    StrCpy $R0 "NT $R0" 6
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_winnt_2000:
-    Strcpy $R0 '2000'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_winnt_XP:
-    Strcpy $R0 'XP'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_winnt_2003:
-    Strcpy $R0 '2003'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_winnt_vista:
-    Strcpy $R0 'Vista'
-  Goto lbl_done
-  lbl_error:
-    Strcpy $R0 ''
-  lbl_done:
-  Pop $R1
-  Exch $R0
 ; SpellChecker Related Functions