changeset 26841:b0f61cb90f62

merge of '136cd28c47ef3338b71082503a83a7ecf465df78' and 'ff8ea4e7234c104731c595807e704422ab97acaf'
author Paul Aurich <>
date Thu, 07 May 2009 05:23:15 +0000
parents c637ddabb491 (diff) 362c3e6f1f4a (current diff)
children 33f98d662db8
diffstat 4 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/ChangeLog	Thu May 07 04:16:59 2009 +0000
+++ b/ChangeLog	Thu May 07 05:23:15 2009 +0000
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 	* /affiliate and /role will now list the room members with the specified
 	  affiliation/role if possible. (Andrei Mozzhuhin)
 	* Put section breaks between resources in "Get Info" to improve readability.
+	* XHTML markup is only included in outgoing messages when the message
+	  contains formatting.
 	* P2P file transfers. (Sulabh Mahajan)
--- a/libpurple/protocols/jabber/google.c	Thu May 07 04:16:59 2009 +0000
+++ b/libpurple/protocols/jabber/google.c	Thu May 07 05:23:15 2009 +0000
@@ -761,6 +761,12 @@
 	if (type != JABBER_IQ_SET)
+	/* Acknowledge the notification */
+	iq = jabber_iq_new(js, JABBER_IQ_RESULT);
+	xmlnode_set_attrib(iq->node, "to", from);
+	xmlnode_set_attrib(iq->node, "id", id);
+	jabber_iq_send(iq);
 	purple_debug(PURPLE_DEBUG_MISC, "jabber",
 		   "Got new mail notification. Sending request for more info\n");
--- a/libpurple/protocols/jabber/message.c	Thu May 07 04:16:59 2009 +0000
+++ b/libpurple/protocols/jabber/message.c	Thu May 07 05:23:15 2009 +0000
@@ -940,6 +940,58 @@
+static char *
+jabber_message_smileyfy_xhtml(JabberMessage *jm, const char *xhtml)
+	PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(jm->js->gc);
+	PurpleConversation *conv =
+		purple_find_conversation_with_account(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_ANY, jm->to,
+			account);
+	if (jabber_conv_support_custom_smileys(jm->js->gc, conv, jm->to)) {
+		GList *found_smileys = jabber_message_xhtml_find_smileys(xhtml);
+		if (found_smileys) {
+			gchar *smileyfied_xhtml = NULL;
+			const GList *iterator;
+			for (iterator = found_smileys; iterator ;
+				iterator = g_list_next(iterator)) {
+				const PurpleSmiley *smiley =
+						(PurpleSmiley *) iterator->data;
+				const gchar *shortcut = purple_smiley_get_shortcut(smiley);
+				const JabberData *data =
+					jabber_data_find_local_by_alt(shortcut);
+				/* the object has not been sent before */
+				if (!data) {
+					PurpleStoredImage *image =
+							purple_smiley_get_stored_image(smiley);
+					const gchar *ext = purple_imgstore_get_extension(image);
+					JabberStream *js = jm->js;
+					JabberData *new_data =
+						jabber_data_create_from_data(purple_imgstore_get_data(image),
+							purple_imgstore_get_size(image),
+							jabber_message_get_mimetype_from_ext(ext), js);
+					purple_debug_info("jabber",
+						"cache local smiley alt = %s, cid = %s\n",
+						shortcut, jabber_data_get_cid(new_data));
+					jabber_data_associate_local(new_data, shortcut);
+				}
+			}
+			smileyfied_xhtml =
+				jabber_message_get_smileyfied_xhtml(xhtml, found_smileys);
+			g_list_free(found_smileys);
+			return smileyfied_xhtml;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
 void jabber_message_send(JabberMessage *jm)
 	xmlnode *message, *child;
@@ -1025,56 +1077,7 @@
 	if(jm->xhtml) {
-		PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(jm->js->gc);
-		PurpleConversation *conv =
-			purple_find_conversation_with_account(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_ANY, jm->to,
-				account);
-		if (jabber_conv_support_custom_smileys(jm->js->gc, conv, jm->to)) {
-			GList *found_smileys = jabber_message_xhtml_find_smileys(jm->xhtml);
-			if (found_smileys) {
-				gchar *smileyfied_xhtml = NULL;
-				const GList *iterator;
-				for (iterator = found_smileys; iterator ;
-					iterator = g_list_next(iterator)) {
-					const PurpleSmiley *smiley =
-							(PurpleSmiley *) iterator->data;
-					const gchar *shortcut = purple_smiley_get_shortcut(smiley);
-					const JabberData *data =
-						jabber_data_find_local_by_alt(shortcut);
-					/* the object has not been sent before */
-					if (!data) {
-						PurpleStoredImage *image =
-								purple_smiley_get_stored_image(smiley);
-						const gchar *ext = purple_imgstore_get_extension(image);
-						JabberStream *js = jm->js;
-						JabberData *new_data =
-							jabber_data_create_from_data(purple_imgstore_get_data(image),
-								purple_imgstore_get_size(image),
-								jabber_message_get_mimetype_from_ext(ext), js);
-						purple_debug_info("jabber",
-							"cache local smiley alt = %s, cid = %s\n",
-							shortcut, jabber_data_get_cid(new_data));
-						jabber_data_associate_local(new_data, shortcut);
-					}
-				}
-				smileyfied_xhtml =
-					jabber_message_get_smileyfied_xhtml(jm->xhtml, found_smileys);
-				child = xmlnode_from_str(smileyfied_xhtml, -1);
-				g_free(smileyfied_xhtml);
-				g_list_free(found_smileys);
-			} else {
-				child = xmlnode_from_str(jm->xhtml, -1);
-			}
-		} else {
-			child = xmlnode_from_str(jm->xhtml, -1);
-		}
-		if(child) {
+		if ((child = xmlnode_from_str(jm->xhtml, -1))) {
 			xmlnode_insert_child(message, child);
 		} else {
 			purple_debug(PURPLE_DEBUG_ERROR, "jabber",
@@ -1088,14 +1091,51 @@
+ * Compare the XHTML and plain strings passed in for "equality". Any HTML markup
+ * other than <br/> (matches a newline) in the XHTML will cause this to return
+ * FALSE.
+ */
+static gboolean
+jabber_xhtml_plain_equal(const char *xhtml_escaped,
+                         const char *plain)
+	int i = 0;
+	int j = 0;
+	gboolean ret;
+	char *xhtml = purple_unescape_html(xhtml_escaped);
+	while (xhtml[i] && plain[j]) {
+		if (xhtml[i] == plain[j]) {
+			i += 1;
+			j += 1;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (plain[j] == '\n' && !strncmp(xhtml+i, "<br/>", 5)) {
+			i += 5;
+			j += 1;
+			continue;
+		}
+		g_free(xhtml);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	/* Are we at the end of both strings? */
+	ret = (xhtml[i] == plain[j]) && (xhtml[i] == '\0');
+	g_free(xhtml);
+	return ret;
 int jabber_message_send_im(PurpleConnection *gc, const char *who, const char *msg,
 		PurpleMessageFlags flags)
 	JabberMessage *jm;
 	JabberBuddy *jb;
 	JabberBuddyResource *jbr;
-	char *buf;
 	char *xhtml;
+	char *tmp;
 	char *resource;
 	if(!who || !msg)
@@ -1130,15 +1170,18 @@
 			jm->typing_style |= JM_TS_JEP_0022;
-	buf = g_strdup_printf("<html xmlns=''><body xmlns=''>%s</body></html>", msg);
-	purple_markup_html_to_xhtml(buf, &xhtml, &jm->body);
-	g_free(buf);
+	purple_markup_html_to_xhtml(msg, &xhtml, &jm->body);
+	tmp = jabber_message_smileyfy_xhtml(jm, xhtml);
+	if (tmp) {
+		g_free(xhtml);
+		xhtml = tmp;
+	}
-	if(!jbr || jbr->capabilities & JABBER_CAP_XHTML)
-		jm->xhtml = xhtml;
-	else
-		g_free(xhtml);
+	if ((!jbr || jbr->capabilities & JABBER_CAP_XHTML) &&
+			!jabber_xhtml_plain_equal(xhtml, jm->body))
+		jm->xhtml = g_strdup_printf("<html xmlns=''><body xmlns=''>%s</body></html>", xhtml);
+	g_free(xhtml);
@@ -1150,7 +1193,7 @@
 	JabberChat *chat;
 	JabberMessage *jm;
 	JabberStream *js;
-	char *buf;
+	char *xhtml;
 	if(!msg || !gc)
 		return 0;
@@ -1167,14 +1210,12 @@
 	jm->to = g_strdup_printf("%s@%s", chat->room, chat->server);
 	jm->id = jabber_get_next_id(jm->js);
-	buf = g_strdup_printf("<html xmlns=''><body xmlns=''>%s</body></html>", msg);
-	purple_markup_html_to_xhtml(buf, &jm->xhtml, &jm->body);
-	g_free(buf);
+	purple_markup_html_to_xhtml(msg, &xhtml, &jm->body);
-	if(!chat->xhtml) {
-		g_free(jm->xhtml);
-		jm->xhtml = NULL;
-	}
+	if (chat->xhtml && !jabber_xhtml_plain_equal(xhtml, jm->body))
+		jm->xhtml = g_strdup_printf("<html xmlns=''><body xmlns=''>%s</body></html>", xhtml);
+	g_free(xhtml);
--- a/pidgin/gtknotify.c	Thu May 07 04:16:59 2009 +0000
+++ b/pidgin/gtknotify.c	Thu May 07 05:23:15 2009 +0000
@@ -1104,6 +1104,9 @@
 		PidginNotifyMailData *data = (PidginNotifyMailData *)ui_handle;
+		/* Close the notification dialog */
+		pidgin_notify_emails(purple_account_get_connection(data->account),
+		                     0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 		if (data) {