changeset 27599:409ef6d76bf6

Refactor jabber_login and jabber_register_account Now they both call jabber_stream_new and jabber_stream_connect and do the separate stuff between those two calls.
author Paul Aurich <>
date Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:49:51 +0000 (2009-07-17)
parents e5fdfff98aa9
children fceac27fcad1
files libpurple/protocols/jabber/jabber.c
diffstat 1 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libpurple/protocols/jabber/jabber.c	Fri Jul 17 21:11:25 2009 +0000
+++ b/libpurple/protocols/jabber/jabber.c	Fri Jul 17 23:49:51 2009 +0000
@@ -759,31 +759,54 @@
-jabber_login(PurpleAccount *account)
+static JabberStream *
+jabber_stream_new(PurpleAccount *account)
 	PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
-	const char *connect_server = purple_account_get_string(account,
-			"connect_server", "");
-	const char *bosh_url = purple_account_get_string(account,
-			"bosh_url", "");
 	JabberStream *js;
+	JabberBuddy *my_jb;
 	PurplePresence *presence;
-	PurpleStoredImage *image;
-	JabberBuddy *my_jb = NULL;
 	js = gc->proto_data = g_new0(JabberStream, 1);
 	js->gc = gc;
 	js->fd = -1;
-	js->iq_callbacks = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-			g_free, g_free);
+	js->user = jabber_id_new(purple_account_get_username(account));
+	if (!js->user) {
+		purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
+			_("Invalid XMPP ID"));
+		/* Destroying the connection will free the JabberStream */
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (!js->user->domain || *(js->user->domain) == '\0') {
+		purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
+			_("Invalid XMPP ID. Domain must be set."));
+		/* Destroying the connection will free the JabberStream */
+		return NULL;
+	}
 	js->buddies = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
 			g_free, (GDestroyNotify)jabber_buddy_free);
+	my_jb = jabber_buddy_find(js, purple_account_get_username(account), TRUE);
+	if (!my_jb) {
+		/* This basically *can't* fail, but for good measure... */
+		purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
+			_("Invalid XMPP ID"));
+		/* Destroying the connection will free the JabberStream */
+		g_return_val_if_reached(NULL);
+	}
+	my_jb->subscription |= JABBER_SUB_BOTH;
+	js->iq_callbacks = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
+			g_free, g_free);
 	js->chats = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
 			g_free, (GDestroyNotify)jabber_chat_free);
-	js->user = jabber_id_new(purple_account_get_username(account));
 	js->next_id = g_random_int();
 	js->write_buffer = purple_circ_buffer_new(512);
 	js->old_length = 0;
@@ -802,37 +825,21 @@
 	if (purple_presence_is_idle(presence))
 		js->idle = purple_presence_get_idle_time(presence);
-	if(!js->user) {
-		purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
-			_("Invalid XMPP ID"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!js->user->domain || *(js->user->domain) == '\0') {
-		purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
-			_("Invalid XMPP ID. Domain must be set."));
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Calculate the avatar hash for our current image so we know (when we
-	 * fetch our vCard and PEP avatar) if we should send our avatar to the
-	 * server.
-	 */
-	if ((image = purple_buddy_icons_find_account_icon(account))) {
-		js->initial_avatar_hash = jabber_calculate_data_sha1sum(purple_imgstore_get_data(image),
-					purple_imgstore_get_size(image));
-		purple_imgstore_unref(image);
-	}
-	if((my_jb = jabber_buddy_find(js, purple_account_get_username(account), TRUE)))
-		my_jb->subscription |= JABBER_SUB_BOTH;
+	return js;
+static void
+jabber_stream_connect(JabberStream *js)
+	PurpleConnection *gc = js->gc;
+	PurpleAccount *account = purple_connection_get_account(gc);
+	const char *connect_server = purple_account_get_string(account,
+			"connect_server", "");
+	const char *bosh_url = purple_account_get_string(account,
+			"bosh_url", "");
 	jabber_stream_set_state(js, JABBER_STREAM_CONNECTING);
-	/* TODO: Just use purple_url_parse? */
 	/* If both BOSH and a Connect Server are specified, we prefer BOSH. I'm not
 	 * attached to that choice, though.
@@ -842,7 +849,7 @@
 		if (js->bosh)
 		else {
-			purple_connection_error_reason(js->gc,
+			purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
 				_("Malformed BOSH URL"));
@@ -853,19 +860,18 @@
 	js->certificate_CN = g_strdup(connect_server[0] ? connect_server : js->user->domain);
 	/* if they've got old-ssl mode going, we probably want to ignore SRV lookups */
-	if(purple_account_get_bool(js->gc->account, "old_ssl", FALSE)) {
+	if(purple_account_get_bool(account, "old_ssl", FALSE)) {
 		if(purple_ssl_is_supported()) {
-			js->gsc = purple_ssl_connect(js->gc->account,
-					js->certificate_CN,
-					purple_account_get_int(account, "port", 5223), jabber_login_callback_ssl,
-					jabber_ssl_connect_failure, js->gc);
+			js->gsc = purple_ssl_connect(account, js->certificate_CN,
+					purple_account_get_int(account, "port", 5223),
+					jabber_login_callback_ssl, jabber_ssl_connect_failure, gc);
 			if (!js->gsc) {
-				purple_connection_error_reason(js->gc,
+				purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
 					_("Unable to establish SSL connection"));
 		} else {
-			purple_connection_error_reason(js->gc,
+			purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
 				_("SSL support unavailable"));
@@ -883,6 +889,35 @@
+jabber_login(PurpleAccount *account)
+	PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
+	JabberStream *js;
+	PurpleStoredImage *image;
+	js = jabber_stream_new(account);
+	if (js == NULL)
+		return;
+	/*
+	 * Calculate the avatar hash for our current image so we know (when we
+	 * fetch our vCard and PEP avatar) if we should send our avatar to the
+	 * server.
+	 */
+	image = purple_buddy_icons_find_account_icon(account);
+	if (image != NULL) {
+		js->initial_avatar_hash =
+			jabber_calculate_data_sha1sum(purple_imgstore_get_data(image),
+					purple_imgstore_get_size(image));
+		purple_imgstore_unref(image);
+	}
+	jabber_stream_connect(js);
 static gboolean
 conn_close_cb(gpointer data)
@@ -1293,90 +1328,14 @@
 void jabber_register_account(PurpleAccount *account)
-	PurpleConnection *gc = purple_account_get_connection(account);
 	JabberStream *js;
-	JabberBuddy *my_jb = NULL;
-	const char *connect_server = purple_account_get_string(account,
-			"connect_server", "");
-	const char *server;
-	js = gc->proto_data = g_new0(JabberStream, 1);
-	js->gc = gc;
-	js->registration = TRUE;
-	js->iq_callbacks = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
-			g_free, g_free);
-	js->user = jabber_id_new(purple_account_get_username(account));
-	js->next_id = g_random_int();
-	js->old_length = 0;
-	js->keepalive_timeout = 0;
-	if(!js->user) {
-		purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
-			_("Invalid XMPP ID"));
+	js = jabber_stream_new(account);
+	if (js == NULL)
-	}
-	js->write_buffer = purple_circ_buffer_new(512);
-	if((my_jb = jabber_buddy_find(js, purple_account_get_username(account), TRUE)))
-		my_jb->subscription |= JABBER_SUB_BOTH;
-	server = connect_server[0] ? connect_server : js->user->domain;
-	js->certificate_CN = g_strdup(server);
-	js->stun_ip = NULL;
-	js->stun_port = 0;
-	js->stun_query = NULL;
-	jabber_stream_set_state(js, JABBER_STREAM_CONNECTING);
-	/* TODO: Just use purple_url_parse? */
-	if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp(connect_server, "http://", 7) || !g_ascii_strncasecmp(connect_server, "https://", 8)) {
-		js->use_bosh = TRUE;
-		js->bosh = jabber_bosh_connection_init(js, connect_server);
-		if (!js->bosh) {
-			purple_connection_error_reason(js->gc,
-				_("Malformed BOSH Connect Server"));
-			return;
-		}
-		jabber_bosh_connection_connect(js->bosh);
-		return;
-	} else {
-		js->certificate_CN = g_strdup(connect_server[0] ? connect_server : js->user->domain);
-	}
-	if(purple_account_get_bool(account, "old_ssl", FALSE)) {
-		if(purple_ssl_is_supported()) {
-			js->gsc = purple_ssl_connect(account, server,
-					purple_account_get_int(account, "port", 5222),
-					jabber_login_callback_ssl, jabber_ssl_connect_failure, gc);
-			if (!js->gsc) {
-				purple_connection_error_reason(js->gc,
-					_("Unable to establish SSL connection"));
-			}
-		} else {
-			purple_connection_error_reason(gc,
-				_("SSL support unavailable"));
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	if (connect_server[0]) {
-		jabber_login_connect(js, js->user->domain, server,
-		                     purple_account_get_int(account,
-		                                            "port", 5222), TRUE);
-	} else {
-		js->srv_query_data = purple_srv_resolve("xmpp-client",
-		                                        "tcp",
-		                                        js->user->domain,
-		                                        srv_resolved_cb,
-		                                        js);
-	}
+	js->registration = TRUE;
+	jabber_stream_connect(js);
 static void