Mercurial > pidgin
changeset 31054:50e07cb5c254
Helps if you include the new .po...
author | John Bailey <> |
date | Sun, 19 Dec 2010 22:36:42 +0000 (2010-12-19) |
parents | 82f1e6a70b11 |
children | 00bd105ebe4d |
files | po/mhr.po |
diffstat | 1 files changed, 16698 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+] |
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/po/mhr.po Sun Dec 19 22:36:42 2010 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,16698 @@ +# Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Andrey Chemyshev <>, 2010. +# Michael Pirogov <>, 2010. +# Vyacheslav Kileev <>, 2010. +# David Preece <>, 2010. +# +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Pidgin 2.7\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-12-19 13:33-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-22 14:17+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Andrey Chemyshev <>\n" +"Language-Team: Mari <>\n" +"Language: \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Poedit-Language: mhr\n" +"X-Poedit-Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" + +#. Translators may want to transliterate the name. +#. It is not to be translated. +msgid "Finch" +msgstr "个亳仆�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" +msgstr "%s. ��舒���� �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒� `%s -h'-仄 ���亠.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" +"\n" +" -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" +" -d, --debug print debugging messages to stderr\n" +" -h, --help display this help and exit\n" +" -n, --nologin don't automatically login\n" +" -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"����仍�仄舒�: %s [��乘����乘�� �哘�]...\n" +"\n" +" -c, --config=��丐 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� �舒亶仍仍舒仆 ��丐 从舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 从���仍�舒�\n" +" -d, --debug 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��亞仍舒亶 �亠仄�仆 仍�从�舒�\n" +" -h, --help �亳亟亠 仗仂仍���仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�\n" +" -n, --nologin 于亳亞舒从 仗��舒� 仂亞�仍\n" +" -v, --version 从�亰���亠 于亠��亳亶�仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s encountered errors migrating your settings from %s to %s. Please " +"investigate and complete the migration by hand. Please report this error at " +"" +msgstr "" +"%s 亞�� %s -�从亠 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从亠��仄 从��舒��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 %s 亶仂劵�仍��-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 " +"仗亠�仆亠仆. �仂 仍亳亶仄�仄 仍仂仆��仍仂 亟舒 从��舒��仄舒��仄 从亳亟 亟亠仆亠 仄��舒�仍亠. 丐亳亟亠 亶仂劵�仍�� " +"仆亠�亞亠仆 ���从亠 �亳亢�舒�亠:" + +#. the user did not fill in the captcha +msgid "Error" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Account was not modified" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Account was not added" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 亠�舒��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Username of an account must be non-empty." +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 仍啀仄亢哥 ��舒 仍亳亶�舒� 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"The account's protocol cannot be changed while it is connected to the server." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 仂亶于仂亰���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶: ��亶 �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 �仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"The account's username cannot be changed while it is connected to the server." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶: ��亶 �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 " +"���仄仂 �仍舒�." + +msgid "New mail notifications" +msgstr "丕 �亠��� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 �舒�仆亠仆 从仂亟舒�" + +msgid "There are no protocol plugins installed." +msgstr "�亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "(You probably forgot to 'make install'.)" +msgstr "(丐�亶, 仂��仆亳, 'make install'-�仄 ���舒� 仄仂仆亟亠仆舒�.)" + +msgid "Modify Account" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "New Account" +msgstr "丕 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��" + +msgid "Protocol:" +msgstr "�亶于仂亰��:" + +msgid "Username:" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄:" + +msgid "Password:" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄��:" + +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄:" + +#. Register checkbox +msgid "Create this account on the server" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 �亠�于亠����亠 ���舒�" + +#. Cancel button +#. Cancel +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "丼舒�舒�" + +#. Save button +#. Save +msgid "Save" +msgstr "�仆�从仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆舒从 %s-仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Delete Account" +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. Delete button +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Accounts" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "You can enable/disable accounts from the following list." +msgstr "丐�亶 于亠� 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 �啀从�亠仆/亶哥��从�亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +#. Add button +msgid "Add" +msgstr "��舒�舒�" + +#. Modify button +msgid "Modify" +msgstr "�舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s%s%s%s has made %s his or her buddy%s%s" +msgstr "%s%s%s%s 亠�舒�亠仆 %s �从亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠���从�亢亠%s%s" + +msgid "Add buddy to your list?" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s%s%s%s wants to add %s to his or her buddy list%s%s" +msgstr "%s%s%s%s 亠�舒��仆亠亢亠 %s �从亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠���从�亢亠%s%s" + +msgid "Authorize buddy?" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�舒于舒仄 仗�舒�?" + +msgid "Authorize" +msgstr "��舒于舒仄 仗�舒�" + +msgid "Deny" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Online: %d\n" +"Total: %d" +msgstr "" +"�仂����仂: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒: %d" + +#, c-format +msgid "Account: %s (%s)" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��: %s (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Last Seen: %s ago" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"���舒���� �仂仍仄舒�: %s 仂仆���" + +msgid "Default" +msgstr "�亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠" + +msgid "You must provide a username for the buddy." +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�仂." + +msgid "You must provide a group." +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟亠." + +msgid "You must select an account." +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "The selected account is not online." +msgstr "�亶���仄仂 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Error adding buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Username" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Alias (optional)" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄 (亠�舒����)" + +msgid "Add in group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒� 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Account" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��" + +msgid "Add Buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Please enter buddy information." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Chats" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从" + +#. Extract their Name and put it in +msgid "Name" +msgstr "�啀仄" + +msgid "Alias" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "Group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒" + +msgid "Auto-join" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 ��仆舒�" + +msgid "Add Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "You can edit more information from the context menu later." +msgstr "丐�亶 ��从��舒从 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 于舒�舒�舒从 从仂仆�亠从�� 仄亠仆� 亟亠仆亠 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "Error adding group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "You must give a name for the group to add." +msgstr "��舒��仄亠 �啀�从舒仍舒仆 仍啀仄�仄 仗�." + +msgid "Add Group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Enter the name of the group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Edit Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Please Update the necessary fields." +msgstr "�啀仍亠� 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 ��仄亟亠." + +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "�舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Edit Settings" +msgstr "�亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Information" +msgstr "丕于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Retrieving..." +msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒�..." + +msgid "Get Info" +msgstr "丕于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Add Buddy Pounce" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�� 仗�舒于亳仍�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Blocked" +msgstr "丐啀从�仍舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Show when offline" +msgstr "�仆��从�舒�, 从�仆舒仄 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the new name for %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 � 仍啀仄�仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Rename" +msgstr "�亠� 仍啀仄�仄 仗�舒�" + +msgid "Set Alias" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 仗�舒�" + +msgid "Enter empty string to reset the name." +msgstr "�啀仄�仆 从�亟舒仍�舒�仍舒仆 ��舒 从仂�仆�仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Removing this contact will also remove all the buddies in the contact" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 于舒�从�仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠� 亞�仆, ���从仂 仗����仂 ��仍舒仄��仍舒仆��亠 从仂�舒劵亟舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Removing this group will also remove all the buddies in the group" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �啀�从舒仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒� 亞�仆, ���从仂 仗����仂 ��仍舒仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 从仂�舒劵亟舒仍���" + +#, c-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to remove %s?" +msgstr "%s ��仆舒从 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +#. XXX: anything to do with the returned ui-handle? +msgid "Confirm Remove" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟�仄舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠" + +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. Buddy List +msgid "Buddy List" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "Place tagged" +msgstr "�亠��仄 �舒仄亞舒仍�仄亠" + +msgid "Toggle Tag" +msgstr "丐舒仄亞舒仍�仄舒��仄 �舒于��舒仍舒�" + +msgid "View Log" +msgstr "���仆舒仍�仄 仂仆�舒仍舒�" + +#. General +msgid "Nickname" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +#. Never know what those translations might end up like... +#. Idle stuff +msgid "Idle" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠" + +msgid "On Mobile" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆���亠" + +msgid "New..." +msgstr "丕..." + +msgid "Saved..." +msgstr "�仆�从仍�仄亠..." + +msgid "Plugins" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Block/Unblock" +msgstr "丐啀从�仍舒�/�仂�舒�" + +msgid "Block" +msgstr "丐啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Unblock" +msgstr "�仂�舒�" + +msgid "" +"Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to Block/" +"Unblock." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 舒仍亠 亠劵�仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 �啀从�仍�仆亠�/仗仂�仆亠� " +"�仍亠." + +#. Not multiline +#. Not masked? +#. No hints? +msgid "OK" +msgstr "OK" + +msgid "New Instant Message" +msgstr "丕 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Please enter the username or alias of the person you would like to IM." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 舒仍亠 亠劵�仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仍舒仆 ��亶 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 " +"从仂仍��仆亠� �仍亠." + +msgid "Channel" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍" + +msgid "Join a Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 亟亠从亠 ��仆舒�" + +msgid "Please enter the name of the chat you want to join." +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仆 亟亠从亠 ��仆�仆亠�." + +msgid "Join" +msgstr "丕�仆舒�" + +msgid "" +"Please enter the username or alias of the person whose log you would like to " +"view." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 舒仍亠 亠劵�仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仆 亢��仆舒仍亢�仄 ��亶 仂仆�亠仆 " +"仍亠从仆亠� �仍亠." + +#. Create the "Options" frame. +msgid "Options" +msgstr "�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Send IM..." +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�..." + +msgid "Block/Unblock..." +msgstr "丐啀从�仍舒�/�仂�舒�..." + +msgid "Join Chat..." +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�..." + +msgid "View Log..." +msgstr "���仆舒仍�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�..." + +msgid "View All Logs" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 亢��仆舒仍�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "Show" +msgstr "�仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Empty groups" +msgstr "亊�舒 �啀�从舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Offline buddies" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仂亞�仍 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Sort" +msgstr "�亶��从舒仍舒�" + +msgid "By Status" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Alphabetically" +msgstr "�仍�舒于亳� 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "By Log Size" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 从�亞�� 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�" + +msgid "Grouping" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "Certificate Import" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗���舒�" + +msgid "Specify a hostname" +msgstr "丱仂��仍啀仄�仄�仄 仂仆��从�仂" + +msgid "Type the host name this certificate is for." +msgstr "�仂仄仗���亠� 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�仂, 从�亟�仍舒仆 �亳亟亠 �亠��亳�亳从舒�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"File %s could not be imported.\n" +"Make sure that the file is readable and in PEM format.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s �舒亶仍�仄 仗���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍.\n" +"个舒亶仍�仄 仍�亟舒� 仍亳亠� 亟舒 ��亟仂 PEM �仂�仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 仄舒仆�仆 亳仆舒仆亠.\n" + +msgid "Certificate Import Error" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗����仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "X.509 certificate import failed" +msgstr "X.509 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Select a PEM certificate" +msgstr "PEM-�亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仂亶��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Export to file %s failed.\n" +"Check that you have write permission to the target path\n" +msgstr "" +"%s �舒亶仍�� 仍�从仄舒� 仗仂�于仂仍舒仍��仆.\n" +"�仆��从��仄仂 从仂�仆仂 亟亠仆亠 �舒亶仍�仄 舒仆�从仍舒� 仗�舒于舒� �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 亳仆舒仆亠\n" + +msgid "Certificate Export Error" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仍�从仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "X.509 certificate export failed" +msgstr "X.509 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仍�从仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "PEM X.509 Certificate Export" +msgstr "PEM X.509 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仍�从仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Certificate for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �亠��亳�亳从舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Common name: %s\n" +"\n" +"SHA1 fingerprint:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"丐啀�从舒 仍啀仄: %s\n" +"\n" +"SHA1 仗舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠:\n" +"%s" + +msgid "SSL Host Certificate" +msgstr "SSL �仂�� �亠��亳�亳从舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Really delete certificate for %s?" +msgstr "丼�仆舒从 仄仂 %s-仍舒仆 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�?" + +msgid "Confirm certificate delete" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仄舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠" + +msgid "Certificate Manager" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒� 于亳从�亠仄于�亶" + +msgid "Hostname" +msgstr "丱仂��仍啀仄" + +msgid "Info" +msgstr "丕于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#. Close button +msgid "Close" +msgstr "�亠���舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s disconnected." +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"\n" +"Finch will not attempt to reconnect the account until you correct the error " +"and re-enable the account." +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"\n" +"个亳仆� �亞�� ��仆舒� �哥�舒� 仂亞亠� �啀劵舒仍, 从�亰�� 亶仂劵�仍���仄 �哥�仍舒�亠 亟舒 �从亠 �仂�舒仆 " +"于仂亰���仄 �亞�� �啀从�哥." + +msgid "Re-enable Account" +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 �亞�� �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "No such command." +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �从亠." + +msgid "Syntax Error: You typed the wrong number of arguments to that command." +msgstr "" +"弌亳仆�舒从�亳� 亶仂劵�仍��: 丐�亶 亶仂劵�仍�� 啀�舒仆仂亶 �仂��仄 �亳亟亠 从仂仄仄舒仆亟�仍舒仆 仗���亠仆舒�." + +msgid "Your command failed for an unknown reason." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亠� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 ��从�舒仍��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "That command only works in chats, not IMs." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒����亠 仂从 ���舒仍�, �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 亞�仆舒." + +msgid "That command only works in IMs, not chats." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仂从 ���舒仍�, 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒����亠 亞�仆舒." + +msgid "That command doesn't work on this protocol." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �舒亟亠 仂亶于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠 仂从 ���亠." + +msgid "Message was not sent, because you are not signed on." +msgstr "�亳亟仗舒仍�仄 ��仆亟亠仆 仂��仍, �舒仆亟亠仆亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s -- %s)" +msgstr "%s (%s -- %s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s [%s]" +msgstr "%s [%s]" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"%s is typing..." +msgstr "" +"\n" +"%s 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从�舒..." + +msgid "You have left this chat." +msgstr "丐�亶 �亳亟亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 亞�� 从舒亠仆舒�." + +msgid "" +"The account has disconnected and you are no longer in this chat. You will be " +"automatically rejoined in the chat when the account reconnects." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 从啀�仍仄仂, �仆亟亠 ��亶 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仂��仍. 丐�亶 于亳亞舒从 " +"�仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 亟亠从亠 ��仆亠�, 从�仆舒仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �亞�� ��仆舒仍�亠�." + +msgid "Logging started. Future messages in this conversation will be logged." +msgstr "" +"���仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒�� �啀劵舒仍仄亠. 丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��亠 于亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 舒仆�从仍�仄亠 " +"仍亳亶��." + +msgid "" +"Logging stopped. Future messages in this conversation will not be logged." +msgstr "" +"���仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒亶�仄 �舒��仄亠. 丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��亠 于亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 舒仆�从仍�仄亠 仂亞�� " +"仍亳亶." + +msgid "Send To" +msgstr "�哥 亟亠从亠 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Conversation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Clear Scrollback" +msgstr "亅��从�舒�" + +msgid "Show Timestamps" +msgstr "�舒仗 仗舒仍�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Add Buddy Pounce..." +msgstr "���仍舒仆�� 仗�舒于亳仍�仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "Invite..." +msgstr "唹亢舒�..." + +msgid "Enable Logging" +msgstr "���仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒��" + +msgid "Enable Sounds" +msgstr "�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "You are not connected." +msgstr "丐�亶 ���仄仂 仂��仍." + +msgid "<AUTO-REPLY> " +msgstr "<AUTO-REPLY> " + +#, c-format +msgid "List of %d user:\n" +msgid_plural "List of %d users:\n" +msgstr[0] "%d 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�:\n" +msgstr[1] "%d 仗舒亶亟舒仍�仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�:\n" + +msgid "Supported debug options are: plugins version" +msgstr "亅劵亠���� 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从:仗仍舒亞亳仆 于亠��亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "No such command (in this context)." +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �从亠 (�亳亟亠 从仂仆�亠从�����亠)." + +msgid "" +"Use \"/help <command>\" for help on a specific command.\n" +"The following commands are available in this context:\n" +msgstr "" +"��仗仂仍�亰�亶�亠 \"/help <从仂仄舒仆亟亠>\" 亟仍� 仗仂仄仂�亳 仂亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 \n" +"从仂仄舒仆亟亠 亟亠仆亠. �亳仆亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠-于仍舒从 �亳亟亠 从仂仆�亠从�����亠 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠:\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s is not a valid message class. See '/help msgcolor' for valid message " +"classes." +msgstr "" +"%s -- 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 从仍舒�� ��仆 仂亞�仍. '/help msgcolor'-��亠 ��仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 从仍舒���仄 " +"仂仆�仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is not a valid color. See '/help msgcolor' for valid colors." +msgstr "%s -- �啀� ��仆 仂亞�仍. '/help msgcolor'-��亠 ��仆 �啀�-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "" +"say <message>: Send a message normally as if you weren't using a " +"command." +msgstr "" +"say <从舒仍舒��仄舒�>: 丐�亞仍舒亶 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�, 从�亰亠 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 仂� 从���仍� " +"�仍亠 亞�仆." + +msgid "me <action>: Send an IRC style action to a buddy or chat." +msgstr "" +"me <����仄舒�>: ���仍舒仆���仍舒仆 舒仍亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� IRC ��仆 亟亠仆亠 ����仄舒��仄 " +"从仂仍�舒�." + +msgid "" +"debug <option>: Send various debug information to the current " +"conversation." +msgstr "" +"debug <仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆>: ��亰���亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��� �啀�仍哥 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� " +"�于亠�舒劵舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�." + +msgid "clear: Clears the conversation scrollback." +msgstr "clear: ���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 ���从�舒�." + +msgid "help <command>: Help on a specific command." +msgstr "help <从仂仄舒仆亟亠>: �亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 从舒仄仄舒仆亟亠 亟亠仆亠 仗仂仍���仄 仆舒仍舒�." + +msgid "users: Show the list of users in the chat." +msgstr "users: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "plugins: Show the plugins window." +msgstr "plugins: �仍舒亞亳仆 �哥�亰舒仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "buddylist: Show the buddylist." +msgstr "buddylist: ���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "accounts: Show the accounts window." +msgstr "accounts: 丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �哥�亰舒仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "debugwin: Show the debug window." +msgstr "debugwin: �舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "prefs: Show the preference window." +msgstr "prefs: �亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆 �哥�亰舒仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "statuses: Show the savedstatuses window." +msgstr "statuses: �仆�从仍�仄亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 �哥�亰舒仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "" +"msgcolor <class> <foreground> <background>: Set the color " +"for different classes of messages in the conversation window.<br> <" +"class>: receive, send, highlight, action, timestamp<br> <foreground/" +"background>: black, red, green, blue, white, gray, darkgray, magenta, " +"cyan, default<br><br>EXAMPLE:<br> msgcolor send cyan default" +msgstr "" +"从舒仍舒��仄舒� �啀� <从仍舒��> <仂仆��仍 仗仍舒仆> <�仂仆>: 丐啀�仍哥 从舒仍舒��仄舒� " +"从仍舒��仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒��亠 �啀��仄 ��仆亟亠.<br> <从仍舒��>: 仆舒仍舒�, " +"从仂仍�舒�, 于仂仍亞舒仍�舒�舒�, ����仄舒�, 亢舒仗 仗舒仍亠<br> < 仂仆��仍 仗仍舒仆/�仂仆>: �亠仄亠, " +"亶仂�从舒�亞亠, �亢舒�亞亠, 从舒仆亟亠, 仂�仂, ���, �亠仄舒仍亞亠-���, 仗��仗��, 仗亠仍亞舒仆亟亠, " +"仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆<br><br>丿乘����丐:<br> 从仂仍��仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �啀� 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 " +"�亠仄�仆 仗亠仍亞舒仆亟亠" + +msgid "Unable to open file." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Debug Window" +msgstr "�舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒" + +#. XXX: Setting the GROW_Y for the following widgets don't make sense. But right now +#. * it's necessary to make the width of the debug window resizable ... like I said, +#. * it doesn't make sense. The bug is likely in the packing in gntbox.c. +#. +msgid "Clear" +msgstr "亅��从�舒�" + +msgid "Filter:" +msgstr "丿啀�舒�:" + +msgid "Pause" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 �仂亞舒仍仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "File Transfers - %d%% of %d file" +msgid_plural "File Transfers - %d%% of %d files" +msgstr[0] "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� - %d%% %d �舒亶仍 亞��" +msgstr[1] "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� - %d%% %d �舒亶仍 亞��" + +#. Create the window. +msgid "File Transfers" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Progress" +msgstr "�仆��从仂 从舒亶�仄舒�" + +msgid "Filename" +msgstr "个舒亶仍仍啀仄" + +msgid "Size" +msgstr "��亞��" + +msgid "Speed" +msgstr "�亳��仍�从" + +msgid "Remaining" +msgstr "�仂亟�仆" + +#. XXX: Use of ggp_str_to_uin() is an ugly hack! +#. presence +msgid "Status" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +msgid "Close this window when all transfers finish" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 仄��舒�仍�仄亠从 �亳亟亠 �哥�亰舒仄 �啀�舒�" + +msgid "Clear finished transfers" +msgstr "���舒�仍�仄亠 从仂仍��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 ���从�舒�" + +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "丿仂亞舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Waiting for transfer to begin" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒��仆 �啀劵舒仍����仄 于���仄舒�" + +msgid "Cancelled" +msgstr "丼舒��仄亠" + +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "�亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%.2f KiB/s" +msgstr "%.2f �亳�/�" + +msgid "Sent" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Received" +msgstr "�舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Finished" +msgstr "���舒�仍�仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "The file was saved as %s." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 %s �亠仄�仆 舒�舒仍�仄亠." + +msgid "Sending" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Receiving" +msgstr "�舒仍仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Conversation in %s on %s" +msgstr "%s-��亠 %s-�从亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Conversation with %s on %s" +msgstr "%s-��亠 %s-�从亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "%B %Y" +msgstr "%B %Y" + +msgid "" +"System events will only be logged if the \"Log all status changes to system " +"log\" preference is enabled." +msgstr "" +"弌亳��亠仄 仍亳亶仄舒�-于仍舒从 ��仆舒仄 亞�仆舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒仍���, 从�仆舒仄 \"�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仆 ��仍舒 " +"于舒��舒仍��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �亳��亠仄 亢��仆舒仍���亠 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒�\" 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 �啀从��仄哥." + +msgid "" +"Instant messages will only be logged if the \"Log all instant messages\" " +"preference is enabled." +msgstr "" +"�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 ��仆舒仄 亞�仆舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒仍���, 从�仆舒仄 \"丼�仍舒 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-" +"于仍舒从�仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒�\" 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 �啀从��仄哥." + +msgid "" +"Chats will only be logged if the \"Log all chats\" preference is enabled." +msgstr "" +"丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从 ��仆舒仄 亞�仆舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒仍���, 从�仆舒仄 \"丼�仍舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从�仄 " +"仗舒仍亠仄亟舒�\" 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 �啀从��仄哥." + +msgid "No logs were found" +msgstr "���仆舒仍-于仍舒从�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Total log size:" +msgstr "���仆舒仍-于仍舒从 ��仄�� 从�亞��:" + +#. Search box ********* +msgid "Scroll/Search: " +msgstr "�啀���从舒仍舒�/��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Conversations in %s" +msgstr "%s-��亠 仄��仍仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "Conversations with %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "All Conversations" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "System Log" +msgstr "弌亳��亠仄 亢��仆舒仍" + +msgid "Calling..." +msgstr "��劵亞���亠仄..." + +msgid "Hangup" +msgstr "��仍�仄 从啀�仍舒�" + +#. Number of actions +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "��仄�仍舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Reject" +msgstr "哘�亟�亢�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Call in progress." +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� 从舒�." + +msgid "The call has been terminated." +msgstr "��劵亞�� 从啀��仍��仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s wishes to start an audio session with you." +msgstr "%s ��亶 亟亠仆亠� 亶啀从 �亠舒仆��仄 �啀劵舒仍仆亠亢亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is trying to start an unsupported media session type with you." +msgstr "%s ��亶 亟亠仆亠� �劵亠���亟�仄亠 �亳仗 亟亠仆亠 仄亠亟亳舒 �亠舒仆��仄 �啀劵舒仍舒� �哥�舒." + +msgid "You have rejected the call." +msgstr "丐�亶 亶�劵亞���仄 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆舒�." + +msgid "call: Make an audio call." +msgstr "亶�劵亞��: �啀从 亟亠仆亠 亶�劵亞���仄 ���亠." + +msgid "Emails" +msgstr "E-mail 舒亟�亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "You have mail!" +msgstr "丐�仍舒仆亠� �亠��� �仂仍�仆!" + +msgid "Sender" +msgstr "�仂仍���仂" + +msgid "Subject" +msgstr "丐亠仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) has %d new message." +msgid_plural "%s (%s) has %d new messages." +msgstr[0] "%s (%s) 亳仄亠亠� %d � 从舒仍舒��仄舒�." +msgstr[1] "%s (%s) 亳仄亠亠� %d � 从舒仍舒��仄舒�." + +msgid "New Mail" +msgstr "丕 �亠���" + +#, c-format +msgid "Info for %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Buddy Information" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "丕仄弍舒从�亢亠 ����" + +msgid "IM" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Invite" +msgstr "唹亢舒�" + +msgid "(none)" +msgstr "(�从亠)" + +#. XXX: The following expects that finch_notify_message gets called. This +#. * may not always happen, e.g. when another plugin sets its own +#. * notify_message. So tread carefully. +msgid "URI" +msgstr "URI" + +msgid "ERROR" +msgstr "��劼乘�乘丿" + +msgid "loading plugin failed" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "unloading plugin failed" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 ���舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Name: %s\n" +"Version: %s\n" +"Description: %s\n" +"Author: %s\n" +"Website: %s\n" +"Filename: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"�啀仄: %s\n" +"�亠��亳亶: %s\n" +"�仂亰亠仆 仂仆��从��仄舒�: %s\n" +"弌亠���仂亰舒: %s\n" +"�仂�-仍���舒�: %s\n" +"个舒亶仍仍啀仄: %s\n" + +msgid "Plugin need to be loaded before you can configure it." +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 亟亠� 仂仆��� 仆舒仍舒� 从啀仍亠�." + +msgid "No configuration options for this plugin." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆���亠 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 仂亶��从舒仍舒� ����仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从 �从亠 �仍��." + +msgid "Error loading plugin" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "The selected file is not a valid plugin." +msgstr "�亶���仄仂 �舒亶仍 从亠仍�亠仆 仍亳亶�亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"Please open the debug window and try again to see the exact error message." +msgstr "" +"�仂劵�仍�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �亢舒�仍舒仆, 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 仗仂� 亟舒 �亞�� " +"���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Select plugin to install" +msgstr "丿�仆亟舒�仍舒仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "You can (un)load plugins from the following list." +msgstr "丐�亶 �仄弍舒从��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍�仆/���舒�亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "Install Plugin..." +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "Configure Plugin" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +#. copy the preferences to tmp values... +#. * I liked "take affect immediately" Oh well :-( +#. (that should have been "effect," right?) +#. Back to instant-apply! I win! BU-HAHAHA! +#. Create the window +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "�亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Please enter a buddy to pounce." +msgstr "丿亠从仍舒仆舒�仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆���仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "New Buddy Pounce" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仍舒仆 � 仗�舒于亳仍" + +msgid "Edit Buddy Pounce" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�舒于亳仍�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Pounce Who" +msgstr "�哥仄 �亠从仍舒仆舒�" + +#. Account: +msgid "Account:" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��:" + +msgid "Buddy name:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�� 仍啀仄:" + +#. Create the "Pounce When Buddy..." frame. +msgid "Pounce When Buddy..." +msgstr "乘��舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠..." + +msgid "Signs on" +msgstr "���舒" + +msgid "Signs off" +msgstr "�亠从�亠�" + +msgid "Goes away" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亠�" + +msgid "Returns from away" +msgstr "�哥���仍亠�" + +msgid "Becomes idle" +msgstr "�亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "Is no longer idle" +msgstr "�亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆舒" + +msgid "Starts typing" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "Pauses while typing" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆舒" + +msgid "Stops typing" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆舒" + +msgid "Sends a message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒" + +#. Create the "Action" frame. +msgid "Action" +msgstr "乘���仄舒�" + +msgid "Open an IM window" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "Pop up a notification" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "Send a message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Execute a command" +msgstr "�仂仄舒仆亟�仄 ��从�舒�" + +msgid "Play a sound" +msgstr "�啀从�仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Pounce only when my status is not Available" +msgstr "丐�仆舒仄 亞�仆舒 ���舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄�亶�仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 \"�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠\" 亟亠� 于亠�亠" + +msgid "Recurring" +msgstr "丕�亠��舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Cannot create pounce" +msgstr "��舒于亳仍�仄 ���舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "You do not have any accounts." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 亳从 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��亠�舒� �从亠." + +msgid "You must create an account first before you can create a pounce." +msgstr "丐�亶 仂仆亟舒从 �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 ���亠, 于舒�舒 仗�舒于亳仍�仄 ���亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the pounce on %s for %s?" +msgstr "丐�亶 %s 仗�舒于亳仍�仄 %s -仍舒仆 ��仆舒从 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Buddy Pounces" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仗�舒于亳仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has started typing to you (%s)" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has paused while typing to you (%s)" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has signed on (%s)" +msgstr "%s 于仂����仂 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has returned from being idle (%s)" +msgstr "%s 仆亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has returned from being away (%s)" +msgstr "%s 仗哥���仍�仆 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has stopped typing to you (%s)" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆(%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has signed off (%s)" +msgstr "%s 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has become idle (%s)" +msgstr "%s 仆亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has gone away. (%s)" +msgstr "%s 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆 (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has sent you a message. (%s)" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆舒仄 (%s)" + +msgid "Unknown pounce event. Please report this!" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �亠从仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍亳亶�仆. 丐亳亟�仆 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒�亠!" + +msgid "Based on keyboard use" +msgstr "�仂仍亟��仂劵舒仄 从���仍�仄仂 亟亠仆亠 仆亠亞�亰仍舒仍��仆" + +msgid "From last sent message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仗��舒���� 亞舒仆舒 从仂仍��仄仂 �舒� 亞��" + +msgid "Never" +msgstr "�亳亞�仆舒仄" + +msgid "Show Idle Time" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Show Offline Buddies" +msgstr "�仂����仂 �仍亟�仄仂 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Notify buddies when you are typing" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Log format" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 �仂�仄舒�" + +msgid "Log IMs" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Log chats" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Log status change events" +msgstr "弌�舒��� 于舒��舒仍��仄�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Report Idle time" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗�仄 从舒仍舒�舒�" + +msgid "Change status when idle" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Minutes before changing status" +msgstr "�亳仆�� 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 于舒��舒仍��亟亠 仄舒��亠" + +msgid "Change status to" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 舒仍仄舒��舒�" + +msgid "Conversations" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Logging" +msgstr "���仆舒仍-于仍舒从" + +msgid "You must fill all the required fields." +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仍舒 从啀仍亠� 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 �亳�仄舒�仍��舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "The required fields are underlined." +msgstr "�啀仍亠� 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从 啀仍�� �亟��舒仍仄亠 �仍��." + +msgid "Not implemented yet." +msgstr "亅�亠 ����仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Save File..." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�..." + +msgid "Open File..." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仗仂�舒�..." + +msgid "Choose Location..." +msgstr "�亠�从仂从仍舒仄 仂亶��舒�..." + +msgid "Hit 'Enter' to find more rooms of this category." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 从舒�亠亞仂�亳�仆 ��从��舒从 仗哥仍亠仄�仄 仄�舒�仍舒仆, 'Enter'-�仄 �亠仄亟舒仍." + +msgid "Get" +msgstr "�舒仍舒�" + +#. Create the window. +msgid "Room List" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "Buddy logs in" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 于仂��� 仗��舒" + +msgid "Buddy logs out" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 于仂� 亞�� 仍亠从�亠�" + +msgid "Message received" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Message received begins conversation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 �啀劵舒仍�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Message sent" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Person enters chat" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 仗��舒" + +msgid "Person leaves chat" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 亞�� 仍亠从�亠�" + +msgid "You talk in chat" +msgstr "丐�亶 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仂亶仍亠�" + +msgid "Others talk in chat" +msgstr "�亠�亠-于仍舒从 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仂亶仍舒�" + +msgid "Someone says your username in chat" +msgstr "�仍舒-从哥 ��亶�仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仂亶仍舒" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Attention received" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 从啀仍亠�" + +msgid "GStreamer Failure" +msgstr "Gstreamer 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "GStreamer failed to initialize." +msgstr "Gstreamer -仍舒仆 亳仆亳�亳舒仍�仄 仗��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "(default)" +msgstr "(仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆)" + +msgid "Select Sound File ..." +msgstr "�啀从 �舒亶仍�仄 仂亶��舒�..." + +msgid "Sound Preferences" +msgstr "�啀从�仄 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Profiles" +msgstr "��仂�亳仍�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Automatic" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从" + +msgid "Console Beep" +msgstr "�亳仆舒仄亳从 亟亠仆亠 亶啀从" + +msgid "Command" +msgstr "�仂仄舒仆亟亠" + +msgid "No Sound" +msgstr "�啀从 �从亠" + +msgid "Sound Method" +msgstr "�啀从�仄 从仂仍��仄� 亶哥仆" + +msgid "Method: " +msgstr "�哥仆: " + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Sound Command\n" +"(%s for filename)" +msgstr "" +"�啀从�仄 从仂仍�舒� 从仂仄舒仆亟亠\n" +"(%s �舒亶仍仍啀仄仍舒仆)" + +#. Sound options +msgid "Sound Options" +msgstr "�啀从仍舒仆 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Sounds when conversation has focus" +msgstr "�啀从-于仍舒从, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒 �仂从�����亠" + +msgid "Always" +msgstr "亅�亠" + +msgid "Only when available" +msgstr "丕仍仄仂 亢舒仗���亠 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "Only when not available" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "Volume(0-100):" +msgstr "�啀从 从�亞��(0-100):" + +#. Sound events +msgid "Sound Events" +msgstr "�啀从 仍亳亶仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Event" +msgstr "�亳亶仄舒�" + +msgid "File" +msgstr "个舒亶仍" + +msgid "Test" +msgstr "丐亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Reset" +msgstr "��亟舒仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Choose..." +msgstr "�亶��舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\"" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆舒从 \"%s\" 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂" + +msgid "Delete Status" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Saved Statuses" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍�仄亠" + +#. title +msgid "Title" +msgstr "��亶仄��" + +msgid "Type" +msgstr "丐亳仗" + +#. Statuses are almost all the same. Define a macro to reduce code repetition. +#. PurpleStatusPrimitive +#. id - use default +#. name - use default +#. saveable +#. user_settable +#. not independent +#. Attributes - each status can have a message. +msgid "Message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#. Use +msgid "Use" +msgstr "����仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Invalid title" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 于�亶仄��" + +msgid "Please enter a non-empty title for the status." +msgstr "亊�舒 仂亞�仍 于�亶仄���仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仍舒仆 仗���仂." + +msgid "Duplicate title" +msgstr "�舒�舒�仍舒仍��亠 于�亶仄��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Please enter a different title for the status." +msgstr "�亠� 于�亶仄���仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仍舒仆 仗���仂." + +msgid "Substatus" +msgstr "弌�舒���亳亞亠" + +msgid "Status:" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂:" + +msgid "Message:" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�:" + +msgid "Edit Status" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Use different status for following accounts" +msgstr "丕仄弍舒从��亠 �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��仍舒仆 于亠� 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 从���仍�舒�" + +#. Save & Use +msgid "Save & Use" +msgstr "�仆�从仍舒� 亟舒 从���仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Certificates" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "�啀从-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Statuses" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Error loading the plugin." +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +msgid "Couldn't find X display" +msgstr "X-亟亳�仗仍亠亶�仄 仄��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Couldn't find window" +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "This plugin cannot be loaded because it was not built with X11 support." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仆舒仍舒� 仂从 仍亳亶, ��亟仂 X11 �劵亠���� 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒 �仂劵舒仍��仆." + +msgid "GntClipboard" +msgstr "Gnt 于舒��舒仍��� 弍��亠�" + +msgid "Clipboard plugin" +msgstr "�舒��舒仍��� 弍��亠� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "" +"When the gnt clipboard contents change, the contents are made available to " +"X, if possible." +msgstr "" +"Gnt 于舒��舒仍��� 弍��亠� 从哥�亞��仂� 从�仆舒仄 于舒��舒仍�亠�, ��仆舒仄 X-仍舒仆 从哥�亞��仂� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 " +"仍亳亶�舒�仍�从." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s just signed on" +msgstr "%s 于仂����仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s just signed off" +msgstr "%s 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent you a message" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆舒仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s said your nick in %s" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仆 仍啀仄亠��仄 %s -��亠 仂亶仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent a message in %s" +msgstr "%s 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s-�从亠 从仂仍�亠仆舒仄" + +msgid "Buddy signs on/off" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仗��舒/仍亠从�亠�" + +msgid "You receive an IM" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Someone speaks in a chat" +msgstr "�仍舒-从哥 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仄��仍舒仆舒" + +msgid "Someone says your name in a chat" +msgstr "�仍舒-从哥 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 ��亶�仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 仂亶仍舒" + +msgid "Notify with a toaster when" +msgstr "��仆舒仄 �亳亢�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Beep too!" +msgstr "丐�亞舒从 仄舒亞��舒�!" + +msgid "Set URGENT for the terminal window." +msgstr "丐亠�仄亳仆舒仍 �哥�亰舒仍舒仆 ��丿�� 仗仂仍���仄 ��仆亟舒�." + +msgid "GntGf" +msgstr "Gnt-�亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Toaster plugin" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Conversation with %s on %s:</b><br>" +msgstr "<b>%s 亞�� %s-�从亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�:</b><br>" + +msgid "History Plugin Requires Logging" +msgstr "亅���从 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亢��仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒�� 从啀��舒" + +msgid "" +"Logging can be enabled from Tools -> Preferences -> Logging.\n" +"\n" +"Enabling logs for instant messages and/or chats will activate history for " +"the same conversation type(s)." +msgstr "" +"���仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒�� ����亠 �啀从�亠: 唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从 ->�亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 -> ���仆舒仍-" +"于仍舒从.\n" +"\n" +"�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 亟舒/舒仍亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 亢��仆舒仍�仄 �啀从��仄舒� 亳从亞舒亶 " +"仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �亳仗-于仍舒从仍舒仆 ����从�仄 ���舒." + +msgid "GntHistory" +msgstr "Gnt-����从" + +msgid "Shows recently logged conversations in new conversations." +msgstr "丕 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒����亠 �舒劵亞��亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 于仂亰�仄�仄 仂仆��从�舒." + +msgid "" +"When a new conversation is opened this plugin will insert the last " +"conversation into the current conversation." +msgstr "" +"丕 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 仗仂�仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 �亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 �舒劵亞��亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 从�亰����� ��仆亟舒." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Fetching TinyURL..." +msgstr "" +"\n" +"TinyURL-仄 仆舒仍仄舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "TinyURL for above: %s" +msgstr "TinyURL 从啀�仆�仍舒仆: %s" + +msgid "Please wait while TinyURL fetches a shorter URL ..." +msgstr "TinyURL-�仆 从啀��从 舒亟�亠��仄 仆舒仍仄�亢�仄 于��舒仍�亠 ..." + +msgid "Only create TinyURL for URLs of this length or greater" +msgstr "TinyURL-仄 ��亞舒亶 舒仍亠 从�亢��舒从 舒亟�亠�仍舒仆 亞�仆舒 ���亠" + +msgid "TinyURL (or other) address prefix" +msgstr "TinyURL 舒亟�亠� �亢舒� (舒仍亠 于亠��仆)" + +msgid "TinyURL" +msgstr "TinyURL" + +msgid "TinyURL plugin" +msgstr "TinyURL 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "When receiving a message with URL(s), use TinyURL for easier copying" +msgstr "" +"URL 舒亟�亠� 亟亠仆亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄, TinyURL 从����仍亞�仆 从仂仗亳亶�仄 ���舒� " +"从���仍�舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Online" +msgstr "�仂����仂" + +#. primitive, no, id, name +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Online Buddies" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 于仂����仂" + +msgid "Offline Buddies" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 于仂����仂 仂亞���仍" + +msgid "Online/Offline" +msgstr "�仂����仂/�仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Meebo" +msgstr "�亳弍仂" + +msgid "No Grouping" +msgstr "�从��� ���仄舒� �从亠" + +msgid "Nested Subgroup" +msgstr "丐舒��仍�仄亠 亳亞亠 �啀�从舒" + +msgid "Nested Grouping (experimental)" +msgstr "丐舒��仍�仄亠 亳亞亠 �啀�从舒" + +msgid "Provides alternate buddylist grouping options." +msgstr "�啀仄亠����亠 从仂仆�舒从�-于仍舒从�仄 亳从��� ��舒� 仂亶��从舒仍舒� ����仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从�仄 仗�舒." + +msgid "Lastlog" +msgstr "���舒���� 仗舒仍亠" + +#. Translator Note: The "backlog" is the conversation buffer/history. +msgid "lastlog: Searches for a substring in the backlog." +msgstr "仗��舒���� 仗舒仍亠: 亅����亠 仗舒仍亠-于仍舒从���亠 从仂�仆�亳亞�仄 从��舒仍亠�" + +msgid "GntLastlog" +msgstr "Gnt 仗��舒���� 仗舒仍亠" + +msgid "Lastlog plugin." +msgstr "���舒���� 仗舒仍�仍�仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆." + +msgid "accounts" +msgstr "�仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Password is required to sign on." +msgstr "丕��仄舒�仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄�� 从啀仍亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Enter password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s)-仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄���仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Enter Password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Save password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Missing protocol plugin for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 �从亠" + +msgid "Connection Error" +msgstr "丕��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "New passwords do not match." +msgstr "丕 �仂仍�仗仄��-于仍舒从 亳从亞舒亶 仂亞���仍." + +msgid "Fill out all fields completely." +msgstr "丼�仍舒 舒仍舒仆�仄 舒于舒仍�亠." + +msgid "Original password" +msgstr "丿从亠�仂�舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄��" + +msgid "New password" +msgstr "丕 �仂仍�仗仄��" + +msgid "New password (again)" +msgstr "丕 �仂仍�仗仄�� (��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒)" + +#, c-format +msgid "Change password for %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Please enter your current password and your new password." +msgstr "��亰���亠 亟舒 � �仂仍�仗仄��亠��仄 仗���仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "Change user information for %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set User Info" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "This protocol does not support setting a public alias." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仂亶于仂亰�� �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠����." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "This protocol does not support fetching the public alias." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仂亶于仂亰�� �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "�舒仍�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Buddies" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "buddy list" +msgstr "仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "The certificate is self-signed and cannot be automatically checked." +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒� �从亠 ����仄亠 �仍亠� 亟舒 于亳亞舒从 �亠�亞舒仍� 仂从 从亠��." + +msgid "" +"The certificate is not trusted because no certificate that can verify it is " +"currently trusted." +msgstr "" +"弌亠��亳�亳从舒� ��仆仍舒仆 仂从 �仂�仍舒仍�, 从�亰�� 于亠� ��仆 �亠��亳�亳从舒�-于仍舒从 �从亠 �仍��, 从�亟��� " +"�亳亟�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠仆 从亠���� �仍亠" + +msgid "" +"The certificate is not valid yet. Check that your computer's date and time " +"are accurate." +msgstr "" +"弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗亠仄亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍. �亠�亠 亟亠仆 亢舒仗�仄 �从亠 从仂仄仗���亠����亠� �亠�亞亠." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"The certificate has expired and should not be considered valid. Check that " +"your computer's date and time are accurate." +msgstr "" +"弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗亠仄亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍. �亠�亠 亟亠仆 亢舒仗�仄 �从亠 从仂仄仗���亠����亠� �亠�亞亠." + +#. Translators: "domain" refers to a DNS domain (e.g. +msgid "The certificate presented is not issued to this domain." +msgstr "���仄仂 �亠��亳�亳从舒� �亳亟亠 亟仂仄亠仆仍舒仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"You have no database of root certificates, so this certificate cannot be " +"validated." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 ��仄�� 仗仂亞仂 于仂亢��亠 �亠��亳�亳从舒�仍舒仆 �从亠, �舒亟仍舒仆 �亳亟亠 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 �亳�仄舒�� " +"�亠�亞舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶." + +msgid "The certificate chain presented is invalid." +msgstr "���仄仂 �亠��亳�亳从舒� �亳仆��� ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "The certificate has been revoked." +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 �舒��仄亠." + +msgid "An unknown certificate error occurred." +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仆 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +msgid "(DOES NOT MATCH)" +msgstr "(����� ��乘�)" + +#. Make messages +#, c-format +msgid "%s has presented the following certificate for just-this-once use:" +msgstr "%s 亳从亞舒仆舒 从���仍�舒�仍舒仆 �舒亟亠 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗��仆:" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Common name: %s %s\n" +"Fingerprint (SHA1): %s" +msgstr "" +"丐啀�从舒 仍啀仄: %s %s\n" +"�舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠 (SHA1): %s" + +#. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be +msgid "Single-use Certificate Verification" +msgstr "�从亞舒仆舒 从���仍�舒�仍舒仆 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#. Scheme name +#. Pool name +msgid "Certificate Authorities" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒�亳亶 于亳从�亠仄" + +#. Scheme name +#. Pool name +msgid "SSL Peers Cache" +msgstr "SSL 仗�亳仂�亳�亠�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 从��" + +#. Make messages +#, c-format +msgid "Accept certificate for %s?" +msgstr "%s�-仍舒仆 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�?" + +#. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be +msgid "SSL Certificate Verification" +msgstr "SSL-�亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "_View Certificate..." +msgstr "_弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "The certificate for %s could not be validated." +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#. TODO: Probably wrong. +msgid "SSL Certificate Error" +msgstr "SSL-�亠��亳�亳从舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Unable to validate certificate" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"The certificate claims to be from \"%s\" instead. This could mean that you " +"are not connecting to the service you believe you are." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟�仆 仂仍仄亠� �亠��亳�亳从舒� \"%s\" 亟亠� �仍仄�亢�仄 仂亶仍舒. 丐亳亟亠 仂仆��从�舒, ��亶 于亠� 于亠� " +"亟亠仆亠 ��仆舒仍��仆舒�, �仂仆�仄亠� �亠仄�仆 仂亞�仍." + +#. Make messages +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Common name: %s\n" +"\n" +"Fingerprint (SHA1): %s\n" +"\n" +"Activation date: %s\n" +"Expiration date: %s\n" +msgstr "" +"丐啀�从舒 仍啀仄: %s\n" +"\n" +"�舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠 (SHA1): %s\n" +"\n" +"�从�亳于舒�亳亶 从亠�亠: %s\n" +"����仍�仄仂 亢舒仗 仗���仄亠 从亠�亠: %s\n" + +#. TODO: Find what the handle ought to be +msgid "Certificate Information" +msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#. show error to user +msgid "Registration Error" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Unregistration Error" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 �舒��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "+++ %s signed on" +msgstr "+++ %s 仗��亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "+++ %s signed off" +msgstr "+++ %s 仍亠从��仆" + +#. Undocumented +#. Unknown error +msgid "Unknown error" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Unable to send message: The message is too large." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶: �舒仍舒��仄舒� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message to %s." +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶." + +msgid "The message is too large." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�." + +msgid "Unable to send message." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶." + +msgid "Send Message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "_Send Message" +msgstr "_�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s entered the room." +msgstr "%s 仗哥仍亠仄�� 仗��亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s [<I>%s</I>] entered the room." +msgstr "%s [<I>%s</I>] 仗哥仍亠仄�� 仗��亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "You are now known as %s" +msgstr "丐�亶 从�亰�� %s �亠仄�仆 仗舒仍�仄亠 �仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is now known as %s" +msgstr "%s 从�亰�� %s �亠仄�仆 仗舒仍�仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s left the room." +msgstr "%s 仗哥仍亠仄 亞�� 仍亠从��仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s left the room (%s)." +msgstr "%s 仗哥仍亠仄 亞�� 仍亠从��仆 (%s)." + +msgid "Invite to chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 啀亢舒�" + +#. Put our happy label in it. +msgid "" +"Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite, along with an optional " +"invite message." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 ��亞仍舒亶 亠�舒���� �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 啀亢仆亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to get connection: %s" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to get name: %s" +msgstr "�啀仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to get serv name: %s" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仍啀仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "Purple's D-BUS server is not running for the reason listed below" +msgstr "Purple'舒 D-BUS �亠�于亠� 啀仍仆哥 仂仆��从��仄仂 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仂从 从仂仍�舒仍�" + +msgid "No name" +msgstr "�啀仄 �从亠" + +msgid "Unable to create new resolver process\n" +msgstr "丕 仍啀仄从哥仆���仄 ���舒� �� 仍亳亶\n" + +msgid "Unable to send request to resolver process\n" +msgstr "�啀仄从哥仆���仍舒仆 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error resolving %s:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"%s 仍啀仄从哥仆��哥 亶仂劵�仍��:\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error resolving %s: %d" +msgstr "%s 仍啀仄从哥仆��哥 亶仂劵�仍��: %d" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error reading from resolver process:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"�啀仄从哥仆��哥 亞�� 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆:\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Resolver process exited without answering our request" +msgstr "�啀仄从哥仆��哥 ��亶�仆 亶仂亟仄舒�亠�仍舒仆 于舒�仄�� 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒 仍亠从��仆" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Error converting %s to punycode: %d" +msgstr "%s-仄 punycode-�� �舒于���仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍��: %d" + +#, c-format +msgid "Thread creation failure: %s" +msgstr "丐仂仍从�仆�仄 ����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍��: %s" + +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "�仄舒仍 仗舒仍亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error reading %s: \n" +"%s.\n" +msgstr "" +"��亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆 %s: \n" +"%s.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error writing %s: \n" +"%s.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s 于仂亰�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��: \n" +"%s.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error accessing %s: \n" +"%s.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s 仗��舒� 仍亳亶仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍�� : \n" +"%s.\n" + +msgid "Directory is not writable." +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞 于仂亰舒�仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Cannot send a file of 0 bytes." +msgstr "0 弍舒亶� 从�亞�� 亟亠仆亠 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶." + +msgid "Cannot send a directory." +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is not a regular file. Cowardly refusing to overwrite it.\n" +msgstr "%s ��亠舒从 仍亳亶�亠 �舒亶仍 仂亞�仍. 丕亞�� 仂亞亠� 于仂亰舒仍�.\n" + +msgid "File is not readable." +msgstr "个舒亶仍 仍�亟舒�仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s wants to send you %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 从仂仍��仆亠亢亠 %s (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s wants to send you a file" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍��仆亠亢亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Accept file transfer request from %s?" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"A file is available for download from:\n" +"Remote host: %s\n" +"Remote port: %d" +msgstr "" +"个舒亶仍 ��仗��仆 仆舒仍舒� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠:\n" +"丐仂�舒�亠 �仂��: %s\n" +"丐仂�舒�亠 仗仂��: %d" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is offering to send file %s" +msgstr "%s �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� �亠仄仍舒 %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is not a valid filename.\n" +msgstr "%s �舒亶仍仍啀仄 从亠仍�舒� 仍亳亶�亠 仂亞�仍.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Offering to send %s to %s" +msgstr "%s 从仂仍�舒� %s-仍舒仆 �亠仄仍�仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Starting transfer of %s from %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� %s-仍舒仆 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �啀劵舒仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Transfer of file <A HREF=\"file://%s\">%s</A> complete" +msgstr "<A HREF=\"file://%s\">%s</A> �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍��仄舒� 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Transfer of file %s complete" +msgstr "%s �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍��仄舒� 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +msgid "File transfer complete" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "You cancelled the transfer of %s" +msgstr "丐�亶 %s 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �舒�亠仆舒�" + +msgid "File transfer cancelled" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �舒��仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s cancelled the transfer of %s" +msgstr "%s %s 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �舒�亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s cancelled the file transfer" +msgstr "%s �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �舒�亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "File transfer to %s failed." +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "File transfer from %s failed." +msgstr "%s 亟亠� �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Run the command in a terminal" +msgstr "丐亠�仄亳仆舒仍���亠 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 ��从�舒�" + +msgid "The command used to handle \"aim\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"aim\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"gg\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"gg\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"icq\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"icq\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"irc\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"irc\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"msnim\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"msnim\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"sip\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"sip\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"xmpp\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"xmpp\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The command used to handle \"ymsgr\" URLs, if enabled." +msgstr "\"ymsgr\" URL 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠, �啀从��仄哥 亞�仆." + +msgid "The handler for \"aim\" URLs" +msgstr "\"aim\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"gg\" URLs" +msgstr "\"gg\" URL -仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"icq\" URLs" +msgstr "\"icq\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"irc\" URLs" +msgstr "\"irc\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"msnim\" URLs" +msgstr "\"msnim\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"sip\" URLs" +msgstr "\"sip\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"xmpp\" URLs" +msgstr "\"xmpp\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "The handler for \"ymsgr\" URLs" +msgstr "\"ymsgr\" URL-仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒���亠" + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"aim\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"aim\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"gg\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"gg\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"icq\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"icq\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"irc\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"irc\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"msnim\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"msnim\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"sip\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"sip\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"xmpp\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"xmpp\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command specified in the \"command\" key should handle \"ymsgr\" " +"URLs." +msgstr "" +"丼�仆, \"command\" ��舒于仂����仂 仂亶仍�仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"ymsgr\" 从�仍 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��舒 亞�仆." + +msgid "" +"True if the command used to handle this type of URL should be run in a " +"terminal." +msgstr "丼�仆, ��亞舒亶 从�仍于亠� 亟亠仆亠 仂仆��从��仄仂 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 �亠�仄亳仆舒仍���亠 ��从��仄舒仆 亞�仆." + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"aim\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"aim\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"gg\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"gg\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"icq\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"icq\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"irc\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"irc\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"msnim\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"msnim\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"sip\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"sip\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"xmpp\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"xmpp\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "Whether the specified command should handle \"ymsgr\" URLs" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 \"ymsgr\" URL-�仄 从亠仍���舒���舒� 仄仂" + +msgid "<b><font color=\"red\">The logger has no read function</font></b>" +msgstr "" +"<b><font color=\"red\">���仆舒仍 仆舒劵亞舒�仄�� 仗舒仍��从�仄 仍�亟舒� 仂从 仍亳亶</font></b>" + +msgid "HTML" +msgstr "HTML" + +msgid "Plain text" +msgstr "丐�亞仍舒亶 �亠从��" + +msgid "Old flat format" +msgstr "丐仂��仂 �哥� �仂�仄舒�" + +msgid "Logging of this conversation failed." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�仍舒仆 亢��仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "XML" +msgstr "XML" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" +"REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" +msgstr "" +"<font color=\"#16569E\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" +"REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" +"REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" +msgstr "" +"<font color=\"#A82F2F\"><font size=\"2\">(%s)</font> <b>%s <AUTO-" +"REPLY>:</b></font> %s<br/>\n" + +msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Unable to find log path!</b></font>" +msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>���仆舒仍 亟亠从亠 从仂�仆�仄 仄�舒� �� 仍亳亶!</b></font>" + +#, c-format +msgid "<font color=\"red\"><b>Could not read file: %s</b></font>" +msgstr "<font color=\"red\"><b>个舒亶仍�仄 仍�亟�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s</b></font>" + +#, c-format +msgid "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" +msgstr "(%s) %s <AUTO-REPLY>: %s\n" + +msgid "" +"No codecs found. Install some GStreamer codecs found in GStreamer plugins " +"packages." +msgstr "" +"�仂亟亠从�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍. 丐亳亟亠 从仂亟亠从-于仍舒从�仄 GStreamer 仗仍舒亞亳仆 仗舒从亠����亠 仄��仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "" +"No codecs left. Your codec preferences in fs-codecs.conf are too strict." +msgstr "" +"�仂亟亠从 从仂亟�仆 仂亞�仍. 丐�亶�仆 从仂亟亠从�仆 fs-codecs.conf-��亠 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 仗亠� �仂� " +"仗亠劵亞�亟亠 �仍��." + +msgid "A non-recoverable Farsight2 error has occurred." +msgstr "Farsight2 �哥�仍舒��亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +msgid "Error with your microphone" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仄亳从�仂�仂仆 亟亠仆亠 亶哥��仍�从" + +msgid "Error with your webcam" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 于亠弍-从舒仄亠� 亟亠仆亠 亶哥��仍�从" + +msgid "Conference error" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error creating session: %s" +msgstr "弌亠舒仆��仄 ����仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "You are using %s, but this plugin requires %s." +msgstr "丐�亶 %s 从���仍�舒�, 舒 �亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 %s 亶仂亟亠�." + +msgid "This plugin has not defined an ID." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仆 ID �从亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "Plugin magic mismatch %d (need %d)" +msgstr "豫亰仂 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仆 从亠仍�亠仆 �仂仍亟�仄舒� %d (%d 从啀仍亠�)" + +#, c-format +msgid "ABI version mismatch %d.%d.x (need %d.%d.x)" +msgstr "ABI 于亠��亳亶�仆 从亠仍�亠仆 �仂仍亟�仄舒� %d.%d.x (%d.%d.x 从啀仍亠�)" + +msgid "" +"Plugin does not implement all required functions (list_icon, login and close)" +msgstr "" +"�仍舒亞亳仆 ��仍舒 从啀仍亠� ��仆从�亳亶�仄 仂从 ���亠 (�啀�亠�_仍啀仄亠�, 仗���仄舒� 亟舒 仗亠����仄舒�)" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The required plugin %s was not found. Please install this plugin and try " +"again." +msgstr "%s 从啀仍亠� 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍. 丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 ��仆亟亠 亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Unable to load the plugin" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仆舒仍舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +#, c-format +msgid "The required plugin %s was unable to load." +msgstr "%s 从啀仍亠� 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 仆舒仍舒� 仂从 仍亳亶." + +msgid "Unable to load your plugin." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 ���舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s requires %s, but it failed to unload." +msgstr "%s 亶仂亟亠� %s 亞�仆舒�, ��亟�仄 ���舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Autoaccept" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Auto-accept file transfer requests from selected users." +msgstr "�亶���仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠� �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 于亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Autoaccepted file transfer of \"%s\" from \"%s\" completed." +msgstr "\"%s\" 亟亠� \"%s\" 亟亠从 �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仆舒仍仄舒� 于亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒仍��仆." + +msgid "Autoaccept complete" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仄舒� 仄��舒�仍亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "When a file-transfer request arrives from %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� 亶仂亟仄舒� 仗���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄" + +msgid "Set Autoaccept Setting" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仄舒��仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Save" +msgstr "_�仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_丼舒�舒�" + +msgid "Ask" +msgstr "�仂亟舒�" + +msgid "Auto Accept" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Auto Reject" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 哥�亟�亢�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Autoaccept File Transfers..." +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 于亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�..." + +#. XXX: Is there a better way than this? There really should be. +msgid "" +"Path to save the files in\n" +"(Please provide the full path)" +msgstr "" +"个舒亶仍-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�\n" +"(�啀��� 从仂�仆�仄 仂仆��从�仂)" + +msgid "Automatically reject from users not in buddy list" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� �仍亟�仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄于亳亞舒从 哥�亟�亢�舒�舒�" + +msgid "" +"Notify with a popup when an autoaccepted file transfer is complete\n" +"(only when there's no conversation with the sender)" +msgstr "" +"个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 于亳亞舒从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仄舒��仄 仄��舒����舒仄舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆 亳亶�仆 仍亠从�亠 " +"从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 仗舒仍亟舒�舒�\n" +"(从仂仍���仂 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �从亠 �仍仄仂 亞�仆舒)" + +msgid "Create a new directory for each user" +msgstr "�舒亢仆亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 � 仗舒仗从�仄 ���亠" + +msgid "Notes" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Enter your notes below..." +msgstr "唹仍仆哥 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从亠��仄 仗���仂..." + +msgid "Edit Notes..." +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +#. *< major version +#. *< minor version +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Buddy Notes" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Store notes on particular buddies." +msgstr "�仂�仆舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒." + +#. *< summary +msgid "Adds the option to store notes for buddies on your buddy list." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒� �劵亞舒亶仍�从�仄 " +"亠�舒�舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Cipher Test" +msgstr "丿亳��-于仍舒从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Tests the ciphers that ship with libpurple." +msgstr "libpurple 亟亠仆亠 从仂仍��仄仂 �亳��-于仍舒从�仄 �亠�亞舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "DBus Example" +msgstr "Dbus ��仆舒仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "DBus Plugin Example" +msgstr "Dbus 仗仍舒亞亳仆 ��仆舒仄舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "File Control" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 亞�� 于亳从�舒��仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Allows control by entering commands in a file." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�� 从仂仄舒仆亟亠-于仍舒从�仄 仗����仄仂 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒�舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒." + +msgid "Minutes" +msgstr "�亳仆��" + +#. This is a cultural reference. Dy'er Mak'er is a song by Led Zeppelin. +#. If that doesn't translate well into your language, drop the 's before translating. +msgid "I'dle Mak'er" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄�仄 �����亠" + +msgid "Set Account Idle Time" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "_Set" +msgstr "_丿�仆亟舒�" + +msgid "None of your accounts are idle." +msgstr "�从 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��舒� 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Unset Account Idle Time" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗��仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "_Unset" +msgstr "_��亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set Idle Time for All Accounts" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Unset Idle Time for All Idled Accounts" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 亢舒仗�仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Allows you to hand-configure how long you've been idle" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗�仄 从亳亟从��亠仄 亟亠仆亠 从亠仍���舒�舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "IPC Test Client" +msgstr "IPC �亠从�� 从仍亳亠仆�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a client." +msgstr "IPC �劵亠���� �亠�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 从仍亳亠仆� �亠仄�仆." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"Test plugin IPC support, as a client. This locates the server plugin and " +"calls the commands registered." +msgstr "" +"IPC �劵亠���� �亠�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 从仍亳亠仆� �亠仄�仆. 弌亠�于亠� 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仆 �仍仄仂 于亠�亢�仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒 亟舒 " +"于仂亰�从��仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠-于仍舒从�仄 啀亢亠�." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "IPC Test Server" +msgstr "IPC �亠�亞�仄舒� �亠�于亠�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server." +msgstr "IPC �劵亠���� �亠�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 �亠�于亠� �亠仄�仆." + +#. * description +msgid "Test plugin IPC support, as a server. This registers the IPC commands." +msgstr "IPC �劵亠���� �亠�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 �亠�于亠� �亠仄�仆. IPC 从仂仄舒仆亟亠-于仍舒从�仄 于仂亰�从�舒." + +msgid "Hide Joins/Parts" +msgstr "丕�仆�仄�仄/�亶��仍�仄�仄 ��仍�舒�" + +#. Translators: Followed by an input request a number of people +msgid "For rooms with more than this many people" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 亟亠� ��从��舒从 亠劵-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 仗哥仍亠仄-于仍舒从仍舒仆" + +msgid "If user has not spoken in this many minutes" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仄亳仆�� �仂��仄 仂亶仍亠仆 仂亞�仍 亞�仆" + +msgid "Apply hiding rules to buddies" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠从亠 ��仍��仄舒� 仗�舒于亳仍-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Join/Part Hiding" +msgstr "丕�仆舒�/�亶��仍舒� ��仍�舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Hides extraneous join/part messages." +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄/仂亶��仍�仄舒��仄 哥�亟�亢 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仆 ��仍�舒" + +#. * description +msgid "" +"This plugin hides join/part messages in large rooms, except for those users " +"actively taking part in a conversation." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 从�亞� 仗哥仍亠仄仍舒��亠 ��仆��仂/仂亶��仍��仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 ��仍�舒, ��亞舒亶 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒, 从�亟�亢仂 ��亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��亠 ����舒�." + +#. This is used in the place of a timezone abbreviation if the +#. * offset is way off. The user should never really see it, but +#. * it's here just in case. The parens are to make it clear it's +#. * not a real timezone. +msgid "(UTC)" +msgstr "(UTC)" + +msgid "User is offline." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Auto-response sent:" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 于舒�仄���仄 从仂仍��仄仂:" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has signed off." +msgstr "%s 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "One or more messages may have been undeliverable." +msgstr "�从�� 舒仍亠 亳从仄�仆�� 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 仆舒仄亳亠仆 ��从��亟亠 从仂亟�仆 从亠���仆��." + +msgid "You were disconnected from the server." +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 亟亠� 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠�." + +msgid "" +"You are currently disconnected. Messages will not be received unless you are " +"logged in." +msgstr "" +"��亰���亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 ��亶 ���仄舒� 亟亠� 从仂�舒劵亟�仄亠 �仍舒�. �舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 ��仆舒仄 从仂仍��仄仂 " +"仍亳亶��, 从�仆舒仄 ��亶 于仂��� 仗��亠�." + +msgid "Message could not be sent because the maximum length was exceeded." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶, ��亟�仆 从�亢���仂 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 从�亞�." + +msgid "Message could not be sent." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶." + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "Adium" +msgstr "�亟亳�仄" + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "Fire" +msgstr "丐�仍" + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "Messenger Plus!" +msgstr "Messenger Plus!" + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "QIP" +msgstr "QIP" + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "MSN Messenger" +msgstr "MSN Messenger" + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "Trillian" +msgstr "丐�亳仍仍亳舒仆" + +#. The names of IM clients are marked for translation at the request of +#. translators who wanted to transliterate them. Many translators +#. choose to leave them alone. Choose what's best for your language. +msgid "aMSN" +msgstr "aMSN" + +#. Add general preferences. +msgid "General Log Reading Configuration" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 仍�亟仄仂 �亳��亠仄�仆 �啀劵 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Fast size calculations" +msgstr "��亞���仄 于舒�从亠 �仂�仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "Use name heuristics" +msgstr "�啀仄 �于�亳��亳从�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +#. Add Log Directory preferences. +msgid "Log Directory" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 从舒�舒仍仂亞" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Log Reader" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 仍�亟仄仂 �亳��亠仄亠" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Includes other IM clients' logs in the log viewer." +msgstr "�亠� IM 从仍亳亠仆�-于仍舒从�仆 亢��仆舒仍����仄 亢��仆舒仍 仂仆��仄仂 �亳��亠仄�� 仗���舒." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"When viewing logs, this plugin will include logs from other IM clients. " +"Currently, this includes Adium, MSN Messenger, aMSN, and Trillian.\n" +"\n" +"WARNING: This plugin is still alpha code and may crash frequently. Use it " +"at your own risk!" +msgstr "" +"���仆舒仍-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 �亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 于亠� IM 从仍亳亠仆�-于仍舒从�仆 亢��仆舒仍����仄 " +"舒于舒仍�舒. ��亰���亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �亳亟亠: �亟亳�仄, MSN Messenger, aMSN 亟舒 丐�亳仍仍亳舒仆.\n" +"\n" +"丿��丐��乘��丿: 丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 ��亠 从啀��仄哥, ���亠仆 ��从��仄仂 仂亞�仍 亟舒 �啀�从�亟�仆 仍亠从��仆 " +"于仂亰�仆 从亠��亠�. 丐�亶 ��亟�仄 仍啀亟�仆 亟舒 �����亠仆 从���仍� 从亠��舒�!" + +msgid "Mono Plugin Loader" +msgstr "Mono 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Loads .NET plugins with Mono." +msgstr ".NET 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 Mono 亟亠仆亠 仆舒仍仄亠." + +msgid "Add new line in IMs" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从���亠 � 从仂�仆�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Add new line in Chats" +msgstr "丐仂�仂仄仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从���亠 � 从仂�仆�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#. *< magic +#. *< major version +#. *< minor version +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "New Line" +msgstr "丕 从仂�仆仂" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Prepends a newline to displayed message." +msgstr "��从仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 �啀劵舒仍�����从�亢亠 � 从仂�仆�仄 亠�舒�舒." + +#. *< summary +msgid "" +"Prepends a newline to messages so that the rest of the message appears below " +"the username in the conversation window." +msgstr "" +"�舒亢仆亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 �啀劵舒仍�����从�亢亠 � 从仂�仆�仄 亠�舒�舒, �舒仆亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒��亠 " +"从舒仍舒��仄舒� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仆 啀仍仆�亢亠 仍�从�舒仍�亠�." + +msgid "Offline Message Emulation" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� �仄�仍��亳亶 \"于仂����仂 仂亞�仍\"" + +msgid "Save messages sent to an offline user as pounce." +msgstr "" +"��舒于亳仍 �亠仄�仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 从仂仍��仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 \"于仂����仂 仂亞�仍\" " +"舒仆�从仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"The rest of the messages will be saved as pounces. You can edit/delete the " +"pounce from the `Buddy Pounce' dialog." +msgstr "" +"��舒于亳仍 �亠仄�仆 于亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 舒仆�从仍�仄亠 仍亳亶��. 丐�亶 仆�仆�仄 `���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 " +"仗�舒于亳仍-于仍舒从' 仄��仍舒仆�仄亠 �哥�亰舒��亠 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 舒仍亠 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\"%s\" is currently offline. Do you want to save the rest of the messages in " +"a pounce and automatically send them when \"%s\" logs back in?" +msgstr "" +"\"%s\" 从�亰�� 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍. ��舒于亳仍 �亠仄�仆 从仂亟�仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍�仆亠� 亟舒 " +"于亳亞舒从 仆�仆�仄 从仂仍��仆亠�, 从�仆舒仄 \"%s\" 仗哥���仍亠�?" + +msgid "Offline Message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� \"于仂����仂 仂亞�仍\"" + +msgid "You can edit/delete the pounce from the `Buddy Pounces' dialog" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 仗�舒于亳仍-于仍舒从�仄 `���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仗�舒于亳仍-于仍舒从' �哥�亰舒��亠 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 舒仍亠 " +"从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��舒�" + +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "丐�亞亠" + +msgid "No" +msgstr "丕从亠" + +msgid "Save offline messages in pounce" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 \"于仂����仂 仂亞�仍\" 仗�舒于亳仍�� 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Do not ask. Always save in pounce." +msgstr "�仂亟舒� 仂亞�仍. 亅�亠 仗�舒于亳仍�� 舒仆�从仍舒�." + +msgid "One Time Password" +msgstr "�从亞舒仆舒 从���仍�舒�仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄��" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "One Time Password Support" +msgstr "�从亞舒仆舒 从���仍�舒�仍舒仆 仗舒�仗仂�� �劵亠����" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Enforce that passwords are used only once." +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 亳从亞舒仆舒 从���仍�舒� ��从�舒�." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"Allows you to enforce on a per-account basis that passwords not being saved " +"are only used in a single successful connection.\n" +"Note: The account password must not be saved for this to work." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从仍舒仆, 从�亟�仆 �仂仍�仗仄����� 舒仆�从仍�仄亠 仍亳亶�仆 仂亞�仍, 亳从 ��亠仆 " +"���仄舒�仍舒仆 亞�仆舒 从���仍�舒仍�舒� ��仍舒仆亠� �啀劵仍舒仆 ���舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒.\n" +"�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�: 丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 �仂仍�仗仄�� �亳亟仍舒仆 舒仆�从仍舒仍� 从仂亟�舒� 仂亞�仍." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Perl Plugin Loader" +msgstr "Perl 仗仍舒亞亳仆 仆舒仍�亠" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. *< summary +msgid "Provides support for loading perl plugins." +msgstr "Perl 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍舒� �劵亠�����仄 仗�舒." + +msgid "Psychic Mode" +msgstr "亅从���舒�亠仆�仂� �亠亢亳仄" + +msgid "Psychic mode for incoming conversation" +msgstr "�亠� 于亠仍 亞�� 仗����仂 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 �从���舒�亠仆�仂� �亠亢亳仄" + +msgid "" +"Causes conversation windows to appear as other users begin to message you. " +"This works for AIM, ICQ, XMPP, Sametime, and Yahoo!" +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒 从仂�� �啀劵舒仍亠�, 从�仆舒仄 于亠� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 ��仍舒仆亠� 于仂亰舒� " +"�啀劵舒仍��. 丐亳亟亠 AIM, ICQ, XMPP, Sametime亟舒 Yahoo!-仍舒仆 ���舒" + +msgid "You feel a disturbance in the force..." +msgstr "丐�亶 于亳亠� 仗�亟����仄舒��仄 �亳亢舒�..." + +msgid "Only enable for users on the buddy list" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 亞�仆舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "Disable when away" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "Display notification message in conversations" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��亠 �于亠��舒��仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Raise psychic conversations" +msgstr "亅从���舒�亠仆�仂� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仆哥仍�舒仍舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Signals Test" +msgstr "弌亳亞仆舒仍-于仍舒从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Test to see that all signals are working properly." +msgstr "丼�仍舒 �亳亞仆舒仍-于仍舒从�仆 ��仆 ����仄�仄 �亠�亞舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Simple Plugin" +msgstr "丐�亞仍舒亶 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Tests to see that most things are working." +msgstr "丼�仍舒 ��仆 ����仄�仄 �亠�亞舒." + +#. Scheme name +msgid "X.509 Certificates" +msgstr "X.509 �亠��亳�亳从舒�-于仍舒从" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "GNUTLS" +msgstr "GNUTLS" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Provides SSL support through GNUTLS." +msgstr "GNUTLS 亟亠仆亠 SSL �劵亠�����仄 仗�舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "NSS" +msgstr "NSS" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Provides SSL support through Mozilla NSS." +msgstr "Mozilla NSS 亟亠仆亠 SSL �劵亠�����仄 仗�舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "SSL" +msgstr "SSL" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Provides a wrapper around SSL support libraries." +msgstr "SSL �劵亠���� 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从 亶�� 于啀亟�仍舒� 仗�舒." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is no longer away." +msgstr "%s 仗哥���仍�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has gone away." +msgstr "%s 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has become idle." +msgstr "%s 仆亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is no longer idle." +msgstr "%s 仆亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has signed on." +msgstr "%s 于仂����仂." + +msgid "Notify When" +msgstr "丕于亠��舒�舒� 从�仆舒仄" + +msgid "Buddy Goes _Away" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 _从仂�舒劵亠�" + +msgid "Buddy Goes _Idle" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 _仆亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "Buddy _Signs On/Off" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 _仗��舒/仍亠从�亠�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Buddy State Notification" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 �于亠��舒��仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "" +"Notifies in a conversation window when a buddy goes or returns from away or " +"idle." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒��亠 仗舒仍亟舒�舒, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 从仂�舒劵亠� 舒仍亠 仗哥���仍亠�, 仆亠�舒� " +"�啀劵舒仍亠� 舒仍亠 仆亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆舒." + +msgid "Tcl Plugin Loader" +msgstr "Tcl 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从 仆舒仍�亠" + +msgid "Provides support for loading Tcl plugins" +msgstr "Tcl 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍舒� �劵亠�����仄 仗�舒" + +msgid "" +"Unable to detect ActiveTCL installation. If you wish to use TCL plugins, " +"install ActiveTCL from\n" +msgstr "" +"ActiveTCL ��仆亟�仄舒��仄 仄�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶. TCL 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 从���仍�仆亠� 亞�仆, ActiveTCL-�仄 " +" 亞�� ��仆亟亠\n" + +msgid "" +"Unable to find Apple's \"Bonjour for Windows\" toolkit, see http://d.pidgin." +"im/BonjourWindows for more information." +msgstr "" +"Apple 啀亰亞舒� 仗仂亞�仄 仄��仆 仂仄 从亠�� \"Bonjour Windows-仍舒仆\", ����亠: http://d." +" 亠�舒���� �于亠��仄 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Unable to listen for incoming IM connections" +msgstr "�����仂 IM ���仄舒��仄 从仂仍���舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "" +"Unable to establish connection with the local mDNS server. Is it running?" +msgstr "�亠���亠 mDNS-�亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ��仆亟舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶. 丐�亟仂 ���舒?" + +msgid "First name" +msgstr "�啀仄" + +msgid "Last name" +msgstr "丐�从�仄仍啀仄" + +#. email +msgid "Email" +msgstr "E-mail" + +msgid "AIM Account" +msgstr "AIM �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��" + +msgid "XMPP Account" +msgstr "XMPP �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Bonjour Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Bonjour 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Purple Person" +msgstr "Purple 亠劵" + +#. Creating the options for the protocol +msgid "Local Port" +msgstr "�亠���亠 仗仂��" + +msgid "Bonjour" +msgstr "Bonjour" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has closed the conversation." +msgstr "%s 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 仗亠���亠仆." + +msgid "Unable to send the message, the conversation couldn't be started." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 �啀劵舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Error communicating with local mDNSResponder." +msgstr "�亠���亠 mDNSResponder 亟亠仆亠 从�仍 亶仂劵�仍��." + +msgid "Invalid proxy settings" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 仗�仂从�亳 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "" +"Either the host name or port number specified for your given proxy type is " +"invalid." +msgstr "丐� 仗�仂从�亳 �亳仗仍舒仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 �仂�� 仍啀仄 舒仍亠 仗仂�� 仆仂仄亠� ��仆 仂亞���仍." + +msgid "Token Error" +msgstr "�舒�从亠� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Unable to fetch the token.\n" +msgstr "�舒�从亠��仄 仗���舒� �� 仍亳亶.\n" + +msgid "Save Buddylist..." +msgstr "... 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仍啀仄亠�����仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Your buddylist is empty, nothing was written to the file." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� ��舒, �舒亶仍�� 仆亳仄仂仄 于仂亰�仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Buddylist saved successfully!" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� ��亠仆 舒仆�从仍舒仍��仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't write buddy list for %s to %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 %s-�从亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 于仂亰亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "Couldn't load buddylist" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "Load Buddylist..." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仆舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "Buddylist loaded successfully!" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� ��亠仆 仆舒仍舒仍��仆!" + +msgid "Save buddylist..." +msgstr "... 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Load buddylist from file..." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �舒亶仍 亞�� 仆舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "You must fill in all registration fields" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仍舒 于仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 舒仍舒仆�仄 �亳�仄舒�仍��舒� �仍舒�" + +msgid "Passwords do not match" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄��-于仍舒从 亳从亞舒亶 仂亞���仍" + +msgid "Unable to register new account. An unknown error occurred." +msgstr "丕 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从�舒� �� 仍亳亶. �舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亠." + +msgid "New Gadu-Gadu Account Registered" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu � �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 于仂亰�从�舒仍�亠" + +msgid "Registration completed successfully!" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 仍亳亠!" + +msgid "Password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄��" + +msgid "Password (again)" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� (��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒)" + +msgid "Enter captcha text" +msgstr "丼�仆仍亠 从仂亟 �亠从���仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Captcha" +msgstr "丼�仆仍亠 从仂亟" + +msgid "Register New Gadu-Gadu Account" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu � �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从�舒�" + +msgid "Please, fill in the following fields" +msgstr "�亳仆亠 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 �亳�仄舒�仍亠" + +msgid "City" +msgstr "�仍舒" + +msgid "Year of birth" +msgstr "丿仂�仄仂 亳亶" + +#. gender +msgid "Gender" +msgstr "�哥��亠劵 舒仍亠 啀亟��舒仄舒�" + +msgid "Male or female" +msgstr "�哥��亠劵 舒仍亠 啀亟��舒仄舒�" + +#. 0 +msgid "Male" +msgstr "�哥��亠劵" + +msgid "Female" +msgstr "唹亟��舒仄舒�" + +msgid "Only online" +msgstr "�仂����仂 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "Find buddies" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仄�舒�" + +msgid "Please, enter your search criteria below" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从��舒仍仄亠 仆亠亞�亰�仄 啀仍仆哥 仗���仂" + +msgid "Fill in the fields." +msgstr "�仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 �亳�仄舒�仍亠." + +msgid "Your current password is different from the one that you specified." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从�亰���亠 �仂仍�仗仄�� 仂仆亟舒从 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 亟亠� 仂亶���亠仄舒仍�亠�." + +msgid "Unable to change password. Error occurred.\n" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. �仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆.\n" + +msgid "Change password for the Gadu-Gadu account" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Password was changed successfully!" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠!" + +msgid "Current password" +msgstr "��亰���亠 �仂仍�仗仄��" + +msgid "Password (retype)" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� (��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 �舒于�从�亠)" + +msgid "Enter current token" +msgstr "��亰���亠 仄舒�从亠��仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Current token" +msgstr "��亰���亠 仄舒�从亠�" + +msgid "Please, enter your current password and your new password for UIN: " +msgstr "UIN-仍舒仆 从�亰���亠 亟舒 � �仂仍�仗仄���仄 仗���仂: " + +msgid "Change Gadu-Gadu Password" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu �仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Select a chat for buddy: %s" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 仄��仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仂亶��仂: %s" + +msgid "Add to chat..." +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 亠�舒�舒�..." + +#. 0 +#. Global +msgid "Available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠" + +#. 2 +msgid "Chatty" +msgstr "���仍舒仆舒� �仄亟亠" + +#. 3 +msgid "Do Not Disturb" +msgstr "�亟舒 ���亞�亢仍舒仆亟舒�亠" + +#. 1 +#. get_yahoo_status_from_purple_status() returns YAHOO_STATUS_CUSTOM for +#. * the generic away state (YAHOO_STATUS_TYPE_AWAY) with no message +#. Away stuff +msgid "Away" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +msgid "UIN" +msgstr "UIN" + +#. first name +#. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Hidden Number" ), profile->hidden ? _( "Yes" ) : _( "No" ) ); +#. optional information +#. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Title" ), profile->title ); +msgid "First Name" +msgstr "�啀仄" + +msgid "Birth Year" +msgstr "丿仂�仄仂 亳亶" + +msgid "Unable to display the search results." +msgstr "���舒仍仄亠 仍亠从����仄 仂仆��从�舒� �� 仍亳亶." + +msgid "Gadu-Gadu Public Directory" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 从舒�舒仍仂亞" + +msgid "Search results" +msgstr "���舒仍仄亠 仍亠从���" + +msgid "No matching users found" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "There are no users matching your search criteria." +msgstr "���舒仍仄亠 仆亠亞�亰仍舒仆 从亠仍�亠仆 �仂仍�仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 �从亠 �仍��." + +msgid "Unable to read from socket" +msgstr "弌仂从亠� 亞�� 仍�亟�仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Buddy list downloaded" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 ��仗��仆 仆舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Your buddy list was downloaded from the server." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �亠�于亠� 亞�� ��仗��仆 仆舒仍仄亠." + +msgid "Buddy list uploaded" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗����仄亠" + +msgid "Your buddy list was stored on the server." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �亠�于亠����亠 舒仆�从仍舒仍��仆." + +#. The session is now set up, ready to be connected. This emits the +#. * signedOn signal, so clients can now do anything with msimprpl, and +#. * we're ready for it (session key, userid, username all setup). +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "丕��仄仂" + +msgid "Connection failed" +msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Add to chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Chat _name:" +msgstr "_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仆 仍啀仄亢哥:" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to resolve hostname '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' �仂��仍啀仄�仄 ��仆亟舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s" + +#. 1. connect to server +#. connect to the server +msgid "Connecting" +msgstr "丕��仄舒�" + +msgid "Chat error" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "This chat name is already in use" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仍啀仄 从���仍�舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Not connected to the server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Find buddies..." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仄�舒�..." + +msgid "Change password..." +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +msgid "Upload buddylist to Server" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �亠�于亠���从亠 仗����仄亠" + +msgid "Download buddylist from Server" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �亠�于亠� 亞�� ��仗��仆 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Delete buddylist from Server" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �亠�于亠� 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Save buddylist to file..." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �舒亶仍�� 舒仆�从仍舒�..." + +#. magic +#. major_version +#. minor_version +#. plugin type +#. ui_requirement +#. flags +#. dependencies +#. priority +#. id +#. name +#. version +msgid "Gadu-Gadu Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. summary +msgid "Polish popular IM" +msgstr "�舒仍�从仍舒仆 从亠仍���亠 仗仂仍�从 IM" + +msgid "Gadu-Gadu User" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "GG server" +msgstr "GG �亠�于亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown command: %s" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "current topic is: %s" +msgstr "从�亰���亠 �亠仄亠: %s" + +msgid "No topic is set" +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "File Transfer Failed" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unable to open a listening port." +msgstr "�仂仍���仄仂 仗仂���仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Error displaying MOTD" +msgstr "MOTD 仂仆��从��仄舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "No MOTD available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 MOTD �从亠" + +msgid "There is no MOTD associated with this connection." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 ���仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��亠 MOTD �从亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "MOTD for %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 MOTD" + +#. +#. * TODO: Handle this better. Probably requires a PurpleBOSHConnection +#. * buffer that stores what is "being sent" until the +#. * PurpleHTTPConnection reports it is fully sent. +#. +#. TODO: what to do here - do we really have to disconnect? +#. TODO: do we really want to disconnect on a failure to write? +#, c-format +msgid "Lost connection with server: %s" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 亶仂仄亟舒��仄亠: %s" + +msgid "View MOTD" +msgstr "MOTD-�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "_Channel:" +msgstr "_�舒仆舒仍:" + +msgid "_Password:" +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仄��:" + +msgid "IRC nick and server may not contain whitespace" +msgstr "IRC �仂仍�仗仍啀仄 亟舒 �亠�于亠����亠 ��舒于亠� 仍亳亶�仆 仂从 从亠��" + +msgid "SSL support unavailable" +msgstr "SSL �劵亠���� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unable to connect" +msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. this is a regular connect, error out +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to connect: %s" +msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Server closed the connection" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� ���仄舒��仄 仗亠���亠仆" + +msgid "Users" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Topic" +msgstr "丐亠仄亠" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "IRC Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "IRC 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. * summary +msgid "The IRC Protocol Plugin that Sucks Less" +msgstr "丕亟舒 亞�� 亳亰亳�舒从 IRC 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. host to connect to +msgid "Server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠�" + +#. port to connect to +msgid "Port" +msgstr "�仂��" + +msgid "Encodings" +msgstr "�仂亟亳�仂于从仂-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Auto-detect incoming UTF-8" +msgstr "�����仂 UTF-8 -仄 于亳亞舒从 仄�舒�" + +msgid "Real name" +msgstr "丼�仆 仍啀仄" + +#. +#. option = purple_account_option_string_new(_("Quit message"), "quitmsg", IRC_DEFAULT_QUIT); +#. prpl_info.protocol_options = g_list_append(prpl_info.protocol_options, option); +#. +msgid "Use SSL" +msgstr "SSL-�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Bad mode" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� �亠亢亳仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "Ban on %s by %s, set %s ago" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 %s 亟亠� �舒��仄舒� %s 仂仆��� ��仆亟�仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Ban on %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 �舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "End of ban list" +msgstr "丼舒��仄舒� 仍啀仄亠��仆 仄��舒��亢亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "You are banned from %s." +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 %s-��亠 �舒��仄亠." + +msgid "Banned" +msgstr "丼舒��仄亠 (仗仂从�亠仆 仍�从仄仂)" + +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot ban %s: banlist is full" +msgstr "%s-�仄 �啀从�仍亠仆 仂仄 从亠��: �舒��仄舒� 仍啀仄亠� �亳�仄舒�仍亠仆" + +msgid " <i>(ircop)</i>" +msgstr " <i>(IRC 仂仗亠�舒�仂�)</i>" + +msgid " <i>(identified)</i>" +msgstr " <i>(亳亟亠仆�亳�亳�亳�仂于舒�仍�仄亠)</i>" + +msgid "Nick" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "Currently on" +msgstr "��亰�� (从���仂)" + +msgid "Idle for" +msgstr "�亠�亠仆 从仂仍�亠仆" + +msgid "Online since" +msgstr "�仂����仂 (从�仆舒仄)" + +msgid "<b>Defining adjective:</b>" +msgstr "<b>�舒�亠仄亟�仄亠 仗舒仍�仄亠 仄��:</b>" + +msgid "Glorious" +msgstr "���仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has changed the topic to: %s" +msgstr "%s �亠仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 (仄仂亞舒亶仍舒仆): %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has cleared the topic." +msgstr "%s �亠仄�仄 ���从�亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "The topic for %s is: %s" +msgstr "%s-仍舒仆 �亠仄亠: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown message '%s'" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� '%s'" + +msgid "Unknown message" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "The IRC server received a message it did not understand." +msgstr "IRC �亠�于亠� 仆舒仍仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �仄�仍亠仆 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Users on %s: %s" +msgstr "%s-��亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从: %s" + +msgid "Time Response" +msgstr "�舒仗 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "The IRC server's local time is:" +msgstr "IRC �亠�于亠� 于亠���亠 亢舒仗:" + +msgid "No such channel" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 从舒仆舒仍 �从亠" + +#. does this happen? +msgid "no such channel" +msgstr "��亞舒亶 从舒仆舒仍 �从亠" + +msgid "User is not logged in" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "No such nick or channel" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄 舒仍亠 从舒仆舒仍 �从亠" + +msgid "Could not send" +msgstr "�仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Joining %s requires an invitation." +msgstr "%s 亟亠从 ���仄舒� 啀亢仄舒��仄 从啀��舒." + +msgid "Invitation only" +msgstr "唹亢仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 亞�仆舒" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have been kicked by %s: (%s)" +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 %s 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆: (%s)" + +#. Remove user from channel +#, c-format +msgid "Kicked by %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s) 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "mode (%s %s) by %s" +msgstr "(%s %s) �亠亢亳仄�仄 %s ��仆亟亠仆" + +msgid "Invalid nickname" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "" +"Your selected nickname was rejected by the server. It probably contains " +"invalid characters." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 仂亶���仄仂 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 �亠�于亠� 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆. ���仆亳, ����仂 ��仆 仂亞�仍 �亳仄于仂仍-" +"于仍舒从 �仍��." + +msgid "" +"Your selected account name was rejected by the server. It probably contains " +"invalid characters." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 仂亶��仄仂 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 仍啀仄�仄 �亠�于亠� 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆. ���仆亳, ����仂 ��仆 " +"仂亞�仍 �亳仄于仂仍-于仍舒从 �仍��." + +#. We only want to do the following dance if the connection +#. has not been successfully completed. If it has, just +#. notify the user that their /nick command didn't go. +#, c-format +msgid "The nickname \"%s\" is already being used." +msgstr "\"%s\" �仂仍�仗仍啀仄 �舒劵亞舒从 从���仍�舒仍�亠�." + +msgid "Nickname in use" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄 从���仍�舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Cannot change nick" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Could not change nick" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have parted the channel%s%s" +msgstr "丐�亶 %s%s从舒仆舒仍 亞�� 从舒亠仆舒�" + +msgid "Error: invalid PONG from server" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: �亠�于亠� 亞�� ��仆 仂亞�仍 PONG" + +#, c-format +msgid "PING reply -- Lag: %lu seconds" +msgstr "PING 于舒�仄�� -- 从��舒仍���: %lu �舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot join %s: Registration is required." +msgstr "%s 亟亠从 ��仆舒� �� 仍亳亶: �仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 从啀仍亠�." + +msgid "Cannot join channel" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 亟亠从 ��仆亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Nick or channel is temporarily unavailable." +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄 舒仍亠 从舒仆舒仍 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Wallops from %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� �舒�从舒仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "action <action to perform>: Perform an action." +msgstr "action <����仄舒��仄 ��从�舒�仍舒仆>: 乘���仄舒��仄 ��从�舒�." + +msgid "" +"away [message]: Set an away message, or use no message to return from being " +"away." +msgstr "" +"away [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: �舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 ��仆亟舒�. �舒仍舒��仄舒� 仂从 从���仍� " +"亞�仆, 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从仂�舒劵亟舒�." + +msgid "ctcp <nick> <msg>: sends ctcp msg to nick." +msgstr "ctcp <nick> <msg>: ctcp msg �仂仍�仗仍啀仄仍舒仆 从仂仍�舒." + +msgid "chanserv: Send a command to chanserv" +msgstr "chanserv: chanserv -仍舒仆 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"deop <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel operator status from " +"someone. You must be a channel operator to do this." +msgstr "" +"deop <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄1> [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄2] ...: �舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� �仍仄�仄 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 " +"亟亠� 仗仂亞亠仆 仆舒仍舒�. 丐亳亟仍舒仆 ��亶 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"devoice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Remove channel voice status from " +"someone, preventing them from speaking if the channel is moderated (+m). You " +"must be a channel operator to do this." +msgstr "" +"devoice <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄1> [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄2] ...: �舒仆舒仍���亠 亶啀从 �仍仄�仄 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 " +"亟亠� 仗仂亞亠仆 仆舒仍舒�, 从舒仆舒仍 于亳从�舒�舒仍�亠� 亞�仆, ��亟�仄 仂亶仍舒� 亶哥仆 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒 从仂亟舒� " +"(+m). 丐亳亟仍舒仆 ��亶 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"invite <nick> [room]: Invite someone to join you in the specified " +"channel, or the current channel." +msgstr "" +"invite <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [仗哥仍亠仄]: 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 舒仍亠 从�亰���亠 从舒仆舒仍�� ��亶 亟亠从亠� " +"��仆舒� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 啀亢舒�." + +msgid "" +"j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " +"channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." +msgstr "" +"j <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: �从��仄 舒仍亠 ��从��舒从 " +"从舒仆舒仍�仄 仗���仂, 从啀仍亠� 亞�仆, 从舒仆舒仍 ��舒于仂��仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟亠仆." + +msgid "" +"join <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: Enter one or more " +"channels, optionally providing a channel key for each if needed." +msgstr "" +"��仆舒� <room1>[,room2][,...] [key1[,key2][,...]]: �从��仄 舒仍亠 从舒仆舒仍�仄 " +"仗���仂, 从啀仍亠� 亞�仆, 从舒仆舒仍 ��舒于仂��仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟亠仆." + +msgid "" +"kick <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a channel. You must be a " +"channel operator to do this." +msgstr "" +"kick <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从舒仆舒仍 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒�. 丐亳亟仍舒仆 " +"��亶 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"list: Display a list of chat rooms on the network. <i>Warning, some servers " +"may disconnect you upon doing this.</i>" +msgstr "" +"list: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 于仂����仂 仂仆��从�舒�. <i>丿仂��� 仆舒仍, �亳亟仍舒仆 �亢仂 " +"�亠�于亠�-于仍舒从 ��亶 亟亠仆亠� ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍�仆 从亠����.</i>" + +msgid "me <action to perform>: Perform an action." +msgstr "me <����仄舒��仄 ��从�舒�仍舒仆>: 乘���仄舒��仄 ��从�舒�." + +msgid "memoserv: Send a command to memoserv" +msgstr "memoserv: memoserv-仍舒仆 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <nick|channel>: Set or unset a channel " +"or user mode." +msgstr "" +"mode <+|-><A-Za-z> <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄|从舒仆舒仍>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 舒仍亠 " +"从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄�仄 ��仆亟舒� 舒仍亠 从仂�舒劵亟舒�." + +msgid "" +"msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " +"opposed to a channel)." +msgstr "" +"msg <nick> <message>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�亳于舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� " +"(从舒仆舒仍仍舒仆 于舒��舒�亠� �仍仄仂 �亠仄�仆)." + +msgid "names [channel]: List the users currently in a channel." +msgstr "names [从舒仆舒仍]: ��亰�� 从舒仆舒仍���亠 �仍�仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "nick <new nickname>: Change your nickname." +msgstr "nick <� �仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: 丿从亠 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�." + +msgid "nickserv: Send a command to nickserv" +msgstr "nickserv: nickserv-仍舒仆 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "notice <target<: Send a notice to a user or channel." +msgstr "" +"�于亠��舒��仄舒� <target<: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 舒仍亠 从舒仆舒仍仍舒仆 �于亠��舒��仄舒��仄 " +"从仂仍�舒�." + +msgid "" +"op <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel operator status to someone. You " +"must be a channel operator to do this." +msgstr "" +"op <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄1> [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄2] ...: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� �仍仄�仄 " +"仗�舒�. 丐亳亟仍舒仆 ��亶 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"operwall <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably " +"can't use it." +msgstr "" +"operwall <message>: 丐�亶 �亳亟�仄 仂� 仗舒仍亠 亞�仆, 仂��仆亳, ��亶 �亳亟�仄 从���仍��仆 " +"仂� 从亠��." + +msgid "operserv: Send a command to operserv" +msgstr "operserv: operserv-仍舒仆 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"part [room] [message]: Leave the current channel, or a specified channel, " +"with an optional message." +msgstr "" +"part [仗哥仍亠仄] [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: �舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 舒仍亠 从�亰���亠 从舒仆舒仍�仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒��. " +"�舒仍舒��仄舒� 亠�舒���� �亠仄�仆." + +msgid "" +"ping [nick]: Asks how much lag a user (or the server if no user specified) " +"has." +msgstr "" +"ping [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆亠 从�仍 从��舒仍����仆 从�亞����仄 亶仂亟舒� (舒仍亠 �亠�于亠� " +"亟亠仆亠, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍 亞�仆)." + +msgid "" +"query <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user (as " +"opposed to a channel)." +msgstr "" +"�亠�亠� <nick> <message>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�亳于舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 " +"从仂仍�舒� (从舒仆舒仍仍舒仆 于舒��舒�亠� �仍仄仂 �亠仄�仆)." + +msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message." +msgstr "" +"quit [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: 弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍舒�. �舒仍舒��仄舒� 亠�舒���� �亠仄�仆." + +msgid "quote [...]: Send a raw command to the server." +msgstr "quote [...]: �啀��仄哥 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 �亠�于亠�仍舒仆 从仂仍�舒�." + +msgid "" +"remove <nick> [message]: Remove someone from a room. You must be a " +"channel operator to do this." +msgstr "" +"remove <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗哥仍亠仄 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒�. " +"丐亳亟仍舒仆 ��亶 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "time: Displays the current local time at the IRC server." +msgstr "time: IRC �亠�于亠����亠 从�亰���亠 于亠���亠 亢舒仗�仄 仂仆��从�舒." + +msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the channel topic." +msgstr "topic [� �亠仄亠]: �舒仆舒仍 �亠仄�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒� 舒仍亠 于舒��舒仍�舒�." + +msgid "umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: Set or unset a user mode." +msgstr "" +"umode <+|-><A-Za-z>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �亠亢亳仄�仄 ��仆亟舒� 舒仍亠 从仂�舒劵亟舒�." + +msgid "version [nick]: send CTCP VERSION request to a user" +msgstr "于亠��亳亶 [nick]: CTCP VERSION 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"voice <nick1> [nick2] ...: Grant channel voice status to someone. You " +"must be a channel operator to do this." +msgstr "" +"voice <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄1> [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄2] ...: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 从舒仆舒仍���亠 亶啀从 �仍仄�仄 " +"仗�舒�. 丐亳亟仍舒仆 ��亶 从舒仆舒仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "" +"wallops <message>: If you don't know what this is, you probably can't " +"use it." +msgstr "" +"亞�仂�仂� <message>: 丐�亶 �亳亟�仄 仂� 仗舒仍亠 亞�仆, 仂��仆亳, ��亶 �亳亟�仄 从���仍��仆 仂� " +"从亠��." + +msgid "whois [server] <nick>: Get information on a user." +msgstr "whois [�亠�于亠�] <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�." + +msgid "whowas <nick>: Get information on a user that has logged off." +msgstr "" +"whowas <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �仂� 亞�� 仍亠从�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒� ." + +#, c-format +msgid "Reply time from %s: %lu seconds" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� 于舒�仄�� 亢舒仗: %lu �舒�" + +msgid "PONG" +msgstr "PONG" + +msgid "CTCP PING reply" +msgstr "CTCP PING 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "Disconnected." +msgstr "丕��仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆." + +msgid "Unknown Error" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Ad-Hoc Command Failed" +msgstr "Ad-Hoc 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �� ��从�舒仍�" + +msgid "execute" +msgstr "��从�舒�" + +msgid "Server requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� ��亞仍舒亶 �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 �亳��亟�仄亠 亶仂亞�仆 亞�� ��仍�从�仄 �亠�亞舒� 从啀��舒" + +#. This should never happen! +msgid "Invalid response from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 亶仂劵�仍�� 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "Server does not use any supported authentication method" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亳从 �劵亠���� ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 亶哥仆�仄舒� 仂从 从���仍�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s requires plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection. Allow " +"this and continue authentication?" +msgstr "" +"%s ��亞仍舒亶 �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 �亳��亟�仄亠 ���仄舒� 亞�� ��仍�从�仄 �亠�亞舒� 从啀��舒. 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒� 亟舒 " +"��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒��仄 ����?" + +msgid "Plaintext Authentication" +msgstr "丐�亞仍舒亶 �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "You require encryption, but it is not available on this server." +msgstr "丐�亶 从仂亟亳�仂于舒�仍舒� 亶仂亟�仆舒�, ��亟仂 �亠�于亠����亠 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Invalid challenge from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亞�� 亶仂劵�仍�� 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Server thinks authentication is complete, but client does not" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �仂仆舒, ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆 仄舒仆�仆, 从仍亳亠仆� ��亞亠 仂从 �仂仆仂" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Server may require plaintext authentication over an unencrypted stream" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� ��亞仍舒亶 �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 �亳��亟�仄亠 亶仂亞�仆 亞�� ��仍�从�仄 �亠�亞舒� 从啀��舒" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"%s may require plaintext authentication over an unencrypted connection. " +"Allow this and continue authentication?" +msgstr "" +"%s ��亞仍舒亶 �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 �亳��亟�仄亠 ���仄舒� 亞�� ��仍�从�仄 �亠�亞舒� 从啀��舒. 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒� 亟舒 " +"��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒��仄 ����?" + +msgid "SASL authentication failed" +msgstr "SASL ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� �从��从�� 仍仂亞舒仍�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "SASL error: %s" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� SASL: %s" + +msgid "Invalid Encoding" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 从仂亟亳�仂于从仂" + +msgid "Unsupported Extension" +msgstr "亅劵亠����亟�仄亠 从�仄亟舒劵亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "" +"Unexpected response from the server. This may indicate a possible MITM " +"attack" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 于���亟�仄仂 于舒�仄��. 丐亳亟亠 MITM 从亠��仍�仄舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆仂亶仍亠仆 从亠��亠�" + +msgid "" +"The server does support channel binding, but did not appear to advertise " +"it. This indicates a likely MITM attack" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 �亠�于亠� 从舒仆舒仍 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍�仄舒�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠, ��亟�仄 仂仆��从���仂 �亠仄�仆 仂亞亠� " +"从仂亶. ���仆亳, �亳亟亠 MITM 从亠��仍�仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Server does not support channel binding" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �啀从�仍�仄舒�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��舒仍�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unsupported channel binding method" +msgstr "亅劵亠����亟�仄亠 从仂亟亳�仂于从仂" + +msgid "User not found" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Invalid Username Encoding" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢哥 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Resource Constraint" +msgstr "�亠���� �舒亞舒仍�舒从" + +msgid "Unable to canonicalize username" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unable to canonicalize password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Malicious challenge from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 仂�舒仍仆�仄舒仍�亠 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Unexpected response from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 于���亟�仄仂 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "The BOSH connection manager terminated your session." +msgstr "BOSH ���仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒���亠 ��亶�仆 �亠舒仆��仄 从啀�仍哥." + +msgid "No session ID given" +msgstr "弌亠舒仆��仆 ID-�仄 仗��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unsupported version of BOSH protocol" +msgstr "亅劵亠����亟�仄亠 BOSH 仂亶于仂亰�� 于亠��亳亶" + +msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the server: %s" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "Unable to establish SSL connection" +msgstr "SSL ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Full Name" +msgstr "丐啀��� 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Family Name" +msgstr "��舒仍啀仄" + +msgid "Given Name" +msgstr "�啀仄" + +msgid "URL" +msgstr "URL" + +msgid "Street Address" +msgstr "�亟�亠�" + +#. +#. * EXTADD is correct, EXTADR is generated by other +#. * clients. The next time someone reads this, remove +#. * EXTADR. +#. +msgid "Extended Address" +msgstr "��仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Locality" +msgstr "�仍�仄于亠�" + +msgid "Region" +msgstr "��仆亟亠仄" + +msgid "Postal Code" +msgstr "�仂��仂 从仂亟" + +#. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair( info, _( "Email" ), profile->email ); +msgid "Country" +msgstr "亅仍" + +#. lots of clients (including purple) do this, but it's +#. * out of spec +msgid "Telephone" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Organization Name" +msgstr "��亞舒仆亳亰舒�亳亶 于�亶仄��" + +msgid "Organization Unit" +msgstr "�哥仍从舒" + +msgid "Job Title" +msgstr "�舒�舒 于�亶仄��" + +msgid "Role" +msgstr "�仂仍�" + +#. birthday +#. birthday (required) +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "丿仂�仄仂 从亠�亠" + +msgid "Description" +msgstr "�仂亰亠仆 仂仆��从��仄舒�" + +msgid "Edit XMPP vCard" +msgstr "XMPP vCard-�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"All items below are optional. Enter only the information with which you feel " +"comfortable." +msgstr "丼�仍舒 �仄弍舒仍�亠 仗�仆从�-于仍舒从 亠�舒���� �仍��. 丿仂仆�仄仂 �亠仄�仆 仆�仆�仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Client" +msgstr "�仍亳亠仆�" + +msgid "Operating System" +msgstr "�仗亠�舒�亳仂仆 �亳��亠仄" + +msgid "Local Time" +msgstr "�亠���亠 亢舒仗" + +msgid "Priority" +msgstr "�啀仍亠�仍�从" + +msgid "Resource" +msgstr "�亠����" + +msgid "Uptime" +msgstr "�舒�舒 亢舒仗" + +msgid "Logged Off" +msgstr "�仂� 亞�� 仍亠从��仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s ago" +msgstr "%s �亠劵亞亠从" + +msgid "Middle Name" +msgstr "��舒仍啀仄" + +msgid "Address" +msgstr "�亟�亠�" + +msgid "P.O. Box" +msgstr "�仆亟亠从�" + +msgid "Photo" +msgstr "个仂�仂�啀�亠�" + +msgid "Logo" +msgstr "�仂亞仂�亳仗" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s will no longer be able to see your status updates. Do you want to " +"continue?" +msgstr "%s �亠�仍舒 ��亶�仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 ��仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �亢�仆 仂从 从亠��. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Cancel Presence Notification" +msgstr "丕仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 �舒�舒�" + +msgid "Un-hide From" +msgstr "�仆��从�舒仍�舒� (从哥仍舒仆)" + +msgid "Temporarily Hide From" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 ��仍舒� (�� 亟亠�)" + +msgid "(Re-)Request authorization" +msgstr "(丕亞��) �于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 亶仂亟舒�" + +#. shouldn't this just happen automatically when the buddy is +#. removed? +msgid "Unsubscribe" +msgstr "�舒�亠��亠仆 于仂亰舒�" + +msgid "Initiate _Chat" +msgstr "_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 ���舒�" + +msgid "Log In" +msgstr "���舒�" + +msgid "Log Out" +msgstr "�亠从�舒�" + +msgid "JID" +msgstr "JID" + +#. last name +msgid "Last Name" +msgstr "丐�从�仄仍啀仄" + +msgid "The following are the results of your search" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 ��亶�仆 从��舒仍仄舒��仆 仍亠从����亢亠 �仍亠�" + +#. current comment from Jabber User Directory +msgid "" +"Find a contact by entering the search criteria in the given fields. Note: " +"Each field supports wild card searches (%)" +msgstr "" +"���仄仂 舒仍舒仆�� 从��舒仍仄舒� 仆亠亞�亰�仄 仗���亠仆 于舒�从�仍�仄 仄�. �舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�: �舒亢仆亠 舒仍舒仆 亳� " +"从舒��亠 从��舒仍仄舒�仍舒仆 �劵亠���从�舒 (%)" + +msgid "Directory Query Failed" +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 亶仂亟����仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Could not query the directory server." +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞 �亠�于亠��仄 亶仂亟����仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#. Try to translate the message (see static message +#. list in jabber_user_dir_comments[]) +#, c-format +msgid "Server Instructions: %s" +msgstr "�仆����从�亳亶 �亠于亠�: %s" + +msgid "Fill in one or more fields to search for any matching XMPP users." +msgstr "" +"�亠�-仄仂亞舒亶 亳从亞舒亶 XMPP 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�仍舒仆 亳从��仄 舒仍亠 ��从��舒从 舒仍舒仆�仄 " +"�亳�仄舒�仍亠" + +msgid "Email Address" +msgstr "E-mail 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Search for XMPP users" +msgstr "XMPP 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�" + +#. "Search" +msgid "Search" +msgstr "���舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Invalid Directory" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 从舒�舒仍仂亞" + +msgid "Enter a User Directory" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 从舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Select a user directory to search" +msgstr "���舒仍仄舒�仍舒仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 从舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Search Directory" +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞���仂 从��舒仍仄舒�" + +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_�哥仍亠仄:" + +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_弌亠�于亠�:" + +msgid "_Handle:" +msgstr "_�啀仄:" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is not a valid room name" +msgstr "%s ��仆 仗哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Invalid Room Name" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 仗哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is not a valid server name" +msgstr "%s ��仆 �亠�于亠� 仍啀仄 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Invalid Server Name" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 �亠�于亠� 仍啀仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is not a valid room handle" +msgstr "%s ��仆 仗哥仍亠仄 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Invalid Room Handle" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 仗哥仍亠仄 从�仍" + +msgid "Configuration error" +msgstr "�亠仍���舒��仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Unable to configure" +msgstr "�亠仍���舒�亠仆 从亠��舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Room Configuration Error" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "This room is not capable of being configured" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗哥仍亠仄仍舒仆 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 ���舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Registration error" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Nick changing not supported in non-MUC chatrooms" +msgstr "MUC 仂亞�仍 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�仍舒��亠 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄 于舒��舒仍��仄舒�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "Error retrieving room list" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 仗哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗����仄舒�" + +msgid "Invalid Server" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� �亠�于亠�" + +msgid "Enter a Conference Server" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶 �亠�于亠��� 仗��舒�" + +msgid "Select a conference server to query" +msgstr "�仂亟���仄舒�仍舒仆 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶 �亠�于亠��仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Find Rooms" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Affiliations:" +msgstr "��亢�亠劵-于仍舒从:" + +msgid "No users found" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Roles:" +msgstr "�仂仍�-于仍舒从:" + +msgid "Server requires TLS/SSL, but no TLS/SSL support was found." +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� TLS/SSL-�仄 亶仂亟亠�, TLS/SSL-仍舒仆 �劵亠���仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "You require encryption, but no TLS/SSL support was found." +msgstr "丐�亶 从仂亟亳�仂于舒�仍舒� 从啀��亠�, TLS/SSL-仍舒仆 �劵亠���仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Ping timed out" +msgstr "����仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Invalid XMPP ID" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� XMPP ID" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Username portion must be set." +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� XMPP ID. �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 仍亳亶�舒�." + +msgid "Invalid XMPP ID. Domain must be set." +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� XMPP ID. �仂仄亠仆 仍亳亶�舒�." + +msgid "Malformed BOSH URL" +msgstr "BOSH URL ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Registration of %s@%s successful" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� %s@%s ��亠仆 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Registration to %s successful" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� %s ��亠仆" + +msgid "Registration Successful" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� ��亠仆 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Registration Failed" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Registration from %s successfully removed" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� %s 亟亠� ��亠仆 从仂�舒劵亟舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Unregistration Successful" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 �舒��仄舒� ��亠仆 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Unregistration Failed" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 �舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "State" +msgstr "��仆亟亠仄" + +msgid "Postal code" +msgstr "�仂��仂 从仂亟" + +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Date" +msgstr "�亠�亠" + +msgid "Already Registered" +msgstr "丿舒劵亞舒从 于仂亰�从��仄仂" + +msgid "Unregister" +msgstr "�仂亰�从��仄�仄 �舒�舒�" + +msgid "" +"Please fill out the information below to change your account registration." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��亠�仍舒仆 于仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�仍舒仆 啀仍�仍从舒亶��亠 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 " +"�亳�仄舒�仍亠." + +msgid "Please fill out the information below to register your new account." +msgstr "丕 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从�舒�仍舒仆 啀仍�仍从舒亶��亠 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 �亳�仄舒�仍亠." + +msgid "Register New XMPP Account" +msgstr "XMPP � �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从�舒�" + +msgid "Register" +msgstr "�仂亰�从�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Change Account Registration at %s" +msgstr "%s -��亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Register New Account at %s" +msgstr "%s -��亠 � �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从�舒�" + +msgid "Change Registration" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Error unregistering account" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从��仄�仄 �舒��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Account successfully unregistered" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从��仄舒� ��亠仆 从仂�舒劵亟舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Initializing Stream" +msgstr "�仂亞�仆 亳仆亳�亳舒仍亳亰舒�亳亶" + +msgid "Initializing SSL/TLS" +msgstr "SSL/TLS 亳仆亳�亳舒仍亳亰舒�亳亶" + +msgid "Authenticating" +msgstr "丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Re-initializing Stream" +msgstr "丕亞�� 亶仂亞�仆 亳仆亳�亳舒仍亳亰舒�亳亶" + +msgid "Server doesn't support blocking" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �啀从�仍�仄舒�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "Not Authorized" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰仂于舒�仍�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Mood" +msgstr "��仄�仍" + +msgid "Now Listening" +msgstr "��亰�� 从仂仍���舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Both" +msgstr "�仂亞�仆亠从" + +msgid "From (To pending)" +msgstr "�哥 亟亠� (���舒�)" + +msgid "From" +msgstr "�哥 亟亠�" + +msgid "To" +msgstr "�哥仍舒仆" + +msgid "None (To pending)" +msgstr "丕从亠 (���舒�)" + +msgid "None" +msgstr "丕从亠" + +#. subscription type +msgid "Subscription" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "Mood Text" +msgstr "��仄�仍�仆 �亠从���亠" + +msgid "Allow Buzz" +msgstr "�舒仆亠�-仄舒仆亠��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 亟亠仆亠 从哥仆舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Mood Name" +msgstr "��舒仍啀仄" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Mood Comment" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 仂亶仗亠仍亠�����亢亠" + +#. primitive +#. ID +#. name - use default +#. saveable +#. should be user_settable some day +#. independent +msgid "Tune Artist" +msgstr "���亳���仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Title" +msgstr "��亶仄���仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Album" +msgstr "�仍�弍仂仄�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Genre" +msgstr "�舒仆��仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Comment" +msgstr "�亶仗亠仍亠�����仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Track" +msgstr "�仂�仆�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Time" +msgstr "�舒仗�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune Year" +msgstr "�亟舒仍�从�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Tune URL" +msgstr "URL-仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Password Changed" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠" + +msgid "Your password has been changed." +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄��亠��仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠." + +msgid "Error changing password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Change XMPP Password" +msgstr "XMPP �仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Please enter your new password" +msgstr "丕 �仂仍�仗仄���仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Set User Info..." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +#. if (js->protocol_options & CHANGE_PASSWORD) { +msgid "Change Password..." +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +#. } +msgid "Search for Users..." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "Bad Request" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Conflict" +msgstr "�舒�仗亳亢仄舒�" + +msgid "Feature Not Implemented" +msgstr "个�仆从�亳亶�仄 ����仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Forbidden" +msgstr "丼舒��仄亠" + +msgid "Gone" +msgstr "�舒亠仆" + +msgid "Internal Server Error" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠��仆 从哥�亞哥 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Item Not Found" +msgstr "�从��从�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Malformed XMPP ID" +msgstr "XMPP ID ��仆 仂亞�仍 ����仄亠" + +msgid "Not Acceptable" +msgstr "��仄�仍舒劵亟舒� 仍亳亶亟�仄亠" + +msgid "Not Allowed" +msgstr "�哥仆�仄哥 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Payment Required" +msgstr "丐啀仍舒� 从啀仍亠�" + +msgid "Recipient Unavailable" +msgstr "�舒仍�亠 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Registration Required" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 从啀仍亠�" + +msgid "Remote Server Not Found" +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 �亠�于亠��仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Remote Server Timeout" +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 �亠�于亠��仆 于���仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Server Overloaded" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� ���亢 亟亠仆 从���仍�舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Service Unavailable" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Subscription Required" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒� 从啀仍亠�" + +msgid "Unexpected Request" +msgstr "����亟�仄仂 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Authorization Aborted" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 从啀�仍仄哥" + +msgid "Incorrect encoding in authorization" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶���亠 ��仆 仂亞�仍 从仂亟亳�仂于从仂" + +msgid "Invalid authzid" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂�" + +msgid "Invalid Authorization Mechanism" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 仄亠�舒仆亳亰仄" + +msgid "Authorization mechanism too weak" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 仄亠�舒仆亳亰仄 仗亠� 仆舒�舒�" + +msgid "Temporary Authentication Failure" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Authentication Failure" +msgstr "丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Bad Format" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� �仂�仄舒�" + +msgid "Bad Namespace Prefix" +msgstr "�啀仄 从�仄亟�从�仆 亶仂劵�仍�� 仗�亠�亳从�" + +msgid "Resource Conflict" +msgstr "�亠����-于仍舒从 于舒�仗亳亢仄舒�" + +msgid "Connection Timeout" +msgstr "丕��仄舒� 于���仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Host Gone" +msgstr "丱仂�� 从舒亠仆" + +msgid "Host Unknown" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �仂��" + +msgid "Improper Addressing" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 舒亟�亠�舒�亳亶" + +msgid "Invalid ID" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� ID" + +msgid "Invalid Namespace" +msgstr "�啀仄 从�仄亟�从 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Invalid XML" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� XML" + +msgid "Non-matching Hosts" +msgstr "�亠仍��亟�仄亠 �仂��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Policy Violation" +msgstr "��舒于亳仍�仄 仗�亟����仄舒�" + +msgid "Remote Connection Failed" +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Restricted XML" +msgstr "丿�亞��亠仄亟�仄亠 XML" + +msgid "See Other Host" +msgstr "�亠� �仂�� 亟亠从亠 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "System Shutdown" +msgstr "弌亳��亠仄�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "Undefined Condition" +msgstr "�舒�亠仄亟�仄亠 �仍仄�仍�从" + +msgid "Unsupported Encoding" +msgstr "亅劵亠����亟�仄仂 从仂亟亳�仂于从仂" + +msgid "Unsupported Stanza Type" +msgstr "亅劵亠����亟�仄仂 ���仂�舒 �亳仗" + +msgid "Unsupported Version" +msgstr "亅劵亠����亟�仄仂 于亠��亳亶" + +msgid "XML Not Well Formed" +msgstr "XML-�仄 从啀�亠� �亠仄�仆 �仄亟�仍�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Stream Error" +msgstr "�仂亞�仆 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to ban user %s" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗仂从�亠仆 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶 %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown affiliation: \"%s\"" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 ���仄舒�: \"%s\"" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to affiliate user %s as \"%s\"" +msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 \"%s\" �亠仄�仆 仆舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown role: \"%s\"" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �仂仍�: \"%s\"" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to set role \"%s\" for user: %s" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 \"%s\" �仂仍��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 仂仄 从亠��: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to kick user %s" +msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to ping user %s" +msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗亳仆亞仂于舒�仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to buzz, because there is nothing known about %s." +msgstr "唹亢�仆 仂仄 从亠��, %s 仆亠�亞亠仆 仆亳仄仂仄 仗舒仍�仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to buzz, because %s might be offline." +msgstr "唹亢�仆 仂仄 从亠��, %s 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍 仍亳亶�仆 从亠��亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to buzz, because %s does not support it or does not wish to receive " +"buzzes now." +msgstr "唹亢�仆 仂仄 从亠��, %s �亳亟仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠 舒仍亠 从�亰�� 亶�劵亞���仄 �仆亠亢 仆舒仍." + +#. Yahoo only supports one attention command: the 'buzz'. +#. This is index number YAHOO_BUZZ. +msgid "Buzz" +msgstr "唹亢舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has buzzed you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 啀亢�仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Buzzing %s..." +msgstr "唹亢舒仄 %s..." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: invalid JID" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 仄亠亟亳舒 �� 仍亳亶: ��仆 仂亞�仍 JID" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: user is not online" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 仄亠亟亳舒 �� 仍亳亶: 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to initiate media with %s: not subscribed to user presence" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 仄亠亟亳舒 �� 仍亳亶: 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仍亳�� 仗仂亟仗亳�从亠 �从亠" + +msgid "Media Initiation Failed" +msgstr "�亠亟亳舒 �� 仍亳亶" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"Please select the resource of %s with which you would like to start a media " +"session." +msgstr "%s �亠�����仄 仂亶��仂, 从哥 亟亠仆亠 ��亶 仄亠亟亳舒 �亠舒仆��仄 �啀劵舒仍仆亠� �仍亠." + +msgid "Select a Resource" +msgstr "�亠�����仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "Initiate Media" +msgstr "�亠亟亳舒仄 �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Account does not support PEP, can't set mood" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� PEP-仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠, 从�仄�仍�仄 ��仆亟亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "config: Configure a chat room." +msgstr "config: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�." + +msgid "configure: Configure a chat room." +msgstr "configure: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�." + +msgid "part [message]: Leave the room." +msgstr "part [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: �哥仍亠仄�仄 从�亟舒仍�亠仆 从舒��." + +msgid "register: Register with a chat room." +msgstr "register: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄���亠 于仂亰�从�舒�." + +msgid "topic [new topic]: View or change the topic." +msgstr "topic [� �亠仄亠]: 丐亠仄�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒� 舒仍亠 于舒��舒仍�舒�." + +msgid "ban <user> [reason]: Ban a user from the room." +msgstr "ban <仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠> [舒仄舒仍]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗哥仍亠仄 亞�� 仗仂从�亠仆 仍�从�舒�." + +msgid "" +"affiliate <owner|admin|member|outcast|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: Get " +"the users with an affiliation or set users' affiliation with the room." +msgstr "" +"仗�亳仆��� <owner|admin|member|outcast|none> [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄1] [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄2] ...: " +"丿舒劵亞舒从 仗����仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍 舒仍亠 �-于仍舒从�仄 仗哥仍亠仄�� 仗���仂." + +msgid "" +"role <moderator|participant|visitor|none> [nick1] [nick2] ...: Get the " +"users with a role or set users' role with the room." +msgstr "" +"�仂仍� <moderator|participant|visitor|none> [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄1] [�仂仍�仗仍啀仄2] ...: " +"�仂仍� 亟亠仆亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍 舒仍亠 仗哥仍亠仄���亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 �仂仍��仄 " +"��仆亟亠." + +msgid "invite <user> [message]: Invite a user to the room." +msgstr "invite <仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠> [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗哥仍亠仄�� 啀亢舒�." + +msgid "join: <room> [password]: Join a chat on this server." +msgstr "join: <仗哥仍亠仄> [�仂仍�仗仄��]: 丐亳亟亠 �亠�于亠����亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�." + +msgid "kick <user> [reason]: Kick a user from the room." +msgstr "kick <仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠> [舒仄舒仍]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗哥仍亠仄 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒�." + +msgid "" +"msg <user> <message>: Send a private message to another user." +msgstr "" +"msg <仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠> <从舒仍舒��仄舒�>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�亳于舒� " +"从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�." + +msgid "ping <jid>:\tPing a user/component/server." +msgstr "仗亳仆亞 <jid>:\t�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄/从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆��仄/�亠�于亠��仄 仗亳仆亞仂于舒�仍舒�." + +msgid "buzz: Buzz a user to get their attention" +msgstr "仍�仗从�仄舒�: �啀亟�仆 �啀�从�仍�从��仄 仆舒仍舒� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 从��从��舒仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "mood: Set current user mood" +msgstr "�亶��仂 �舒�仍�仄亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄" + +msgid "Extended Away" +msgstr "��仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠 \"�舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆\"" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "XMPP Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "XMPP 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. Translators: 'domain' is used here in the context of Internet domains, e.g. +msgid "Domain" +msgstr "�仂仄亠仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Require encryption" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟�仆 亶仂亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Use encryption if available" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒� %s -仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Use old-style SSL" +msgstr "丐仂��仂 SSL ��仆�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connection security" +msgstr "丕�仆�仄舒��仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted streams" +msgstr "丐�亞仍舒亶 �亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 �亳��亟�仄亠 �仂仍从�仆-于仍舒从 亞�� 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�亳亶 亟亠仆亠 从哥仆舒�" + +msgid "Connect port" +msgstr "�仂�� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒�" + +#. TODO: default to automatically try different ports. Make the user be +#. * able to set the first port to try (like LastConnectedPort in Windows client). +#. Account options +msgid "Connect server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "File transfer proxies" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仗�仂从�亳" + +msgid "BOSH URL" +msgstr "BOSH-舒亟�亠�" + +#. this should probably be part of global smiley theme settings later on, +#. shared with MSN +msgid "Show Custom Smileys" +msgstr "丐啀�仍哥 ���亳亶-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has left the conversation." +msgstr "%s 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 从�亟舒仍�亠仆 从仂亟亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "Message from %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has set the topic to: %s" +msgstr "%s �亠仄�仄 ��仆亟亠仆: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "The topic is: %s" +msgstr "丐亠仄亠: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Message delivery to %s failed: %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仄亳亠仆 ��从��仄仂 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "XMPP Message Error" +msgstr "XMPP 从舒仍舒��仄舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "(Code %s)" +msgstr "(�仂亟 %s)" + +msgid "A custom smiley in the message is too large to send." +msgstr "丿��亳亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒����亠 从仂仍�舒�仍舒仆 仗亠� 从�亞�." + +msgid "XMPP stream header missing" +msgstr "XMPP 亶仂亞�仆 于�亶仄���仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒亶�仄亠" + +msgid "XMPP Version Mismatch" +msgstr "XMPP 于亠��亳亶-于仍舒从 从亠仍�亠仆 �仂仍亟�仄仂" + +msgid "XMPP stream missing ID" +msgstr "XMPP 亶仂亞�仆�仆 从仂亟亠仆 从舒亶�仄舒��仆 ID" + +msgid "XML Parse error" +msgstr "XML 仍仂仆��仍�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error joining chat %s" +msgstr "%s �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ���仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error in chat %s" +msgstr "%s �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Create New Room" +msgstr "丕 仗哥仍亠仄�仄 ���舒�" + +msgid "" +"You are creating a new room. Would you like to configure it, or accept the " +"default settings?" +msgstr "" +"丕 仗哥仍亠仄�仄 ���亠�. 丐�亶 ��亟�仄 从亠仍���舒��仆亠� 舒仍亠 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-" +"于仍舒从�仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟亠�?" + +msgid "_Configure Room" +msgstr "_�哥仍亠仄�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Accept Defaults" +msgstr "�亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 _从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "No reason" +msgstr "�仄舒仍 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have been kicked: (%s)" +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 仗仂从�亠仆 仍�从��仆��: (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "Kicked (%s)" +msgstr "�仂从�亠仆 仍�从仄仂 (%s)" + +msgid "Unknown Error in presence" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user does not support file transfers" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �舒亶仍 仆舒仍仄舒�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "File Send Failed" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send file to %s, invalid JID" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶, 亶仂劵�仍�� JID" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send file to %s, user is not online" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send file to %s, not subscribed to user presence" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仍亳�� 仗仂亟仗亳�从亠 �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Please select the resource of %s to which you would like to send a file" +msgstr "%s �亠�����仄 仂亶��仂, 从哥仍舒仆 ��亶 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍��仆亠� �仍亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Afraid" +msgstr "�啀亟�从��仄哥" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Amazed" +msgstr "�仂亢�仍�仂" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Amorous" +msgstr "���仍" + +msgid "Angry" +msgstr "弌����亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Annoyed" +msgstr "�仂从�亠仆 从仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Anxious" +msgstr "丐��亞�亢仍舒仆��亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Aroused" +msgstr "丐�亶 从仂仍�亠�" + +msgid "Ashamed" +msgstr "�仂亢�仍�仂" + +msgid "Bored" +msgstr "�仂从�仂从仍舒仆��亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Brave" +msgstr "�仆�从仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Calm" +msgstr "��亢亞舒" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Cautious" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Cold" +msgstr "��仆亟��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Confident" +msgstr "�舒�仗亳亢仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Confused" +msgstr "丿���" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contemplative" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contented" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ����仄亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Cranky" +msgstr "�舒�舒从" + +msgid "Crazy" +msgstr "丕�亟�仄仂" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Creative" +msgstr "乘��舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Curious" +msgstr "���仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Dejected" +msgstr "哘�亟�亢�舒��仄亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Depressed" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟�仄亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Disappointed" +msgstr "丕��仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆" + +msgid "Disgusted" +msgstr "��亞�亢亞��亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Dismayed" +msgstr "�哥��从��仄哥" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Distracted" +msgstr "亅��从舒仆" + +msgid "Embarrassed" +msgstr "�仂亢�仍�仂" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Envious" +msgstr "丐��亞�亢仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Excited" +msgstr "乘仍�亢�亠" + +msgid "Flirtatious" +msgstr "���于亳亶" + +msgid "Frustrated" +msgstr "哘从�仆��哥" + +msgid "Grateful" +msgstr "弌�从舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Grieving" +msgstr "�亶亞����仂" + +msgid "Grumpy" +msgstr "丕�仍��仂" + +msgid "Guilty" +msgstr "�亶�仗舒仆" + +msgid "Happy" +msgstr "�亳舒仍舒仆" + +msgid "Hopeful" +msgstr "�仆舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Hot" +msgstr "丿仂从�仂" + +msgid "Humbled" +msgstr "�舒仗���亞��亠" + +msgid "Humiliated" +msgstr "���从�仍舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Hungry" +msgstr "丿�亢��仂" + +msgid "Hurt" +msgstr "弌����亞��仂" + +msgid "Impressed" +msgstr "�仂仆�舒仍��亠" + +msgid "In awe" +msgstr "�啀亟�仆" + +msgid "In love" +msgstr "�哥�舒���亠" + +msgid "Indignant" +msgstr "丿�亟亠�从��亠" + +msgid "Interested" +msgstr "丐舒劵仍舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Intoxicated" +msgstr "丿啀�哥" + +msgid "Invincible" +msgstr "弌亠劵舒仍�亟�仄亠" + +msgid "Jealous" +msgstr "丕�从舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Lonely" +msgstr "丿从亠��仆" + +msgid "Lost" +msgstr "�仂仄�仂" + +msgid "Lucky" +msgstr "丶���仆" + +msgid "Mean" +msgstr "丐�仄舒�仍亠" + +msgid "Moody" +msgstr "弌啀仄���" + +msgid "Nervous" +msgstr "�仂仍亟舒仍亞亠" + +msgid "Neutral" +msgstr "�从仄舒�亟舒" + +msgid "Offended" +msgstr "哘仗从亠仍舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Outraged" +msgstr "丿�亟亠�从��亠" + +msgid "Playful" +msgstr "豫仍亟��亳亶" + +msgid "Proud" +msgstr "��亞亠�仆��亠" + +msgid "Relaxed" +msgstr "丕仍仆��仂" + +msgid "Relieved" +msgstr "�����仍亞仂" + +msgid "Remorseful" +msgstr "丐亳�仄舒�仆亠从 从舒�舒�舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Restless" +msgstr "�亰舒仗仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Sad" +msgstr "�亶亞����舒仆" + +msgid "Sarcastic" +msgstr "��仍�亞�亢�亠" + +msgid "Satisfied" +msgstr "弌亠�仍舒亞舒仍��亠" + +msgid "Serious" +msgstr "丼仂� �仂�舒仆" + +msgid "Shocked" +msgstr "�亠� �仂� 哥��仆" + +msgid "Shy" +msgstr "�仂亢�仍�舒仆" + +msgid "Sick" +msgstr "丼亠�仍亠" + +#. Sleepy / Tired +msgid "Sleepy" +msgstr "�仄弍亠仍舒仆" + +msgid "Spontaneous" +msgstr "丿仂仆�亟�仄�仆-于���亟�仄�仆" + +msgid "Stressed" +msgstr "�仂�舒�亞��亠" + +msgid "Strong" +msgstr "��舒�仍亠" + +msgid "Surprised" +msgstr "哘�仄舒仍亞��亠" + +msgid "Thankful" +msgstr "丐舒������亠" + +msgid "Thirsty" +msgstr "弌亳�仄�亢仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Tired" +msgstr "�仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Undefined" +msgstr "丐啀���舒仆" + +msgid "Weak" +msgstr "���从�亟仂" + +msgid "Worried" +msgstr "���亞�亢仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Set User Nickname" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Please specify a new nickname for you." +msgstr "丿从亠仍舒仆亠� � �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�仂." + +msgid "" +"This information is visible to all contacts on your contact list, so choose " +"something appropriate." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 �于亠�舒劵舒� ��仍舒 于舒�从�仍仍舒仆 ��亶�仆 于舒�从�仍 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从仂亠�, ��亞亠亢亠 亳从�舒亢-仄仂亞舒亶 " +"仍亳�从��舒从�仄 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "Set" +msgstr "丿�仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Set Nickname..." +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "乘���仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Select an action" +msgstr "乘���仄舒��仄 仂亶��舒�" + +#. only notify the user about problems adding to the friends list +#. * maybe we should do something else for other lists, but it probably +#. * won't cause too many problems if we just ignore it +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to add \"%s\"." +msgstr "\"%s\" -�从亠 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Buddy Add error" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "The username specified does not exist." +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 �从亠." + +msgid "Unable to parse message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仍仂仆��仍亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Syntax Error (probably a client bug)" +msgstr "弌亳仆�舒从�亳� 亶仂劵�仍�� (仂��仆亳, 从仍亳亠仆����亠 亶仂劵�仍��)" + +msgid "Invalid email address" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� E-mail 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "User does not exist" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �从亠 �仍亠�" + +msgid "Fully qualified domain name missing" +msgstr "丐亳�仄舒� 亟仂仄亠仆 仍啀仄�仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒亶�仄亠" + +msgid "Already logged in" +msgstr "丿舒劵亞舒从 于仂����仂" + +msgid "Invalid username" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Invalid friendly name" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 亶仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄" + +msgid "List full" +msgstr "�啀仄亠� �亳�仄舒�" + +msgid "Already there" +msgstr "丿舒劵亞舒从 ����仂" + +msgid "Not on list" +msgstr "�啀仄亠����亠 �从亠 �仍亠�" + +msgid "User is offline" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Already in the mode" +msgstr "丿舒劵亞舒从 �亳亟亠 �亠亢亳仄���亠" + +msgid "Already in opposite list" +msgstr "丿舒劵亞舒从 于亠� 仄仂亞�� 仍啀仄亠����亠" + +msgid "Too many groups" +msgstr "�亠� ��从仂 �啀�从舒" + +msgid "Invalid group" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� �啀�从舒" + +msgid "User not in group" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �啀�从舒��亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Group name too long" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒 仍啀仄 ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�" + +msgid "Cannot remove group zero" +msgstr "��仍� �啀�从舒仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Tried to add a user to a group that doesn't exist" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍�仂 �啀�从舒� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒� �仂仍舒��仄亠" + +msgid "Switchboard failed" +msgstr "丼啀从���哥-亶哥��从���哥 仂劵舒 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Notify transfer failed" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Required fields missing" +msgstr "�啀仍亠� 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒亶�仄亠" + +msgid "Too many hits to a FND" +msgstr "�亠� ��从仂 FND -�� 仍仂亞舒仍仄舒�" + +msgid "Not logged in" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Service temporarily unavailable" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Database server error" +msgstr "丼�仄�� 仗仂亞仂 �亠�于亠��仆 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Command disabled" +msgstr "�仂仄舒仆亟�仄 �舒��仄亠" + +msgid "File operation error" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 仂仗亠�舒�亳亶 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Memory allocation error" +msgstr "丿舒�仆�仄舒��仄 仂亶���仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Wrong CHL value sent to server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠��� 亶仂劵�仍�� CHL �劵�仄 从仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Server busy" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仂从 ���亠" + +msgid "Server unavailable" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Peer notification server down" +msgstr "丿仂亞�仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�, �亠�于亠� �仂亞舒仍�仆 (亟舒�仆���仂)" + +msgid "Database connect error" +msgstr "丕��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 ��仄�� 仗仂亞仂 亟亠仆亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Server is going down (abandon ship)" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亶哥��从�舒仍�亠� (从仂仍��仄舒� �仂亞舒仍亠�)" + +msgid "Error creating connection" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� ���仄舒��仄 ����仄舒�" + +msgid "CVR parameters are either unknown or not allowed" +msgstr "CVR 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 舒仍亠 仍亳亶亟�仄亠 �仍��" + +msgid "Unable to write" +msgstr "�仂亰亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Session overload" +msgstr "弌亠��亳亶 ���亢 亟亠仆 从���仍�舒仍��仆" + +msgid "User is too active" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仗亠� �仂� ��仍�仄" + +msgid "Too many sessions" +msgstr "�亠� ��从仂 �亠��亳亶" + +msgid "Passport not verified" +msgstr "�舒�仗仂���仄 �亠�亞�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Bad friend file" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒� �舒亶仍 �亟舒" + +msgid "Not expected" +msgstr "����仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Friendly name is changing too rapidly" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄 仗亠� 于舒�从亠 于舒��舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Server too busy" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亶哥���仆 仂从 ���亠" + +msgid "Authentication failed" +msgstr "丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍�� 仄��舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Not allowed when offline" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仂亞�仍�仄 从哥仆�仄哥 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Not accepting new users" +msgstr "丕 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 仂亞�� 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒仍�" + +msgid "Kids Passport without parental consent" +msgstr "�仂�舒 仗舒�仗仂�� 舒�舒-舒于舒仆 从哥仆�仄��� 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒" + +msgid "Passport account not yet verified" +msgstr "�舒�仗仂�� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 ��亠 �亠�亞�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Passport account suspended" +msgstr "�舒�仗仂�� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �仂亞舒仍��仄亠" + +msgid "Bad ticket" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 弍亳仍亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown Error Code %d" +msgstr "%d 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 从仂亟" + +#, c-format +msgid "MSN Error: %s\n" +msgstr "MSN 亶仂劵�仍��: %s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Buddy list synchronization issue in %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s) -��亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �亳仆��仂仆亳亰舒�亳亠亶 亟亠仆亠 亶哥��仍�从" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s on the local list is inside the group \"%s\" but not on the server list. " +"Do you want this buddy to be added?" +msgstr "" +"%s 于亠���亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 \"%s\" �啀�从舒��亠, �亠�于亠����亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 仂亞�仍. �亳亟亠 " +"仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒��仆亠�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s is on the local list but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy " +"to be added?" +msgstr "" +"%s 于亠���亠 仍啀仄亠����亠, 仆仂 仆亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 仆舒 �亠�于亠�亠. �亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒��仆亠�?" + +msgid "Other Contacts" +msgstr "�亠� 于舒�从�仍-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Non-IM Contacts" +msgstr "IM-于舒�从�仍 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent a wink. <a href='msn-wink://%s'>Click here to play it</a>" +msgstr "%s 仗啀�仍�仆. <a href='msn-wink://%s'>丐亳亟�仄 从仂仍�舒�仍舒仆 ����亠 �亠仄亟舒仍</a>" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent a wink, but it could not be saved" +msgstr "%s 仗啀�仍�仆 亞�仆舒�, �亳亟�仄 舒仆�从仍舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent a voice clip. <a href='audio://%s'>Click here to play it</a>" +msgstr "" +"%s 亶啀从 亟亠仆亠 于仂亰�仄�仄 从仂仍�亠仆. <a href='audio://%s'> 丐亳亟�仄 从仂仍�舒�仍舒仆 ����亠 " +"�亠仄亟舒仍</a>" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent a voice clip, but it could not be saved" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 亶啀从 亟亠仆亠 于仂亰�仄�仄 从仂仍�亠仆, ��亟�仄 舒仆�从仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent you a voice chat invite, which is not yet supported." +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 亶啀从 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆舒� 啀亢�从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆, ��亠 �劵亠����亟�仄仂." + +msgid "Nudge" +msgstr "丿啀从舒仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has nudged you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 �啀从舒仍亠!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Nudging %s..." +msgstr "%s -仄 �啀从舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "Email Address..." +msgstr "E-mail 舒亟�亠�..." + +msgid "Your new MSN friendly name is too long." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 � MSN 亶仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄 ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亢�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Set friendly name for %s." +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 亶仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄�仄 ��仆亟亠." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Set Friendly Name" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄�仄 仗���舒�..." + +msgid "This is the name that other MSN buddies will see you as." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 ��亶�仄 于亠� MSN 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 �亢舒� �啀劵舒仍��." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "This Location" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 于亠�从仂从仍舒亢亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "This is the name that identifies this location" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 ��亶�仄 于亠� MSN 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 �亢舒� �啀劵舒仍��." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Other Locations" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 于亠�从仂从仍舒亢亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "You can sign out from other locations here" +msgstr "丐�亶 舒仍舒-从��亠� 仂仆亟舒从��舒从 ��舒仍��仆舒�" + +#. TODO: Due to limitations in our current request field API, the +#. following string will show up with a trailing colon. This should +#. be fixed either by adding an "include_colon" boolean, or creating +#. a separate purple_request_field_label_new_without_colon function, +#. or by never automatically adding the colon and requiring that +#. callers add the colon themselves. +#, fuzzy +msgid "You are not signed in from any other locations." +msgstr "丐�亶 舒仍舒-从��亠� 仂仆亟舒从��舒从 ��舒仍��仆舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Allow multiple logins?" +msgstr "�从亞舒仆舒��亠 �啀�仍哥 于亠� 亞�� 仗��舒� 仍亳亠�" + +msgid "" +"Do you want to allow or disallow connecting from multiple locations " +"simultaneously?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "�哥仆舒�" + +msgid "Disallow" +msgstr "�哥仆舒� 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Set your home phone number." +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�亠��仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Set your work phone number." +msgstr "�舒�舒 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�亠��仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Set your mobile phone number." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�亠��仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Allow MSN Mobile pages?" +msgstr "MSN Mobile 仍舒���从-于仍舒从仍舒仆 从哥仆舒�" + +msgid "" +"Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN " +"Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device?" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 亠劵-于仍舒从仍舒仆 MSN Mobile 仍舒���从-于仍舒从�仄 仄仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆��从亠� 舒仍亠 " +"于亠� 仆�仄舒仍仄亠 亶哥仆亟舒������从亠� 从仂仍�舒� 从哥仆亠� 舒仍亠 �从亠?" + +#, c-format +msgid "Blocked Text for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �啀从�仍�仄亠 �亠从�� �从亠" + +msgid "No text is blocked for this account." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 �啀从�仍�仄亠 �亠从�� �从亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"MSN servers are currently blocking the following regular expressions:<br/>%s" +msgstr "MSN �亠�于亠�-于仍舒从 从�亰�� 仆亳仆亠 ��亠舒从 仍亳亶�亠 仂亶-于仍舒从�仄 �啀从�仍舒�:<br/>%s" + +msgid "This account does not have email enabled." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 E-mail-仍舒仆 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从��仄哥 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Send a mobile message." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�." + +msgid "Page" +msgstr "�舒���从" + +msgid "Playing a game" +msgstr "�仂亟�� 亟亠仆亠 仄仂亟舒�" + +msgid "Working" +msgstr "�舒�舒仄 ���亠仄" + +msgid "Has you" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 �仍仂 仄仂" + +msgid "Home Phone Number" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Work Phone Number" +msgstr "�舒�舒 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Mobile Phone Number" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Be Right Back" +msgstr "�舒�从亠 仗哥���仍舒仄" + +msgid "Busy" +msgstr "�从 ���亠" + +msgid "On the Phone" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆亠仄" + +msgid "Out to Lunch" +msgstr "�仂�从舒� 从舒亠仆" + +msgid "Game Title" +msgstr "�仂亟�� 于�亶仄��" + +msgid "Office Title" +msgstr "��亳� 于�亶仄��" + +msgid "Set Friendly Name..." +msgstr "�仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄�仄 仗���舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "View Locations..." +msgstr "�亠�从仂从仍舒仄 仂亶��舒�..." + +msgid "Set Home Phone Number..." +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠��仄 仗���舒�..." + +msgid "Set Work Phone Number..." +msgstr "�舒�舒 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠��仄 仗���舒�..." + +msgid "Set Mobile Phone Number..." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠��仄 仗���舒�..." + +msgid "Enable/Disable Mobile Devices..." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 亶哥仆亟舒�����仄 从哥仆舒�/�舒�舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Allow/Disallow Multiple Logins..." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 仍舒���从-于仍舒从�仄 从哥仆舒�/�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "Allow/Disallow Mobile Pages..." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 仍舒���从-于仍舒从�仄 从哥仆舒�/�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "View Blocked Text..." +msgstr "丐啀从�仍�仄亠 �亠从���仄 仂仆��从�舒�..." + +msgid "Open Hotmail Inbox" +msgstr "Hotmail 仗����仂 �亠����仄 仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "Send to Mobile" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍�� 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "SSL support is needed for MSN. Please install a supported SSL library." +msgstr "SSL �劵亠���� MSN-仍舒仆 从啀仍亠�. 亅劵亠���� SSL 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从�仄 ��仆亟亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must " +"be valid email addresses." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒, %s 仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��. �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-" +"于仍舒从�仆 仍啀仄��� ��仆 E-mail 舒亟�亠� 仍亳亶�舒� �仍��." + +msgid "Unable to Add" +msgstr "��舒�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Authorization Request Message:" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 亶仂亟仄舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�:" + +msgid "Please authorize me!" +msgstr "��亶�仄 舒于�仂�亳亰亳�仂于舒�仍亠!" + +#. * +#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c OK and @c Cancel buttons. +#. +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +msgid "Error retrieving profile" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 仗����仄舒�" + +msgid "General" +msgstr "丐啀劵" + +msgid "Age" +msgstr "�亶亞仂�" + +msgid "Occupation" +msgstr "�亶仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "Location" +msgstr "�亠�从仂从仍舒" + +msgid "Hobbies and Interests" +msgstr "�哥�舒��仄亠 亟舒 �仂仆仍舒仆 从亠仍���亠 仗舒�舒" + +msgid "A Little About Me" +msgstr "�亰亳�舒从 �从亠 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +msgid "Social" +msgstr "�亠�" + +msgid "Marital Status" +msgstr "��亢��仍�仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +msgid "Interests" +msgstr "�仆�亠�亠��" + +msgid "Pets" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 于仂仍��从-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Hometown" +msgstr "丿仂�仄仂 仂仍舒" + +msgid "Places Lived" +msgstr "�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Fashion" +msgstr "�仂亟舒" + +msgid "Humor" +msgstr "���从舒�舒" + +msgid "Music" +msgstr "��亰�从舒" + +msgid "Favorite Quote" +msgstr "�哥�舒��仄亠 仂亶" + +msgid "Contact Info" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Personal" +msgstr "丿从亠 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +msgid "Significant Other" +msgstr "�亠��仄 仂仆��从�仂" + +msgid "Home Phone" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Home Phone 2" +msgstr "�仂从�仄�仂 仄哥劵亞��哥 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Home Address" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Personal Mobile" +msgstr "丿从亠 仄仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Home Fax" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 �舒从�" + +msgid "Personal Email" +msgstr "丿从亠 E-mail" + +msgid "Personal IM" +msgstr "丿从亠 IM" + +msgid "Anniversary" +msgstr "�亟舒仍�从" + +#. Business +msgid "Work" +msgstr "�舒�舒" + +msgid "Company" +msgstr "丐舒于�舒�" + +msgid "Department" +msgstr "�哥仍从舒" + +msgid "Profession" +msgstr "��仂�亠��亳亶" + +msgid "Work Phone" +msgstr "�舒�舒 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Work Phone 2" +msgstr "�仂从�仄�仂 仗舒�舒 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Work Address" +msgstr "�舒�舒 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Work Mobile" +msgstr "�舒�舒 仄仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Work Pager" +msgstr "�舒�舒 仗亠亶亟亢亠�" + +msgid "Work Fax" +msgstr "�舒�舒 �舒从�" + +msgid "Work Email" +msgstr "�舒�舒 E-mail" + +msgid "Work IM" +msgstr "�舒�舒 IM" + +msgid "Start Date" +msgstr "丐啀劵舒仍��� 从亠�亠" + +msgid "Favorite Things" +msgstr "�哥�舒��仄亠 啀亰亞舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Last Updated" +msgstr "���舒���� ��仄亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "Homepage" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 仍舒���从" + +msgid "The user has not created a public profile." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 ���亠仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"MSN reported not being able to find the user's profile. This either means " +"that the user does not exist, or that the user exists but has not created a " +"public profile." +msgstr "" +"MSN 仂亶仍舒, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗�仂�亳仍�亢�仄 仄��仆 仂仄 从亠��. 丐亳亟亠 仂仆��从�舒, 舒仍亠 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �从亠 �仍亠�, 舒仍亠 �仍仂, ��亞仂亟�仄 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 ���亠仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"Could not find any information in the user's profile. The user most likely " +"does not exist." +msgstr "" +"�从�舒亢-仄仂亞舒亶 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仗�仂�亳仍����亠 仄��仆 仂仄�仍. 丐�亞亠 亞舒亶 ���亠�, " +"��亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亶哥���仆 �从亠." + +msgid "View web profile" +msgstr "�仂���亠 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. *< summary +msgid "Windows Live Messenger Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Windows Live Messenger 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Use HTTP Method" +msgstr "HTTP 亶哥仆�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "HTTP Method Server" +msgstr "HTTP 亶哥仆 �亠�于亠�" + +msgid "Show custom smileys" +msgstr "丿从亠 ���亳亶-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Allow direct connections" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Allow connecting from multiple locations" +msgstr "" + +msgid "nudge: nudge a user to get their attention" +msgstr "�啀从亠亟舒仍���仄舒�: 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �啀�从�仍�从��仄 仆舒仍舒�仍舒仆 ��亟�仄 �啀从亠亟舒仍���舒�" + +msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Unable to connect" +msgstr "Windows Live ID ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�: ��仆亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Windows Live ID authentication:Invalid response" +msgstr "Windows Live ID ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�: 亶仂劵�仍�� 于舒�仄��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The following users are missing from your addressbook" +msgstr "�亳仆亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 ��亶�仆 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒��亠 �从亠 �仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown error (%d): %s" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� (%d): %s" + +msgid "Unable to add user" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. Unknown error! +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown error (%d)" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� (%d)" + +msgid "Unable to remove user" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Mobile message was not sent because it was too long." +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍, ��亟仂 仗亠� 从�亢�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minute. You will " +"automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " +"in progress.\n" +"\n" +"After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " +"sign in." +msgid_plural "" +"The MSN server will shut down for maintenance in %d minutes. You will " +"automatically be signed out at that time. Please finish any conversations " +"in progress.\n" +"\n" +"After the maintenance has been completed, you will be able to successfully " +"sign in." +msgstr[0] "" +"MSN �亠�于亠� %d 仄亳仆��仍舒仆 从啀仍亠�仍�从仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仗亠���舒仍�亠�. 丐亳亟亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 ��亶 于仂� 亞�� " +"于亳亞舒从 仍�从��仆 从�亟舒仍�舒仍�舒�. ��亰���亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仄��舒�仍亠.\n" +"\n" +"弌亠�于亠����亠 仗舒�舒仄 ���亠仆 仗��舒��仄亠从���, ��亶 舒亟舒从舒� 于仂��� 仗��亠仆 从亠��舒�." +msgstr[1] "" +"MSN �亠�于亠� %d 仄亳仆��仍舒仆 从啀仍亠�仍�从仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仗亠���舒仍�亠� . 丐亳亟亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 ��亶 于仂� 亞�� " +"于亳亞舒从 仍�从��仆 从�亟舒仍�舒仍�舒�. ��亰���亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仄��舒�仍亠.\n" +"\n" +"弌亠�于亠����亠 仗舒�舒仄 ���亠仆 仗��舒��仄亠从���, ��亶 舒亟舒从舒� 于仂��� 仗��亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "" +"Message was not sent because the system is unavailable. This normally " +"happens when the user is blocked or does not exist." +msgstr "" +"弌亳��亠仄亠 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍. 丐�亞舒亶 仍亳亠�, 从�仆舒仄 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �啀从�仍舒仍��仆 舒仍亠 ��亟仂 �从亠." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Message was not sent because messages are being sent too quickly." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍, ��亶 仆�仆�仄 ���亢 亟亠仆 仗亳��仆 从仂仍�亠亟�仍仆舒�." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown encoding error occurred." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍, 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 从仂亟亳�仂于舒仆亳亶 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred." +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶仄�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Writing error" +msgstr "�仂亰�仄仂 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Reading error" +msgstr "��亟仄仂 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Connection error from %s server:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"丕��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 %s �亠�于亠� 亟亠� 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆:\n" +"%s" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Our protocol is not supported by the server" +msgstr "�亠仄仆舒仆 仂亶于仂亰��仍舒仆 �亠�于亠� 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Error parsing HTTP" +msgstr "HTTP 仍仂仆��仍�仄舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "You have signed on from another location" +msgstr "丐�亶 舒仍舒-从��亠� 仂仆亟舒从��舒从 ��舒仍��仆舒�" + +msgid "The MSN servers are temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." +msgstr "MSN �亠�于亠�-于仍舒从 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞���仍 . 丐亳亟�仄 于舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The MSN servers are going down temporarily" +msgstr "MSN �亠�于亠�-于仍舒从 亢舒仗仍舒仆 亶哥��从�舒仍���." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to authenticate: %s" +msgstr "丼�仆仍�从�仄 �亠�亞亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s" + +msgid "" +"Your MSN buddy list is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and try again." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 MSN 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍. 丐亳亟�仄 于舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Handshaking" +msgstr "�舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Transferring" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Starting authentication" +msgstr "丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒��仄 �啀劵舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Getting cookie" +msgstr "��从亳仄 仆舒仍仄舒�" + +msgid "Sending cookie" +msgstr "��从亳仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Retrieving buddy list" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s requests to view your webcam, but this request is not yet supported." +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 于亠弍-从舒仄亠� 亟亠从 啀亢�从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆, 从�亟�仍舒仆 ��亠 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s invited you to view his/her webcam, but this is not yet supported." +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 于亠弍-从舒仄亠� 亟亠从 啀亢�从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆, 从�亟�仍舒仆 ��亠 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "Away From Computer" +msgstr "�仂仄仗���亠� 亟亠� 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +msgid "On The Phone" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆亠仄" + +msgid "Out To Lunch" +msgstr "�仂�从舒� 从舒亠仆" + +msgid "Message may have not been sent because a timeout occurred:" +msgstr "����仄仂 亢舒仗 ����仄�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 从仂仍��亟亠 从仂亟�仆 从亠���仆:" + +msgid "Message could not be sent, not allowed while invisible:" +msgstr "�仂亶亟�仄仂仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶:" + +msgid "Message could not be sent because the user is offline:" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍:" + +msgid "Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:" +msgstr "丕��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶仄�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶:" + +msgid "Message could not be sent because we are sending too quickly:" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶, 从仂仍��仄舒� 仗亠� 仗亳��仆 ���舒仍�亠�:" + +msgid "" +"Message could not be sent because we were unable to establish a session with " +"the server. This is likely a server problem, try again in a few minutes:" +msgstr "" +"�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶, 仄亠 �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 仂亞�仆舒 从亠��. " +"���仆亳, �亠�于亠����亠 亶仂劵�仍��, �亳亟�仄 ��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 亳亰亳� 于舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂:" + +msgid "" +"Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶, �啀从���哥-亶哥��从���哥 仂劵舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆:" + +msgid "Message may have not been sent because an unknown error occurred:" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� 从仂仍��亟亠 从仂亟�仆 从亠���仆, 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆:" + +msgid "Delete Buddy from Address Book?" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒�?" + +msgid "Do you want to delete this buddy from your address book as well?" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄舒� ��亶�仆 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "The username specified is invalid." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仂仆��从��仄仂 仍啀仄亢哥 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "The PIN you entered is invalid." +msgstr "�����仄仂 PIN-从仂亟 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [4-10]." +msgstr "�����仄仂 PIN-从仂亟 ��仆 仂亞�仍 从�亢��舒仆 [4-10]." + +msgid "The PIN is invalid. It should only consist of digits [0-9]." +msgstr "PIN-从仂亟 ��仆 仂亞�仍. 丐�亟仂 �亳��-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 亞�仆舒 仍亳亶�舒� [0-9]." + +msgid "The two PINs you entered do not match." +msgstr "�仂从 仗����仄仂 PIN-从仂亟 亳从亞舒亶 仂亞���仍." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The Display Name you entered is invalid." +msgstr "�����仄仂 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"The birthday you entered is invalid. The correct format is: 'YYYY-MM-DD'." +msgstr "�����仄仂 �仂�仄仂 从亠�亠� ��仆 仂亞�仍. 个仂�仄舒� ��亞舒亶: '����-��-��'." + +#. show error to user +msgid "Profile Update Error" +msgstr "��仂�亳仍��仄 ��仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#. no profile information yet, so we cannot update +#. (reference: "libpurple/request.h") +msgid "Profile" +msgstr "��仂�亳仍�" + +msgid "Your profile information is not yet retrieved. Please try again later." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仗�仂�亳仍� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��亠 仆舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍. �舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Your UID" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 UID" + +#. pin +#. pin (required) +msgid "PIN" +msgstr "PIN" + +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "PIN-�仄 �亠�亞亠" + +#. display name +#. nick name (required) +msgid "Display Name" +msgstr "�啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +#. hidden +msgid "Hide my number" +msgstr "��亶�仆 仆仂仄亠��仄 ��仍�舒�" + +#. mobile number +msgid "Mobile Number" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Update your Profile" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 ��仄亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "Here you can update your MXit profile" +msgstr "丐���亠 ��亶 Mxit-仗�仂�亳仍�亠��仄 ��仄亟亠仆 从亠��舒�" + +msgid "View Splash" +msgstr "�舒��舒于从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "There is no splash-screen currently available" +msgstr "��亰�� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 �从�舒仆-亰舒��舒于从亠-于仍舒从 �从亠 �仍��" + +msgid "About" +msgstr "�亠�亞亠仆" + +#. display / change profile +msgid "Change Profile..." +msgstr "��仂�亳仍��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +#. display splash-screen +msgid "View Splash..." +msgstr "�舒��舒于从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�..." + +#. display plugin version +msgid "About..." +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆 仆亠�亞亠仆..." + +#. the file is too big +msgid "The file you are trying to send is too large!" +msgstr "个舒亶仍, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 从仂仍�舒� �仂仍舒�亠�, ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�!" + +msgid "" +"Unable to connect to the MXit HTTP server. Please check your server settings." +msgstr "" +"HTTP Mxit �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 弌亠�于亠� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �亠�亞亠仆 " +"仆舒仍." + +msgid "Logging In..." +msgstr "�仂��� 仗��舒..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Unable to connect to the MXit server. Please check your server settings." +msgstr "" +"Mxit �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 弌亠�于亠� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �亠�亞亠仆 仆舒仍." + +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "丕��仄舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The PIN you entered has an invalid length [7-10]." +msgstr "�����仄仂 SecurID ��舒于仂� ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +#. mxit login name +msgid "MXit ID" +msgstr "MXit ID" + +#. show the form to the user to complete +#, fuzzy +msgid "Register New MXit Account" +msgstr "丕 MXit �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 于仂亰�从�舒�" + +msgid "Please fill in the following fields:" +msgstr "�亳仆亠 舒仍舒仆-于仍舒从�仄 �亳�仄舒�仍亠:" + +#. no reply from the WAP site +msgid "Error contacting the MXit WAP site. Please try again later." +msgstr "MXit WAP �舒亶� 亟亠仆亠 从�仍 亶仂劵�仍��. �舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#. wapserver error +#. server could not find the user +msgid "" +"MXit is currently unable to process the request. Please try again later." +msgstr "MXit 从�亰�� 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 ��从�亠仆 仂从 从亠��. �舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Wrong security code entered. Please try again later." +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 仍啀亟�从��亟�仄�仍�从 从仂亟�仄 仗����仄仂. �舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Your session has expired. Please try again later." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 �亠��亳亶 仗��亠仆. �舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Invalid country selected. Please try again." +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 �仍�仄 仂亶���仄仂. 亅�亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The MXit ID you entered is not registered. Please register first." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 于仂亰�从��仄仂 仂亞�仍. �仆亟舒从 于仂亰�从�舒仍�." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The MXit ID you entered is already registered. Please choose another." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 �舒劵亞舒从 于仂亰�从��仄仂. �亠� 仍啀仄�仄 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "Internal error. Please try again later." +msgstr "�哥�亞哥 亶仂劵�仍��. �舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "You did not enter the security code" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆 仂亞�仍 仍啀亟�从��亟�仄�仍�从 从仂亟�仄 仗���亠仆 仂��仍" + +msgid "Security Code" +msgstr "�啀亟�从��亟�仄�仍�从 从仂亟" + +#. ask for input (required) +msgid "Enter Security Code" +msgstr "�啀亟�从��亟�仄�仍�从 从仂亟�仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Your Country" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 �仍" + +msgid "Your Language" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 亶�仍仄亠" + +#. display the form to the user and wait for his/her input +msgid "MXit Authorization" +msgstr "Mxit 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶" + +msgid "MXit account validation" +msgstr "Mxit �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟舒�" + +msgid "Retrieving User Information..." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍仄舒�..." + +msgid "Loading menu..." +msgstr "�亠仆� 仆舒仍仄舒�..." + +msgid "Status Message" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Rejection Message" +msgstr "哘�亟�亢�舒��仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#. hidden number +msgid "Hidden Number" +msgstr "丿�仍��仄亠 仆仂仄亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Your MXit ID..." +msgstr "Yahoo ID..." + +#. Configuration options +#. WAP server (reference: "libpurple/accountopt.h") +msgid "WAP Server" +msgstr "WAP-�亠�于亠�" + +msgid "Connect via HTTP" +msgstr "HTTP 亞仂� ���仄舒�" + +msgid "Enable splash-screen popup" +msgstr "亅从�舒仆-亰舒��舒于从�仆 仍亠从�亠 仄亠仆�仄 �啀从�舒�" + +#. you were kicked +#, fuzzy +msgid "You have been kicked from this MultiMX." +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 仗仂从�亠仆 仍�从��仆��: (%s)" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "was kicked" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 弍亳仍亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Room Name:" +msgstr "_�哥仍亠仄:" + +#. Display system message in chat window +#, fuzzy +msgid "You have invited" +msgstr "丐�仍舒仆亠� �亠��� �仂仍�仆!" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Last Online" +msgstr "�仂����仂" + +#. we must have lost the connection, so terminate it so that we can reconnect +msgid "We have lost the connection to MXit. Please reconnect." +msgstr "�亠 Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 亶仂仄亟舒�亠仆 �仍�仆舒. 丕亞�� ���仄舒��仄 ���亠." + +#. packet could not be queued for transmission +msgid "Message Send Error" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Unable to process your request at this time" +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒�亠��仄 从�亰�� ��从�舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Timeout while waiting for a response from the MXit server." +msgstr "Mxit �亠�于亠� 亟亠� 于舒�仄���仄 于���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亢舒仗 ���亠仆." + +msgid "Successfully Logged In..." +msgstr "�仂��� ��亠仆 仗��亠仆..." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"%s sent you an encrypted message, but it is not supported on this client." +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 于亠弍-从舒仄亠� 亟亠从亠 啀亢�从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆, 从�亟�仍舒仆 ��亠 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "Message Error" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Cannot perform redirect using the specified protocol" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亶于仂亰���仄 从���仍��仆 于亠� 于亠�亠 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "An internal MXit server error occurred." +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Login error: %s (%i)" +msgstr "����仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s (%i)" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Logout error: %s (%i)" +msgstr "�亠从仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s (%i)" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact Error" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Message Sending Error" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Status Error" +msgstr "�仂亞�舒亶 �仍仄仂 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Mood Error" +msgstr "��仄�仍 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invitation Error" +msgstr "唹亢仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact Removal Error" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Subscription Error" +msgstr "�仂亟仗亳�从亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact Update Error" +msgstr "丕��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "File Transfer Error" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Cannot create MultiMx room" +msgstr "��舒于亳仍�仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "MultiMx Invitation Error" +msgstr "�仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 啀亢仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Profile Error" +msgstr "��仂�亳仍� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#. bad packet +msgid "Invalid packet received from MXit." +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠� 亶仂劵�仍�� 仗舒从亠��仄 仆舒仍仄亠." + +#. connection error +msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x01)" +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. (仍�亟仄仂 亶�亢�劵 0x01)" + +#. connection closed +msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x02)" +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. (仍�亟仄仂 亶�亢�劵 0x02)" + +msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x03)" +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. (仍�亟仄仂 亶�亢�劵 0x03)" + +#. malformed packet length record (too long) +msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x04)" +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. (仍�亟仄仂 亶�亢�劵 0x04)" + +#. connection error +msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x05)" +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. (仍�亟仄仂 亶�亢�劵 0x05)" + +#. connection closed +msgid "A connection error occurred to MXit. (read stage 0x06)" +msgstr "Mxit 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. (仍�亟仄仂 亶�亢�劵 0x06)" + +msgid "In Love" +msgstr "�哥�舒���亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Pending" +msgstr "丿亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invited" +msgstr "唹亢仄哥" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Rejected" +msgstr "哘�亟�亢�舒��仄亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Deleted" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟�仄亠" + +msgid "MXit Advertising" +msgstr "Mxit �亠从仍舒仄亠" + +msgid "More Information" +msgstr "丿�从��舒从 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "No such user: %s" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �从亠: %s" + +msgid "User lookup" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �仗�舒于从�仄 从��舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Reading challenge" +msgstr "��仂弍�仄 仍�亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Unexpected challenge length from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亞�� 仗�仂弍�仆 于���亟�仄仂 从�亢��" + +msgid "Logging in" +msgstr "�仂��� 仗��舒" + +msgid "MySpaceIM - No Username Set" +msgstr "MySpaceIM - �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "You appear to have no MySpace username." +msgstr "���仆亳, ��亶�仆 MySpace 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 �从亠." + +msgid "Would you like to set one now? (Note: THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!)" +msgstr "��亰�� �亳亟�仄 仗舒仍�仄亟�仆亠�? (�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�: 丐��乘� ���� ��丿丐��丐�丿 ���丿 ���!)" + +msgid "Lost connection with server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 亶仂仄亟舒��仄亠" + +#. Can't write _()'d strings in array initializers. Workaround. +#. khc: then use N_() in the array initializer and use _() when they are +#. used +msgid "New mail messages" +msgstr "弌亠��� 亟亠仆亠 � 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "New blog comments" +msgstr "�仍仂亞�仆 � 从仂仄仄亠仆�舒�亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "New profile comments" +msgstr "��仂�亳仍��仆 � 从仂仄仄亠仆�舒�亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "New friend requests!" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒�-于仍舒从�仆 � 亶仂亟仄舒�-于仍舒从!" + +msgid "New picture comments" +msgstr "丕 �啀�亠� 从仂仄仄亠仆�舒�亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "MySpace" +msgstr "MySpace" + +msgid "IM Friends" +msgstr "IM 亶仂仍�舒�-于仍舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%d buddy was added or updated from the server (including buddies already on " +"the server-side list)" +msgid_plural "" +"%d buddies were added or updated from the server (including buddies already " +"on the server-side list)" +msgstr[0] "" +"%d 仄��仍舒仆��亠 亠�舒�舒仍��仆 舒仍亠 �亠�于亠� 亞�� ��仄亟舒仍��仆 (��亞舒从 �亠�于亠� 仄仂亞�� " +"仍啀仄亠����亠 �仍�仂 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从舒�)" +msgstr[1] "" +"%d 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亠�舒�舒仍��仆�� 舒仍亠 �亠�于亠� 亞�� ��仄亟舒仍��仆�� ��亞舒从 �亠�于亠� 仄仂亞�� " +"仍啀仄亠����亠 �仍�仂 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从舒�)" + +msgid "Add contacts from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亞�� 于舒�从�仍-于仍舒从�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Protocol error, code %d: %s" +msgstr "�亶于仂亰�� 亶仂劵�仍��, 从仂亟 %d: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s Your password is %zu characters, which is longer than the maximum length " +"of %d. Please shorten your password at" +"cfm?fuseaction=accountSettings.changePassword and try again." +msgstr "" +"%s 丿仂仍�仗仄�����亠� - %zu �亳仄于仂仍, �亳亟亠 �仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�仆 从亠���亠 从�亢�� %d 亟亠� " +"从�亢��舒从. 丿仂仍�仗仄��亠��仄 -" +"仍舒仆从啀��从亠仄亟亠 fuseaction=accountSettings.changePassword 亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Incorrect username or password" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 舒仍亠 �仂仍�仗仄�� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "MySpaceIM Error" +msgstr "MySpaceIM 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Invalid input condition" +msgstr "�����仄仂 �仍仄�仍�从 ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Failed to add buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "'addbuddy' command failed." +msgstr "'addbuddy' 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �� ��从�舒仍�." + +msgid "persist command failed" +msgstr "��亶�仄舒� 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �� ��从�舒仍�" + +msgid "Failed to remove buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "'delbuddy' command failed" +msgstr "'delbuddy' 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �� ��从�舒仍�" + +msgid "blocklist command failed" +msgstr "仍啀仄亠��仄 �啀从�仍�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 �� ��从�舒仍�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Missing Cipher" +msgstr "丿亳���仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒亶�仄亠" + +msgid "The RC4 cipher could not be found" +msgstr "RC4 �亳���仄 仄��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "" +"Upgrade to a libpurple with RC4 support (>= 2.0.1). MySpaceIM plugin will " +"not be loaded." +msgstr "" +"libpurple 仄舒��亠 RC4 �劵亠���� 亟亠仆亠 ��仄亟舒仍�舒仍� (>= 2.0.1). MySpaceIM 仗仍舒亞亳仆�仄 " +"仆舒仍仄亠 �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Add friends from" +msgstr " 亞�� 亶仂仍�舒�-于仍舒从�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Importing friends failed" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仗���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. TODO: find out how +msgid "Find people..." +msgstr "�劵-于仍舒从�仄 仄�舒�..." + +msgid "Change IM name..." +msgstr "IM 仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +msgid "myim URL handler" +msgstr "myim 舒亟�亠��� 从�仍于亠�" + +msgid "No suitable MySpaceIM account could be found to open this myim URL." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 myim 舒亟�亠��仄 仗仂�舒�仍舒仆 �仂�仍舒仆 �仂仍�仂 MySpaceIM �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 仄��仄仂 " +"�� 仍亳亶." + +msgid "Enable the proper MySpaceIM account and try again." +msgstr "丼�仆 MySpaceIM �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�亠 亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Show display name in status text" +msgstr "丕仍仄�仍�从 �亠从�����亠 仂仆��从��仄仂 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Show headline in status text" +msgstr "丕仍仄�仍�从 �亠从�����亠 于�亶仄�� 从仂�仆�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Send emoticons" +msgstr "丼��亳亶从仂亶���仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Screen resolution (dots per inch)" +msgstr "亅从�舒仆 从亠��仄舒� (亟�亶仄仍舒仆 �仂�从仂-于仍舒从)" + +msgid "Base font size (points)" +msgstr "丿�亳�� �啀劵 从�亞�� (亠亟亳仆亳�亠)" + +msgid "User" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Headline" +msgstr "��亶仄��" + +msgid "Song" +msgstr "���仂" + +msgid "Total Friends" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 亶仂仍�舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Client Version" +msgstr "�仍亳亠仆� 于亠��亳亶" + +msgid "" +"An error occurred while trying to set the username. Please try again, or " +"visit " +"to set your username." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. 丕亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂 舒仍亠 ��亶�仆 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 ��仆亟舒�仍舒仆 ���从亠 仗��亠仆 仍亠从:" +"index.cfm?fuseaction=profile.username." + +msgid "MySpaceIM - Username Available" +msgstr "MySpaceIM - �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠" + +msgid "This username is available. Would you like to set it?" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠. 丐�亶 ��亟�仄 ��仆亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "ONCE SET, THIS CANNOT BE CHANGED!" +msgstr "������ 丐��乘� 乘丿丐��, 丐�丐�� 丐丕�乘� ��丿丐��丐�� �丐 ���丐!" + +msgid "MySpaceIM - Please Set a Username" +msgstr "MySpaceIM - �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�仂" + +msgid "This username is unavailable." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Please try another username:" +msgstr "�亠� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂仆�仂:" + +#. Protocol won't log in now without a username set.. Disconnect +msgid "No username set" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仗��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Please enter a username to check its availability:" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄, 从�亟�仄 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟�仍舒仆 �亠�亞舒�, 仗���仂." + +#. TODO: icons for each zap +#. Lots of comments for translators: +#. Zap means "to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a +#. * projectile or weapon." This term often has an electrical +#. * connotation, for example, "he was zapped by electricity when +#. * he put a fork in the toaster." +msgid "Zap" +msgstr "�仂�舒��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has zapped you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 从仂�舒��亠仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Zapping %s..." +msgstr "���亠仄 %s..." + +#. Whack means "to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow" +msgid "Whack" +msgstr "��亶 亞�� �亠仍�仆 仗�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has whacked you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 于�亶 亞�� �亠仍�仆 仗��仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Whacking %s..." +msgstr "%s �亠仍舒仄..." + +#. Torch means "to set on fire." Don't worry, this doesn't +#. * make a whole lot of sense in English, either. Feel free +#. * to translate it literally. +msgid "Torch" +msgstr "�啀仍舒仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has torched you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 亶啀仍舒仍�亠仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Torching %s..." +msgstr "%s 亶啀仍舒仍�亠仄..." + +#. Smooch means "to kiss someone, often enthusiastically" +msgid "Smooch" +msgstr "丿�仗�舒仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has smooched you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 ��仗�舒仍�仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Smooching %s..." +msgstr "%s 从�舒仆亠仆 ��仗�舒仍舒仄..." + +#. A hug is a display of affection; wrapping your arms around someone +msgid "Hug" +msgstr "哘仆亟舒仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has hugged you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 哥仆亟舒仍�仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Hugging %s..." +msgstr "%s 哥仆亟舒仍舒仄..." + +#. Slap means "to hit someone with an open/flat hand" +msgid "Slap" +msgstr "弌仂于�仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has slapped you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 �仂于亠仆 仗���!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Slapping %s..." +msgstr "%s 仗亠�从舒仍亠仄..." + +#. Goose means "to pinch someone on their butt" +msgid "Goose" +msgstr "丼�于���舒仍仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has goosed you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 ��于���舒仍�仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Goosing %s..." +msgstr "%s ��于���舒仍舒仄..." + +#. A high-five is when two people's hands slap each other +#. * in the air above their heads. It is done to celebrate +#. * something, often a victory, or to congratulate someone. +msgid "High-five" +msgstr "�亳亟�仄 仗�!" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has high-fived you!" +msgstr "%s 于�亶 啀仄弍舒仍仆亠 从亳亟�仄 从仂�仄�亢�仆 ��仍舒� 仗仂��仄 仗��仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "High-fiving %s..." +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从亳亟�仄 仗��仄!.." + +#. We're not entirely sure what the MySpace people mean by +#. * this... but we think it's the equivalent of "prank." Or, for +#. * someone to perform a mischievous trick or practical joke. +msgid "Punk" +msgstr "���从舒�舒仄 ���舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has punk'd you!" +msgstr "%s ��亶 亟亠仆亠� 仄��从舒�舒仄 ���亠仆!" + +#, c-format +msgid "Punking %s..." +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 仄��从舒�舒仄 ���舒�..." + +#. Raspberry is a slang term for the vibrating sound made +#. * when you stick your tongue out of your mouth with your +#. * lips closed and blow. It is typically done when +#. * gloating or bragging. Nowadays it's a pretty silly +#. * gesture, so it does not carry a harsh negative +#. * connotation. It is generally used in a playful tone +#. * with friends. +msgid "Raspberry" +msgstr "��仍仄�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has raspberried you!" +msgstr "%s 亶�仍仄�仄 ��仍舒� 仂仆��从�舒" + +#, c-format +msgid "Raspberrying %s..." +msgstr "%s 亶�仍仄�仄 仂仆��从�亠仄..." + +msgid "Required parameters not passed in" +msgstr "�啀仍亠� 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unable to write to network" +msgstr "�仂��� 于仂亰亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unable to read from network" +msgstr "�仂� 亞�� 仍�亟�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Error communicating with server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 从�仍 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Conference not found" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Conference does not exist" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶 �从亠" + +msgid "A folder with that name already exists" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 仗舒仗从亠 �仍仂" + +msgid "Not supported" +msgstr "�从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "Password has expired" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� �仂��亠仄�仆" + +msgid "Incorrect password" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 �仂仍�仗仄��" + +msgid "Account has been disabled" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 亶哥��从��仄哥" + +msgid "The server could not access the directory" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 从舒�舒仍仂亞 亟亠从亠 仗��舒� 仍亳亶仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠���仆 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Your system administrator has disabled this operation" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 �亳��亠仄 于亳从�舒���亠 �亳亟亠 仂仗亠�舒�亳亶�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆" + +msgid "The server is unavailable; try again later" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍; �亳亟�仄 于舒�舒�舒从 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂" + +msgid "Cannot add a contact to the same folder twice" +msgstr "�从 仗舒仗从�� 从仂从 亞舒仆舒 于舒�从�仍�仄 亠�舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Cannot add yourself" +msgstr "丿从亠仄 亠�舒�舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Master archive is misconfigured" +msgstr "丐啀劵 舒��亳于�仄 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Could not recognize the host of the username you entered" +msgstr "�����仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仆 �仂��亢�仄 仗舒仍亠仆 仆舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "" +"Your account has been disabled because too many incorrect passwords were " +"entered" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��亠��仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仄亠, 仗亠� ��从仂 亶仂劵�仍�� �仂仍�仗仄���仄 仗����仄仂" + +msgid "You cannot add the same person twice to a conversation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��� 亳从 亠劵�仄 从仂从 亞舒仆舒 亠�舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "You have reached your limit for the number of contacts allowed" +msgstr "丐�亶 于舒�从�仍-于仍舒从�仆 �仆 从�亞� �仂� 从�亞���� ���仆舒�" + +msgid "You have entered an incorrect username" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仗���亠仆舒�" + +msgid "An error occurred while updating the directory" +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 ��仄亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Incompatible protocol version" +msgstr "�亶于仂亰���仆 于亠��亳亶亢亠 �仂�仍舒仆 �仂仍�仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "The user has blocked you" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仄 �啀从�仍亠仆" + +msgid "" +"This evaluation version does not allow more than ten users to log in at one " +"time" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 仗舒仍�从�舒���亠 于亠��亳亶 亳从亞舒仆舒��亠 仍� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠� ��从��舒从�仄 仂从 仗���仂" + +msgid "The user is either offline or you are blocked" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍 舒仍亠 ��亶�仄 �啀从�仍亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown error: 0x%X" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��: 0x%X" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to login: %s" +msgstr "���舒� 仂从 仍亳亶: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message. Could not get details for user (%s)." +msgstr "" +"�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. (%s) 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 �舒�仍�从�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 " +"仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to add %s to your buddy list (%s)." +msgstr "%s (%s) 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#. TODO: Improve this! message to who or for what conference? +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message (%s)." +msgstr "(%s) 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to invite user (%s)." +msgstr "(%s) 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 啀亢�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message to %s. Could not create the conference (%s)." +msgstr "" +"%s -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶. (%s) 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���亠仆 从亠���仆 仂仄�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message. Could not create the conference (%s)." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶. (%s) 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���亠仆 从亠���仆 仂仄�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to move user %s to folder %s in the server side list. Error while " +"creating folder (%s)." +msgstr "" +"%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 �亠�于亠� 仄仂亞�����仂 仍啀仄亠����亠 %s 仗舒仗从�� 从��舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. " +"(%s) 仗舒仗从�仄 ����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to add %s to your buddy list. Error creating folder in server side " +"list (%s)." +msgstr "" +"%s ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 弌亠�于亠� 仄仂亞�����仂 (%s) " +"仍啀仄亠����亠 仗舒仗从�仄 ����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "Could not get details for user %s (%s)." +msgstr "%s (%s) 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 �舒�仍�从�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to add user to privacy list (%s)." +msgstr "(%s) 仗�亳于舒�仍�从 仍啀仄亠��� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒� �� 仍亳亶." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to add %s to deny list (%s)." +msgstr "%s -仄 (%s) 从仂�舒劵亟�仄亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to add %s to permit list (%s)." +msgstr "%s -仄 (%s) ���舒� 仗��仄舒� 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to remove %s from privacy list (%s)." +msgstr "%s -仄 (%s) 仗�亳于舒�仍�从 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒� �� 仍亳亶." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to change server side privacy settings (%s)." +msgstr "(%s) �亠�于亠� 仄仂亞�����仂 仗�亳于舒�仍�从 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仍仄舒仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to create conference (%s)." +msgstr "(%s) 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Error communicating with server. Closing connection." +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 从�仍 亶仂劵�仍��. 丕��仄舒��仄 仗亠����仄舒�." + +msgid "Telephone Number" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Personal Title" +msgstr "丿从亠 �舒仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "Mailstop" +msgstr "弌亠����仄 �仂亞舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "User ID" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 ID" + +#. tag = _("DN"); +#. value = nm_user_record_get_dn(user_record); +#. if (value) { +#. purple_notify_user_info_add_pair(user_info, tag, value); +#. } +#. +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "丐亳�仄舒� 仍啀仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "GroupWise Conference %d" +msgstr "%d GroupWise 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶" + +msgid "Authenticating..." +msgstr "丼�仍�从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�..." + +msgid "Waiting for response..." +msgstr "�舒�仄���仄 于���仄舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has been invited to this conversation." +msgstr "%s -�仄 �亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��� 啀亢仄哥." + +msgid "Invitation to Conversation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��� 啀亢仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Invitation from: %s\n" +"\n" +"Sent: %s" +msgstr "" +"唹亢仄舒� (从哥 亟亠�): %s\n" +"\n" +"�仂仍��仄仂: %s" + +msgid "Would you like to join the conversation?" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��� ��仆�仆亠�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s appears to be offline and did not receive the message that you just sent." +msgstr "" +"���仆亳, %s 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍 亟舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂亞�仍, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 从�亰�� 亞�仆舒 " +"从仂仍�亠仆舒�." + +msgid "" +"Unable to connect to server. Please enter the address of the server to which " +"you wish to connect." +msgstr "" +"弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 弌亠�于亠� 舒亟�亠��仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仆 亟亠仆亠 ��亶 ��仆�仆亠� " +"�仍亠." + +msgid "This conference has been closed. No more messages can be sent." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 仗亠����仄亠. 丐亠�仍舒 亳从 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄舒� 从仂仍�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Novell GroupWise Messenger Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Novell GroupWise Messenger 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Server address" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Server port" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仗仂��" + +msgid "Please authorize me so I can add you to my buddy list." +msgstr "" +"��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠���从亠 ��亶�仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��舒�仍舒仆, 仄�亶�仄 舒于�仂�亳亰亳�仂于舒�仍亠." + +msgid "No reason given." +msgstr "�仄舒仍�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Authorization Denied Message:" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�:" + +#, c-format +msgid "Received unexpected response from %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� 于���亟�仄仂 于舒�仄���仄 仆舒仍仄亠: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Received unexpected response from %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� 于���亟�仄仂 于舒�仄���仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "" +"You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten minutes " +"and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从�亟�仆 ��舒仍��仆舒� 亟舒 从啀�仍舒仍��仆舒�. 10 仄亳仆�� 于��舒仍�亠 亟舒 �亞�� " +"���亠仆 仂仆�仂. �亟舒从舒� �哥�亠仆 仂仆�亠� 亞�仆, ��仍舒仆亠� ��亠舒� ��从��舒从 于��舒� 仍仂亞舒仍亠�." + +msgid "" +"You required encryption in your account settings, but one of the servers " +"doesn't support it." +msgstr "" + +#. Note to translators: The first %s is a URL, the second is an +#. error message. +#, c-format +msgid "Error requesting %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 亶仂亟仄舒��仆 亶仂劵�仍��: %s" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The server returned an empty response" +msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: �亠�于亠� ��舒 于舒�仄���仄 仗哥���仍�亠仆." + +msgid "" +"Server requested that you fill out a CAPTCHA in order to sign in, but this " +"client does not currently support CAPTCHAs." +msgstr "" +"弌亠�于亠� 仗��舒�仍舒仆 CAPTCHA 从仂亟�仄 仗仂亞舒� 亶仂亟�仆, �亳亟亠 从仍亳亠仆� 从�亰���亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 " +"CAPTCHA 从仂亟仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "AOL does not allow your screen name to authenticate here" +msgstr "AOL ��亶�仆 �从�舒仆 仍啀仄仍舒仆 ����亠 ��仆仍�从�仄 �亠�亞舒� 仂亞亠� 仗�" + +msgid "" +"(There was an error receiving this message. The buddy you are speaking with " +"is probably using a different encoding than expected. If you know what " +"encoding he is using, you can specify it in the advanced account options for " +"your AIM/ICQ account.)" +msgstr "" +"(丐���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. ���仍舒仆��亠, 从�亟�仆 亟亠仆亠 ��亶 " +"仄��仍舒仆亠�, 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 亟亠� 于亠� 从仂亟亳�仂于从�仄 从���仍�亠�. 丐�亶 仗舒仍亠� 亞�仆, 仄仂亞舒亶 ��亟仂 " +"从仂亟亳�仂于从�仄 从���仍�亠�, ��亟�仄 AIM/ICQ �从亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 从�仄亟舒�舒从 " +"仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从���亠 仗舒仍亠仄亟亠仆 从亠��舒�.)" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"(There was an error receiving this message. Either you and %s have " +"different encodings selected, or %s has a buggy client.)" +msgstr "" +"(丐���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. 丐�亶�仆 亟舒 %s �啀�仍哥 从仂亟亳�仂于从仂 " +"从���仍�舒仍�亠� 舒仍亠 %s 从仍亳亠仆����亠 亶仂劵�仍��.)" + +msgid "Could not join chat room" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Invalid chat room name" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Invalid error" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Cannot receive IM due to parental controls" +msgstr "��舒-舒于舒 �亠�亞�仄舒�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "Cannot send SMS without accepting terms" +msgstr "�亠仍��从 亟亠仆亠 从哥仆�亟亠 SMS-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Cannot send SMS" +msgstr "SMS-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#. SMS_WITHOUT_DISCLAIMER is weird +#, fuzzy +msgid "Cannot send SMS to this country" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �仍�� SMS-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#. Undocumented +msgid "Cannot send SMS to unknown country" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �仍�� SMS-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "Bot accounts cannot initiate IMs" +msgstr "�仂� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �仂��从�亠仆 仂亞�� 从亠��" + +msgid "Bot account cannot IM this user" +msgstr "" +"�仂� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂从 从亠��" + +msgid "Bot account reached IM limit" +msgstr "�仂� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �仆 从�亞� 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �仂��� ���仆" + +msgid "Bot account reached daily IM limit" +msgstr "�仂� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �仆 从�亞� 从亠��仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �仂��� ���仆" + +msgid "Bot account reached monthly IM limit" +msgstr "�仂� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �仆 从�亞� ��仍亰�仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �仂��� ���仆" + +msgid "Unable to receive offline messages" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仂亞�仍 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Offline message store full" +msgstr "��舒仍�仄于亠� 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 �亳�仄舒�仍舒仍��仆" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message: %s (%s)" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message: %s" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message to %s: %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s (%s)" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message to %s: %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s" + +msgid "Thinking" +msgstr "丿仂仆亠仄" + +msgid "Shopping" +msgstr "�亠于��仍舒�从亠" + +msgid "Questioning" +msgstr "�仂亟��-于仍舒从�仄 仗��亟亠仄" + +msgid "Eating" +msgstr "�仂�从舒仄" + +msgid "Watching a movie" +msgstr "�亳亟亠仂仄 仂仆�亠仄" + +msgid "Typing" +msgstr "弌舒于�从�亠仄" + +msgid "At the office" +msgstr "�舒�舒 于亠����亠" + +msgid "Taking a bath" +msgstr "�仂仆�舒��亠 �仍舒仄" + +msgid "Watching TV" +msgstr "丐�-�仄 仂仆�亠仄" + +msgid "Having fun" +msgstr "弌���仍舒仆亠仄" + +msgid "Sleeping" +msgstr "�亠�亠仄" + +msgid "Using a PDA" +msgstr "PDA-仄 从���仍�舒仄" + +msgid "Meeting friends" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒�-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "On the phone" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆���仂" + +msgid "Surfing" +msgstr "弌亠��亳仆亞" + +#. "I am mobile." / "John is mobile." +msgid "Mobile" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍" + +msgid "Searching the web" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仗��亞亠亟舒仄" + +msgid "At a party" +msgstr "�舒� 仗舒亶�亠仄���亠" + +msgid "Having Coffee" +msgstr "�仂�亠仄 亶啀舒仄" + +#. Playing video games +msgid "Gaming" +msgstr "�仂亟舒仄" + +msgid "Browsing the web" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仗亠�仆�仍 从仂��舒仄" + +msgid "Smoking" +msgstr "丐舒仄舒从�仄 ��仗�舒仄" + +msgid "Writing" +msgstr "�仂亰亠仄" + +#. Drinking [Alcohol] +msgid "Drinking" +msgstr "�啀舒仄" + +msgid "Listening to music" +msgstr "����仄 (�亠仄�仄) 从仂仍���舒仄" + +msgid "Studying" +msgstr "丐�仆亠仄舒仄" + +msgid "In the restroom" +msgstr "丿仂仆亟舒仆���亠" + +msgid "Received invalid data on connection with server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆�仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍 亟舒仆仆�亶-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "AIM Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "AIM 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "ICQ UIN..." +msgstr "ICQ 仆仂仄亠�..." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "ICQ Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "ICQ 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Encoding" +msgstr "�仂亟亳�仂于从仂" + +msgid "The remote user has closed the connection." +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍�仆." + +msgid "The remote user has declined your request." +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亶仂亟仄舒�亠��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "Lost connection with the remote user:<br>%s" +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 亶仂仄亟舒��仄亠:<br>%s" + +msgid "Received invalid data on connection with remote user." +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄 仍亳亶亟�仄亠 亟舒仆仆�亶-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄亠." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to establish a connection with the remote user." +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Direct IM established" +msgstr "�亳�� ���仄舒��仄 ����仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s tried to send you a %s file, but we only allow files up to %s over Direct " +"IM. Try using file transfer instead.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s ��仍舒� %s �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� �哥�亠仆, 仄亠 %s 仄舒��亠 于亳�� IM 亞仂� 亞�仆舒 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� " +"亶哥仆�仄 仗��仆舒. 丐亳亟�仆 仂仍仄亠� �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 从���仍� 仂仆�仂.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "File %s is %s, which is larger than the maximum size of %s." +msgstr "%s �舒亶仍 - %s, 从�亟仂 �仆 从�亞� 从�亞�� %s 亟亠从 从�亞��舒从." + +msgid "Free For Chat" +msgstr "���仍舒仆舒� �仄亟亠" + +msgid "Not Available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Occupied" +msgstr "�从 ���亠" + +msgid "Web Aware" +msgstr "Web-仍舒���从仍舒��亠 �仍�仂" + +msgid "Invisible" +msgstr "�仂亶亟�仄仂" + +msgid "Evil" +msgstr "��舒仍" + +msgid "Depression" +msgstr "�亶亞���仄舒�" + +msgid "At home" +msgstr "�哥劵亞���哥" + +msgid "At work" +msgstr "�舒�舒��亠" + +msgid "At lunch" +msgstr "�亰亳� 仗��仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to connect to authentication server: %s" +msgstr "丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to connect to BOS server: %s" +msgstr "BOS �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "Username sent" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 从仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Connection established, cookie sent" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ����仄亠, 从�从亳仄 从仂仍��仄仂" + +#. TODO: Don't call this with ssi +msgid "Finalizing connection" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ����仄舒��仄 仄��舒�仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to sign on as %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must be " +"a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, " +"numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." +msgstr "" +"%s �亠仄�仆 仗��亠仆 仂仄 从亠��, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍. �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 E-" +"mail 舒亟�亠� 仍亳亶�舒� 舒仍亠 弍�从于舒 亞�� �啀劵舒仍�舒� 亟舒 弍�从于舒, �亳�� 亟舒 ��舒于亠� 亞�� " +"�仂亞��舒�, 舒仍亠 �亳�� 亞�� 亞�仆舒 �仂亞��舒�." + +msgid "" +"You required encryption in your account settings, but encryption is not " +"supported by your system." +msgstr "" + +#, c-format +msgid "You may be disconnected shortly. If so, check %s for updates." +msgstr "丐�亶 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从啀�仍舒仍��仆 从亠��舒�. 丐�亞亠 仍亳亠� 亞�仆, %s ��仄亟�仄舒�仍舒仆 �亠�亞亠." + +msgid "Unable to get a valid AIM login hash." +msgstr "丼�仆 AIM 仗���仄仂 ����仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Unable to get a valid login hash." +msgstr "丼�仆 仗���仄仂 ����仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Received authorization" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +#. Unregistered username +#. uid is not exist +#. the username does not exist +msgid "Username does not exist" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 �从亠" + +#. Suspended account +msgid "Your account is currently suspended" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��亠��仄 从�亰�� 从�仍仄�从��仄亠" + +#. service temporarily unavailable +msgid "The AOL Instant Messenger service is temporarily unavailable." +msgstr "AOL Instant Messenger �仍�亢弍仂 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#. username connecting too frequently +msgid "" +"Your username has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten " +"minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even " +"longer." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 仍啀仄 亟亠� ���亢 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从�亟�仆 ��舒仍��� 亟舒 从啀�仍舒仍���. 10 仄亳仆���仄 于��舒仍�亠 亟舒 " +"�亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂. �亟舒从舒� �哥�亠仆 仂仆�亠� 亞�仆, ��仍舒仆亠� ��亠舒� ��从��舒从 于��舒� 仍仂亞舒仍亠�." + +#. client too old +#, c-format +msgid "The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at %s" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从���仍�仄仂 从仍亳亠仆� 于亠��亳亶 仗亠� �仂��仂. %s 仄舒��亠 ��仄亟亠" + +#. IP address connecting too frequently +msgid "" +"Your IP address has been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait a " +"minute and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even " +"longer." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 IP-舒亟�亠� 亟亠� ���亢 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从�亟�仆 ��舒仍��� 亟舒 从啀�仍舒仍���. 10 仄亳仆�� 于��舒仍�亠 " +"亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂. �亟舒从舒� �哥�亠仆 仂仆�亠� 亞�仆, ��仍舒仆亠� ��亠舒� ��从��舒从 于��舒� " +"仍仂亞舒仍亠�." + +msgid "The SecurID key entered is invalid" +msgstr "SecurID 仗����仄仂 ��舒于仂� ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Enter SecurID" +msgstr "SecurID-仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "Enter the 6 digit number from the digital display." +msgstr "��亟 �亳��舒仆 仆仂仄亠��仄 �亳�� �从�舒仆 亞�� 仗���仂." + +msgid "Password sent" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 从仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Unable to initialize connection" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 亳仆亳�亳舒仍亳亰亳�仂于舒�仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The user %u has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " +"following reason:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"%u 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� �从亠亢�仄��亞舒亶 舒仄舒仍 亟亠仆亠 亠�舒�舒� 从哥仆亠仆 " +"仂亞�仍:\n" +"%s" + +msgid "ICQ authorization denied." +msgstr "ICQ 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠." + +#. Someone has granted you authorization +#, c-format +msgid "The user %u has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." +msgstr "%u 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� �从亠亢�仄 亠�舒�舒� 从哥仆亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have received a special message\n" +"\n" +"From: %s [%s]\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 仍啀仄�仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆舒�\n" +"\n" +"��: %s [%s]\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have received an ICQ page\n" +"\n" +"From: %s [%s]\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 ICQ-仍舒���从�仄 仆舒仍�仆舒�\n" +"\n" +"(从哥 亟亠�): %s [%s]\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have received an ICQ email from %s [%s]\n" +"\n" +"Message is:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 ICQ E-mail %s [%s]\n" +" 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆舒�\n" +"�舒仍舒��仄舒�:\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "ICQ user %u has sent you a buddy: %s (%s)" +msgstr "%u ICQ 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��仍舒� 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从仂仍�亠仆: %s (%s)" + +msgid "Do you want to add this buddy to your buddy list?" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒��仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "_Add" +msgstr "_��舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Decline" +msgstr "_哘�亟�亢�舒�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was invalid." +msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were invalid." +msgstr[0] "丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亟仂 ��仆 仂亞�仍 仍亳亶�仆." +msgstr[1] "丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, 仆�仆仂 ��仆 仂亞�仍 仍亳亶�仆��." + +#, c-format +msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because it was too large." +msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s because they were too large." +msgstr[0] "丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亟仂 ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�仆." +msgstr[1] "丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, 仆�仆仂 ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�仆��." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You missed %hu message from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." +msgid_plural "" +"You missed %hu messages from %s because the rate limit has been exceeded." +msgstr[0] "" +"丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, 舒从仍�仄舒� ���亢 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��仆." +msgstr[1] "" +"丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, 舒从仍�仄舒� ���亢 亟亠仆亠 从���仍�舒仍��仆." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"You missed %hu message from %s because his/her warning level is too high." +msgid_plural "" +"You missed %hu messages from %s because his/her warning level is too high." +msgstr[0] "" +"丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亟�仆 仗亠� ��从仂 �亳亢�舒��仄舒� �仍仂." +msgstr[1] "" +"丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亟�仆 仗亠� ��从仂 �亳亢�舒��仄舒� �仍仂." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "You missed %hu message from %s because your warning level is too high." +msgid_plural "" +"You missed %hu messages from %s because your warning level is too high." +msgstr[0] "" +"丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亶�仆 仗亠� ��从仂 �亳亢�舒��仄舒� �仍仂." +msgstr[1] "" +"丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亶�仆 仗亠� ��从仂 �亳亢�舒��仄舒� �仍仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "You missed %hu message from %s for an unknown reason." +msgid_plural "You missed %hu messages from %s for an unknown reason." +msgstr[0] "丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍." +msgstr[1] "丐�亶 %hu 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 亟亠� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍." + +msgid "Your AIM connection may be lost." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 AIM ���仄舒� 亶仂仄亟舒��仄亠 仍亳亶�仆 从亠��亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "You have been disconnected from chat room %s." +msgstr "%s �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 亞�� ��亶�仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仄亠." + +msgid "Pop-Up Message" +msgstr "�亶�仆 仍亠从�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "The following username is associated with %s" +msgid_plural "The following usernames are associated with %s" +msgstr[0] "丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 %s 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��仆" +msgstr[1] "�亳仆亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄-于仍舒从 %s 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��仆��" + +#, c-format +msgid "No results found for email address %s" +msgstr "%s E-mail-仍舒仆 仆亳仄仂仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "You should receive an email asking to confirm %s." +msgstr "丐�亶 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 亶仂亟仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 %s E-mail-�仄 仆舒仍�舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "Account Confirmation Requested" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟舒� 亶仂亟仄仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name differs " +"from the original." +msgstr "" +"0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶, 亶仂亟仄仂 仍啀仄 �从亠�仂�舒仆 亟亠� " +"仂亶���亠仄舒仍�亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because it is invalid." +msgstr "" +"0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亢仄 从亠仍���舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶, ��亞舒亶 仍啀仄 仍亳亶�仆 仂从 从亠��." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error 0x%04x: Unable to format username because the requested name is too " +"long." +msgstr "" +"0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶, 亶仂亟仄仂 仍啀仄 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 " +"从�亞�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because there is already a " +"request pending for this username." +msgstr "" +"0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: E-mail-�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, ��亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄仍舒仆 " +"亶仂亟仄舒� 仂仆亟舒从��舒从 仗��亠仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address has " +"too many usernames associated with it." +msgstr "" +"0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: E-mail-�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, �亳亟亠 舒亟�亠� 亟亠仆亠 仗亠� ��从仂 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 从�仍亟舒仍��仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error 0x%04x: Unable to change email address because the given address is " +"invalid." +msgstr "0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: E-mail-�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, �亳亟亠 舒亟�亠� ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Error 0x%04x: Unknown error." +msgstr "0x%04x 亶仂劵�仍��: �舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��." + +msgid "Error Changing Account Info" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "The email address for %s is %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 %s E-mail 舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Account Info" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "" +"Your IM Image was not sent. You must be Direct Connected to send IM Images." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 �啀�亠��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍. 弌啀�亠��仄 从仂仍�舒� ��亶�仆 于亳�� ���仄舒� 仍亳亶�舒�." + +msgid "Unable to set AIM profile." +msgstr "AIM 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"You have probably requested to set your profile before the login procedure " +"completed. Your profile remains unset; try setting it again when you are " +"fully connected." +msgstr "" +"���仆亳, ��亶 仗���仄舒��仄 仄��舒�仍�亟亠 仗�仂�亳仍�亠��仆 ����仄舒��仄 亶仂亟�仆舒�. 丐�亶�仆 仗�仂�亳仍� " +"���舒仍�亟亠 从仂亟亠�; 从�仆舒仄 �啀���仆亠从 ���仄仂 仍亳��, ��亟�仄 ��亠 亳从亞舒仆舒 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The maximum profile length of %d byte has been exceeded. It has been " +"truncated for you." +msgid_plural "" +"The maximum profile length of %d bytes has been exceeded. It has been " +"truncated for you." +msgstr[0] "" +"��仂�亳仍� 从�亞�� �仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�舒� 亟亠� %d 弍舒亶� 从�亞��舒从. ��仂�亳仍��仄 从啀��从亠仄亟�仄亠." +msgstr[1] "" +"��仂�亳仍� 从�亞�� �仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�舒� 亟亠� %d 弍舒亶� 从�亞��舒从 . ��仂�亳仍��仄 从啀��从亠仄亟�仄亠." + +msgid "Profile too long." +msgstr "��仂�亳仍� ���亢 亟亠仆亠 从�亞�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The maximum away message length of %d byte has been exceeded. It has been " +"truncated for you." +msgid_plural "" +"The maximum away message length of %d bytes has been exceeded. It has been " +"truncated for you." +msgstr[0] "" +"丕从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 从�亞�� �仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�舒� 亟亠� %d 弍舒亶�仍舒仆 从�亞��舒从. 丕从亠 " +"�仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从啀��从亠仄亟�仄亠." +msgstr[1] "" +"丕从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 从�亞�� �仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�舒� 亟亠� %d 弍舒亶�仍舒仆 从�亞��舒从. 丕从亠 " +"�仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从啀��从亠仄亟�仄亠." + +msgid "Away message too long." +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to add the buddy %s because the username is invalid. Usernames must " +"be a valid email address, or start with a letter and contain only letters, " +"numbers and spaces, or contain only numbers." +msgstr "" +"%s 仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 亶仂劵�仍��. �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 " +"E-mail 舒亟�亠� 仍亳亶�舒� 舒仍亠 弍�从于舒 亞�� �啀劵舒仍�舒� 亟舒 弍�从于舒, �亳�� 亟舒 ��舒于亠� 亞�� " +"�仂亞��舒�, 舒仍亠 �亳�� 亞�� 亞�仆舒 �仂亞��舒�." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to Retrieve Buddy List" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "" +"The AIM servers were temporarily unable to send your buddy list. Your buddy " +"list is not lost, and will probably become available in a few minutes." +msgstr "" +"�舒仗仍舒仆 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 AIM �亠�于亠�-于仍舒从 亞�� 仗���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." +"���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亶仂仄�仆 仂亞�仍, 仂��仆亳, 亳从仄�仆�� �舒� 亞�� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仍亳亠�." + +msgid "Orphans" +msgstr "丐�仍�从-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to add the buddy %s because you have too many buddies in your buddy " +"list. Please remove one and try again." +msgstr "" +"%s 仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 仗亠� ��从仂 仄��仍舒仆��亠 " +"�仍��. �从��亢�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠 亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "(no name)" +msgstr "(仍啀仄 �从亠)" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to add the buddy %s for an unknown reason." +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 %s 仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"The user %s has given you permission to add him or her to your buddy list. " +"Do you want to add this user?" +msgstr "" +"%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� �从亠亢�仄 亠�舒�舒� 从哥仆亠仆. 丐亳亟亠 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒��仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Authorization Given" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仗��仄仂" + +#. Granted +#, c-format +msgid "The user %s has granted your request to add them to your buddy list." +msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� �从亠亢�仄 亠�舒�舒� 从哥仆亠仆." + +msgid "Authorization Granted" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶仍舒仆 仗仂��仄 仗��仄仂" + +#. Denied +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The user %s has denied your request to add them to your buddy list for the " +"following reason:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� �从亠亢�仄 亠�舒�舒� 于亠� 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 从哥仆亠仆 " +"仂亞�仍:\n" +"%s" + +msgid "Authorization Denied" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠" + +msgid "_Exchange:" +msgstr "_�仍仄舒�:" + +msgid "Your IM Image was not sent. You cannot send IM Images in AIM chats." +msgstr "" +"弌啀�亠��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍. AIM �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 ��亶 �啀�亠�-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂� 从亠��." + +msgid "iTunes Music Store Link" +msgstr "iTunes 仄���仄 (�亠仄�仄) 舒仆�从仍�仄舒� 从�仍于亠�" + +msgid "Lunch" +msgstr "�亠�于舒仍 从仂�从��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Buddy Comment for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆���仆 仂亶仗亠仍亠�����亢亠" + +msgid "Buddy Comment:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 仂亶仗亠仍亠�����亢亠:" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have selected to open a Direct IM connection with %s." +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ��亶 于亳�� ���仄舒��仄 仗仂�舒� 仂亶��亠仆 仆舒仍�仆舒�." + +msgid "" +"Because this reveals your IP address, it may be considered a security risk. " +"Do you wish to continue?" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 ��亶�仆 IP-舒亟�亠�亠��仄 仗仂�亠�, �舒亟仍舒仆 �亳亟亠 舒亰舒仗舒仆 仗舒�舒仍舒仆 仍啀亟�从��仍�从�仄 " +"从仂仆亟亠仆 从亠��亠�. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "C_onnect" +msgstr "_丕��仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "You closed the connection." +msgstr "丐�亶 ���仄舒��仄 仗亠���亠仆舒�." + +msgid "Get AIM Info" +msgstr "AIM �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +#. We only do this if the user is in our buddy list +msgid "Edit Buddy Comment" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 仂亶仗亠仍亠�����亢�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Get X-Status Msg" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "End Direct IM Session" +msgstr "�亳�� ���仄舒��仄 ����仄亠" + +msgid "Direct IM" +msgstr "�亳�� ���仄舒�" + +msgid "Re-request Authorization" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 �亞�� 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Require authorization" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟�仆 亶仂亟舒�" + +msgid "Web aware (enabling this will cause you to receive SPAM!)" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 web-仍舒���从仍舒��亠 (弌��� 从仂亶�仍舒仍�仄舒��仄 从仂仆亟舒!)" + +msgid "ICQ Privacy Options" +msgstr "ICQ 仗�亳于舒�仍�从 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "The new formatting is invalid." +msgstr "丕 �仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Username formatting can change only capitalization and whitespace." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 �仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶 弍�从于舒 亟舒 ��舒于亠� �亠亞亳���仍舒仆 于亠仍亠 于仍亳��仍亠仆 " +"从亠��亠�." + +msgid "Change Address To:" +msgstr "�亟�亠��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒� (仄仂亞舒亶仍舒仆):" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "you are not waiting for authorization" +msgstr "<i>��亶 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仂� 于��仂</i>" + +msgid "You are awaiting authorization from the following buddies" +msgstr "丐�亶 �仄弍舒从��亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 于��亠�" + +msgid "" +"You can re-request authorization from these buddies by right-clicking on " +"them and selecting \"Re-request Authorization.\"" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 仆亳仆亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠� �亞�� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 亶仂亟�仆 从亠��舒�, �亳亟仍舒仆 从仂仍�仆 " +"仗��仍舒 仗仂仍亟���亢�仄 �亠仄亟舒仍 亟舒 仂亶��仂 \"�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 �亞�� 亶仂亟仄舒�\"." + +msgid "Find Buddy by Email" +msgstr "E-mail 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄 仄�舒�" + +msgid "Search for a buddy by email address" +msgstr "�-mail 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从��舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Type the email address of the buddy you are searching for." +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 E-mail 舒亟�亠���仄 �舒于�从�亠, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 从��舒仍舒�." + +msgid "_Search" +msgstr "_���舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Set User Info (web)..." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 (web) ��仆亟舒�..." + +#. This only happens when connecting with the old-style BUCP login +msgid "Change Password (web)" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒� (web)" + +msgid "Configure IM Forwarding (web)" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 仗亠�亠舒亟�亠�舒�亳亶�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒� (web)" + +#. ICQ actions +msgid "Set Privacy Options..." +msgstr "��亳于舒�仍�从 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从�仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Show Visible List" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 _仍啀仄亠��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Show Invisible List" +msgstr "唹亢仄舒� 仍啀仄亠�" + +#. AIM actions +msgid "Confirm Account" +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟舒�" + +msgid "Display Currently Registered Email Address" +msgstr "��亰���亠 于仂亰�从��仄仂 E-mail 舒亟�亠��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Change Currently Registered Email Address..." +msgstr "��亰���亠 于仂亰�从��仄仂 E-mail 舒亟�亠��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +msgid "Show Buddies Awaiting Authorization" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Search for Buddy by Email Address..." +msgstr "E-mail 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从��舒仍舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Don't use encryption" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟�仆 亶仂亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Use clientLogin" +msgstr "clientLogin-�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"Always use AIM/ICQ proxy server for\n" +"file transfers and direct IM (slower,\n" +"but does not reveal your IP address)" +msgstr "" +"AIM/ICQ\n" +" 仗�仂从�亳-�亠�于亠��仄 �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒�仍舒仆 亟舒 于亳�� ���仄舒�仍舒仆\n" +" ��亠 从���仍�舒�(��从�仆�舒从�仆, ��亶�仆 IP-舒亟�亠��仄 仂从 仗仂�)" + +msgid "Allow multiple simultaneous logins" +msgstr "丿�从仂 亳从亞舒仆舒��亠 仗���仄舒�仍舒仆 从哥仆舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Asking %s to connect to us at %s:%hu for Direct IM." +msgstr "%s 于亳�� 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍舒�仍舒仆 仄亠仄仆舒仆 亟亠从亠 ��仆舒� %s:%hu -��亠 亶仂亟舒仄." + +#, c-format +msgid "Attempting to connect to %s:%hu." +msgstr "%s:%hu 亟亠仆亠 ��仆舒� �哥��仄舒�." + +msgid "Attempting to connect via proxy server." +msgstr "��仂从�亳-�亠�于亠� 亞仂� ��仆舒� �哥��仄舒�." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has just asked to directly connect to %s" +msgstr "%s 从�亰�� 亞�仆舒 %s 亟亠仆亠 于亳�� ���仄舒��仄 亶仂亟�仆" + +msgid "" +"This requires a direct connection between the two computers and is necessary " +"for IM Images. Because your IP address will be revealed, this may be " +"considered a privacy risk." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 从仂从 从仂仄仗���亠��仄 于亳�� ��舒� 从啀��舒 亟舒 IM �啀�亠�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 从啀仍亠�. 丐�亶�仆 IP-" +"舒亟�亠�亠� 仗仂�仄仂 仍亳亠�, �舒仆亟亠仆亠 �亳亟亠 仗�亳于舒�仍�从仍舒仆 舒亰舒仗舒仆 仗舒�舒仄 从仂仆亟亠仆 从亠��亠�." + +msgid "Invalid SNAC" +msgstr "SNAC ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Server rate limit exceeded" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仗亳��仍�从 ����仄 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Client rate limit exceeded" +msgstr "�仍亳亠仆� 仗亳��仍�从 ����仄 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Service unavailable" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Service not defined" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 �舒�亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Obsolete SNAC" +msgstr "丐仂��仂 SNAC" + +msgid "Not supported by host" +msgstr "丱仂��仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "Not supported by client" +msgstr "�仍亳亠仆�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "Refused by client" +msgstr "�仍亳亠仆� 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆" + +msgid "Reply too big" +msgstr "�亠� 从�亞� 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "Responses lost" +msgstr "�舒�仄��-于仍舒从 亶仂仄�仆��" + +msgid "Request denied" +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠" + +msgid "Busted SNAC payload" +msgstr "SNAC 仗舒亶亟舒仍亠 仆亠仍���仄 仗�亟����仄仂" + +msgid "Insufficient rights" +msgstr "�哥仆 仂从 �亳�亠" + +msgid "In local permit/deny" +msgstr "�亠����亠 ���舒� 仗��仄舒�/从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Warning level too high (sender)" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 从啀从��� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞� (从仂仍���仂)" + +msgid "Warning level too high (receiver)" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 从啀从��� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞� (仆舒仍�亠)" + +msgid "User temporarily unavailable" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "No match" +msgstr "�从亞舒亶 �从亠" + +msgid "List overflow" +msgstr "�啀仄亠� �亳�仄舒� �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "Request ambiguous" +msgstr "�仂从�亠仍舒仆��亠 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Queue full" +msgstr "丼亠�亠� �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "Not while on AOL" +msgstr "AOL-���仂 仂亞�仍" + +#. Label +msgid "Buddy Icon" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠�" + +msgid "Voice" +msgstr "��从" + +msgid "AIM Direct IM" +msgstr "AIM 于亳�� ���仄舒�" + +msgid "Get File" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Games" +msgstr "�仂亟��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "ICQ Xtraz" +msgstr "ICQ Xtraz" + +msgid "Add-Ins" +msgstr "��舒����-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Send Buddy List" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "ICQ Direct Connect" +msgstr "ICQ 亟亠仆亠 于亳�� ��舒�" + +msgid "AP User" +msgstr "AP 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "ICQ RTF" +msgstr "ICQ RTF" + +msgid "Nihilist" +msgstr "�亳亞亳仍亳��" + +msgid "ICQ Server Relay" +msgstr "ICQ �亠仍亠 �亠�于亠�" + +msgid "Old ICQ UTF8" +msgstr "丐仂��仂 ICQ UTF8" + +msgid "Trillian Encryption" +msgstr "Trillian �亳��仂于舒仆亳亶" + +msgid "ICQ UTF8" +msgstr "ICQ UTF8" + +msgid "Hiptop" +msgstr "�啀�从哥" + +msgid "Security Enabled" +msgstr "�啀亟�从��仍�从�仄 �啀从��仄哥" + +msgid "Video Chat" +msgstr "�亳亟亠仂�舒�" + +msgid "iChat AV" +msgstr "iChat AV" + +msgid "Live Video" +msgstr "�仍��亠 于亳亟亠仂" + +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "�舒仄亠�" + +msgid "Screen Sharing" +msgstr "亅从�舒仆�仄 仗��仍� 从���仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "IP Address" +msgstr "IP-舒亟�亠�" + +msgid "Warning Level" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 从啀从���" + +msgid "Buddy Comment" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 仂亶仗亠仍亠�����亢亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "User information not available: %s" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "Mobile Phone" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆" + +msgid "Personal Web Page" +msgstr "丿从亠 于仂�-仍舒���从" + +#. aim_userinfo_t +#. use_html_status +msgid "Additional Information" +msgstr "��舒���� �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Zip Code" +msgstr "�仆亟亠从�" + +msgid "Work Information" +msgstr "�舒�舒 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Division" +msgstr "�哥仍从舒" + +msgid "Position" +msgstr "弌仂仄�仍于亠�" + +msgid "Web Page" +msgstr "�仂�-仍舒���从" + +msgid "Online Since" +msgstr "�仂����仂 (从��亠�)" + +msgid "Member Since" +msgstr "��亢�亠劵" + +msgid "Capabilities" +msgstr "乘劵亞舒亶仍�从-于仍舒从" + +#. Translators: This string is a menu option that, if selected, will cause +#. you to appear online to the chosen user even when your status is set to +#. Invisible. +msgid "Appear Online" +msgstr "�仂����仂 从仂亠�" + +#. Translators: This string is a menu option that, if selected, will cause +#. you to appear offline to the chosen user when your status is set to +#. Invisible (this is the default). +#, fuzzy +msgid "Don't Appear Online" +msgstr "�仂����仂 从仂亠�" + +#. Translators: This string is a menu option that, if selected, will cause +#. you to always appear offline to the chosen user (even when your status +#. isn't Invisible). +msgid "Appear Offline" +msgstr "���仆亳, 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#. Translators: This string is a menu option that, if selected, will cause +#. you to appear offline to the chosen user if you are invisible, and +#. appear online to the chosen user if you are not invisible (this is the +#. default). +#, fuzzy +msgid "Don't Appear Offline" +msgstr "���仆亳, 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "you have no buddies on this list" +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 仗仂从�亠仆 仍�从��仆��: (%s)" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"You can add a buddy to this list by right-clicking on them and selecting \"%s" +"\"" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 仆亳仆亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠� �亞�� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 亶仂亟�仆 从亠��舒�, �亳亟仍舒仆 从仂仍�仆 " +"仗��仍舒 仗仂仍亟���亢�仄 �亠仄亟舒仍 亟舒 仂亶��仂 \"�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 �亞�� 亶仂亟仄舒�\"." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Visible List" +msgstr "丕亢舒� 仍亳亶仄亠" + +msgid "These buddies will see your status when you switch to \"Invisible\"" +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invisible List" +msgstr "唹亢仄舒� 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "These buddies will always see you as offline" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Aquarius" +msgstr "�啀亟亶仂从�舒���亠" + +msgid "Pisces" +msgstr "�仂仍" + +msgid "Aries" +msgstr "丿仂��从" + +msgid "Taurus" +msgstr "��亠亰亠" + +msgid "Gemini" +msgstr "��亞��" + +msgid "Cancer" +msgstr "�舒从" + +msgid "Leo" +msgstr "�亠于" + +msgid "Virgo" +msgstr "唹亟��" + +msgid "Libra" +msgstr "�亳�舒" + +msgid "Scorpio" +msgstr "弌从仂�仗亳仂仆" + +msgid "Sagittarius" +msgstr "�亳从��亰亠" + +msgid "Capricorn" +msgstr "��从舒亰舒" + +msgid "Rat" +msgstr "�仂仄舒从" + +msgid "Ox" +msgstr "唹�从�亢" + +msgid "Tiger" +msgstr "丐亳亞�" + +msgid "Rabbit" +msgstr "��仂仍亳从" + +msgid "Dragon" +msgstr "��舒从仂仆" + +msgid "Snake" +msgstr "�亳�从亠" + +msgid "Horse" +msgstr "�仄仆亠" + +msgid "Goat" +msgstr "�舒亰舒" + +msgid "Monkey" +msgstr "�舒亶仄�仍" + +msgid "Rooster" +msgstr "�亞��舒仆" + +msgid "Dog" +msgstr "�亳亶" + +msgid "Pig" +msgstr "弌哥�仆舒" + +msgid "Other" +msgstr "�亠�亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "丕亢舒� 仍亳亶仄亠" + +msgid "Friend Only" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒� 亞�仆舒" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Private" +msgstr "��亳于舒�" + +msgid "QQ Number" +msgstr "QQ 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Country/Region" +msgstr "亅仍/��仆亟亠仄" + +msgid "Province/State" +msgstr "��仆亟亠仄/丿�舒�" + +msgid "Zipcode" +msgstr "�仆亟亠从�" + +msgid "Phone Number" +msgstr "丐亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Authorize adding" +msgstr "��舒于舒仄 仗��仆 亠�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Cellphone Number" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�" + +msgid "Personal Introduction" +msgstr "丿从亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 仗舒仍�仄�仄 ���舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "City/Area" +msgstr "�仍舒/��仆亟亠仄" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Publish Mobile" +msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆�仄 �舒于�从�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Publish Contact" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍�仄 �舒于�从�舒�" + +msgid "College" +msgstr "�仂仍仍亠亟亢" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Horoscope" +msgstr "�仂�仂�从仂仗" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Zodiac" +msgstr "�仂亟亳舒从 �舒仄亞舒" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Blood" +msgstr "�啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "True" +msgstr "丼�仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "False" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Modify Contact" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Modify Address" +msgstr "�亟�亠��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Modify Extended Information" +msgstr "��仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Modify Information" +msgstr "丕于亠�舒劵舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Update" +msgstr "丕�仄亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Could not change buddy information." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��." + +msgid "Note" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�" + +#. callback +msgid "Buddy Memo" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 亳亰亳�亠����亢亠" + +msgid "Change his/her memo as you like" +msgstr "丐�亟�仆 亳亰亳�亠����亢�仄 从�亰亠 �仂仆亠�, ��亞亠 于舒��舒仍�亠" + +msgid "_Modify" +msgstr "�舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Memo Modify" +msgstr "�亰亳�亠����仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Server says:" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仂亶仍舒:" + +msgid "Your request was accepted." +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒�亠��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仄亠." + +msgid "Your request was rejected." +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒�亠��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%u requires verification: %s" +msgstr "%u �亠�亞�仄舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟�仆 亶仂亟亠�: %s" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Add buddy question" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 亶仂亟���亢�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enter answer here" +msgstr "�舒�仄���仄 ����亠 仗���仂" + +msgid "Send" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid answer." +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 于舒�仄��." + +msgid "Authorization denied message:" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�:" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Sorry, you're not my style." +msgstr "��亠� 亳� 仆舒仍, ��亶 ��仆亠� 亟亠仆亠 仄�仍舒仄 仂� 从亠仍�亠..." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%u needs authorization" +msgstr "%u 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟�仆 亶仂亟亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Add buddy authorize" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enter request here" +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒��仄 ����亠 仗���仂" + +msgid "Would you be my friend?" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒�亠仄 仍亳��?" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "QQ Buddy" +msgstr "QQ 仄��仍舒仆��亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Add buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid QQ Number" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 QQ 仆仂仄亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Failed sending authorize" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Failed removing buddy %u" +msgstr "%u 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Failed removing me from %d's buddy list" +msgstr "%d 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仄�亶�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "No reason given" +msgstr "�仄舒仍亢亠 仗舒仍亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. only need to get value +#, c-format +msgid "You have been added by %s" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 亠�舒�亠仆" + +msgid "Would you like to add him?" +msgstr "丐�亟�仄 亠�舒��仆亠�?" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Rejected by %s" +msgstr "%s 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Message: %s" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�: %s" + +msgid "ID: " +msgstr "ID: " + +msgid "Group ID" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仆 ID-亢亠" + +msgid "QQ Qun" +msgstr "QQ Qun" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Please enter Qun number" +msgstr "Qun 仆仂仄亠��仄 仗���仂" + +msgid "You can only search for permanent Qun\n" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��亠舒从 仍亳亶�亠 Qun-仍舒仆 亞�仆舒 从��舒仍�仆 从亠��舒�\n" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "(Invalid UTF-8 string)" +msgstr "(�仂劵�仍�� UTF-8 从仂�仆仂)" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Not member" +msgstr "��亢�亠劵 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Member" +msgstr "��亢�亠劵" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Requesting" +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "�亳从�舒���亠" + +#. XXX: Should this be "Topic"? +#, fuzzy +msgid "Room Title" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Notice" +msgstr "丕于亠��舒��仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Detail" +msgstr "�舒�仍�从" + +msgid "Creator" +msgstr "乘����亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "About me" +msgstr "��亶�仆 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Category" +msgstr "�舒�亠亞仂�亳亶" + +msgid "The Qun does not allow others to join" +msgstr "Qun 于亠�亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 ��舒� 仂从 从亠仍�亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Join QQ Qun" +msgstr "QQ Qun 亟亠从亠 ��舒�" + +msgid "Input request here" +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒��仄 ����亠 仗���仂" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Successfully joined Qun %s (%u)" +msgstr "Qun %s (%u) 亟亠从亠 ��亠仆 ��舒仍��仆舒�" + +msgid "Successfully joined Qun" +msgstr "Qun 亟亠从亠 ��亠仆 ��舒仍��仆舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Qun %u denied from joining" +msgstr "Qun %u ��仆舒�仍舒仆 �舒��仄舒��仄 ��仆亟亠仆" + +msgid "QQ Qun Operation" +msgstr "QQ Qun 仂仗亠�舒�亳亶" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Failed:" +msgstr "�亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍:" + +msgid "Join Qun, Unknown Reply" +msgstr "Qun ��仆舒�, �舒仍�亟�仄亠 于舒�仄��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Quit Qun" +msgstr "Qun 亞�� 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "" +"Note, if you are the creator, \n" +"this operation will eventually remove this Qun." +msgstr "" +"�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒仆, ��亶 仆亠亞�亰仍��亠 �仍舒� 亞�仆, \n" +"�亳亟亠 仂仗亠�舒�亳亶 仄��舒�仍舒仆 �亳亟亠 Qun -�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Sorry, you are not our style" +msgstr "��亠� 亳� 仆舒仍, ��亶 仄�仍舒仆仆舒 ��仆亠� 亟亠仆亠 仂� 从亠仍�亠..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Successfully changed Qun members" +msgstr "Qun 亶�亢�亠劵-于仍舒从 ��亠仆 于舒��舒仍��仆��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Successfully changed Qun information" +msgstr "Qun �于亠�舒劵舒� ��亠仆 于舒��舒仍��仆" + +msgid "You have successfully created a Qun" +msgstr "丐�亶 Qun-仄 ��亠仆 �������" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Would you like to set up detailed information now?" +msgstr "丐�亶 从�亰�� �舒�仍�从 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��仆亟�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Setup" +msgstr "丿�仆亟�仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%u requested to join Qun %u for %s" +msgstr "%u Qun %u -仄 %s -仍舒仆 ��舒� 亶仂亟�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%u request to join Qun %u" +msgstr "%u Qun %u ��舒� 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Failed to join Qun %u, operated by admin %u" +msgstr "Qun %u ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, 从�亟�仄 %u 于亳从�舒���亠 ���亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Joining Qun %u is approved by admin %u for %s</b>" +msgstr "<b>Qun %u ���仄舒��仄 %u 于亳从�舒���亠 亟亠仆亠 %s -仍舒仆 仆舒仍仄亠</b>" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>Removed buddy %u.</b>" +msgstr "<b>%u 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仄亠.</b>" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>New buddy %u joined.</b>" +msgstr "<b>%u � 仄��仍舒仆���仄 ���仄仂.</b>" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown-%d" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠-%d" + +msgid "Level" +msgstr "�啀从���" + +msgid " VIP" +msgstr " VIP" + +msgid " TCP" +msgstr " TCP" + +msgid " FromMobile" +msgstr " �仂弍亳仍 亞��" + +msgid " BindMobile" +msgstr " �仂弍亳仍 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid " Video" +msgstr " �亳亟亠仂" + +msgid " Zone" +msgstr " �仂仆舒" + +msgid "Flag" +msgstr "丐亳��亠" + +msgid "Ver" +msgstr "�亠�" + +msgid "Invalid name" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Select icon..." +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠��仄 仂亶��舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Login time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�仂����仂 亢舒仗</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Total Online Buddies</b>: %d<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�仂����仂 ��仍舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠</b>: %d<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Last Refresh</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>���舒���� ��仄亟�仄舒�</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>Server</b>: %s<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>弌亠�于亠�</b>: %s<br>\n" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>Client Tag</b>: %s<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�仍亳亠仆� �亠亞</b>: %s<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Connection Mode</b>: %s<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>丕��仄舒� �亠亢亳仄</b>: %s<br>\n" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>My Internet IP</b>: %s:%d<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>��亶�仆 亳仆�亠�仆亠� IP</b>: %s:%d<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Sent</b>: %lu<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�仂仍��仄仂</b>: %lu<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Resend</b>: %lu<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>丕亞�� 从仂仍�舒�</b>: %lu<br>\n" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>Lost</b>: %lu<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�仂仄亟舒��仄亠</b>: %lu<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Received</b>: %lu<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�舒仍仄亠</b>: %lu<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Received Duplicate</b>: %lu<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�仂仗亳亶�仄 仆舒仍仄亠</b>: %lu<br>\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Time</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>�舒仗</b>: %d-%d-%d, %d:%d:%d<br>\n" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "<b>IP</b>: %s<br>\n" +msgstr "<b>IP</b>: %s<br>\n" + +msgid "Login Information" +msgstr "����仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "<p><b>Original Author</b>:<br>\n" +msgstr "<p><b>丿从亠�仂�舒仆 �亠���仂亰舒</b>:<br>\n" + +msgid "<p><b>Code Contributors</b>:<br>\n" +msgstr "<p><b>��仂亞�舒仄仄亳��-于仍舒从</b>:<br>\n" + +msgid "<p><b>Lovely Patch Writers</b>:<br>\n" +msgstr "<p><b>�舒���仄 亶哥�舒�亠仆 ��仆亟��亠 �亠��亰亠-于仍舒从</b>:<br>\n" + +msgid "<p><b>Acknowledgement</b>:<br>\n" +msgstr "<p><b>�亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄舒�</b>:<br>\n" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "<p><b>Scrupulous Testers</b>:<br>\n" +msgstr "<p><b>弌从��仗�仍�亰 �亠��亠�-于仍舒从</b>:<br>\n" + +msgid "and more, please let me know... thank you!))" +msgstr "亟舒 ��亠, 仄�亶�仄 仗舒仍亟舒�亠... �舒�!))" + +msgid "<p><i>And, all the boys in the backroom...</i><br>\n" +msgstr "<p><i>丼�仍舒 仗哥��亠劵-于仍舒从 �亠劵亞亠仍 仗哥仍亠仄���亠 �仍��...</i><br>\n" + +msgid "<i>Feel free to join us!</i> :)" +msgstr "<i>�亠仄仆舒仆 亟亠从亠 ��仆仂, ���从舒仆 仍亳亶!</i> :)" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "About OpenQ %s" +msgstr "%s OpenQ 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Change Icon" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Account Information" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Update all QQ Quns" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 QQ Quns-仄 ��仄亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "About OpenQ" +msgstr "OpenQ 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Modify Buddy Memo" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 亳亰亳�亠����亢�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +#, fuzzy +msgid "QQ Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "QQ 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Auto" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Select Server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠��仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "QQ2005" +msgstr "QQ2005" + +msgid "QQ2007" +msgstr "QQ2007" + +msgid "QQ2008" +msgstr "QQ2008" + +msgid "Connect by TCP" +msgstr "TCP 亟亠仆亠 ��仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Show server notice" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �于亠��舒��仄舒��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Show server news" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠��仆 �于亠�-于仍舒从��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Show chat room when msg comes" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� �仂仍仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Keep alive interval (seconds)" +msgstr "丼仂仆舒仆 从仂从仍舒仄 从��舒� (�舒�-于仍舒从)" + +msgid "Update interval (seconds)" +msgstr "�仂从仍舒仄 ��仄亟舒� (�舒�-于仍舒从)" + +msgid "Unable to decrypt server reply" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 于舒�仄�� �亳���仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failed requesting token, 0x%02X" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠, 0x%02X" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Invalid token len, %d" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 从�亢���仄 仆舒仍仄亠, %d" + +#. extend redirect used in QQ2006 +msgid "Redirect_EX is not currently supported" +msgstr "Redirect_EX-仍舒仆 从�亰�� 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#. need activation +#. need activation +#. need activation +#, fuzzy +msgid "Activation required" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 从啀仍亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown reply code when logging in (0x%02X)" +msgstr "����仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 于舒�仄�� 从仂亟 (0x%02X)" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Requesting captcha" +msgstr "丼�仆仍亠 从仂亟�仄 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Checking captcha" +msgstr "丼�仆仍亠 从仂亟�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Failed captcha verification" +msgstr "丼�仆仍亠 从仂亟�仄 �亠�亞亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Captcha Image" +msgstr "丼�仆仍�仄舒� 亳亰亳�啀�亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enter code" +msgstr "�仂亟�仄 仗���仂" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "QQ Captcha Verification" +msgstr "QQ ��仆仍亠 从仂亟�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enter the text from the image" +msgstr "弌啀�亠� 亟亠仆亠 �亠从���仄 仗���仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown reply when checking password (0x%02X)" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 �亠�亞�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 于舒�仄�� 从仂亟 (0x%02X)" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unknown reply code when logging in (0x%02X):\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"����仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 于舒�仄�� 从仂亟 (0x%02X):\n" +"%s" + +msgid "Socket error" +msgstr "弌仂从亠� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Getting server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠��仄 仆舒仍仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Requesting token" +msgstr "�舒�从亠��仄 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to resolve hostname" +msgstr "丱仂��仍啀仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid server or port" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 舒仍亠 仗仂�� ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connecting to server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "QQ Error" +msgstr "QQ 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"Server News:\n" +"%s\n" +"%s\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� �于亠�-于仍舒从:\n" +"%s\n" +"%s\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s:%s" +msgstr "%s:%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "From %s:" +msgstr "%s 亟亠�:" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Server notice From %s: \n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"%s 亟亠� �亠�于亠� �于亠��舒��仄舒�: \n" +"%s" + +msgid "Unknown SERVER CMD" +msgstr "弌�����乘� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 �������" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error reply of %s(0x%02X)\n" +"Room %u, reply 0x%02X" +msgstr "" +"�舒�仄�� 亶仂劵�仍�� 仂�于亠�舒 %s(0x%02X)\n" +"%u 仗哥仍亠仄, 0x%02X 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "QQ Qun Command" +msgstr "QQ Qun 从仂仄舒仆亟亠" + +msgid "Unable to decrypt login reply" +msgstr "����仄舒� 于舒�仄���仆 �亳���仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unknown LOGIN CMD" +msgstr "�丕�乘��丿乘� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 �������" + +msgid "Unknown CLIENT CMD" +msgstr "�����丐乘� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 �������" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d has declined the file %s" +msgstr "%d %s �舒亶仍�仄 亶哥��从�亠仆" + +msgid "File Send" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d cancelled the transfer of %s" +msgstr "%d %s 从仂仍��仄�仄 �舒�亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Group Title:</b> %s<br>" +msgstr "<b>丐啀�从舒 于�亶仄��:</b> %s<br>" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Notes Group ID:</b> %s<br>" +msgstr "<b>�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� �啀�从舒仆 ID:</b> %s<br>" + +#, c-format +msgid "Info for Group %s" +msgstr "%s �啀�从舒仍舒仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Notes Address Book Information" +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Invite Group to Conference..." +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�� �啀�从舒仄 啀亢舒�..." + +msgid "Get Notes Address Book Info" +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Sending Handshake" +msgstr "�亳亟 从���仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Waiting for Handshake Acknowledgement" +msgstr "�亳亟 从���仄舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟舒� 于��舒�" + +msgid "Handshake Acknowledged, Sending Login" +msgstr "�亳亟 从���仄舒��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠, 仗���仄舒� 仍啀仄�仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Waiting for Login Acknowledgement" +msgstr "����仄舒� 仍啀仄�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄�仄 于��舒�" + +msgid "Login Redirected" +msgstr "����仄仂 仍啀仄�仄 于亠� 于亠�亠 从仂仍��仄仂" + +msgid "Forcing Login" +msgstr "�亳亠� 仗���仄舒�" + +msgid "Login Acknowledged" +msgstr "����仄仂 仍啀仄�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠" + +msgid "Starting Services" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂-于仍舒从�仄 �啀劵舒仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"A Sametime administrator has issued the following announcement on server %s" +msgstr "��亰���亠 于亳从�舒���亠 �亳亟亠 �于亠��舒��仄舒��仄 %s �亠�于亠����亠 仍�从��仆" + +msgid "Sametime Administrator Announcement" +msgstr "��亰���亠 于亳从�舒����仆 �于亠��舒��仄舒��亢亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Announcement from %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠� �于亠��舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Conference Closed" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 仗亠����仄亠" + +msgid "Unable to send message: " +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: " + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send message to %s:" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍:" + +msgid "Place Closed" +msgstr "�亠��仄 仗亠����仄亠" + +msgid "Microphone" +msgstr "�亳从�仂�仂仆" + +msgid "Speakers" +msgstr "�啀从从�亞亠仄亟��" + +msgid "Video Camera" +msgstr "�亳亟亠仂从舒仄亠�" + +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Supports" +msgstr "亅劵亠��舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "External User" +msgstr "丐啀亢于舒仍 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Create conference with user" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆亠 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter a topic for the new conference, and an invitation message to be " +"sent to %s" +msgstr "" +"丕 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶仍舒仆 亟舒 啀亢仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�仍舒仆 �亠仄�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟仂 %s -仍舒仆 从仂仍��仄仂 仍亳亠�" + +msgid "New Conference" +msgstr "丕 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶" + +msgid "Create" +msgstr "乘��舒�" + +msgid "Available Conferences" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Create New Conference..." +msgstr "丕 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���舒�..." + +msgid "Invite user to a conference" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�� 啀亢舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Select a conference from the list below to send an invite to user %s. Select " +"\"Create New Conference\" if you'd like to create a new conference to invite " +"this user to." +msgstr "" +"%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 啀亢仄舒��仄仄 从仂仍�舒�仍舒仆 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 啀仍仆哥 仂亶��仂. " +"丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 � 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�� 啀亢仆亠� 亞�仆, \"丕 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���舒�\" 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "Invite to Conference" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�� 啀亢舒�" + +msgid "Invite to Conference..." +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�� 啀亢舒�..." + +msgid "Send TEST Announcement" +msgstr "丐�弌丐 �于亠��舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Topic:" +msgstr "丐亠仄亠:" + +msgid "No Sametime Community Server specified" +msgstr "��亰���亠 仄亠� �亠�于亠��仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"No host or IP address has been configured for the Meanwhile account %s. " +"Please enter one below to continue logging in." +msgstr "" +"%s 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 仆亳 �仂���仄, 仆亳 IP-舒亟�亠��仄 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 仂亞�仍. " +"����仄舒��仄 ���� 啀仍仆哥 亳从�舒亢-仄仂仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Meanwhile Connection Setup" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 ���仄舒��仄 ��仆亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "No Sametime Community Server Specified" +msgstr "��亰���亠 仄亠� �亠�于亠��仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown (0x%04x)<br>" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 (0x%04x)<br>" + +msgid "Last Known Client" +msgstr "���舒���� 仗舒仍�仄亠 从仍亳亠仆�" + +msgid "User Name" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Sametime ID" +msgstr "��亰���亠 ID" + +msgid "An ambiguous user ID was entered" +msgstr "�仂从�亠仍舒仆��亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ID-仄 仗����仄仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. Please " +"select the correct user from the list below to add them to your buddy list." +msgstr "" +"'%s' 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂� �仄弍舒从��亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 从仂从仍舒 亞�� 从亠�-从哥 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��仆 " +"从亠��亠�. ���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 仆�仆�仆 从仂从仍舒 亞�� 亳从��亢�仄 亠�舒�舒� ��亟�仄 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� " +"啀仍仆哥 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "Select User" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Unable to add user: user not found" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒� �� 仍亳亶: 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community. This " +"entry has been removed from your buddy list." +msgstr "" +"'%s' 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂� ��亶�仆 从�亰���亠 仄亠����亠 亳从 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆舒� 仂从 仍舒�亠��亠. " +"丐亳亟亠 于仂亰�� ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒仍�仄亠 仍亳亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Error reading file %s: \n" +"%s\n" +msgstr "" +"%s �舒亶仍�仄 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: \n" +"%s\n" + +msgid "Remotely Stored Buddy List" +msgstr "丐仂�舒 亞�� 舒仆�从仍�仄亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "Buddy List Storage Mode" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 舒仆�从仍�仄舒� �亠亢亳仄" + +msgid "Local Buddy List Only" +msgstr "�亠���亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "Merge List from Server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亞�� 仍啀仄亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��舒�" + +msgid "Merge and Save List to Server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠����亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 ��舒� 亟舒 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Synchronize List with Server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亞�� 仍啀仄亠� 亟亠仆亠 �亳仆��仂仆亳亰亳��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Import Sametime List for Account %s" +msgstr "%s �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 从�亰���亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗���舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Export Sametime List for Account %s" +msgstr "%s �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 从�亰���亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "Unable to add group: group exists" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: ��亞舒亶 �啀�从舒 �仍仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "A group named '%s' already exists in your buddy list." +msgstr "'%s' 仍啀仄舒仆 �啀�从舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 �舒劵亞��亠从 �仍仂." + +msgid "Unable to add group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Possible Matches" +msgstr "�亳亶�仆 从亠���亠 亳从亞舒亶仍�从-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Notes Address Book group results" +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 �啀�从舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� 仍亠从���" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following Notes Address " +"Book groups. Please select the correct group from the list below to add it " +"to your buddy list." +msgstr "" +"���仆亳, '%s' 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂� �仄弍舒从��亠 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 �啀�从舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� 从仂从仍舒 亞�� " +"从亠�-仄仂亞舒亶 �啀�从舒 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��仆 从亠��亠�. ���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 仆�仆�仆 从仂从仍舒 亞�� " +"亳从��亢�仄 亠�舒�舒� 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 啀仍仆哥 ��仆 �啀�从舒仄 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "Select Notes Address Book" +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒��仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Unable to add group: group not found" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: �啀�从舒 �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The identifier '%s' did not match any Notes Address Book groups in your " +"Sametime community." +msgstr "" +"'%s' 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂� ��亶�仆 从�亰���亠 仄亠����亠 亳从 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 �啀�从舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� " +"亟亠仆舒� 仂从 仍舒�亠��亠." + +msgid "Notes Address Book Group" +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 �啀�从舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "" +"Enter the name of a Notes Address Book group in the field below to add the " +"group and its members to your buddy list." +msgstr "" +"丐啀�从舒仄 亟舒 ��亟�仆 亶�亢�亠劵-于仍舒从�仄 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亠�舒�舒�仍舒仆 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 " +"�啀�从舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒� 仍啀仄�仄 舒仍舒仆���亠 啀仍仆哥 仗���仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "Search results for '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' -仍舒仆 从��舒仍仄舒� 仍亠从���" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The identifier '%s' may possibly refer to any of the following users. You " +"may add these users to your buddy list or send them messages with the action " +"buttons below." +msgstr "" +"%s' 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂� �仄弍舒从��亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 从仂从仍舒 亞�� 从亠�-从哥 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��仆 " +"从亠��亠�. 唹仍仆哥 ����仄舒� 仗仂仍亟���仄 从���仍��仆, ��亶 仆�仆�仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 " +"舒仍亠 仆�仆�仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "Search Results" +msgstr "���舒仍仄舒� 仍亠从���" + +msgid "No matches" +msgstr "�从亞舒亶仍�从 �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "The identifier '%s' did not match any users in your Sametime community." +msgstr "" +"'%s' 亳亟亠仆�亳�亳从舒�仂� ��亶�仆 从�亰���亠 仄亠����亠 亳从 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆舒� 仂从 仍舒�亠��亠." + +msgid "No Matches" +msgstr "�从亞舒亶仍�从 �从亠" + +msgid "Search for a user" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从��舒仍舒�" + +msgid "" +"Enter a name or partial ID in the field below to search for matching users " +"in your Sametime community." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 从�亰���亠 仄亠����亠 亳从亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�仍舒仆, 舒仍舒仆���亠 啀仍仆哥 " +"仍啀仄�仄 舒仍亠 亳亰亳 �亢舒�舒仆 ID-仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "User Search" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Import Sametime List..." +msgstr "Sametime 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗���舒�..." + +msgid "Export Sametime List..." +msgstr "Sametime 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�..." + +msgid "Add Notes Address Book Group..." +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 �啀�从舒 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒��仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "User Search..." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 从��舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "Force login (ignore server redirects)" +msgstr "�亳亠� 仗���仄舒� (�亠�于亠� �亠亟亳�亠从��仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 仂亞�仍)" + +#. pretend to be Sametime Connect +msgid "Hide client identity" +msgstr "�仍亳亠仆��仆 从哥�仍仄�仍�从�仄 ��仍�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "User %s is not present in the network" +msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 �从亠" + +msgid "Key Agreement" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Cannot perform the key agreement" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Error occurred during key agreement" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 亢舒仗���亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Key Agreement failed" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Timeout during key agreement" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 亢舒仗���亠 于���仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Key agreement was aborted" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 从啀�仍仄哥" + +msgid "Key agreement is already started" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� �舒劵亞舒从 �啀劵舒仍�仆" + +msgid "Key agreement cannot be started with yourself" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� �从亠 亟亠仆亠 �啀劵舒仍�仆 仂从 从亠��" + +msgid "The remote user is not present in the network any more" +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �亠�仍舒 于仂����仂 �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Key agreement request received from %s. Would you like to perform the key " +"agreement?" +msgstr "" +"%s 亟亠� ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�舒� 亶仂亟仄舒� �仂仍�仆. 弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仆 于舒� " +"从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 ��从��仆亠�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The remote user is waiting key agreement on:\n" +"Remote host: %s\n" +"Remote port: %d" +msgstr "" +"丐仂�舒�亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仆 于舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 于��舒:\n" +"丐仂�舒�亠 �仂��: %s\n" +"丐仂�舒�亠 仗仂��: %d" + +msgid "Key Agreement Request" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�舒� 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "IM With Password" +msgstr "IM �仂仍�仗仄�� 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Cannot set IM key" +msgstr "IM ��舒于仂��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "Set IM Password" +msgstr "IM �仂仍�仗仄���仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Get Public Key" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Cannot fetch the public key" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仗���舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Show Public Key" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Could not load public key" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "User Information" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Cannot get user information" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +#, c-format +msgid "The %s buddy is not trusted" +msgstr "%s 仄��仍舒仆���仄 �亠�亞�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "" +"You cannot receive buddy notifications until you import his/her public key. " +"You can use the Get Public Key command to get the public key." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆���仆 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂���仄 仗����亟亠, ��亶 ��亟�仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒��亢�仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂� " +"从亠��. ��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍舒�仍舒仆 ��亶 \"��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍舒�\" 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 " +"从���仍� 从亠��舒�." + +#. Open file selector to select the public key. +msgid "Open..." +msgstr "�仂�舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "The %s buddy is not present in the network" +msgstr "%s 仄��仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 �从亠" + +msgid "" +"To add the buddy you must import his/her public key. Press Import to import " +"a public key." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆���仆 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂���仄 仗����亟亠, ��亶 ��亟�仄 亠�舒�亠仆 仂� 从亠��. ��弍仍亳�仆亠 " +"��舒于仂��仄 仗���舒�仍舒仆 \"����舒�...\" �亠仄亟舒仍." + +msgid "_Import..." +msgstr "_����舒�..." + +msgid "Select correct user" +msgstr "丼�仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "" +"More than one user was found with the same public key. Select the correct " +"user from the list to add to the buddy list." +msgstr "" +"�从亞舒亶 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂� 亟亠仆亠 亳从仄�仆�� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仄��仄仂. ��仆�仆 从仂从仍舒 亞�� " +"亳从��亢�仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒�仍舒仆, ��亟�仄 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "" +"More than one user was found with the same name. Select the correct user " +"from the list to add to the buddy list." +msgstr "" +"�从亞舒亶 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 亳从仄�仆�� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仄��仄仂. ��仆�仆 从仂从仍舒 亞�� 亳从��亢�仄 " +"仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒�仍舒仆, ��亟�仄 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仂亶��仂 ." + +msgid "Detached" +msgstr "亅��从舒仆" + +msgid "Indisposed" +msgstr "��仆���亳亶" + +msgid "Wake Me Up" +msgstr "�仂仄�亢舒仍�亠 仄�亶�仄" + +msgid "Hyper Active" +msgstr "�亠� �仂� ��仍�仄" + +msgid "Robot" +msgstr "�仂弍仂�" + +msgid "User Modes" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Preferred Contact" +msgstr "弌舒亶�舒从仍舒仆 �仂�仍�仄仂 于舒�从�仍" + +msgid "Preferred Language" +msgstr "弌舒亶�舒从仍舒仆 �仂�仍�仄仂 亶�仍仄亠" + +msgid "Device" +msgstr "�哥仆亟舒����" + +msgid "Timezone" +msgstr "丿舒亞舒� 啀��哥" + +msgid "Geolocation" +msgstr "�亠仂亞�舒�亳从 于亠�从仂从仍舒" + +msgid "Reset IM Key" +msgstr "IM ��舒于仂��仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "IM with Key Exchange" +msgstr "IM ��舒于仂� 亟亠仆亠 舒仍仄舒�" + +msgid "IM with Password" +msgstr "IM �仂仍�仗仄�� 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Get Public Key..." +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "Kill User" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗���舒�" + +msgid "Draw On Whiteboard" +msgstr "�� 仂劵舒��亠 �啀�亠�仍舒�" + +msgid "_Passphrase:" +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶:" + +#, c-format +msgid "Channel %s does not exist in the network" +msgstr "%s 从舒仆舒仍 于仂����仂 �从亠 �仍亠�" + +msgid "Channel Information" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Cannot get channel information" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Channel Name:</b> %s" +msgstr "<b>�舒仆舒仍 仍啀仄:</b> %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>User Count:</b> %d" +msgstr "<br><b>�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 �仂����:</b> %d" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Channel Founder:</b> %s" +msgstr "<br><b>�舒仆舒仍�仄 仆亠亞�亰仍��亠:</b> %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Channel Cipher:</b> %s" +msgstr "<br><b>�舒仆舒仍 �亳��:</b> %s" + +#. Definition of HMAC: +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Channel HMAC:</b> %s" +msgstr "<br><b>HMAC 从舒仆舒仍:</b> %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Channel Topic:</b><br>%s" +msgstr "<br><b>�舒仆舒仍 �亠仄亠:</b><br>%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Channel Modes:</b> " +msgstr "<br><b>�舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从:</b> " + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Fingerprint:</b><br>%s" +msgstr "<br><b>弌�舒于仂� 仗舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠 仂亰舒:</b><br>%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br><b>Founder Key Babbleprint:</b><br>%s" +msgstr "<br><b>弌�舒于仂� 亶啀从 仗舒仍亠 仂亰舒:</b><br>%s" + +msgid "Add Channel Public Key" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#. Add new public key +msgid "Open Public Key..." +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仗仂�舒�..." + +msgid "Channel Passphrase" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 �仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶" + +msgid "Channel Public Keys List" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂� 仍啀仄亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Channel authentication is used to secure the channel from unauthorized " +"access. The authentication may be based on passphrase and digital " +"signatures. If passphrase is set, it is required to be able to join. If " +"channel public keys are set then only users whose public keys are listed are " +"able to join." +msgstr "" +"�舒仆舒仍 ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 从舒仆舒仍�� 哥�亟�亢 亞�� 仗���仄舒��仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�仍舒仆 从���仍�舒仍�亠�. " +"丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� �仂仍�仗仄�� 亟舒 �亳�� 亰仆舒从�仄 从���仍�仄仂 亟亠仆亠 仆亠亞�亰仍舒仍��仆 从亠��亠�. " +"丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 亞�仆, ��亟仂 ���仄仂 仍亳亶�舒�. �舒仆舒仍 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从 " +"��仆亟�仄亠 �仍�� 亞�仆, ��亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亞�仆舒 ��仆亠仆 从亠����, 从�亟�仆 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 " +"��舒于仂�-于仍舒从 仍啀仄亠����亠 �仍��." + +msgid "Channel Authentication" +msgstr "�舒仆舒仍 ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Add / Remove" +msgstr "��舒�舒� / �仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Group Name" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Passphrase" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶" + +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the %s channel private group name and passphrase." +msgstr "��亳于舒� �啀�从舒 仍啀仄�仄 亟舒 %s 从舒仆舒仍仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶�仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Add Channel Private Group" +msgstr "��亳于舒� 从舒仆舒仍 �啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "User Limit" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 �仆 从�亞� �仂� 从�亞���仂" + +msgid "Set user limit on channel. Set to zero to reset user limit." +msgstr "" +"�舒仆舒仍���亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 �仆 从�亞� �仂� 从�亞����仄 ��仆亟舒�. �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 " +"�仆 从�亞� �仂� 从�亞����仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�仍舒仆 仆仂仍��仄 ��仆亟亠." + +msgid "Invite List" +msgstr "唹亢仄舒� 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "Ban List" +msgstr "�仂从�亠仆 从仂仍��仄仂 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "Add Private Group" +msgstr "��亳于舒� �啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Reset Permanent" +msgstr "亅�亠舒从 仍亳亶��仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set Permanent" +msgstr "亅�亠舒从 仍亳亶��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Set User Limit" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 �仆 从�亞� �仂� 从�亞����仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Reset Topic Restriction" +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 ��亞��亠仄亟�仄舒��仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set Topic Restriction" +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 ��亞��亠仄亟�仄舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Reset Private Channel" +msgstr "��亳于舒� 从舒仆舒仍�仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set Private Channel" +msgstr "��亳于舒� 从舒仆舒仍�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Reset Secret Channel" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗 从舒仆舒仍�仄 从�亟舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set Secret Channel" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗 从舒仆舒仍�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have to join the %s channel before you are able to join the private group" +msgstr "丐�亶 仗�亳于舒� �啀�从舒� ��仆舒仄 仗��亠仆 从亠��舒�, 从�仆舒仄 %s 从舒仆舒仍�� 仗��亠�." + +msgid "Join Private Group" +msgstr "��亳于舒� �啀�从舒� ��仆舒�" + +msgid "Cannot join private group" +msgstr "��亳于舒� �啀�从舒� ��仆舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Call Command" +msgstr "�仂仄舒仆亟�仄 啀亢舒�" + +msgid "Cannot call command" +msgstr "�仂仄舒仆亟�仄 啀亢�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unknown command" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠" + +msgid "Secure File Transfer" +msgstr "�啀亟�从����亟�仄哥 �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Error during file transfer" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 亢舒仗���亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Remote disconnected" +msgstr "丕��仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆" + +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "���舒� 仍亳亶仄舒��仄 �舒��仄亠" + +msgid "Key agreement failed" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�亠仆 ��从�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Connection timed out" +msgstr "丕��仄舒�仍舒仆 于���仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆" + +msgid "Creating connection failed" +msgstr "丕�仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "File transfer session does not exist" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� �亠��亳亶 �从亠" + +msgid "No file transfer session active" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仗仂�仄仂 �亠��亳亶 �从亠" + +msgid "File transfer already started" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �舒劵亞舒从 �啀劵舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Could not perform key agreement for file transfer" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒�仍舒仆 ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒� 从亠仍���舒�亠仆 ��从��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Could not start the file transfer" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �啀劵舒仍 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Cannot send file" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Error occurred" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has changed the topic of <I>%s</I> to: %s" +msgstr "%s �亠仄�仄 <I>%s</I> ��亞舒亶仍舒仆 于舒��舒仍�亠仆: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<I>%s</I> set channel <I>%s</I> modes to: %s" +msgstr "<I>%s</I> 从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄�仄 ��仆亟亠仆 <I>%s</I> ���从亠: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all channel <I>%s</I> modes" +msgstr "<I>%s</I> ��仍舒 从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 <I>%s</I>" + +#, c-format +msgid "<I>%s</I> set <I>%s's</I> modes to: %s" +msgstr "<I>%s</I> �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从�仄 ��仆亟亠仆 <I>%s</I> 于: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "<I>%s</I> removed all <I>%s's</I> modes" +msgstr "<I>%s</I> ��仍� �亠亢亳仄�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 <I>%s</I>" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have been kicked off <I>%s</I> by <I>%s</I> (%s)" +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 <I>%s</I> 亞�� <I>%s</I> (%s) 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have been killed by %s (%s)" +msgstr "丐�亶�仄 %s (%s) 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仗����仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Killed by %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s) 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仗����仆" + +msgid "Server signoff" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 从啀�仍舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Personal Information" +msgstr "丿从亠 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Birth Day" +msgstr "丿仂�仄仂 从亠�亠" + +msgid "Job Role" +msgstr "弌仂仄�仍于亠�" + +msgid "Organization" +msgstr "��亞舒仆亳亰舒�亳亶" + +msgid "Unit" +msgstr "�哥仍从舒" + +msgid "Join Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "You are channel founder on <I>%s</I>" +msgstr "丐�亶 <I>%s</I> -��亠 从舒仆舒仍仍舒仆 仆亠亞�亰�仄 仗�����亠 �仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Channel founder on <I>%s</I> is <I>%s</I>" +msgstr "<I>%s</I> -��亠 从舒仆舒仍仍舒仆 仆亠亞�亰�仄 仗�����亠 <I>%s</I> �仍亠�" + +msgid "Real Name" +msgstr "丼�仆 仍啀仄" + +msgid "Status Text" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 �亠从��" + +msgid "Public Key Fingerprint" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仆 仗舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠" + +msgid "Public Key Babbleprint" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仆 亶啀从 仗舒仍亠" + +msgid "_More..." +msgstr "_亅�亠..." + +msgid "Detach From Server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍舒�" + +msgid "Cannot detach" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 从啀�仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Cannot set topic" +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Failed to change nickname" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Roomlist" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "Cannot get room list" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Network is empty" +msgstr "�仂� ��舒" + +msgid "No public key was received" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Server Information" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Cannot get server information" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Server Statistics" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �仂�仍亠仄" + +msgid "Cannot get server statistics" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �仂�仍亠仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Local server start time: %s\n" +"Local server uptime: %s\n" +"Local server clients: %d\n" +"Local server channels: %d\n" +"Local server operators: %d\n" +"Local router operators: %d\n" +"Local cell clients: %d\n" +"Local cell channels: %d\n" +"Local cell servers: %d\n" +"Total clients: %d\n" +"Total channels: %d\n" +"Total servers: %d\n" +"Total routers: %d\n" +"Total server operators: %d\n" +"Total router operators: %d\n" +msgstr "" +"�亠���亠 �亠�于亠��仆 �啀劵舒仍仄亠 亢舒仗�亠: %s\n" +"�亠���亠 �亠�于亠��仆 仗舒�舒 亢舒仗�亠: %s\n" +"�亠���亠 �亠�于亠��仆 从仍亳亠仆�-于仍舒从�亠: %d\n" +"�亠���亠 �亠�于亠��仆 从舒仆舒仍-于仍舒从�亠: %d\n" +"�亠���亠 �亠�于亠��仆 仂仗亠�舒�仂�-于仍舒从�亠: %d\n" +"�亠���亠 于亠� 于亠�亠 从仂仍����仆 仂仗亠�舒�仂�-于仍舒从�亠: %d\n" +"�亠���亠 �仂��仆 从仍亳亠仆�-于仍舒从: %d\n" +"�亠���亠 �仂��仆 从舒仆舒仍-于仍舒从: %d\n" +"�亠���亠 �仂��仆 �亠�于亠�-于仍舒从: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒 从仍亳亠仆�: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒 从舒仆舒仍: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒 �亠�于亠�: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒 于亠� 于亠�亠 从仂仍���仂: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒 �亠�于亠� 仂仗亠�舒�仂�: %d\n" +"丼�仍舒 于亠� 于亠�亠 从仂仍����仆 仂仗亠�舒�仂�: %d\n" + +msgid "Network Statistics" +msgstr "�仂� �仂�仍亠仄" + +msgid "Ping" +msgstr "�亳仆亞" + +msgid "Ping failed" +msgstr "�亳仆亞 �� 仍亳亶" + +msgid "Ping reply received from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 仗亳仆亞仍舒仆 于舒�仄���仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Could not kill user" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗����仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "WATCH" +msgstr "丿������丿" + +msgid "Cannot watch user" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 �亠从仍舒仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Resuming session" +msgstr "弌亠��亳亶�仄 �亞�� ����" + +msgid "Authenticating connection" +msgstr "丕��仄舒� ��仍�从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Verifying server public key" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Passphrase required" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶 从啀仍亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Received %s's public key. Your local copy does not match this key. Would you " +"still like to accept this public key?" +msgstr "" +"%s 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍仄亠. �亠���亠 从仂仗亳亶 �亳亟亠 ��舒于仂� 亟亠仆亠 亳从亞舒亶 仂亞���仍. 丐亳亟亠 " +"仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 �舒亟�亞�从 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仆亠�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "Received %s's public key. Would you like to accept this public key?" +msgstr "%s 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍仄亠. 丐亳亟亠 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仆亠�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Fingerprint and babbleprint for the %s key are:\n" +"\n" +"%s\n" +"%s\n" +msgstr "" +"�舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠 亟舒 亶啀从 仗舒仍亠 %s ��舒于仂��仆 仍亳亠�:\n" +"\n" +"%s\n" +"%s\n" + +msgid "Verify Public Key" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 �亠�亞舒�" + +msgid "_View..." +msgstr "_�仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�..." + +msgid "Unsupported public key type" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂� �亳仗仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "Disconnected by server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Error connecting to SILC Server" +msgstr "SILC �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "Key Exchange failed" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仍仄舒��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "" +"Resuming detached session failed. Press Reconnect to create new connection." +msgstr "" +"�啀�仍仄哥 �亠��亳亶�仄 �亞�� ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 丕 ���仄舒��仄 ���舒�仍舒仆 \"丕��仄舒��仄 �亞�� " +"���舒�\" �亠仄亟舒仍." + +msgid "Performing key exchange" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仍仄舒���仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to load SILC key pair" +msgstr "SILC ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. Progress +msgid "Connecting to SILC Server" +msgstr "SILC �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒�" + +msgid "Out of memory" +msgstr "丿舒�仆�仄舒� �亳����仆 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to initialize SILC protocol" +msgstr "SILC 仂亶于仂亰���仄 亳仆亳�亳舒仍亳亰亳�仂于舒�仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Error loading SILC key pair" +msgstr "�仂从 SILC ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Download %s: %s" +msgstr "%s ��仗��仆 仆舒仍舒�: %s" + +msgid "Your Current Mood" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从�亰���亠 从�仄�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Normal" +msgstr "弌舒亶" + +msgid "" +"\n" +"Your Preferred Contact Methods" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"丐�亶�仆 �舒亶�舒从仍舒仆 �仂�仍�仄仂 于舒�从�仍-于仍舒从" + +msgid "SMS" +msgstr "SMS" + +msgid "MMS" +msgstr "MMS" + +msgid "Video conferencing" +msgstr "�亳亟亠仂从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶" + +msgid "Your Current Status" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从�亰���亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +msgid "Online Services" +msgstr "�仂���亠 �仍�亢弍仂-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Let others see what services you are using" +msgstr "�亠�亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 �亢舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒�仍舒仆, 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍�亢弍仂-于仍舒从�仄 ��亶 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Let others see what computer you are using" +msgstr "�亠�亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 �亢舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒�仍舒仆, 仄仂亞舒亶 从仂仄仗���亠��仄 ��亶 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Your VCard File" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 Vcard �舒亶仍" + +msgid "Timezone (UTC)" +msgstr "丿舒亞舒� 啀��哥 (UTC)" + +msgid "User Online Status Attributes" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 于仂���仂 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仆 舒��亳弍��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "" +"You can let other users see your online status information and your personal " +"information. Please fill the information you would like other users to see " +"about yourself." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 于亠� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 ��亶�仆 于仂���仂 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 亟舒 ��亶�仆 �从亠 " +"�于亠�舒劵舒��仄 �亢舒�仍舒仆 亶哥仆�仄 仗�亠仆 从亠��舒�. 丿从亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 " +"于亠� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仂仆�舒� 仍亳亶��仄 ����仆亠� �仍亠." + +msgid "Message of the Day" +msgstr "�亠���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "No Message of the Day available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 从亠���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �从亠" + +msgid "There is no Message of the Day associated with this connection" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 ���仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��亠 从亠���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �从亠" + +msgid "Create New SILC Key Pair" +msgstr "�仂从 � SILC ��舒于仂��仄 ���舒�" + +msgid "Passphrases do not match" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶-于仍舒从 亳从亞舒亶 仂亞���仍" + +msgid "Key Pair Generation failed" +msgstr "�仂从 ��舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 ��从�仄仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Key length" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂��仆 从�亢���仂" + +msgid "Public key file" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仆 �舒亶仍亢亠" + +msgid "Private key file" +msgstr "��亳于舒� ��舒于仂��仆 �舒亶仍亢亠" + +msgid "Passphrase (retype)" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄�� 仂亶 (��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 �舒于�从�亠)" + +msgid "Generate Key Pair" +msgstr "�仂从 ��舒于仂��仄 ���亠仆 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "Online Status" +msgstr "�仂� 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +msgid "View Message of the Day" +msgstr "�亠���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "Create SILC Key Pair..." +msgstr "SILC 从仂从 ��舒于仂��仄 ���舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "User <I>%s</I> is not present in the network" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 <I>%s</I> 于仂����仂 �从亠" + +msgid "Topic too long" +msgstr "丐亠仄亠 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 从�亞�" + +msgid "You must specify a nick" +msgstr "丐�亶 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟��舒� �仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "channel %s not found" +msgstr "%s 从舒仆舒仍�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "channel modes for %s: %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "no channel modes are set on %s" +msgstr "%s -��亠 ��仆亟�仄亠 从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄 �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to set cmodes for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄�仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown command: %s, (may be a client bug)" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠: %s, (从仍亳亠仆����亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆 从亠���仆)" + +msgid "part [channel]: Leave the chat" +msgstr "part [从舒仆舒仍]: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒��" + +msgid "leave [channel]: Leave the chat" +msgstr "leave [从舒仆舒仍]: 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒��" + +msgid "topic [<new topic>]: View or change the topic" +msgstr "topic [<� �亠仄亠>]: 丐亠仄�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒� 舒仍亠 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "join <channel> [<password>]: Join a chat on this network" +msgstr "" +"join <从舒仆舒仍> [<�仂仍�仗仄��>]: 丐亳亟亠 于仂����仂 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�" + +msgid "list: List channels on this network" +msgstr "list: 丐亳亟亠 于仂����仂 从舒仆舒仍 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "whois <nick>: View nick's information" +msgstr "whois <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "msg <nick> <message>: Send a private message to a user" +msgstr "" +"msg <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> <从舒仍舒��仄舒�>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�亳于舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 " +"从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "query <nick> [<message>]: Send a private message to a user" +msgstr "" +"query <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [<从舒仍舒��仄舒�>]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�亳于舒� " +"从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "motd: View the server's Message Of The Day" +msgstr "motd: 弌亠�于亠��仆 从亠���亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��亢�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "detach: Detach this session" +msgstr "detach: 丐亳亟亠 �亠��亳亶�仄 从啀�仍舒�" + +msgid "quit [message]: Disconnect from the server, with an optional message" +msgstr "quit [从舒仍舒��仄舒�]: 弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍舒�, 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亠�舒���� �仍亠�" + +msgid "call <command>: Call any silc client command" +msgstr "call <从仂仄舒仆亟亠>: silc 从仍亳亠仆��仆 从亠�亠从-仄仂亞舒亶 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 啀亢�从�舒�" + +msgid "kill <nick> [-pubkey|<reason>]: Kill nick" +msgstr "" +"kill <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [-仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂�|<舒仄舒仍>]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仗���舒�" + +msgid "nick <newnick>: Change your nickname" +msgstr "nick <� �仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: 丿从亠 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "whowas <nick>: View nick's information" +msgstr "whowas <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "" +"cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: Change or display " +"channel modes" +msgstr "" +"cmode <channel> [+|-<modes>] [arguments]: �舒��舒仍�舒� 舒仍亠 " +"仂仆��从�舒� 从舒仆舒仍 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从�仄" + +msgid "" +"cumode <channel> +|-<modes> <nick>: Change nick's modes " +"on channel" +msgstr "" +"cumode <从舒仆舒仍> +|-<�亠亢亳仄�> <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �舒仆舒仍���亠 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "umode <usermodes>: Set your modes in the network" +msgstr "" +"umode <仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从�亠>: �仂����仂 �从亠 �亠亢亳仄-于仍舒从�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "oper <nick> [-pubkey]: Get server operator privileges" +msgstr "" +"oper <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [-仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂�]: 弌亠�于亠� 仂仗亠�舒�仂� 仗�亳于亠仍亠亞亳亶�仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "" +"invite <channel> [-|+]<nick>: invite nick or add/remove from " +"channel invite list" +msgstr "" +"啀亢舒� <channel> [-|+]<nick>: �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 啀亢舒� 舒仍亠 从舒仆舒仍 啀亢仄舒� " +"仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 亠�舒�舒�/从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "kick <channel> <nick> [comment]: Kick client from channel" +msgstr "" +"kick <从舒仆舒仍> <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄> [仂亶仗亠仍亠����]: �仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从舒仆舒仍 亞�� " +"从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "info [server]: View server administrative details" +msgstr "info [�亠�于亠�]: 弌亠�于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 舒亟仄亳仆亳���舒�亳于 �舒�仍�从�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "ban [<channel> +|-<nick>]: Ban client from channel" +msgstr "" +"ban [<从舒仆舒仍> +|-<�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>]: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 从舒仆舒仍 亞��仗仂从�亠仆 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "getkey <nick|server>: Retrieve client's or server's public key" +msgstr "" +"getkey <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄|�亠�于亠�>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 舒仍亠 �亠�于亠��仆 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 " +"仗���舒�" + +msgid "stats: View server and network statistics" +msgstr "stats: 弌亠�于亠��仆 亟舒 于仂��仆 �仂�仍亠仄�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "ping: Send PING to the connected server" +msgstr "ping: PING-�仄 �亠�于亠�仍舒仆 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "users <channel>: List users in channel" +msgstr "users <从舒仆舒仍>: �舒仆舒仍���亠 �仍�仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "" +"names [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: List " +"specific users in channel(s)" +msgstr "" +"仍啀仄-于仍舒从 [-count|-ops|-halfops|-voices|-normal] <channel(s)>: " +"�舒仆舒仍���亠 (从舒仆舒仍-于仍舒从���亠) 仂亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仍啀仄亠�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "SILC Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "SILC 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. * description +msgid "Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) Protocol" +msgstr "Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) 仂亶于仂亰��" + +msgid "Network" +msgstr "�仂�" + +msgid "Public Key file" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仆 �舒亶仍亢亠" + +msgid "Private Key file" +msgstr "��亳于舒� ��舒于仂� �舒亶仍" + +msgid "Cipher" +msgstr "丿亳��" + +msgid "HMAC" +msgstr "HMAC" + +msgid "Use Perfect Forward Secrecy" +msgstr "�亠� �舒亶 仂仆��从�仍�从 �仂仍�仗�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Public key authentication" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂� ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Block IMs without Key Exchange" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仍仄舒���亟亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Block messages to whiteboard" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仂� 仂劵舒��亠 �啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Automatically open whiteboard" +msgstr "�� 仂劵舒仄 于亳亞舒从 仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "Digitally sign and verify all messages" +msgstr "丶亳�� 从亳亟仗舒仍�仄 ���舒� 亟舒 ��仍舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �亠�亞舒�" + +msgid "Creating SILC key pair..." +msgstr "SILC 从仂从 ��舒于仂��仄 ����仄舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to create SILC key pair" +msgstr "SILC 从仂从 ��舒于仂��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. Hint for translators: Please check the tabulator width here and in +#. the next strings (short strings: 2 tabs, longer strings 1 tab, +#. sum: 3 tabs or 24 characters) +#, c-format +msgid "Real Name: \t%s\n" +msgstr "丼�仆 仍啀仄: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "User Name: \t%s\n" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Email: \t\t%s\n" +msgstr "E-mail: \t\t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Host Name: \t%s\n" +msgstr "丱仂�� 仍啀仄: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Organization: \t%s\n" +msgstr "��亞舒仆亳亰舒�亳亶: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Country: \t%s\n" +msgstr "亅仍: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Algorithm: \t%s\n" +msgstr "�仍亞仂�亳�仄: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Key Length: \t%d bits\n" +msgstr "弌�舒于仂��仆 从�亢���仂: \t%d 弍亳�\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Version: \t%s\n" +msgstr "�亠��亳亶: \t%s\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Public Key Fingerprint:\n" +"%s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仆 仗舒�仆� 仗舒仍亠:\n" +"%s\n" +"\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Public Key Babbleprint:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仆 亶啀从 仗舒仍亠:\n" +"%s" + +msgid "Public Key Information" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Paging" +msgstr "����舒�-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Video Conferencing" +msgstr "�亳亟亠仂从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶" + +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "�仂仄仗���亠�" + +msgid "PDA" +msgstr "PDA" + +msgid "Terminal" +msgstr "丐亠�仄亳仆舒仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s sent message to whiteboard. Would you like to open the whiteboard?" +msgstr "%s 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仂� 仂劵舒� 从仂仍�亠仆舒仄. �� 仂劵舒仄 仗仂�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s sent message to whiteboard on %s channel. Would you like to open the " +"whiteboard?" +msgstr "%s 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 %s 从舒仆舒仍���亠 仂� 仂劵舒� 从仂仍�亠仆舒仄. �� 仂劵舒仄 仗仂�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Whiteboard" +msgstr "�� 仂劵舒" + +msgid "No server statistics available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 �亠�于亠� �仂�仍亠仄 �从亠" + +msgid "Error during connecting to SILC Server" +msgstr "SILC �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Version mismatch, upgrade your client" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: �亠��亳亶-于仍舒从 亳从亞舒亶 仂亞���仍, 从仍亳亠仆�亠��仄 ��仄亟亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Remote does not trust/support your public key" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丐仂�舒�亠 �亳��亠仄亠 ��亶�仆 仗�弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂��仄 �仂���仂从 仆舒仍/�劵亠��舒仍�亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed KE group" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丐仂�舒�亠 �亳��亠仄亠 �亠仄仍�仄亠 KE �啀�从舒仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed cipher" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丐仂�舒�亠 �亳��亠仄亠 �亠仄仍�仄亠 �亳��仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed PKCS" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丐仂�舒�亠 �亳��亠仄亠 �亠仄仍�仄亠 PKCS-仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed hash function" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丐仂�舒�亠 �亳��亠仄亠 �亠仄仍�仄亠 ���-��仆从�亳亶仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Remote does not support proposed HMAC" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丐仂�舒�亠 �亳��亠仄亠 �亠仄仍�仄亠 HMAC-仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Incorrect signature" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 从亳亟仗舒仍亠 ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Invalid cookie" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 从�从亳 ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failure: Authentication failed" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍��: 丼�仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unable to initialize SILC Client connection" +msgstr "SILC-从仍亳亠仆� ���仄舒��仄 亳仆亳�亳舒仍亳亰亳�仂于舒�仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "John Noname" +msgstr "�于�舒仍啀仄亟�仄哥 ��于舒仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to load SILC key pair: %s" +msgstr "�仂从 SILC ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "Unable to create connection" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Unknown server response" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �亠�于亠� 于舒�仄��" + +msgid "Unable to create listen socket" +msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 从仂仍����仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "SIP usernames may not contain whitespaces or @ symbols" +msgstr "SIP 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄���哥 ��舒于亠� 舒仍亠 @ �亳仄于仂仍 仍亳亶�仆 仂从 从亠��" + +msgid "SIP connect server not specified" +msgstr "SIP ���仄舒� �亠�于亠��仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "SIP/SIMPLE 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. * summary +msgid "The SIP/SIMPLE Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "SIP/SIMPLE 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Publish status (note: everyone may watch you)" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 (仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�: 从亠�-从哥 ��亶�仄 �亢�仆 从亠��亠�)" + +msgid "Use UDP" +msgstr "UDP-仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Use proxy" +msgstr "��仂从�亳仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Proxy" +msgstr "��仂从�亳" + +msgid "Auth User" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗�舒于舒仄 仗�舒�" + +msgid "Auth Domain" +msgstr "��舒于舒仄 仗���仂 亟仂仄亠仆" + +msgid "join <room>: Join a chat room on the Yahoo network" +msgstr "join <仗哥仍亠仄>: Yahoo 于仂����仂 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�" + +msgid "list: List rooms on the Yahoo network" +msgstr "list: Yahoo 于仂����仂 仗哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "doodle: Request user to start a Doodle session" +msgstr "仗舒�舒亟�仄亠: �舒�舒亟�仄亠 �亠舒仆��仄 �啀劵舒仍舒�仍舒仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 亶仂亟" + +msgid "Yahoo ID..." +msgstr "Yahoo ID..." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Yahoo! Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Yahoo! �亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Pager port" +msgstr "�亠亶亟亢亠� 仗仂��" + +msgid "File transfer server" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� �亠�于亠�" + +msgid "File transfer port" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仗仂��" + +msgid "Chat room locale" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仆 亶�仍仄亠 �仂�仄舒��亠" + +msgid "Ignore conference and chatroom invitations" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶 亟舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从�� 啀亢仄舒��仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Use account proxy for HTTP and HTTPS connections" +msgstr "SSL-���仄舒�仍舒仆 仗�仂从�亳 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 从���仍�" + +msgid "Chat room list URL" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仍啀仄亠� URL" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Yahoo JAPAN ID..." +msgstr "Yahoo JAPAN ID..." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +#, fuzzy +msgid "Yahoo! JAPAN Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Yahoo! JAPAN 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported." +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� 于亠弍-从舒仄亠� 亟亠从亠 啀亢仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆, 从�亟�仍舒仆 ��亠 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "Your SMS was not delivered" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 SMS-�仄 仆舒仄亳亠仆 ��从��仄仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Your Yahoo! message did not get sent." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 Yahoo! 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "Yahoo! system message for %s:" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 Yahoo! �亳��亠仄 从舒仍舒��仄舒�:" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list for the " +"following reason: %s." +msgstr "%s (�亞��) 于亠� 舒仄舒仍仍舒仆 从哥�舒 ��亟�仄 ��亶�仆 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒� 从哥仆亠仆 仂亞�仍: %s." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has (retroactively) denied your request to add them to your list." +msgstr "%s (�亞��) ��亟�仄 ��亶�仆 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒� 从哥仆亠仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Add buddy rejected" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒� 哥�亟�亢�舒�仄亠" + +#. Some error in the received stream +#, fuzzy +msgid "Received invalid data" +msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 仗仂亞仂-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +#. security lock from too many failed login attempts +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Account locked: Too many failed login attempts. Logging into the Yahoo! " +"website may fix this." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�仍�仄亠: 仗亠� ��从仂 亞舒仆舒 仗��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. Yahoo! 于亠弍-" +"�舒亶��� 仗���仄舒� �亳亟�仄 �哥�仍舒�亠仆 从亠��亠�." + +#. indicates a lock of some description +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Account locked: Unknown reason. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix " +"this." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�仍�仄亠: 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 舒仄舒仍. Yahoo! 于亠弍-�舒亶��� 仗���仄舒� " +"�亳亟�仄 �哥�仍舒�亠仆 从亠��亠�." + +#. indicates a lock due to logging in too frequently +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Account locked: You have been logging in too frequently. Wait a few minutes " +"before trying to connect again. Logging into the Yahoo! website may help." +msgstr "" +"丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�仍�仄亠: 仗亠� ��从仂 亞舒仆舒 仗��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. Yahoo! 于亠弍-" +"�舒亶��� 仗���仄舒� �亳亟�仄 �哥�仍舒�亠仆 从亠��亠�." + +#. username or password missing +#, fuzzy +msgid "Username or password missing" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 舒仍亠 �仂仍�仗仄�� �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The Yahoo server has requested the use of an unrecognized authentication " +"method. You will probably not be able to successfully sign on to Yahoo. " +"Check %s for updates." +msgstr "" +"Yahoo �亠�于亠� 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒� 亶哥仆�仄 从���仍�舒� 亶仂亟�仆. 丐�亶, 仂��仆亳, Yahoo-" +"��亠 ��亠仆 �亠�亞舒仍��仆 仂� 从亠��. %s ��仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 �亠�亞亠." + +msgid "Failed Yahoo! Authentication" +msgstr "Yahoo! ��仍�从 �亠�亞�仄舒�� ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You have tried to ignore %s, but the user is on your buddy list. Clicking " +"\"Yes\" will remove and ignore the buddy." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 %s -�仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍亟亠 从仂亟�仆亠� �仍亠, 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠����亠. " +"\"丐�亞亠\" �亠仄亟舒仍仄舒� 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒 亟舒 �仂��� 仂从 仆舒仍." + +msgid "Ignore buddy?" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 仂亞�仍?" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invalid username or password" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 舒仍亠 �仂仍�仗仄�� ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Your account has been locked due to too many failed login attempts. Please " +"try logging into the Yahoo! website." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶�仆 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 仗亠� ��从仂 ��仆 仂亞�仍 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仄 ���舒� �哥��仄�仍舒仆 " +"从哥�舒 �啀从�仍�仄哥. Yahoo! �仂�-仍舒���从�� 仗��亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown error 52. Reconnecting should fix this." +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� - 52. 丕亞�� ���仄舒� �亳亟�仄 �哥�仍舒���舒�." + +msgid "" +"Error 1013: The username you have entered is invalid. The most common cause " +"of this error is entering your email address instead of your Yahoo! ID." +msgstr "" +"�仂劵�仍�� - 1013: ��亶�仆 仗����仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍. ���仆亳, �亳亟亠 ��亶�仆 " +"�从亠 Yahoo! ID 仂仍仄亠� e-mail 舒亟�亠�亠��仄 仗����仄亠�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仍亳亶�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown error number %d. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix this." +msgstr "" +"%d 仆仂仄亠�舒仆 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��. Yahoo! web-仍舒���从 亞�� 仗���仄舒� �亳亟�仄 �哥�仍舒�亠仆 " +"从亠��亠�." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Unable to add buddy %s to group %s to the server list on account %s." +msgstr "" +"%s 仄��仍舒仆���仄 �亠�于亠����亠 %s �啀�从舒� %s �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仆 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 " +"从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unable to add buddy to server list" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 �亠�于亠����亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "[ Audible %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s" +msgstr "[ �仂仍舒� 仍亳亶仄亠 %s/%s/%s.swf ] %s" + +msgid "Received unexpected HTTP response from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠� 于���亟�仄仂 HTTP 于舒�仄���仄 仆舒仍仄亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Lost connection with %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 亶仂仄亟舒��仄亠: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to establish a connection with %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +msgid "Unable to connect: The server returned an empty response." +msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: �亠�于亠� ��舒 于舒�仄���仄 仗哥���仍�亠仆." + +msgid "" +"Unable to connect: The server's response did not contain the necessary " +"information" +msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: 于 仂�于亠�亠 �亠�于亠�舒 仆亠� 仆�亢仆仂亶 亳仆�仂�仄舒�亳亳" + +msgid "Not at Home" +msgstr "�哥劵亞���哥 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Not at Desk" +msgstr "唹��亠仍 从仂从仍舒��亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Not in Office" +msgstr "�舒�舒��亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "On Vacation" +msgstr "�舒仆�����亠" + +msgid "Stepped Out" +msgstr "�亠从��仆" + +msgid "Not on server list" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仍啀仄亠����亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Appear Permanently Offline" +msgstr "亅�亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Presence" +msgstr "�亳亶仄舒�" + +msgid "Don't Appear Permanently Offline" +msgstr "豫亢亞�仆舒仄 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Join in Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 ��仆舒�" + +msgid "Initiate Conference" +msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ���舒�" + +msgid "Presence Settings" +msgstr "�亳亶仄舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Start Doodling" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 仍亳亶仄�仄 �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Select the ID you want to activate" +msgstr "ID-仄 仂亶��仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 �啀从��仆亠�" + +msgid "Join whom in chat?" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 从哥 亟亠从亠 ��仆舒�?" + +msgid "Activate ID..." +msgstr "ID-仄 �啀从�舒�..." + +msgid "Join User in Chat..." +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亟亠从亠 ��仆舒�..." + +msgid "Open Inbox" +msgstr "�����仂-于仍舒从�仄 仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "Can't send SMS. Unable to obtain mobile carrier." +msgstr "SMS-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��. �仂弍亳仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂��仄 �舒�亠仄亟亠仆 仂仄 从亠��." + +msgid "Can't send SMS. Unknown mobile carrier." +msgstr "SMS-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��. �舒仍�亟�仄亠 仄仂弍亳仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂�." + +msgid "Getting mobile carrier to send the SMS." +msgstr "SMS-�仄 从仂仍�舒�仍舒仆, 仄仂弍亳仍 仂仗亠�舒�仂��仄 �舒�亠仄亟�仄舒�." + +#. Write a local message to this conversation showing that a request for a +#. * Doodle session has been made +#. +msgid "Sent Doodle request." +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄�仄 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 从仂仍��仄仂." + +msgid "Unable to connect." +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Unable to establish file descriptor." +msgstr "个舒亶仍 亟亠�从�亳仗�仂��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is trying to send you a group of %d files.\n" +msgstr "%s ��仍舒仆亠� %d �舒亶仍 亞�� �啀�从舒仄 从仂仍�舒� �哥�舒.\n" + +msgid "Write Error" +msgstr "�仂亰�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Yahoo! Japan Profile" +msgstr "Yahoo! Japan 仗�仂�亳仍�" + +msgid "Yahoo! Profile" +msgstr "Yahoo! 仗�仂�亳仍�" + +msgid "" +"Sorry, profiles marked as containing adult content are not supported at this " +"time." +msgstr "" +"��亠� 亳� 仆舒仍, 从�亰���亠 亢舒仗���亠 \"从�亞��舒从-于仍舒从仍舒仆 亞�仆舒\" �亠仄�仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 " +"仗�仂�亳仍�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "" +"If you wish to view this profile, you will need to visit this link in your " +"web browser:" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�仆亠� 亞�仆, ��仍舒仆亠� 仂仆��从������亠� �亳亟亠 从�仍于亠��仄 仗仂�舒� " +"仍仂亞舒仍亠�:" + +msgid "Yahoo! ID" +msgstr "Yahoo! ID" + +msgid "Hobbies" +msgstr "�哥�舒��仄亠 仗舒�舒" + +msgid "Latest News" +msgstr "���舒���� �于亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Home Page" +msgstr "�哥劵亞��哥 仍舒���从" + +msgid "Cool Link 1" +msgstr "1 从�仍于亠�" + +msgid "Cool Link 2" +msgstr "2 从�仍于亠�" + +msgid "Cool Link 3" +msgstr "3 从�仍于亠�" + +msgid "Last Update" +msgstr "���舒���� ��仄亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "" +"This profile is in a language or format that is not supported at this time." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 仗�仂�亳仍� ��亞舒亶 亶�仍仄亠 舒仍亠 �仂�仄舒� 亟亠仆亠, 从�亟仂-于仍舒从仍舒仆 从�亰�� 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "" +"Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely is a temporary " +"server-side problem. Please try again later." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗�仂�亳仍�亢�仄 仆�仍�仆 ��仄 从亠��. ���仆亳, �亳亟亠 �亠�于亠� 仄仂亞�����仂 亢舒仗仍舒仆 " +"亶哥��仍�从. �舒�舒�舒从 ��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "" +"Could not retrieve the user's profile. This most likely means that the user " +"does not exist; however, Yahoo! sometimes does fail to find a user's " +"profile. If you know that the user exists, please try again later." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗�仂�亳仍�亢�仄 仆�仍�仆 ��仄 从亠��. ���仆亳, ��亞舒亶 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �从亠; ��亞亠 " +"亞�仆舒�, Yahoo! 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仗�仂�亳仍��仄 仄�舒�仍舒仆, �亢亞�仆舒仄 ��亞亠 ���舒. 丐�亞舒亶 " +"仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��仆舒从 �仍仂 仄舒仆�仆 �仂仆亠� 亞�仆, 于舒�舒�舒从 ��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "The user's profile is empty." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗�仂�亳仍�亢亠 ��舒." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has declined to join." +msgstr "%s ��仆舒� 从哥仆亠仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Failed to join chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#. -6 +msgid "Unknown room" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 仗哥仍亠仄" + +#. -15 +msgid "Maybe the room is full" +msgstr "�仍舒 仗哥仍亠仄 �亳�仄舒�仍亠仆?" + +#. -35 +msgid "Not available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "" +"Unknown error. You may need to logout and wait five minutes before being " +"able to rejoin a chatroom" +msgstr "" +"�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��. 丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄�� �亞�� ��仆亠仆 仂仆�舒�仍舒仆, 于仂� 亞�� 仍亠从 亟舒 5 " +"仄亳仆�� 于��舒仍�亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "You are now chatting in %s." +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 从�亰�� 仄��仍舒仆亠�." + +msgid "Failed to join buddy in chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Maybe they're not in a chat?" +msgstr "�仍舒 ��亟仂 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 �从亠?" + +msgid "Fetching the room list failed." +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Voices" +msgstr "�啀从-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Webcams" +msgstr "�亠弍-从舒仄亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Connection problem" +msgstr "丕��仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 亶哥��仍�从" + +msgid "Unable to fetch room list." +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗���舒� 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶." + +msgid "User Rooms" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗哥仍亠仄-于仍舒从�亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connection problem with the YCHT server" +msgstr "YCHT �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄 亶哥��仍�从." + +msgid "" +"(There was an error converting this message.\t Check the 'Encoding' option " +"in the Account Editor)" +msgstr "" +"(丐亳亟亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 ��仆�仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆.\t 丿仂���仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� " +"�亠亟舒从�仂����亠 \"�仂亟亳�仂于从仂\" 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆�仄 �亠�亞亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to send to chat %s,%s,%s" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍 %s,%s,%s" + +msgid "Hidden or not logged-in" +msgstr "丿�仍��仄亠 舒仍亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "<br>At %s since %s" +msgstr "<br>%s 亞�� %s -�从亠" + +msgid "Anyone" +msgstr "�亠�-从哥" + +msgid "_Class:" +msgstr "_�仍舒��:" + +msgid "_Instance:" +msgstr "_丐亠于�从:" + +msgid "_Recipient:" +msgstr "_�舒仍�亠:" + +#, c-format +msgid "Attempt to subscribe to %s,%s,%s failed" +msgstr "%s,%s,%s 亟亠从亠 于仂亰舒仍�仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "zlocate <nick>: Locate user" +msgstr "zlocate <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仄�舒�" + +msgid "zl <nick>: Locate user" +msgstr "zl <�仂仍�仗仍啀仄>: �舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仄�舒�" + +msgid "instance <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" +msgstr "" +"�亠于�从 <�亠于�从>: �亠于�从�仄 仂仆��从�仂, 从�亟仂 �亳亟亠 从仍舒�����亠 从���仍�舒仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "inst <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" +msgstr "" +"inst <�亠于�从>: �亠于�从�仄 仂仆��从�仂, 从�亟仂 �亳亟亠 从仍舒�����亠 从���仍�舒仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "topic <instance>: Set the instance to be used on this class" +msgstr "" +"�亠仄亠 <�亠于�从>: �亠于�从�仄 仂仆��从�仂, 从�亟仂 �亳亟亠 从仍舒�����亠 从���仍�舒仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "sub <class> <instance> <recipient>: Join a new chat" +msgstr "sub <从仍舒��> <�亠于�从> <仆舒仍�亠>: 丕 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 �啀从�哥" + +msgid "" +"zi <instance>: Send a message to <message,<i>instance</i>,*>" +msgstr "" +"zi <�亠于�从>: <从舒仍舒��仄舒�,<i>�亠于�从</i>,*> -仍舒仆从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"zci <class> <instance>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>," +"<i>instance</i>,*>" +msgstr "" +"zci <从仍舒��> <�亠于�从>: <<i>从仍舒��</i>,<i>�亠于�从</i>,*> -仍舒仆 " +"从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"zcir <class> <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <" +"<i>class</i>,<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" +msgstr "" +"zcir <从仍舒��> <�亠于�从> <仆舒仍�亠>: < <i>从仍舒��</i>,<i>�亠于�从</" +"i>,<i>仆舒仍�亠</i>> -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "" +"zir <instance> <recipient>: Send a message to <MESSAGE," +"<i>instance</i>,<i>recipient</i>>" +msgstr "" +"zir <�亠于�从> <仆舒仍�亠>: <����弌乘��丿,<i>�亠于�从</i>,<i>仆舒仍�亠</i>> " +"-仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "zc <class>: Send a message to <<i>class</i>,PERSONAL,*>" +msgstr "zc <从仍舒��>: <<i>从仍舒��</i>,丿��,*> -仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Resubscribe" +msgstr "丕亞�� 于仂亰舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Retrieve subscriptions from server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亞�� 于仂亰舒仍�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仗���舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Zephyr Protocol Plugin" +msgstr "Zephyr 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "Use tzc" +msgstr "tzc-仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "tzc command" +msgstr "tzc 从仂仄舒仆亟亠" + +msgid "Export to .anyone" +msgstr ".anyone-�� 仗���舒�" + +msgid "Export to .zephyr.subs" +msgstr ".zephyr.subs-�� 仗���舒�" + +msgid "Import from .anyone" +msgstr ".anyone 亞�� 仗���舒�" + +msgid "Import from .zephyr.subs" +msgstr ".zephyr.subs 亞�� 仗���舒�" + +msgid "Realm" +msgstr "弌�亠�亠" + +msgid "Exposure" +msgstr "亅从�仗仂亰亳�亳亶" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to create socket: %s" +msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 ���舒� �� 仍亳亶: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to parse response from HTTP proxy: %s" +msgstr "HTTP 仗�仂从�亳 亟亠� 于舒�仄���仄 仍仂仆��仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "HTTP proxy connection error %d" +msgstr "%d HTTP-仗�仂从�亳 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Access denied: HTTP proxy server forbids port %d tunneling" +msgstr "" +"���舒� 仍亳亶仄舒��仄 �舒��仄亠: HTTP 仗�仂从�亳-�亠�于亠� %d 仗仂���仄 ��仆仆亠仍亳�仂于舒�仍舒� 仂从 从哥仆哥" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error resolving %s" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� %s 仍啀仄�仄 从哥仆�仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Requesting %s's attention..." +msgstr "丐啀�从�仍�从�仄 亶仂亟舒仄 %s..." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has requested your attention!" +msgstr "%s ��亶�仆 �啀�从�仍�从�仄 亶仂亟亠�!" + +#. * +#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses @c Yes and @c No buttons. +#. +msgid "_Yes" +msgstr "_丐�亞亠" + +msgid "_No" +msgstr "_丕从亠" + +#. * +#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action() that uses Accept and Cancel buttons. +#. +#. * +#. * A wrapper for purple_request_action_with_icon() that uses Accept and Cancel +#. * buttons. +#. +msgid "_Accept" +msgstr "_��仄�仍舒劵亟舒�" + +#. * +#. * The default message to use when the user becomes auto-away. +#. +msgid "I'm not here right now" +msgstr "��亶 从�亰�� ����亠 �从亠 �仍舒仄" + +msgid "saved statuses" +msgstr "舒仆�从仍�仄亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂-于仍舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s is now known as %s.\n" +msgstr "%s 从�亰�� %s �亠仄�仆 仗舒仍�仄亠.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s has invited %s to the chat room %s:\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"%s 啀亢亠� %s �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� %s:\n" +"%s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has invited %s to the chat room %s\n" +msgstr "%s 啀亢亠� %s �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� %s\n" + +msgid "Accept chat invitation?" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 啀亢仄舒��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟舒�?" + +#. Shortcut +msgid "Shortcut" +msgstr "�仂仍亟���仄 仗��仍� 从���仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "The text-shortcut for the smiley" +msgstr "丿��亳亶�仆 �亠从�� 于舒�亳舒仆��亠" + +#. Stored Image +msgid "Stored Image" +msgstr "��舒仍�仄亠 �啀�亠�" + +msgid "Stored Image. (that'll have to do for now)" +msgstr "��舒仍�仄亠 �啀�亠�. (�亳亟�仄 ���舒� 仍仂亞舒仍亠�)" + +msgid "SSL Connection Failed" +msgstr "SSL-���仄舒� ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "SSL Handshake Failed" +msgstr "SSL 从亳亟�仄 仗��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "SSL peer presented an invalid certificate" +msgstr "SSL-仗�� ��仆 仂亞�仍 �亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 �亠仄仍亠仆" + +msgid "Unknown SSL error" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 SSL 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Unset" +msgstr "丿�仆亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Do not disturb" +msgstr "�亟舒 ���亞�亢仍舒仆亟舒�亠" + +msgid "Extended away" +msgstr "��仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠 \"�舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆\"" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Feeling" +msgstr "�舒仍仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) changed status from %s to %s" +msgstr "%s (%s) 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 %s 亞�� %s 于舒��舒仍�亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) is now %s" +msgstr "%s (%s) 从�亰�� %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) is no longer %s" +msgstr "%s (%s) 从�亰�� %s 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s became idle" +msgstr "%s 仆亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s became unidle" +msgstr "%s 仆亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "+++ %s became idle" +msgstr "+++ %s 仆亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "+++ %s became unidle" +msgstr "+++ %s 仆亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆" + +#. +#. * This string determines how some dates are displayed. The default +#. * string "%x %X" shows the date then the time. Translators can +#. * change this to "%X %x" if they want the time to be shown first, +#. * followed by the date. +#. +#, c-format +msgid "%x %X" +msgstr "%x %X" + +msgid "Calculating..." +msgstr "丿仂�仍�仄舒�..." + +msgid "Unknown." +msgstr "�舒仍亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, c-format +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%d �舒�" +msgstr[1] "%d �舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d day" +msgid_plural "%d days" +msgstr[0] "%d 从亠�亠" +msgstr[1] "%d 从亠�亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s, %d hour" +msgid_plural "%s, %d hours" +msgstr[0] "%s, %d �舒亞舒�" +msgstr[1] "%s, %d �舒亞舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%d �舒亞舒�" +msgstr[1] "%d �舒亞舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s, %d minute" +msgid_plural "%s, %d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%s, %d 仄亳仆��" +msgstr[1] "%s, %d 仄亳仆��" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d 仄亳仆��" +msgstr[1] "%d 仄亳仆��" + +#, c-format +msgid "Could not open %s: Redirected too many times" +msgstr "%s 仗仂��仆 仂仄 从亠��: �亠� ��从仂 亞舒仆舒 于亠� 于亠�亠 从仂仍��仄仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to connect to %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Error reading from %s: response too long (%d bytes limit)" +msgstr "%s 亞�� 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: 于舒�仄�� 仗亠� 从�亢� (%d 弍舒亶� 仄舒��亠 亞�仆舒)" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Unable to allocate enough memory to hold the contents from %s. The web " +"server may be trying something malicious." +msgstr "" +"%s 亟亠� ��仍舒 于亠�舒劵亟舒� 于亠� 仂从 �亳�亠. ���仆亳, ��亶�仆 于仂�-�亠�于亠� 舒仍舒-仄仂仄 �亟舒仄 �仂仆舒." + +#, c-format +msgid "Error reading from %s: %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 从哥�舒 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error writing to %s: %s" +msgstr "%s -�从亠 于仂亰�仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to connect to %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid " - %s" +msgstr " - %s" + +#, c-format +msgid " (%s)" +msgstr " (%s)" + +#. 10053 +msgid "Connection interrupted by other software on your computer." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从仂仄仗���亠����亠 于亠� 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 ��仆�仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆." + +#. 10054 +msgid "Remote host closed connection." +msgstr "丐仂�舒�亠 �仂�� ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍�仆." + +#. 10060 +msgid "Connection timed out." +msgstr "丕�仆�仄舒� 于���仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆." + +#. 10061 +msgid "Connection refused." +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠." + +#. 10048 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Address already in use." +msgstr "�亟�亠� ��亞舒从舒� 从���仍�舒仍�亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Error Reading %s" +msgstr "%s 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"An error was encountered reading your %s. The file has not been loaded, and " +"the old file has been renamed to %s~." +msgstr "" +"%s 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. 个舒亶仍�仄 仆舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍, �仂��仂 �舒亶仍仍舒仆 %s~ 仍啀仄�仄 " +"仗��仄仂." + +msgid "" +"Chat over IM. Supports AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, Yahoo and more" +msgstr "" +"�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�. AIM, Google Talk, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, Yahoo " +"亟舒 仄仂仍�仍�仆 �劵亠��舒" + +msgid "Internet Messenger" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 舒仍仄舒� 从仍亳亠仆�" + +msgid "Pidgin Internet Messenger" +msgstr "Pidgin 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 舒仍仄舒� 从仍亳亠仆�" + +#. Build the login options frame. +msgid "Login Options" +msgstr "���舒�仍舒仆 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Pro_tocol:" +msgstr "�亶_于仂亰��:" + +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄:" + +msgid "Remember pass_word" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 �舒�仆亠仆 从仂亟舒�" + +#. Build the user options frame. +msgid "User Options" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "_Local alias:" +msgstr "_�亠���亠 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄:" + +msgid "New _mail notifications" +msgstr "丕 _�亠��� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +#. Buddy icon +msgid "Use this buddy _icon for this account:" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆���仆 _亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 �亳亟亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 从���仍�舒�:" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Ad_vanced" +msgstr "_��舒�亠仆" + +msgid "Use GNOME Proxy Settings" +msgstr "GNOME 仗�仂从�亳 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Use Global Proxy Settings" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 于亠�亠 仍亳亶�亠 仗�仂从�亳 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "No Proxy" +msgstr "��仂从�亳 �从亠" + +msgid "HTTP" +msgstr "HTTP" + +msgid "SOCKS 4" +msgstr "SOCKS 4" + +msgid "SOCKS 5" +msgstr "SOCKS 5" + +msgid "Use Environmental Settings" +msgstr "���于亠仍 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +#. This is an easter egg. +#. It means one of two things, both intended as humourus: +#. A) your network is really slow and you have nothing better to do than +#. look at butterflies. +#. B)You are looking really closely at something that shouldn't matter. +msgid "If you look real closely" +msgstr "丐啀�从��舒从 仂仆�舒仍舒� 亞�仆" + +#. This is an easter egg. See the comment on the previous line in the source. +msgid "you can see the butterflies mating" +msgstr "��亶 仄仂亟�仂 仍�于亠-于仍舒从�仄 �亢�仆 从亠��舒�" + +msgid "Proxy _type:" +msgstr "��仂从�亳 _��仆:" + +msgid "_Host:" +msgstr "_丱仂��:" + +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_�仂��:" + +msgid "Pa_ssword:" +msgstr "丿仂仍�仗_仄��:" + +msgid "Unable to save new account" +msgstr "丕 �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 舒仆�从仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "An account already exists with the specified criteria." +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� ��亞舒亶 舒从仍�仄亠 仆亠亞�亰 亟亠仆亠 �舒劵亞舒从 �仍仂." + +msgid "Add Account" +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Basic" +msgstr "_丐啀劵" + +msgid "Create _this new account on the server" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠����亠 _�亳亟亠 � �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 ���舒�" + +msgid "P_roxy" +msgstr "�_�仂从�亳" + +msgid "Enabled" +msgstr "丼啀从��仄哥" + +msgid "Protocol" +msgstr "�亶于仂亰��" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n" +"\n" +"You have no IM accounts configured. To start connecting with %s press the " +"<b>Add...</b> button below and configure your first account. If you want %s " +"to connect to multiple IM accounts, press <b>Add...</b> again to configure " +"them all.\n" +"\n" +"You can come back to this window to add, edit, or remove accounts from " +"<b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b> in the Buddy List window" +msgstr "" +"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>�舒亞舒仍亠仆 啀亢�仆舒 于 %s!</span>\n" +"\n" +"丐�亶�仆 从亠仍���舒��仄亠 IM �仂��� 仆舒仍�仆 于仂亰��-于仍舒从亠� �从亠 �仍��. %s 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 " +"�啀劵舒仍舒�仍舒仆, <b>��舒�舒�...</b> 啀仍仆哥 仗仂仍亟���仄 �亠仄亟舒仍 亟舒 �从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��亠��仄 " +"从亠仍���舒�亠. %s 亟亠仆亠 亳从仄�仆�� IM �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 ���仆亠� 亞�仆, ��仍舒仆����仄 " +"从亠仍���舒�舒�仍舒仆, 舒亟舒从舒� <b>��舒�舒�...</b> �亠仄亟舒仍.\n" +"\n" +"丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 亠�舒�舒�, 于舒��舒仍�舒� 亟舒 从仂�舒劵亟舒�仍舒仆 �亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� " +"�哥�亰舒�从亠 于舒�舒�舒从<b>丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��->丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠</b> 仄亠仆� 亞仂� 仗哥���仍 " +"从亠��舒�." + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s%s%s%s wants to add you (%s) to his or her buddy list%s%s" +msgstr "%s%s%s%s 亠�舒��仆亠亢亠 %s �从亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠���从�亢亠%s%s" + +#. Buddy List +msgid "Background Color" +msgstr "个仂仆 �啀�" + +msgid "The background color for the buddy list" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �仂仆 �啀�" + +msgid "Layout" +msgstr "丐啀亢于舒仍 ��仆" + +msgid "The layout of icons, name, and status of the buddy list" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仆 亳亰亳�啀�亠�, 仍啀仄 亟舒 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仆 �啀亢于舒仍 ��仆���" + +#. Group +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color +#. of a buddy list group when in its expanded state +msgid "Expanded Background Color" +msgstr "个仂仆 �啀� �舒�舒仍��亠 �仍仄仂 亞仂亟�仄" + +msgid "The background color of an expanded group" +msgstr "丿舒�舒仍��亠 �啀�从舒仆 �仂仆 �啀�" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list group when in its expanded state +#, fuzzy +msgid "Expanded Text" +msgstr "丿舒�舒仍��亠 �啀�从舒仆 �亠从��" + +msgid "The text information for when a group is expanded" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 �啀�从舒 �舒�舒仍��亠" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color +#. of a buddy list group when in its collapsed state +#, fuzzy +msgid "Collapsed Background Color" +msgstr "丐����从��仄仂 �啀�从舒仆 �仂仆 �啀�" + +msgid "The background color of a collapsed group" +msgstr "丐����从��仄仂 �啀�从舒仆 �仂仆 �啀�" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list group when in its collapsed state +#, fuzzy +msgid "Collapsed Text" +msgstr "丐����从��仄仂 �啀�从舒仆 �亠从��" + +msgid "The text information for when a group is collapsed" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 �啀�从舒仄 �����从��仄仂" + +#. Buddy +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the background color +#. of a buddy list contact or chat room +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact/Chat Background Color" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍/于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仆 �仂仆 �啀�" + +msgid "The background color of a contact or chat" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 舒仍亠 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒��仆 �仂仆 �啀�" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list contact when in its expanded state +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact Text" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍-于仍舒从�仆 �亠从��" + +msgid "The text information for when a contact is expanded" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 于舒�从�仍 �舒�舒仍��亠" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list buddy when it is online +#, fuzzy +msgid "Online Text" +msgstr "�仂����仂" + +msgid "The text information for when a buddy is online" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list buddy when it is away +#, fuzzy +msgid "Away Text" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +msgid "The text information for when a buddy is away" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list buddy when it is offline +#, fuzzy +msgid "Offline Text" +msgstr "�仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "The text information for when a buddy is offline" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list buddy when it is idle +#, fuzzy +msgid "Idle Text" +msgstr "�亠�亠仆 从仂仍��仄仂 �亠从��" + +msgid "The text information for when a buddy is idle" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亠仆 从仂仍�亠仆" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list buddy when they have sent you a new message +msgid "Message Text" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� �亠从��" + +msgid "The text information for when a buddy has an unread message" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 � 仄��仍舒仆���仆 仍�亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仍��" + +#. Note to translators: These two strings refer to the font and color +#. of a buddy list buddy when they have sent you a new message +msgid "Message (Nick Said) Text" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� �亠从�� (舒仍舒-从哥 仂亶仍亠仆)" + +msgid "" +"The text information for when a chat has an unread message that mentions " +"your nickname" +msgstr "" +"丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒�, 从�仆舒仄 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒��亠 仍�亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仍��, 从���仂 " +"��亶�仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒仍��仆" + +msgid "The text information for a buddy's status" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �于亠�舒劵舒� 仄��仍舒仆���仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仍舒仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "You have %d contact named %s. Would you like to merge them?" +msgid_plural "" +"You currently have %d contacts named %s. Would you like to merge them?" +msgstr[0] "丐�亶�仆 %d 于舒�从�仍 %s 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 �仍仂. ��仆�仄 ���仆亠�?" +msgstr[1] "丐�亶�仆 %d 于舒�从�仍 %s 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 �仍仂. ��仆�仄 ���仆亠�?" + +msgid "" +"Merging these contacts will cause them to share a single entry on the buddy " +"list and use a single conversation window. You can separate them again by " +"choosing 'Expand' from the contact's context menu" +msgstr "" +"�亳仆亠 于舒�从�仍�仄 亳从��� ���仄舒� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠����亠 亳从��从�仄 亟舒 亳从 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� " +"�哥�亰舒仄 从���仍�仄舒��仄 ���舒. �舒�舒�舒从 ��亶, 于舒�从�仍 从仂仆�亠从�� 仄亠仆� 亞�� '丿舒�舒仍�舒�'-�仄 " +"从���仍��仆, 仆�仆�仄 仄哥劵亞亠� �亠仍亠亟亠仆 从亠��舒�" + +msgid "Please update the necessary fields." +msgstr "�啀仍亠� 舒仍舒仆�仄 ��仄亟亠." + +msgid "A_ccount" +msgstr "_丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��" + +msgid "" +"Please enter the appropriate information about the chat you would like to " +"join.\n" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 从亠仍���亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仗���仂, 从��从仂 ��亶 ��仆�仆亠� �仍亠.\n" + +msgid "Room _List" +msgstr "_�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "_Block" +msgstr "_丐啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Un_block" +msgstr "_�仂�舒�" + +msgid "Move to" +msgstr "丐��从亠 从��舒�舒�" + +msgid "Get _Info" +msgstr "_丕于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "I_M" +msgstr "�亳�亠 _从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_�啀从亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "Audio/_Video Call" +msgstr "��亟亳仂/�亳亟亠仂 _亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_�亳亟亠仂亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "_Send File..." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 _从仂仍�舒�..." + +msgid "Add Buddy _Pounce..." +msgstr "_��舒于亳仍�仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "View _Log" +msgstr "_���仆舒仍�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "Hide When Offline" +msgstr "丿�仍�舒�, 从�仆舒仄 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Show When Offline" +msgstr "�仆��从�舒�, 从�仆舒仄 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "_Alias..." +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄..." + +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_�仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Set Custom Icon" +msgstr "丿从亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Remove Custom Icon" +msgstr "丿从亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Add _Buddy..." +msgstr "_���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "Add C_hat..." +msgstr "_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "_Delete Group" +msgstr "_丐啀�从舒仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "_Rename" +msgstr "_�亠� 仍啀仄�仄 仗�舒�" + +#. join button +msgid "_Join" +msgstr "_丕�仆舒�" + +msgid "Auto-Join" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 ��仆舒�" + +msgid "Persistent" +msgstr "�啀��仍�亟亠" + +msgid "_Edit Settings..." +msgstr "_�亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +msgid "_Collapse" +msgstr "_丐����从�舒�" + +msgid "_Expand" +msgstr "_丿舒�舒�" + +msgid "/Tools/Mute Sounds" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "" +"You are not currently signed on with an account that can add that buddy." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 ���仄仂 仂��仍 �仂��� 仆舒仍�仆 于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠, 仗仂亰于仂仍���亠亶 亠�舒�舒� ��仂亞仂 仄��仍舒仆���仄." + +#. I don't believe this can happen currently, I think +#. * everything that calls this function checks for one of the +#. * above node types first. +msgid "Unknown node type" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从�仍 ��仆" + +msgid "Please select your mood from the list" +msgstr "丿从舒仍舒仆亠� 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从�仄�仍�仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Message (optional)" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� (亠�舒����)" + +msgid "Edit User Mood" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 从�仄�仍亢�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#. NOTE: Do not set any accelerator to Control+O. It is mapped by +#. gtk_blist_key_press_cb to "Get User Info" on the selected buddy. +#. Buddies menu +msgid "/_Buddies" +msgstr "/_���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Buddies/New Instant _Message..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/丕 仗亳�亠 _从舒仍舒��仄舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Join a _Chat..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Get User _Info..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 _�于亠�舒劵舒�亢�仄 仆舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/View User _Log..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 _亢��仆舒仍亢�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Sh_ow" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_�仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Offline Buddies" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/_�仂����仂 仂亞�仍 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Empty Groups" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/_亊�舒 �啀�从舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy _Details" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/_���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 仆亠�亞亠仆 �舒�仍�从" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle _Times" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/�亠��仄亠 _亢舒仗" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/_Protocol Icons" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/_�亶于仂亰�� 亳亰亳�啀�亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Buddies/_Sort Buddies" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仂亶��从舒仍舒�" + +msgid "/Buddies/_Add Buddy..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Add C_hat..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Add _Group..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/_Quit" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/_�亠从�舒�" + +#. Accounts menu +msgid "/_Accounts" +msgstr "/_丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��" + +msgid "/Accounts/Manage Accounts" +msgstr "/丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��/丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒��仄舒�" + +#. Tools +msgid "/_Tools" +msgstr "/_唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Tools/Buddy _Pounces" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 �亠从仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "/Tools/_Certificates" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_弌亠��亳�亳从舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Tools/Custom Smile_ys" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_丿从亠 ���亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Tools/Plu_gins" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_�仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Tools/Pr_eferences" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_�亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Tools/Pr_ivacy" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_��亳于舒�仍�从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "/Tools/Set _Mood" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/弌亳��亠仄 _亢��仆舒仍" + +msgid "/Tools/_File Transfers" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "/Tools/R_oom List" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠�" + +msgid "/Tools/System _Log" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/弌亳��亠仄 _亢��仆舒仍" + +msgid "/Tools/Mute _Sounds" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从/_�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +#. Help +msgid "/_Help" +msgstr "/_�仂仍��" + +msgid "/Help/Online _Help" +msgstr "/�仂仍��/�仂����仂 _仗仂仍��" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "/Help/_Build Information" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "/Help/_Debug Window" +msgstr "/�仂仍��/_�舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "/Help/De_veloper Information" +msgstr "弌�亠于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "/Help/_Translator Information" +msgstr "丿从亠 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "/Help/_About" +msgstr "/�仂仍��/_��仂亞�舒仄仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>Account:</b> %s" +msgstr "<b>丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��:</b> %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"<b>Occupants:</b> %d" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"<b>�仍舒� 仗����仂-于仍舒从:</b> %d" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"<b>Topic:</b> %s" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"<b>丐亠仄亠:</b> %s" + +msgid "(no topic set)" +msgstr "(�亠仄�仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍)" + +msgid "Buddy Alias" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄亢哥" + +msgid "Logged In" +msgstr "�仂����仂" + +msgid "Last Seen" +msgstr "���舒���� 从仂亶�仍舒仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "Spooky" +msgstr "豫亢亞仂亶�仂" + +msgid "Awesome" +msgstr "�啀亟�从���舒仆" + +msgid "Rockin'" +msgstr "�啀劵亞舒仍���亠" + +msgid "Total Buddies" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "Idle %dd %dh %02dm" +msgstr "�亠�亠仆 从仂仍�亠仆 %d亟 %d� %02d仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "Idle %dh %02dm" +msgstr "�亠�亠仆 从仂仍�亠仆 %d� %02d仄" + +#, c-format +msgid "Idle %dm" +msgstr "�亠�亠仆 从仂仍�亠仆 %d仄" + +msgid "/Buddies/New Instant Message..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/丕 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Join a Chat..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Get User Info..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�亢�仄 仆舒仍舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Add Buddy..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Add Chat..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Buddies/Add Group..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/丐啀�从舒仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Tools/Privacy" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/��亳于舒�仍�从" + +msgid "/Tools/Room List" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�哥仍亠仄 仍啀仄亠�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d unread message from %s\n" +msgid_plural "%d unread messages from %s\n" +msgstr[0] "%d 仍�亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒� %s 亟亠�\n" +msgstr[1] "%d 仍�亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒� %s 亟亠�\n" + +msgid "Manually" +msgstr "�亳亟仄��舒�" + +msgid "By status" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "By recent log activity" +msgstr "���舒���� 亢��仆舒仍�仆 �����仄舒� 亟亠仆亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s disconnected" +msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ��仆�仄舒��仄 从啀�仍仄哥" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s disabled" +msgstr "%s 亶哥��从��仄哥" + +msgid "Reconnect" +msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 �亞�� ���舒�" + +msgid "Re-enable" +msgstr "丕亞�� �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "SSL FAQs" +msgstr "SSL FAQ" + +msgid "Welcome back!" +msgstr "�舒亞舒仍亠仆 啀亢�仆舒!" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d account was disabled because you signed on from another location:" +msgid_plural "" +"%d accounts were disabled because you signed on from another location:" +msgstr[0] "%d, �亠� 于亠� 亞�� ��仆�仄亠�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 亶哥��从��仄哥:" +msgstr[1] "%d �亠� 于亠� 亞�� ��仆�仄亠�仍舒仆 从哥�舒 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 亶哥��从��仄哥:" + +msgid "<b>Username:</b>" +msgstr "<b>�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄:</b>" + +msgid "<b>Password:</b>" +msgstr "<b>丿仂仍�仗仄��:</b>" + +msgid "_Login" +msgstr "_����仄舒�" + +msgid "/Accounts" +msgstr "/丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从" + +#. Translators: Please maintain the use of -> and <- to refer to menu heirarchy +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"<span weight='bold' size='larger'>Welcome to %s!</span>\n" +"\n" +"You have no accounts enabled. Enable your IM accounts from the <b>Accounts</" +"b> window at <b>Accounts->Manage Accounts</b>. Once you enable accounts, " +"you'll be able to sign on, set your status, and talk to your friends." +msgstr "" +"<span weight='bold' size='larger'>%s -�从亠 仗舒亞舒仍亠仆 啀亢�仆舒!</span>\n" +"\n" +"丐�亶�仆 �啀从��仄哥 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� �从亠. ��仆�仄 <b>丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从</b> " +"�哥�亰舒 亞�� <b>丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从->丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒��仄舒�</b> " +"仄亠仆� 亞仂� �啀从�哥. 丐亳亟�仄 ���亠仆, ��亶 于仂��� 仗��亠仆, 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄亠��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 亟舒 亶仂仍�舒�-" +"于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 �啀劵舒仍 从亠��舒�." + +#. set the Show Offline Buddies option. must be done +#. * after the treeview or faceprint gets mad. -Robot101 +#. +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Offline Buddies" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 于仂����仂 仂亞���仍" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Empty Groups" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/亊�舒 �啀�从舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Buddy Details" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 仆亠�亞亠仆 �舒�仍�从" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Idle Times" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗" + +msgid "/Buddies/Show/Protocol Icons" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/�仆��从�舒�/�亶于仂亰�� 亳亰亳�啀�亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Add a buddy.\n" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�.\n" + +msgid "Buddy's _username:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 _仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢哥:" + +msgid "(Optional) A_lias:" +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄 (亠�舒����):" + +msgid "Add buddy to _group:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 _�啀�从舒� 亠�舒�舒�:" + +msgid "This protocol does not support chat rooms." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仂亶于仂亰�� �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +msgid "" +"You are not currently signed on with any protocols that have the ability to " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 ��亞舒亶 仂亶于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍��仆 ���仄仂 仂��仍, 从�亟仂 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从�仄 " +"从���仍���." + +msgid "" +"Please enter an alias, and the appropriate information about the chat you " +"would like to add to your buddy list.\n" +msgstr "" +"丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 亟舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 从亠仍�亠仆 �仂仍�仂 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 " +"仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒��仆亠� �仍亠.\n" + +msgid "A_lias:" +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄:" + +msgid "_Group:" +msgstr "_丐啀�从舒:" + +msgid "Auto_join when account connects." +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 _��仆舒�, 从�仆舒仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� ��仆舒." + +msgid "_Remain in chat after window is closed." +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒仄 仗亠���仄亠从亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠����亠 _从仂亟舒�." + +msgid "Please enter the name of the group to be added." +msgstr "��舒��仄亠 �啀�从舒仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Enable Account" +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/Enable Account" +msgstr "<PurpleMain>/丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��-于仍舒从/�仂亰���仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "<PurpleMain>/Accounts/" +msgstr "<PurpleMain>/丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰��-于仍舒从/" + +msgid "_Edit Account" +msgstr "丿从亠 �仂�舒仆 于仂亰���仄 _于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Set _Mood..." +msgstr "_��仄�仍�仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "No actions available" +msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 ����仄舒� �从亠" + +msgid "_Disable" +msgstr "_�哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "/Tools" +msgstr "/唹亰亞舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Buddies/Sort Buddies" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从/���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 仂亶��从舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Type the host name for this certificate." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �亠��亳�亳从舒�仍舒仆 �仂�� 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从�仂." + +#. Widget creation function +msgid "SSL Servers" +msgstr "SSL-�亠�于亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Unknown command." +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 从仂仄舒仆亟亠." + +msgid "That buddy is not on the same protocol as this chat." +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 仂亶于仂亰���亢亠 �亳亟亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仆 亞舒亶 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "" +"You are not currently signed on with an account that can invite that buddy." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 �仂��� 仆舒仍�仆 于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄仂 仂��仍, 从�亟仂 �亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆���仄 啀亢舒� 从啀��舒." + +msgid "Invite Buddy Into Chat Room" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� 啀亢舒�" + +msgid "_Buddy:" +msgstr "_���仍舒仆��亠:" + +msgid "_Message:" +msgstr "_�舒仍舒��仄舒�:" + +#, c-format +msgid "<h1>Conversation with %s</h1>\n" +msgstr "<h1>%s 亞�� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�</h1>\n" + +msgid "Save Conversation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Un-Ignore" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Ignore" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Get Away Message" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄舒�" + +msgid "Last Said" +msgstr "���舒���� 仂亶仍�仄仂" + +msgid "Unable to save icon file to disk." +msgstr "�亰亳啀�亠��仆 �舒亶仍�仄 亟亳�从��从亠 舒仆�从仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Save Icon" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠��仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Animate" +msgstr "�仆亳仄亳�仂于舒�仍舒�" + +msgid "Hide Icon" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠��仄 ��仍�舒�" + +msgid "Save Icon As..." +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠��仄 舒仆�从仍舒� (从�亰亠)..." + +msgid "Set Custom Icon..." +msgstr "丿从亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "Change Size" +msgstr "��亞���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Show All" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仂仆��从�舒�" + +#. Conversation menu +msgid "/_Conversation" +msgstr "/_���仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/New Instant _Message..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/丕 仗亳�亠 _从舒仍舒��仄舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Join a _Chat..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��� ��仆舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Find..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_��舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/View _Log" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_���仆舒仍�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/_Save As..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_�仆�从仍舒� (从�亰亠)..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Clea_r Scrollback" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_亅��从�舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/M_edia" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_�亠亟亳舒" + +msgid "/Conversation/Media/_Audio Call" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�亠亟亳舒/_��亟亳仂亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "/Conversation/Media/_Video Call" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�亠亟亳舒/_�亳亟亠仂亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio\\/Video _Call" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�亠亟亳舒/��亟亳仂\\/�亳亟亠仂_亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "/Conversation/Se_nd File..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/个舒亶仍�仄 _从仂仍�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Get _Attention" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_丐啀�从�仍�从�仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy _Pounce..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_��舒于亳仍�仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Get Info" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/丕于亠�舒劵舒��仄 _仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/In_vite..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_唹亢舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/M_ore" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_亅�亠" + +msgid "/Conversation/Al_ias..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Block..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_丐啀从�仍舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Unblock..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_�仂�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Add..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_��舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Remove..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_�仂�舒劵亟舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Insert Lin_k..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_��仍于亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Insert Imag_e..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_�亰亳�啀�亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/_Close" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/_�亠���舒�" + +#. Options +msgid "/_Options" +msgstr "/_�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "/Options/Enable _Logging" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/_���仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒��" + +msgid "/Options/Enable _Sounds" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/_�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "/Options/Show Formatting _Toolbars" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/_个仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶 仂劵舒仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "/Options/Show Ti_mestamps" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/_�舒仍舒��仄舒� 亢舒仗�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/More" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/亅�亠" + +msgid "/Options" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +#. The menubar has been deactivated. Make sure the 'More' submenu is regenerated next time +#. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up. +#. Make sure the 'Conversation -> More' menuitems are regenerated whenever +#. * the 'Conversation' menu pops up because the entries can change after the +#. * conversation is created. +msgid "/Conversation" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/View Log" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/���仆舒仍�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio Call" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�亠亟亳舒/��亟亳仂亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "/Conversation/Media/Video Call" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�亠亟亳舒/�亳亟亠仂亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "/Conversation/Media/Audio\\/Video Call" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�亠亟亳舒/��亟亳仂\\/�亳亟亠仂亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "/Conversation/Send File..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/个舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Get Attention" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/丐啀�从�仍�从�仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/Add Buddy Pounce..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/��舒于亳仍�仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Get Info" +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/丕于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "/Conversation/Invite..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/唹亢舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Alias..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Block..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/丐啀从�仍舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Unblock..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�仂�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Add..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/��舒�舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Remove..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/�仂�舒劵亟舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Insert Link..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/��仍于亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "/Conversation/Insert Image..." +msgstr "/���仍舒仆�仄舒�/弌啀�亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�..." + +msgid "/Options/Enable Logging" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/���仆舒仍�仄 仆舒劵亞舒��" + +msgid "/Options/Enable Sounds" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "/Options/Show Formatting Toolbars" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/个仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶 舒劵舒仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "/Options/Show Timestamps" +msgstr "/�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从/�舒仗 仗舒仍�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "User is typing..." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从�舒..." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"%s has stopped typing" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"%s 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆" + +#. Build the Send To menu +msgid "S_end To" +msgstr "_�哥 亟亠从亠 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_�仂仍�舒�" + +#. Setup the label telling how many people are in the room. +msgid "0 people in room" +msgstr "�哥仍亠仄���亠 0 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Close Find bar" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 于从仍舒亟从�仄 仗亠���舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Find:" +msgstr "��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d person in room" +msgid_plural "%d people in room" +msgstr[0] "�哥仍亠仄���亠 %d 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" +msgstr[1] "�哥仍亠仄���亠 %d 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠" + +msgid "Stopped Typing" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆" + +msgid "Nick Said" +msgstr "�啀仄�仄 仂亶仍�仄仂" + +msgid "Unread Messages" +msgstr "��亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "New Event" +msgstr "丕 仍亳亶仄舒�" + +msgid "clear: Clears all conversation scrollbacks." +msgstr "clear: 丼�仍舒 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 ���从�舒�." + +msgid "Confirm close" +msgstr "�亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟舒��仄 仗亠����仄舒�" + +msgid "You have unread messages. Are you sure you want to close the window?" +msgstr "��亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仍��. 丐�亶 ��仆舒从 �哥�亰舒仄 仗亠����仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Close other tabs" +msgstr "�仂仍仂 于从仍舒亟从亠-于仍舒从�仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "Close all tabs" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 于从仍舒亟从�仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "Detach this tab" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 于从仍舒亟从�仄 仗仂�仆舒 ���舒�" + +msgid "Close this tab" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 于从仍舒亟从�仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "Close conversation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "Last created window" +msgstr "乘���仄亠 �哥�亰舒仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows" +msgstr "�仂�仆舒 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亟舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "New window" +msgstr "丕 �哥�亰舒" + +msgid "By group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "By account" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Find" +msgstr "��舒�" + +msgid "_Search for:" +msgstr "_���舒仍舒�:" + +msgid "Save Debug Log" +msgstr "�舒�亠��舒��仄亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 亢��仆舒仍���亠 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Invert" +msgstr "弌舒于��舒仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "Highlight matches" +msgstr "�从亞舒亶�仄 于仂仍亞舒仍�舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Icon Only" +msgstr "_�亰亳�啀�亠�-于仍舒从 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "_Text Only" +msgstr "_丐亠从�� 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "_Both Icon & Text" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠�-于仍舒从 _亟舒 �亠从��" + +msgid "Filter" +msgstr "丿啀�舒�" + +msgid "Right click for more options." +msgstr "�仂仍仂 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍舒�仍舒仆, 从仂仍�仆 仗��仍舒 仗仂仍亟���仄 �亠仄亟舒仍." + +msgid "Level " +msgstr "�啀从��� " + +msgid "Select the debug filter level." +msgstr "丿啀�舒��仄 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� 从啀从����仄 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "All" +msgstr "丼�仍舒" + +msgid "Misc" +msgstr "丐啀�仍哥" + +msgid "Warning" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Error " +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� " + +msgid "Fatal Error" +msgstr "丐哥�仍舒�舒� 仍亳亶亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "bug master" +msgstr "弍舒亞 仄舒��舒�" + +msgid "artist" +msgstr "�仂从���仂 舒仍亠 仄���亰仂" + +#. feel free to not translate this +msgid "Ka-Hing Cheung" +msgstr "�舒-丱亳仆 丼仂仆" + +msgid "voice and video" +msgstr "亶啀从 亟舒 于亳亟亠仂" + +msgid "support" +msgstr "�劵亠����" + +msgid "webmaster" +msgstr "于仂�-仄舒��舒�" + +msgid "win32 port" +msgstr "win32 仗仂��" + +msgid "maintainer" +msgstr "�亢舒�亠仆 从舒亶��亠" + +msgid "libfaim maintainer" +msgstr "libfaim �亢舒�亠仆 从舒亶��亠" + +#. If "lazy bum" translates literally into a serious insult, use something else or omit it. +msgid "hacker and designated driver [lazy bum]" +msgstr "�舒从亠� 亟舒 从舒仍舒��仄亠 于仂亟亳�亠仍� [亶仂仍舒亞舒亶 仗亠�仆�仍从仂���仂]" + +msgid "support/QA" +msgstr "�劵亠���� 亟舒 �舒亶仍�从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "XMPP" +msgstr "XMPP" + +msgid "original author" +msgstr "�从亠�仂�舒仆 �亠���仂亰舒" + +msgid "lead developer" +msgstr "于啀亟��哥 �����亠" + +msgid "Senior Contributor/QA" +msgstr "��亞��舒从 仗舒�舒亠劵/�舒亶仍�从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "Afrikaans" +msgstr "���亳从��亠" + +msgid "Arabic" +msgstr "��舒弍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Assamese" +msgstr "�仂亢�仍�仂" + +msgid "Belarusian Latin" +msgstr "�亠仍仂��� 仍舒�亳仆亳�亠" + +msgid "Bulgarian" +msgstr "�仂仍亞舒�" + +msgid "Bengali" +msgstr "�亠仆亞舒仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Bengali-India" +msgstr "�亠仆亞舒仍-亳仆亟亳亶" + +msgid "Bosnian" +msgstr "�仂�仆亳亶" + +msgid "Catalan" +msgstr "�舒�舒仍舒仆" + +msgid "Valencian-Catalan" +msgstr "�舒仍亠仆�亳亶-从舒�舒仍舒仆" + +msgid "Czech" +msgstr "丼亠�" + +msgid "Danish" +msgstr "�舒仆亳亶" + +msgid "German" +msgstr "�亠仄��" + +msgid "Dzongkha" +msgstr "�亰仂仆亞-从�" + +msgid "Greek" +msgstr "��亠从" + +msgid "Australian English" +msgstr "�于���舒仍亳亶 舒仆亞仍" + +msgid "British English" +msgstr "��亳�舒仆 舒仆亞仍" + +msgid "Canadian English" +msgstr "�舒仆舒亟亠 舒仆亞仍" + +msgid "Esperanto" +msgstr "亅�仗亠�舒仆�仂" + +msgid "Spanish" +msgstr "��仗舒仆" + +msgid "Estonian" +msgstr "亅��仂仆" + +msgid "Basque" +msgstr "�舒�从" + +msgid "Persian" +msgstr "�亠��亳亟" + +msgid "Finnish" +msgstr "个亳仆仆" + +msgid "French" +msgstr "个�舒仆��亰" + +msgid "Irish" +msgstr "��仍舒仆亟亳亶" + +msgid "Galician" +msgstr "�舒仍亳�亳亶" + +msgid "Gujarati" +msgstr "��亟亢舒�舒�亳" + +msgid "Gujarati Language Team" +msgstr "��亟亢舒�舒�亳 亶�仍仄亠 亟亠仆亠 从��舒���亠 �啀�从舒" + +msgid "Hebrew" +msgstr "�于�亳�" + +msgid "Hindi" +msgstr "丱亳仆亟亳" + +msgid "Hungarian" +msgstr "�亠仆亞��" + +msgid "Armenian" +msgstr "��仄�仆" + +msgid "Indonesian" +msgstr "�仆亟仂仆亠亰亳亶" + +msgid "Italian" +msgstr "��舒仍��仆" + +msgid "Japanese" +msgstr "亊仗仂仆" + +msgid "Georgian" +msgstr "���亰亳仆" + +msgid "Ubuntu Georgian Translators" +msgstr "Ubuntu-仄 亞��亰亳仆 亶�仍仄�� 从��舒���亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Khmer" +msgstr "��仄亠�" + +msgid "Kannada" +msgstr "�舒仆仆舒亟舒" + +msgid "Kannada Translation team" +msgstr "�舒仆仆舒亟舒 亶�仍仄�� 从��舒���亠 �啀�从舒" + +msgid "Korean" +msgstr "�仂�亠亶" + +msgid "Kurdish" +msgstr "���亟" + +msgid "Lao" +msgstr "�舒仂�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Maithili" +msgstr "弌�舒�亳仍亳" + +msgid "Macedonian" +msgstr "�舒从亠亟仂仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Malayalam" +msgstr "�舒仍舒�仍舒仄" + +msgid "Mongolian" +msgstr "�仂仆亞仂仍" + +msgid "Marathi" +msgstr "�舒�舒��亳" + +msgid "Malay" +msgstr "�舒仍舒亶" + +msgid "Bokm奪l Norwegian" +msgstr "��从仄仂仍" + +msgid "Nepali" +msgstr "�亠仗舒仍" + +msgid "Dutch, Flemish" +msgstr "�亳亟亠�仍舒仆亟, �仍舒仄舒仆亟" + +msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" +msgstr "�仂�于亠亞亳亶 仆�仆仂��从" + +msgid "Occitan" +msgstr "��亠�亳仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Oriya" +msgstr "��亳�" + +msgid "Punjabi" +msgstr "�舒仆亟亢舒弍亳" + +msgid "Polish" +msgstr "�仂仍�从" + +msgid "Portuguese" +msgstr "�仂���亞舒仍亳亶" + +msgid "Portuguese-Brazil" +msgstr "�仂���亞舒仍亳亶-弍�舒亰亳仍亳亶" + +msgid "Pashto" +msgstr "�舒��仂" + +msgid "Romanian" +msgstr "��仄�仆" + +msgid "Russian" +msgstr "���" + +msgid "Slovak" +msgstr "弌仍仂于舒从" + +msgid "Slovenian" +msgstr "弌仍仂于亠仆" + +msgid "Albanian" +msgstr "�仍弍舒仆" + +msgid "Serbian" +msgstr "弌亠�弍" + +msgid "Sinhala" +msgstr "弌亳仆亞舒仍" + +msgid "Swedish" +msgstr "丿于亠亟" + +msgid "Swahili" +msgstr "弌�舒�亳仍亳" + +msgid "Tamil" +msgstr "丐舒仄亳仍" + +msgid "Telugu" +msgstr "丐亠仍�亞�" + +msgid "Thai" +msgstr "丐舒亶" + +msgid "Turkish" +msgstr "丐���亳亶" + +msgid "Ukranian" +msgstr "丕从�舒亳仆" + +msgid "Urdu" +msgstr "丕�亟�" + +msgid "Vietnamese" +msgstr "��亠�仆舒仄" + +msgid "T.M.Thanh and the Gnome-Vi Team" +msgstr "T.M.Thanh 亟舒 Gnome-Vi 从仂仄舒仆亟亠" + +msgid "Simplified Chinese" +msgstr "�亳�舒亶 从����仍亠仄亟�仄亠" + +msgid "Hong Kong Chinese" +msgstr "�仂仆从仂仆亞 从亳�舒亶" + +msgid "Traditional Chinese" +msgstr "丐�亞仍舒亶 从亳�舒亶" + +msgid "Amharic" +msgstr "�仄�舒�" + +msgid "Lithuanian" +msgstr "�亳�仂于" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"%s is a messaging client based on libpurple which is capable of connecting " +"to multiple messaging services at once. %s is written in C using GTK+. %s " +"is released, and may be modified and redistributed, under the terms of the " +"GPL version 2 (or later). A copy of the GPL is distributed with %s. %s is " +"copyrighted by its contributors, a list of whom is also distributed with " +"%s. There is no warranty for %s.<BR><BR>" +msgstr "" +"%s - 亞�舒�亳从 IM 从仍亳亠仆�, libpurple 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从 亟亠仆亠 仆亠亞�亰仍舒仍�亠�, AIM, MSN, " +"Yahoo!, XMPP, ICQ, IRC, SILC, SIP/SIMPLE, Novell GroupWise, Lotus Sametime, " +"Bonjour, Zephyr, MySpaceIM, Gadu-Gadu 亟舒 QQ 亳从亞舒仆舒��亠 从���仍�舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒. GTK" +"+ 从���仍��仆 于仂亰�仄仂. <BR><BR>丐�亶 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�亠仆 亟舒 GPL 从亠仍��从 亟亠仆亠 " +"�舒�从舒仍亠仆 从亠��舒� (2 于亠��亳亶 舒仍亠 于舒�舒�亠). GPL 从仂仗亳亶 'COPYING' �舒亶仍���亠 �仍亠�, " +"从�亟�亢仂%s 亟亠仆亠 �舒�从舒仍舒仍�亠�. %s -仍舒仆 舒于�仂� 仗�舒于舒 仗�仂亠从��仄 �����亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 " +"从仂亟亠�. ��仂亠从��仄 �����亠 �亳�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠��仄 'COPYRIGHT' �舒亶仍���亠 仂仆�仂. �亠 �亳亟亠 " +"仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仍舒仆 仆亳仄仂亞舒亶 亞舒�舒仆�亳亶�仄 仂亞�仆舒 仗�.<BR><BR>" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"<FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>Helpful Resources</B></FONT><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s" +"\">Website</A><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s\">Frequently Asked Questions</A><BR>\tIRC " +"Channel: #pidgin on<BR>\tXMPP MUC: devel@conference.pidgin." +"im<BR><BR>" +msgstr "" +"<FONT SIZE=\"4\"><B>�舒亶亟舒仍亠 �亠����</B></FONT><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s\"\">�仂�-" +"仍舒���从</A><BR>\t<A HREF=\"%s\">丼啀�从�亟�仆 仗��亟�仄亠 亶仂亟��-于仍舒从</A><BR>\tIRC " +"�舒仆舒仍: #pidgin on<BR>\tXMPP MUC: devel@conference.pidgin." +"im<BR><BR>" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"<font size=\"4\"><b>Help from other Pidgin users</b></font> is available by " +"e-mailing <a href=\"\"></a><br/" +">This is a <b>public</b> mailing list! (<a href=\"" +"support/\">archive</a>)<br/>We can't help with third-party protocols or " +"plugins!<br/>This list's primary language is <b>English</b>. You are " +"welcome to post in another language, but the responses may be less helpful." +"<br/>" +msgstr "" +"<font size=\"4\">Pidgin 于亠� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从 亟亠� 仗仂仍��:</font> <a href=" +"\"\"></a><br/>丐亳亟亠 <b>仗�弍仍亳�仆亠</b> " +"仗仂��仂 从仂仍��仍仄舒�! (<a href=\"\">�仂仆亟舒亶</a>)" +"<br/>�亠 哥�亟�亢 仂亶于仂亰�� 亟舒 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亟亠仆亠 仗仂仍�亠仆 仂亞�仆舒 从亠��!<br/>丐亳亟亠 仗仂��仂 " +"从仂仍��仍仄舒��仆 �啀劵 亶�仍仄亠 - <b>舒仆亞仍亳�舒仆</b>. 丐�亶 于亠� 亶�仍仄亠 亟亠仆舒� 于仂亰亠仆 从亠��舒�, " +"亟舒 于舒�仄��-于仍舒从�仆 仗舒亶亟舒亢亠 亳亰亳�舒从 仍亳亶�仆 从亠����.<br/><br/>" + +#, c-format +msgid "About %s" +msgstr "%s 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Build Information" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#. End of not to be translated section +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s Build Information" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Current Developers" +msgstr "��亰���亠 �����亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Crazy Patch Writers" +msgstr "�从仄舒从�舒从 仗舒�� 于仂亰��仂-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Retired Developers" +msgstr "�舒�舒 亟亠� 从仂�舒劵�亠 �����亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Retired Crazy Patch Writers" +msgstr "�舒�舒 亟亠� 从仂�舒劵�亠 仂从仄舒从�舒从 仗舒�� 于仂亰��仂-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s Developer Information" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Current Translators" +msgstr "��亰���亠 从��舒���亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Past Translators" +msgstr "�仆亟舒从��亠 从��舒���亠-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s Translator Information" +msgstr "丿�从��舒从 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +msgid "_Name" +msgstr "_�啀仄" + +msgid "_Account" +msgstr "_丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��" + +msgid "Get User Info" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "" +"Please enter the username or alias of the person whose info you would like " +"to view." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亠劵�仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 舒仍亠 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄亢�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仆 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仂仆�亠仆 " +"仍亠从仆亠� �仍亠." + +msgid "View User Log" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 亢��仆舒仍亢�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "Alias Contact" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "Enter an alias for this contact." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 于舒�从�仍仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 仗���仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "Enter an alias for %s." +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Alias Buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄亢哥" + +msgid "Alias Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� �仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "Enter an alias for this chat." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�仍舒仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄�仄 仗���仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddy from " +"your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" +msgid_plural "" +"You are about to remove the contact containing %s and %d other buddies from " +"your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" +msgstr[0] "" +"丐�亶 于舒�从�仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠�, 从�亟仂 %s 亟舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� %d 于亠� 仄��仍舒仆���仄 " +"从��舒. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" +msgstr[1] "" +"丐�亶 于舒�从�仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠�, 从�亟仂 %s 亟舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� %d 于亠� 仄��仍舒仆��亠-" +"于仍舒从�仄 从��舒. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Remove Contact" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "_Remove Contact" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍�仄 _从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to merge the group called %s into the group called %s. Do you " +"want to continue?" +msgstr "丐�亶 %s �啀�从舒-于仍舒从���亠 �仍仄�仄 %s �啀�从舒� 亠�舒�亠�. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Merge Groups" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒-于仍舒从�仄 亳从��� ��舒�" + +msgid "_Merge Groups" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒-于仍舒从�仄 亳从��� _��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to remove the group %s and all its members from your buddy " +"list. Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 %s �啀�从舒仄 亟舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� ��仍舒 ��亟�仆 亶�亢�亠劵-于仍舒从��仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠�. " +"丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Remove Group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "_Remove Group" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒仄 _从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to remove %s from your buddy list. Do you want to continue?" +msgstr "丐�亶 %s 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟亠�. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Remove Buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "_Remove Buddy" +msgstr "_���仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"You are about to remove the chat %s from your buddy list. Do you want to " +"continue?" +msgstr "丐�亶 %s �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟亠�. 丿�亶�仆亠�?" + +msgid "Remove Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "_Remove Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 _从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Right-click for more unread messages...\n" +msgstr "" +"�亠� 仍�亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仍�亟舒�仍舒仆, 从仂仍�仆 仗��仍舒 仗仂仍亟���仄 �亠仄亟舒仍...\n" + +msgid "_Change Status" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 _于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Show Buddy _List" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 _仍啀仄亠��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "_Unread Messages" +msgstr "_��亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "New _Message..." +msgstr "_丕 从舒仍舒��仄舒�..." + +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Plu_gins" +msgstr "_�仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Pr_eferences" +msgstr "_�亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Mute _Sounds" +msgstr "_�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "_Blink on New Message" +msgstr "丕 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄 �仍亞�亢舒�" + +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_�亠从�舒�" + +msgid "Not started" +msgstr "丐啀劵舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "<b>Receiving As:</b>" +msgstr "<b>弌亠仄�仆 仆舒仍仄舒�:</b>" + +msgid "<b>Receiving From:</b>" +msgstr "<b>�亠� 仆舒仍仄舒�:</b>" + +msgid "<b>Sending To:</b>" +msgstr "<b>�仂仍��仄舒� (从哥仍舒仆):</b>" + +msgid "<b>Sending As:</b>" +msgstr "<b>�仂仍��仄舒� (从�亰亠):</b>" + +msgid "There is no application configured to open this type of file." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �舒亶仍 �亳仗仍舒仆 从亠仍�亠仆 �仂仍�仂 仗�亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 �从亠." + +msgid "An error occurred while opening the file." +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仗仂�仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆." + +#, c-format +msgid "Error launching %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 从仂仍��仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error running %s" +msgstr "%s ����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Process returned error code %d" +msgstr "��仂�亠�� %d 亶仂劵�仍�� 从仂亟�仄 仗哥���仍�亠仆" + +msgid "Filename:" +msgstr "个舒亶仍仍啀仄:" + +msgid "Local File:" +msgstr "�亠���亠 �舒亶仍:" + +msgid "Speed:" +msgstr "�亳��仍�从:" + +msgid "Time Elapsed:" +msgstr "�舒仗 ���亠仆:" + +msgid "Time Remaining:" +msgstr "�舒仗 从仂亟�仆:" + +msgid "Close this window when all transfers _finish" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 仄��舒�仍�仄亠从 �亳亟亠 �哥�亰舒仄 _仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "C_lear finished transfers" +msgstr "���舒�仍舒仍��亠 从仂仍��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 _���从�舒�" + +#. "Download Details" arrow +msgid "File transfer _details" +msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆 _�舒�仍�从" + +msgid "Paste as Plain _Text" +msgstr "丐�亞仍舒亶 _�亠从�� �亠仄�仆 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "_Reset formatting" +msgstr "个仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶�仄 _�亞�� ���舒�" + +msgid "Disable _smileys in selected text" +msgstr "�亶���仄仂 �亠从�����亠 _���亳亶-于仍�从�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "Hyperlink color" +msgstr "�亳仗亠�从�仍于亠� �啀�" + +msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks." +msgstr "�亳仗亠�从�仍于亠��仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +msgid "Hyperlink visited color" +msgstr "�亳仗亠�从�仍于亠��� 仗��亠仆 仍亠从仄亠从 �啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Color to draw hyperlink after it has been visited (or activated)." +msgstr "�亳仗亠�从�仍于亠��仄 仗��亠仆 仍亠从仄亠从 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀� (舒仍亠 舒从�亳于舒�亳亶 亟亠� 于舒�舒)." + +msgid "Hyperlink prelight color" +msgstr "�亳仗亠�从�仍于亠��仄 于仂仍亞舒仍�舒��仄亠 �啀�" + +msgid "Color to draw hyperlinks when mouse is over them." +msgstr "�亳仗亠�从�仍于亠��仄 从仂仍� 从���仂��仄 仆舒仄亳亶�仄亠从 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Sent Message Name Color" +msgstr "丐啀� 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从舒 仂�仗�舒于仍亠仆仆仂亞仂 �仂仂弍�亠仆亳�" + +msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you sent." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 从仂仍��仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Received Message Name Color" +msgstr "�舒仍仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 于�亶仄�� �啀�" + +msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仆舒仍仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄亢�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +msgid "\"Attention\" Name Color" +msgstr "�啀仄 �啀� \"丐啀�从哥 仍亳亶\"" + +msgid "Color to draw the name of a message you received containing your name." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仆舒仍仄亠 亟舒 仍啀仄亠� 亟亠仆亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +msgid "Action Message Name Color" +msgstr "乘���仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄 �啀�" + +msgid "Color to draw the name of an action message." +msgstr "乘���仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +msgid "Action Message Name Color for Whispered Message" +msgstr "乘���仄舒� ��仗 仂亶仍�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄 �啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Color to draw the name of a whispered action message." +msgstr "乘���仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whisper Message Name Color" +msgstr "丿�仗 仂亶仍�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄 �啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Color to draw the name of a whispered message." +msgstr "乘���仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仆 仍啀仄�仄 仂仆��从��仄仂 �啀�." + +msgid "Typing notification color" +msgstr "弌舒于�从��仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒� �啀�" + +msgid "The color to use for the typing notification" +msgstr "弌舒于�从��仄亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒����亠 从���仍�仄仂 ��亳�� �啀�" + +msgid "Typing notification font" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄亠 ��亳��" + +msgid "The font to use for the typing notification" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从�舒�仍舒仆 从���仍�仄仂 ��亳��" + +msgid "Enable typing notification" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "" +"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Unrecognized file type</span>\n" +"\n" +"Defaulting to PNG." +msgstr "" +"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �舒亶仍 �亳仗</span>\n" +"\n" +"PNG-仍舒仆 �仂�仍舒仍�亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Error saving image</span>\n" +"\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" +"<span size='larger' weight='bold'>弌啀�亠��仄 舒仆�从仍�仄舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍��</span>\n" +"\n" +"%s" + +msgid "Save Image" +msgstr "弌啀�亠��仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "_Save Image..." +msgstr "弌啀�亠��仄 _舒仆�从仍舒�..." + +msgid "_Add Custom Smiley..." +msgstr "_丿从亠 ���亳亶�仄 亠�舒�舒�..." + +msgid "Select Font" +msgstr "丿�亳���仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "Select Text Color" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �啀��仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "Select Background Color" +msgstr "个仂仆 �啀��仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "_URL" +msgstr "_URL" + +msgid "_Description" +msgstr "_�仂亰亠仆 仂仆��从��仄舒�" + +msgid "" +"Please enter the URL and description of the link that you want to insert. " +"The description is optional." +msgstr "" +"URL-�仄 亟舒 从�仍于亠��仄 于仂亰亠仆 仂仆��从��仄舒��仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 ��仆亟�仆亠�. �仂亰亠仆 " +"仂仆��从��仄舒� 亠�舒���� �仍亠�." + +msgid "Please enter the URL of the link that you want to insert." +msgstr "URL 从�仍于亠��仄 仗���仂, 从从�亟�仄 ��亶 ��仆亟�仆亠� ." + +msgid "Insert Link" +msgstr "��仍于亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "_Insert" +msgstr "_丿�仆亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to store image: %s\n" +msgstr "弌啀�亠��仄 舒仆�从仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s\n" + +msgid "Insert Image" +msgstr "弌啀�亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"This smiley is disabled because a custom smiley exists for this shortcut:\n" +" %s" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 ���亳亶 仂从 从���仍�, �亳亟亠 从�仄�仍仍舒仆 �从亠 ���亳亶 �仍仂:\n" +" %s" + +msgid "Smile!" +msgstr "丿��亳亶!" + +msgid "_Manage custom smileys" +msgstr "丿从亠 ���亳亶-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 _于亳从�舒�舒�" + +msgid "This theme has no available smileys." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �亠仄���亠 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 ���亳亶-于仍舒从 �从亠 �仍��." + +msgid "_Font" +msgstr "_丿�亳��" + +msgid "Group Items" +msgstr "�从��从-于仍舒从�仄 �啀�从舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Ungroup Items" +msgstr "�从��从-于仍舒从�仄 �亠仍亠亟舒�" + +msgid "Bold" +msgstr "�啀亢亞哥" + +msgid "Italic" +msgstr "�仂亢亠从" + +msgid "Underline" +msgstr "唹仍�� �亟��舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Strikethrough" +msgstr "丕亟��舒仍仄亠" + +msgid "Increase Font Size" +msgstr "丿�亳�� 从�亞���仄 从�亞亠仄亟舒�" + +msgid "Decrease Font Size" +msgstr "丿�亳�� 从�亞���仄 亳亰亠仄亟舒�" + +msgid "Font Face" +msgstr "丿�亳�� ��仆" + +msgid "Foreground Color" +msgstr "丐亠从�� �啀�" + +msgid "Reset Formatting" +msgstr "个仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶�仄 �亞�� ���舒�" + +msgid "Insert IM Image" +msgstr "弌啀�亠��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Insert Smiley" +msgstr "丿��亳亶�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Send Attention" +msgstr "丐啀�从�仍�从�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "<b>_Bold</b>" +msgstr "<b>_�啀亢亞哥</b>" + +msgid "<i>_Italic</i>" +msgstr "<i>_�仂亢亠从</i>" + +msgid "<u>_Underline</u>" +msgstr "<u>_唹仍�� �亟��舒仍仄亠</u>" + +msgid "<span strikethrough='true'>Strikethrough</span>" +msgstr "<span strikethrough='true'>丕亟��舒仍仄亠</span>" + +msgid "<span size='larger'>_Larger</span>" +msgstr "<span size='larger'>_��亞�</span>" + +msgid "_Normal" +msgstr "_��亟舒仍舒�" + +msgid "<span size='smaller'>_Smaller</span>" +msgstr "<span size='smaller'>_�亰亳�舒从</span>" + +#. If we want to show the formatting for the following items, we would +#. * need to update them when formatting changes. The above items don't need +#. * no updating nor nothin' +msgid "_Font face" +msgstr "_丿�亳�� ��仆" + +msgid "Foreground _color" +msgstr "丐亠从�� _�啀�" + +msgid "Bac_kground color" +msgstr "_个仂仆 �啀�" + +msgid "_Image" +msgstr "_弌啀�亠�" + +msgid "_Link" +msgstr "_��仍于亠�" + +msgid "_Horizontal rule" +msgstr "_丐仂�亠� 从仂�仆仂" + +msgid "_Smile!" +msgstr "_丿��亳亶!" + +msgid "_Attention!" +msgstr "_丐啀�从哥 仍亳亶!" + +msgid "Log Deletion Failed" +msgstr "���仆舒仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Check permissions and try again." +msgstr "��舒于舒仄 �亠�亞亠 亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation with " +"%s which started at %s?" +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 ��仆舒从 %s 亞�� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄, %s -��亠 �啀劵舒仍仄�仄, 仗哥���仍�舒� 仍亳亶亟亠 亢��仆舒仍 亞�� " +"从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the log of the conversation in " +"%s which started at %s?" +msgstr "" +"%s-��亠 %s 亞�� �啀劵舒仍�亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 亢��仆舒仍�仄 ��仆舒从 仗哥���仍�舒� 仍亳亶亟亠 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� " +"仄仂?" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the system log which started at " +"%s?" +msgstr "%s -��亠 �啀劵舒仍仄亠 �亳��亠仄 亢��仆舒仍�仄 ��仆舒从 仗哥���仍�舒� 仍亳亶亟亠 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Delete Log?" +msgstr "���仆舒仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�?" + +msgid "Delete Log..." +msgstr "���仆舒仍�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�..." + +#, c-format +msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation in %s on %s</span>" +msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>���仍舒仆�仄舒� 于 %s 仆舒 %s</span>" + +#, c-format +msgid "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>Conversation with %s on %s</span>" +msgstr "<span size='larger' weight='bold'>%s 亞�� %s -� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�</span>" + +#. Steal the "HELP" response and use it to trigger browsing to the logs folder +msgid "_Browse logs folder" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 仗舒仗从�仄 _仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s. Try `%s -h' for more information.\n" +msgstr "%s %s. ��舒���� �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�仍舒仆, `%s -h' 仗仂亞仂.\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"����仍�仄舒�: %s [��乘����乘�� �哘�]...\n" +"\n" + +msgid "DIR" +msgstr "��丐" + +msgid "use DIR for config files" +msgstr "从亠仍���舒��仄舒� �舒亶仍-于仍舒从仍舒仆 ��丐-�仄 从���仍�" + +msgid "print debugging messages to stdout" +msgstr "stdout-��仂 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �舒于�从�舒�" + +msgid "force online, regardless of network status" +msgstr "�舒亟�从舒从 于仂����仂, 于仂����仂 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 仂仆��亟亠" + +msgid "display this help and exit" +msgstr "�亳亟亠 仗仂仍���仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�" + +msgid "allow multiple instances" +msgstr "亳从亞舒仆舒��亠 仗���仄舒�仍舒仆 从哥仆舒�" + +msgid "don't automatically login" +msgstr "于亳亞舒从 仗��舒� 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "�唹�" + +msgid "" +"enable specified account(s) (optional argument NAME\n" +" specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n" +" Without this only the first account will be enabled)." +msgstr "" +"仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�舒� (亠�舒���� 舒�亞�仄亠仆��仄 �唹�\n" +" 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��-于仍舒从仍舒仆 亰舒仗��仂亶 亞仂� " +"从���仍�舒�.\n" +" 丐亳亟�仆 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒 亳从�仄�亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 亞�仆舒 �啀从��仄哥 " +"仍亳亠�)." + +msgid "X display to use" +msgstr "X-亟亳�仗仍亠亶�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "display the current version and exit" +msgstr "��亰���亠 于亠��亳亶�仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s %s has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.\n" +"This is a bug in the software and has happened through\n" +"no fault of your own.\n" +"\n" +"If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the developers\n" +"by reporting a bug at:\n" +"%ssimpleticket/\n" +"\n" +"Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time\n" +"and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know\n" +"how to get the backtrace, please read the instructions at\n" +"%swiki/GetABacktrace\n" +msgstr "" +"%s %s �亠亞仄亠仆�舒�亳亶 亶仂劵�仍��-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 仍亳亶�仆�� 亟舒 �亟�仂仆\n" +"�舒亶仍�仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从�舒� �哥�亠仆��.\n" +"丐���亠 ��亶�仆 �亳�舒从亠� �从亠, �亳亟亠 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄���亠 弍舒亞.\n" +"\n" +"丐亳亟亠 亶仂劵�仍���仄 ��亠 亳从 亞舒仆舒 仍�从��仆 从亠��舒� 亞�仆, �����亠-于仍舒从�仄,\n" +"亶仂劵�仍�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 仂�����仄 �仄亟�仍亠仆, ����亠 �亳亢�舒�亠:\n" +"%s��亞仍舒亶 �亳从亠�/\n" +"\n" +"丐�仆舒仄 从�亰亠 �亳亟亠 仍亳亶仄�仄 �舒� 于仂亰仂 亟舒 �亟�仂 �舒亶仍�仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亠\n" +"从仂�仆�仄 从仂仍�仂. ��亰亠 �亳亟�仄 ���舒� 仂� 仗舒仍亠 亞�仆, 仗仂仍���仄\n" +"%swiki/GetABacktrace -��亠 仍�亟�仆 仆舒仍\n" + +#, c-format +msgid "Exiting because another libpurple client is already running.\n" +msgstr "libpurple 从仍亳亠仆��仄 从仂仍��仄仂, �舒亟仍舒仆 仍亠从�舒仄.\n" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Media" +msgstr "_�亠亟亳舒" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Hangup" +msgstr "_��仍�仄 从啀�仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s wishes to start an audio/video session with you." +msgstr "%s ��亶 亟亠仆亠� 舒�亟亳仂/于亳亟亠仂 �亠舒仆��仄 �啀劵舒仍仆亠亢亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "%s wishes to start a video session with you." +msgstr "%s ��亶 亟亠仆亠� 于亳亟亠仂�亠舒仆��仄 �啀劵舒仍仆亠亢亠." + +msgid "Incoming Call" +msgstr "�����仂 亶�劵亞��" + +msgid "_Pause" +msgstr "_�舒仗仍舒仆 �仂亞舒仍仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "%s has %d new message." +msgid_plural "%s has %d new messages." +msgstr[0] "%s -��亠 %d � 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �仍仂." +msgstr[1] "%s -��亠 %d � 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �仍仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "<b>%d new email.</b>" +msgid_plural "<b>%d new emails.</b>" +msgstr[0] "<b>%d � �亠���.</b>" +msgstr[1] "<b>%d � �亠���.</b>" + +#, c-format +msgid "The browser command \"%s\" is invalid." +msgstr "�仆��从������亠 \"%s\" 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Unable to open URL" +msgstr "URL-仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Error launching \"%s\": %s" +msgstr "\"%s\" 从仂仍��仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��: %s" + +msgid "" +"The 'Manual' browser command has been chosen, but no command has been set." +msgstr "�仆��从����仆 \"�仂仍��从\" 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 仂亶���仄仂, 亟舒 从仂仄舒仆亟�仄 ����仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "No message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� �从亠" + +msgid "Open All Messages" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have mail!</span>" +msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">丐�仍舒仆亠� �亠��� �仂仍�仆!</span>" + +msgid "New Pounces" +msgstr "丕 仗�舒于亳仍-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "丿舒仍舒�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">You have pounced!</span>" +msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">丐�仍舒仆亠� �亠��� �仂仍�仆!</span>" + +msgid "The following plugins will be unloaded." +msgstr "�亳仆亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从 ���舒��仄亠 仍亳亶��." + +msgid "Multiple plugins will be unloaded." +msgstr "�从仄�仆�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 ���舒��仄亠 仍亳亠�." + +msgid "Unload Plugins" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆-于仍舒从�仄 ���舒�舒�" + +msgid "Could not unload plugin" +msgstr "�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 ���舒�亠仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +msgid "" +"The plugin could not be unloaded now, but will be disabled at the next " +"startup." +msgstr "" +"�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 从�亰�� ���舒�舒� �� 仍亳亶, 亟舒 于亠� �啀劵舒仍��� 亞仂亟�仄 ��亟仂 亶哥��从��仄哥 仍亳亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">Error: %s\n" +"Check the plugin website for an update.</span>" +msgstr "" +"<span foreground=\"red\" weight=\"bold\">�仂劵�仍��: %s\n" +"�仍舒亞亳仆�仆 于仂�-仍舒���从��仄 ��仄亟�仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 �亠�亞亠.</span>" + +msgid "Author" +msgstr "弌亠���仂亰舒" + +msgid "<b>Written by:</b>" +msgstr "<b>弌亠���仂亰舒:</b>" + +msgid "<b>Web site:</b>" +msgstr "<b>�仂�-仍舒���从:</b>" + +msgid "<b>Filename:</b>" +msgstr "<b>个舒亶仍仍啀仄:</b>" + +msgid "Configure Pl_ugin" +msgstr "_�仍舒亞亳仆�仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "<b>Plugin Details</b>" +msgstr "<b>�仍舒亞亳仆 仆亠�亞亠仆 �舒�仍�从</b>" + +msgid "Select a file" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "Modify Buddy Pounce" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�� 仗�舒于亳仍�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#. Create the "Pounce on Whom" frame. +msgid "Pounce on Whom" +msgstr "�哥仄 �亠从仍舒仆舒�" + +msgid "_Account:" +msgstr "_丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��:" + +msgid "_Buddy name:" +msgstr "_���仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢哥:" + +msgid "Si_gns on" +msgstr "_���舒" + +msgid "Signs o_ff" +msgstr "_�亠从�亠�" + +msgid "Goes a_way" +msgstr "_�仂�舒劵亠�" + +msgid "Ret_urns from away" +msgstr "_�哥���仍亠�" + +msgid "Becomes _idle" +msgstr "_�亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "Is no longer i_dle" +msgstr "_�亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆舒" + +msgid "Starts _typing" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 _�舒于�从�舒� �啀劵舒仍亠�" + +msgid "P_auses while typing" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 _亢舒仗仍舒仆 �舒�仆舒" + +msgid "Stops t_yping" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 _�舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆舒" + +msgid "Sends a _message" +msgstr "_�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒" + +msgid "Ope_n an IM window" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 _仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "_Pop up a notification" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 _仍�从�舒�" + +msgid "Send a _message" +msgstr "_�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "E_xecute a command" +msgstr "�仂_仄舒仆亟�仄 ��从�舒�" + +msgid "P_lay a sound" +msgstr "�啀从�仄 _从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Brows_e..." +msgstr "_�仂�舒�..." + +msgid "Br_owse..." +msgstr "�仂_�舒�..." + +msgid "Pre_view" +msgstr "_丐亠�亞�仄舒�" + +msgid "P_ounce only when my status is not Available" +msgstr "\"�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠\" 亟亠� 仂亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亞�仆舒 _��从�舒�" + +msgid "_Recurring" +msgstr "_丕�亠��舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Pounce Target" +msgstr "丿亠从仍舒仆�仄亠 仂弍�亠从�" + +msgid "Started typing" +msgstr "弌舒于�从�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆" + +msgid "Paused while typing" +msgstr "弌舒于�从��仄�仄 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �舒�仆亠仆" + +msgid "Signed on" +msgstr "�仂��� 仗��亠仆" + +msgid "Returned from being idle" +msgstr "�亠��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆" + +msgid "Returned from being away" +msgstr "�哥���仍�仆" + +msgid "Stopped typing" +msgstr "弌舒于�从��仄�仄 �舒�仆亠仆" + +msgid "Signed off" +msgstr "�仂� 亞�� 仍亠从��仆" + +msgid "Became idle" +msgstr "�亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍�仆" + +msgid "Went away" +msgstr "�舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +msgid "Sent a message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆舒仄" + +msgid "Unknown.... Please report this!" +msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠.... 丐亳亟�仆 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒�亠!" + +msgid "(Custom)" +msgstr "(�亶��从舒仍亠仆 ��仆亟�仄亠)" + +msgid "Penguin Pimps" +msgstr "��亢亞舒 仗亳仆亞于亳仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "The default Pidgin sound theme" +msgstr "Pidgin 亶啀从 �亠仄�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "The default Pidgin buddy list theme" +msgstr "Pidgin 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仆 �亠仄亠" + +msgid "The default Pidgin status icon theme" +msgstr "Pidgin 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄亠" + +msgid "Theme failed to unpack." +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 �仂仆�亠仆 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Theme failed to load." +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Theme failed to copy." +msgstr "丐亠仄�仍舒仆 从仂仗亳亶�仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Theme Selections" +msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 仂亶���仄舒�" + +#. Instructions +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Select a theme that you would like to use from the lists below.\n" +"New themes can be installed by dragging and dropping them onto the theme " +"list." +msgstr "" +"�啀仄亠� 亞�� 啀仍仆哥 ���亳亶 �亠仄�仄 仂亶��仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 从���仍�仆亠� �仍亠.\n" +"丕 �亠仄�仄 �亠仄亠 仍啀仄亠��� 从��舒�亠仆 ��仆亟舒� 仍亳亠�." + +msgid "Buddy List Theme:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仆 �亠仄亠:" + +msgid "Status Icon Theme:" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄亠:" + +msgid "Sound Theme:" +msgstr "�啀从 �亠仄亠:" + +msgid "Smiley Theme:" +msgstr "丿��亳亶-于仍舒从 �亠仄亠:" + +msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "丿仂从�仂 仗仂仍亟��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Cl_ose conversations with the Escape key" +msgstr "Escape 仗仂仍亟�� 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 _仗亠���舒�" + +#. System Tray +msgid "System Tray Icon" +msgstr "弌亳��亠仄 仍仂�仂从 亳亰亳�啀�亠�" + +msgid "_Show system tray icon:" +msgstr "弌亳��亠仄 仍仂�仂从 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 _仂仆��从�舒�:" + +msgid "On unread messages" +msgstr "��亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄" + +msgid "Conversation Window" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒" + +msgid "_Hide new IM conversations:" +msgstr "_丕 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 ��仍�舒�:" + +msgid "When away" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄" + +msgid "Minimi_ze new conversation windows" +msgstr "丕 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 _�����从�舒�" + +#. All the tab options! +msgid "Tabs" +msgstr "�从仍舒亟从亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Show IMs and chats in _tabbed windows" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亟舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从�仄 于从仍舒亟从亠 亟亠仆亠 �哥�亰舒仍舒��亠 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Show close b_utton on tabs" +msgstr "�亠����仄舒� _仗仂仍亟���仄 于从仍舒亟从亠-于仍舒从���亠 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "_Placement:" +msgstr "_�亠�舒劵亟舒仍�仄舒�:" + +msgid "Top" +msgstr "�啀�仆哥" + +msgid "Bottom" +msgstr "唹仍仆哥" + +msgid "Left" +msgstr "丿仂仍舒��亠" + +msgid "Right" +msgstr "���仍舒��亠" + +msgid "Left Vertical" +msgstr "丿仂仍舒 亞�� ���舒" + +msgid "Right Vertical" +msgstr "���仍舒 亞�� ���舒" + +msgid "N_ew conversations:" +msgstr "_丕 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从:" + +msgid "Show _formatting on incoming messages" +msgstr "�����仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从���亠 _�仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶�仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Close IMs immediately when the tab is closed" +msgstr "�仍舒亟从�仄 仗亠����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 于亳亞舒从 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "Show _detailed information" +msgstr "_�舒�仍�从 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Enable buddy ic_on animation" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� 亳亰亳�啀�亠� 舒仆亳仄舒�亳亶�仄 �啀从�舒�" + +msgid "_Notify buddies that you are typing to them" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 _�亳亢�舒�舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仆�仆�仍舒仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �舒于�从�亠�" + +msgid "Highlight _misspelled words" +msgstr "_�仂劵�仍�� 亟亠仆亠 仄��-于仍舒从�仄 于仂仍亞舒仍�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Use smooth-scrolling" +msgstr "丿�仄舒 从仂仆亟���舒��仄舒��仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "F_lash window when IMs are received" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 �哥�亰舒 亟亠仆亠 _于仂仍亞亠仆�舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Minimum input area height in lines:" +msgstr "�����仄仂 从�仆亟亠仄�仆 �仆 亳亰亳 从啀从����哥 (从仂�仆仂 亟亠仆亠):" + +msgid "Font" +msgstr "丿�亳��" + +msgid "Use font from _theme" +msgstr "_丐亠仄亠 亞�� ��亳���仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Conversation _font:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� _��亳��:" + +msgid "Default Formatting" +msgstr "�亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆 �仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶" + +msgid "" +"This is how your outgoing message text will appear when you use protocols " +"that support formatting." +msgstr "" +"个仂�仄舒�亳�仂于舒仆亳亶仍舒仆 �劵亠����亠 仂亶于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍�舒� 亞�仆,��亶�仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �亠从�� " +"��亞亠 从仂�� �啀劵舒仍亠�." + +msgid "Cannot start proxy configuration program." +msgstr "��仂从�亳 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仄 �啀劵舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��." + +msgid "Cannot start browser configuration program." +msgstr "�仂�-仂仆��从����仄 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仄 �啀劵舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��." + +msgid "Disabled" +msgstr "�哥��从��仄哥" + +#, c-format +msgid "Use _automatically detected IP address: %s" +msgstr "IP-舒亟�亠��仄 _于亳亞舒从 仄��仄舒��仄 从���仍�舒�: %s" + +msgid "ST_UN server:" +msgstr "_STUN �亠�于亠�:" + +msgid "<span style=\"italic\">Example:</span>" +msgstr "<span style=\"italic\">丿�仆舒仄舒�:</span>" + +msgid "Public _IP:" +msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 _IP:" + +msgid "Ports" +msgstr "�仂��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "_Enable automatic router port forwarding" +msgstr "�亳亞舒从 于亠� 于亠��� 仗仂��-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 �啀从�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Manually specify range of ports to listen on:" +msgstr "�仂仍���仄仂 仗仂��-于仍舒从 从�仄亟�从�仄 _从亳亟仄��舒� 亟亠仆亠 仗舒仍亠仄亟舒�" + +msgid "_Start:" +msgstr "_丐啀劵舒仍���:" + +msgid "_End:" +msgstr "_���舒����:" + +#. TURN server +msgid "Relay Server (TURN)" +msgstr "�亠仍亠 �亠�于亠� (TURN)" + +msgid "_TURN server:" +msgstr "_TURN �亠�于亠�:" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_UDP Port:" +msgstr "_UDP 仗仂��:" + +msgid "Use_rname:" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 _仍啀仄:" + +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仄��:" + +msgid "Seamonkey" +msgstr "Seamonkey" + +msgid "Opera" +msgstr "Opera" + +msgid "Netscape" +msgstr "Netscape" + +msgid "Mozilla" +msgstr "Mozilla" + +msgid "Konqueror" +msgstr "Konqueror" + +msgid "Google Chrome" +msgstr "" + +#. Do not move the line below. Code below expects gnome-open to be in +#. * this list immediately after xdg-open! +msgid "Desktop Default" +msgstr "�舒�舒 啀��亠仍 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "GNOME Default" +msgstr "GNOME 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "Galeon" +msgstr "Galeon" + +msgid "Firefox" +msgstr "Firefox" + +msgid "Firebird" +msgstr "Firebird" + +msgid "Epiphany" +msgstr "Epiphany" + +#. Translators: please do not translate "chromium-browser" here! +msgid "Chromium (chromium-browser)" +msgstr "" + +#. Translators: please do not translate "chrome" here! +msgid "Chromium (chrome)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Manual" +msgstr "�仂仍��从" + +msgid "Browser Selection" +msgstr "�仆��从����仄 仂亶���仄舒�" + +msgid "Browser preferences are configured in GNOME preferences" +msgstr "�仆��从����仆 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 GNOME-�仆��仆亟�仄舒����亠 ���舒仍���" + +msgid "<b>Browser configuration program was not found.</b>" +msgstr "<b>�jn-仂仆��从����仆 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍.</b>" + +msgid "Configure _Browser" +msgstr "_�仆��从����仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Browser:" +msgstr "_�仆��从���仂:" + +msgid "_Open link in:" +msgstr "��仍于亠��仄 ����亠 _仗仂�舒�:" + +msgid "Browser default" +msgstr "�仆��从���仂 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "Existing window" +msgstr "丕仍�仂 �哥�亰舒" + +msgid "New tab" +msgstr "丕 于从仍舒亟从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"_Manual:\n" +"(%s for URL)" +msgstr "" +"_�仂仍��从:\n" +"(%s URL-仍舒仆)" + +msgid "Proxy Server" +msgstr "��仂从�亳-�亠�于亠�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Proxy preferences are configured in GNOME preferences" +msgstr "��仂从�亳 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 GNOME-�仆 ��仆亟�仄舒����亠 ���舒仍���" + +msgid "<b>Proxy configuration program was not found.</b>" +msgstr "<b>��仂从�亳 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍.</b>" + +msgid "Configure _Proxy" +msgstr "_��仂从�亳仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�" + +#. This is a global option that affects SOCKS4 usage even with +#. * account-specific proxy settings +msgid "Use remote _DNS with SOCKS4 proxies" +msgstr "SOCKS4 仗�仂�亳 亟亠仆亠 �仂�舒�亠 _DNS-�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Proxy t_ype:" +msgstr "��仂从�亳 _�亳仗:" + +msgid "No proxy" +msgstr "��仂从�亳 �从亠" + +msgid "P_ort:" +msgstr "_�仂��:" + +msgid "User_name:" +msgstr "_�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄:" + +msgid "Log _format:" +msgstr "���仆舒仍 _�仂�仄舒�:" + +msgid "Log all _instant messages" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 _仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Log all c_hats" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 _�仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Log all _status changes to system log" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仆 于舒��舒仍��仄舒��仄 �亳��亠仄 亢��仆舒仍�� 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Sound Selection" +msgstr "�啀从�仄 仂亶��舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Quietest" +msgstr "�亠� ��仗" + +#, c-format +msgid "Quieter" +msgstr "丐�仗" + +#, c-format +msgid "Quiet" +msgstr "�仂从仍舒 亟亠� 啀仍仆��舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "Loud" +msgstr "�仂从仍舒 亟亠� 从啀�仆��舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "Louder" +msgstr "丐舒仍�仆" + +#, c-format +msgid "Loudest" +msgstr "�亠� �仂� �舒仍�仆" + +msgid "_Method:" +msgstr "_�哥仆:" + +msgid "Console beep" +msgstr "�亳仆舒仄亳从 亞�� 亶啀从" + +msgid "No sounds" +msgstr "�啀从 �从亠" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Sound c_ommand:\n" +"(%s for filename)" +msgstr "" +"_�啀从�仄 从仂仍�舒� 从仂仄舒仆亟亠:\n" +"(%s �舒亶仍仍啀仄仍舒仆)" + +msgid "M_ute sounds" +msgstr "�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "Sounds when conversation has _focus" +msgstr "�啀从-于仍舒从, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒 _�仂从�����仂" + +msgid "_Enable sounds:" +msgstr "_�啀从-于仍舒从�仄 �啀从�舒�:" + +msgid "V_olume:" +msgstr "_�啀从 从�亞��:" + +msgid "Play" +msgstr "�仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "_Browse..." +msgstr "_�仆��仄舒�..." + +msgid "_Reset" +msgstr "_��亟舒仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "_Report idle time:" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗 亟亠仆亠 _仗舒仍亟舒�舒�:" + +msgid "Based on keyboard or mouse use" +msgstr "�仂仍亟��仂劵舒仄 舒仍亠 从仂仍�仄 从���仍��仆 仆亠亞�亰仍舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "_Minutes before becoming idle:" +msgstr "�亠�舒� �啀劵舒仍仄�仍舒仆 _仄亳仆��:" + +msgid "Change to this status when _idle:" +msgstr "�舒�舒亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 舒仍仄舒��舒� ��亞舒亶仍舒仆:" + +msgid "_Auto-reply:" +msgstr "_�亳亞舒从 于舒�仄��:" + +msgid "When both away and idle" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄亠 亟舒 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄" + +#. Signon status stuff +msgid "Status at Startup" +msgstr "丐啀劵舒仍��� 亞仂亟�仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +msgid "Use status from last _exit at startup" +msgstr "�仂亟�仂 仍亠从仄舒� 亟亠� 于舒�舒 �啀劵舒仍��� 亞仂亟�仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 从���仍�舒�" + +msgid "Status to a_pply at startup:" +msgstr "丐啀劵舒仍��� 亞仂亟�仄 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 _从���仍�舒�:" + +msgid "Interface" +msgstr "�仆�亠��亠亶�" + +msgid "Browser" +msgstr "�仆��从���仂" + +msgid "Status / Idle" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 / �舒�舒亟�仄亠" + +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "丐亠仄亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Allow all users to contact me" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆 仄�亶 亟亠仆亠仄 于舒�从�仍�仄 ���舒�仍舒仆 从哥仆舒�" + +msgid "Allow only the users on my buddy list" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 亞�仆舒 仗��舒� 仍亳亠�" + +msgid "Allow only the users below" +msgstr "唹仍仆哥 仂仆��从��仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 亞�仆舒 仗��舒� 仍亳亠�" + +msgid "Block all users" +msgstr "丼�仍舒 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 �啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Block only the users below" +msgstr "唹仍仆哥 仂仆��从��仄仂 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 亞�仆舒 �啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "��亳于舒�仍�从" + +msgid "Changes to privacy settings take effect immediately." +msgstr "��亳于舒�仍�从 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 舒仍仄舒���仄舒� 亳仍���� 于亳亞舒从 仗��舒." + +msgid "Set privacy for:" +msgstr "��亳于舒�仍�从�仄 ��仆亟舒� (从哥仍舒仆):" + +#. Remove All button +msgid "Remove Al_l" +msgstr "_丼�仍舒 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Permit User" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 ���舒� 仗�舒�" + +msgid "Type a user you permit to contact you." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仂仆��从�仂, 从�亟�仍舒仆 �从亠 亟亠仆亠� 于舒�从�仍�仄 ���舒� 仗�亠�." + +msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to be able to contact you." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仍舒仆 �从亠 亟亠仆亠� 于舒�从�仍�仄 ���舒� 仗��仆亠�." + +msgid "_Permit" +msgstr "_乘��舒� 仗�舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Allow %s to contact you?" +msgstr "%s ��亶 亟亠仆亠� 于舒�从�仍�仄 ���舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "Are you sure you wish to allow %s to contact you?" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆舒从 %s �从亠 亟亠仆亠� 于舒�从�仍�仄 ���舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗��仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Block User" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 �啀从�仍舒�" + +msgid "Type a user to block." +msgstr "丐啀从�仍�仄亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仂仆��从�仂." + +msgid "Please enter the name of the user you wish to block." +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��t 仍啀仄�仄 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 �啀从�仍�仆亠�." + +#, c-format +msgid "Block %s?" +msgstr "%s �啀从�仍舒�?" + +#, c-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to block %s?" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆舒从 %s �啀从�仍�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Apply" +msgstr "����仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +msgid "That file already exists" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 �舒亶仍 �舒劵亞舒从 �从亠" + +msgid "Would you like to overwrite it?" +msgstr "丐�亟�仄 �亞�� 舒仆�从仍�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Overwrite" +msgstr "丕亞�� 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +msgid "Choose New Name" +msgstr "丕 仍啀仄�仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "Select Folder..." +msgstr "�舒仗从�仄 仂亶��舒�..." + +#. list button +msgid "_Get List" +msgstr "�啀仄亠��仄 _仆舒仍舒�" + +#. add button +msgid "_Add Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仄 _亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected saved statuses?" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆舒从 仂亶���仄仂 舒仆�从仍�仄亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂-于仍舒从�仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +#. Use button +msgid "_Use" +msgstr "_����仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Title already in use. You must choose a unique title." +msgstr "��亶仄�� �舒劵亞舒从 从���仍�舒仍�亠�. 丿��仆 于舒�仍亳�仍��亠 于�亶仄���仄 仂亶��仂." + +msgid "Different" +msgstr "�亶���亠仄舒仍��亠" + +msgid "_Title:" +msgstr "_��亶仄��:" + +msgid "_Status:" +msgstr "_�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂:" + +#. Different status message expander +msgid "Use a _different status for some accounts" +msgstr "_�亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 �亢仂 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 从���仍�舒�" + +#. Save & Use button +msgid "Sa_ve & Use" +msgstr "_�仆�从仍舒� 亟舒 从���仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "Status for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"A custom smiley for '%s' already exists. Please use a different shortcut." +msgstr "'%s' -仍舒仆 �从亠 ���亳亶 �仍仂. �亠� 仗��仍� 仗仂仍亟���仄 从���仍� 仂仆�仂." + +msgid "Custom Smiley" +msgstr "丿从亠 ���亳亶" + +msgid "Duplicate Shortcut" +msgstr "���仍� 仗仂仍亟�� 从���仍�仄舒�仍舒仆 从仂仗亳亶�仄 ���舒�" + +msgid "Edit Smiley" +msgstr "丿��亳亶�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Add Smiley" +msgstr "丿��亳亶�仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "_Image:" +msgstr "_弌啀�亠�:" + +#. Shortcut text +msgid "S_hortcut text:" +msgstr "_���仍� 仗仂仍亟�� 从���仍�仄舒� �亠从��:" + +msgid "Smiley" +msgstr "丿��亳亶" + +msgid "Shortcut Text" +msgstr "���仍� 仗仂仍亟�� 从���仍�仄舒� �亠从��" + +msgid "Custom Smiley Manager" +msgstr "丿从亠 ���亳亶-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Select Buddy Icon" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 仂亶��舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for this account." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 �从亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 舒仍仄舒��舒�仍舒仆 �亠仄亟舒仍." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Click to change your buddyicon for all accounts." +msgstr "丼�仍舒 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 �从亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 舒仍仄舒��舒�仍舒仆 �亠仄亟舒仍." + +msgid "Waiting for network connection" +msgstr "�仂� ���仄舒��仄 于���仄舒�" + +msgid "New status..." +msgstr "丕 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂..." + +msgid "Saved statuses..." +msgstr "�仆�从仍�仄亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂-于仍舒从..." + +msgid "Status Selector" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 仂亶��舒�" + +msgid "Google Talk" +msgstr "Google-仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Facebook (XMPP)" +msgstr "" + +#, c-format +msgid "The following error has occurred loading %s: %s" +msgstr "%s 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 于亠� 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s" + +msgid "Failed to load image" +msgstr "弌啀�亠��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot send folder %s." +msgstr "%s 仗舒仗从�仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s cannot transfer a folder. You will need to send the files within " +"individually." +msgstr "%s 仗舒仗从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 仂从 从亠��. 丐�亶 �舒亶仍-于仍舒从�仄 仗仂�仆舒 从仂仍���舒� �仍舒�." + +msgid "You have dragged an image" +msgstr "丐�亶 �啀�亠��仄 从��舒�亠仆 ��仆亟亠仆舒�" + +msgid "" +"You can send this image as a file transfer, embed it into this message, or " +"use it as the buddy icon for this user." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 �亳亟亠 �啀�亠��仄 �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 从仂仍�亠仆, ��亟�仄 从舒仍舒��仄舒��� ��仆亟亠仆 舒仍亠 " +"�亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄�仆 从���仍��仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "Set as buddy icon" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄�仆 ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Send image file" +msgstr "弌啀�亠� �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +msgid "Insert in message" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��� ��仆亟舒�" + +msgid "Would you like to set it as the buddy icon for this user?" +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 �舒亟亠 �啀�亠��仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄�仆 ��仆亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "" +"You can send this image as a file transfer, or use it as the buddy icon for " +"this user." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 �啀�亠��仄 �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 从仂仍�亠仆 舒仍亠 �亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 " +"亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄�仆 从���仍��仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "" +"You can insert this image into this message, or use it as the buddy icon for " +"this user" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 �啀�亠��仄 从舒仍舒��仄舒��� ��仆亟亠仆 舒仍亠 �亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 亳亰亳�啀�亠� " +"�亠仄�仆 从���仍��仆 从亠��舒�" + +#. I don't know if we really want to do anything here. Most of +#. * the desktop item types are crap like "MIME Type" (I have no +#. * clue how that would be a desktop item) and "Comment"... +#. * nothing we can really send. The only logical one is +#. * "Application," but do we really want to send a binary and +#. * nothing else? Probably not. I'll just give an error and +#. * return. +#. The original patch sent the icon used by the launcher. That's probably wrong +msgid "Cannot send launcher" +msgstr "亊�仍�从�仄 从仂仍�舒� 仂从 仍亳亶" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"You dragged a desktop launcher. Most likely you wanted to send the target of " +"this launcher instead of this launcher itself." +msgstr "" +"丐�亶 仗舒�舒 啀��亠仍 从仂仍��仄舒� 仗仂仍亟���仄 从��舒�亠仆 ��仆亟亠仆舒�. ���仆亳, ��亶 仗仂仍亟���仄 仂亞�仍, " +"舒 仄仂 亟亠仆亠 ��亟仂 从�仍亟舒仍��仆, ��亟�仄 从仂仍��仆亠� �仍亠." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"<b>File:</b> %s\n" +"<b>File size:</b> %s\n" +"<b>Image size:</b> %dx%d" +msgstr "" +"<b>个舒亶仍:</b> %s\n" +"<b>个舒亶仍 从�亞��:</b> %s\n" +"<b>弌啀�亠� 从�亞��:</b> %dx%d" + +#, c-format +msgid "The file '%s' is too large for %s. Please try a smaller image.\n" +msgstr "'%s' �舒亶仍 %s -仍舒仆 ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�. �亰亳�舒从 �啀�亠��仄 从���仍� 仂仆�仂.\n" + +msgid "Icon Error" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +msgid "Could not set icon" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠���仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Open Link" +msgstr "��仍于亠��仄 _仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "_Copy Link Location" +msgstr "��仍于亠��仄 _从仂仗亳�仂于舒�仍舒�" + +msgid "_Copy Email Address" +msgstr "E-mail 舒亟�亠��仄 _从仂仗亳�仂于舒�仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Open File" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仗仂�舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Open _Containing Directory" +msgstr "_�亠仍亠仆 从����仂 从舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "Save File" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 舒仆�从仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Play Sound" +msgstr "�啀从�仄 从仂仍��仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Save File" +msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 _舒仆�从仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Do you really want to clear?" +msgstr "丐�亶 ��仆舒从 %s -�仄 从仂�舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +msgid "Select color" +msgstr "丐啀��仄 仂亶��舒�" + +#. Translators may want to transliterate the name. +#. It is not to be translated. +msgid "Pidgin" +msgstr "Pidgin" + +msgid "_Alias" +msgstr "_丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +msgid "Close _tabs" +msgstr "_�从仍舒亟从亠-于仍舒从�仄 仗亠���舒�" + +msgid "_Get Info" +msgstr "丕于亠�舒劵舒��仄 _仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "_Invite" +msgstr "_唹亢舒�" + +msgid "_Modify..." +msgstr "_�舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Add..." +msgstr "_��舒�舒�..." + +msgid "_Open Mail" +msgstr "弌亠����仄 _仗仂�舒�" + +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_�舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Pidgin Tooltip" +msgstr "Pidgin 从舒劵舒�" + +msgid "Pidgin smileys" +msgstr "Pidgin-�仆 ���亳亶-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Selecting this disables graphical emoticons." +msgstr "丐亳亟�仄 仂亶���仄舒� 亞�舒�亳从 从�仄�仍�仄 亶哥��从�舒." + +msgid "none" +msgstr "�从亠" + +msgid "Small" +msgstr "�亰亳" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Smaller versions of the default smileys" +msgstr "丿��亳亶�仆 亳亰亳�舒从 于亠��亳亶-于仍舒从 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆" + +msgid "Response Probability:" +msgstr "�舒�仄�� 仍亳亶�仆 从亠��仄舒�:" + +msgid "Statistics Configuration" +msgstr "丿仂�仍亠仄 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +#. msg_difference spinner +msgid "Maximum response timeout:" +msgstr "�舒�仄���仆 �仆 从�亞� 于���仄仂 亢舒仗:" + +msgid "minutes" +msgstr "仄亳仆��" + +#. last_seen spinner +msgid "Maximum last-seen difference:" +msgstr "���舒���� 亞舒仆舒 �亢仄仂 �仆 从�亞� 仂亶���亠仄:" + +#. threshold spinner +msgid "Threshold:" +msgstr "�仂仆亟亠仄 从�亞��:" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Contact Availability Prediction" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟�仄 仂仆��仍亞仂� 仗舒仍�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Contact Availability Prediction plugin." +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟�仄 仂仆��仍亞仂� 仗舒仍�仄舒� 仗仍舒亞亳仆." + +#. * summary +msgid "Displays statistical information about your buddies' availability" +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �仂�仍亠仄�于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仂仆��从�舒" + +msgid "Buddy is idle" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亠仆 从仂仍�亠仆" + +msgid "Buddy is away" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +msgid "Buddy is \"extended\" away" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 \"从�仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠\" 亢舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆" + +#. Not used yet. +msgid "Buddy is mobile" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仄仂弍亳仍���亠" + +msgid "Buddy is offline" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Point values to use when..." +msgstr "�从仍�仄亠 仗舒仍亠 从�亞���仄 从���仍�舒�仍舒仆, 从�仆舒仄..." + +msgid "" +"The buddy with the <i>largest score</i> is the buddy who will have priority " +"in the contact.\n" +msgstr "" +"<i>从�亞��舒从 舒从仍�仄亠 仗舒仍亠</i> 亟亠仆亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 - �亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠, 从�亟仂 于舒�从�仍���亠 " +"从啀仍亠�舒仆�舒从 仍亳亠�.\n" + +msgid "Use last buddy when scores are equal" +msgstr "��仆舒仄 舒从仍�仄亠 仗舒仍亠 亳从亞舒亶, 仗��舒���� 仄��仍舒仆���仄 从���仍�" + +msgid "Point values to use for account..." +msgstr "�从仍�仄亠 仗舒仍亠 从�亞�� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��仍舒仆 从���仍�舒�仍舒仆..." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Contact Priority" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍 从啀仍亠�仍�从" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. *< summary +msgid "" +"Allows for controlling the values associated with different buddy states." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 �啀�仍哥 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��亠 从�亞��-于仍舒从 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒��仄舒� " +"亟亠仆亠 从哥仆舒�." + +#. *< description +msgid "" +"Allows for changing the point values of idle/away/offline states for buddies " +"in contact priority computations." +msgstr "" +"�舒�从�仍���亠 从啀仍亠�仍�从�仄 �仂�仍亠仆 仄�舒�仍舒仆, 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠/�从亠 �仍亠�/于仂����仂 仂亞�仍 " +"仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仆 舒从仍�仄亠 仗舒仍亠 从�亞���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒." + +msgid "Conversation Colors" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒��仆 �啀�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Customize colors in the conversation window" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒��亠 �啀�-于仍舒从�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒." + +msgid "Error Messages" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Highlighted Messages" +msgstr "�仂仍亞舒仍�舒��仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "System Messages" +msgstr "弌亳��亠仄 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Sent Messages" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Received Messages" +msgstr "�舒仍仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "Select Color for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 �啀��仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Ignore incoming format" +msgstr "�����仂 �仂�仄舒��仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍舒� 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Apply in Chats" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�仍舒��亠 从���仍�舒仍�亠�" + +msgid "Apply in IMs" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒����亠 从���仍�舒仍�亠�" + +#. Note to translators: The string "Enter an XMPP Server" is asking the +#. user to type the name of an XMPP server which will then be queried +msgid "Server name request" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 仍啀仄�仄 亶仂亟仄舒�" + +msgid "Enter an XMPP Server" +msgstr "XMPP �亠�于亠�-�仄 仂仆��从�仂" + +msgid "Select an XMPP server to query" +msgstr "XMPP �亠�于亠��仄 亶仂亟���仄舒�仍舒仆 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "Find Services" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂-于仍舒从�仄 仄�舒�" + +msgid "Add to Buddy List" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Gateway" +msgstr "丿仍�亰" + +msgid "Directory" +msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞" + +msgid "PubSub Collection" +msgstr "PubSub 从仂仍仍亠从�亳亶" + +msgid "PubSub Leaf" +msgstr "PubSub 仍舒���从" + +msgid "" +"\n" +"<b>Description:</b> " +msgstr "" +"\n" +"<b>�仂亰亠仆 仂仆��从��仄舒�:</b> " + +#. Create the window. +msgid "Service Discovery" +msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂-于仍舒从�仄 仗仂�仄舒�" + +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_�仆��仄舒�" + +msgid "Server does not exist" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �从亠" + +msgid "Server does not support service discovery" +msgstr "弌亠�于亠� �仍�亢弍仂 仗仂�仄�仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠" + +msgid "XMPP Service Discovery" +msgstr "XMPP �仍�亢弍�仄 仗仂�仄舒�" + +msgid "Allows browsing and registering services." +msgstr "�仆��仄舒�仍舒仆 亟舒 �仍�亢弍仂-于仍舒从�仄 于仂亰�从�舒�仍舒仆 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒." + +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"This plugin is useful for registering with legacy transports or other XMPP " +"services." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 XMPP �仍�亢弍�仄 舒仍亠 从仍亳亠仆��仄 于仂亰�从�舒� 仗舒亶亟舒仍亠." + +msgid "By conversation count" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仂� 亟亠仆亠" + +msgid "Conversation Placement" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 于亠�舒劵亟舒仍�仄舒�" + +#. Translators: "New conversations" should match the text in the preferences dialog and "By conversation count" should be the same text used above +msgid "" +"Note: The preference for \"New conversations\" must be set to \"By " +"conversation count\"." +msgstr "" +"�舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�: \"丕 仄�仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆\" �舒亶仍舒仆 �仂�仍�仄舒� \"���仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仂� " +"亟亠仆亠\"-��亠 ��仆亟舒仍��舒�." + +msgid "Number of conversations per window" +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒��亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仂�" + +msgid "Separate IM and Chat windows when placing by number" +msgstr "" +"�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亟舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从�仄 �仂� 亟亠仆亠于亠�舒劵亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 仗仂�仆舒 " +"�亠仍舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "ExtPlacement" +msgstr "��舒���� 于亠�舒劵亟舒仍�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Extra conversation placement options." +msgstr "��舒���� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 于亠�舒劵亟舒仍�仄舒� 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从." + +#. *< summary +#. * description +msgid "" +"Restrict the number of conversations per windows, optionally separating IMs " +"and Chats" +msgstr "" +"丐哥�亰舒��亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仂��仄 ��亞��亠仄亟舒, 仗亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 亟舒 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�-" +"于仍舒从�仄 仗仂�仆舒 �亠仍�仄舒� 亠�舒���� �仍亠�." + +#. Configuration frame +msgid "Mouse Gestures Configuration" +msgstr "�仂仍� 亟亠仆亠 仂仆��从��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Middle mouse button" +msgstr "�仂仍�仆 仗仂从�亠仍 仗仂仍亟��" + +msgid "Right mouse button" +msgstr "�仂仍�仆 仗��仍舒 仗仂仍亟��" + +#. "Visual gesture display" checkbox +msgid "_Visual gesture display" +msgstr "_丿亳仆�舒仍舒仆 从仂亶��仂 仂仆��从��仄舒��仄 �从�舒仆�� 仍�从�舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Mouse Gestures" +msgstr "�仂仍� 亟亠仆亠 仂仆��从��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Provides support for mouse gestures" +msgstr "�仂仍� 亟亠仆亠 仂仆��从��仄舒��仄 ���舒�仍舒仆 �劵亠��舒." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"Allows support for mouse gestures in conversation windows. Drag the middle " +"mouse button to perform certain actions:\n" +" �� Drag down and then to the right to close a conversation.\n" +" �� Drag up and then to the left to switch to the previous conversation.\n" +" �� Drag up and then to the right to switch to the next conversation." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒��亠 从仂仍� 亟亠仆亠 仂仆��从��仄舒��仄 ���舒�仍舒仆 �劵亠��舒. �仂仍�仄 �舒�于舒��仍 " +"亟舒 �亳亟�仆 亞仂亟�仄, 仗仂仍�亠仍 仗仂仍亟���仄 �亠仄亟舒仍 从��亠仆, 仆亳仆亠 仗舒�舒-于仍舒从�仄 ���亠仆 " +"从亠��舒�:\n" +" �� ���仍舒仆�仄舒��仄 仗亠���舒�仍舒仆 啀仍�从哥 亟舒 仗��仍舒�从亠.\n" +" �� �仆����仂 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 亟亠从亠 从��仆舒�仍舒仆 从啀�从哥 亟舒 �仂仍舒�从亠.\n" +" �� �亠� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒��� 从��仆舒�仍舒仆 从啀�从哥 亟舒 仗��仍舒�从亠." + +msgid "Instant Messaging" +msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� 舒仍仄舒�" + +#. Add the label. +msgid "Select a person from your address book below, or add a new person." +msgstr "唹仍仆哥 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 亞�� 亠劵�仄 仂亶��仂 舒仍亠 � 亠劵�仄 亠�舒�亠." + +msgid "Group:" +msgstr "丐啀�从舒:" + +#. "New Person" button +msgid "New Person" +msgstr "丕 亠劵" + +#. "Select Buddy" button +msgid "Select Buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 仂亶��舒�" + +#. Add the label. +msgid "" +"Select a person from your address book to add this buddy to, or create a new " +"person." +msgstr "" +"�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒 亞�� 亠劵�仄 仂亶��仂, 从�亟�仄 �亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒���亠�舒��仄舒仆 舒仍亠 � 亠劵�仄 ���亠" + +#. Add the expander +msgid "User _details" +msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仆亠�亞亠仆 �舒�仍�从" + +#. "Associate Buddy" button +msgid "_Associate Buddy" +msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 于亳�舒�" + +msgid "Unable to send email" +msgstr "E-mail-�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "The evolution executable was not found in the PATH." +msgstr "PATH-���亠 evolution ��从�亠仆 �仂亞��仂 �舒亶仍�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "An email address was not found for this buddy." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仄��仍舒仆���仍舒仆 E-mail-�仄 仄��仄仂 仂亞�仍." + +msgid "Add to Address Book" +msgstr "�亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒� 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "Send Email" +msgstr "E-mail-�仄 从仂仍�舒�" + +#. Configuration frame +msgid "Evolution Integration Configuration" +msgstr "Evolution 亟亠仆亠 于舒�仆�仄舒��仄 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +#. Label +msgid "Select all accounts that buddies should be auto-added to." +msgstr "丼�仍舒 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 仂亶��仂, 从�亟�仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从�仄 于亳亞舒从 亠�舒��仄舒仆." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Evolution Integration" +msgstr "Evolution 亟亠仆亠 于舒�仆�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Provides integration with Evolution." +msgstr "Evolution 亟亠仆亠 于舒�仆舒� 亶哥仆�仄 ���舒." + +msgid "Please enter the person's information below." +msgstr "唹仍仆哥 亠劵 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Please enter the buddy's username and account type below." +msgstr "唹仍仆哥 仄��仍舒仆���仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 亟舒 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 �亳仗��仄 仗���仂." + +msgid "Account type:" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仆 �亳仗�亠:" + +#. Optional Information section +msgid "Optional information:" +msgstr "��舒���� �于亠�舒劵舒�:" + +msgid "First name:" +msgstr "�啀仄:" + +msgid "Last name:" +msgstr "丐�从�仄仍啀仄:" + +msgid "Email:" +msgstr "E-mail:" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "GTK Signals Test" +msgstr "GTK �亳亞仆舒仍�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Test to see that all ui signals are working properly." +msgstr "�仆�亠��亠亶����亠 ��仍舒 �亳亞仆舒仍�仆 ��仆 ����仄����仄 �亠�亞舒." + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"<b>Buddy Note</b>: %s" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"<b>���仍舒仆���仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�</b>: %s" + +msgid "History" +msgstr "亅���从" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Iconify on Away" +msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 �����从��仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Iconifies the buddy list and your conversations when you go away." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 亟舒 ��仍舒 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �����从�舒, 从�仆舒仄 ��亶 �从亠 �仍舒�." + +msgid "Mail Checker" +msgstr "丐亠�亞�仄舒� �亠���" + +msgid "Checks for new local mail." +msgstr "丕 于亠���亠 �亠��� �仍仄�仄 �亠�亞舒." + +msgid "Adds a small box to the buddy list that shows if you have new mail." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亟亠从 亳亰亳�舒从 从�仄亟�从�仄 亠�舒�舒, 从���仂 � �亠��� �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 " +"仂仆��从�舒仍�亠�." + +msgid "Markerline" +msgstr "丿亠仍亠亟�亠 从仂�仆仂" + +msgid "Draw a line to indicate new messages in a conversation." +msgstr "�仂�仆�仄 �啀�亠�仍舒, 从�亟仂 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒����亠 � 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仂亶��舒." + +msgid "Jump to markerline" +msgstr "丿亠仍亠亟�亠 从仂�仆仂 亟亠从亠 �哥���舒�" + +msgid "Draw Markerline in " +msgstr "丿亠仍亠亟�亠 从仂�仆�仄 �啀�亠�仍舒� (从���仂) " + +msgid "_IM windows" +msgstr "_�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "C_hat windows" +msgstr "_丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "" +"A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to " +"accept." +msgstr "" +"��亰�从 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒� �亠舒仆��仄 亶仂亟仄仂. ��仄�仍舒劵亟舒�仍舒仆, �� 亳亰亳�啀�亠��仄 �亠仄亟舒仍." + +msgid "Music messaging session confirmed." +msgstr "��亰�从 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒� �亠舒仆��仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠." + +msgid "Music Messaging" +msgstr "��亰�从 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒�" + +msgid "There was a conflict in running the command:" +msgstr "�仂仄舒仆亟�仄 ��从��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 于舒�仗亳亢仄舒� 仍亳亶�仆:" + +msgid "Error Running Editor" +msgstr "�亠亟舒从�仂��仄 从仂仍��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +msgid "The following error has occurred:" +msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆:" + +#. Configuration frame +msgid "Music Messaging Configuration" +msgstr "��亰�从 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Score Editor Path" +msgstr "�从仍�仄舒� �亠亟舒从�仂� 从仂�仆仂" + +msgid "_Apply" +msgstr "_����仍�舒� �啀劵舒仍舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Music Messaging Plugin for collaborative composition." +msgstr "���仍� 仄�亰�从�仄 于仂亰舒� 仄�亰�从 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒� 仗仍舒亞亳仆." + +#. * summary +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"The Music Messaging Plugin allows a number of users to simultaneously work " +"on a piece of music by editing a common score in real-time." +msgstr "" +"��亰�从 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒� 仗仍舒亞亳仆 亳从仄�仆�� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仗��仍� 仄�亰�从 �亢舒� 亟亠仆亠 " +"仗舒�舒仄 ���舒�仍舒仆 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒, 从舒�舒从仍亠 仍亠从����仄于舒��舒仍��仍舒� �仍�仂 亢舒仗���亠 仍亳亠�." + +#. ---------- "Notify For" ---------- +msgid "Notify For" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� (从哥仍舒仆)" + +msgid "\t_Only when someone says your username" +msgstr "\t_丐�仆舒仄 亞�仆舒, 从�仆舒仄 亳从�舒亢-从哥 ��亶�仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄�仄 仂亶仍舒" + +msgid "_Focused windows" +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒-于仍舒从 _�仂从�����亠" + +#. ---------- "Notification Methods" ---------- +msgid "Notification Methods" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Prepend _string into window title:" +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒 于�亶仄�� �啀劵舒仍����� _从仂�仆�仄 亠�舒�舒�:" + +#. Count method button +msgid "Insert c_ount of new messages into window title" +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒 于�亶仄�� �啀劵舒仍����� � 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 _�仂��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#. Count xprop method button +msgid "Insert count of new message into _X property" +msgstr "丕 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 �仂��仄 _X 仗舒仍�从�� ��仆亟舒�" + +#. Urgent method button +msgid "Set window manager \"_URGENT\" hint" +msgstr "丐哥�亰舒 于亳从�亠仄于�亶 \"_��丿��\" �亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Flash window" +msgstr "_�仂仍亞亠仆�舒仍��亠 �哥�亰舒" + +#. Raise window method button +msgid "R_aise conversation window" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 _仆哥仍�舒仍舒�" + +#. Present conversation method button +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Present conversation window" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 _仗舒仍亟舒�舒�" + +#. ---------- "Notification Removals" ---------- +msgid "Notification Removal" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒��仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. Remove on focus button +msgid "Remove when conversation window _gains focus" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒 _�仂从�����亠" + +#. Remove on click button +msgid "Remove when conversation window _receives click" +msgstr "�仂�舒劵亟舒�, 从�仆舒仄 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒 �亠仄亟舒仍仄舒��仄 _仆舒仍亠�" + +#. Remove on type button +msgid "Remove when _typing in conversation window" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒��亠 _�舒于�从��仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. Remove on message send button +msgid "Remove when a _message gets sent" +msgstr "_�舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. Remove on conversation switch button +msgid "Remove on switch to conversation ta_b" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� _于从仍舒亟从�� 仗亠�亠从仍��舒�仍�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Message Notification" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "Provides a variety of ways of notifying you of unread messages." +msgstr "��亟亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 仆亠�亞亠仆 ��亶�仄 �亳亢�舒�舒� ��从仂 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Pidgin Demonstration Plugin" +msgstr "�舒仍亟舒���亠 Pidgin 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "An example plugin that does stuff - see the description." +msgstr "�舒仍亟舒���亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆, 从�亟仂 �啀�仍�仄 ���舒 - 于仂亰亠仆 仂仆��从��仄舒��仄 仂仆�仂." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"This is a really cool plugin that does a lot of stuff:\n" +"- It tells you who wrote the program when you log in\n" +"- It reverses all incoming text\n" +"- It sends a message to people on your list immediately when they sign on" +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 ��仆舒从 �舒仗仍亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆, 从�亟仂 �啀�仍�仄 ���舒:\n" +"- 丐�仍舒仆亠� 仂亶仍舒, 从哥 �亳亟亠 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仄 于仂亰亠仆, 从�仆舒仄 ��亶 仗��亠�\n" +"- 丼�仍舒 �仂仍�仂 �亠从���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒\n" +"- 丐�亶�仆 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠-于仍舒从仍舒仆, 仆�仆�仆 ��仆�仄���亟亠� 于舒�舒, 于亳亞舒从 " +"从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�舒" + +msgid "Hyperlink Color" +msgstr "�亳仗亠����仍从亠 �啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Visited Hyperlink Color" +msgstr "���亠仆 仍亠从仄亠 亞亳仗亠����仍从亠 �啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Highlighted Message Name Color" +msgstr "�仂仍亞舒仍�舒��仄亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仆 仍啀仄 �啀�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Typing Notification Color" +msgstr "丐啀� 仆舒弍仂�舒 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "GtkTreeView Horizontal Separation" +msgstr "GtkTreeView �仂�亠� 仗仂�仆舒 �亠仍亠亟�仄舒�" + +msgid "Conversation Entry" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仍舒仆 仗���舒�仍舒仆 从�仄亟�从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Conversation History" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� ����从" + +msgid "Request Dialog" +msgstr "�仂亟仄舒� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Notify Dialog" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Select Color" +msgstr "丐啀��仄 仂亶��仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "Select Interface Font" +msgstr "丿�亳���仄 仂亶��仂" + +#, c-format +msgid "Select Font for %s" +msgstr "%s -仍舒仆 ��亳���仄 仂亶��仂" + +msgid "GTK+ Interface Font" +msgstr "GTK+ 亳仆�亠��亠亶� ��亳��" + +msgid "GTK+ Text Shortcut Theme" +msgstr "GTK+ �亠从�� ��仍�从 �亠仄亠" + +msgid "Disable Typing Notification Text" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� �亠从���仄 �舒于�从��仄�仄 亶哥��从�舒�" + +msgid "GTK+ Theme Control Settings" +msgstr "GTK+ �亠仄亠 于亳从�舒��仄舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Colors" +msgstr "丐啀�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Fonts" +msgstr "丿�亳��-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Miscellaneous" +msgstr "丐啀�仍哥" + +msgid "Gtkrc File Tools" +msgstr "Gtkrc �舒亶仍 啀亰亞舒�-于仍舒从" + +#, c-format +msgid "Write settings to %s%sgtkrc-2.0" +msgstr "%s%sgtkrc-2.0-�从亠 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 于仂亰舒�" + +msgid "Re-read gtkrc files" +msgstr "gtkrc �舒亶仍-于仍舒从�仄 �亞�� 仍�亟舒�" + +msgid "Pidgin GTK+ Theme Control" +msgstr "Pidgin GTK+ �亠仄亠 亟亠仆亠 于亳从�舒��仄舒�" + +msgid "Provides access to commonly used gtkrc settings." +msgstr "丼啀�从�亟�仆 从���仍�仄仂 gtkrc 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从 亟亠从 仗��舒� 仍亳亶仄舒��仄 仗�舒." + +msgid "Raw" +msgstr "�啀��仄哥" + +msgid "Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols." +msgstr "丐亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 仂亶于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍��仆, 从啀��仄哥 仗����仄�仄 从仂仍�舒� 仗�舒." + +msgid "" +"Lets you send raw input to text-based protocols (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC). Hit " +"'Enter' in the entry box to send. Watch the debug window." +msgstr "" +"丐亠从�� 亟亠仆亠 (XMPP, MSN, IRC, TOC) 仂亶于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍��仆, 从啀��仄哥 仗����仄�仄 " +"从仂仍�舒� 仗�舒. �仂仍�舒�仍舒仆, 仗����仄舒� 从�仄亟�从���仂 'Enter'-�仄 �亠仄亟舒仍. �舒�亠��舒��仄舒� " +"�哥�亰舒仄 仂仆�仂." + +#, c-format +msgid "You can upgrade to %s %s today." +msgstr "丐�亶 �舒�亠 %s %s 仄舒��亠 ��仄亟舒仍��仆 从亠��舒�." + +msgid "New Version Available" +msgstr "丕 于亠��亳亶 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠" + +msgid "Later" +msgstr "�舒�舒�舒从" + +msgid "Download Now" +msgstr "��亰�� ��仗��仆 仆舒仍舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Release Notification" +msgstr "�亠仍亳亰 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Checks periodically for new releases." +msgstr "�从仄�仆�� 亢舒仗 亞�� � 于亠��亳亶 �仍仄�仄 �亠�亞舒." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"Checks periodically for new releases and notifies the user with the " +"ChangeLog." +msgstr "" +"�从仄�仆�� 亢舒仗 亞�� � 于亠��亳亶 �仍仄�仄 �亠�亞舒 亟舒 仆�仆�仆 仆亠�亞亠仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 " +"于舒��舒仍��仄舒� 仍啀仄亠� 亞仂� �亳亢�舒�舒." + +#. *< major version +#. *< minor version +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Send Button" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄仂 仗仂仍亟��" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Conversation Window Send Button." +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仄 从仂仍��仄仂 仗仂仍亟��." + +#. *< summary +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"Adds a Send button to the entry area of the conversation window. Intended " +"for use when no physical keyboard is present." +msgstr "" +"���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒仆 仗����仄舒� 从�仄亟�从 亟亠从亠 从仂仍��仄仂 仗仂仍亟���仄 亠�舒�舒. 丐亳亟亠 ��仆舒仄 " +"从啀仍�仆 从亠��亠�, 从�仆舒仄 仍舒�仂从 仗仂仍亟��仂劵舒 �从亠 �仍亠�." + +msgid "Duplicate Correction" +msgstr "�舒�舒�仍舒仍���仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "The specified word already exists in the correction list." +msgstr "�舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仄�� �哥�仍舒��仄亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 �舒劵亞��亠从 �仍仂." + +msgid "Text Replacements" +msgstr "丐亠从���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "You type" +msgstr "丐�亶 �舒于�从�亠�" + +msgid "You send" +msgstr "丐�亶 从仂仍�亠�" + +msgid "Whole words only" +msgstr "丐亳�仄舒� 仄��-于仍舒从 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "Case sensitive" +msgstr "�亠亞亳����仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍舒�" + +msgid "Add a new text replacement" +msgstr "丕 �亠从���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄舒��仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +msgid "You _type:" +msgstr "丐�亶 _�舒于�从�亠�:" + +msgid "You _send:" +msgstr "丐�亶 _从仂仍�亠�:" + +#. Created here so it can be passed to whole_words_button_toggled. +msgid "_Exact case match (uncheck for automatic case handling)" +msgstr "�亠亞亳��� _�啀��� 亳从亞舒亶仍�从" + +msgid "Only replace _whole words" +msgstr "_丐亳�仄舒� 仄���仄 亞�仆舒 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "General Text Replacement Options" +msgstr "丐啀劵 �亠从���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄舒� 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Enable replacement of last word on send" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 仗��舒���� 仄��-于仍舒从�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�仍舒仆 从哥仆舒�" + +msgid "Text replacement" +msgstr "丐亠从���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄舒�" + +msgid "Replaces text in outgoing messages according to user-defined rules." +msgstr "" +"�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 仗�舒于亳仍 亟亠仆亠 仍亠从�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从���亠 �亠从���仄 于舒��舒仍�舒." + +msgid "Just logged in" +msgstr "��亰�� 亞�仆舒 于仂��� 仗��亠仆" + +msgid "Just logged out" +msgstr "��亰�� 亞�仆舒 于仂� 亞�� 仍亠从��仆" + +msgid "" +"Icon for Contact/\n" +"Icon for Unknown person" +msgstr "" +"�舒�从�仍仍舒仆 亳亰亳�啀�亠�/\n" +"�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亠劵仍舒仆 亳亰亳�啀�亠�" + +msgid "Icon for Chat" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�仍舒仆 亳亰亳�啀�亠�" + +msgid "Ignored" +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +msgid "Founder" +msgstr "�亠亞�亰仍��亠" + +#. A user in a chat room who has special privileges. +msgid "Operator" +msgstr "�仗亠�舒�仂�" + +#. A half operator is someone who has a subset of the privileges +#. that an operator has. +msgid "Half Operator" +msgstr "�亠仍亠-仂仗亠�舒�仂�" + +msgid "Authorization dialog" +msgstr "�于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Error dialog" +msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Information dialog" +msgstr "丕于亠�舒劵舒� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Mail dialog" +msgstr "弌亠��� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Question dialog" +msgstr "�仂亟�� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "Warning dialog" +msgstr "丿亳亢�舒��仄舒� 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�" + +msgid "What kind of dialog is this?" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� 仄仂亞舒亶 �亳仗?" + +msgid "Status Icons" +msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 亳亰亳�啀�亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Chatroom Emblems" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗哥仍亠仄 �仄弍仍亠仄亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Dialog Icons" +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� 亳亰亳�啀�亠�-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Pidgin Icon Theme Editor" +msgstr "Pidgin 亳亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄亠 �亠亟舒从�仂�" + +msgid "Contact" +msgstr "�舒�从�仍" + +msgid "Pidgin Buddylist Theme Editor" +msgstr "Pidgin 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �亠仄亠 �亠亟舒从�仂�" + +msgid "Edit Buddylist Theme" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �亠仄�仆 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Edit Icon Theme" +msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠� �亠仄�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +#. * description +msgid "Pidgin Theme Editor" +msgstr "Pidgin �亠仄亠 �亠亟舒从�仂�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Pidgin Theme Editor." +msgstr "Pidgin �亠仄亠 �亠亟舒从�仂� ." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Buddy Ticker" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 �舒�仄舒" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +#. * description +msgid "A horizontal scrolling version of the buddy list." +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��仄 �仂�亠� 从仂仆亟���舒��仄舒� 于亠��亳亶." + +msgid "Display Timestamps Every" +msgstr "�舒仗 仗舒仍亠-于仍舒从�仄 仂仆��从�舒�, 从舒亢仆亠..." + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Timestamp" +msgstr "�舒仗 仗舒仍亠" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps" +msgstr "iChat ��仆 亟亠仆亠 亢舒仗 仗舒仍�仄 仂仆��从�舒�." + +#. * description +msgid "Display iChat-style timestamps every N minutes." +msgstr "iChat ��仆 亟亠仆亠 亢舒仗 仗舒仍�仄 从舒亢仆亠 N 仄亳仆�� 亞�� 仂仆��从�舒." + +msgid "Timestamp Format Options" +msgstr "�舒仗 仗舒仍亠 �仂�仄舒� 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "_Force timestamp format:" +msgstr "�舒仗 仗舒仍亠 �仂�仄舒��仄 _于亳亠� 从���仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Use system default" +msgstr "弌亳��亠仄�仄 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆 从���仍�舒仍�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "12 hour time format" +msgstr "12 �舒亞舒�舒仆 亢舒仗 �仂�仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "24 hour time format" +msgstr "24 �舒亞舒�舒仆 亢舒仗 �仂�仄舒�" + +msgid "Show dates in..." +msgstr "�亠��仄 仂仆��从�舒�..." + +msgid "Co_nversations:" +msgstr "_���仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从:" + +msgid "For delayed messages" +msgstr "���舒仍��亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆" + +msgid "For delayed messages and in chats" +msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�仍舒��亠 亟舒 从��舒仍��亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆" + +msgid "_Message Logs:" +msgstr "_�舒仍舒��仄舒� 亢��仆舒仍-于仍舒从:" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Message Timestamp Formats" +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从���亠 亢舒仗 仗舒仍亠 �仂�仄舒�" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Customizes the message timestamp formats." +msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从���亠 亢舒仗 仗舒仍亠 �仂�仄舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"This plugin allows the user to customize conversation and logging message " +"timestamp formats." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� 亟舒 亢��仆舒仍 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从���亠 亢舒仗 仗舒仍亠 " +"�仂�仄舒��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒� 亶哥仆�仄 仗�舒." + +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "��亟亳仂" + +msgid "Video" +msgstr "�亳亟亠仂" + +msgid "Output" +msgstr "��从�舒�" + +msgid "_Plugin" +msgstr "_�仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "_Device" +msgstr "_�哥仆亟舒����" + +msgid "Input" +msgstr "����舒�" + +msgid "P_lugin" +msgstr "_�仍舒亞亳仆" + +msgid "D_evice" +msgstr "_�哥仆亟舒����" + +#. *< magic +#. *< major version +#. *< minor version +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Voice/Video Settings" +msgstr "�啀从/�亳亟亠仂 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy +msgid "Voice and Video Settings" +msgstr "�啀从/�亳亟亠仂 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +msgid "Configure your microphone and webcam." +msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仄亳从�仂�仂仆�仄 亟舒 于亠弍-从舒仄亠��仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�." + +#. *< summary +msgid "Configure microphone and webcam settings for voice/video calls." +msgstr "�啀从/于亳亟亠仂 亶�劵亞��仍舒仆 ��亶�仆 仄亳从�仂�仂仆�仄 亟舒 于亠弍-从舒仄亠��仄 从亠仍���舒�舒�." + +msgid "Opacity:" +msgstr "�仂��从仂亶仄仂 仂亞�仍:" + +#. IM Convo trans options +msgid "IM Conversation Windows" +msgstr "IM 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从" + +msgid "_IM window transparency" +msgstr "_IM �哥�亰舒 于仂��从仂亶仄仂" + +msgid "_Show slider bar in IM window" +msgstr "IM �哥�亰舒��亠 从仂仆亟���舒��� 从仂�仆�仄 _仂仆��从�舒�" + +msgid "Remove IM window transparency on focus" +msgstr "个仂从�����仂 IM �哥�亰舒 于仂��从仂亶仄�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +msgid "Always on top" +msgstr "亅�亠 从啀�仆哥" + +#. Buddy List trans options +msgid "Buddy List Window" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �哥�亰舒" + +msgid "_Buddy List window transparency" +msgstr "_���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �哥�亰舒 于仂��从仂亶仄仂" + +msgid "Remove Buddy List window transparency on focus" +msgstr "个仂从�����仂 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �哥�亰舒 于仂��从仂亶仄�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "Transparency" +msgstr "�仂��从仂亶仄仂" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Variable Transparency for the buddy list and conversations." +msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� 仍啀仄亠� 亟舒 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒�-于仍舒从仍舒仆 于仂��从仂亶仄仂 于舒��舒仍��亠." + +#. * description +msgid "" +"This plugin enables variable alpha transparency on conversation windows and " +"the buddy list.\n" +"\n" +"* Note: This plugin requires Win2000 or greater." +msgstr "" +"丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从 亟舒 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�仍舒仆于舒��舒仍��亠 舒仍��舒-" +"于仂��从仂亶仄�仄 �啀从�舒.\n" +"\n" +"* �舒仍亠仄亟�仄舒�: 丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 Win2000 舒仍亠 于舒�舒�舒从 于亠��亳亶�仄 从啀��舒." + +#. Autostart +msgid "Startup" +msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒�" + +#, c-format +msgid "_Start %s on Windows startup" +msgstr "Windows-�仄 从仂仍��仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 %s _�啀劵舒仍�舒�" + +msgid "Allow multiple instances" +msgstr "�从亞舒仆舒��亠 �啀�仍哥 于亠� 亞�� 仗��舒� 仍亳亠�" + +msgid "_Dockable Buddy List" +msgstr "丼仂�从�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 _仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠�" + +#. Blist On Top +msgid "_Keep Buddy List window on top:" +msgstr "���仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �哥�亰舒仄 _从啀�仆哥 从��舒�:" + +#. XXX: Did this ever work? +msgid "Only when docked" +msgstr "��仆舒仄 �仂�从�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 亞�仆舒" + +msgid "Windows Pidgin Options" +msgstr "Windows Pidgin 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +msgid "Options specific to Pidgin for Windows." +msgstr "Windows-仍舒仆 仂亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 Pidgin 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从." + +msgid "" +"Provides options specific to Pidgin for Windows, such as buddy list docking." +msgstr "" +"Windows-仍舒仆 仂亶���亠仄舒仍��亠 Pidgin 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从�仄 仗�舒, 仄��仍舒仆, 仄��仍舒仆��亠 " +"仍啀仄亠��仄 �仂�从�亟亠仄亟舒�." + +msgid "<font color='#777777'>Logged out.</font>" +msgstr "<font color='#777777'>�仂� 亞�� 仍亠从��仆.</font>" + +#. *< type +#. *< ui_requirement +#. *< flags +#. *< dependencies +#. *< priority +#. *< id +msgid "XMPP Console" +msgstr "XMPP 从仂仆�仂仍�" + +msgid "Account: " +msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��: " + +msgid "<font color='#777777'>Not connected to XMPP</font>" +msgstr "<font color='#777777'>XMPP 亟亠从亠 ���仄仂 仂亞�仍</font>" + +#. *< name +#. *< version +#. * summary +msgid "Send and receive raw XMPP stanzas." +msgstr "�啀��仄哥 XMPP ���舒�舒-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍�舒� 亟舒 仆舒仍舒�." + +#. * description +msgid "This plugin is useful for debugging XMPP servers or clients." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗仍舒亞亳仆 XMPP �亠�于亠� 舒仍亠 从仍亳亠仆�-于仍舒从�仄 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒�仍舒仆 从啀仍亠�舒仆." + +#. $(^Name) is the current Version name (e.g. Pidgin 2.7.0). $_CLICK will become a translated version of "Click Next to continue." DO NOT translate the CLICK in $_CLICK. It will break the installer. +msgid "" +"$(^Name) is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The license " +"is provided here for information purposes only. $_CLICK" +msgstr "" +"$(^Name) GPL 仍亳�亠仆亰亳亶 亟亠仆亠 ����仄亠. �亳�亠仆亰亳亶�仄 ����亠 仗舒仍亟舒��从�舒�仍舒仆 亞�仆舒 " +"仂仆��从��仄仂. $_CLICK" + +#. Installer Subsection Detailed Description +msgid "A multi-platform GUI toolkit, used by Pidgin" +msgstr "��仍��亳仗仍舒��仂�仄 亞�舒�亳从 啀亰亞舒�, Pidgin-��亠 从���仍�舒仍��亠." + +msgid "" +"An instance of Pidgin is currently running. Please exit Pidgin and try " +"again." +msgstr "Pidgin-�仄 �舒劵亞舒从 �啀劵舒仍��仄亠. Pidgin-�仄 仗亠���亠 亟舒 �亞�� 从仂仍�亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#. Installer Subsection Detailed Description +msgid "Core Pidgin files and dlls" +msgstr "Pidgin �啀劵 �舒亶仍 亟舒 弍亳弍仍亳仂�亠从-于仍舒从" + +#. Installer Subsection Detailed Description +msgid "Create a Start Menu entry for Pidgin" +msgstr "Pidgin-仍舒仆 �啀劵舒仍��� 仗仂仍亟���仄 ���舒�" + +#. Installer Subsection Detailed Description +msgid "Create a shortcut to Pidgin on the Desktop" +msgstr "�舒�舒 啀��亠仍���亠 Pidgin ��仍�从�仄 ���舒�" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Debug Symbols (for reporting crashes)" +msgstr "�舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �亳仄于仂仍-于仍舒从 (亶仂劵�仍�� 仆亠�亞亠仆 仂����-于仍舒从仍舒仆)" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Desktop" +msgstr "�舒�舒 啀��亠仍" + +#. $R2 will display the URL that the GTK+ Runtime failed to download from +msgid "" +"Error Downloading the GTK+ Runtime ($R2).$\\rThis is required for Pidgin to " +"function; if retrying fails, you may need to use the 'Offline Installer' " +"from ." +msgstr "" +"GTK+亶��于亠仍���亠 ��仗��仆 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� ($R2).$\\rPidgin ����亢亠 仄舒仆�仆, " +"�亳亟亠 从啀仍亠�; �亞�� �仂� 仂亞亠� 仍亠从 亞�仆, '�于�仂仆仂仄 ��仆亟��亠'-仄 从���仍�, 从�亟�仄 �亳亟亠 " +"从�仍于亠� 亟亠仆亠 仆舒仍舒� 仍亳亠�:" + +#. $R2 will display the URL that the Debug Symbols failed to download from +msgid "" +"Error Installing Debug Symbols ($R2).$\\rIf retrying fails, you may need to " +"use the 'Offline Installer' from ." +msgstr "" +"�舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �亳仄于仂仍-于仍舒从�仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� ($R2).$\\r丕亞�� �仂� 仂亞亠� 仍亠从 " +"亞�仆, '�于�仂仆仂仄 ��仆亟��亠'-仄 从���仍�,从�亟�仄 �亳亟亠 从�仍于亠� 亟亠仆亠 仆舒仍舒� 仍亳亠�: http://" +"" + +#. $R3 will display the URL that the Dictionary failed to download from +#, no-c-format +msgid "" +"Error Installing Spellchecking ($R3).$\\rIf retrying fails, manual " +"installation instructions are at:" +"%20Pidgin#manual_win32_spellcheck_installation" +msgstr "" +"���仂亞�舒�亳亶�仄 �亠�亞���仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� ($R3).$ \\r丕亞�� �仂� 仂亞亠� 仍亠从 " +"亞�仆, 从亳亟 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亟舒�仍舒仆 仗仂仍��从 ����亠:" +"Installing%20Pidgin#manual_win32_spellcheck_installation" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "GTK+ Runtime (required if not present)" +msgstr "GTK+ 亶��于亠仍 (从啀仍亠�, �从亠 �仍亠� 亞�仆)" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Localizations" +msgstr "�仂从舒仍亳亰舒�亳亶-于仍舒从" + +#. "Next >" appears on a button on the License Page of the Installer +msgid "Next >" +msgstr "丕仄弍舒从�亢亠 >" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Pidgin Instant Messaging Client (required)" +msgstr "Pidgin IM 从仍亳亠仆� (从啀仍亠�)" + +msgid "" +"Pidgin requires a compatible GTK+ Runtime (which doesn't appear to be " +"already present).$\\rAre you sure you want to skip installing the GTK+ " +"Runtime?" +msgstr "" +"Pidgin GTK+ 亟亠仆亠 从亠仍���亠 亶��于亠仍�仄 从啀��舒 (仂��仆亳, 从�亟�仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍).$\\r丐�亶 " +"��仆舒从 仄仂 GTK+ 亶��于亠仍�仄 ��仆亟�仄�仄 从仂亟亠仆 从舒亶�仆亠�?" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Shortcuts" +msgstr "亊�仍�从-于仍舒从" + +#. Installer Subsection Detailed Description +msgid "Shortcuts for starting Pidgin" +msgstr "Pidgin-�仄 �啀劵舒仍�舒� ��仍�从-于仍舒从" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Spellchecking Support" +msgstr "���仂亞�舒�亳亶�仄 �亠�亞��亠 �劵亠����" + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "Start Menu" +msgstr "丐啀劵舒仍��� 仗仂仍亟��" + +#. Installer Subsection Detailed Description +msgid "" +"Support for Spellchecking. (Internet connection required for installation)" +msgstr "���仂亞�舒�亳亶�仄 �亠�亞���仍舒仆 �劵亠����. (�仆�亠�仆亠�-���仄舒��仄 ��仆亟舒� 从啀仍亠�)" + +msgid "The installer is already running." +msgstr "丿�仆亟���仄 �舒劵亞舒从 �啀劵舒仍�亠仆 从仂仍��仄仂." + +msgid "" +"The uninstaller could not find registry entries for Pidgin.$\\rIt is likely " +"that another user installed this application." +msgstr "" +"丿哥���哥 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄亠 Pidgin 亟舒仆仆�亶�仄 �亠亠������亠 仄��仆 仂亞�仍.$\\r���仆亳, �亳亟亠 " +"仗�亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶�仄 于亠� 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 ��仆亟亠仆." + +#. Installer Subsection Text +msgid "URI Handlers" +msgstr "URI 从亠仍���舒���亠-于仍舒从" + +msgid "" +"Unable to uninstall the currently installed version of Pidgin. The new " +"version will be installed without removing the currently installed version." +msgstr "" +"��亰���亠 ��仆亟�仄亠 Pidgin 于亠��亳亶�仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 丕 于亠��亳亶 从�亰����仄 " +"从仂�舒劵亟�亟亠 ��仆亟�仄亠 仍亳亠�." + +#. Text displayed on Installer Finish Page +msgid "Visit the Pidgin Web Page" +msgstr "Pidgin 于仂�-仍舒���从�� 仗��亠仆 仍亠从" + +msgid "You do not have permission to uninstall this application." +msgstr "丐亳亟亠 仗�亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶�仄 从仂�舒劵亟舒�仍舒仆 ��亶�仆 仗�舒于舒� �从亠." + +#~ msgid "The certificate has expired and should not be considered valid." +#~ msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 从���仍�仄仂 亢舒仗 ���亠仆, �仆亟亠 ��亟�仄 ��仆仍舒仆 �仂�仍�仄舒仆 仂亞�仍." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "An error occurred on the in-band bytestream transfer\n" +#~ msgstr "�仂�仆仂 从哥�亞��哥 弍舒亶� 亶仂亞�仆�仄 从仂仍��仄舒� 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵仍�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆\n" + +#~ msgid "Transfer was closed." +#~ msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒��仄 �舒��仄亠." + +#~ msgid "Failed to open in-band bytestream" +#~ msgstr "�仂�仆仂 从哥�亞��哥 弍舒亶� 亶仂亞�仆�仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Set your friendly name." +#~ msgstr "�仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄亠��仄 仗���仂." + +#~ msgid "Error requesting %s" +#~ msgstr "%s 亶仂亟仄舒��仆 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#~ msgid "Require SSL/TLS" +#~ msgstr "SSL/TLS -�仄 �仂� 亶仂亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Force old (port 5223) SSL" +#~ msgstr "丐仂��仂 SSL-�仄 (仗仂�� 5223) 于亳亠� 从���仍�舒�" + +#~ msgid "The name you entered is invalid." +#~ msgstr "�����仄亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "[Unable to display a message from this user because it contained invalid " +#~ "characters.]" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "[丐亳亟亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒��亢�仄 仂仆��从�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, ��亟仂 仍亳亶亟�仄亠 " +#~ "�亳仄于仂仍 亟亠仆亠.]" + +#~ msgid "Search for Buddy by Information" +#~ msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 �于亠�舒劵舒� 亟亠仆亠 从��舒仍舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "The nick name you entered is invalid." +#~ msgstr "丐�亶�仆 仗����仄仂 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "MXit Login Name" +#~ msgstr "Mxit 仗���仄仂 仍啀仄" + +#~ msgid "Nick Name" +#~ msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +#~ msgid "Your Mobile Number..." +#~ msgstr "�仂弍亳仍 �亠仍亠�仂仆 仆仂仄亠�..." + +#~ msgid "/Media/_Hangup" +#~ msgstr "/�亠亟亳舒/_��仍�仄 从啀�仍舒�" + +#~ msgid "The certificate is not valid yet." +#~ msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒��仄 ��亠 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Rate to host" +#~ msgstr "丱仂��仍舒仆 舒从�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Rate to client" +#~ msgstr "�仍亳亠仆�仍舒仆 舒从�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Unknown reason." +#~ msgstr "�仄舒仍亢亠 仗舒仍亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Require STARTTLS" +#~ msgstr "STARTTLS 从啀仍亠�" + +#~ msgid "Require old (port 5223) SSL" +#~ msgstr "丐仂��仂 (仗仂�� 5223) SSL 从啀仍亠�" + +#~ msgid "SSL/TLS" +#~ msgstr "SSL/TLS" + +#~ msgid "Current Mood" +#~ msgstr "��亰���亠 从�仄�仍" + +#~ msgid "New Mood" +#~ msgstr "丕 从�仄�仍" + +#~ msgid "Change your Mood" +#~ msgstr "��仄�仍亠��仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�" + +#~ msgid "How do you feel right now?" +#~ msgstr "��亰�� ��亶 从哥?" + +#~ msgid "Change Mood..." +#~ msgstr "��仄�仍�仄 于舒��舒仍�舒�..." + +#~ msgid "Orientation" +#~ msgstr "��亳亠仆�舒�亳亶" + +#~ msgid "The orientation of the tray." +#~ msgstr "�仂�仂从 仂�亳亠仆�舒�亳亶." + +#~ msgid "Artist" +#~ msgstr "弌啀�亠��亠" + +#~ msgid "Album" +#~ msgstr "�仍�弍仂仄" + +#~ msgid "Yahoo Chat server" +#~ msgstr "Yahoo �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� �亠�于亠�" + +#~ msgid "Yahoo Chat port" +#~ msgstr "Yahoo �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仗仂��" + +#~ msgid "Pager server" +#~ msgstr "�亠亶亟亢亠� �亠�于亠�" + +#~ msgid "Error creating conference." +#~ msgstr "�仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�仄 ����仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#~ msgid "Unable to bind socket to port: %s" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 仗仂�� 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#~ msgid "Unable to listen on socket: %s" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 从仂仍���舒� 仂从 仍亳亶: %s" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "%s just sent you a Nudge!" +#~ msgstr "%s 从�亰�� 亞�仆舒 ��亶�仄 �啀从舒仍亠!" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name changes too rapidly" +#~ msgstr "�仂仍�舒� 仍啀仄 舒仍仄舒�-于仍舒从 仗亠� 仗亳�亠 �仍��" + +#~ msgid "This Hotmail account may not be active." +#~ msgstr "丐亳亟亠 Hotmail �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 仗仂�仄仂 仂亞�仍 仍亳亶�仆 从亠��亠�." + +#~ msgid "Profile URL" +#~ msgstr "��仂�亳仍� URL" + +#~ msgid "MSN Protocol Plugin" +#~ msgstr "MSN 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#~ msgid "%s is not a valid group." +#~ msgstr "%s 仍亳亶�舒�仍�从 �啀�从舒 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Unknown error." +#~ msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��." + +#~ msgid "%s on %s (%s)" +#~ msgstr "%s -�仄 %s (%s) -仍舒仆" + +#~ msgid "Unable to add user on %s (%s)" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 %s (%s) -��亠 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Unable to block user on %s (%s)" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 %s (%s) -��亠 �啀从�仍亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Unable to permit user on %s (%s)" +#~ msgstr "%s (%s) -��亠 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仍舒仆 ���舒� 仗�舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +#~ msgid "%s could not be added because your buddy list is full." +#~ msgstr "%s 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� �亳�仄舒�仍亠仆." + +#~ msgid "%s is not a valid passport account." +#~ msgstr "%s 仍亳亶�舒�仍�从 仗舒�仗仂�� �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰�� 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Service Temporarily Unavailable." +#~ msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Unable to rename group" +#~ msgstr "丐啀�从舒仍舒仆 于亠� 仍啀仄�仄 仗��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Unable to delete group" +#~ msgstr "丐��从舒仄 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "%s has added you to his or her buddy list." +#~ msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 �从亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�亠仆." + +#~ msgid "%s has removed you from his or her buddy list." +#~ msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 �从亠 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟亠仆." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The last action you attempted could not be performed because you are over " +#~ "the rate limit. Please wait 10 seconds and try again.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "丐�亶�仆 仗��舒���� ����仄舒� ��从�舒仍� 仂从 从亠��, ��亶 ����仄 ���亠仆舒�. 10 �舒� 于��舒仍�亠 " +#~ "亟舒 �亞�� ���亠仆 仂仆�仂." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">FAQ:</FONT> <A HREF=\"" +#~ "\"></A><BR/><BR/>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">FAQ:</FONT> <A HREF=\"" +#~ "\"></A><BR/><BR/>" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC Channel:</FONT> #pidgin on<BR><BR>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">IRC 从舒仆舒仍:</FONT> #pidgin 仆舒<BR><BR>" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">XMPP MUC:</FONT><BR><BR>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">XMPP MUC:</FONT><BR><BR>" + +#~ msgid "Debugging Information" +#~ msgstr "�舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Unrecognized file type\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Defaulting to PNG." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 �舒亶仍 �亳仗\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "PNG-仍舒仆 �仂�仍舒仍�亠�." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Error saving image\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "%s" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "弌啀�亠��仄 舒�舒仍�仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "%s" + +#~ msgid "Failed to open file '%s': %s" +#~ msgstr "'%s' �舒亶仍�仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Failed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image file" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "'%s' �啀�亠��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: 舒仄舒仍亢亠 仗舒仍亠 仂亞�仍, 仂��仆亳, �啀�亠� �舒亶仍 " +#~ "仍仂从��仍舒仍��仆" + +#~ msgid "Insert an <iq/> stanza." +#~ msgstr "<iq/> ���仂�舒仄 ��仆亟舒�." + +#~ msgid "Insert a <presence/> stanza." +#~ msgstr "<presence/> ���仂�舒仄 ��仆亟舒�." + +#~ msgid "Insert a <message/> stanza." +#~ msgstr "<message/> ���仂�舒仄 ��仆亟舒�." + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Unable to find alternative XMPP connection methods after failing to " +#~ "connect directly." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "�仂劵�仍�� 于亳亞舒从 ���仄舒� 亟亠� 于舒�舒, XMPP ��仆�仄舒� 亶哥仆仍舒仆舒仍仄舒��仄 仄��仆 仂仄 从亠��." + +#~ msgid "(Default)" +#~ msgstr "(�亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟�仄亠 �亠仄�仆)" + +#~ msgid "Install Theme" +#~ msgstr "丐亠仄�仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Icon" +#~ msgstr "�亰亳�啀�亠�" + +#~ msgid "Use document font from _theme" +#~ msgstr "�仂从�仄亠仆� ��亳���仄 _�亠仄亠 亞�� 从���仍�舒�" + +#~ msgid "Proxy Server & Browser" +#~ msgstr "��仂从�亳-�亠�于亠� & �仆��从���仂" + +#~ msgid "Auto-away" +#~ msgstr "�于�仂-\"�舒仗仍舒仆 从仂�舒劵�仆\"" + +#~ msgid "Change _status to:" +#~ msgstr "_�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 舒仍仄舒��舒� (仄仂亞舒亶仍舒仆):" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "The root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown." +#~ msgstr "�啀亟哥 �亠��亳�亳从舒�, 从�亟仂 �亳亟亠 亞舒仆舒 仗亠劵亞�亟亠仄亟舒仍�舒� �哥���, 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠." + +#~ msgid "Send instant messages over multiple protocols" +#~ msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 ��从仂 �啀�仍哥 仂亶于仂亰��-于仍舒从�仄 从���仍��仆 从仂仍�舒�" + +#~ msgid "_Start port:" +#~ msgstr "_丐啀劵舒仍��� 仗仂��:" + +#~ msgid "_End port:" +#~ msgstr "_���舒���� 仗仂��:" + +#~ msgid "_User:" +#~ msgstr "_�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠:" + +#~ msgid "Calling ... " +#~ msgstr "��劵亞�� 从舒� ... " + +#~ msgid "Invalid certificate chain" +#~ msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒� �亳仆��� ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The certificate chain presented by %s does not have a valid digital " +#~ "signature from the Certificate Authority from which it claims to have a " +#~ "signature." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s -��亠 仂仆��从��仄仂 �亠��亳�亳从舒� �亳仆���, �亠��亳�亳从舒� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶�仆 ��仆 �亳�� " +#~ "从亳亟仗舒仍亠 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒, 从��亠��仆 ��亟仂 从亳亟仗舒仍�仄 仆舒仍舒� �哥�亠仆." + +#~ msgid "Invalid certificate authority signature" +#~ msgstr "弌亠��亳�亳从舒� 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 从亳亟仗舒仍亠 ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Join/Part Hiding Configuration" +#~ msgstr "丿�仍��仄舒� 从亠仍���舒��仄舒��仄 ��舒�/仂亶��仍舒�" + +#~ msgid "Minimum Room Size" +#~ msgstr "�哥仍亠仄�仆 �仆 亳亰亳 从�亞���仂" + +#~ msgid "User Inactivity Timeout (in minutes)" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仗舒�舒亟�仄亠 亢舒仗 (仄亳仆�� 亟亠仆亠)" + +#~ msgid "Failed to open the file" +#~ msgstr "个舒亶仍�仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Your account is locked, please log in to the Yahoo! website." +#~ msgstr "丿仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰��亠��仄 �啀从�仍�仄哥, Yahoo 于仂�-仍舒���从 亞�� 仗��仂!." + +#~ msgid "Euskera(Basque)" +#~ msgstr "�舒�从" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">Help via e-mail:</FONT> <A HREF=\"mailto:support@pidgin." +#~ "im\"></A><BR/><BR/>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "<FONT SIZE=\"4\">E-mail 亟亠仆亠 仗仂仍��:</FONT> <A HREF=\"mailto:" +#~ "\"></A><BR/><BR/>" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s %s\n" +#~ "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ " -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" +#~ " -d, --debug print debugging messages to stdout\n" +#~ " -f, --force-online force online, regardless of network status\n" +#~ " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" +#~ " -m, --multiple do not ensure single instance\n" +#~ " -n, --nologin don't automatically login\n" +#~ " -l, --login[=NAME] enable specified account(s) (optional argument " +#~ "NAME\n" +#~ " specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n" +#~ " Without this only the first account will be " +#~ "enabled).\n" +#~ " --display=DISPLAY X display to use\n" +#~ " -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s %s\n" +#~ "����仍�仄舒�: %s [��乘����乘�� �哘�]...\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ " -c, --config=��丐 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� �舒亶仍仍舒仆 ��丐 从舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 从���仍�舒�\n" +#~ " -d, --debug 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��亞仍舒亶 �亠仄�仆 仍�从�舒�\n" +#~ " -f, --force-online �舒亟�从舒从 于仂����仂, 于仂����仂 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 仂仆��亟亠\n" +#~ " -h, --help �亳亟亠 仗仂仍���仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�\n" +#~ " -m, --multiple 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仆 亳从 从仂仗亳亶 亟亠仆亠 亞�仆舒 �亠�仍舒亞舒� 仂亞�仍\n" +#~ " -n, --nologin 于亳亞舒从 仗��舒� 仂亞�仍\n" +#~ " -l, --login[=�唹�] 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�舒� \n" +#~ " (�唹� 亠�舒���� 舒�亞�仄亠仆� 亳从�� 舒仍亠 亳从仄�仆�� \n" +#~ " �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 亰舒仗��仂亶 亞仂� 仗�舒.\n" +#~ " �亳亟�仆 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒, 亳从�仄�亠 于仂亰�� 亞�仆舒 �啀从��仄哥) 仍亳亠�.\n" +#~ " --display=DISPLAY X �从�舒仆�仄 从���仍�舒�\n" +#~ " -v, --version 从�亰���亠 于亠��亳亶�仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�\n" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s %s\n" +#~ "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ " -c, --config=DIR use DIR for config files\n" +#~ " -d, --debug print debugging messages to stdout\n" +#~ " -f, --force-online force online, regardless of network status\n" +#~ " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" +#~ " -m, --multiple do not ensure single instance\n" +#~ " -n, --nologin don't automatically login\n" +#~ " -l, --login[=NAME] enable specified account(s) (optional argument " +#~ "NAME\n" +#~ " specifies account(s) to use, separated by commas.\n" +#~ " Without this only the first account will be " +#~ "enabled).\n" +#~ " -v, --version display the current version and exit\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s %s\n" +#~ "����仍�仄舒�: %s [��乘����乘�� �哘�]...\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ " -c, --config=��丐 从亠仍���舒��仄舒� �舒亶仍仍舒仆 ��丐 从舒�舒仍仂亞�仄 从���仍�舒�\n" +#~ " -d, --debug 仍舒�亠��舒��仄舒� �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��亞仍舒亶 �亠仄�仆 仍�从�舒�\n" +#~ " -f, --force-online �舒亟�从舒从 于仂����仂, 于仂����仂 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄�仄 仂仆��亟亠\n" +#~ " -h, --help �亳亟亠 仗仂仍���仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�\n" +#~ " -m, --multiple 仗�仂亞�舒仄仄�仆 亳从 从仂仗亳亶 亟亠仆亠 亞�仆舒 �亠�仍舒亞舒� 仂亞�仍\n" +#~ " -n, --nologin 于亳亞舒从 仗��舒� 仂亞�仍\n" +#~ " -l, --login[=�唹�] 仗舒仍亠仄亟�仄亠 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 �啀从�舒� \n" +#~ " (�唹� 亠�舒���� 舒�亞�仄亠仆� 亳从�� 舒仍亠 亳从仄�仆�� \n" +#~ " �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 于仂亰���仄 亰舒仗��仂亶 亞仂� 仗�舒.\n" +#~ " �亳亟�仆 亟亠� 仗仂�仆舒, 亳从�仄�亠 于仂亰�� 亞�仆舒 �啀从��仄哥) 仍亳亠�.\n" +#~ " -v, --version 从�亰���亠 于亠��亳亶�仄 仂仆��从�舒� 亟舒 仍亠从�舒�\n" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Malformed BOSH Connect Server" +#~ msgstr "BOSH �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Unable to not load SILC key pair" +#~ msgstr "�仂从 SILC ��舒于仂��仄 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s declined your conference invitation to room \"%s\" because \"%s\"." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s 从仂仆�亠�亠仆�亳亶�� \"%s\" 仗哥仍亠仄�� ��亶�仆 啀亢仄舒��仄 \"%s\" -仍舒仆 从哥�舒 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆." + +#~ msgid "Invitation Rejected" +#~ msgstr "唹亢仄舒��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒��仄亠" + +#~ msgid "_Resume" +#~ msgstr "_丕亞�� ���舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Proxy" +#~ msgstr "��仂从�亳" + +#~ msgid "Cannot open socket" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Could not listen on socket" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 从仂仍����仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Unable to read socket" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 仍�亟�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Connection failed." +#~ msgstr "丕��仄舒��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Server has disconnected" +#~ msgstr "弌亠�于亠� ���仄舒��仄 从啀�仍�仆" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't create socket" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仄 ���亠仆 从亠���仆 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't connect to host" +#~ msgstr "丱仂�� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠���仆 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Read error" +#~ msgstr "��亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Could not establish a connection with the server:\n" +#~ "%s" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍:\n" +#~ "%s" + +#~ msgid "Write error" +#~ msgstr "�仂亰�仄舒� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#~ msgid "Last Activity" +#~ msgstr "���舒���� �����仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Service Discovery Info" +#~ msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 仗仂�仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 �于亠�舒劵舒�" + +#~ msgid "Service Discovery Items" +#~ msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 仗仂�仄仂 亳从��从-于仍舒从" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Extended Stanza Addressing" +#~ msgstr "��仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠 ���仂�舒 舒亟�亠�舒�亳亶" + +#~ msgid "Multi-User Chat" +#~ msgstr "丿�从�仆 从���仍�仄仂 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Multi-User Chat Extended Presence Information" +#~ msgstr "丿�从�仆 从���仍�仄仂 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仆亠�亞亠仆 从�仄亟舒劵亟�仄亠 �于亠�舒劵舒�." + +#~ msgid "In-Band Bytestreams" +#~ msgstr "�哥�亞哥 从仂�仆��仂 弍舒亶� �仂仍从�仆-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "Ad-Hoc Commands" +#~ msgstr "Ad-Hoc 从仂仄仄舒仆亟亠-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "PubSub Service" +#~ msgstr "PubSub �仍�亢弍仂" + +#~ msgid "SOCKS5 Bytestreams" +#~ msgstr "SOCKS5 弍舒亶� �仂仍从�仆-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "Out of Band Data" +#~ msgstr "哘�亟�亢 仗仂亞�仆 从仂�仆仂" + +#~ msgid "XHTML-IM" +#~ msgstr "XHTML-IM" + +#~ msgid "In-Band Registration" +#~ msgstr "�仂�仆仂 从哥�亞��哥 于仂亰舒仍�仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "User Avatar" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 舒于舒�舒�亢亠" + +#~ msgid "Chat State Notifications" +#~ msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠��仆 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Software Version" +#~ msgstr "��仂亞�舒仄仄亠 仗仂亞�仆 于亠��亳亶" + +#~ msgid "Stream Initiation" +#~ msgstr "丐仂仍从�仆�仄 ����仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "User Activity" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �����仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Entity Capabilities" +#~ msgstr "�亳亶�仄舒� �劵亞舒亶仍�从-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "Encrypted Session Negotiations" +#~ msgstr "丿亳��舒仆 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �亠舒仆�" + +#~ msgid "User Tune" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 从亠仍���舒��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Roster Item Exchange" +#~ msgstr "�仍仄舒� 亳从��从-于仍舒从 �亠亠���" + +#~ msgid "Reachability Address" +#~ msgstr "�亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 舒亟�亠�" + +#~ msgid "Jingle" +#~ msgstr "丼舒劵" + +#~ msgid "Jingle Audio" +#~ msgstr "丼�劵亞���舒���亠 亶啀从" + +#~ msgid "User Nickname" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 �仂仍�仗仍啀仄" + +#~ msgid "Jingle ICE UDP" +#~ msgstr "ICE UDP �舒劵" + +#~ msgid "Jingle ICE TCP" +#~ msgstr "ICE TCP �舒劵" + +#~ msgid "Jingle Raw UDP" +#~ msgstr "�啀��仄哥 UDP �舒劵" + +#~ msgid "Jingle Video" +#~ msgstr "丼�劵亞���舒���亠 于亳亟亠仂" + +#~ msgid "Jingle DTMF" +#~ msgstr "DTMF �舒劵" + +#~ msgid "Message Receipts" +#~ msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 仆舒仍仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Public Key Publishing" +#~ msgstr "��弍仍亳�仆亠 ��舒于仂� �舒于�从��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "User Chatting" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 于舒� 于仂亰亞舒仍�仄舒��亢亠" + +#~ msgid "User Browsing" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仂仆��从����亢仂" + +#~ msgid "User Viewing" +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仄 仂仆�亠仆 仍亠从仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Stanza Encryption" +#~ msgstr "丿亳��仂于舒�仍�仄舒� ���仂�舒" + +#~ msgid "Entity Time" +#~ msgstr "�亳亶�仄舒� 亢舒仗" + +#~ msgid "Delayed Delivery" +#~ msgstr "���舒仍��亠 仆舒仄亳亠仆 ��从��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Collaborative Data Objects" +#~ msgstr "���仍� 仗仂亞�仆 仂弍�亠从�-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "File Repository and Sharing" +#~ msgstr "个舒亶仍 �亠仗仂亰亳�仂�亳亶 亟舒 仗��仍� 从���仍�仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "STUN Service Discovery for Jingle" +#~ msgstr "丼舒劵仍舒仆 STUN �仍�亢弍仂 仗仂�仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Simplified Encrypted Session Negotiation" +#~ msgstr "�����仍亞仂 �亳��舒仆 仄��仍舒仆�仄舒� �亠舒仆�" + +#~ msgid "Hop Check" +#~ msgstr "丐哥����仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 �亠�亞�仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Read Error" +#~ msgstr "��亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆" + +#~ msgid "Failed to connect to server." +#~ msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Read buffer full (2)" +#~ msgstr "��亟仄舒� 弍��亠� �亳�仄舒�仍亠仆 (2)" + +#~ msgid "Unparseable message" +#~ msgstr "丕仄�仍�亟�仄仂 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't connect to host: %s (%d)" +#~ msgstr "丱仂�� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍: %s (%d)" + +#~ msgid "Login failed (%s)." +#~ msgstr "�仂��� 仗��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍 (%s)." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You have been logged out because you logged in at another workstation." +#~ msgstr "丐�亶�仄 �舒��仄亠, ��亶 于亠� 仗舒�舒 ��舒仆�亳亶 亞�� 仗��亠仆舒�." + +#~ msgid "Error. SSL support is not installed." +#~ msgstr "�仂劵�仍��. SSL �劵亠�����仄 ��仆亟�仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Incorrect password." +#~ msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� �仂仍�仗仄��." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Could not connect to BOS server:\n" +#~ "%s" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "BOS-�亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ��仆亟亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍:\n" +#~ "%s" + +#~ msgid "You may be disconnected shortly. Check %s for updates." +#~ msgstr "丐�亶�仆 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 于舒�从亠 从啀��仍��仆 从亠��亠�. 丕�仄亟�仄舒��仄 %s -��亠 仂仆�仂." + +#~ msgid "Could Not Connect" +#~ msgstr "丕�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Invalid username." +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Could not decrypt server reply" +#~ msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 于舒�仄�� �亳���仄 仗仂��仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#~ msgid "Connection lost" +#~ msgstr "丕�仆�仄舒� 亶仂仄�仆" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't resolve host" +#~ msgstr "丱仂��仍舒仆 从哥仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Connection closed (writing)" +#~ msgstr "丕�仆�仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆 (于仂亰�仄舒�)" + +#~ msgid "Error reading from socket: %s" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠� 亞�� 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆: %s" + +#~ msgid "Unable to connect to host" +#~ msgstr "丱仂�� 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Could not write" +#~ msgstr "�仂亰亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Could not create listen socket" +#~ msgstr "�仂仍���舒�仍舒仆 �仂从亠��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Could not resolve hostname" +#~ msgstr "丱仂��仍啀仄仍舒仆 从哥仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Incorrect Password" +#~ msgstr "丼�仆 仂亞�仍 �仂仍�仗仄��" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Could not establish a connection with %s:\n" +#~ "%s" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s:\n" +#~ " 亟亠仆亠 ��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍%s" + +#~ msgid "Yahoo Japan" +#~ msgstr "Yahoo Japan" + +#~ msgid "Japan Pager server" +#~ msgstr "Japan 仗亠亶亟亢亠� �亠�于亠�" + +#~ msgid "Japan file transfer server" +#~ msgstr "Japan �舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒� �亠�于亠�" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Lost connection with server\n" +#~ "%s" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 亶仂仄�仆\n" +#~ "%s" + +#~ msgid "Could not resolve host name" +#~ msgstr "丱仂�� 仍啀仄仍舒仆 从哥仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Unable to connect to %s: Server requires TLS/SSL, but no TLS/SSL support " +#~ "was found." +#~ msgstr "���舒�仍舒仆 �亠�于亠� TLS/SSL-�仄 亶仂亟亠�. TLS/SSL-仍舒仆 �劵亠���仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Conversation Window Hiding" +#~ msgstr "���仍舒仆�仄舒� �哥�亰舒-于仍舒从�仄 ��仍�舒�" + +#~ msgid "More Data needed" +#~ msgstr "丿�从��舒从 仗仂亞仂 从啀仍亠�" + +#~ msgid "Please provide a shortcut to associate with the smiley." +#~ msgstr "丿��亳亶 亟亠仆亠 从�仍亟舒仍��亠 ��仍�从�仄 ���亠." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Please select an image for the smiley." +#~ msgstr "丿��亳亶仍舒仆 �啀�亠��仄 仂亶��仂." + +#~ msgid "Activate which ID?" +#~ msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 ID �������仄 ���舒�?" + +#~ msgid "Cursor Color" +#~ msgstr "����仂� �啀�" + +#~ msgid "Secondary Cursor Color" +#~ msgstr "�仂从�仄�仂 从���仂� �啀�" + +#~ msgid "Interface colors" +#~ msgstr "�仆�亠��亠亶� �啀�" + +#~ msgid "Widget Sizes" +#~ msgstr "�亳亟亢亠� 从�亞��" + +#~ msgid "Invite message" +#~ msgstr "唹亢仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please enter the name of the user you wish to invite,\n" +#~ "along with an optional invite message." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 仍啀仄亢哥 仗���仂, 从�亟�仄 ��亶 啀亢仆亠�,\n" +#~ "��亞舒从, 亠�舒���� �亠仄�仆 啀亢仄舒� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄." + +#~ msgid "Looking up %s" +#~ msgstr "���舒仍仄舒� %s" + +#~ msgid "Connect to %s failed" +#~ msgstr "%s 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Signon: %s" +#~ msgstr "丕��仄舒�: %s" + +#~ msgid "Unable to write file %s." +#~ msgstr "%s �舒亶仍�仄 于仂亰亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Unable to read file %s." +#~ msgstr "%s �舒亶仍�仄 仍�亟�仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Message too long, last %s bytes truncated." +#~ msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�, 仗��舒���� %s 弍舒亶��仄 仗啀�仄亠." + +#~ msgid "%s not currently logged in." +#~ msgstr "%s 从�亰�� 于仂����仂 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Warning of %s not allowed." +#~ msgstr "%s 亟亠� �亳亢�舒��仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 从哥仆�仄哥 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "A message has been dropped, you are exceeding the server speed limit." +#~ msgstr "�舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 �亠劵亞亠从 从�亟舒仍��仄仂, ��亶 �亠�于亠� 仗亳��仍�从 ����仄 ���亠�." + +#~ msgid "Chat in %s is not available." +#~ msgstr "%s -��亠 �仂�仂�仍�仄于亠� 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "You are sending messages too fast to %s." +#~ msgstr "丐�亶 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 %s 亟亠从 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从�亟�仆 从仂仍��仍舒�." + +#~ msgid "You missed an IM from %s because it was too big." +#~ msgstr "丐�亶 %s 亟亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亟仂 ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞� 仍亳亶�仆." + +#~ msgid "You missed an IM from %s because it was sent too fast." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "丐�亶 %s 亟亠� 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂��仍, ��亟仂 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从�亟�仆 从仂仍�舒仍��仆." + +#~ msgid "Failure." +#~ msgstr "�仂劵�仍��." + +#~ msgid "Too many matches." +#~ msgstr "�从亞舒亶仍�从 仗亠� ��从仂." + +#~ msgid "Need more qualifiers." +#~ msgstr "丐啀��� �仍仄仂 从啀仍亠�." + +#~ msgid "Dir service temporarily unavailable." +#~ msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞 �仍�亢弍仂 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Email lookup restricted." +#~ msgstr "E-mail �舒��仄�仄 从��舒仍仄舒�." + +#~ msgid "Keyword ignored." +#~ msgstr "丐啀劵仄���仄 �仂��� 仆舒仍仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "No keywords." +#~ msgstr "丐啀劵仄�� �从亠." + +#~ msgid "User has no directory information." +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆���仆 从舒�舒仍仂亞 �于亠�舒劵舒�亢亠 �从亠." + +#~ msgid "Country not supported." +#~ msgstr "亅仍仍舒仆 仂从 �劵亠��亠." + +#~ msgid "Failure unknown: %s." +#~ msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍��: %s." + +#~ msgid "Incorrect username or password." +#~ msgstr "�舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄 舒仍亠 �仂仍�仗仄�� ��仆 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "The service is temporarily unavailable." +#~ msgstr "弌仍�亢弍仂 亢舒仗仍舒仆 仍亳亶仄亠�仄亟亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Your warning level is currently too high to log in." +#~ msgstr "���舒�仍舒仆 ��亶�仆 �亳亢�舒��仄舒� 从啀从��� 从�亰�� ���亢 亟亠仆 从�亞�." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait ten " +#~ "minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait " +#~ "even longer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "丐�亶 ���亢 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从�亟�仆 ��舒仍��仆舒� 亟舒 从啀�仍舒仍��仆舒�. 10 仄亳仆�� 于��舒仍�亠 亟舒 �亞�� " +#~ "���亠仆 仂仆�仂. �亟舒从舒� �哥�亠仆 仂仆�亠� 亞�仆, ��仍舒仆亠� ��亠舒� ��从��舒从 于��舒� 仍仂亞舒仍亠�." + +#~ msgid "An unknown error, %d, has occurred. Info: %s" +#~ msgstr "%d 仗舒仍�亟�仄亠 亶仂劵�仍�� 仍亳亶�仆. 丕于亠�舒劵舒�: %s" + +#~ msgid "Invalid Groupname" +#~ msgstr "丐啀�从舒 仍啀仄 ��仆 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Connection Closed" +#~ msgstr "丕��仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆" + +#~ msgid "Waiting for reply..." +#~ msgstr "�舒�仄���仄 于���仄舒�..." + +#~ msgid "TOC has come back from its pause. You may now send messages again." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "TOC 亢舒仗仍舒仆 �仂亞舒仍仄舒� 亞�� 仍亠从��仆. 丐�亶 �亞�� 从舒仍舒��仄舒�-于仍舒从�仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��舒�." + +#~ msgid "Password Change Successful" +#~ msgstr "丿仂仍�仗仄���仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠" + +#~ msgid "Get Dir Info" +#~ msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 仆舒仍舒�" + +#~ msgid "Set Dir Info" +#~ msgstr "�舒�舒仍仂亞 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Could not open %s for writing!" +#~ msgstr "%s 于仂亰舒�仍舒仆 仗仂��仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍!" + +#~ msgid "File transfer failed; other side probably cancelled." +#~ msgstr "个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍; 仂��仆亳, 于亠� 仄仂亞�����仂 �舒�亠仆��." + +#~ msgid "Could not connect for transfer." +#~ msgstr "�仂仍��仄舒�仍舒仆 ���仄舒��仄 ���亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "Could not write file header. The file will not be transferred." +#~ msgstr "个舒亶仍 于�亶仄���仄 于仂亰亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍. 个舒亶仍 从仂仍��仄仂 仂亞亠� 仍亳亶." + +#~ msgid "Save As..." +#~ msgstr "�仆�从仍舒� (从�亰亠)..." + +#~ msgid "%s requests %s to accept %d file: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" +#~ msgid_plural "%s requests %s to accept %d files: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" +#~ msgstr[0] "%s 亶仂亟仄舒� %s %d �舒亶仍�仄 仆舒仍舒�仍舒仆: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" +#~ msgstr[1] "%s 亶仂亟仄舒� %s %d �舒亶仍�仄 仆舒仍舒�仍舒仆: %s (%.2f %s)%s%s" + +#~ msgid "%s requests you to send them a file" +#~ msgstr "%s �从亠仍舒仆亢亠 �舒亶仍�仄 从仂仍�舒� 亶仂亟亠�" + +#~ msgid "TOC Protocol Plugin" +#~ msgstr "TOC 仂亶于仂亰�� 仗仍舒亞亳仆" + +#~ msgid "%s Options" +#~ msgstr "�亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从 %s" + +#~ msgid "Proxy Options" +#~ msgstr "��仂从�亳 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "By log size" +#~ msgstr "���仆舒仍 从�亞�� 亟亠仆亠" + +#~ msgid "_Open Link in Browser" +#~ msgstr "�仆��从������亠 从�仍于亠��仄 _仗仂�舒�" + +#~ msgid "Smiley _Image" +#~ msgstr "丿��亳亶 _�啀�亠�" + +#~ msgid "Smiley S_hortcut" +#~ msgstr "丿��亳亶 _仗��仍� 仗仂仍亟�� 从���仍�仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Unable to retrieve MSN Address Book" +#~ msgstr "MSN 舒亟�亠� 从仆舒亞舒仄 仗���亠仆 从亠��舒� �� 仍亳亶" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You may be disconnected shortly. You may want to use TOC until this is " +#~ "fixed. Check %s for updates." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "丐�亶 亟亠仆亠� ���仄舒� 于舒�从亠 从啀��仍��仆 从亠��亠�. 丐亳亟�仄 �哥�仍舒�亠仆 ��从��仄仂 仄舒��亠, TOC-" +#~ "�仄 从���仍� 从亠��舒�. 丕�仄亟�仄舒��仄 %s -��亠 仂仆�仂." + +#~ msgid "_Flash window when chat messages are received" +#~ msgstr "丐仂�仂�仍�仄于亠�仍舒��亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 仆舒仍仄亠 亞仂亟�仄 �哥�亰舒 亟亠仆亠 _于仂仍亞亠仆�舒仍�舒�" + +#~ msgid "Add buddy Q&A" +#~ msgstr "Q&A 仄��仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒�舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Can not decrypt get server reply" +#~ msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 于舒�仄�� �亳���仄 仗仂�仄�仄 仆舒仍�仆 仂仄 从亠��" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Lost connection with server:\n" +#~ "%d, %s" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 亶仂仄�仆:\n" +#~ "%d, %s" + +#~ msgid "Connecting server ..." +#~ msgstr "弌亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� ..." + +#~ msgid "Failed to send IM." +#~ msgstr "�亳�亠 从舒仍舒��仄舒��仄 从仂仍�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍." + +#~ msgid "A group with the name already exists." +#~ msgstr "丐�亞舒亶 仍啀仄 亟亠仆亠 �啀�从舒 �仍仂." + +#~ msgid "Blood Type" +#~ msgstr "�啀� �啀�从舒" + +#~ msgid "You rejected %d's request" +#~ msgstr "丐�亶 %d 亶仂亟仄舒��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆舒�" + +#~ msgid "Reject request" +#~ msgstr "�仂亟仄舒��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒�舒�" + +#~ msgid "Add buddy with auth request failed" +#~ msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 舒于�仂�亳亰舒�亳亶 亶仂亟仄舒� 亟亠仆亠 亠�舒�亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#~ msgid "Add into %d's buddy list" +#~ msgstr "%d -仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�舒�" + +#~ msgid "QQ Number Error" +#~ msgstr "QQ 仆仂仄亠� 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#~ msgid "Group Description" +#~ msgstr "丐啀�从舒 仆亠�亞亠仆" + +#~ msgid "Approve" +#~ msgstr "��仄�仍舒劵亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "[%d] added to Qun \"%d\"" +#~ msgstr "[%d] Qun -�� 亠�舒��仄亠 �仍�� \"%d\"" + +#~ msgid "I am requesting" +#~ msgstr "��亶 亶仂亟舒仄" + +#~ msgid "Unknown status" +#~ msgstr "�舒仍�亟�仄亠 仄仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂" + +#~ msgid "Remove from Qun" +#~ msgstr "Qun 亞�� 从仂�舒劵亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to approve the request?" +#~ msgstr "�仂亟仄舒��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟�仆亠� 仄仂?" + +#~ msgid "System Message" +#~ msgstr "弌亳��亠仄 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Set My Information" +#~ msgstr "��亶�仆 �于亠�舒劵舒��仄 ��仆亟舒�" + +#~ msgid "Error password: %s" +#~ msgstr "�仂劵�仍�� �仂仍�仗仄��: %s" + +#~ msgid "Failed to connect all servers" +#~ msgstr "丼�仍舒 �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ��仆亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Connecting server %s, retries %d" +#~ msgstr "%s �亠�于亠� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒�, %d 亞舒仆舒 ���亠仆 仂仆��仄仂" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Do you approve the requestion?" +#~ msgstr "�仂亟仄舒��仄 ��仆仍亠�?" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Do you add the buddy?" +#~ msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 亠�舒��仆亠�?" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "%s added you [%s] to buddy list" +#~ msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 亠�舒�亠仆 �从亠 [%s] 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠���从�亢亠" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "QQ Budy" +#~ msgstr "QQ 仄��仍舒仆��亠" + +#~ msgid "%s wants to add you [%s] as a friend" +#~ msgstr "%s ��亶�仄 [%s] 亶仂仍�舒� �亠仄�仆 亠�舒��仆亠亢亠" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "%s is not in buddy list" +#~ msgstr "%s 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠����亠 �从亠" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Would you add?" +#~ msgstr "��舒��仆亠�?" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "QQ Server Notice" +#~ msgstr "QQ �亠�于亠� �于亠��舒��仄舒�" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Network disconnected" +#~ msgstr "�仂� 亟亠仆亠 ���仄舒� 从啀��仍��仆" + +#~ msgid "developer" +#~ msgstr "乘����亠" + +#~ msgid "XMPP developer" +#~ msgstr "XMPP-�����亠" + +#~ msgid "Artists" +#~ msgstr "弌啀�亠��亠-于仍舒从" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are using %s version %s. The current version is %s. You can get it " +#~ "from <a href=\"%s\">%s</a><hr>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "丐�亶 %s 从���仍�舒�, %s 于亠��亳亶. ���舒���� �仍�仂 于亠��亳亶 %s. 丐�亶 ��亟�仄 <a href=" +#~ "\"%s\">%s</a><hr> 舒亟�亠� 亟亠仆亠 仆舒仍�仆 从亠��舒�." + +#~ msgid "<b>ChangeLog:</b><br>%s" +#~ msgstr "<b>�仍仄舒���� 亢��仆舒仍:</b><br>%s" + +#~ msgid "EOF while reading from resolver process" +#~ msgstr "EOF 仍�亟仄仂 亞仂亟�仄 仍啀仄�仄 于舒��舒仍��仄亠 亟亠仆亠 从哥仆�仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Error setting socket options" +#~ msgstr "弌仂从亠��仆 仂亶��从舒仍�仄亠 亶哥仆亢�仄 ��仆亟�仄舒��亠 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#~ msgid "Too evil (sender)" +#~ msgstr "�亠� �仂� 亶�亞���舒���亠 (从仂仍���仂)" + +#~ msgid "Too evil (receiver)" +#~ msgstr "�亠� �仂� 亶�亞���舒���亠 (仆舒仍�亠)" + +#~ msgid "Available Message" +#~ msgstr "�仂亞舒亶 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "Away Message" +#~ msgstr "丕从亠 �仍仄仂 仆亠�亞亠仆 从舒仍舒��仄舒�" + +#~ msgid "<i>(retrieving)</i>" +#~ msgstr "<i>(从仂仍��仄舒�)</i>" + +#~ msgid "Your information has been updated" +#~ msgstr "丐�亶�仆 �于亠�舒劵舒� ��仄亟舒仍��仆" + +#~ msgid "Input your reason:" +#~ msgstr "�仄舒仍�仄 仗���仂:" + +#~ msgid "You have successfully removed a buddy" +#~ msgstr "���仍舒仆���仄 从仂�舒劵亟����" + +#~ msgid "You have successfully removed yourself from your friend's buddy list" +#~ msgstr "丐�亶 �从亠仆亟���仄 亶仂仍�舒�亠��仆 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠� 亞�� ��亠仆 从仂�舒劵亟����" + +#~ msgid "You have added %d to buddy list" +#~ msgstr "%d -仄 仄��仍舒仆��亠 仍啀仄亠��� 亠�舒�����" + +#~ msgid "Invalid QQid" +#~ msgstr "QQid 亶仂劵�仍��" + +#~ msgid "Please enter external group ID" +#~ msgstr "丐啀�从舒仆 �啀亢于舒仍 ID-仄 仗���仂" + +#~ msgid "Reason: %s" +#~ msgstr "�仄舒仍: %s" + +#~ msgid "Code [0x%02X]: %s" +#~ msgstr "[0x%02X] 从仂亟: %s" + +#~ msgid "Enter your reason:" +#~ msgstr "�仄舒仍�仄 仗���仂:" + +#~ msgid "TCP Address" +#~ msgstr "TCP-舒亟�亠�" + +#~ msgid "UDP Address" +#~ msgstr "UDP-舒亟�亠�" + +#~ msgid "Login failed, no reply" +#~ msgstr "��仍�� 仗��亠仆 从亠��仄亠 仂亞�仍, 于舒�仄�� �从亠" + +#~ msgid "User %s rejected your request" +#~ msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亶仂亟仄舒�亠��仄 哥�亟�亢�舒�亠仆" + +#~ msgid "User %s approved your request" +#~ msgstr "%s 仗舒亶亟舒仍舒仆��亠 亶仂亟仄舒�亠��仄 从�仄�仍舒劵亟亠仆"