diff chrome/content/tinyurl.js @ 0:c14d52a3b2fe

initial import
author Yoshiki Yazawa <yaz@honeyplanet.jp>
date Mon, 11 Aug 2008 20:34:21 +0900
children bebb38edfc61
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/chrome/content/tinyurl.js	Mon Aug 11 20:34:21 2008 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+var oLongUrlField 	= null;
+var oTabBox		 	= null;
+var oSavedTree	 	= null;
+var oSavedTreeItems	= null;
+var tinyurl_loaded = false;
+function tinyurl_overlayInit(){
+	try{
+		var oContext = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu");
+			oContext.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", "tinyurl_contextShowing(event); "+ oContext.getAttribute("onpopupshowing"));
+	} catch(err) { alert(err); }
+	// Update all links with preview title attribute
+	if(gBrowser && !tinyurl_loaded){
+		gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(){
+			var tiny = new TinyUrl();
+			var doc = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentDocument;
+			var anchors = doc.getElementsByTagName("a");
+			for(var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++){
+				if(anchors[i].href.indexOf("http://tinyurl.com/") == 0){
+					tiny.addPreview(anchors[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}, true);
+		tinyurl_loaded = true;
+	}
+* Load TinyUrl dialog
+function tinyurl_load(){
+	oLongUrlField 	= document.getElementById("longurl-field");
+	oTabBox			= document.getElementById("tinyurl-tabs");
+	oSavedTree		= document.getElementById("saved-tree");
+	oSavedTreeItems	= document.getElementById("saved-items");
+	// Cancel button
+	document.getElementById('tinyurlDialog').getButton('cancel').setAttribute("label", "Close");
+	// Is RDF Present
+	tinyurl_saved_rdfCreate();
+	// Load Saved Data
+	tinyurl_saved_read();
+	// Preload Field
+	if(opener.gBrowser && opener.gBrowser.currentURI){
+		oLongUrlField.value = opener.gBrowser.currentURI.spec;
+	}
+	// Goto Save Tab
+	if(window.arguments.length > 0 && window.arguments[0] == "saved"){
+		oTabBox.selectedTab		= document.getElementById("tinyurl-saved-tab");
+		oTabBox.selectedPanel	= document.getElementById("tinyurl-saved-tabpanel");
+	}
+* Create TinyUrl from current page
+function tinyurl_createFromCurrent(){
+	var tiny = new TinyUrl(gBrowser.currentURI.spec, window._content.document.title);
+	window.openDialog('chrome://tinyurl/content/create.xul','TinyUrlCreate','chrome, centerscreen, resizable', tiny);
+* Creat new Tiny Url from dialog
+function tinyurl_createNew(){
+	try{
+		// If not in main tab
+		if(oTabBox.selectedTab.id != "tinyurl-create-tab"){
+			return;
+		}
+		// Validate
+		if(oLongUrlField == null || oLongUrlField.value == ""){
+			alert("You have not entered a long url");
+			return;
+		}
+		document.getElementById("tinyurl-field").value = "Loading...";
+		// Title
+		var sTitle = "";
+		if(opener && oLongUrlField.value == opener.gBrowser.currentURI.spec){
+			sTitle = opener.window._content.document.title;
+		}
+		// Get TinyUrl
+		var tiny = new TinyUrl(oLongUrlField.value, sTitle);
+		// Output
+		var loaded = {
+			done : function(oTiny){
+				if(oTiny.tiny != null){
+					document.getElementById("tinyurl-field").value = oTiny.tiny;
+					document.getElementById("copy-button").disabled = false;
+					document.getElementById("save-button").setAttribute("oncommand", "tinyurl_saved_add('"+ oTiny.tiny +"', '"+ oTiny.original +"');");
+					document.getElementById("save-button").disabled = false;
+					document.getElementById('tinyurlDialogMain').style.cursor = "default";
+				}
+			},
+			error : function(oTiny){
+				document.getElementById("tinyurl-field").value = "";
+				alert("An error occurred.\nIs your internet connection available?");
+			}
+		}
+		tiny.shrink(loaded);
+	}catch(err){ alert("Error 120\nAn unknown error occurred\n"+ err); }
+* Create TinyUrl from anchor on page
+function tinyurl_createFromAnchor(){		
+	if(gContextMenu != null && (gContextMenu.getLinkURL || gContextMenu.linkURL)){		
+		var url = (gContextMenu.getLinkURL) ? gContextMenu.getLinkURL() : gContextMenu.linkURL
+		var tiny = new TinyUrl(url, null);
+		window.openDialog('chrome://tinyurl/content/create.xul','TinyUrlCreate','chrome, centerscreen, resizable', tiny);
+	}
+//Send text to tinyurl_copyText()
+function tinyurl_copy(){
+	try{
+		var oField = document.getElementById("tinyurl-field");
+		if(oField == null || oField.value == ""){
+			return;
+		}
+		//Copy
+	  	tinyurl_copyText(oField.value);
+	}catch(err){ alert("Error 140\nCouldn't copy to clipboard"); }
+// Comand from key stroke
+function tinyurl_copy_command(){
+	if(oTabBox.selectedTab.id == "tinyurl-create-tab"){
+		tinyurl_copy();
+	}
+	else if(oTabBox.selectedTab.id == "tinyurl-saved-tab"){
+		tinyurl_saved_copy();
+	}
+//Copies str to clipboard
+function tinyurl_copyText(str){
+	try{
+		//Copy
+		var oClipboard 	= Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper);
+	  		oClipboard.copyString(str);
+	}catch(err){ throw err }
+// Context Showing
+function tinyurl_contextShowing(event){
+	try{
+		if(document.popupNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "A"){
+			document.getElementById("tinyurl-context-link-menu").setAttribute("collapsed", false);
+		}
+		else {
+			document.getElementById("tinyurl-context-link-menu").setAttribute("collapsed", true);
+		}
+	} catch(e) {}
+//Opens http://tinyurl.com
+function tinyurl_gotoTinyUrl(){
+	opener.focus();
+	self.focus();
+	if(opener.gBrowser.addTab)
+		opener.gBrowser.selectedTab = opener.gBrowser.addTab("http://tinyurl.com");
+	else
+		window.open("http://tinyurl.com");
+* @constructor
+function TinyUrl(url, title){
+	/**
+	* Original url
+	* @type string
+	*/
+	this.original = url;
+	/**
+	* Shunken url
+	* @type string
+	*/
+	this.tiny = null;
+	/**
+	* Title of the page from the original url.
+	* Used for when the user selects to save the tiny url.
+	* @type string
+	*/
+	this.title = title;
+	/**
+	* @type XMLHttpRequest
+	*/
+	this.request = null;
+	/**
+	* Make the long url tiny
+	*/
+	this.shrink = function(callback){
+		// No need to shrink
+		if(this.tiny != null){
+			return;
+		}
+		// Abort current request
+		if(this.request != null){
+			this.request.abort();
+		}
+		// Encode URL (can't use encodeURIComponent, because TinyUrl.com will choke)
+		var url = this.original;
+       	url = url.replace(/\+/g, "%2B");       	
+		url = url.replace(/\?/g, '%3F');
+		url = url.replace(/&/g, '%26');
+		url = url.replace(/=/g, '%3D');
+		// Setup Request
+		this.request	= new XMLHttpRequest();
+		this.request.open("GET", "http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url="+ url, true);
+		this.request.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", navigator.userAgent);
+		this.request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,*/*;q=0.1");
+		this.request.setRequestHeader("Accept-Language", navigator.language);
+		this.request.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
+		this.request.setRequestHeader("Referer", "http://tinyurl.com/");
+		this.request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+		var obj = this;
+		// Handle request
+		this.request.onload = {
+			handleEvent : function(e){
+				// If already aborted
+				if(obj.request == null){
+					return;
+				}
+				//Parse Response
+				obj.tiny = null;
+				var url = obj.request.responseText;
+				if(url.length < 200){ // must have returned more than the URL if more than 200
+					obj.tiny = url;
+				}
+				// Notify callback function
+				if(obj.tiny == null){
+					callback.error(obj);
+				}
+				else{
+					callback.done(obj);
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		// Handle Error
+		this.request.onerror = {
+			handleEvent : function(e){
+				callback.error(obj);
+			}
+		}
+       	// Start Request
+       	this.request.send("");
+	}
+	/**
+	* Abort TinyUrl shrink request
+	*/
+	this.abort = function(){
+		try{
+			this.request.abort();
+		}catch(e){  }
+	}
+	/**
+	* Add a the full URL to an link with a TinyURL
+	* @param {Anchor} anchor The anchor tag with a TinyURL
+	*/
+	this.addPreview = function(anchor){
+		// Find where it redirects to
+		try{
+			// Setup request objects
+			var io = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+			var uri = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
+			uri.spec = anchor.href;
+			var request = io.newChannelFromURI(uri).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
+			request.redirectionLimit = 0;
+			request.requestMethod = "HEAD";
+			// Start request and find redirect location
+			request.asyncOpen({
+				onStartRequest : function(request, context){ },
+				onStopRequest : function(request, context, statusCode){ 
+					var location = request.getResponseHeader("Location");
+					anchor.setAttribute("title", location);
+				},
+				onDataAvailable : function(request, context, inputStream, offset, count){} 
+			}, null);
+		} catch(e){
+			e = e;
+		}
+	}
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