Mercurial > audlegacy
[svn] - add missing actions-equalizer.h (these things love to be forgotten, it seems) trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 07:40:01 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - given some decent namespacing to playlist menus (part 2, the end) trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 05:45:38 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - given some decent namespacing to playlist menus (part 1); removed last references to obsolete mainwin_accel trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 05:29:13 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - ported ui_equalizer.c to ui_manager.c framework trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 05:15:08 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - moved action_playlist_* implementation from ui_main.c to ui_playlist.c (more appropriate) trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 04:16:48 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - do not create GtkAccelGroup anymore; use ui_manager_get_accel_group to get accelerator groups from ui_manager trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 03:58:58 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - somehow playlist_container.h got expunged from the SDK distribution. trunkThu, 04 Jan 2007 01:25:00 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - added in audtool mainwin-show, playlist-show and equalizer-show to toggle display of audacious windows trunkWed, 03 Jan 2007 07:45:47 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] Add 'mainwin-display' handler; currently can only make the mainwin appear, but not disappear. trunkWed, 03 Jan 2007 07:19:28 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - no more menu_popup() in ui_playlist.c, now it uses ui_manager_popup_menu_show() from ui_manager framework trunkWed, 03 Jan 2007 04:44:05 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - port playlist uimanager code to giacomo's ui_manager framework trunkWed, 03 Jan 2007 01:25:18 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - about.c -> ui_about.c, credits.c -> ui_credits.c trunkTue, 02 Jan 2007 22:09:10 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - remove everything relating to GtkItemFactory. trunkTue, 02 Jan 2007 21:52:19 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - ensure that popup menus are always fully displayed trunkTue, 02 Jan 2007 17:28:38 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - migration from gtkitemfactory to actions and uimanager; main menu has been ported, still much work and test to do trunkTue, 02 Jan 2007 16:48:38 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] zh_TW.po updated by: Cheng-Wei Chien <> trunkSun, 31 Dec 2006 23:46:17 -0800, by cwchien
[svn] - bmp_playback_* -> playback_* -- i knew something smelled rotten in widgetcore, hmm. trunkSun, 31 Dec 2006 19:58:46 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - bmp_playback_* -> playback_* -- i knew something smelled rotten here, hmm. trunkSun, 31 Dec 2006 19:57:29 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - mark several tooltips in Preferences as translatable. trunkSun, 31 Dec 2006 11:40:27 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - set the translation domain for UIManager owned objects. Closes #719, #720. trunkSun, 31 Dec 2006 11:32:05 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] More eq stuff, from external contributor Michael Faerber <01mf02 -at->. trunkSat, 30 Dec 2006 13:15:44 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - MemoryPool, a simple performance-oriented memory pool. trunkFri, 29 Dec 2006 20:38:02 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - deletion of the last playlist is now handled directly in playlist_remove_playlist (patch by Joker) ; small code changes in playlist manager trunkFri, 29 Dec 2006 14:33:09 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - fix a typo that kustodian pointed out. (probably it's mine.) trunkFri, 29 Dec 2006 09:59:21 -0800, by yaz
[svn] Add Serbian Latin & Cyrillic translations courtesy of external translator Strahinja Kustudi¸«« <kustodian -at-> trunkFri, 29 Dec 2006 06:14:57 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] Added Serbian (Latin) & Serbian (Cyrillic) to credits.c & updated audacious.pot. trunkFri, 29 Dec 2006 05:20:29 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - Make voiceprint behave nicer, esp. in doublesize mode trunkTue, 26 Dec 2006 16:37:57 -0800, by marvin
[svn] equalizer.c: port from GtkCTree to GtkTreeView. Patch by external contributer Michael Farber <01mf02 -at-> trunkTue, 26 Dec 2006 02:36:33 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] Fixed ro.po to compile, added charset UTF-8 and a missing \n. trunkMon, 25 Dec 2006 14:50:15 -0800, by jerome
[svn] - new Traditional Chinese translator: Cheng-Wei Chien trunkMon, 25 Dec 2006 10:16:38 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - improve the presentation of the URL entry dialog trunkMon, 25 Dec 2006 08:44:29 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - more work done on playlist manager: playlist renaming and keyboard shortcuts trunkSun, 24 Dec 2006 07:37:57 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - Center new windows so they don't get cut off by the edge of the screen. trunkSat, 23 Dec 2006 23:38:02 -0800, by nhjm449
[svn] - use relative links for this (FHS compliance) trunkSat, 23 Dec 2006 08:42:05 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - added audacious stock icons; source files wanting to use them must include icons-stock.h; removed obsolete pixmaps.h trunkSat, 23 Dec 2006 03:47:44 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - Correctly set the size of playlistwin_list on startup/etc. trunkSat, 23 Dec 2006 00:20:59 -0800, by nhjm449
[svn] - two realcolour modes for voiceprint vis: Fire and Ice trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 20:10:22 -0800, by marvin
[svn] - playlist manager, work done for data consistency; now it should react and update when it is active and playlists are created/modified/deleted outside the manager (i.e. with keyboard shortcuts) trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 17:35:11 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - added initial code for playlist manager, that allows to create, delete and switch playlists trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 16:29:35 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - fix equalizer motion response in doublesize trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 14:58:16 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add XML description of the equalizer window's menus trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 05:47:15 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - update Polish translation care of it's maintainer trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 05:37:06 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - Allow radiobuttons/checkboxes in the visualization menu to be updated correctly on startup with the addition of the Voiceprint mode. trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 00:52:22 -0800, by nhjm449
[svn] - Updated fix for doublesized, shaded analyzer. trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 00:32:44 -0800, by nhjm449
[svn] - Fix the number of analyzer bars drawn in shaded mode. trunkFri, 22 Dec 2006 00:17:31 -0800, by nhjm449
[svn] - Fixed voiceprint scroll bug for stopped playback trunkWed, 20 Dec 2006 13:05:57 -0800, by marvin
[svn] - allow changing the colourtheme from preferences trunkWed, 20 Dec 2006 07:57:56 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add pixbuf_effects.c, containing various routines to alter images used by the skinengine trunkWed, 20 Dec 2006 06:59:23 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - break out string-related functions from util.c trunkWed, 20 Dec 2006 06:45:56 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - Added vis gradient to Ivory skin. With any luck Aerdan won't break my legs :) trunkTue, 19 Dec 2006 17:22:33 -0800, by marvin
[svn] - Changed the visualizer colors for the Default skin to a gradient trunkTue, 19 Dec 2006 16:28:41 -0800, by marvin
[svn] Keep the voiceprint inside the range for the theme. trunkTue, 19 Dec 2006 15:13:17 -0800, by marvin
[svn] - key bindings for Save List and Save Default List had been changed accidentally. trunkTue, 19 Dec 2006 08:26:05 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - somewhat fix textboxBitmapFontWidth,Height hints trunkTue, 19 Dec 2006 07:48:03 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Fixed wrong number of entries in the vis-mode submenu which caused an trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 18:04:05 -0800, by marvin
[svn] - Added 'bars' mode for analyzer in windowshade mode trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 17:26:47 -0800, by marvin
[svn] fixed bug #699 about playlist->queue with patch provided by bug reporter trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 14:47:48 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] Added subsampling and nonlinear transfer function to the voiceprint trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 14:01:29 -0800, by marvin
[svn] - allow user to choose a regex library between gnu (default), oniguruma, pcre (experimental); oniguruma and pcre support utf-8 encoding trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 13:11:23 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - fix the positioning of an assertion to a place where it would actually trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 10:04:29 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - remove deprecated symbol warnings for gdk_draw_pixmap trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 09:43:42 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - patch to add a scrolling voiceprint to the mini visualizer. trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 08:44:33 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - suppress noise on transition from pause to stop. trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 07:31:51 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - change the cleanup order in mainwin_quit_cb() to avoid freeze on quit. trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 06:53:52 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - damn SVN reverted this to some old version trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 04:15:09 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix XML description of the playlist editor (unbreak menus) trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 04:13:20 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - new signal handling which does not block (based on concept from BMP 0.9.8 that never got released) trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 03:59:55 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix the logic of bmp_playback_stop(). now JTF works well even if the playing is paused. trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 03:34:52 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - port playlist editor to XML interface description trunkMon, 18 Dec 2006 03:25:13 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - jump to file: use G_TYPE_UINT to store the song number in the model trunkSun, 17 Dec 2006 11:48:12 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - add XML interface declaration for the playlist editor trunkSun, 17 Dec 2006 10:35:32 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - jump to file: detach model from treeview before updating its rows, then reattach it trunkSun, 17 Dec 2006 10:10:21 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - move vfs from libaudacious to main audacious trunkSun, 17 Dec 2006 08:52:31 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] added enter keypress shortcut for search-in-playlist dialog trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 11:20:00 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - added auto-enqueue option for search-in-playlist trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 10:44:25 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - changed playlist_shuffle_list to pick a playlist as parameter instead of calling playlist_get_active trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 07:56:32 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - clear and free a playlist passed to playlist_remove_playlist trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 05:41:27 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] added playlist_free and ensure that each created playlist is freed in mainwin_quit_cb; the list of playlists is freed there as well trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 05:18:19 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - made playlistwin_update_list depend on passed Playlist* instead of blindly using playlist_get_active(); this solves many locking issues with multiple playlists, but SHOULD be reviewed in every place playlistwin_update_list is used; added a playlist_new_from_selected() call too trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 04:49:16 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - multiple playlist support requires separated locking; each Playlist holds its GMutex now; removed playlist_get function cause it doesn't fit with this scheme trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 02:52:03 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] Added playback-seek{-relative} in audtool.1 man page. trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 02:35:16 -0800, by jerome
[svn] Fixed a bug where xmms_remote_jump_to_time was called with seconds instead of milliseconds. trunkSat, 16 Dec 2006 02:20:15 -0800, by jerome
[svn] - don't use deprecated function playlist_get(). trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 21:18:34 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - log a warning if deprecated functions from <= 1.2 are used trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 21:14:16 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - use g_object_ref() on the list store when we disassociate to make trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 20:33:34 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - while building the jump to file list, disassociate the GtkListStore trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 20:20:46 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] regex-powered jump to file - should be considerably faster than the old one trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 16:04:22 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] do not assume that a tuple field exists just cause the tuple does, regexec hates null strings trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 11:22:42 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] added a regex-based search option in playlist that allows to select playlist entries using multiple match criteria trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 11:14:46 -0800, by giacomo
[svn] - bail after 15 failures to find an acceptable playback candidate trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 10:48:13 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add playlist_select_playlist() to select a literal playlist trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 08:23:51 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - use playlist_get_active() at the top of each thread. trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 07:52:09 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - ip_data.stop shouldn't be handled here, but should be handled by the callee of playlist_clear(). trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 07:40:18 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add some basic code for the manipulation of temporary playlists trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 07:38:23 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add playlist_select_next(), playlist_select_prev() trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 07:28:29 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - remove all improper uses of playlist_get() trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 07:23:19 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - dynamically allocate the playlist at startup and fix some lingering improper uses of playlist_get() trunkFri, 15 Dec 2006 07:20:41 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add the starting point of some audacious C++ bindings trunkWed, 13 Dec 2006 22:46:29 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - use str_has_prefix_nocase instead of a literal compare on extension trunkWed, 13 Dec 2006 20:38:24 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - make sure fd is not NULL before checking it's URI namespace trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 23:13:46 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - at present, only use extension filtering in the file:// namespace. trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 23:13:01 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - preferences pane option for extension-based detection trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 18:39:35 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add support for new extension probing system trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 18:32:05 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add gchar **vfs_extensions to InputPlugin struct, adding support for trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 18:22:17 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Remove leftover plugin-related bits that don't do anything any more. trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 14:03:08 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - move to GPLv2-only. Based on my interpretation of the license, we are trunkTue, 12 Dec 2006 08:38:32 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - update Welsh translation (1 new string added) trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 19:23:52 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - when clearing a playlist's entries, make sure to reset the playlist's trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 06:25:24 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - provide the old ABI for plugins (intermediate layer). trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 05:49:54 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - make sure &default_playlist (temporary construct) has full padding. trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 05:47:05 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Oops. controlsocket.c is *much* happier now that the arguments are in the right order. >.> trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 04:53:17 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] Make controlsocket.c happier. Still a ton of warnings, but it compiles now. trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 04:46:09 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - update playlist_delete_filenames() and friends trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 03:30:07 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - this commit breaks the API. I'm not done here, but hopefully the new API is trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 03:25:21 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] remove plugin-reactivation loops for general and visualization plugins trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 02:17:12 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - add playlist.queue and playlist.shuffle for the queue and shuffle lists associated with each playlist. trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 01:56:42 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - cleanup the declaration of PlaylistEntry, and add some initial structure for migrating to multiple playlists. trunkMon, 11 Dec 2006 01:53:05 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - move xmms_urldecode_path() back into main binary trunkSat, 09 Dec 2006 02:01:53 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - don't free the VFS handle here, just our private handle. trunkFri, 08 Dec 2006 03:26:45 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - allow the output plugin to be changed while playing. trunkThu, 07 Dec 2006 22:56:55 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Do not install signal handler for SIGSEGV if environmental variable trunkThu, 07 Dec 2006 22:42:22 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - add work in progress TagLib::TagVFSFile class. trunkThu, 07 Dec 2006 00:12:31 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - playlist_scan_thread_is_going should not be TRUE if the playlist is trunkWed, 06 Dec 2006 03:41:04 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - mainwinEjectY's default value should be 89, not 88. trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 19:43:36 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - what the hell is this, and why do we need it? trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 02:18:02 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Numpad 4 and 6 liked to prev and next respectively to be more consistant with the main window trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 01:46:09 -0800, by nazca
[svn] Seek controls (left and right) now seek 5 seconds like the main window trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 01:26:08 -0800, by nazca
[svn] - clean up some internal audacious controlsocket functions trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 01:23:15 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Playlist shuffle behaviour should now be a little more consistant. trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 00:57:49 -0800, by nazca
[svn] - remove only reference in source to xmms_entry_new() and prepare xentry.c's last rites. trunkMon, 04 Dec 2006 00:16:52 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - make documentation-build will invoke gtk-doc to compile the audacious SDK docs. trunkSun, 03 Dec 2006 23:26:42 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - don't leak the split URI vector after doing the vtable lookup trunkFri, 01 Dec 2006 23:29:36 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - touch audacious/.svn because gentoo's subversion eclass sucks trunkFri, 01 Dec 2006 23:25:42 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - remove softvolume.c, only the alsa plugin uses it so we will move it trunkFri, 01 Dec 2006 23:18:07 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - make sure the mainwin is redrawn correctly when doublesized. reported by Tom St. Denis, closes #674. trunkWed, 29 Nov 2006 19:49:30 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix conditionals for building build_stamp.c trunkWed, 29 Nov 2006 13:46:59 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - seeking by keypad should seek 5s, not 1s. closes #673. trunkWed, 29 Nov 2006 13:09:07 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add le_vert to credits (he will need to accent his letters, though) trunkWed, 29 Nov 2006 12:58:35 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - credit patch contributions from Ralf Ertzinger trunkWed, 29 Nov 2006 12:52:02 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Allow \ to / conversion to be switched on & off, by external contributor Chris Kehler <>. trunkWed, 29 Nov 2006 12:45:02 -0800, by chainsaw
[svn] - MirBSD support from <bsiegert -at-> trunkTue, 28 Nov 2006 12:06:18 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - avoid a race condition in produce_audio() where we have closed output, trunkMon, 27 Nov 2006 18:12:56 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix a bug regarding shaded mode in the playlist editor where trunkMon, 27 Nov 2006 17:58:02 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - run chardet against even valid UTF-8 strings, as they may be non-UTF-8 trunkMon, 27 Nov 2006 15:38:11 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - xmms_urldecode_path() is no longer needed due to NewVFS layer. trunkSat, 25 Nov 2006 19:19:56 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - now filepopup can find newly added images immediately. trunkSat, 25 Nov 2006 00:31:33 -0800, by yaz
[svn] Updated translation by Yang Zhang <> aka program, closes bug #660. trunkFri, 24 Nov 2006 04:49:53 -0800, by chainsaw
[svn] - init plugins before initalizing the skin system. trunkThu, 23 Nov 2006 23:29:34 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - cleanup the controlsocket code. (nenolod + help from ticpu) trunkThu, 23 Nov 2006 23:14:03 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix the %20 in playlist issue. Patch by external contributor Ralf trunkThu, 23 Nov 2006 10:38:16 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Fallback character -> character. Update PO files accordingly. Closes bug #641. trunkThu, 23 Nov 2006 08:40:31 -0800, by chainsaw
[svn] - filename_proxy need not and should not be freed here. trunkThu, 23 Nov 2006 06:03:55 -0800, by yaz
[svn] Avoid chdir .. when creating the SVN build stamp. This way we get a valid stamp when compiling from an ebuild. trunkSun, 19 Nov 2006 06:40:10 -0800, by chainsaw
[svn] - Remove pointless duplicate 'Miscellaneous' header from Appearance tab of prefs trunkSat, 18 Nov 2006 22:27:37 -0800, by nhjm449
[svn] Updated Polish translation by VoJcEK <> trunkThu, 16 Nov 2006 11:57:47 -0800, by chainsaw
[svn] - simplify po files (a lot of translations are removed due to plugins split) trunkThu, 16 Nov 2006 11:49:34 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - a bunch of (mainly i18n-related) patches from Laszlo Dvornik. trunkThu, 16 Nov 2006 11:44:58 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - reseek to 0 on a newvfs FD for each probe pass trunkTue, 14 Nov 2006 12:37:14 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - in particular X environment, double size caused a bad match X error. trunkSun, 12 Nov 2006 18:41:41 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - add show window decorations option to appearance preferences. closes #167. trunkSun, 12 Nov 2006 18:33:35 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - only GModule would be so dumb to push all symbols to the global trunkSun, 12 Nov 2006 12:50:16 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - some newui stuff (and also turn it off again, giacomo will need to look at a few things) trunkSun, 12 Nov 2006 06:55:04 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - temporarily display the newui at startup along with the oldui trunkSun, 12 Nov 2006 05:38:48 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - avoid freeing a NULL pointer in ui_fileinfo.c trunkSun, 12 Nov 2006 03:09:28 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - remove unused declaration "filepopup_pixbuf". trunkSat, 11 Nov 2006 14:03:41 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - use values from the skin loader instead of constants (should make doublesize work with Osmosis) trunkMon, 06 Nov 2006 00:10:47 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - NewVFS input probing layer. VFS-Aware plugins can automatically take trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 18:36:26 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix potential display corruption problem in doublesize trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 18:00:14 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - do not evaluate mainwinHeight() or mainwinWidth() in skin scripts if doublesize is on trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 17:45:59 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - only use g_unichar_iswide_cjk if GLib 2.12 is available. trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 15:09:25 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - require at least 3 bytes of data to search trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 13:59:09 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - optimize for single-character searches (dramatic JTF speedboost) trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 13:55:21 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - use g_strcasecmp instead of several g_strdowns to speed up jump-to-file performance. closes #56 trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 13:33:25 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add keypad-enter binding for queueing files in jump-to-file. closes #295. trunkSun, 05 Nov 2006 13:29:22 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - assign Control+Shift+R keybinding. to Randomize Playlist. Closes #529 trunkSat, 04 Nov 2006 23:34:22 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - fix X11 hinting for the preferences window, fixes bug #559. trunkSat, 04 Nov 2006 21:41:23 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - return -1 if audacious server is not running trunkSat, 04 Nov 2006 13:50:43 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - merge debian's manpage with ours, and improve overall spelling and grammar trunkFri, 03 Nov 2006 18:47:00 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - libguess update. a bug in JOHAB detecting was fixed. trunkWed, 01 Nov 2006 01:31:16 -0800, by yaz
[svn] - use a common skinengine for both Osmosis and Ivory. trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 14:16:27 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add feedback when the build_stamp is generated. trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 14:01:32 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - add a build-prehook to ensure that the build_stamp is fresh. trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 13:58:27 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] - yes, lets waste extra space because OMK decides to break on installing a variant. trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 13:50:18 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Ivory now uses dark blues where before it used icky shades of brown. trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 05:20:14 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - this should fix #592. somebody please check. trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 02:32:34 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Add Ivory to skins. [Ivory is an inverse version of the Osmosis skin.] trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 01:39:13 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - add a Classic variant which looks like the oldschool audacious skin (< 1.2.x) trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 00:47:31 -0800, by nenolod
[svn] Changed description to reflect the skin's current name [Osmosis] trunkMon, 30 Oct 2006 00:28:16 -0800, by kiyoshi
[svn] - from gentoo #152769 add application/ogg and audio/x-vorbis+ogg for gnome shared-mime-info compatibility trunkSat, 28 Oct 2006 15:17:47 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - remove useless fileop buttons from the GTK1-like dialog. trunkFri, 27 Oct 2006 02:07:49 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - i doubt we will have a 1.2.2 version of the player anytime soon, but bump the version anyway ;) trunkFri, 27 Oct 2006 02:03:17 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - change "Transparency" to "Miscillaneous UI Features" in prefswin trunkFri, 27 Oct 2006 02:01:55 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - add a default value for cfg.use_file_cover (FALSE) trunkFri, 27 Oct 2006 00:19:32 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - make sure rootpix is freed when a new pixmap is generated trunkTue, 24 Oct 2006 01:17:57 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - oops, missed a requirement (sorry about that) trunkTue, 24 Oct 2006 00:34:35 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - make sure the proper wmclass is being set here. trunkMon, 23 Oct 2006 22:57:28 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - set status text when loop-point A has been set to "LOOP-POINT A HAS BEEN SET." trunkMon, 23 Oct 2006 13:04:21 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - add --disable-rpath option to disable hardbinding an rpath to the audacious binaries trunkMon, 23 Oct 2006 11:42:56 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Patch by Michael Hanselmann to fetch a per-song image file. trunkSun, 22 Oct 2006 11:38:20 -0700, by nemo
[svn] - enforce extern status here. we do not provide an inlined iir(), so that shouldn't be declared inline. trunkFri, 20 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Jump to track window shown when calling audacious with the -j option. Patch by Henrik Johansson <>, submitted as Gentoo bug #151260. trunkSun, 15 Oct 2006 09:30:05 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - try to intelligently choose which output plugin is best. candidates are in an null-terminated array, pl_candidates. trunkSat, 14 Oct 2006 21:11:15 -0700, by nenolod