diff lisp/calculator.el @ 27587:b529e919efd4

*** empty log message ***
author Gerd Moellmann <gerd@gnu.org>
date Wed, 02 Feb 2000 15:22:19 +0000
children af501f05394a
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/calculator.el	Wed Feb 02 15:22:19 2000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1276 @@
+;;; calculator.el --- A simple pocket calculator.
+;; Copyright (C) 1998 by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eli Barzilay <eli@lambda.cs.cornell.edu>
+;; Keywords: tools, convenience
+;; Time-stamp: <2000-02-01 20:12:16 eli>
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+;; Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+;; later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+;; MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A simple pocket calculator for Emacs.
+;; Why touch your mouse to get xcalc (or calc.exe), when you have Emacs?
+;; If this is not part of your Emacs distribution, then simply bind
+;; `calculator' to a key and make it an autoloaded function, e.g.:
+;;   (autoload 'calculator "calculator"
+;;     "Run the pocket calculator." t)
+;;   (global-set-key [(control return)] 'calculator)
+;; Written by Eli Barzilay: Maze is Life!  eli@cs.cornell.edu
+;;                                         http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli
+;; For latest version, check
+;;     http://www.cs.cornell.edu/eli/misc/calculator.el
+  (if (fboundp 'defgroup) nil
+    (defmacro defgroup (&rest forms) nil)
+    (defmacro defcustom (s v d &rest r) (list 'defvar s v d))))
+;;; Customization:
+(defgroup calculator nil
+  "Simple pocket calculator."
+  :prefix "calculator"
+  :group 'tools
+  :group 'convenience)
+(defcustom calculator-electric-mode nil
+  "*Run `calculator' electrically, in the echo area.
+Note that if you use electric-mode, you wouldn't be able to use
+conventional help keys."
+  :type  'boolean
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-bind-escape nil
+  "*If non-nil, set escape to exit the calculator."
+  :type  'boolean
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-unary-style 'postfix
+  "*Value is either 'prefix or 'postfix.
+This determines the default behavior of unary operators."
+  :type    '(choice (const prefix) (const postfix))
+  :group   'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-prompt "Calculator=%s> "
+  "*The prompt used by the pocket calculator.
+It should contain a \"%s\" somewhere that will indicate the i/o radixes,
+this string will be a two-character string as described in the
+documentation for `calculator-mode'."
+  :type  'string
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-epsilon 1e-15
+  "*A threshold for results.
+If any result computed in `calculator-funcall' is smaller than this in
+its absolute value, then zero will be returned."
+  :type  'number
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-number-format "%1.3f"
+  "*The calculator's string used to display normal numbers."
+  :type  'string
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-number-exp-ulimit 1e16
+  "*The calculator's upper limit for normal numbers."
+  :type  'number
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-number-exp-llimit 0.001
+  "*The calculator's lower limit for normal numbers."
+  :type  'number
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-number-exp-format "%g"
+  "*The calculator's string used to display exponential numbers."
+  :type  'string
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-show-integers t
+  "*Non-nil value means delete all zero digits after the decimal point."
+  :type  'boolean
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-2s-complement nil
+  "*If non-nil, show negative numbers in 2s complement in radix modes.
+Otherwise show as a negative number."
+  :type  'boolean
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-mode-hook nil
+  "*List of hook functions run by `calculator-mode'."
+  :type  'hook
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-user-registers nil
+  "*An association list of user-defined register bindings.
+Each element in this list is a list of a character and a number that
+will be stored in that character's register.
+For example, use this to define the golden ratio number:
+  (setq calculator-user-registers '((?g .  1.61803398875)))"
+  :type  '(repeat (cons character number))
+  :set   '(lambda (_ val)
+            (and (boundp 'calculator-registers)
+                 (setq calculator-registers
+                       (append val calculator-registers)))
+            (setq calculator-user-registers val))
+  :group 'calculator)
+(defcustom calculator-user-operators nil
+  "*A list of additional operators.
+This is a list in the same format as specified in the documentation for
+`calculator-operators', that you can use to bind additional calculator
+operators.  It is probably not a good idea to modify this value with
+`customize' since it is too complex...
+* A very simple one, adding a postfix \"x-to-y\" convertion keys, using
+  `t' as a prefix key:
+  (setq calculator-user-operators
+        '((\"tf\" cl-to-fr (+ 32 (/ (* X 9) 5)) 1)
+          (\"tc\" fr-to-cl (/ (* (- X 32) 5) 9) 1)
+          (\"tp\" kg-to-lb (/ X 0.453592)       1)
+          (\"tk\" lb-to-kg (* X 0.453592)       1)
+          (\"tF\" mt-to-ft (/ X 0.3048)         1)
+          (\"tM\" ft-to-mt (* X 0.3048)         1)))
+* Using a function-like form is very simple, X for an argument (Y the
+  second in case of a binary operator), TX is a truncated version of X
+  and F does a recursive call, Here is a [very inefficient] Fibonacci
+  number calculation:
+  (add-to-list 'calculator-user-operators
+               '(\"F\" fib (if (<= TX 1)
+                           1
+                           (+ (F (- TX 1)) (F (- TX 2)))) 0))
+  Note that this will be either postfix or prefix, according to
+  `calculator-unary-style'."
+  :type  '(repeat (list string symbol sexp integer integer))
+  :group 'calculator)
+;;; Code:
+(defvar calculator-initial-operators
+  '(;; these have keybindings of themselves, not calculator-ops
+    (nobind "=" =  identity  1 -1)
+    (nobind "+" +  +         2  4)
+    (nobind "-" -  -         2  4)
+    (nobind "+" +  +        -1  9)
+    (nobind "-" -  -        -1  9)
+    (nobind "(" \( identity -1 -1)
+    (nobind ")" \) identity +1 10)
+    ;; normal keys
+    ("|"  or   (logior TX TY)  2  2)
+    ("#"  xor  (logxor TX TY)  2  2)
+    ("&"  and  (logand TX TY)  2  3)
+    ("*"  *    *               2  5)
+    ("/"  /    /               2  5)
+    ("\\" div  (/ TX TY)       2  5)
+    ("%"  rem  (% TX TY)       2  5)
+    ("L"  log  log             2  6)
+    ("S"  sin  (sin DX)        x  6)
+    ("C"  cos  (cos DX)        x  6)
+    ("T"  tan  (tan DX)        x  6)
+    ("IS" asin (D (asin X))    x  6)
+    ("IC" acos (D (acos X))    x  6)
+    ("IT" atan (D (atan X))    x  6)
+    ("Q"  sqrt sqrt            x  7)
+    ("^"  ^    expt            2  7)
+    ("!"  !    calculator-fact x  7)
+    (";"  1/   (/ 1 X)         1  7)
+    ("_"  -    -               1  8)
+    ("~"  ~    (lognot TX)     x  8)
+    (">"  repR calculator-repR 1  8)
+    ("<"  repL calculator-repL 1  8)
+    ("v"  avg  (/ (apply '+ L) (length L)) 0 8)
+    ("l"  tot  (apply '+ L)    0 8)
+    )
+  "A list of initial operators.
+This is a list in the same format as `calculator-operators'.  Whenever
+`calculator' starts, it looks at the value of this variable, and if it
+is not empty, its contents is prepended to `calculator-operators' and
+the appropriate key bindings are made.
+This variable is then reset to nil.  Don't use this if you want to add
+user-defined operators, use `calculator-user-operators' instead.")
+(defvar calculator-operators nil
+  "The calculator operators, each a list with:
+1. The key that is bound to for this operation (usually a string);
+2. The displayed symbol for this function;
+3. The function symbol, or a form that uses the variables `X' and `Y',
+   (if it is a binary operator), `TX' and `TY' (truncated integer
+   versions), `DX' (converted to radians if degrees mode is on), `D'
+   (function for converting radians to degrees if deg mode is on), `L'
+   (list of saved values), `F' (function for recursive iteration calls)
+   and evaluates to the function value - these variables are capital;
+4. The function's arity, optional, one of: 2=binary, -1=prefix unary,
+   +1=postfix unary, 0=a 0-arg operator func, non-number=postfix/prefix
+   as determined by `calculator-unary-style' (the default);
+5. The function's precedence - should be in the range of 1=lowest to
+   9=highest (optional, defaults to 1);
+It it possible have a unary prefix version of a binary operator if it
+comes later in this list.  If the list begins with the symbol 'nobind,
+then no key binding will take place - this is only useful for predefined
+Use `calculator-user-operators' to add operators to this list, see its
+documentation for an example.")
+(defvar calculator-stack nil
+  "Stack contents - operations and operands.")
+(defvar calculator-curnum nil
+  "Current number being entered (as a string).")
+(defvar calculator-stack-display nil
+  "Cons of the stack and its string representation.")
+(defvar calculator-char-radix
+  '((?D . nil) (?B . bin) (?O . oct) (?H . hex) (?X . hex))
+  "A table to convert input characters to corresponding radix symbols.")
+(defvar calculator-output-radix nil
+  "The mode for display, one of: nil (decimal), 'bin, 'oct or 'hex.")
+(defvar calculator-input-radix nil
+  "The mode for input, one of: nil (decimal), 'bin, 'oct or 'hex.")
+(defvar calculator-deg nil
+  "Non-nil if trig functions operate on degrees instead of radians.")
+(defvar calculator-saved-list nil
+  "A list of saved values collected.")
+(defvar calculator-saved-ptr 0
+  "The pointer to the current saved number.")
+(defvar calculator-add-saved nil
+  "Bound to t when a value should be added to the saved-list.")
+(defvar calculator-display-fragile nil
+  "When non-nil, we see something that the next digit should replace.")
+(defvar calculator-buffer nil
+  "The current calculator buffer.")
+(defvar calculator-forced-input nil
+  "Used to make alias events, e.g., make Return equivalent to `='.")
+(defvar calculator-last-opXY nil
+  "The last binary operation and its arguments.
+Used for repeating operations in calculator-repR/L.")
+(defvar calculator-registers ; use user-bindings first
+  (append calculator-user-registers (list (cons ?e e) (cons ?p pi)))
+  "The association list of calculator register values.")
+(defvar calculator-saved-global-map nil
+  "Saved global key map.")
+(defvar calculator-mode-map nil
+  "The calculator key map.")
+(or calculator-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Calculator")))
+    (suppress-keymap map t)
+    (define-key map "i" nil)
+    (define-key map "o" nil)
+    (let ((p '(calculator-open-paren  "(" "[" "{"
+               calculator-close-paren ")" "]" "}"
+               calculator-op-or-exp   "+" "-" [kp-add] [kp-subtract]
+               calculator-digit       "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7"
+                                      "8" "9" "a" "b" "c" "d" "f"
+                                      [kp-0] [kp-1] [kp-2] [kp-3] [kp-4]
+                                      [kp-5] [kp-6] [kp-7] [kp-8] [kp-9]
+               calculator-op          [kp-divide] [kp-multiply]
+               calculator-decimal     "." [kp-decimal]
+               calculator-exp         "e"
+               calculator-dec/deg-mode "D"
+               calculator-set-register "s"
+               calculator-get-register "g"
+               calculator-radix-mode        "H" "X" "O" "B"
+               calculator-radix-input-mode  "id" "ih" "ix" "io" "ib"
+                                            "iD" "iH" "iX" "iO" "iB"
+               calculator-radix-output-mode "od" "oh" "ox" "oo" "ob"
+                                            "oD" "oH" "oX" "oO" "oB"
+               calculator-saved-up    [?\C-p] [up]
+               calculator-saved-down  [?\C-n] [down]
+               calculator-quit        "q" [?\C-g]
+               calculator-enter       [enter] [linefeed] [kp-enter]
+                                      [?\r] [?\n]
+               calculator-save-on-list " " [space]
+               calculator-clear-saved [?\C-c] [(control delete)]
+               calculator-save-and-quit [(control return)]
+                                        [(control kp-enter)]
+               calculator-paste       [insert] [(shift insert)]
+               calculator-clear       [delete] [?\C-?] [?\C-d]
+               calculator-help        [?h] [??] [f1] [help]
+               calculator-copy        [(control insert)]
+               calculator-backspace   [backspace]
+               ))
+          (f nil))
+      (while p
+        (cond
+          ((symbolp (car p)) (setq f (car p)))
+          (p (define-key map (car p) f)))
+        (setq p (cdr p))))
+    (if calculator-bind-escape
+      (progn (define-key map [?\e] 'calculator-quit)
+             (define-key map [escape] 'calculator-quit))
+      (define-key map [?\e ?\e ?\e] 'calculator-quit))
+    ;; make C-h work in text-mode
+    (or window-system (define-key map [?\C-h] 'calculator-backspace))
+    (setq calculator-mode-map map)))
+(defun calculator-mode ()
+  "A simple pocket calculator in Emacs.
+This calculator is used in the same way as other popular calculators
+like xcalc or calc.exe - but using an Emacs interface.
+Expressions are entered using normal infix notation, parens are used as
+normal.  Unary functions are usually postfix, but some depends on the
+value of `calculator-unary-style' (if the style for an operator below is
+specified, then it is fixed, otherwise it depends on this variable).
+`+' and `-' can be used as either binary operators or prefix unary
+operators.  Numbers can be entered with exponential notation using `e',
+except when using a non-decimal radix mode for input (in this case `e'
+will be the hexadecimal digit).
+Here are the editing keys:
+* `RET' `='      evaluate the current expression
+* `C-insert'     copy the whole current expression to the `kill-ring'
+* `C-enter'      evaluate, save result the `kill-ring' and exit
+* `insert'       paste a number if the one was copied (normally)
+* `delete' `C-d' clear last argument or whole expression (hit twice)
+* `backspace'    delete a digit or a previous expression element
+* `h' `?'        pop-up a quick reference help
+* `ESC' `q'      exit (`ESC' can be used if `calculator-bind-escape' is
+                 non-nil, otherwise use three consecutive `ESC's)
+These operators are pre-defined:
+* `+' `-' `*' `/' the common binary operators
+* `\\' `%'         integer division and reminder
+* `_' `;'         postfix unary negation and reciprocal
+* `^' `L'         binary operators for x^y and log(x) in base y
+* `Q' `!'         unary square root and factorial
+* `S' `C' `T'     unary trigonometric operators - sin, cos and tan
+* `|' `#' `&' `~' bitwise operators - or, xor, and, not
+The trigonometric functions can be inverted if prefixed with an `I', see
+below for the way to use degrees instead of the default radians.
+Two special postfix unary operators are `>' and `<': whenever a binary
+operator is performed, it is remembered along with its arguments; then
+`>' (`<') will apply the same operator with the same right (left)
+hex/oct/bin modes can be set for input and for display separately.
+Another toggle-able mode is for using degrees instead of radians for
+trigonometric functions.
+The keys to switch modes are (`X' is shortcut for `H'):
+* `D'             switch to all-decimal mode, or toggle degrees/radians
+* `B' `O' `H' `X' binary/octal/hexadecimal modes for input & display
+* `i' `o'         followed by one of `D' `B' `O' `H' `X' (case
+                  insensitive) sets only the input or display radix mode
+The prompt indicates the current modes:
+* \"D=\": degrees mode;
+* \"?=\": (? is B/O/H) this is the radix for both input and output;
+* \"=?\": (? is B/O/H) the display radix (when input is decimal);
+* \"??\": (? is D/B/O/H) 1st char for input radix, 2nd for display.
+Values can be saved for future reference in either a list of saved
+values, or in registers.
+The list of saved values is useful for statistics operations on some
+collected data.  It is possible to navigate in this list, and if the
+value shown is the current one on the list, an indication is displayed
+as \"[N]\" if this is the last number and there are N numbers, or
+\"[M/N]\" if the M-th value is shown.
+* `SPC'            evaluate the current value as usual, but also adds
+                   the result to the list of saved values
+* `l' `v'          computes total / average of saved values
+* `up' `C-p'       browse to the previous value in the list
+* `down' `C-n'     browse to the next value in the list
+* `delete' `C-d'   remove current value from the list (if it is on it)
+* `C-delete' `C-c' delete the whole list
+Registers are variable-like place-holders for values:
+* `s' followed by a character attach the current value to that character
+* `g' followed by a character fetches the attached value
+There are many variables that can be used to customize the calculator.
+Some interesting customization variables are:
+* `calculator-electric-mode'  use only the echo-area electrically.
+* `calculator-unary-style'    set most unary ops to pre/postfix style.
+* `calculator-user-registers' to define user-preset registers.
+* `calculator-user-operators' to add user-defined operators.
+See the documentation for these variables, and \"calculator.el\" for
+more information.
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (setq major-mode 'calculator-mode)
+  (setq mode-name "Calculator")
+  (use-local-map calculator-mode-map)
+  (run-hooks 'calculator-mode-hook))
+(defun calculator ()
+  "Run the pocket calculator.
+See the documentation for `calculator-mode' for more information."
+  (interactive)
+  (if calculator-electric-mode
+    (progn (require 'electric)
+           (message nil))) ; hide load message
+  (setq calculator-buffer
+        (or (and (bufferp calculator-buffer)
+                 (buffer-live-p calculator-buffer)
+                 calculator-buffer)
+            (if calculator-electric-mode
+              (get-buffer-create "*calculator*")
+              (let ((split-window-keep-point nil)
+                    (window-min-height 2))
+                (select-window
+                 (split-window-vertically (- (window-height) 2)))
+                (switch-to-buffer
+                 (get-buffer-create "*calculator*"))))))
+  (set-buffer calculator-buffer)
+  (calculator-mode)
+  (setq buffer-read-only t)
+  (if calculator-initial-operators
+    (progn (calculator-add-operators calculator-initial-operators)
+           (setq calculator-initial-operators nil)
+           ;; don't change this since it is a customization variable,
+           ;; its set function will add any new operators.
+           (calculator-add-operators calculator-user-operators)))
+  (calculator-reset)
+  (calculator-update-display)
+  (if calculator-electric-mode
+    (save-window-excursion
+      (let (old-g-map old-l-map (echo-keystrokes 0)
+            (garbage-collection-messages nil)) ; no gc msg when electric
+        (kill-buffer calculator-buffer)
+        ;; strange behavior in FSF: doesn't always select correct
+        ;; minibuffer.  I have no idea how to fix this
+        (setq calculator-buffer (window-buffer (minibuffer-window)))
+        (select-window (minibuffer-window))
+        (calculator-reset)
+        (calculator-update-display)
+        (setq old-l-map (current-local-map))
+        (setq old-g-map (current-global-map))
+        (setq calculator-saved-global-map (current-global-map))
+        (use-local-map calculator-mode-map)
+        (use-global-map calculator-mode-map)
+        (unwind-protect
+            (catch 'calculator-done
+              (Electric-command-loop
+               'calculator-done
+               ;; can't use 'noprompt, bug in electric.el
+               '(lambda () 'noprompt)
+               nil
+               (lambda (x y)
+                 (calculator-update-display))))
+          (and calculator-buffer
+               (catch 'calculator-done (calculator-quit)))
+          (use-local-map old-l-map)
+          (use-global-map old-g-map))))
+    (message "Hit `?' For a quick help screen.")))
+(defun calculator-op-arity (op)
+  "Return OP's arity, 2, +1 or -1."
+  (let ((arity (or (nth 3 op) 'x)))
+    (if (numberp arity)
+      arity
+      (if (eq calculator-unary-style 'postfix) +1 -1))))
+(defun calculator-op-prec (op)
+  "Return OP's precedence for reducing when inserting into the stack.
+Defaults to 1."
+  (or (nth 4 op) 1))
+(defun calculator-add-operators (more-ops)
+  "This function handles operator addition.
+Adds MORE-OPS to `calculator-operator', called initially to handle
+`calculator-initial-operators' and `calculator-user-operators'."
+  (let ((added-ops nil))
+    (while more-ops
+      (or (eq (car (car more-ops)) 'nobind)
+          (let ((i -1) (key (car (car more-ops))))
+            ;; make sure the key is undefined, so it's easy to define
+            ;; prefix keys
+            (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) (length key))
+              (or (keymapp
+                   (lookup-key calculator-mode-map
+                               (substring key 0 (1+ i))))
+                  (progn
+                    (define-key
+                      calculator-mode-map (substring key 0 (1+ i)) nil)
+                    (setq i (length key)))))
+            (define-key calculator-mode-map key 'calculator-op)))
+      (setq added-ops (cons (if (eq (car (car more-ops)) 'nobind)
+                              (cdr (car more-ops))
+                              (car more-ops))
+                            added-ops))
+      (setq more-ops (cdr more-ops)))
+    ;; added-ops come first, but in correct order
+    (setq calculator-operators
+          (append (nreverse added-ops) calculator-operators))))
+(defun calculator-reset ()
+  "Reset calculator variables."
+  (setq calculator-stack           nil
+        calculator-curnum          nil
+        calculator-stack-display   nil
+        calculator-display-fragile nil)
+  (calculator-update-display))
+(defun calculator-get-prompt ()
+  "Return a string to display.
+The string is set not to exceed the screen width."
+  (let* ((calculator-prompt
+          (format calculator-prompt
+                  (cond
+                    ((or calculator-output-radix calculator-input-radix)
+                     (if (eq calculator-output-radix
+                             calculator-input-radix)
+                       (concat
+                        (char-to-string
+                         (car (rassq calculator-output-radix
+                                     calculator-char-radix)))
+                        "=")
+                       (concat
+                        (if calculator-input-radix
+                          (char-to-string
+                           (car (rassq calculator-input-radix
+                                       calculator-char-radix)))
+                          "=")
+                        (char-to-string
+                         (car (rassq calculator-output-radix
+                                     calculator-char-radix))))))
+                    (calculator-deg "D=")
+                    (t "=="))))
+         (prompt
+          (concat calculator-prompt
+                  (cdr calculator-stack-display)
+                  (cond (calculator-curnum
+                         ;; number being typed
+                         (concat calculator-curnum "_"))
+                        ((and (= 1 (length calculator-stack))
+                              calculator-display-fragile)
+                         ;; only the result is shown, next number will
+                         ;; restart
+                         nil)
+                        (t
+                         ;; waiting for a number or an operator
+                         "?"))))
+         (trim (- (length prompt) (1- (window-width)))))
+    (if (<= trim 0)
+      prompt
+      (concat calculator-prompt
+              (substring prompt (+ trim (length calculator-prompt)))))))
+(defun calculator-curnum-value ()
+  "Get the numeric value of the displayed number string as a float."
+  (if calculator-input-radix
+    (let ((radix
+           (cdr (assq calculator-input-radix
+                      '((bin . 2) (oct . 8) (hex . 16)))))
+          (i -1) (value 0))
+      ;; assume valid input (upcased & characters in range)
+      (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) (length calculator-curnum))
+        (setq value
+              (+ (let ((ch (aref calculator-curnum i)))
+                   (- ch (if (<= ch ?9) ?0 (- ?A 10))))
+                 (* radix value))))
+      value)
+    (car
+     (read-from-string
+      (cond
+        ((equal "." calculator-curnum)
+         "0.0")
+        ((string-match "[eE][+-]?$" calculator-curnum)
+         (concat calculator-curnum "0"))
+        ((string-match "\\.[0-9]\\|[eE]" calculator-curnum)
+         calculator-curnum)
+        ((string-match "\\." calculator-curnum)
+         ;; do this because Emacs reads "23." as an integer.
+         (concat calculator-curnum "0"))
+        ((stringp calculator-curnum)
+         (concat calculator-curnum ".0"))
+        (t "0.0"))))))
+(defun calculator-num-to-string (num)
+  "Convert NUM to a displayable string."
+  (cond
+    ((and (numberp num) calculator-output-radix)
+     ;; print with radix - for binary I convert the octal number
+     (let ((str (format (if (eq calculator-output-radix 'hex) "%x" "%o")
+                        (calculator-truncate
+                         (if calculator-2s-complement num (abs num))))))
+       (if (eq calculator-output-radix 'bin)
+         (let ((i -1) (s ""))
+           (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) (length str))
+             (setq s
+                   (concat s
+                           (cdr (assq (aref str i)
+                                      '((?0 . "000") (?1 . "001")
+                                        (?2 . "010") (?3 . "011")
+                                        (?4 . "100") (?5 . "101")
+                                        (?6 . "110") (?7 . "111")))))))
+           (string-match "^0*\\(.+\\)" s)
+           (setq str (match-string 1 s))))
+       (upcase
+        (if (and (not calculator-2s-complement) (< num 0))
+          (concat "-" str)
+          str))))
+    ((and (numberp num)
+          ;; is this a normal-range number?
+          (>= (abs num) calculator-number-exp-llimit)
+          (< (abs num) calculator-number-exp-ulimit))
+     (let ((str (format calculator-number-format num)))
+       (cond
+         ((and calculator-show-integers (string-match "\\.?0+$" str))
+          ;; remove all redundant zeros
+          (substring str 0 (match-beginning 0)))
+         ((and (not calculator-show-integers)
+               (string-match "\\..\\(.*[^0]\\)?\\(0+\\)$" str))
+          ;; remove zeros, except for first after the "."
+          (substring str 0 (match-beginning 2)))
+         (t str))))
+    ((numberp num) (format calculator-number-exp-format num))
+    (t (prin1-to-string (nth 1 num) t))))
+(defun calculator-update-display (&optional force)
+  "Update the display.
+If optional argument FORCE is non-nil, don't use the cached string."
+  (set-buffer calculator-buffer)
+  ;; update calculator-stack-display
+  (if (or force
+          (not (eq (car calculator-stack-display) calculator-stack)))
+    (setq calculator-stack-display
+          (cons calculator-stack
+                (if calculator-stack
+                  (concat
+                   (mapconcat 'calculator-num-to-string
+                              (reverse calculator-stack)
+                              " ")
+                   " "
+                   (and calculator-display-fragile
+                        calculator-saved-list
+                        (= (car calculator-stack)
+                           (nth calculator-saved-ptr
+                                calculator-saved-list))
+                        (if (= 0 calculator-saved-ptr)
+                          (format "[%s]" (length calculator-saved-list))
+                          (format "[%s/%s]"
+                                  (- (length calculator-saved-list)
+                                     calculator-saved-ptr)
+                                  (length calculator-saved-list)))))
+                  ""))))
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+    (erase-buffer)
+    (insert (calculator-get-prompt)))
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+  (if calculator-display-fragile
+    (goto-char (1+ (length calculator-prompt)))
+    (goto-char (1- (point)))))
+(defun calculator-reduce-stack (prec)
+  "Reduce the stack using top operator.
+PREC is a precedence - reduce everything with higher precedence."
+  (while
+      (cond
+        ((and (cdr (cdr calculator-stack))         ; have three values
+              (consp   (nth 0 calculator-stack))   ; two operators & num
+              (numberp (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+              (consp   (nth 2 calculator-stack))
+              (eq '\) (nth 1 (nth 0 calculator-stack)))
+              (eq '\( (nth 1 (nth 2 calculator-stack))))
+         ;; reduce "... ( x )" --> "... x"
+         (setq calculator-stack
+               (cons (nth 1 calculator-stack)
+                     (nthcdr 3 calculator-stack)))
+         ;; another iteration
+         t)
+        ((and (cdr (cdr calculator-stack))         ; have three values
+              (numberp (nth 0 calculator-stack))   ; two nums & operator
+              (consp   (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+              (numberp (nth 2 calculator-stack))
+              (= 2 (calculator-op-arity            ; binary operator
+                    (nth 1 calculator-stack)))
+              (<= prec                             ; with higher prec.
+                  (calculator-op-prec (nth 1 calculator-stack))))
+         ;; reduce "... x op y" --> "... r", r is the result
+         (setq calculator-stack
+               (cons (calculator-funcall
+                      (nth 2 (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+                      (nth 2 calculator-stack)
+                      (nth 0 calculator-stack))
+                     (nthcdr 3 calculator-stack)))
+         ;; another iteration
+         t)
+        ((and (>= (length calculator-stack) 2)     ; have two values
+              (numberp (nth 0 calculator-stack))   ; number & operator
+              (consp   (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+              (= -1 (calculator-op-arity           ; prefix-unary op
+                     (nth 1 calculator-stack)))
+              (<= prec                             ; with higher prec.
+                  (calculator-op-prec (nth 1 calculator-stack))))
+         ;; reduce "... op x" --> "... r" for prefix op
+         (setq calculator-stack
+               (cons (calculator-funcall
+                      (nth 2 (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+                      (nth 0 calculator-stack))
+                     (nthcdr 2 calculator-stack)))
+         ;; another iteration
+         t)
+        ((and (cdr calculator-stack)               ; have two values
+              (consp   (nth 0 calculator-stack))   ; operator & number
+              (numberp (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+              (= +1 (calculator-op-arity           ; postfix-unary op
+                     (nth 0 calculator-stack)))
+              (<= prec                             ; with higher prec.
+                  (calculator-op-prec (nth 0 calculator-stack))))
+         ;; reduce "... x op" --> "... r" for postfix op
+         (setq calculator-stack
+               (cons (calculator-funcall
+                      (nth 2 (nth 0 calculator-stack))
+                      (nth 1 calculator-stack))
+                     (nthcdr 2 calculator-stack)))
+         ;; another iteration
+         t)
+        ((and calculator-stack                     ; have one value
+              (consp (nth 0 calculator-stack))     ; an operator
+              (= 0 (calculator-op-arity            ; 0-ary op
+                    (nth 0 calculator-stack))))
+         ;; reduce "... op" --> "... r" for 0-ary op
+         (setq calculator-stack
+               (cons (calculator-funcall
+                      (nth 2 (nth 0 calculator-stack)))
+                     (nthcdr 1 calculator-stack)))
+         ;; another iteration
+         t)
+        ((and (cdr calculator-stack)               ; have two values
+              (numberp (nth 0 calculator-stack))   ; both numbers
+              (numberp (nth 1 calculator-stack)))
+         ;; get rid of redundant numbers:
+         ;;   reduce "... y x" --> "... x"
+         ;; needed for 0-ary ops that puts more values
+         (setcdr calculator-stack (cdr (cdr calculator-stack))))
+        (t ;; no more iterations
+           nil))))
+(eval-when-compile ; silence the compiler
+  (or (fboundp 'event-key)
+      (defun event-key (&rest _) nil))
+  (or (fboundp 'key-press-event-p)
+      (defun key-press-event-p (&rest _) nil)))
+(defun calculator-last-input ()
+  "Last char (or event or event sequence) that was read."
+  (let ((inp (or calculator-forced-input (this-command-keys))))
+    (if (or (stringp inp) (not (arrayp inp)))
+      inp
+      ;; this translates kp-x to x and [tries to] create a string to
+      ;; lookup operators
+      (let* ((i -1) (converted-str (make-string (length inp) ? )) k)
+        ;; converts an array to a string the ops lookup with keypad
+        ;; input
+        (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) (length inp))
+          (setq k (aref inp i))
+          ;; if Emacs will someday have a event-key, then this would
+          ;; probably be modified anyway
+          (and (fboundp 'event-key) (key-press-event-p k)
+               (setq k (event-key k)))
+          ;; assume all symbols are translatable with an ascii-character
+          (and (symbolp k)
+               (setq k (or (get k 'ascii-character) ? )))
+          (aset converted-str i k))
+        converted-str))))
+(defun calculator-clear-fragile (&optional op)
+  "Clear the fragile flag if it was set, then maybe reset all.
+OP is the operator (if any) that caused this call."
+  (if (and calculator-display-fragile
+           (or (not op)
+               (= -1 (calculator-op-arity op))
+               (= 0 (calculator-op-arity op))))
+    ;; reset if last calc finished, and now get a num or prefix or 0-ary
+    ;; op.
+    (calculator-reset))
+  (setq calculator-display-fragile nil))
+(defun calculator-digit ()
+  "Enter a single digit."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((inp (aref (calculator-last-input) 0)))
+    (if (and (or calculator-display-fragile
+                 (not (numberp (car calculator-stack))))
+             (cond
+               ((not calculator-input-radix)     (<= inp ?9))
+               ((eq calculator-input-radix 'bin) (<= inp ?1))
+               ((eq calculator-input-radix 'oct) (<= inp ?7))
+               (t t)))
+      ;; enter digit if starting a new computation or have an op on the
+      ;; stack.
+      (progn
+        (calculator-clear-fragile)
+        (let ((digit (upcase (char-to-string inp))))
+          (if (equal calculator-curnum "0")
+            (setq calculator-curnum nil))
+          (setq calculator-curnum
+                (concat (or calculator-curnum "") digit)))
+        (calculator-update-display)))))
+(defun calculator-decimal ()
+  "Enter a decimal period."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (and (not calculator-input-radix)
+           (or calculator-display-fragile
+               (not (numberp (car calculator-stack))))
+           (not (and calculator-curnum
+                     (string-match "[.eE]" calculator-curnum))))
+    ;; enter the period on the same condition as a digit, only if no
+    ;; period or exponent entered yet.
+    (progn
+      (calculator-clear-fragile)
+      (setq calculator-curnum (concat (or calculator-curnum "0") "."))
+      (calculator-update-display))))
+(defun calculator-exp ()
+  "Enter an `E' exponent character, or a digit in hex input mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (if calculator-input-radix
+    (calculator-digit)
+    (if (and (or calculator-display-fragile
+                 (not (numberp (car calculator-stack))))
+             (not (and calculator-curnum
+                       (string-match "[eE]" calculator-curnum))))
+      ;; same condition as above, also no E so far.
+      (progn
+        (calculator-clear-fragile)
+        (setq calculator-curnum (concat (or calculator-curnum "1") "e"))
+        (calculator-update-display)))))
+(defun calculator-op ()
+  "Enter an operator on the stack, doing all necessary reductions."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((last-inp (calculator-last-input))
+         (op (assoc last-inp calculator-operators)))
+    (calculator-clear-fragile op)
+    (if (and calculator-curnum (/= (calculator-op-arity op) 0))
+      (setq calculator-stack
+            (cons (calculator-curnum-value) calculator-stack)))
+    (setq calculator-curnum nil)
+    (if (and (= 2 (calculator-op-arity op))
+             (not (and calculator-stack
+                       (numberp (nth 0 calculator-stack)))))
+      ;; we have a binary operator but no number - search for a prefix
+      ;; version
+      (let ((rest-ops calculator-operators))
+        (while (not (equal last-inp (car (car rest-ops))))
+          (setq rest-ops (cdr rest-ops)))
+        (setq op (assoc last-inp (cdr rest-ops)))
+        (if (not (and op (= -1 (calculator-op-arity op))))
+          (error "Binary operator without a first operand"))))
+    (calculator-reduce-stack
+     (cond ((eq (nth 1 op) '\() 10)
+           ((eq (nth 1 op) '\)) 0)
+           (t (calculator-op-prec op))))
+    (if (or (and (= -1 (calculator-op-arity op))
+                 (numberp (car calculator-stack)))
+            (and (/= (calculator-op-arity op) -1)
+                 (/= (calculator-op-arity op) 0)
+                 (not (numberp (car calculator-stack)))))
+      (error "Unterminated expression"))
+    (setq calculator-stack (cons op calculator-stack))
+    (calculator-reduce-stack (calculator-op-prec op))
+    (and (= (length calculator-stack) 1)
+         (numberp (nth 0 calculator-stack))
+         ;; the display is fragile if it contains only one number
+         (setq calculator-display-fragile t)
+         ;; add number to the saved-list
+         calculator-add-saved
+         (if (= 0 calculator-saved-ptr)
+           (setq calculator-saved-list
+                 (cons (car calculator-stack) calculator-saved-list))
+           (let ((p (nthcdr (1- calculator-saved-ptr)
+                            calculator-saved-list)))
+             (setcdr p (cons (car calculator-stack) (cdr p))))))
+    (calculator-update-display)))
+(defun calculator-op-or-exp ()
+  "Either enter an operator or a digit.
+Used with +/- for entering them as digits in numbers like 1e-3."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (and (not calculator-display-fragile)
+           calculator-curnum
+           (string-match "[eE]$" calculator-curnum))
+    (calculator-digit)
+    (calculator-op)))
+(defun calculator-dec/deg-mode ()
+  "Set decimal mode for display & input, if decimal, toggle deg mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (if calculator-curnum
+    (setq calculator-stack
+          (cons (calculator-curnum-value) calculator-stack)))
+  (setq calculator-curnum nil)
+  (if (or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)
+    (progn (setq calculator-input-radix nil)
+           (setq calculator-output-radix nil))
+    ;; already decimal - toggle degrees mode
+    (setq calculator-deg (not calculator-deg)))
+  (calculator-update-display t))
+(defun calculator-radix-mode ()
+  "Set input and display radix modes."
+  (interactive)
+  (calculator-radix-input-mode)
+  (calculator-radix-output-mode))
+(defun calculator-radix-input-mode ()
+  "Set input radix modes."
+  (interactive)
+  (if calculator-curnum
+    (setq calculator-stack
+          (cons (calculator-curnum-value) calculator-stack)))
+  (setq calculator-curnum nil)
+  (setq calculator-input-radix
+        (let ((inp (calculator-last-input)))
+          (cdr (assq (upcase (aref inp (1- (length inp))))
+                     calculator-char-radix))))
+  (calculator-update-display))
+(defun calculator-radix-output-mode ()
+  "Set display radix modes."
+  (interactive)
+  (if calculator-curnum
+    (setq calculator-stack
+          (cons (calculator-curnum-value) calculator-stack)))
+  (setq calculator-curnum nil)
+  (setq calculator-output-radix
+        (let ((inp (calculator-last-input)))
+          (cdr (assq (upcase (aref inp (1- (length inp))))
+                     calculator-char-radix))))
+  (calculator-update-display t))
+(defun calculator-save-on-list ()
+  "Evaluate current expression, put result on the saved values list."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((calculator-add-saved t)) ; marks the result to be added
+    (calculator-enter)))
+(defun calculator-clear-saved ()
+  "Clear the list of saved values in `calculator-saved-list'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq calculator-saved-list nil)
+  (calculator-update-display t))
+(defun calculator-saved-move (n)
+  "Go N elements up the list of saved values."
+  (interactive)
+  (and calculator-saved-list
+       (or (null calculator-stack) calculator-display-fragile)
+       (progn
+         (setq calculator-saved-ptr
+               (max (min (+ n calculator-saved-ptr)
+                         (length calculator-saved-list))
+                    0))
+         (if (nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list)
+           (setq calculator-stack
+                 (list (nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list))
+                 calculator-display-fragile t)
+           (calculator-reset)))))
+(defun calculator-saved-up ()
+  "Go up the list of saved values."
+  (interactive)
+  (calculator-saved-move +1))
+(defun calculator-saved-down ()
+  "Go down the list of saved values."
+  (interactive)
+  (calculator-saved-move -1))
+(defun calculator-open-paren ()
+  "Equivalents of `(' use this."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((calculator-forced-input "("))
+    (calculator-op)))
+(defun calculator-close-paren ()
+  "Equivalents of `)' use this."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((calculator-forced-input ")"))
+    (calculator-op)))
+(defun calculator-enter ()
+  "Make Enter equivalent to `='."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((calculator-forced-input "="))
+    (calculator-op)))
+(defun calculator-backspace ()
+  "Backward delete a single digit or a stack element."
+  (interactive)
+  (if calculator-curnum
+    (setq calculator-curnum
+          (if (> (length calculator-curnum) 1)
+            (substring calculator-curnum
+                       0 (1- (length calculator-curnum)))
+            nil))
+    (setq calculator-stack (cdr calculator-stack)))
+  (calculator-update-display))
+(defun calculator-clear ()
+  "Clear current number."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq calculator-curnum nil)
+  (cond
+    ;; if the current number is from the saved-list - remove it
+    ((and calculator-display-fragile
+          calculator-saved-list
+          (= (car calculator-stack)
+             (nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list)))
+     (if (= 0 calculator-saved-ptr)
+       (setq calculator-saved-list (cdr calculator-saved-list))
+       (let ((p (nthcdr (1- calculator-saved-ptr)
+                        calculator-saved-list)))
+         (setcdr p (cdr (cdr p)))
+         (setq calculator-saved-ptr (1- calculator-saved-ptr))))
+     (if calculator-saved-list
+       (setq calculator-stack
+             (list (nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list)))
+       (calculator-reset)))
+    ;; reset if fragile or double clear
+    ((or calculator-display-fragile (eq last-command this-command))
+     (calculator-reset)))
+  (calculator-update-display))
+(defun calculator-copy ()
+  "Copy current number to the `kill-ring'."
+  (interactive)
+  (calculator-enter)
+  ;; remove trailing .0 and spaces .0
+  (let ((s (cdr calculator-stack-display)))
+    (if (string-match "^\\(.*[^ ]\\) *$" s)
+      (setq s (match-string 1 s)))
+    (kill-new s)))
+(defun calculator-set-register (reg)
+  "Set a register value for REG."
+  (interactive "cRegister to store into: ")
+  (let* ((as  (assq reg calculator-registers))
+         (val (progn (calculator-enter) (car calculator-stack))))
+    (if as
+      (setcdr as val)
+      (setq calculator-registers
+            (cons (cons reg val) calculator-registers)))
+    (message (format "[%c] := %S" reg val))))
+(defun calculator-put-value (val)
+  "Paste VAL as if entered.
+Used by `calculator-paste' and `get-register'."
+  (if (and (numberp val)
+           ;; (not calculator-curnum)
+           (or calculator-display-fragile
+               (not (numberp (car calculator-stack)))))
+    (progn
+      (calculator-clear-fragile)
+      (setq calculator-curnum (calculator-num-to-string val))
+      (calculator-update-display))))
+(defun calculator-paste ()
+  "Paste a value from the `kill-ring'."
+  (interactive)
+  (calculator-put-value
+   (condition-case nil (car (read-from-string (current-kill 0)))
+     (error nil))))
+(defun calculator-get-register (reg)
+  "Get a value from a register REG."
+  (interactive "cRegister to get value from: ")
+  (calculator-put-value (cdr (assq reg calculator-registers))))
+(defun calculator-help ()
+  ;; this is used as the quick reference screen you get with `h'
+  "Quick reference:
+* numbers/operators/parens/./e - enter expressions
+  + - * / \\(div) %(rem) _(-X,postfix) ;(1/X,postfix) ^(exp) L(og)
+  Q(sqrt) !(fact) S(in) C(os) T(an) |(or) #(xor) &(and) ~(not)
+* >/< repeats last binary operation with its 2nd (1st) arg as postfix op
+* I inverses next trig function
+* D         - switch to all-decimal mode, or toggles deg/rad mode
+* B/O/H/X   - binary/octal/hex mode for i/o (X is a shortcut for H)
+* i/o       - prefix for d/b/o/x - set only input/output modes
+* enter/=   - evaluate current expr.   * s/g      - set/get a register
+* space     - evaluate & save on list  * l/v      - list total/average
+* up/down/C-p/C-n - browse saved       * C-delete - clear all saved
+* C-insert  - copy whole expr.         * C-enter  - evaluate, copy, exit
+* insert    - paste a number           * backspace- delete backwards
+* delete    - clear argument or list value or whole expression (twice)
+* escape/q  - exit."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (eq last-command 'calculator-help)
+    (let ((mode-name "Calculator")
+          (major-mode 'calculator-mode)
+          (g-map (current-global-map))
+          (win (selected-window)))
+      (require 'ehelp)
+      (if calculator-electric-mode
+        (use-global-map calculator-saved-global-map))
+      (electric-describe-mode)
+      (if calculator-electric-mode
+        (use-global-map g-map))
+      (select-window win) ; these are for XEmacs (also below)
+      (message nil))
+    (let ((one (one-window-p t))
+          (win (selected-window))
+          (help-buf (get-buffer-create "*Help*")))
+      (save-window-excursion
+        (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+          (princ (documentation 'calculator-help)))
+        (if one
+          (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer
+           (get-buffer-window help-buf)))
+        (message
+         "`%s' again for more help, any other key continues normally."
+         (calculator-last-input))
+        (select-window win)
+        (sit-for 360))
+      (select-window win))))
+(defun calculator-quit ()
+  "Quit calculator."
+  (interactive)
+  (set-buffer calculator-buffer)
+  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
+  (if (not calculator-electric-mode)
+    (progn
+      (condition-case nil
+          (while (get-buffer-window calculator-buffer)
+            (delete-window (get-buffer-window calculator-buffer)))
+        (error nil))
+      (kill-buffer calculator-buffer)))
+  (setq calculator-buffer nil)
+  (message "Calculator done.")
+  (if calculator-electric-mode (throw 'calculator-done nil)))
+(defun calculator-save-and-quit ()
+  "Quit the calculator, saving the result on the `kill-ring'."
+  (interactive)
+  (calculator-enter)
+  (calculator-copy)
+  (calculator-quit))
+(defun calculator-funcall (f &optional X Y)
+  "If F is a symbol, evaluate (F X Y).
+Otherwise, it should be a list, evaluate it with X, Y bound to the
+  ;; remember binary ops for calculator-repR/L
+  (if Y (setq calculator-last-opXY (list f X Y)))
+  (condition-case nil
+      (let ((result
+             (if (symbolp f)
+               (cond ((and X Y) (funcall f X Y))
+                     (X         (funcall f X))
+                     (t         (funcall f)))
+               ;; f is an expression
+               (let* ((__f__ f) ; so we can get this value below...
+                      (TX (calculator-truncate X))
+                      (TY (and Y (calculator-truncate Y)))
+                      (DX (if calculator-deg (/ (* X pi) 180) X))
+                      (L  calculator-saved-list)
+                      (Fbound (fboundp 'F))
+                      (Fsave  (and Fbound (symbol-function 'F)))
+                      (Dbound (fboundp 'D))
+                      (Dsave  (and Dbound (symbol-function 'D))))
+                 ;; a shortened version of flet
+                 (fset 'F (function
+                           (lambda (&optional x y)
+                             (calculator-funcall __f__ x y))))
+                 (fset 'D (function
+                           (lambda (x)
+                             (if calculator-deg (/ (* x 180) pi) x))))
+                 (unwind-protect (eval f)
+                   (if Fbound (fset 'F Fsave) (fmakunbound 'F))
+                   (if Dbound (fset 'D Dsave) (fmakunbound 'D)))))))
+        (if (< (abs result) calculator-epsilon)
+          0
+          result))
+    (error 0)))
+(defun calculator-repR (x)
+  "Repeats the last binary operation with its second argument and X.
+To use this, apply a binary operator (evaluate it), then call this."
+  (if calculator-last-opXY
+    ;; avoid rebinding calculator-last-opXY
+    (let ((calculator-last-opXY calculator-last-opXY))
+      (calculator-funcall
+       (car calculator-last-opXY) x (nth 2 calculator-last-opXY)))
+    x))
+(defun calculator-repL (x)
+  "Repeats the last binary operation with its first argument and X.
+To use this, apply a binary operator (evaluate it), then call this."
+  (if calculator-last-opXY
+    ;; avoid rebinding calculator-last-opXY
+    (let ((calculator-last-opXY calculator-last-opXY))
+      (calculator-funcall
+       (car calculator-last-opXY) (nth 1 calculator-last-opXY) x))
+    x))
+(defun calculator-fact (x)
+  "Simple factorial of X."
+  (let ((r (if (<= x 10) 1 1.0)))
+    (while (> x 0)
+      (setq r (* r (truncate x)))
+      (setq x (1- x)))
+    r))
+(defun calculator-truncate (n)
+  "Truncate N, return 0 in case of overflow."
+  (condition-case nil (truncate n) (error 0)))
+(provide 'calculator)
+;;; calculator.el ends here