changeset 35124:0b78d7b101c2

Update to version 4.0. Provide support for EDT scroll margins at top and bottom of the window. Provide an emulation of the EDT SUBS command (bound to GOLD-Enter, by default). Enhance edt-quit, bound to GOLD-q by default, to warn user when file-related buffer modifications exist. Provide support for running EDT Emulation in XEmacs. Provide customize access to some user updatable variables. Add Commentary section to file header. Fixed a few minor bugs and cleaned up some code.
author Gerd Moellmann <>
date Mon, 08 Jan 2001 13:18:43 +0000 (2001-01-08)
parents 767b546e1676
children 95799f3353e7
files lisp/emulation/edt.el
diffstat 1 files changed, 1370 insertions(+), 640 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lisp/emulation/edt.el	Mon Jan 08 13:18:18 2001 +0000
+++ b/lisp/emulation/edt.el	Mon Jan 08 13:18:43 2001 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 ;;; edt.el --- Enhanced EDT Keypad Mode Emulation for GNU Emacs 19
-;; Copyright (C) 1986, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 1986, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001
+;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Kevin Gallagher <>
 ;; Maintainer: Kevin Gallagher <>
@@ -9,28 +10,155 @@
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+;; option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-;;; Usage:
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is Version 4.0 of the EDT Emulation for Emacs 19 and above.
+;; It comes with special functions which replicate nearly all of EDT's
+;; keypad mode behavior.  It sets up default keypad and function key
+;; bindings which closely match those found in EDT.  Support is
+;; provided so that users may reconfigure most keypad and function key
+;; bindings to their own liking.
+;; NOTE: Version 4.0 contains several enhancements.  See the
+;; Enhancement section below for the details.
+;; Getting Started:
+;; To start the EDT Emulation, first start Emacs and then enter 
+;;    M-x edt-emulation-on
+;; to begin the emulation.  After initialization is complete, the
+;; following message will appear below the status line informing you
+;; that the emulation has been enabled: "Default EDT keymap active".
+;; You can have the EDT Emulation start up automatically, each time
+;; you initiate a GNU Emacs session, by adding the following line to
+;; your .emacs file:
+;;    (add-hook term-setup-hook 'edt-emulation-on)
+;; IMPORTANT: Be sure to read the file, edt-user.doc, located in the
+;; Emacs "etc" directory.  It contains very helpful user information.
+;; The EDT emulation consists of the following files:
+;; edt-user.doc     - User Instructions and Sample Customization File
+;; edt.el           - EDT Emulation Functions and Default Configuration
+;; edt-lk201.el     - Built-in support for DEC LK-201 Keyboards
+;; edt-vt100.el     - Built-in support for DEC VT-100 (and above) terminals
+;; edt-pc.el        - Built-in support for PC 101 Keyboards under MS-DOS
+;; edt-mapper.el    - Create an EDT LK-201 Map File for Keyboards Without 
+;;                      Built-in Support
+;; Enhancements:
+;; Version 4.0 contains the following enhancements:
-;;  See edt-user.doc in the Emacs etc directory.
+;;  1.  Scroll margins at the top and bottom of the window are now
+;;      supported.  (The design was copied from tpu-extras.el.)  By
+;;      default, this feature is enabled, with the top margin set to
+;;      10% of the window and the bottom margin set to 15% of the
+;;      window.  To change these settings, you can invoke the function
+;;      edt-set-scroll-margins in your .emacs file.  For example, the
+;;      following line
+;;           (edt-set-scroll-margins "20%" "25%")
+;;      sets the top margin to 20% of the window and the bottom margin
+;;      to 25% of the window.  To disable this feature, set each
+;;      margin to 0%.  You can also invoke edt-set-scroll-margins
+;;      interactively while EDT Emulation is active to change the
+;;      settings for that session.
+;;      NOTE: Another way to set the scroll margins is to use the
+;;      Emacs customization feature (not available in Emacs 19) to set
+;;      the following two variables directly:
+;;           edt-top-scroll-margin and edt-bottom-scroll-margin
+;;      Enter the Emacs `customize' command.  First select the Editing
+;;      group and then select the Emulations group.  Finally, select
+;;      the Edt group and follow the directions.
+;;  2.  The SUBS command is now supported and bound to GOLD-Enter by
+;;      default.  (This design was copied from tpu-edt.el.)  Note, in
+;;      earlier versions of EDT Emulation, GOLD-Enter was assigned to
+;;      the Emacs function `query-replace'.  The binding of
+;;      `query-replace' has been moved to GOLD-/.  If you prefer to
+;;      restore `query-replace' to GOLD-Enter, then use an EDT user
+;;      customization file, edt-user.el, to do this.  See edt-user.doc
+;;      for details.
+;;  3.  EDT Emulation now also works in XEmacs, including the
+;;      highlighting of selected text.
-;; ====================================================================
+;;  4.  If you access a workstation using an X Server, observe that
+;;      the initialization file generated by edt-mapper.el will now
+;;      contain the name of the X Server vendor.  This is a
+;;      convenience for those who have access to their Unix account
+;;      from more than one type of X Server.  Since different X
+;;      Servers typically require different EDT emulation
+;;      initialization files, edt-mapper.el will now generate these
+;;      different initialization files and save them with different
+;;      names.  Then, the correct initialization file for the
+;;      particular X server in use is loaded correctly automatically.
+;;  5.  Also, edt-mapper.el is now capable of binding an ASCII key
+;;      sequence, providing the ASCII key sequence prefix is already
+;;      known by Emacs to be a prefix.  As a result of providing this
+;;      support, some terminal/keyboard/window system configurations,
+;;      which don't have a complete set of sensible function key
+;;      bindings built into Emacs in `function-key-map', can still be
+;;      configured for use with EDT Emulation.  (Note: In a few rare
+;;      circumstances this does not work properly.  In particular, it
+;;      does not work if a subset of the leading ASCII characters in a
+;;      key sequence are recognized by Emacs as having an existing
+;;      binding.  For example, if the keypad 7 (KP-7) key generates
+;;      the sequence \"<ESC>Ow\" and \"<ESC>O\" is already bound to a
+;;      function, pressing KP-7 when told to do so by edt-mapper.el
+;;      will result in edt-mapper.el incorrectly mapping \"<ESC>O\" to
+;;      KP-7 and \"w\" to KP-8.  If something like this happens to
+;;      you, it is probably a bug in the support for your keyboard
+;;      within Emacs OR a bug in the Unix termcap/terminfo support for
+;;      your terminal OR a bug in the terminal emulation software you
+;;      are using.)
+;;  6.  The edt-quit function (bound to GOLD-q by default) has been
+;;      modified to warn the user when file-related buffer
+;;      modifications exist.  It now cautions the user that those
+;;      modifications will be lost if the user quits without saving
+;;      those buffers.
+;;; History:
+;;  Version 4.0    2000    Added New Features and Fixed a Few Bugs
+;;; Code:
 ;;;  Electric Help functions are used for keypad help displays.  A few
 ;;;  picture functions are used in rectangular cut and paste commands.
 (require 'ehelp)
 (require 'picture)
@@ -38,17 +166,155 @@
+;; For backward compatibility to Emacs 19, skip this if defgroup is
+;; not defined.
+(if (fboundp 'defgroup)
+    (defgroup edt nil
+      "Emacs emulating EDT."
+      :prefix "edt-"
+      :group 'emulations))
+;;;  Version Information
+(defconst edt-version "4.0" "EDT Emulation version number.")
+;;;  User Configurable Variables
+;; For backward compatibility to Emacs 19, use defvar if defcustom is
+;; not defined.
+(if (fboundp 'defcustom)
+    (progn
+      (defcustom edt-keep-current-page-delimiter nil
+	"*Emacs MUST be restarted for a change in value to take effect!
+Non-nil leaves Emacs value of `page-delimiter' unchanged within EDT
+Emulation.  If set to nil (the default), the `page-delimiter' variable
+is set to \"\\f\" when edt-emulation-on is first invoked.  This
+setting replicates EDT's page delimiter behavior.  The original value
+is restored when edt-emulation-off is called."
+	:type 'boolean
+	:group 'edt)
+      (defcustom edt-use-EDT-control-key-bindings nil
+	"*Emacs MUST be restarted for a change in value to take effect!
+Non-nil causes the control key bindings to be replaced with EDT
+bindings.  If set to nil (the default), EDT control key bindings are
+not used and the current Emacs control key bindings are retained for
+use within the EDT emulation."
+	:type 'boolean
+	:group 'edt)
+      (defcustom edt-word-entities '(?\t)
+	"*Specifies the list of EDT word entity characters.  
+The default list, (\?\\t), contains just the TAB character, which
+emulates EDT.  Characters are specified in the list using their
+decimal ASCII values.  A question mark, followed by the actual
+character, can be used to indicate the numerical value of the
+character, instead of the actual decimal value.  So, ?A means the
+numerical value for the letter A, \?/ means the numerical value for /,
+etc.  Several unprintable and special characters have special
+representations, which you can also use:
+            \?\\b  specifies  BS, C-h
+            \?\\t  specifies  TAB, C-i
+            \?\\n  specifies  LFD, C-j
+            \?\\v  specifies  VTAB, C-k
+            \?\\f  specifies  FF, C-l
+            \?\\r  specifies  CR, C-m
+            \?\\e  specifies  ESC, C-[
+            \?\\\\  specifies  \\
+In EDT Emulation movement-by-word commands, each character in the list
+will be treated as if it were a separate word."
+	:type '(repeat integer)
+	:group 'edt)
+      (defcustom edt-top-scroll-margin 10
+	"*Scroll margin at the top of the screen.  
+Interpreted as a percent of the current window size with a default
+setting of 10%.  If set to 0, top scroll margin is disabled."
+	:type 'integer
+	:group 'edt)
+      (defcustom edt-bottom-scroll-margin 15
+	"*Scroll margin at the bottom of the screen.
+Interpreted as a percent of the current window size with a default
+setting of 15%.  If set to 0, bottom scroll margin is disabled."
+	:type 'integer
+	:group 'edt))
+  (progn
+    (defvar edt-keep-current-page-delimiter nil
+      "*Non-nil leaves Emacs value of `page-delimiter' unchanged within EDT
+Emulation.  If set to nil (the default), the `page-delimiter' variable
+is set to \"\\f\" when edt-emulation-on is first invoked.  This
+setting replicates EDT's page delimiter behavior.  The original value
+is restored when edt-emulation-off is called.")
+    (defvar edt-use-EDT-control-key-bindings nil
+      "*Non-nil causes the control key bindings to be replaced with EDT
+bindings.  If set to nil (the default), EDT control key bindings are
+not used and the current Emacs control key bindings are retained for
+use within the EDT emulation.")
+    (defvar edt-word-entities '(?\t)
+      "*Specifies the list of EDT word entity characters.  
+The default list, (\?\\t), contains just the TAB character, which
+emulates EDT.  Characters are specified in the list using their
+decimal ASCII values.  A question mark, followed by the actual
+character, can be used to indicate the numerical value of the
+character, instead of the actual decimal value.  So, ?A means the
+numerical value for the letter A, \?/ means the numerical value for /,
+etc.  Several unprintable and special characters have special
+representations, which you can also use:
+            \?\\b  specifies  BS, C-h
+            \?\\t  specifies  TAB, C-i
+            \?\\n  specifies  LFD, C-j
+            \?\\v  specifies  VTAB, C-k
+            \?\\f  specifies  FF, C-l
+            \?\\r  specifies  CR, C-m
+            \?\\e  specifies  ESC, C-[
+            \?\\\\  specifies  \\
+In EDT Emulation movement-by-word commands, each character in the list
+will be treated as if it were a separate word.")
+    (defvar edt-top-scroll-margin 10
+      "*Scroll margin at the top of the screen.
+Interpreted as a percent of the current window size with a default
+setting of 10%.  If set to 0, top scroll margin is disabled.")
+    (defvar edt-bottom-scroll-margin 15
+      "*Scroll margin at the bottom of the screen.
+Interpreted as a percent of the current window size with a default
+setting of 15%.  If set to 0, bottom scroll margin is disabled.")))
+;;; Internal Variables
 (defvar edt-last-deleted-lines ""
-  "Last text deleted by an EDT emulation line delete command.")
+  "Last text deleted by the EDT emulation DEL L command.")
 (defvar edt-last-deleted-words ""
-  "Last text deleted by an EDT emulation word delete command.")
+  "Last text deleted by the EDT emulation DEL W command.")
 (defvar edt-last-deleted-chars ""
-  "Last text deleted by an EDT emulation character delete command.")
+  "Last text deleted by the EDT emulation DEL C command.")
+(defvar edt-find-last-text ""
+  "Last text found by the EDT emulation FIND command.")
-(defvar edt-last-replaced-key-definition ""
-  "Key definition replaced with edt-define-key or edt-learn command.")
+(defvar edt-match-beginning-mark (make-marker)
+  "Used internally by the EDT emulation SUBS command.")
+(defvar edt-match-end-mark (make-marker)
+  "Used internally by the EDT emulation SUBS command.")
+(defvar edt-last-replaced-key-definition nil
+  "Key definition replaced with `edt-define-key' or `edt-learn' command.")
 (defvar edt-direction-string ""
   "String indicating current direction of movement.")
@@ -56,11 +322,12 @@
 (defvar edt-select-mode nil
   "Non-nil means select mode is active.")
-(defvar edt-select-mode-text ""
-  "Text displayed in mode line when select mode is active.")
+(defvar edt-select-mode-current ""
+  "Text displayed in mode line to indicate the state of EDT select mode.
+When select mode is inactive, it is set to an empty string.")
 (defconst edt-select-mode-string " Select"
-  "String to indicate select mode is active.")
+  "Used in mode line to indicate select mode is active.")
 (defconst edt-forward-string " ADVANCE"
   "Direction string in mode line to indicate forward movement.")
@@ -74,57 +341,54 @@
 (defvar edt-user-map-configured nil
   "Non-nil indicates that user custom EDT key bindings are configured.
-This means that an edt-user.el file was found in the user's load-path.")
-(defvar edt-keep-current-page-delimiter nil
-  "Non-nil leaves current value of page-delimiter unchanged.
-Nil causes the page-delimiter variable to be set to to \"\\f\"
-when edt-emulation-on is first invoked.  Original value is restored
-when edt-emulation-off is called.")
+This means that an edt-user.el file was found in the user's `load-path'.")
-(defvar edt-use-EDT-control-key-bindings nil
-  "Non-nil causes the control key bindings to be replaced with EDT bindings.
-Nil (the default) means EDT control key bindings are not used and the current
-control key bindings are retained for use in the EDT emulation.")
-(defvar edt-word-entities '(?\t)
-  "*Specifies the list of EDT word entity characters.")
+(defvar edt-term nil
+  "Specifies the terminal type, if applicable.")
 ;;;  Emacs version identifiers - currently referenced by
-;;;     o edt-emulation-on      o edt-load-xkeys
+;;;     o edt-emulation-on      o edt-load-keys
 (defconst edt-emacs19-p (not (string-lessp emacs-version "19"))
-  "Non-nil if we are running Lucid or GNU Emacs version 19.")
+  "Non-nil if we are running GNU Emacs or XEmacs version 19, or higher.")
+(defconst edt-x-emacs19-p
+  (and edt-emacs19-p (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version))
+  "Non-nil if we are running XEmacs version 19, or higher.")
-(defconst edt-lucid-emacs19-p
-  (and edt-emacs19-p (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version))
-  "Non-nil if we are running Lucid Emacs version 19.")
+(defconst edt-gnu-emacs19-p (and edt-emacs19-p (not edt-x-emacs19-p))
+  "Non-nil if we are running GNU Emacs version 19, or higher.")
+(defconst edt-emacs-variant (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p "gnu" "xemacs")
+  "Indicates Emacs variant:  GNU Emacs or XEmacs \(aka Lucid Emacs\).")
-(defconst edt-gnu-emacs19-p (and edt-emacs19-p (not edt-lucid-emacs19-p))
-  "Non-nil if we are running GNU Emacs version 19.")
+(defconst edt-window-system (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p window-system (console-type))
+  "Indicates window system \(in GNU Emacs\) or console type \(in XEmacs\).")
-(defvar edt-xkeys-file nil
-  "File mapping X function keys to LK-201 keyboard function and keypad keys.")
+(defconst edt-xserver (if (eq edt-window-system 'x)
+			  (if edt-x-emacs19-p
+			      (replace-in-string (x-server-vendor) "[ _]" "-")
+			    (subst-char-in-string ?  ?- (x-server-vendor)))
+			nil)
+  "Indicates X server vendor name, if applicable.")
+(defvar edt-keys-file nil
+  "User's custom keypad and function keys mappings to emulate LK-201 keyboard.")
 ;;;; EDT Emulation Commands
-;;; Almost all of EDT's keypad mode commands have equivalent
-;;; counterparts in Emacs.  Some behave the same way in Emacs as they
-;;; do in EDT, but most do not.
+;;; Almost all of EDT's keypad mode commands have equivalent Emacs
+;;; function counterparts.  But many of these counterparts behave
+;;; somewhat differently in Emacs.
-;;; The following Emacs functions emulate, where practical, the exact
-;;; behavior of the corresponding EDT keypad mode commands.  In a few
-;;; cases, the emulation is not exact, but it is close enough for most
-;;; EDT die-hards.
-;;; In a very few cases, we chose to use the superior Emacs way of
-;;; handling things.  For example, we do not emulate the EDT SUBS
-;;; command.  Instead, we chose to use the superior Emacs
-;;; query-replace function.
+;;; So, the following Emacs functions emulate, where practical, the
+;;; exact behavior of the corresponding EDT keypad mode commands.  In
+;;; a few cases, the emulation is not exact, but it should be close
+;;; enough for most EDT die-hards.
@@ -145,67 +409,69 @@
 (defun edt-page-forward (num)
   "Move forward to just after next page delimiter.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of page delimiters to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of page delimiters to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (if (eobp)
       (error "End of buffer")
-      (progn
-        (forward-page num)
-	(if (eobp)
-	    (edt-line-to-bottom-of-window)
-	    (edt-line-to-top-of-window)))))
+	(progn
+	  (forward-page num)
+	  (if (eobp)
+		  (edt-line-to-bottom-of-window)
+		(edt-line-to-top-of-window)))))
 (defun edt-page-backward (num)
   "Move backward to just after previous page delimiter.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of page delimiters to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of page delimiters to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (if (bobp)
       (error "Beginning of buffer")
-      (progn
-        (backward-page num)
-        (edt-line-to-top-of-window))))
+	(progn
+	  (backward-page num)
+      (edt-line-to-top-of-window)
+	  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))))
 (defun edt-page (num)
   "Move in current direction to next page delimiter.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of page delimiters to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of page delimiters to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-page-forward num)
-      (edt-page-backward num)))
+    (edt-page-backward num)))
 ;;; SECT
 ;;; EDT defaults a section size to be 16 lines of its one and only
 ;;; 24-line window.  That's two-thirds of the window at a time.  The
-;;; EDT SECT commands moves the cursor, not the window.  
+;;; EDT SECT commands moves the cursor, not the window.
-;;; This emulation of EDT's SECT moves the cursor approximately two-thirds
-;;; of the current window at a time.
+;;; This emulation of EDT's SECT moves the cursor approximately
+;;; two-thirds of the current window at a time.
 (defun edt-sect-forward (num)
-  "Move cursor forward two-thirds of a window.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of sections to move."
+  "Move cursor forward two-thirds of a window's number of lines.
+Argument NUM is the number of sections to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (edt-line-forward (* (* (/ (- (window-height) 1) 3) 2) num)))
 (defun edt-sect-backward (num)
   "Move cursor backward two-thirds of a window.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of sections to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of sections to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (edt-line-backward (* (* (/ (- (window-height) 1) 3) 2) num)))
 (defun edt-sect (num)
   "Move in current direction a full window.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number windows to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of sections to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-sect-forward num)
-      (edt-sect-backward num)))
+    (edt-sect-backward num)))
@@ -215,14 +481,18 @@
 (defun edt-beginning-of-line (num)
   "Move backward to next beginning of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of BOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of BOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (if (bolp)
-      (forward-line (* -1 num))
+  (let ((beg (edt-current-line)))
+    (if (bolp)
+	(forward-line (* -1 num))
-        (setq num (1- num))
-        (forward-line (* -1 num)))))
+	(setq num (1- num))
+	(forward-line (* -1 num))))
+    (edt-top-check beg num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 ;;; EOL (End of Line)
@@ -230,37 +500,45 @@
 (defun edt-end-of-line-forward (num)
   "Move forward to next end of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of EOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of EOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (forward-char)
-  (end-of-line num))
+  (let ((beg (edt-current-line)))
+    (forward-char)
+    (end-of-line num)
+    (edt-bottom-check beg num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-end-of-line-backward (num)
   "Move backward to next end of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of EOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of EOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (end-of-line (1- num)))
+  (let ((beg (edt-current-line)))
+    (end-of-line (1- num))
+    (edt-top-check beg num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-end-of-line (num)
   "Move in current direction to next end of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of EOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of EOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-end-of-line-forward num)
-      (edt-end-of-line-backward num)))
+    (edt-end-of-line-backward num)))
 ;;; WORD
 ;;; This one is a tad messy.  To emulate EDT's behavior everywhere in
 ;;; the file (beginning of file, end of file, beginning of line, end
-;;; of line, etc.) it takes a bit of special handling.  
+;;; of line, etc.) it takes a bit of special handling.
 ;;; The variable edt-word-entities contains a list of characters which
 ;;; are to be viewed as distinct words where ever they appear in the
-;;; buffer.  This emulates the EDT line mode command SET ENTITY WORD. 
+;;; buffer.  This emulates the EDT line mode command SET ENTITY WORD.
 (defun edt-one-word-forward ()
@@ -270,21 +548,22 @@
       (error "End of buffer"))
   (if (eolp)
-      (progn
-        (if (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)
-            (forward-char)
-            (while (and 
-                     (not (eolp))
-                     (not (eobp))
-                     (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (following-char))))
-                     (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
-              (forward-char)))
-        (while (and 
-                 (not (eolp))
-                 (not (eobp))
-                 (eq ?\  (char-syntax (following-char)))
-                 (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
-          (forward-char)))))
+    (progn
+      (if (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)
+	  (forward-char)
+	(while (and
+		(not (eolp))
+		(not (eobp))
+		(not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (following-char))))
+		(not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
+	  (forward-char)))
+      (while (and
+	      (not (eolp))
+	      (not (eobp))
+	      (eq ?\  (char-syntax (following-char)))
+	      (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
+	(forward-char))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-one-word-backward ()
   "Move backward to first character of previous word."
@@ -293,25 +572,26 @@
       (error "Beginning of buffer"))
   (if (bolp)
-      (progn
-        (backward-char)
-        (while (and 
-                 (not (bolp))
-                 (not (bobp))
-                 (eq ?\  (char-syntax (following-char)))
-                 (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
-          (backward-char))
-        (if (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities))
-            (while (and 
-                     (not (bolp))
-                     (not (bobp))
-                     (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (preceding-char))))
-                     (not (memq (preceding-char) edt-word-entities)))
-              (backward-char))))))
+    (progn
+      (backward-char)
+      (while (and
+	      (not (bolp))
+	      (not (bobp))
+	      (eq ?\  (char-syntax (following-char)))
+	      (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
+	(backward-char))
+      (if (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities))
+	  (while (and
+		  (not (bolp))
+		  (not (bobp))
+		  (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (preceding-char))))
+		  (not (memq (preceding-char) edt-word-entities)))
+	    (backward-char)))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-word-forward (num)
   "Move forward to first character of next word.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of words to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of words to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (while (> num 0)
@@ -320,7 +600,7 @@
 (defun edt-word-backward (num)
   "Move backward to first character of previous word.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of words to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of words to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (while (> num 0)
@@ -329,11 +609,11 @@
 (defun edt-word (num)
   "Move in current direction to first character of next word.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of words to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of words to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-word-forward num)
-      (edt-word-backward num)))
+    (edt-word-backward num)))
 ;;; CHAR
@@ -341,12 +621,13 @@
 (defun edt-character (num)
   "Move in current direction to next character.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of characters to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of characters to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (forward-char num)
-      (backward-char num)))
+    (backward-char num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 ;;; LINE
@@ -357,24 +638,52 @@
 (defun edt-line-backward (num)
   "Move backward to next beginning of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of BOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of BOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-beginning-of-line num))
 (defun edt-line-forward (num)
   "Move forward to next beginning of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of BOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of BOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (forward-line num))
+  (let ((beg (edt-current-line)))
+    (forward-line num)
+    (edt-bottom-check beg num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-line (num)
   "Move in current direction to next beginning of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of BOL marks to move."
+Argument NUM is the number of BOL marks to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-line-forward num)
-      (edt-line-backward num)))
+    (edt-line-backward num)))
+;;; UP and DOWN Arrows
+(defun edt-next-line (num)
+  "Move cursor down one line.
+Argument NUM is the number of lines to move."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (edt-check-prefix num)
+  (let ((beg (edt-current-line)))
+    (next-line num)
+    (edt-bottom-check beg num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
+(defun edt-previous-line (num)
+  "Move cursor up one line.
+Argument NUM is the number of lines to move."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (edt-check-prefix num)
+  (let ((beg (edt-current-line)))
+    (previous-line num)
+    (edt-top-check beg num))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 ;;; TOP
@@ -383,7 +692,8 @@
 (defun edt-top ()
   "Move cursor to the beginning of buffer."
-  (goto-char (point-min)))
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -400,24 +710,66 @@
 (defun edt-find-forward (&optional find)
-  "Find first occurrence of a string in forward direction and save it."
+  "Find first occurrence of a string in forward direction and save it.
+Optional argument FIND is t is this function is called from `edt-find'."
   (if (not find)
-      (set 'search-last-string (read-string "Search forward: ")))
-  (if (search-forward search-last-string)
-      (search-backward search-last-string)))
+      (set 'edt-find-last-text (read-string "Search forward: ")))
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (if (search-forward edt-find-last-text)
+	(progn
+	  (search-backward edt-find-last-text)
+	  (edt-set-match)
+	  (cond((> (point) far)
+		(setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+		(if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+		  (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+	       (t
+		(and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin)))))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-find-backward (&optional find)
-  "Find first occurrence of a string in the backward direction and save it."
+  "Find first occurrence of a string in the backward direction and save it.
+Optional argument FIND is t if this function is called from `edt-find'."
   (if (not find)
-      (set 'search-last-string (read-string "Search backward: ")))
-  (search-backward search-last-string))
+      (set 'edt-find-last-text (read-string "Search backward: ")))
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (if (search-backward edt-find-last-text)
+	(edt-set-match))
+    (and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-find ()
   "Find first occurrence of string in current direction and save it."
-  (set 'search-last-string (read-string "Search: "))
+  (set 'edt-find-last-text (read-string "Search: "))
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-find-forward t)
       (edt-find-backward t)))
@@ -430,26 +782,66 @@
 (defun edt-find-next-forward ()
   "Find next occurrence of a string in forward direction."
-  (forward-char 1)
-  (if (search-forward search-last-string nil t)
-      (search-backward search-last-string)
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (forward-char 1)
+    (if (search-forward edt-find-last-text nil t)
+	(progn
+	  (search-backward edt-find-last-text)
+	  (edt-set-match)
+	  (cond((> (point) far)
+		(setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+		(if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+		  (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+	       (t
+		(and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin)))))
-        (backward-char 1)
-        (error "Search failed: \"%s\"." search-last-string))))
+	(backward-char 1)
+	(error "Search failed: \"%s\"" edt-find-last-text))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-find-next-backward ()
   "Find next occurrence of a string in backward direction."
-  (if (eq (search-backward search-last-string nil t) nil)
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (if (not (search-backward edt-find-last-text nil t))
+	(error "Search failed: \"%s\"" edt-find-last-text)
-        (error "Search failed: \"%s\"." search-last-string))))
+	(edt-set-match)
+	(and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin))))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-find-next ()
   "Find next occurrence of a string in current direction."
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
-      (edt-find-next-backward)))
+    (edt-find-next-backward)))
@@ -469,7 +861,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-line (num)
   "Delete from cursor up to and including the end of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of lines to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of lines to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (let ((beg (point)))
@@ -486,7 +878,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-to-end-of-line (num)
   "Delete from cursor up to but excluding the end of line mark.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of lines to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of lines to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (let ((beg (point)))
@@ -506,7 +898,7 @@
   (if arg
 	(make-local-variable 'edt-select-mode)
-	(setq edt-select-mode 'edt-select-mode-text)
+	(setq edt-select-mode 'edt-select-mode-current)
 	(setq rect-start-point (window-point)))
       (kill-local-variable 'edt-select-mode)))
@@ -514,13 +906,15 @@
 (defun edt-select ()
   "Set mark at cursor and start text selection."
-  (interactive)   
-  (set-mark-command nil)) 
+  (interactive)
+  (set-mark-command nil))
 (defun edt-reset ()
   "Cancel text selection."
-  (deactivate-mark))
+  (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+      (deactivate-mark)
+    (zmacs-deactivate-region)))
 ;;; CUT
@@ -539,7 +933,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-to-beginning-of-line (num)
   "Delete from cursor to beginning of line.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of lines to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of lines to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (let ((beg (point)))
@@ -554,7 +948,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-word (num)
   "Delete from cursor up to but excluding first character of next word.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of words to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of words to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (let ((beg (point)))
@@ -568,7 +962,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-to-beginning-of-word (num)
   "Delete from cursor to beginning of word.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of words to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of words to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (let ((beg (point)))
@@ -582,7 +976,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-character (num)
   "Delete character under cursor.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of characters to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of characters to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (setq edt-last-deleted-chars
@@ -595,7 +989,7 @@
 (defun edt-delete-previous-character (num)
   "Delete character in front of cursor.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of characters to delete."
+Argument NUM is the number of characters to delete."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (setq edt-last-deleted-chars
@@ -642,11 +1036,85 @@
 (defun edt-replace ()
   "Replace marked section with last CUT (killed) text."
   (interactive "*")
-  (exchange-point-and-mark)
-  (let ((beg (point)))
-    (exchange-point-and-mark)
-    (delete-region beg (point)))
-  (yank))
+  (if (edt-check-match)
+      (replace-match (car kill-ring-yank-pointer))
+    (progn
+      (exchange-point-and-mark)
+      (let ((beg (point)))
+	(exchange-point-and-mark)
+	(delete-region beg (point)))
+      (yank))))
+;;; SUBS
+(defun edt-substitute (num)
+  "Replace the selected region with the contents of the CUT buffer and.
+Repeat the most recent FIND command.  (The Emacs kill ring is used as
+the CUT buffer.)  
+Argument NUM is the repeat count.  A positive value indicates the of times
+to repeat the substitution.  A negative argument means replace all occurances
+of the search text."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (cond ((or edt-select-mode (edt-check-match))
+	 (while (and (not (= num 0)) (or edt-select-mode (edt-check-match)))
+	   (edt-replace)
+	   (edt-find-next)
+	   (setq num (1- num))))
+	(t
+	 (error "No selection active"))))
+(defun edt-set-match nil
+  "Set markers at match beginning and end."
+  ;; Add one to beginning mark so it stays with the first character of
+  ;;   the string even if characters are added just before the string.
+  (setq edt-match-beginning-mark (copy-marker (1+ (match-beginning 0))))
+  (setq edt-match-end-mark (copy-marker (match-end 0))))
+(defun edt-unset-match nil
+  "Unset match beginning and end markers."
+  (set-marker edt-match-beginning-mark nil)
+  (set-marker edt-match-end-mark nil))
+(defun edt-match-beginning nil
+  "Return the location of the last match beginning."
+  (1- (marker-position edt-match-beginning-mark)))
+(defun edt-match-end nil
+  "Return the location of the last match end."
+  (marker-position edt-match-end-mark))
+(defun edt-check-match nil
+  "Return t if point is between edt-match markers.
+Otherwise sets the edt-match markers to nil and returns nil."
+  ;; make sure 1- marker is in this buffer
+  ;;           2- point is at or after beginning marker
+  ;;           3- point is before ending marker, or in the case of
+  ;;              zero length regions (like bol, or eol) that the
+  ;;              beginning, end, and point are equal.
+  (cond ((and
+	  (equal (marker-buffer edt-match-beginning-mark) (current-buffer))
+	  (>= (point) (1- (marker-position edt-match-beginning-mark)))
+	  (or
+	   (< (point) (marker-position edt-match-end-mark))
+	   (and (= (1- (marker-position edt-match-beginning-mark))
+		   (marker-position edt-match-end-mark))
+		(= (marker-position edt-match-end-mark) (point))))) t)
+	(t
+	 (edt-unset-match) nil)))
+(defun edt-show-match-markers nil
+  "Show the values of the match markers."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (markerp edt-match-beginning-mark)
+      (let ((beg (marker-position edt-match-beginning-mark)))
+	(message "(%s, %s) in %s -- current %s in %s"
+		 (if beg (1- beg) nil)
+		 (marker-position edt-match-end-mark)
+		 (marker-buffer edt-match-end-mark)
+		 (point) (current-buffer)))))
@@ -658,9 +1126,11 @@
   (setq edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
-  (if (string-equal " *Minibuf" 
+  (if (string-equal " *Minibuf"
                     (substring (buffer-name) 0 (min (length (buffer-name)) 9)))
-      (exit-minibuffer)))
+      (exit-minibuffer))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -672,14 +1142,16 @@
   (setq edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
-  (if (string-equal " *Minibuf" 
+  (if (string-equal " *Minibuf"
                     (substring (buffer-name) 0 (min (length (buffer-name)) 9)))
-      (exit-minibuffer)))
+      (exit-minibuffer))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
-;; This function is based upon Jeff Kowalski's case-flip function in his 
+;; This function is based upon Jeff Kowalski's case-flip function in his
 ;; tpu.el.
 (defun edt-change-case (num)
@@ -690,7 +1162,8 @@
 following cursor are changed.  Second, if the current direction is BACKUP, then
 the prefix number of character(s) before the cursor are changed.  Accepts a
 positive prefix for the number of characters to change, but the prefix is
-ignored if text selection is active."
+ignored if text selection is active.
+Argument NUM is the numbers of consecutive characters to change."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (if edt-select-mode
@@ -703,15 +1176,15 @@
                    (point) (1+ (point)))
           (forward-char 1))
         (goto-char point-save))
-      (progn
-        (if (string= edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
-            (backward-char num))
-        (while (> num 0)
-          (funcall (if (<= ?a (following-char))
-                       'upcase-region 'downcase-region)
-                   (point) (1+ (point)))
-          (forward-char 1)
-          (setq num (1- num))))))
+    (progn
+      (if (string= edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
+	  (backward-char num))
+      (while (> num 0)
+	(funcall (if (<= ?a (following-char))
+		     'upcase-region 'downcase-region)
+		 (point) (1+ (point)))
+	(forward-char 1)
+	(setq num (1- num))))))
@@ -719,24 +1192,27 @@
 (defun edt-define-key ()
   "Assign an interactively-callable function to a specified key sequence.
-The current key definition is saved in edt-last-replaced-key-definition.
-Use edt-restore-key to restore last replaced key definition."
+The current key definition is saved in `edt-last-replaced-key-definition'.
+Use `edt-restore-key' to restore last replaced key definition."
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t))
   (let (edt-function
-    edt-key-definition-string)
-    (setq edt-key-definition-string
-         (read-key-sequence "Press the key to be defined: "))
-    (if (string-equal "\C-m" edt-key-definition-string) 
-        (message "Key not defined") 
-        (progn
-          (setq edt-function (read-command "Enter command name: "))
-          (if (string-equal "" edt-function)
-              (message "Key not defined") 
-              (progn
-                (setq edt-last-replaced-key-definition
-                   (lookup-key (current-global-map) edt-key-definition-string))
-                (define-key (current-global-map) 
-                    edt-key-definition-string edt-function)))))))
+	edt-key-definition)
+    (setq edt-key-definition
+	  (read-key-sequence "Press the key to be defined: "))
+    (if (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+	    (string-equal "\C-m" edt-key-definition)
+	  (string-equal "\C-m" (events-to-keys edt-key-definition)))
+        (message "Key not defined")
+      (progn
+	(setq edt-function (read-command "Enter command name: "))
+	(if (string-equal "" edt-function)
+	    (message "Key not defined")
+	  (progn
+	    (setq edt-last-replaced-key-definition
+		  (lookup-key (current-global-map) edt-key-definition))
+	    (define-key (current-global-map)
+	      edt-key-definition edt-function)))))))
@@ -744,7 +1220,7 @@
 (defun edt-form-feed-insert (num)
   "Insert form feed character at cursor position.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of form feeds to insert."
+Argument NUM is the number of form feeds to insert."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (while (> num 0)
@@ -757,7 +1233,7 @@
 (defun edt-tab-insert (num)
   "Insert tab character at cursor position.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of tabs to insert."
+Argument NUM is the the number of tabs to insert."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (while (> num 0)
@@ -769,7 +1245,8 @@
 (defun edt-check-prefix (num)
-  "Indicate error if prefix is not positive."
+  "Indicate error if prefix is not positive.
+Argument NUM is the prefix value tested."
   (if (<= num 0)
       (error "Prefix must be positive")))
@@ -781,6 +1258,64 @@
   "Indicate error if EDT selection is not active."
   (if (not edt-select-mode)
       (error "Selection NOT active")))
+;;; Scroll Margins
+(defun edt-top-check (beg lines)
+  "Enforce scroll margin at the top of screen.
+Argument BEG is the starting line number before cursor was moved.
+Argument LINES is the number of lines the cursor moved toward the top."
+  (let ((margin	 (/ (* (window-height) edt-top-scroll-margin) 100)))
+    (cond ((< beg margin) (recenter beg))
+	  ((< (- beg lines) margin) (recenter margin)))))
+(defun edt-bottom-check (beg lines)
+  "Enforce scroll margin at the bottom of screen.
+Argument BEG is the starting line number before cursor was moved.
+Argument LINES is the number of lines the cursor moved toward the bottom."
+  (let* ((height (window-height))
+		 (margin (+ 1 (/ (* height edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 100)))
+		 ;; subtract 1 from height because it includes mode line
+		 (difference (- height margin 1)))
+    (cond ((> beg difference) (recenter beg))
+		  ((and edt-x-emacs19-p (> (+ beg lines 1) difference))
+		   (recenter (- margin)))
+		  ((> (+ beg lines) difference) (recenter (- margin))))))
+(defun edt-current-line nil
+  "Return the vertical position of point in the selected window.
+Top line is 0.  Counts each text line only once, even if it wraps."
+  (+ (count-lines (window-start) (point)) (if (= (current-column) 0) 1 0) -1))
+(defun edt-set-scroll-margins (top bottom)
+  "Set scroll margins.
+Argument TOP is the top margin in number of lines or percent of window.
+Argument BOTTOM is the bottom margin in number of lines or percent of window."
+  (interactive
+   "sEnter top scroll margin (N lines or N%% or RETURN for current value): \
+\nsEnter bottom scroll margin (N lines or N%% or RETURN for current value): ")
+  ;; set top scroll margin
+  (or (string= top "")
+      (if (string= "%" (substring top -1))
+	  (setq edt-top-scroll-margin (string-to-int top))
+	(setq edt-top-scroll-margin
+	      (/ (1- (+ (* (string-to-int top) 100) (window-height)))
+		 (window-height)))))
+  ;; set bottom scroll margin
+  (or (string= bottom "")
+      (if (string= "%" (substring bottom -1))
+	  (setq edt-bottom-scroll-margin (string-to-int bottom))
+	(setq edt-bottom-scroll-margin
+	      (/ (1- (+ (* (string-to-int bottom) 100) (window-height)))
+		 (window-height)))))
+  ;; report scroll margin settings if running interactively
+  (and (interactive-p)
+       (message "Scroll margins set.  Top = %s%%, Bottom = %s%%"
+		edt-top-scroll-margin edt-bottom-scroll-margin)))
@@ -798,9 +1333,9 @@
 (defun edt-change-direction ()
   "Toggle movement direction."
-  (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string) 
+  (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
-      (edt-advance)))
+    (edt-advance)))
@@ -819,33 +1354,71 @@
 (defun edt-sentence-forward (num)
   "Move forward to start of next sentence.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of sentences to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of sentences to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (if (eobp)
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (if (eobp)
+	(progn
+	  (error "End of buffer"))
-        (error "End of buffer"))
-      (progn
-        (forward-sentence num)
-        (edt-one-word-forward))))
+	(forward-sentence num)
+	(forward-word 1)
+	(backward-sentence)))
+    (cond((> (point) far)
+	  (setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+	  (if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+	    (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+	 (t
+	  (and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin)))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-sentence-backward (num)
   "Move backward to next sentence beginning.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of sentences to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of sentences to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (if (eobp)
-      (progn
-        (error "End of buffer"))
-      (backward-sentence num)))
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (if (eobp)
+	(progn
+	  (error "End of buffer"))
+      (backward-sentence num))
+    (and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-sentence (num)
   "Move in current direction to next sentence.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of sentences to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of sentences to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-sentence-forward num)
-      (edt-sentence-backward num)))
+    (edt-sentence-backward num)))
@@ -853,35 +1426,69 @@
 (defun edt-paragraph-forward (num)
   "Move forward to beginning of paragraph.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of paragraphs to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of paragraphs to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (while (> num 0)
-    (next-line 1)
-    (forward-paragraph)
-    (previous-line 1)
-    (if (eolp)
-        (next-line 1))
-    (setq num (1- num))))
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (while (> num 0)
+      (forward-paragraph (+ num 1))
+      (start-of-paragraph-text)
+      (if (eolp)
+	  (next-line 1))
+      (setq num (1- num)))
+    (cond((> (point) far)
+	  (setq left (save-excursion (forward-line height)))
+	  (if (= 0 left) (recenter top-margin)
+	    (recenter (- left bottom-up-margin))))
+	 (t
+	  (and (> (point) bottom) (recenter bottom-margin)))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-paragraph-backward (num)
   "Move backward to beginning of paragraph.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of paragraphs to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of paragraphs to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
-  (while (> num 0)
-    (backward-paragraph)
-    (previous-line 1)
-    (if (eolp) (next-line 1))
-    (setq num (1- num))))
+  (let* ((left nil)
+	 (beg (edt-current-line))
+	 (height (window-height))
+	 (top-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-top-scroll-margin) 10 edt-top-scroll-margin))
+	 (bottom-percent
+	  (if (= 0 edt-bottom-scroll-margin) 15 edt-bottom-scroll-margin))
+	 (top-margin (/ (* height top-percent) 100))
+	 (bottom-up-margin (+ 1 (/ (* height bottom-percent) 100)))
+	 (bottom-margin (max beg (- height bottom-up-margin 1)))
+	 (top (save-excursion (move-to-window-line top-margin) (point)))
+	 (bottom (save-excursion (move-to-window-line bottom-margin) (point)))
+	 (far (save-excursion
+		(goto-char bottom) (forward-line (- height 2)) (point))))
+    (while (> num 0)
+      (start-of-paragraph-text)
+      (setq num (1- num)))
+    (and (< (point) top) (recenter (min beg top-margin))))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-paragraph (num)
   "Move in current direction to next paragraph.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of paragraph to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of paragraphs to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-paragraph-forward num)
-      (edt-paragraph-backward num)))
+    (edt-paragraph-backward num)))
@@ -889,18 +1496,27 @@
 (defun edt-restore-key ()
   "Restore last replaced key definition.
-Definition is stored in edt-last-replaced-key-definition."
+Definition is stored in `edt-last-replaced-key-definition'."
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t))
   (if edt-last-replaced-key-definition
-        (let (edt-key-definition-string)
-          (set 'edt-key-definition-string
+        (let (edt-key-definition)
+          (set 'edt-key-definition
                (read-key-sequence "Press the key to be restored: "))
-          (if (string-equal "\C-m" edt-key-definition-string) 
-              (message "Key not restored") 
-              (define-key (current-global-map) 
-                 edt-key-definition-string edt-last-replaced-key-definition))))
-      (error "No replaced key definition to restore!")))
+	  (if (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+		  (string-equal "\C-m" edt-key-definition)
+		(string-equal "\C-m" (events-to-keys edt-key-definition)))
+              (message "Key not restored")
+	    (progn
+	      (define-key (current-global-map)
+		edt-key-definition edt-last-replaced-key-definition)
+	      (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+		  (message "Key definition for %s has been restored."
+			   edt-key-definition)
+		(message "Key definition for %s has been restored."
+			 (events-to-keys edt-key-definition)))))))
+    (error "No replaced key definition to restore!")))
@@ -911,7 +1527,8 @@
   (let ((start-column (current-column)))
     (move-to-window-line 0)
-    (move-to-column start-column)))
+    (move-to-column start-column))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -922,7 +1539,8 @@
   (let ((start-column (current-column)))
     (move-to-window-line (- (window-height) 2))
-    (move-to-column start-column)))
+    (move-to-column start-column))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -931,29 +1549,31 @@
 (defun edt-scroll-window-forward-line ()
   "Move window forward one line leaving cursor at position in window."
-  (scroll-up 1))
+  (scroll-up 1)
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-scroll-window-backward-line ()
   "Move window backward one line leaving cursor at position in window."
-  (scroll-down 1))
+  (scroll-down 1)
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-scroll-line ()
   "Move window one line in current direction."
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
-      (edt-scroll-window-backward-line)))
+    (edt-scroll-window-backward-line)))
-;;; Scroll a window (less one line) at a time.  Leave cursor in center of 
-;;; window. 
+;;; Scroll a window (less one line) at a time.  Leave cursor in center of
+;;; window.
 (defun edt-scroll-window-forward (num)
   "Scroll forward one window in buffer, less one line.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of windows to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of windows to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (scroll-up (- (* (window-height) num) 2))
@@ -961,7 +1581,7 @@
 (defun edt-scroll-window-backward (num)
   "Scroll backward one window in buffer, less one line.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number of windows to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of windows to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (scroll-down (- (* (window-height) num) 2))
@@ -969,11 +1589,11 @@
 (defun edt-scroll-window (num)
   "Scroll one window in buffer, less one line, in current direction.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number windows to move."
+Argument NUM is the positive number of windows to move."
   (interactive "p")
   (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-forward-string)
       (edt-scroll-window-forward num)
-      (edt-scroll-window-backward num)))
+    (edt-scroll-window-backward num)))
@@ -982,7 +1602,8 @@
 (defun edt-line-to-bottom-of-window ()
   "Move the current line to the bottom of the window."
-  (recenter -1))
+  (recenter -1)
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -991,7 +1612,8 @@
 (defun edt-line-to-top-of-window ()
   "Move the current line to the top of the window."
-  (recenter 0))
+  (recenter 0)
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -1000,18 +1622,21 @@
 (defun edt-line-to-middle-of-window ()
   "Move window so line with cursor is in the middle of the window."
-  (recenter '(4)))
+  (recenter '(4))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
 (defun edt-goto-percentage (num)
-  "Move to specified percentage in buffer from top of buffer."
+  "Move to specified percentage in buffer from top of buffer.
+Argument NUM is the percentage into the buffer to move."
   (interactive "NGoto-percentage: ")
   (if (or (> num 100) (< num 0))
       (error "Percentage %d out of range 0 < percent < 100" num)
-      (goto-char (/ (* (point-max) num) 100))))
+    (goto-char (/ (* (point-max) num) 100)))
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -1019,7 +1644,7 @@
 (defun edt-fill-region ()
   "Fill selected text."
-  (interactive "*")         
+  (interactive "*")
   (fill-region (point) (mark)))
@@ -1029,38 +1654,38 @@
 (defun edt-indent-or-fill-region ()
   "Fill region in text modes, indent region in programming language modes."
-  (interactive "*")         
+  (interactive "*")
   (if (string= paragraph-start "$\\|\f")
       (indent-region (point) (mark) nil)
-      (fill-region (point) (mark))))
+    (fill-region (point) (mark))))
 (defun edt-mark-section-wisely ()
-  "Mark the section in a manner consistent with the major-mode.
-Uses mark-defun for emacs-lisp and lisp,
+  "Mark the section in a manner consistent with the `major-mode'.
+Uses `mark-defun' for emacs-lisp and Lisp,
 mark-c-function for C,
 mark-fortran-subsystem for fortran,
-and mark-paragraph for other modes."
+and `mark-paragraph' for other modes."
   (if edt-select-mode
-      (progn
-	(cond  ((or (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
-		    (eq major-mode 'lisp-mode))
-		(mark-defun)
-		(message "Lisp defun selected"))
-	       ((eq major-mode 'c-mode)
-		(mark-c-function)
-		(message "C function selected"))
-	       ((eq major-mode 'fortran-mode)
-		(mark-fortran-subprogram)
-		(message "Fortran subprogram selected"))
-	       (t (mark-paragraph)
-		  (message "Paragraph selected"))))))
+    (progn
+      (cond  ((or (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
+		  (eq major-mode 'lisp-mode))
+	      (mark-defun)
+	      (message "Lisp defun selected"))
+	     ((eq major-mode 'c-mode)
+	      (mark-c-function)
+	      (message "C function selected"))
+	     ((eq major-mode 'fortran-mode)
+	      (mark-fortran-subprogram)
+	      (message "Fortran subprogram selected"))
+	     (t (mark-paragraph)
+		(message "Paragraph selected"))))))
 ;;; COPY
@@ -1080,12 +1705,12 @@
 (defun edt-cut-or-copy ()
   "Cuts (or copies) selected text to kill ring.
-Cuts selected text if buffer-read-only is nil.
-Copies selected text if buffer-read-only is t."
+Cuts selected text if `buffer-read-only' is nil.
+Copies selected text if `buffer-read-only' is t."
   (if buffer-read-only
-      (edt-cut)))
+    (edt-cut)))
@@ -1102,8 +1727,8 @@
 (defun edt-duplicate-line (num)
-  "Duplicate a line of text.
-Accepts a positive prefix argument for the number times to duplicate the line."
+  "Duplicate the line of text containing the cursor.
+Argument NUM is the number of times to duplicate the line."
   (interactive "*p")
   (edt-check-prefix num)
   (let ((old-column (current-column))
@@ -1139,11 +1764,11 @@
           (move-to-column start-column)
           (insert edt-last-copied-word))
-        (progn
-	  (if (not (equal start (point)))
-	      (forward-line))
-          (move-to-column start-column)
-          (error "Nothing to duplicate!")))))
+      (progn
+	(if (not (equal start (point)))
+	    (forward-line))
+	(move-to-column start-column)
+	(error "Nothing to duplicate!")))))
@@ -1184,6 +1809,7 @@
 (defun edt-display-the-time ()
   "Display the current time."
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t))
   (set 'time-string (current-time-string))
   (message "%s" time-string))
@@ -1196,33 +1822,35 @@
   (if (eq defining-kbd-macro t)
-      (start-kbd-macro nil)))
+    (start-kbd-macro nil)))
 (defun edt-remember ()
-  "Store the sequence of key strokes started by edt-learn to a key."
+  "Store the sequence of key strokes started by `edt-learn' to a key."
   (if (eq defining-kbd-macro nil)
       (error "Nothing to remember!")
-      (progn
-        (end-kbd-macro nil)
-        (let (edt-key-definition-string)
-          (set 'edt-key-definition-string
-               (read-key-sequence "Enter key for binding: "))
-          (if (string-equal "\C-m" edt-key-definition-string) 
-              (message "Key sequence not remembered") 
-              (progn
-                (set 'edt-learn-macro-count (+ edt-learn-macro-count 1))
-                (setq edt-last-replaced-key-definition
-                      (lookup-key (current-global-map)
-                                  edt-key-definition-string))
-                (define-key (current-global-map) edt-key-definition-string
-                  (name-last-kbd-macro
-                    (intern (concat "last-learned-sequence-"
-                                  (int-to-string edt-learn-macro-count)))))))))))
+    (progn
+      (end-kbd-macro nil)
+      (let (edt-key-definition)
+	(set 'edt-key-definition
+	     (read-key-sequence "Enter key for binding: "))
+	(if (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+		(string-equal "\C-m" edt-key-definition)
+	      (string-equal "\C-m" (events-to-keys edt-key-definition)))
+	    (message "Key sequence not remembered")
+	  (progn
+	    (set 'edt-learn-macro-count (+ edt-learn-macro-count 1))
+	    (setq edt-last-replaced-key-definition
+		  (lookup-key (current-global-map)
+			      edt-key-definition))
+	    (define-key (current-global-map) edt-key-definition
+	      (name-last-kbd-macro
+	       (intern (concat "last-learned-sequence-"
+			       (int-to-string edt-learn-macro-count)))))))))))
 ;;; EXIT
@@ -1239,9 +1867,20 @@
 (defun edt-quit ()
-  "Quit Emacs without saving changes."
+  "Quit Emacs without saving buffer modifications.
+Warn user that modifications will be lost."
-  (kill-emacs))
+  (let ((list (buffer-list))
+	(working t))
+    (while (and list working)
+      (let ((buffer (car list)))
+	(if (and (buffer-file-name buffer) (buffer-modified-p buffer))
+            (if (edt-y-or-n-p
+		 "Modifications will not be saved, continue quitting? ")
+		(kill-emacs)
+	      (setq working nil)))
+	(setq list (cdr list))))
+    (if working (kill-emacs)))) 
@@ -1251,7 +1890,8 @@
   "Split current window and place cursor in the new window."
-  (other-window 1))
+  (other-window 1)
+  (if edt-x-emacs19-p (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
@@ -1283,7 +1923,7 @@
 (defun edt-cut-rectangle-insert-mode ()
   "Cut a rectangle of text between mark and cursor to register.
 Move cursor back to upper left corner."
-  (interactive "*")         
+  (interactive "*")
   (setq edt-rect-start-point (region-beginning))
   (picture-clear-rectangle-to-register (region-beginning) (region-end) 3 t)
@@ -1297,7 +1937,7 @@
   (interactive "*")
   (if overwrite-mode
-      (edt-cut-rectangle-insert-mode)))
+    (edt-cut-rectangle-insert-mode)))
@@ -1305,7 +1945,7 @@
 (defun edt-paste-rectangle-overstrike-mode ()
   "Paste a rectangular region of text from register, replacing text at cursor."
-  (interactive "*")    
+  (interactive "*")
   (picture-yank-rectangle-from-register 3))
 (defun edt-paste-rectangle-insert-mode ()
@@ -1319,7 +1959,7 @@
   (if overwrite-mode
-      (edt-paste-rectangle-insert-mode)))
+    (edt-paste-rectangle-insert-mode)))
@@ -1338,24 +1978,24 @@
   (if edt-select-mode
 	(downcase-region (mark) (point)))
-      (progn
-	;; Move to beginning of current word.
-	(if (and
-	      (not (bobp))
-	      (not (eobp))
-	      (not (bolp))
-	      (not (eolp))
-	      (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (preceding-char))))
-	      (not (memq (preceding-char) edt-word-entities))
-	      (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
-	    (edt-one-word-backward))
-	(if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
-	    (edt-one-word-backward))
-	(let ((beg (point)))
-	  (edt-one-word-forward)
-	  (downcase-region beg (point)))
-	(if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
-	    (edt-one-word-backward)))))
+    (progn
+      ;; Move to beginning of current word.
+      (if (and
+	   (not (bobp))
+	   (not (eobp))
+	   (not (bolp))
+	   (not (eolp))
+	   (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (preceding-char))))
+	   (not (memq (preceding-char) edt-word-entities))
+	   (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
+	  (edt-one-word-backward))
+      (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
+	  (edt-one-word-backward))
+      (let ((beg (point)))
+	(edt-one-word-forward)
+	(downcase-region beg (point)))
+      (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
+	  (edt-one-word-backward)))))
@@ -1374,40 +2014,36 @@
   (if edt-select-mode
 	(upcase-region (mark) (point)))
-      (progn
-	;; Move to beginning of current word.
-	(if (and
-	      (not (bobp))
-	      (not (eobp))
-	      (not (bolp))
-	      (not (eolp))
-	      (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (preceding-char))))
-	      (not (memq (preceding-char) edt-word-entities))
-	      (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
-	    (edt-one-word-backward))
-	(if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
-	    (edt-one-word-backward))
-	(let ((beg (point)))
-	  (edt-one-word-forward)
-	  (upcase-region beg (point)))
-	(if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
-	    (edt-one-word-backward)))))
+    (progn
+      ;; Move to beginning of current word.
+      (if (and
+	   (not (bobp))
+	   (not (eobp))
+	   (not (bolp))
+	   (not (eolp))
+	   (not (eq ?\  (char-syntax (preceding-char))))
+	   (not (memq (preceding-char) edt-word-entities))
+	   (not (memq (following-char) edt-word-entities)))
+	  (edt-one-word-backward))
+      (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
+	  (edt-one-word-backward))
+      (let ((beg (point)))
+	(edt-one-word-forward)
+	(upcase-region beg (point)))
+      (if (equal edt-direction-string edt-backward-string)
+	  (edt-one-word-backward)))))
-;;;  Emacs version 19 X-windows key definition support
+;;;  Functions used in loading LK-201 key mapping file.
-(defvar edt-last-answer nil 
-  "Most recent response to edt-y-or-n-p.")
+(defvar edt-last-answer nil
+  "Most recent response to `edt-y-or-n-p'.")
 (defun edt-y-or-n-p (prompt &optional not-yes)
   "Prompt for a y or n answer with positive default.
-Optional second argument NOT-YES changes default to negative.
-Like emacs y-or-n-p, also accepts space as y and DEL as n."
+Like Emacs `y-or-n-p', also accepts space as y and DEL as n.
+Argument PROMPT is the prompt string.
+Optional argument NOT-YES changes the default to negative."
   (message "%s[%s]" prompt (if not-yes "n" "y"))
   (let ((doit t))
     (while doit
@@ -1423,20 +2059,36 @@
 	       (message "Please answer y or n.  %s[%s]"
 			prompt (if not-yes "n" "y")))))))
-(defun edt-load-xkeys (file)
-  "Load the EDT X-windows key definitions FILE.
-If FILE is nil, try to load a default file.  The default file names are
-~/.edt-lucid-keys for Lucid emacs, and ~/.edt-gnu-keys for GNU emacs."
-  (interactive "fX key definition file: ")
+;;;  Function used to load LK-201 key mapping file generated by edt-mapper.el.
+(defun edt-load-keys (file)
+  "Load the LK-201 key mapping FILE generated by edt-mapper.el.  
+If FILE is nil, which is the normal case, try to load a default file.
+The default file names are based upon the window system, terminal
+type, and version of Emacs in use: GNU Emacs or XEmacs (aka Lucid
+Emacs).  If a default file does not exist, ask user if one should be
+  (interactive "fKey definition file: ")
   (cond (file
 	 (setq file (expand-file-name file)))
-	(edt-xkeys-file
-	 (setq file (expand-file-name edt-xkeys-file)))
-	(edt-gnu-emacs19-p
-	 (setq file (expand-file-name "~/.edt-gnu-keys")))
-	(edt-lucid-emacs19-p
-	 (setq file (expand-file-name "~/.edt-lucid-keys"))))
+	(edt-keys-file
+	 (setq file (expand-file-name edt-keys-file)))
+	(t
+	 (setq file
+	       (expand-file-name
+		(concat
+		 "~/.edt-" edt-emacs-variant
+		 (if edt-term (concat "-" edt-term))
+		 (if edt-xserver (concat "-" edt-xserver))
+		 (if edt-window-system 
+		     (concat "-" (upcase (symbol-name edt-window-system))))
+		 "-keys")))))
   (cond ((file-readable-p file)
 	 (load-file file))
@@ -1444,16 +2096,19 @@
 	 (insert "
-     Ack!!  You're running the Enhanced EDT Emulation under X-windows
-     without loading an EDT X key definition file.  To create an EDT X
-     key definition file, run the edt-mapper.el program.  But ONLY run
-     it from an Emacs loaded without any of your own customizations
-     found in your .emacs file, etc.  Some user customization confuse
-     the edt-mapper function.  To do this, you need to invoke Emacs
-     as follows:
+     Ack!!  You're running the Enhanced EDT Emulation without loading an
+     EDT key mapping file.  To create an EDT key mapping file, run the 
+     edt-mapper.el program.  It is safest to run it from an Emacs loaded
+     without any of your own customizations found in your .emacs file, etc.
+     The reason for this is that some user customizations confuse edt-mapper.
+     You can do this by quitting Emacs and then invoking Emacs again as
+     follows:
           emacs -q -l edt-mapper.el
+     [NOTE:  If you do nothing out of the ordinary in your .emacs file, and
+     the search for edt-mapper.el is successful, you can try running it now.]
      The file edt-mapper.el includes these same directions on how to
      use it!  Perhaps it's lying around here someplace. \n     ")
 	 (let ((file "edt-mapper.el")
@@ -1472,48 +2127,78 @@
 			   "Ah yes, there it is, in \n\n       %s \n\n" path))
 		  (if (edt-y-or-n-p "Do you want to run it now? ")
 		      (load-file path)
-		    (error "EDT Emulation not configured.")))
+		    (error "EDT Emulation not configured")))
 		  (insert "Nope, I can't seem to find it.  :-(\n\n")
 		  (sit-for 20)
-		  (error "EDT Emulation not configured.")))))))
+		  (error "EDT Emulation not configured")))))))
+;;;  Turning the EDT Emulation on and off.
 (defun edt-emulation-on ()
   "Turn on EDT Emulation."
-  ;; If using MS-DOS or Windows, need to load edt-pc.el
-  (if (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+  ;; If using pc window system (MS-DOS), set terminal type to pc.
+  ;; If not a window system (GNU) or a tty window system (XEmacs),
+  ;; get terminal type.
+  (if (eq edt-window-system 'pc)
       (setq edt-term "pc")
-    (setq edt-term (or (getenv "TERM") "")))
-  ;; All DEC VT series terminals are supported by loading edt-vt100.el
-  (if (string-equal "vt" (substring edt-term 0 (min (length edt-term) 2)))
-      (setq edt-term "vt100"))
-  ;; Load EDT terminal specific configuration file.
-  (let ((term edt-term)
-        hyphend)
-    (while (and term
-                (not (load (concat "edt-" term) t t)))
-      ;; Strip off last hyphen and what follows, then try again
-      (if (setq hyphend (string-match "[-_][^-_]+$" term))
-          (setq term (substring term 0 hyphend))
-          (setq term nil)))
-    ;; Override terminal-specific file if running X Windows.  X Windows support
-    ;; is handled differently in edt-load-xkeys
-    (if (eq window-system 'x)
-	(edt-load-xkeys nil)
-      (if (null term)
-	  (error "Unable to load EDT terminal specific file for %s" edt-term)))
-    (setq edt-term term))
-  (setq edt-orig-transient-mark-mode transient-mark-mode)
-  (add-hook 'activate-mark-hook
-	    (function
-	     (lambda ()
-	       (edt-select-mode t))))
-  (add-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook
-	    (function
-	     (lambda ()
-	       (edt-select-mode nil))))
+    (if (or (not edt-window-system) (eq edt-window-system 'tty))
+	(setq edt-term (getenv "TERM"))))
+  ;; Look for for terminal configuration file for this terminal type.
+  ;; Otherwise, load the user's custom configuration file.
+  (if (or (not edt-window-system) (memq edt-window-system '(pc tty)))
+      (progn
+	;; Load terminal-specific configuration file, if it exists for this
+	;; terminal type.  Note: All DEC VT series terminals are supported
+	;; by the same terminal configuration file: edt-vt100.el.
+	(if (string-equal "vt" (substring edt-term 0 (min (length edt-term) 2)))
+	    (setq edt-term "vt100"))
+	(let ((term edt-term)
+	      hyphend)
+	  (while (and term
+		      (not (load (concat "edt-" term) t t)))
+	    ;; Strip off last hyphen and what follows, then try again
+	    (if (setq hyphend (string-match "[-_][^-_]+$" term))
+		(setq term (substring term 0 hyphend))
+	      (setq term nil)))
+	  ;; If no terminal-specific configuration file exists, load user's
+	  ;; custom EDT terminal configuration file.
+	  ;; If this is a pc running MS-DOS, then custom configuration files
+	  ;; are not supported.  So, if the file is missing, issue an error
+	  ;; message.
+	  (if (null term)
+	      (if (equal edt-term "pc")
+		  (error "Unable to find EDT terminal specific file edt-pc.el")
+		(edt-load-keys nil))
+	    (setq edt-term term))))
+    (edt-load-keys nil))
+  ;; Make highlighting of selected text work properly for EDT commands.
+  (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+      (progn
+	(setq edt-orig-transient-mark-mode transient-mark-mode)
+	(add-hook 'activate-mark-hook
+		  (function
+		   (lambda ()
+		     (edt-select-mode t))))
+	(add-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook
+		  (function
+		   (lambda ()
+		     (edt-select-mode nil)))))
+    (progn
+      (add-hook 'zmacs-activate-region-hook
+		(function
+		 (lambda ()
+		   (edt-select-mode t))))
+      (add-hook 'zmacs-deactivate-region-hook
+		(function
+		 (lambda ()
+		   (edt-select-mode nil))))))
+  ;;  Load user's EDT custom key bindings file, if it exists.
+  ;;  Otherwise, use the default bindings.
   (if (load "edt-user" t t)
@@ -1525,14 +2210,17 @@
   (if (not edt-keep-current-page-delimiter)
       (setq page-delimiter edt-orig-page-delimiter))
   (setq edt-direction-string "")
-  (setq edt-select-mode-text nil)
+  (setq edt-select-mode-current nil)
   (force-mode-line-update t)
-  (setq transient-mark-mode edt-orig-transient-mark-mode)
+  (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+    (setq transient-mark-mode edt-orig-transient-mark-mode))
   (message "Original key bindings restored; EDT Emulation disabled"))
 (defun edt-default-emulation-setup (&optional user-setup)
-  "Setup emulation of DEC's EDT editor."
+  "Setup emulation of DEC's EDT editor.
+Optional argument USER-SETUP non-nil means  called from function
   ;; Setup default EDT global map by copying global map bindings.
   ;; This preserves ESC and C-x prefix bindings and other bindings we
   ;; wish to retain in EDT emulation mode keymaps.  It also permits
@@ -1540,7 +2228,9 @@
   ;; disturbing the original bindings in global-map.
   (fset 'edt-default-ESC-prefix (copy-keymap 'ESC-prefix))
   (setq edt-default-global-map (copy-keymap (current-global-map)))
-  (define-key edt-default-global-map "\e" 'edt-default-ESC-prefix)
+  (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+      (define-key edt-default-global-map "\e" 'edt-default-ESC-prefix)
+    (define-key edt-default-global-map [escape] 'edt-default-ESC-prefix))
   (define-prefix-command 'edt-default-gold-map)
   ;; If terminal has additional function keys, the terminal-specific
@@ -1552,20 +2242,20 @@
   (setq edt-learn-macro-count 0)
   ;; Display EDT text selection active within the mode line
   (or (assq 'edt-select-mode minor-mode-alist)
-      (setq minor-mode-alist 
+      (setq minor-mode-alist
 	    (cons '(edt-select-mode edt-select-mode) minor-mode-alist)))
   ;; Display EDT direction of motion within the mode line
   (or (assq 'edt-direction-string minor-mode-alist)
       (setq minor-mode-alist
-	      '(edt-direction-string edt-direction-string) minor-mode-alist)))
+	     '(edt-direction-string edt-direction-string) minor-mode-alist)))
   (if user-setup
         (setq edt-user-map-configured t)
         (fset 'edt-emulation-on (symbol-function 'edt-select-user-global-map)))
-      (progn
-        (fset 'edt-emulation-on (symbol-function 'edt-select-default-global-map))
-        (edt-select-default-global-map))))
+    (progn
+      (fset 'edt-emulation-on (symbol-function 'edt-select-default-global-map))
+      (edt-select-default-global-map))))
 (defun edt-user-emulation-setup ()
   "Setup user custom emulation of DEC's EDT editor."
@@ -1574,7 +2264,9 @@
   ;; Setup user EDT global map by copying default EDT global map bindings.
   (fset 'edt-user-ESC-prefix (copy-keymap 'edt-default-ESC-prefix))
   (setq edt-user-global-map (copy-keymap edt-default-global-map))
-  (define-key edt-user-global-map "\e" 'edt-user-ESC-prefix)
+  (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+      (define-key edt-user-global-map "\e" 'edt-user-ESC-prefix)
+    (define-key edt-user-global-map [escape] 'edt-user-ESC-prefix))
   ;; If terminal has additional function keys, the user's initialization
   ;; file can assign bindings to them via the optional
   ;; function edt-setup-extra-default-bindings.
@@ -1586,7 +2278,8 @@
 (defun edt-select-default-global-map()
   "Select default EDT emulation key bindings."
-  (transient-mark-mode 1)
+  (if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+    (transient-mark-mode 1))
   (use-global-map edt-default-global-map)
   (if (not edt-keep-current-page-delimiter)
@@ -1594,7 +2287,7 @@
         (setq page-delimiter "\f")))
   (setq edt-default-map-active t)
-  (setq edt-select-mode-text 'edt-select-mode-string)
+  (setq edt-select-mode-current 'edt-select-mode-string)
   (message "Default EDT keymap active"))
@@ -1603,7 +2296,8 @@
   (if edt-user-map-configured
-	(transient-mark-mode 1)
+	(if edt-gnu-emacs19-p
+	    (transient-mark-mode 1))
         (use-global-map edt-user-global-map)
         (if (not edt-keep-current-page-delimiter)
@@ -1611,51 +2305,73 @@
               (setq page-delimiter "\f")))
         (setq edt-default-map-active nil)
-	(setq edt-select-mode-text 'edt-select-mode-string)
+	(setq edt-select-mode-current 'edt-select-mode-string)
         (message "User EDT custom keymap active"))
-      (error "User EDT custom keymap NOT configured!")))
+    (error "User EDT custom keymap NOT configured!")))
 (defun edt-switch-global-maps ()
   "Toggle between default EDT keymap and user EDT keymap."
-  (if edt-default-map-active 
-    (edt-select-user-global-map)
+  (if edt-default-map-active
+      (edt-select-user-global-map)
-;; There are three key binding functions needed: one for standard keys
-;; (used to bind control keys, primarily), one for Gold sequences of
-;; standard keys, and one for function keys.  
+;;  Functions used to set up DEFAULT bindings to EDT emulation functions.
-(defun edt-bind-gold-key (key gold-binding &optional default)
-  "Binds commands to a gold key sequence in the EDT Emulator."
-  (if default
-      (define-key 'edt-default-gold-map key gold-binding)
-      (define-key 'edt-user-gold-map key gold-binding)))
+(defun edt-bind-function-key-default (function-key binding gold-binding)
+  "Binds LK-201 function keys to default bindings in the EDT Emulator.
+Argument FUNCTION-KEY is the name of the function key or keypad function key.
+Argument BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to <KEY>.
+Argument GOLD-BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to GOLD <KEY>."
+  (let ((key (cdr (assoc function-key *EDT-keys*))))
+    (if (and key (not (equal key "")))
+	(progn
+	  (define-key edt-default-global-map key binding)
+	  (define-key 'edt-default-gold-map key gold-binding)))))
-(defun edt-bind-standard-key (key gold-binding &optional default)
-  "Bind commands to a gold key sequence in the default EDT keymap."
-  (if default
-      (define-key edt-default-global-map key gold-binding)
-      (define-key edt-user-global-map key gold-binding)))
+(defun edt-bind-key-default (key binding)
+  "Bind key sequences to default bindings in the EDT Emulator.
+Argument KEY is the name of a standard key or a function key.
+Argument BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to <KEY>."
+  (define-key edt-default-global-map key binding))
+(defun edt-bind-gold-key-default (key gold-binding)
+  "Binds <GOLD> key sequences to default bindings in the EDT Emulator.
+Argument KEY is the name of a standard key or a function key.
+Argument GOLD-BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to GOLD <KEY>."
+  (define-key 'edt-default-gold-map key gold-binding))
-(defun edt-bind-function-key 
-    (function-key binding gold-binding &optional default)
-  "Binds function keys in the EDT Emulator."
-  (catch 'edt-key-not-supported
-    (let ((key-vector (cdr (assoc function-key *EDT-keys*))))
-      (if (stringp key-vector)
-	  (throw 'edt-key-not-supported t))
-      (if (not (null key-vector))
-	  (progn
-	    (if default
-		(progn
-		  (define-key edt-default-global-map key-vector binding)
-		  (define-key 'edt-default-gold-map key-vector gold-binding))
-              (progn
-                (define-key edt-user-global-map key-vector binding)
-                (define-key 'edt-user-gold-map key-vector gold-binding))))
-	(error "%s is not a legal function key name" function-key)))))
+;;  Functions used to set up USER CUSTOM bindings to EDT emulation functions.
+(defun edt-bind-function-key (function-key binding gold-binding)
+  "Binds LK-201 function keys to custom bindings in the EDT Emulator.
+Argument FUNCTION-KEY is the name of the function key or keypad function key.
+Argument BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to <KEY>.
+Argument GOLD-BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to GOLD <KEY>."
+  (let ((key (cdr (assoc function-key *EDT-keys*))))
+    (if (and key (not (equal key "")))
+	(progn
+	  (define-key edt-user-global-map key binding)
+	  (define-key 'edt-user-gold-map key gold-binding)))))
+(defun edt-bind-key (key binding)
+  "Bind standard key sequences to custom bindings in the EDT Emulator.
+Argument KEY is the name of a key.  It can be a standard key or a function key.
+Argument BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to <KEY>."
+  (define-key edt-user-global-map key binding))
+;;  For backward compatibility to existing edt-user.el files.
+(fset 'edt-bind-standard-key (symbol-function 'edt-bind-key))
+(defun edt-bind-gold-key (key gold-binding)
+  "Binds <GOLD> standard key sequences to custom bindings in the EDT Emulator.
+Argument KEY is the name of a standard key or a function key.
+Argument GOLD-BINDING is the Emacs function to be bound to GOLD <KEY>."
+  (define-key 'edt-user-gold-map key gold-binding))
 (defun edt-setup-default-bindings ()
   "Assigns default EDT Emulation keyboard bindings."
@@ -1663,65 +2379,81 @@
   ;; Function Key Bindings:  Regular and GOLD.
   ;; VT100/VT200/VT300 PF1 (GOLD), PF2, PF3, PF4 Keys
-  (edt-bind-function-key "PF1" 'edt-default-gold-map 'edt-mark-section-wisely t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "PF2" 'edt-electric-keypad-help 'describe-function t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "PF3" 'edt-find-next 'edt-find t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "PF4" 'edt-delete-line 'edt-undelete-line t)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "PF1"
+       'edt-default-gold-map 'edt-mark-section-wisely)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "PF2"
+       'edt-electric-keypad-help 'describe-function)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "PF3" 'edt-find-next 'edt-find)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "PF4" 'edt-delete-line 'edt-undelete-line)
   ;; VT100/VT200/VT300 Arrow Keys
-  (edt-bind-function-key "UP" 'previous-line 'edt-window-top t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "DOWN" 'next-line 'edt-window-bottom t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "LEFT" 'backward-char 'edt-sentence-backward t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "RIGHT" 'forward-char 'edt-sentence-forward t)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "UP" 'edt-previous-line 'edt-window-top)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "DOWN" 'edt-next-line 'edt-window-bottom)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "LEFT" 'backward-char 'edt-sentence-backward)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "RIGHT" 'forward-char 'edt-sentence-forward)
   ;; VT100/VT200/VT300 Keypad Keys
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP0" 'edt-line 'open-line t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP1" 'edt-word 'edt-change-case t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP2" 'edt-end-of-line 'edt-delete-to-end-of-line t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP3" 'edt-character 'quoted-insert t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP4" 'edt-advance 'edt-bottom t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP5" 'edt-backup 'edt-top t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP6" 'edt-cut 'yank t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP7" 'edt-page 'execute-extended-command t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP8" 'edt-sect 'edt-fill-region t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP9" 'edt-append 'edt-replace t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP-" 'edt-delete-word 'edt-undelete-word t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KP," 'edt-delete-character 'edt-undelete-character t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KPP" 'edt-select 'edt-reset t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "KPE" 'other-window 'query-replace t)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP0" 'edt-line 'open-line)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP1" 'edt-word 'edt-change-case)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP2"
+       'edt-end-of-line 'edt-delete-to-end-of-line)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP3" 'edt-character 'quoted-insert)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP4" 'edt-advance 'edt-bottom)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP5" 'edt-backup 'edt-top)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP6" 'edt-cut 'yank)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP7" 'edt-page 'execute-extended-command)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP8" 'edt-sect 'edt-fill-region)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP9" 'edt-append 'edt-replace)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP-" 'edt-delete-word 'edt-undelete-word)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KP,"
+       'edt-delete-character 'edt-undelete-character)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KPP" 'edt-select 'edt-reset)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "KPE" 'other-window 'edt-substitute)
   ;; VT200/VT300 Function Keys
   ;; (F1 through F5, on the VT220, are not programmable, so we skip
-  ;; making default bindings to those keys.  
-  (edt-bind-function-key "FIND" 'edt-find-next 'edt-find t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "INSERT" 'yank 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "REMOVE" 'edt-cut 'edt-copy t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "SELECT" 'edt-toggle-select 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "NEXT" 'edt-sect-forward 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "PREVIOUS" 'edt-sect-backward 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F6" 'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F7" 'edt-copy-rectangle 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F8" 
-       'edt-cut-rectangle-overstrike-mode 'edt-paste-rectangle-overstrike-mode t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F9" 
-       'edt-cut-rectangle-insert-mode 'edt-paste-rectangle-insert-mode t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F10" 'edt-cut-rectangle 'edt-paste-rectangle t)
+  ;; making default bindings to those keys.
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "FIND" 'edt-find-next 'edt-find)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "INSERT" 'yank 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "REMOVE" 'edt-cut 'edt-copy)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "SELECT"
+       'edt-toggle-select 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "NEXT"
+       'edt-sect-forward 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "PREVIOUS"
+       'edt-sect-backward 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F6"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F7"
+       'edt-copy-rectangle 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F8"
+       'edt-cut-rectangle-overstrike-mode 'edt-paste-rectangle-overstrike-mode)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F9"
+       'edt-cut-rectangle-insert-mode 'edt-paste-rectangle-insert-mode)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F10" 'edt-cut-rectangle 'edt-paste-rectangle)
   ;; Under X, the F11 key can be bound.  If using a VT-200 or higher terminal,
-  ;; the default emacs terminal support causes the VT F11 key to seem as if it 
+  ;; the default emacs terminal support causes the VT F11 key to seem as if it
   ;; is an ESC key when in emacs.
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F11" 
-       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F12" 
-       'edt-beginning-of-line 'delete-other-windows t) ;BS
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F13" 
-       'edt-delete-to-beginning-of-word 'edt-key-not-assigned t) ;LF
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F14" 'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "HELP" 'edt-electric-keypad-help 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "DO" 'execute-extended-command 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F17" 'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F18" 'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F19" 'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-function-key "F20" 'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F11"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F12"
+       'edt-beginning-of-line 'delete-other-windows) ;BS
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F13"
+       'edt-delete-to-beginning-of-word 'edt-key-not-assigned) ;LF
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F14"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "HELP"
+       'edt-electric-keypad-help 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "DO"
+       'execute-extended-command 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F17"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F18"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F19"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-function-key-default "F20"
+       'edt-key-not-assigned 'edt-key-not-assigned)
   ;; Control key bindings:  Regular and GOLD
@@ -1734,142 +2466,139 @@
   ;; used, instead.
   (if edt-use-EDT-control-key-bindings
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-a" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-b" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        ;; Leave binding of C-c as original prefix key.
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-d" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-e" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-f" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        ;; Leave binding of C-g to keyboard-quit
-;        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-g" 'keyboard-quit t)
-        ;; Standard EDT binding of C-h.  To invoke Emacs help, use
-        ;; GOLD-C-h instead.
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-h" 'edt-beginning-of-line t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-i" 'edt-tab-insert t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-j" 'edt-delete-to-beginning-of-word t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-k" 'edt-define-key t)
-        (edt-bind-gold-key  "\C-k" 'edt-restore-key t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-l" 'edt-form-feed-insert t)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-a" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-b" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        ;; Leave binding of C-c to an Emacs prefix key.
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-d" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-e" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-f" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        ;; Leave binding of C-g to the Emacs keyboard-quit
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-h" 'edt-beginning-of-line)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-i" 'edt-tab-insert)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-j" 'edt-delete-to-beginning-of-word)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-k" 'edt-define-key)
+        (edt-bind-gold-key-default  "\C-k" 'edt-restore-key)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-l" 'edt-form-feed-insert)
         ;; Leave binding of C-m to newline.
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-n" 'edt-set-screen-width-80 t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-o" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-p" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-q" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-n" 'edt-set-screen-width-80)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-o" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-p" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-q" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
         ;; Leave binding of C-r to isearch-backward.
         ;; Leave binding of C-s to isearch-forward.
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-t" 'edt-display-the-time t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-u" 'edt-delete-to-beginning-of-line t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-v" 'redraw-display t)
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-w" 'edt-set-screen-width-132 t)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-t" 'edt-display-the-time)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-u" 'edt-delete-to-beginning-of-line)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-v" 'redraw-display)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-w" 'edt-set-screen-width-132)
         ;; Leave binding of C-x as original prefix key.
-        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-y" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-;        (edt-bind-standard-key "\C-z" 'suspend-emacs t)
+        (edt-bind-key-default "\C-y" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+        ;; Leave binding of C-z to suspend-emacs.
-  ;; GOLD bindings for a few Control keys.
-  (edt-bind-gold-key  "\C-g" 'keyboard-quit t); Just in case.
-  (edt-bind-gold-key  "\C-h" 'help-for-help t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key  [f1] 'help-for-help t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key  [help] 'help-for-help t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key  "\C-\\" 'split-window-vertically t)
+  ;; GOLD bindings for a few keys.
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default  "\C-g" 'keyboard-quit); Just in case.
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default  "\C-h" 'help-for-help); Just in case.
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default  [f1] 'help-for-help)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default  [help] 'help-for-help)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default  "\C-\\" 'split-window-vertically)
   ;; GOLD bindings for regular keys.
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "a" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "A" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "b" 'buffer-menu t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "B" 'buffer-menu t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "c" 'compile t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "C" 'compile t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "d" 'delete-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "D" 'delete-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "e" 'edt-exit t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "E" 'edt-exit t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "f" 'find-file t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "F" 'find-file t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "g" 'find-file-other-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "G" 'find-file-other-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "h" 'edt-electric-keypad-help t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "H" 'edt-electric-keypad-help t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "i" 'insert-file t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "I" 'insert-file t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "j" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "J" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "k" 'edt-toggle-capitalization-of-word t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "K" 'edt-toggle-capitalization-of-word t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "l" 'edt-lowercase t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "L" 'edt-lowercase t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "m" 'save-some-buffers t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "M" 'save-some-buffers t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "n" 'next-error t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "N" 'next-error t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "o" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "O" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "p" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "P" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "q" 'edt-quit t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "Q" 'edt-quit t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "r" 'revert-buffer t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "R" 'revert-buffer t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "s" 'save-buffer t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "S" 'save-buffer t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "t" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "T" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "u" 'edt-uppercase t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "U" 'edt-uppercase t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "v" 'find-file-other-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "V" 'find-file-other-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "w" 'write-file t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "W" 'write-file t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "x" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "X" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "y" 'edt-emulation-off t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "Y" 'edt-emulation-off t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "z" 'edt-switch-global-maps t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "Z" 'edt-switch-global-maps t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "1" 'delete-other-windows t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "!" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "2" 'edt-split-window t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "@" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "3" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "#" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "4" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "$" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "5" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "%" 'edt-goto-percentage t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "6" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "^" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "7" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "&" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "8" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "*" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "9" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "(" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "0" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key ")" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key " " 'undo t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "," 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "<" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "." 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key ">" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "/" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "?" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "\\" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "|" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key ";" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key ":" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "'" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "\"" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "-" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "_" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "=" 'goto-line t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "+" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "[" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "{" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "]" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "}" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "`" 'what-line t)
-  (edt-bind-gold-key "~" 'edt-key-not-assigned t)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "a" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "A" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "b" 'buffer-menu)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "B" 'buffer-menu)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "c" 'compile)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "C" 'compile)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "d" 'delete-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "D" 'delete-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "e" 'edt-exit)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "E" 'edt-exit)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "f" 'find-file)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "F" 'find-file)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "g" 'find-file-other-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "G" 'find-file-other-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "h" 'edt-electric-keypad-help)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "H" 'edt-electric-keypad-help)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "i" 'insert-file)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "I" 'insert-file)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "j" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "J" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "k" 'edt-toggle-capitalization-of-word)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "K" 'edt-toggle-capitalization-of-word)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "l" 'edt-lowercase)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "L" 'edt-lowercase)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "m" 'save-some-buffers)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "M" 'save-some-buffers)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "n" 'next-error)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "N" 'next-error)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "o" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "O" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "p" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "P" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "q" 'edt-quit)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "Q" 'edt-quit)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "r" 'revert-buffer)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "R" 'revert-buffer)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "s" 'save-buffer)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "S" 'save-buffer)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "t" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "T" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "u" 'edt-uppercase)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "U" 'edt-uppercase)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "v" 'find-file-other-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "V" 'find-file-other-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "w" 'write-file)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "W" 'write-file)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "x" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "X" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "y" 'edt-emulation-off)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "Y" 'edt-emulation-off)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "z" 'edt-switch-global-maps)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "Z" 'edt-switch-global-maps)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "1" 'delete-other-windows)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "!" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "2" 'edt-split-window)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "@" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "3" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "#" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "4" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "$" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "5" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "%" 'edt-goto-percentage)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "6" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "^" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "7" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "&" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "8" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "*" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "9" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "(" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "0" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default ")" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default " " 'undo)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "," 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "<" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "." 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default ">" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "/" 'query-replace)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "?" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "\\" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "|" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default ";" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default ":" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "'" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "\"" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "-" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "_" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "=" 'goto-line)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "+" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "[" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "{" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "]" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "}" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "`" 'what-line)
+  (edt-bind-gold-key-default "~" 'edt-key-not-assigned)
@@ -1884,8 +2613,7 @@
 (defun edt-keypad-help ()
-  "
-                              DEFAULT EDT Keypad Active
+  "DEFAULT EDT Keypad Active.
    F7: Copy Rectangle             +----------+----------+----------+----------+
    F8: Cut Rect Overstrike        |Prev Line |Next Line |Bkwd Char |Frwd Char |
@@ -1899,8 +2627,8 @@
 G-F12: Delete Other Windows       |   GOLD   |   HELP   |  FNDNXT  |  DEL L   |
   F13: Delete to Begin of Word    |   (PF1)  |   (PF2)  |   (PF3)  |  (PF4)   |
  HELP: Keypad Help                |Mark Wisel|Desc Funct|   FIND   |  UND L   |
-   DO: Execute extended command   +----------+----------+----------+----------+
-                                  |   PAGE   |   SECT   |  APPEND  |  DEL W   |
+G-HELP: Emacs Help                +----------+----------+----------+----------+
+   DO: Execute extended command   |   PAGE   |   SECT   |  APPEND  |  DEL W   |
   C-g: Keyboard Quit              |    (7)   |    (8)   |    (9)   |   (-)    |
 G-C-g: Keyboard Quit              |Ex Ext Cmd|Fill Regio| REPLACE  |  UND W   |
   C-h: Beginning of Line          +----------+----------+----------+----------+
@@ -1913,8 +2641,8 @@
   C-n: Set Screen Width 80        | CHNGCASE |  DEL EOL |Quoted Ins|          !
   C-r: Isearch Backward           +---------------------+----------+  (ENTER) |
   C-s: Isearch Forward            |         LINE        |  SELECT  |          !
-  C-t: Display the Time           |         (0)         |    (.)   |   Query  |
-  C-u: Delete to Begin of Line    |      Open Line      |   RESET  |  Replace |
+  C-t: Display the Time           |         (0)         |    (.)   |   SUBS   |
+  C-u: Delete to Begin of Line    |      Open Line      |   RESET  |          |
   C-v: Redraw Display             +---------------------+----------+----------+
   C-w: Set Screen Width 132       
   C-z: Suspend Emacs                    +----------+----------+----------+
@@ -1946,7 +2674,8 @@
   G-%: Go to Percentage           
   G- : Undo  (GOLD Spacebar)      
   G-=: Go to Line                 
-  G-`: What line"
+  G-`: What line
+  G-/: Query-Replace"
   (describe-function 'edt-keypad-help))
@@ -1993,25 +2722,26 @@
 ;;; EDT emulation screen width commands.
-;; Some terminals require modification of terminal attributes when changing the
-;; number of columns displayed, hence the fboundp tests below.  These functions
-;; are defined in the corresponding terminal specific file, if needed.
+;; Some terminals require modification of terminal attributes when
+;; changing the number of columns displayed, hence the fboundp tests
+;; below.  These functions are defined in the corresponding terminal
+;; specific file, if needed.
 (defun edt-set-screen-width-80 ()
   "Set screen width to 80 columns."
   (if (fboundp 'edt-set-term-width-80)
-  (set-screen-width 80)
-  (message "Screen width 80"))
+  (set-frame-width nil 80)
+  (message "Terminal width 80"))
 (defun edt-set-screen-width-132 ()
   "Set screen width to 132 columns."
   (if (fboundp 'edt-set-term-width-132)
-  (set-screen-width 132)
-  (message "Screen width 132"))
+  (set-frame-width nil 132)
+  (message "Terminal width 132"))
 (provide 'edt)