changeset 26553:b3b1f3b51229

Add redirection.from active comint buffers into another buffer. Written by Peter Breton.
author Gerd Moellmann <>
date Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:17:25 +0000 (1999-11-23)
parents 88324520c7fc
children 64e68423dca9
files lisp/comint.el
diffstat 1 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/lisp/comint.el	Tue Nov 23 09:26:55 1999 +0000
+++ b/lisp/comint.el	Tue Nov 23 10:17:25 1999 +0000
@@ -2372,6 +2372,352 @@
     (message "Process mark set")))
+;; Author:  Peter Breton <>
+;; This little add-on for comint is intended to make it easy to get
+;; output from currently active comint buffers into another buffer,
+;; or buffers, and then go back to using the comint shell.
+;; My particular use is SQL interpreters; I want to be able to execute a
+;; query using the process associated with a comint-buffer, and save that
+;; somewhere else. Because the process might have state (for example, it
+;; could be in an uncommitted transaction), just running starting a new
+;; process and having it execute the query and then finish, would not
+;; work. I'm sure there are other uses as well, although in many cases
+;; starting a new process is the simpler, and thus preferable, approach.
+;; The basic implementation is as follows: comint-redirect changes the
+;; preoutput filter functions (comint-preoutput-filter-functions) to use
+;; its own filter. The filter puts the output into the designated buffer,
+;; or buffers, until it sees a regexp that tells it to stop (by default,
+;; this is the prompt for the interpreter, comint-prompt-regexp). When it
+;; sees the stop regexp, it restores the old filter functions, and runs
+;; comint-redirect-hook.
+;; Each comint buffer may only use one redirection at a time, but any number
+;; of different comint buffers may be simultaneously redirected.
+;; NOTE: It is EXTREMELY important that `comint-prompt-regexp' be set to the
+;; correct prompt for your interpreter, or that you supply a regexp that says
+;; when the redirection is finished. Otherwise, redirection will continue
+;; indefinitely. The code now does a sanity check to ensure that it can find
+;; a prompt in the comint buffer; however, it is still important to ensure that
+;; this prompt is set correctly.
+;; Variables
+(defcustom comint-redirect-verbose nil
+  "*If non-nil, print messages each time the redirection filter is invoked.
+Also print a message when redirection is completed."
+  :group 'comint
+  :type 'boolean)
+;; Directly analagous to comint-preoutput-filter-functions
+(defvar comint-redirect-filter-functions nil
+  "List of functions to call before inserting redirected process output.
+Each function gets one argument, a string containing the text received
+from the subprocess.  It should return the string to insert, perhaps
+the same string that was received, or perhaps a modified or transformed
+The functions on the list are called sequentially, and each one is given
+the string returned by the previous one.  The string returned by the
+last function is the text that is actually inserted in the redirection buffer.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'comint-redirect-filter-functions)
+;; Internal variables
+(defvar comint-redirect-output-buffer nil
+  "The buffer or list of buffers to put output into.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-finished-regexp nil
+  "Regular expression that determines when to stop redirection in Comint.
+When the redirection filter function is given output that matches this regexp, 
+the output is inserted as usual, and redirection is completed.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-insert-matching-regexp nil
+  "If non-nil, the text that ends a redirection is included in it.
+More precisely, the text that matches `comint-redirect-finished-regexp'
+and therefore terminates an output redirection is inserted in the
+redirection target buffer, along with the preceding output.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-echo-input nil
+  "Non-nil means echo input in the process buffer even during redirection.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-completed nil
+  "Non-nil if redirection has completed in the current buffer.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-original-mode-line-process nil
+  "Original mode line for redirected process.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-perform-sanity-check t
+  "If non-nil, check that redirection is likely to complete successfully.
+More precisely, before starting a redirection, verify that the
+regular expression `comint-redirect-finished-regexp' that controls
+when to terminate it actually matches some text already in the process
+buffer.  The idea is that this regular expression should match a prompt
+string, and that there ought to be at least one copy of your prompt string
+in the process buffer already.")
+(defvar comint-redirect-original-filter-function nil
+  "The process filter that was in place when redirection is started.
+When redirection is completed, the process filter is restored to
+this value.")
+;; Functions
+(defun comint-redirect-setup (output-buffer 
+			      comint-buffer
+			      finished-regexp
+			      &optional echo-input)
+  "Set up for output redirection.
+This function sets local variables that are used by `comint-redirect-filter'
+to perform redirection.
+Output from COMINT-BUFFER is redirected to OUTPUT-BUFFER, until something
+in the output matches FINISHED-REGEXP. 
+If optional argument ECHO-INPUT is non-nil, output is echoed to the
+original comint buffer.
+This function is called by `comint-redirect-send-command-to-process',
+and does not normally need to be invoked by the end user or programmer."
+  (with-current-buffer comint-buffer
+    (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-original-mode-line-process)
+    (setq comint-redirect-original-mode-line-process mode-line-process)
+    (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-output-buffer)
+    (setq comint-redirect-output-buffer output-buffer)
+    (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-finished-regexp)
+    (setq comint-redirect-finished-regexp finished-regexp)
+    (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-echo-input)
+    (setq comint-redirect-echo-input echo-input)
+    (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-completed)
+    (setq comint-redirect-completed nil)
+    (setq mode-line-process 
+	  (if mode-line-process 
+	      (list (concat (elt mode-line-process 0) " Redirection"))
+	    (list ":%s Redirection")))))
+(defun comint-redirect-cleanup ()
+  "End a Comint redirection.  See `comint-redirect-send-command'."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; Restore the process filter
+  (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
+		      comint-redirect-original-filter-function)
+  ;; Restore the mode line
+  (setq mode-line-process comint-redirect-original-mode-line-process)
+  ;; Set the completed flag
+  (setq comint-redirect-completed t))
+;; Because the cleanup happens as a callback, it's not easy to guarantee
+;; that it really occurs.
+(defalias 'comint-redirect-remove-redirection 'comint-redirect-cleanup)
+(defun comint-redirect-filter (process input-string)
+  "Filter function which redirects output from PROCESS to a buffer or buffers.
+The variable `comint-redirect-output-buffer' says which buffer(s) to
+place output in.
+INPUT-STRING is the input from the comint process.
+This function runs as a process filter, and does not need to be invoked by the 
+end user."
+  (and process
+       (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+	 (comint-redirect-preoutput-filter input-string)
+	 ;; If we have to echo output, give it to the original filter function
+	 (and comint-redirect-echo-input
+	      comint-redirect-original-filter-function
+	      (funcall comint-redirect-original-filter-function
+		       process input-string)))))
+(defun comint-redirect-preoutput-filter (input-string)
+  "Comint filter function which redirects comint output to a buffer or buffers.
+The variable `comint-redirect-output-buffer' says which buffer(s) to
+place output in.
+INPUT-STRING is the input from the comint process.
+This function does not need to be invoked by the end user."
+  (let ((output-buffer-list
+	 (if (listp comint-redirect-output-buffer)
+	    comint-redirect-output-buffer
+	   (list comint-redirect-output-buffer)))
+	(filtered-input-string input-string))
+    ;; If there are any filter functions, give them a chance to modify the string
+    (let ((functions comint-redirect-filter-functions))
+      (while (and functions filtered-input-string)
+	(setq filtered-input-string 
+	      (funcall (car functions) filtered-input-string))
+	(setq functions (cdr functions))))
+    ;; Clobber `comint-redirect-finished-regexp'
+    (or comint-redirect-insert-matching-regexp
+	(and (string-match comint-redirect-finished-regexp filtered-input-string)
+	     (setq filtered-input-string
+		   (replace-match "" nil nil filtered-input-string))))
+    ;; Send output to all registered buffers
+    (save-excursion
+      (mapcar
+       (function (lambda(buf)
+		   ;; Set this buffer to the output buffer
+		   (set-buffer (get-buffer-create buf))
+		   ;; Go to the end of the buffer
+		   (goto-char (point-max))
+		   ;; Insert the output
+		   (insert filtered-input-string)))
+       output-buffer-list))
+    ;; Message
+    (and comint-redirect-verbose
+	 (message "Redirected output to buffer(s) %s" 
+		  (mapconcat 'identity output-buffer-list " ")))
+    ;; If we see the prompt, tidy up
+    ;; We'll look for the prompt in the original string, so nobody can
+    ;; clobber it
+    (and (string-match comint-redirect-finished-regexp input-string)
+	 (progn
+	   (and comint-redirect-verbose
+		(message "Redirection completed"))
+	   (comint-redirect-cleanup)
+	   (run-hooks 'comint-redirect-hook)))
+    ;; Echo input?
+    (if comint-redirect-echo-input
+	filtered-input-string
+      "")))
+(defun comint-redirect-send-command (command output-buffer echo &optional no-display)
+  "Send COMMAND to process in current buffer, with output to OUTPUT-BUFFER.
+With prefix arg, echo output in process buffer.
+If NO-DISPLAY is non-nil, do not show the output buffer."
+  (interactive "sCommand: \nBOutput Buffer: \nP")
+  (let ((process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
+    (if process
+	(comint-redirect-send-command-to-process
+	 command output-buffer (current-buffer) echo no-display)
+      (error "No process for current buffer"))))
+(defun comint-redirect-send-command-to-process 
+  (command output-buffer process echo &optional no-display)
+  "Send COMMAND to PROCESS, with output to OUTPUT-BUFFER.
+With prefix arg, echo output in process buffer.
+If NO-DISPLAY is non-nil, do not show the output buffer."
+  (interactive "sCommand: \nBOutput Buffer: \nbProcess Buffer: \nP")
+  (let* (;; The process buffer
+	 (process-buffer (if (processp process)
+			     (process-buffer process)
+			   process))
+	 (proc (get-buffer-process process-buffer)))
+    ;; Change to the process buffer
+    (set-buffer process-buffer)
+    ;; Make sure there's a prompt in the current process buffer
+    (and comint-redirect-perform-sanity-check
+	 (save-excursion
+	   (goto-char (point-max))
+	   (or (re-search-backward comint-prompt-regexp nil t)
+	       (error "No prompt found or `comint-prompt-regexp' not set properly"))))
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; Set up for redirection
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    (comint-redirect-setup 
+     ;; Output Buffer
+     output-buffer 
+     ;; Comint Buffer
+     (current-buffer) 
+     ;; Finished Regexp
+     comint-prompt-regexp
+     ;; Echo input
+     echo)
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; Set the filter
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; Save the old filter
+    (setq comint-redirect-original-filter-function
+	  (process-filter proc))
+    (set-process-filter proc 'comint-redirect-filter)
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; Send the command
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    (process-send-string 
+     (current-buffer)
+     (concat command "\n"))
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; Show the output
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    (or no-display
+	 (display-buffer 
+	  (get-buffer-create
+	   (if (listp output-buffer)
+	       (car output-buffer)
+	     output-buffer))))))
+(defun comint-redirect-results-list (command regexp regexp-group)
+  "Send COMMAND to current process. 
+Return a list of expressions in the output which match REGEXP.
+REGEXP-GROUP is the regular expression group in REGEXP to use."
+  (interactive)
+  (comint-redirect-results-list-from-process 
+   (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
+   command regexp regexp-group))
+(defun comint-redirect-results-list-from-process (process command regexp regexp-group)
+Return a list of expressions in the output which match REGEXP.
+REGEXP-GROUP is the regular expression group in REGEXP to use."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((output-buffer " *Comint Redirect Work Buffer*")
+	results)
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create output-buffer))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (comint-redirect-send-command-to-process command
+					       output-buffer process nil t)
+      ;; Wait for the process to complete
+      (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+      (while (null comint-redirect-completed)
+	(accept-process-output nil 1))
+      ;; Collect the output
+      (set-buffer output-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      ;; Skip past the command, if it was echoed
+      (and (looking-at command)
+	   (forward-line))
+      (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t) 
+	(setq results
+	      (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties
+		     (match-beginning regexp-group)
+		     (match-end regexp-group))
+		    results)))
+      results)))
 ;; Converting process modes to use comint mode
 ;; ===========================================================================
 ;; The code in the Emacs 19 distribution has all been modified to use comint