diff cWnn/manual/chap3 @ 0:bbc77ca4def5

initial import
author Yoshiki Yazawa <yaz@cc.rim.or.jp>
date Thu, 13 Dec 2007 04:30:14 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cWnn/manual/chap3	Thu Dec 13 04:30:14 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+		   ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
+		    ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
+		    ┃  Chapter 3   INPUT  METHODS  ┃
+		    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
+		   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛
+┃ 3.1  OVERVIEW  ┃
+	This chapter explains the different input environments in cWnn system, and the
+different input modes in each environment.  Examples  on both the phonetic and radical 
+input procedures are shown separately.
+cWnn has three default input environments, they are:
+	(a) Combination of Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment
+	(b) Pinyin centred input environment
+	(c) Zhuyin centred input environment
+Environment (a) supports both Pinyin and Zhuyin methods.  Environment (b) supports most
+of the commonly  used Pinyin  and encoded input methods in  P.R.China.  Environment (c)
+supports input methods that are commonly used in Taiwan.
+To activate input environment (a), execute directly the client module command.
+	┌──────────────────────────────┐
+        │ %  cuum  <CR>                                              │
+        └──────────────────────────────┘
+Refer to  Section 2.3 for details.  We shall now give an example using environments (b) 
+and (c):
+To activate environment (b), use the  "-r" option of the  "cuum" command, together with 
+the default path of this input environment.  For example, 
+	┌──────────────────────────────┐
+        │ %  cuum  -r  /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_p     <CR>        │
+        └──────────────────────────────┘
+Similar for input environment (c), do the following:
+	┌──────────────────────────────┐
+        │ %  cuum  -r  /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_z     <CR>        │
+        └──────────────────────────────┘
+The "-r" option is explained in Section 6.3.
+					- 3-1 -
+The following shows the input methods in each input environment:
+   (a)  Combination of Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment
+        ( Default path: /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk/  )
+	全拼输入, 注音输入			(PF1)
+	五笔输入, 仓颉输入 			(PF2)
+	全角输入, 半角输入			(PF3)
+   (b)	Pinyin centred input environment
+	( Default path: /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_p/ )
+	全拼输入, 二拼输入, 三拼输入		(PF1)
+	五笔输入, 钱码输入			(PF2)
+	全角输入, 半角输入			(PF3)
+	国标输入, 区位输入, 内码输入, 常用输入	(PF4)
+        *** Two types of 二拼输入 are available, one is 光明, another is PJY.
+	    These two methods may be selected via PF5 function key.
+   (c)  Zhuyin input environment
+	( Default path: /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_z/ )
+	注音输入				(PF1)
+	仓颉输入 				(PF2)
+	全角输入, 半角输入			(PF3)
+	*** Two types of 注音输入 are available, one is 倚天, another is 习用.
+	    These two methods may be selected via PF5 function key.
+      *  Refer to Section 3.3  or the glossary page for the explanations of all the input 
+   	 methods.
+      *  The function keys above (eg. PF1, PF2 .....etc) are the default function keys in 
+	 cWnn system.  They are used for toggling among the different input modes in each 
+	 of the input environment.  It is possible to re-define the function keys. 
+      *  PF4 has two functions:
+	   (1)  When the user is in the  "Pinyin centred input environment",  PF4 is used 
+		for toggling the input modes,  while PF6 is for  toggling the environment 
+		operation functions.
+	   (2)  When the user is in the "Zhuyin centred input environment"  OR in the
+		"Combination of Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment",  both  PF4 and  PF6 
+		are used for toggling the environment operation functions.
+					- 3-2 -
+	As mentioned in Section 3.2, different input environment supports different input 
+modes.  We shall now explain each of the input mode accordingly.
+1.  Phonetic 
+The user inputs a Chinese character via their pronunciations.  The default phonetic input 
+modes are  as shown  below.  To enter  into the  respective i nput  mode,  simply use the 
+function keys as shown in Section 3.2. 
+(a)  Quanpin (全拼) :	Input a Chinese character using its complete Pinyin.  If a tone 
+			is needed, the user enters the number which represents the four 
+			tones, that is, 1,2,3 or 4.               
+(b)  Erpin (二拼)   :	Input a Chinese character by  using only 2 keys.  The first key 
+			to  represent the  consonant  and  the second to  represent the 
+			vowel.   If  a tone is needed, the  corresponding  number which 
+			represents the four tones may be entered ie. 1,2,3 or 4.  
+(c)  Sanpin (三拼)  : 	Similar to  Erpin,  however, it  uses  3 keys  to represent the 
+			Chinese character, with the third key particularly for the four
+			tones.  
+			There are certain  keys allocated for each of the four tones.  
+			For example, the first tone is represented by keys  t,r,e,w,q,1. 
+			Second tone is represented by keys  g,f,d,s,a,b,v,c,x,z,2
+			Third tone is  represented by  y,u,i,o,p,3  and the fourth tone 
+			by  h,j,k,l,n,m,4
+(d)  Zhuyin (注音)  :	Input a Chinese character using its complete Zhuyin.  If a tone 
+			is needed, the user enters the number which represents the four 
+			tones, that is, 1,2,3 or 4. 
+					- 3-3 -
+2. Radical  
+To input a  Chinese character, the user  needs to input according to the components of 
+the character.  The default  radical input modes  are shown  below.  To enter into the
+respective input mode, simply use the function keys as shown in Section 3.2. 
+(a)  Wubi (五笔)   :	Chinese characters are broken down into their components.  Wubi 
+			uses at  most four keys to represent one Chinese character, and 
+			each key  represents one  component of the character.  Once the 
+			four components are  entered, the system  automatically performs 
+			the conversion to Hanzi. If input components do not correspond to 
+			the Chinese character, the input will be cancelled automatically.
+			If the  Chinese  character  requires less  than  four  keys  to 
+			represent itself, the input  may be  completed by  pressing the 
+			space bar.
+			When the  user is  uncertain  of the  components of  a  Chinese 
+			character, he can enter  "?" or "z" as a wildcard to select all 
+			the possible characters.  The way to select the correct 
+			candidate is  similar to Pinyin input method.  Refer to Section 
+			3.4.
+(b)  Qianma (钱码) :    This is another method where input is via the components of the
+			characters.  At  most  three keys  are  used  to  represent one 
+			Chinese character, and each key represents one component of the
+			character.  Once the three  components  are entered, the system  
+			automatically perform the conversion to Hanzi. If the components 
+			do  not  correspond to the Chinese character, the input will be 
+			cancelled automatically.
+			If  the  Chinese character  requires less  than three keys, the 
+			input can be completed by pressing the space bar.
+			When the  user is  uncertain  of the  components of  a  Chinese 
+			character, he can enter  "?" or "z" as a wildcard to select all 
+			the possible characters.  The way to select the correct 
+			candidate is similar to  Pinyin input method.  Refer to Section
+			3.4.
+(c)  Cangjie (仓颉)   :	Chinese characters are broken down into their components.  
+			Cangjie also  uses at  most four keys to  represent one Chinese 
+			character, and each key represents one component of the character.  
+			Once the four components are entered, the system  automatically 
+			performs the conversion  to Hanzi.  If input  components do not 
+			correspond to the Chinese character, the input will be cancelled 
+			automatically.
+					- 3-4 -
+3. ASCII Input 
+(a)  Banjiao (半角)  :  To input  standard  ASCII characters (1 byte) at the front-end  
+			processor instead of at the C Shell prompt.
+(b)  Quanjiao (全角) : 	To input  wide  ASCII characters (2 bytes),  at the  front-end
+			processor instead of at the C Shell prompt.
+4. Other Input 
+(a)  Quwei (区位)    :  Input four integers to represent one Chinese character.  These 
+			four integers  represent the area and position numbers of each 
+			character in the Guobiao Table.
+(b)  Neima (内码)    :  Input four hexadecimal numbers to represent a Chinese character.
+			These hexadecimal numbers are the internal code of the Chinese 
+			characters.
+(c)  Guobiao (国标)  :  Input four hexadecimal numbers to represent a Chinese character.
+		        These numbers are the Guobiao Code of each character in the 
+			Guobiao Table.
+					- 3-5 -
+Input procedure here includes the followings:
+  	(a) Input Chinese pronunciation at the front-end processor
+  	(b) Conversion to Hanzi
+	(c) Selection of candidates
+	(d) Confirmation
+In this secton,  we will give  examples of the  input procedure by using the phonetic 
+input mode.
+1. Keyboard Layout
+Before looking at the examples, we need to know the function keys used in cWnn system.
+All function  keys referred in this  manual will follow  the keyboard layout as shown 
+ ┌──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐
+ │ PF1│ PF2│ PF3│ PF4│ PF5│ PF6│ PF7│ PF8│ PF9│PF10│
+ └──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┴──┘
+ ┌─────────────────────────────┐ ┌────┐┌─────┐
+ │                                                          │ │消去 Add││呼出し Dic│
+ │                                                          │ └────┘└─────┘
+ │                                                          │┌────┐┌────┐
+ │                                                          ││ 文节← ││ 文节→ │
+ │                                                          ││ Segment││ Segment│
+ │                    QWERTY  Keyboard                      │└────┘└────┘
+ │                                                          │ ┌──────────┐
+ │                                                ┌────┤ │  前候补   ↑       │
+ │                                                │        │ │ Previous candidate │
+ ├───┐                                        │ Return │ └──────────┘
+ │ Ctrl │                                        │        │ ┌──┐┌──┐ 
+ ├───┴┐                                    ┌┴────┤ │ ← ││ → │
+ │ Shift  │                                    │  Shift   │ └──┘└──┘
+ ├────┼────┬──┬─────┬───┬┴─────┤ ┌────────┐
+ │  确定  │ 前面キ-│    │  SPACE   │ かな │    变换    │ │  次候补   ↓   │
+ │Confirm │  Meta  │CAP │   BAR    │ Kana │ Conversion │ │ Next candidate │
+ └────┴────┴──┴─────┴───┴──────┘ └────────┘   
+					- 3-6 -
+2. The Phonetic Input Process 
+We will now give  an example of the  input procedure using Pinyin.   For other phonetic
+input methods, the procedure will be the same.
+After the startup of cuum, press ^\ to enter into the input environment.  The user will 
+be able to see the prompt as shown below, after which Pinyin input is possible. 
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ %                                                          │ 
+         │ 全拼:                                                      │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+    (a) Pinyin input 
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	The user needs to input a complete Pinyin of a chinese character for 全拼 mode.
+	For example, the character 中 is represented by zhong.
+	The  Pinyin may be entered with or without the four tones.  The four tones are
+	represented by 1,2 3,4 respectively eg. zhong or zhong1. 
+      -	After entering the four tone, you will see the following:
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: Zh幁ng幚                                               │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+      -	In certain cases, the space bar may be used to end a Pinyin input.  
+	For example, the character 的.  You may enter "de" followed by a space.
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: de_                                                  │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+	The system will segment this input as one character.
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: De幚						       │
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+      -	Any arbitrary length of Pinyin is allowed.  The system will perform an auto-
+	checking for the Pinyin entered, to ensure a legal Pinyin input.
+					- 3-7 -
+      - User may  correct his  mistakes by just  moving  the cursor to the particular 
+	position and do the correction, without  having to  re-type the entire Pinyin 
+	string again.
+	The following keys can be used to manipulate the input :
+	   Function keys  	Functions  
+	   ─────────────────────────────────
+	    ^F (or →)		To move the cursor one character position to the right.  
+	    ^B (or ←)   	To move the cursor one character position to the left.  
+	    ^D 	 		To delete the character on the cursor.  
+	    ^E 	 		To move the cursor to the end of the input string.  
+	    ^A	 		To move the cursor to the front of the input string.  
+	    ^K (or 前面キ- 	To delete all the input characters from the cursor 
+	        + ↑arrow key)	position till the end of the input string.  
+	    ^W (or 变换)   	To  obtain  all candidates.  This is also the conversion
+		        	key.  If there are too many candidates to be displayed at 
+				one time, use the ↓ and ↑ keys to browse the next and 
+				previous sets of candidates respectively.
+    (b) Pinyin-Hanzi conversion 
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	After you have ensured that the  Pinyin input are correct, press the convert 
+	key (变换) to perform the conversion from Pinyin to Chinese character.  
+	The converted result will be shown as below:
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: 中                                                   │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+    (c) Selection of candidates
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	At certain  times, the conversion  might not be accurate.  For example it may 
+	give 钟 instead of 中.  In this case, the user may request for further 
+	conversions and selections to obtain the correct Chinese characters.  This is 
+	done by pressing the convert key (变换) again. You will now see the following:
+	 ┌────────────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: 0.钟  1.终  2.种  3.忠  4.盅  5.衷  6.忪  7.螽  8.舯  9.锺   9/19│ 
+         └────────────────────────────────────┘
+					- 3-8 -
+      - Candidates  may be selected by either  moving the cursor to the particular
+	character and press the return key, or just by pressing the number. 
+	To manipulate the candidate options, refer to the following function keys:
+	   Function Keys   	Functions  
+	   ──────────────────────────────────
+	    ^F (or →) 	   	To move the cursor to the right. 
+	    ^B (or ←)   	To move the cursor to the left.  
+	    ↓   		To view the next set of candidates.
+	    ↑   		To view the previous set of candidates.
+	    ^O (or 文节→ key)  To extend the length of a word phrase by one character.
+	    ^I (or 文节← key)	To shorten the length of a word phrase by one character.
+	    ^E     	   	To move the cursor to the end of converted string 
+		 	   	OR the end of a series of candidate options.
+	    ^A 	   	   	To move the cursor to the beginning of converted
+			   	string OR beginning of a series of candidate options.
+	    ^C (or 前面キ-  	To execute reverse conversion (from Hanzi back to Pinyin)
+	        + ↑arrow key.
+   	        Do this twice)
+	    ^K (or 前面キ-	To delete all the converted characters from the 
+	        + ↑arrow key.	cursor position till the end of the input string.  
+   	        Do this twice)
+    (d) Confirmation 
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	To confirm the conversion  result, press the confirm key (确定) and the result 
+	will be sent to  C Shell.  The cursor will return to the original position and 
+	ready to receive new Pinyin  input.  
+      -	However, if after the conversion is made, user continues to input  Pinyin, the
+	the  previous converted result  will automatically be sent to the C Shell.  In 
+	this case, user needs not press the confirm key.
+					- 3-9 -
+    (e) An example of multi-phrase conversion using Pinyin (forward conversion)
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+	This is an example to show the input of a multi-phrase Chinese characters 
+	(欢迎使用汉语处理系统) through Pinyin.
+│	         User Input   	     	    │		    Screen Display	        │
+│huan1ying2shi3yong4han4yu3chu4li3xi4tong3 │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帿幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚X幀幚T幆ng幚│
+│			    		    │					        │
+│ press convert key (变换)       	    │ 欢迎实用汉语处理系统  		        │
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ 实用 is not the correct word, hence,     │ 欢迎实用汉语处理系统			│
+│ use → key to move cursor to the word    │                         			│
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ press convert key (变换) again           │	0.使用  1.适用  2.试用  3.施用  4.实用  │
+│ (view further selections)		    │	5.食用 				        │
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ Select the correct word by using arrow   │	0.使用  1.适用  2.试用  3.施用  4.实用  │
+│ key or simply type the number   	    │	5.食用				        │
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ press confirm key (确定)	    	    │	欢迎使用汉语处理系统   			│
+	NOTE:	Examples on how to use ^I (word segmentation) and ^O are shown in 
+		Section 4.4.
+    (f) An example of Hanzi-Pinyin conversion (reverse conversion)
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+	This is an example to show  reverse conversion.  A string of Chinese characters 
+	欢迎使用汉语处理系统  are converted back to their respective Pinyin by pressing 
+	^C twice.
+	If ^C is pressed only once, it enters an edit state where more Pinyin input are
+	allowed.
+│	         User Input   	     	    │		    Screen Display	        │
+│ 欢迎使用汉语处理                         │ 欢迎使用汉语处理    		        │
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ press ^C once			    │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帾幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚	│
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ input more Pinyin eg. "xi4tong3"         │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帾幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚X幀幚T幆ng幚│
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ press conversion (变换) key		    │ 欢迎使用汉语处理系统                     │
+│		            		    │					        │
+│ press ^C twice			    │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帾幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚X幀幚T幆ng幚│
+					- 3-10 -
+    (f) An example of Pinyin-Zhuyin standardization
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+	As mentioned, Pinyin and Zhuyin are standardized in cWnn.  The same internal
+	code is used to represent each  Chinese pronunciation in Pinyin and  Zhuyin.  
+	When the  user input via  Pinyin or  Zhuyin, the input  string will first be 
+	converted to the internal code before any conversion.  Hence, both Pinyin or 
+	Zhuyin maybe input at the same time.  For example, the phrase 今天天气正好.
+          A  user may use  Pinyin to input this phrase.  However, he may forget the 
+	  the Pinyin for 天气.  In this case, he may change the input mode to "注音" 
+	  (via PF1 in cWnn).  All Pinyin input will be converted to Zhuyin at once, 
+	  and the user may continue his input using Zhuyin.  
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: J帺n幚Ti帯n幚                                            │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+				↓ PF1 to toggle to Zhuyin mode
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 注音: 幮庣庛幜幨庣庘幜                                             │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+				↓ Continue to input via Zhuyin 
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 注音: 幮庣庛幜幨庣庘幜幨庣庘幜幯庣幠				       │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+				↓ PF1 to toggle back to Pinyin mode
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: J帺n幚Ti帯n幚Ti帯n幚Q幀幚				       │
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+				↓ Continue to input via Pinyin 
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: J帺n幚Ti帯n幚Ti帯n幚Q幀幚Zh帹ng幚H帲o幚			       │
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+				↓ Press 变换 key to convert
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 全拼: 今天天气正好					       │
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+	  Hence, input mode may be toggled from "全拼" to "注音" via the PF1 function
+	  key, and at the same time, the input  string remains unchanged.  This shows
+	  the standardization of Pinyin and Zhuyin.
+					- 3-11 -
+Input procedure here includes the followings:
+  	(a) Input Chinese character via their components at the front-end processor
+  	(b) Conversion to Hanzi
+	(c) Selection of candidates
+	(d) Confirmation
+We will now give an example of the input procedure using Wubi (五笔).  For other radical
+input methods, the procedure will be the same.
+1. The Radical Input Process 
+After the startup of cuum, press ^\ to enter into the input environment.  The user will 
+be able to see the prompt as shown below, this allow only Pinyin input.
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ %                                                          │ 
+         │ 全拼:                                                      │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+To enter into  Wubi mode, press  PF2 key.  You  may follow the function keys  given in
+Section 3.2.  You will now see the following:
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔:                                                      │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+    (a) Wubi input 
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	Four keys are used to represent each of the components of a chinese character.
+	For example, the character  常 is represented by  "ipkh".   After entering the 
+	four  alphabets, the system will  automatically convert  them to  the expected 
+	Chinese character.
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: 常                                                   │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+					- 3-12 -
+    (b) Conversion to Hanzi
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	After the  four component  alphabets are entered, the character  常 will be 
+	displayed automatically.
+      -	If  the  Chinese character  requires less than  four keys, the input can be 
+	completed by pressing the space bar.  For example the character 学 is 
+	represented by "ip".  Hence we may enter "ip" followed by a space.
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: ip_                                                  │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+    (c) Selection of candidates
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	When the user is uncertain of the components of a Chinese character, he can 
+	enter "?" or "z" as a wildcard to select all the possible characters.  
+	For example, he  may know the first two alphabet  "ip", but is uncertain of 
+	the next two alphabets.  In this case he may do this:
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: ip??                                                 │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+	    OR
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: ipzz                                                 │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+	After the four alphabets are entered, the character 常 will be displayed.
+      -	To browse through other possible candidates with "ip" as the initial component, 
+	press the conversion (变换) key.  You will see the following:
+	 ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: 0.常  1.深  2.溶  3.滓  4.泞  5.滨  6.沈  7.觉  8.沉         8/33  │
+         └─────────────────────────────────────┘
+					- 3-13 -
+      - From the above example, there are 33 possible candidates with "ip" as the initial
+	components.  Hence to view the next set of candidates, use the followings:
+	   Function Keys   	Functions  
+	   ──────────────────────────────────
+	    ^F (or →) 	   	To move the cursor to the right. 
+	    ^B (or ←)    	To move the cursor to the left.  
+	    ↓   		To view the next set of candidates.
+	    ↑   		To view the previous set of candidates.
+	    ^E     	   	To move  the  cursor  to the  end of  a  series of 
+				candidate options.
+	    ^A 	   	   	To move the cursor to the beginning of a series of 
+				candidate options.
+	    ^C (or 前面キ-   	To execute reverse conversion (from  Hanzi back to  
+	        + ↑arrow key.      	                       component alphabets)
+     	        Do this twice)
+	    ^K (or 前面キ-   	To delete the input character completely.
+	        + ↑arrow key)	
+      -	Four "?" may be entered at one time.  In this case, the system will display
+	all characters in the dictioanry.  For example,
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: ????                                                 │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+	You may see the followings:
+	 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
+         │ 五笔: 深                                                   │ 
+         └──────────────────────────────┘
+	"深"  is the character with the highet assessment values.  Use the conversion 
+	(变换) key to browse all other possible candidates.
+					- 3-14 -
+    (d) Confirmation 
+    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      -	To confirm the conversion  result, press the confirm key (确定) and the result 
+	will be sent to  C Shell.  The cursor will return to the original position and 
+	ready to receive new input.  
+      -	However, if  after the  conversion is  made, user  continues to input, the the  
+	previous converted result  will automatically be sent to the C Shell.  In this 
+	case, user need not press the confirm key.
+					- 3-15 -