view cWnn/manual/chap3 @ 28:a7ccf412ba02

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author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Sat, 06 Mar 2010 23:24:53 +0900
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		    ┃  Chapter 3   INPUT  METHODS  ┃

┃ 3.1  OVERVIEW  ┃

	This chapter explains the different input environments in cWnn system, and the
different input modes in each environment.  Examples  on both the phonetic and radical 
input procedures are shown separately.


cWnn has three default input environments, they are:
	(a) Combination of Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment
	(b) Pinyin centred input environment
	(c) Zhuyin centred input environment

Environment (a) supports both Pinyin and Zhuyin methods.  Environment (b) supports most
of the commonly  used Pinyin  and encoded input methods in  P.R.China.  Environment (c)
supports input methods that are commonly used in Taiwan.

To activate input environment (a), execute directly the client module command.
        │ %  cuum  <CR>                                              │
Refer to  Section 2.3 for details.  We shall now give an example using environments (b) 
and (c):

To activate environment (b), use the  "-r" option of the  "cuum" command, together with 
the default path of this input environment.  For example, 
        │ %  cuum  -r  /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_p     <CR>        │

Similar for input environment (c), do the following:
        │ %  cuum  -r  /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_z     <CR>        │
The "-r" option is explained in Section 6.3.

					- 3-1 -
The following shows the input methods in each input environment:

   (a)  Combination of Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment
        ( Default path: /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk/  )

	全拼输入, 注音输入			(PF1)
	五笔输入, 仓颉输入 			(PF2)
	全角输入, 半角输入			(PF3)

   (b)	Pinyin centred input environment
	( Default path: /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_p/ )
	全拼输入, 二拼输入, 三拼输入		(PF1)
	五笔输入, 钱码输入			(PF2)
	全角输入, 半角输入			(PF3)
	国标输入, 区位输入, 内码输入, 常用输入	(PF4)

        *** Two types of 二拼输入 are available, one is 光明, another is PJY.
	    These two methods may be selected via PF5 function key.

   (c)  Zhuyin input environment
	( Default path: /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_z/ )

	注音输入				(PF1)
	仓颉输入 				(PF2)
	全角输入, 半角输入			(PF3)

	*** Two types of 注音输入 are available, one is 倚天, another is 习用.
	    These two methods may be selected via PF5 function key.

      *  Refer to Section 3.3  or the glossary page for the explanations of all the input 
      *  The function keys above (eg. PF1, PF2 .....etc) are the default function keys in 
	 cWnn system.  They are used for toggling among the different input modes in each 
	 of the input environment.  It is possible to re-define the function keys. 
      *  PF4 has two functions:
	   (1)  When the user is in the  "Pinyin centred input environment",  PF4 is used 
		for toggling the input modes,  while PF6 is for  toggling the environment 
		operation functions.
	   (2)  When the user is in the "Zhuyin centred input environment"  OR in the
		"Combination of Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment",  both  PF4 and  PF6 
		are used for toggling the environment operation functions.

					- 3-2 -

	As mentioned in Section 3.2, different input environment supports different input 
modes.  We shall now explain each of the input mode accordingly.

1.  Phonetic 
The user inputs a Chinese character via their pronunciations.  The default phonetic input 
modes are  as shown  below.  To enter  into the  respective i nput  mode,  simply use the 
function keys as shown in Section 3.2. 
(a)  Quanpin (全拼) :	Input a Chinese character using its complete Pinyin.  If a tone 
			is needed, the user enters the number which represents the four 
			tones, that is, 1,2,3 or 4.               

(b)  Erpin (二拼)   :	Input a Chinese character by  using only 2 keys.  The first key 
			to  represent the  consonant  and  the second to  represent the 
			vowel.   If  a tone is needed, the  corresponding  number which 
			represents the four tones may be entered ie. 1,2,3 or 4.  
(c)  Sanpin (三拼)  : 	Similar to  Erpin,  however, it  uses  3 keys  to represent the 
			Chinese character, with the third key particularly for the four
			There are certain  keys allocated for each of the four tones.  
			For example, the first tone is represented by keys  t,r,e,w,q,1. 
			Second tone is represented by keys  g,f,d,s,a,b,v,c,x,z,2
			Third tone is  represented by  y,u,i,o,p,3  and the fourth tone 
			by  h,j,k,l,n,m,4
(d)  Zhuyin (注音)  :	Input a Chinese character using its complete Zhuyin.  If a tone 
			is needed, the user enters the number which represents the four 
			tones, that is, 1,2,3 or 4. 

					- 3-3 -
2. Radical  
To input a  Chinese character, the user  needs to input according to the components of 
the character.  The default  radical input modes  are shown  below.  To enter into the
respective input mode, simply use the function keys as shown in Section 3.2. 

(a)  Wubi (五笔)   :	Chinese characters are broken down into their components.  Wubi 
			uses at  most four keys to represent one Chinese character, and 
			each key  represents one  component of the character.  Once the 
			four components are  entered, the system  automatically performs 
			the conversion to Hanzi. If input components do not correspond to 
			the Chinese character, the input will be cancelled automatically.

			If the  Chinese  character  requires less  than  four  keys  to 
			represent itself, the input  may be  completed by  pressing the 
			space bar.

			When the  user is  uncertain  of the  components of  a  Chinese 
			character, he can enter  "?" or "z" as a wildcard to select all 
			the possible characters.  The way to select the correct 
			candidate is  similar to Pinyin input method.  Refer to Section 

(b)  Qianma (钱码) :    This is another method where input is via the components of the
			characters.  At  most  three keys  are  used  to  represent one 
			Chinese character, and each key represents one component of the
			character.  Once the three  components  are entered, the system  
			automatically perform the conversion to Hanzi. If the components 
			do  not  correspond to the Chinese character, the input will be 
			cancelled automatically.

			If  the  Chinese character  requires less  than three keys, the 
			input can be completed by pressing the space bar.

			When the  user is  uncertain  of the  components of  a  Chinese 
			character, he can enter  "?" or "z" as a wildcard to select all 
			the possible characters.  The way to select the correct 
			candidate is similar to  Pinyin input method.  Refer to Section

(c)  Cangjie (仓颉)   :	Chinese characters are broken down into their components.  
			Cangjie also  uses at  most four keys to  represent one Chinese 
			character, and each key represents one component of the character.  
			Once the four components are entered, the system  automatically 
			performs the conversion  to Hanzi.  If input  components do not 
			correspond to the Chinese character, the input will be cancelled 

					- 3-4 -
3. ASCII Input 
(a)  Banjiao (半角)  :  To input  standard  ASCII characters (1 byte) at the front-end  
			processor instead of at the C Shell prompt.

(b)  Quanjiao (全角) : 	To input  wide  ASCII characters (2 bytes),  at the  front-end
			processor instead of at the C Shell prompt.

4. Other Input 
(a)  Quwei (区位)    :  Input four integers to represent one Chinese character.  These 
			four integers  represent the area and position numbers of each 
			character in the Guobiao Table.

(b)  Neima (内码)    :  Input four hexadecimal numbers to represent a Chinese character.
			These hexadecimal numbers are the internal code of the Chinese 

(c)  Guobiao (国标)  :  Input four hexadecimal numbers to represent a Chinese character.
		        These numbers are the Guobiao Code of each character in the 
			Guobiao Table.

					- 3-5 -

Input procedure here includes the followings:
  	(a) Input Chinese pronunciation at the front-end processor
  	(b) Conversion to Hanzi
	(c) Selection of candidates
	(d) Confirmation

In this secton,  we will give  examples of the  input procedure by using the phonetic 
input mode.

1. Keyboard Layout
Before looking at the examples, we need to know the function keys used in cWnn system.
All function  keys referred in this  manual will follow  the keyboard layout as shown 

 │ PF1│ PF2│ PF3│ PF4│ PF5│ PF6│ PF7│ PF8│ PF9│PF10│
 ┌─────────────────────────────┐ ┌────┐┌─────┐
 │                                                          │ │消去 Add││呼出し Dic│
 │                                                          │ └────┘└─────┘
 │                                                          │┌────┐┌────┐
 │                                                          ││ 文节← ││ 文节→ │
 │                                                          ││ Segment││ Segment│
 │                    QWERTY  Keyboard                      │└────┘└────┘
 │                                                          │ ┌──────────┐
 │                                                ┌────┤ │  前候补   ↑       │
 │                                                │        │ │ Previous candidate │
 ├───┐                                        │ Return │ └──────────┘
 │ Ctrl │                                        │        │ ┌──┐┌──┐ 
 ├───┴┐                                    ┌┴────┤ │ ← ││ → │
 │ Shift  │                                    │  Shift   │ └──┘└──┘
 ├────┼────┬──┬─────┬───┬┴─────┤ ┌────────┐
 │  确定  │ 前面キ-│    │  SPACE   │ かな │    变换    │ │  次候补   ↓   │
 │Confirm │  Meta  │CAP │   BAR    │ Kana │ Conversion │ │ Next candidate │
 └────┴────┴──┴─────┴───┴──────┘ └────────┘   

					- 3-6 -
2. The Phonetic Input Process 
We will now give  an example of the  input procedure using Pinyin.   For other phonetic
input methods, the procedure will be the same.

After the startup of cuum, press ^\ to enter into the input environment.  The user will 
be able to see the prompt as shown below, after which Pinyin input is possible. 
         │ %                                                          │ 
         │ 全拼:                                                      │ 

    (a) Pinyin input 
      -	The user needs to input a complete Pinyin of a chinese character for 全拼 mode.
	For example, the character 中 is represented by zhong.
	The  Pinyin may be entered with or without the four tones.  The four tones are
	represented by 1,2 3,4 respectively eg. zhong or zhong1. 

      -	After entering the four tone, you will see the following:
         │ 全拼: Zh幁ng幚                                               │ 

      -	In certain cases, the space bar may be used to end a Pinyin input.  
	For example, the character 的.  You may enter "de" followed by a space.
         │ 全拼: de_                                                  │ 
	The system will segment this input as one character.
         │ 全拼: De幚						       │

      -	Any arbitrary length of Pinyin is allowed.  The system will perform an auto-
	checking for the Pinyin entered, to ensure a legal Pinyin input.

					- 3-7 -
      - User may  correct his  mistakes by just  moving  the cursor to the particular 
	position and do the correction, without  having to  re-type the entire Pinyin 
	string again.

	The following keys can be used to manipulate the input :

	   Function keys  	Functions  
	    ^F (or →)		To move the cursor one character position to the right.  
	    ^B (or ←)   	To move the cursor one character position to the left.  
	    ^D 	 		To delete the character on the cursor.  
	    ^E 	 		To move the cursor to the end of the input string.  
	    ^A	 		To move the cursor to the front of the input string.  
	    ^K (or 前面キ- 	To delete all the input characters from the cursor 
	        + ↑arrow key)	position till the end of the input string.  
	    ^W (or 变换)   	To  obtain  all candidates.  This is also the conversion
		        	key.  If there are too many candidates to be displayed at 
				one time, use the ↓ and ↑ keys to browse the next and 
				previous sets of candidates respectively.

    (b) Pinyin-Hanzi conversion 
      -	After you have ensured that the  Pinyin input are correct, press the convert 
	key (变换) to perform the conversion from Pinyin to Chinese character.  
	The converted result will be shown as below:
         │ 全拼: 中                                                   │ 

    (c) Selection of candidates
      -	At certain  times, the conversion  might not be accurate.  For example it may 
	give 钟 instead of 中.  In this case, the user may request for further 
	conversions and selections to obtain the correct Chinese characters.  This is 
	done by pressing the convert key (变换) again. You will now see the following:
         │ 全拼: 0.钟  1.终  2.种  3.忠  4.盅  5.衷  6.忪  7.螽  8.舯  9.锺   9/19│ 

					- 3-8 -
      - Candidates  may be selected by either  moving the cursor to the particular
	character and press the return key, or just by pressing the number. 

	To manipulate the candidate options, refer to the following function keys:

	   Function Keys   	Functions  
	    ^F (or →) 	   	To move the cursor to the right. 

	    ^B (or ←)   	To move the cursor to the left.  
	    ↓   		To view the next set of candidates.
	    ↑   		To view the previous set of candidates.
	    ^O (or 文节→ key)  To extend the length of a word phrase by one character.

	    ^I (or 文节← key)	To shorten the length of a word phrase by one character.
	    ^E     	   	To move the cursor to the end of converted string 
		 	   	OR the end of a series of candidate options.
	    ^A 	   	   	To move the cursor to the beginning of converted
			   	string OR beginning of a series of candidate options.
	    ^C (or 前面キ-  	To execute reverse conversion (from Hanzi back to Pinyin)
	        + ↑arrow key.
   	        Do this twice)

	    ^K (or 前面キ-	To delete all the converted characters from the 
	        + ↑arrow key.	cursor position till the end of the input string.  
   	        Do this twice)

    (d) Confirmation 
      -	To confirm the conversion  result, press the confirm key (确定) and the result 
	will be sent to  C Shell.  The cursor will return to the original position and 
	ready to receive new Pinyin  input.  

      -	However, if after the conversion is made, user continues to input  Pinyin, the
	the  previous converted result  will automatically be sent to the C Shell.  In 
	this case, user needs not press the confirm key.

					- 3-9 -
    (e) An example of multi-phrase conversion using Pinyin (forward conversion)
	This is an example to show the input of a multi-phrase Chinese characters 
	(欢迎使用汉语处理系统) through Pinyin.

│	         User Input   	     	    │		    Screen Display	        │
│huan1ying2shi3yong4han4yu3chu4li3xi4tong3 │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帿幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚X幀幚T幆ng幚│
│			    		    │					        │
│ press convert key (变换)       	    │ 欢迎实用汉语处理系统  		        │
│		            		    │					        │
│ 实用 is not the correct word, hence,     │ 欢迎实用汉语处理系统			│
│ use → key to move cursor to the word    │                         			│
│		            		    │					        │
│ press convert key (变换) again           │	0.使用  1.适用  2.试用  3.施用  4.实用  │
│ (view further selections)		    │	5.食用 				        │
│		            		    │					        │
│ Select the correct word by using arrow   │	0.使用  1.适用  2.试用  3.施用  4.实用  │
│ key or simply type the number   	    │	5.食用				        │
│		            		    │					        │
│ press confirm key (确定)	    	    │	欢迎使用汉语处理系统   			│

	NOTE:	Examples on how to use ^I (word segmentation) and ^O are shown in 
		Section 4.4.

    (f) An example of Hanzi-Pinyin conversion (reverse conversion)
	This is an example to show  reverse conversion.  A string of Chinese characters 
	欢迎使用汉语处理系统  are converted back to their respective Pinyin by pressing 
	^C twice.
	If ^C is pressed only once, it enters an edit state where more Pinyin input are
│	         User Input   	     	    │		    Screen Display	        │
│ 欢迎使用汉语处理                         │ 欢迎使用汉语处理    		        │
│		            		    │					        │
│ press ^C once			    │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帾幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚	│
│		            		    │					        │
│ input more Pinyin eg. "xi4tong3"         │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帾幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚X幀幚T幆ng幚│
│		            		    │					        │
│ press conversion (变换) key		    │ 欢迎使用汉语处理系统                     │
│		            		    │					        │
│ press ^C twice			    │ Hu帯n幚Y帾ng幚Sh帾幚Y幇ng幚H帳n幚Y幊幚Ch幋幚L帿幚X幀幚T幆ng幚│
					- 3-10 -
    (f) An example of Pinyin-Zhuyin standardization
	As mentioned, Pinyin and Zhuyin are standardized in cWnn.  The same internal
	code is used to represent each  Chinese pronunciation in Pinyin and  Zhuyin.  
	When the  user input via  Pinyin or  Zhuyin, the input  string will first be 
	converted to the internal code before any conversion.  Hence, both Pinyin or 
	Zhuyin maybe input at the same time.  For example, the phrase 今天天气正好.

          A  user may use  Pinyin to input this phrase.  However, he may forget the 
	  the Pinyin for 天气.  In this case, he may change the input mode to "注音" 
	  (via PF1 in cWnn).  All Pinyin input will be converted to Zhuyin at once, 
	  and the user may continue his input using Zhuyin.  

         │ 全拼: J帺n幚Ti帯n幚                                            │ 
				↓ PF1 to toggle to Zhuyin mode
         │ 注音: 幮庣庛幜幨庣庘幜                                             │ 
				↓ Continue to input via Zhuyin 
         │ 注音: 幮庣庛幜幨庣庘幜幨庣庘幜幯庣幠				       │ 
				↓ PF1 to toggle back to Pinyin mode
         │ 全拼: J帺n幚Ti帯n幚Ti帯n幚Q幀幚				       │
				↓ Continue to input via Pinyin 
         │ 全拼: J帺n幚Ti帯n幚Ti帯n幚Q幀幚Zh帹ng幚H帲o幚			       │
				↓ Press 变换 key to convert
         │ 全拼: 今天天气正好					       │

	  Hence, input mode may be toggled from "全拼" to "注音" via the PF1 function
	  key, and at the same time, the input  string remains unchanged.  This shows
	  the standardization of Pinyin and Zhuyin.

					- 3-11 -

Input procedure here includes the followings:
  	(a) Input Chinese character via their components at the front-end processor
  	(b) Conversion to Hanzi
	(c) Selection of candidates
	(d) Confirmation

We will now give an example of the input procedure using Wubi (五笔).  For other radical
input methods, the procedure will be the same.

1. The Radical Input Process 
After the startup of cuum, press ^\ to enter into the input environment.  The user will 
be able to see the prompt as shown below, this allow only Pinyin input.
         │ %                                                          │ 
         │ 全拼:                                                      │ 

To enter into  Wubi mode, press  PF2 key.  You  may follow the function keys  given in
Section 3.2.  You will now see the following:
         │ 五笔:                                                      │ 

    (a) Wubi input 
      -	Four keys are used to represent each of the components of a chinese character.
	For example, the character  常 is represented by  "ipkh".   After entering the 
	four  alphabets, the system will  automatically convert  them to  the expected 
	Chinese character.
         │ 五笔: 常                                                   │ 

					- 3-12 -
    (b) Conversion to Hanzi
      -	After the  four component  alphabets are entered, the character  常 will be 
	displayed automatically.

      -	If  the  Chinese character  requires less than  four keys, the input can be 
	completed by pressing the space bar.  For example the character 学 is 
	represented by "ip".  Hence we may enter "ip" followed by a space.
         │ 五笔: ip_                                                  │ 

    (c) Selection of candidates
      -	When the user is uncertain of the components of a Chinese character, he can 
	enter "?" or "z" as a wildcard to select all the possible characters.  
	For example, he  may know the first two alphabet  "ip", but is uncertain of 
	the next two alphabets.  In this case he may do this:
         │ 五笔: ip??                                                 │ 
         │ 五笔: ipzz                                                 │ 
	After the four alphabets are entered, the character 常 will be displayed.

      -	To browse through other possible candidates with "ip" as the initial component, 
	press the conversion (变换) key.  You will see the following:
         │ 五笔: 0.常  1.深  2.溶  3.滓  4.泞  5.滨  6.沈  7.觉  8.沉         8/33  │

					- 3-13 -
      - From the above example, there are 33 possible candidates with "ip" as the initial
	components.  Hence to view the next set of candidates, use the followings:
	   Function Keys   	Functions  
	    ^F (or →) 	   	To move the cursor to the right. 

	    ^B (or ←)    	To move the cursor to the left.  
	    ↓   		To view the next set of candidates.
	    ↑   		To view the previous set of candidates.
	    ^E     	   	To move  the  cursor  to the  end of  a  series of 
				candidate options.
	    ^A 	   	   	To move the cursor to the beginning of a series of 
				candidate options.
	    ^C (or 前面キ-   	To execute reverse conversion (from  Hanzi back to  
	        + ↑arrow key.      	                       component alphabets)
     	        Do this twice)

	    ^K (or 前面キ-   	To delete the input character completely.
	        + ↑arrow key)	

      -	Four "?" may be entered at one time.  In this case, the system will display
	all characters in the dictioanry.  For example,
         │ 五笔: ????                                                 │ 
	You may see the followings:
         │ 五笔: 深                                                   │ 
	"深"  is the character with the highet assessment values.  Use the conversion 
	(变换) key to browse all other possible candidates.

					- 3-14 -
    (d) Confirmation 
      -	To confirm the conversion  result, press the confirm key (确定) and the result 
	will be sent to  C Shell.  The cursor will return to the original position and 
	ready to receive new input.  

      -	However, if  after the  conversion is  made, user  continues to input, the the  
	previous converted result  will automatically be sent to the C Shell.  In this 
	case, user need not press the confirm key.

					- 3-15 -