view cWnn/manual/chap2 @ 0:bbc77ca4def5

initial import
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Thu, 13 Dec 2007 04:30:14 +0900
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line source

		    ┃  Chapter 2   GETTING  STARTED      ┃


	First of all, the user needs to start up the cserver before  he can use the
system.  cserver runs as a background process.  Hence once the cserver is up, it can be
shared by several client modules, ie the front-end processors.

1. Startup of cserver
To start the server, type the following command at the C Shell prompt :
        │ %  cserver  <CR>                                           │

The default path of cserver is  "/usr/local/bin/cWnn4/ ".  If the user has not set this 
path, he can either  set it and type the command directly, or type the full pathname of 
cserver while executing this command.

cserver will only be started up once.  You may confirm the existence of cserver by using 
the "cwnnstat" command (refer to 6.4).  If  cserver is being  executed after its initial
startup, the following error message will be displayed:
        │ Jserver: can't bind inet-socket                            │

The cserver  will read in  all default files in  the system.  These include the grammar
files, dictionaries and the  usage frequency files.  
After reading, a message  "Finished Reading Files"  will be  displayed, and the C Shell 
prompt will be ready to receive commands again.

					- 2-1 -
2. Startup of client module, cuum
Basically, there are three client modules as shown below, each supports different input 
environment:  	(1)  supports both Pinyin and Zhuyin input environment
		(2)  supports mainly Pinyin centred input enivronment
		(3)  supports mainly Zhuyin centred input environment
Users may activate either of them to input Chinese characters depending on their needs.

"cuum" will start up environment (1) above. To start "cuum", type the following command 
at the C Shell prompt of a Chinese window:
        │ %  cuum  <CR>                                              │

To  activate the  other two environments,  you may use the "-r"  option of the  "cuum" 
command  together with  the default path of the environment.  For example, to activate 
environment (2), do the following:
        │ %  cuum  -r    /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk_p     <CR>      │
For detailed information, refer to Section 3.2 and Section 6.3.

The default path for "cuum" is  "/usr/local/bin/cWnn4/".  Many cuum's  may be started at
the same time on different windows.  Each of them will be registered as a client at the 

During the execution of the cuum command, the following message will appear.
         │%  cuum  <CR>                                               │
         │                                                            │
         │                                                            │
         │              ·····你好·····                      │
         │              ·欢迎使用汉语处理系统·                      │
         │              ·  祝您今天好运气  ·                      │
         │              ····cwnn····                      │
         │ %                                                          │ 
         │ [---]                                                      │ 

The client module, cuum, is now ready to be used.  To enter the input mode, press ^\.  
To leave the input mode, press ^\ again.  To confirm the existence of cuum, you may
also use ^\.

					- 2-2 -
If the user does not start up "cserver" before he executes "cuum", then the following
message will appear:
        │ 不能和server连接。					      │

If the user happens to activate "cuum" again after it is already activated, an error
message is shown as follows:
        │ 在cuum上不能起动cuum。			      │

					- 2-3 -
3. Termination of cuum 
In order to terminate a client process, type the following:
         │ %  ^d                          			       │ 

The cserver will save all the usage frequency files and dictionaries of the particular
client and terminate the connection between itself and that client.

The following message will appear:
         │ cuum结束。  					       │ 
         │ %  							       │ 


4. Termination of cserver 
To terminate the cserver, type the following command:
         │ % cwnnkill  <CR>                                           │ 
         │ CSERVER Terminated                                         │ 
         │ %                                                          │ 

If some other clients still exist, the following message will be displayed:
         │ % cwnnkill  <CR>                                           │ 
         │ 1 User Exists.					       │ 
         │ CSERVER Not Killed.					       │ 
         │ %                                                          │ 
         │ [---]                                                      │ 

For more details on the commands, refer to Chapter 6.

					- 2-4 -