1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
3 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [
4 <!ENTITY legal SYSTEM "legal.xml">
5 <!ENTITY appversion "2.0.12">
6 <!ENTITY manrevision "1.0">
7 <!ENTITY date "June 2002">
8 <!ENTITY gftp "<application>gFTP</application>">
9 <!-- Information about the entities
10 The legal.xml file contains legal information, there is no need to edit the file.
11 Use the appversion entity to specify the version of the application.
12 Use the manrevision entity to specify the revision number of this manual.
13 Use the date entity to specify the release date of this manual.
14 Use the gftp entity to specify the name of the application. -->
15 ]>
16 <!--
17 (Do not remove this comment block.)
18 Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
19 http://developer.GNOME.org/projects/gdp
20 Template version: 2.0 beta
21 Template last modified Jan 30, 2002
22 -->
23 <!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
24 <article id="index" lang="en">
25 <!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to -->
26 <!-- appropriate code -->
27 <articleinfo>
28 <title>gFTP Manual &manrevision;</title>
30 <copyright>
31 <year>2002</year>
32 <holder>Alexander Kirillov</holder>
33 </copyright>
34 <copyright>
35 <year>2002</year>
36 <holder>Brian Masney</holder>
37 </copyright>
39 <!-- translators: uncomment this:
41 <copyright>
42 <year>2002</year>
43 <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
44 </copyright>
46 -->
47 <!-- An address can be added to the publisher information. If a role is
48 not specified, the publisher/author is the same for all versions of the
49 document. -->
50 <publisher>
51 <publishername>GNOME Documentation Project </publishername>
52 </publisher>
54 &legal; <!-- This file contains link to license for the
55 documentation (GNU FDL), and other legal stuff such as "NO
56 WARRANTY" statement. Please do not change any of this. -->
58 <authorgroup>
59 <author>
60 <firstname>Alexander</firstname>
61 <surname>Kirillov</surname>
62 <affiliation>
63 <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname>
64 <address> <email>kirillov@math.sunysb.edu</email> </address>
65 </affiliation>
66 </author>
67 <author>
68 <firstname>Brian</firstname>
69 <surname>Masney</surname>
70 <affiliation>
71 <orgname></orgname>
72 <address><email>masneyb@seul.org</email> </address>
73 </affiliation>
74 </author>
75 </authorgroup>
78 <releaseinfo> This manual describes version &appversion; of &gftp;.
79 </releaseinfo>
80 </articleinfo>
82 <indexterm zone="index">
83 <primary>gFTP</primary>
84 </indexterm>
85 <indexterm zone="index">
86 <primary>gFTP</primary>
87 </indexterm>
88 <indexterm zone="index">
89 <primary>File Transfer</primary>
90 </indexterm>
92 <!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
93 <!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->
94 <!-- Use the Introduction section to give a brief overview of what
95 the application is and what it does. -->
96 <sect1 id="gftp-introduction">
97 <title>Introduction</title>
98 <para>The &gftp; is a graphical file transfer manager. It can be
99 used for downloading files from remote FTP servers, uploading
100 files to an FTP server, or transferring files between two remote
101 servers. &gftp; provides the following
102 features:</para>
103 <itemizedlist>
104 <!-- ######### -->
105 <listitem>
106 <para> Support for FTP, HTTP and SSH (both SSH1 and SSH2) protocols
107 </para>
108 </listitem>
109 <!-- ######### -->
110 <listitem>
111 <para>Support for fxp file transfers (transferring files between two
112 remote servers via ftp)
113 </para>
114 </listitem>
115 <!-- ######### -->
116 <listitem>
117 <para> Multithreaded to allow for simultaneous downloads
118 </para>
119 </listitem>
120 <!-- ######### -->
121 <listitem>
122 <para>File transfer queues to allow for downloading multiple files
123 </para>
124 </listitem>
125 <!-- ######### -->
126 <listitem>
127 <para> Bookmarks menu to allow you to quickly connect to remote sites
128 </para>
129 </listitem>
130 <!-- ######### -->
131 <listitem>
132 <para> Support for resuming interrupted file transfers
133 </para>
134 </listitem>
135 <!-- ######### -->
136 <listitem>
137 <para> Drag-N-Drop support
138 </para>
139 </listitem>
140 <!-- ######### -->
141 <listitem>
142 <para> FTP and HTTP proxy server support
143 </para>
144 </listitem>
145 <!-- ######### -->
146 <listitem>
147 <para> Allows for passive and non-passive file transfers
148 </para>
149 </listitem>
150 <!-- ######### -->
151 <listitem>
152 <para> Supports UNIX, EPLF, Novell, MacOS, and NT (DOS) style directory listings
153 </para>
154 </listitem>
155 </itemizedlist>
157 </sect1>
159 <!-- =========== Basic usage ========================= -->
160 <sect1 id="gftp-basic">
161 <title>Basic Usage</title>
162 <para>
163 This section describes basic usage of &gftp; and its graphical
164 interface (buttons, menus, etc).
165 </para>
167 <!-- ======= ===== -->
168 <sect2 id="gftp-starting">
169 <title>Starting And Quitting &gftp;</title>
171 <para>To start &gftp; open the <guimenu> Main Menu</guimenu>,
172 then choose <menuchoice> <guimenu>Programs</guimenu>
173 <guisubmenu>Internet</guisubmenu>
174 <guimenuitem>gFTP</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>.
175 </para>
176 <para>
177 You can also start &gftp; from the command line. To do so,
178 type <command>gftp</command> or <command>gftp
179 <replaceable>ftp://ftp.myhostname.com/pub</replaceable></command>
180 and press <keycap>Return</keycap>. Here
181 <replaceable>ftp://ftp.myhostname.com/pub</replaceable> is
182 the address (URL) of the site you want to connect to. See
183 <xref linkend="gftp-connect-url"/> for examples of
184 admissible URLs.
185 </para>
186 <para>
187 To quit &gftp; choose <menuchoice><guimenu>FTP</guimenu>
188 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>.
189 </para>
190 <para>
191 There are two versions of &gftp;: graphical and text. Command
192 &gftp; will start graphical version in graphical environment
193 (i.e., when X Window System is running)
194 and text version otherwise. (For advanced users: &gftp; checks
195 whether environment variable DISPLAY is set to determine
196 whether graphical environment is present.) You can also
197 explicitly start graphical version by using command
198 <command>gftp-gtk</command> and text version by using command
199 <command>gftp-text</command>. This manual only describes graphical
200 version.
201 </para>
202 </sect2>
204 <!-- ======= ===== -->
205 <sect2 id="gftp-gui">
206 <title>&gftp; Main Window And Controls</title>
207 <para>
208 After starting, &gftp; opens the main window shown in <xref
209 linkend="gftp-mainwin-fig"/>.
210 </para>
211 <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
212 <figure id="gftp-mainwin-fig">
213 <title>gFTP Main Window</title>
214 <screenshot>
215 <mediaobject>
216 <imageobject>
217 <imagedata
218 fileref="figures/mainwin.png" format="PNG"/>
219 </imageobject>
220 <textobject>
221 <phrase>Shows &gftp; main window. </phrase>
222 </textobject>
223 </mediaobject>
224 </screenshot>
225 </figure>
226 <para>
227 This window contains the following areas and controls:
228 </para>
229 <variablelist>
230 <!-- ########## -->
231 <varlistentry>
232 <term>Connection information: <guilabel>hostname</guilabel>,
233 <guilabel>port</guilabel>,
234 <guilabel>User</guilabel>,
235 <guilabel>Pass</guilabel>,
236 <guilabel>Protocol type</guilabel> (FTP, HTTP, SSH)
237 </term>
238 <listitem>
239 <para>
240 These fields contain information about currently active
241 connection (<guilabel>User</guilabel> and
242 <guilabel>Pass</guilabel> stand for username and
243 password respectively). You can also use them to open a new
244 connection: enter the connection information in these
245 fields and click on <guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button.
246 </para>
247 </listitem>
248 </varlistentry>
249 <!-- ########## -->
250 <varlistentry>
251 <term><guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button</term>
252 <listitem>
253 <para>
254 When not connected, enter connection settings (hostname,
255 protocol, etc) and click on this button to connect to a
256 remote computer. When connected to a remote computer,
257 click on this button to disconnect.
258 </para>
259 </listitem>
260 </varlistentry>
261 <!-- ########## -->
262 <varlistentry>
263 <term><guibutton>Stop</guibutton> button</term>
264 <listitem>
265 <para>
266 Click on this button to stop connection attempts or a
267 file transfer.
268 </para>
269 </listitem>
270 </varlistentry>
271 <!-- ########## -->
272 <varlistentry>
273 <term><guilabel>File list</guilabel> panels</term>
274 <listitem>
275 <para>
276 These tow panels show the contents of current directory
277 on local (left panel) and remote (right panel)
278 computers. They can also be used for navigation:
279 double-clicking on a directory takes you to that
280 directory. See <xref linkend="gftp-viewing"/> for more
281 information.
282 </para>
283 </listitem>
284 </varlistentry>
285 <!-- ########## -->
286 <varlistentry>
287 <term><guibutton>Transfer</guibutton> buttons</term>
288 <listitem>
289 <para>
290 Click on one of this buttons to transfer selected files
291 between local and remote computers. The arrow shows
292 direction of transfer: top button transfers from the
293 local computer to the remote one (upload), the bottom
294 button transfers from the remote computer to the local
295 one (download)
296 </para>
297 </listitem>
298 </varlistentry>
299 <!-- ########## -->
300 <varlistentry>
301 <term><guilabel>Transfer progress window</guilabel></term>
302 <listitem>
303 <para>
304 This window shows file transfer progress.
305 </para>
306 </listitem>
307 </varlistentry>
308 <!-- ########## -->
309 <varlistentry>
310 <term><guilabel>Log window</guilabel></term>
311 <listitem>
312 <para>
313 This window shows all the messages exchanged by the local
314 computer and the remote one. Mostly useful for
315 troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes.
316 </para>
317 </listitem>
318 </varlistentry>
319 </variablelist>
320 </sect2>
321 <sect2 id="gftp-basic-transfer">
322 <title>Connecting and Transferring Files</title>
323 <para>
324 To connect to a remote computer, enter the computer address
325 (hostname) on the toolbar and select the protocol type (by
326 default, FTP). If using anonymous FTP or HTTP connection, leave
327 fields <guilabel>User</guilabel> and <guilabel>Pass</guilabel>
328 blank; otherwise, enter your username and password. After
329 entering this information, click on
330 <guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button. For detailed
331 instructions and other ways to establish connection, see <xref
332 linkend="gftp-connect"/>.
333 </para>
334 <para>
335 To transfer files between local and remote computers,
336 double-click on the file you want to transfer. If you need to
337 transfer several files or whole directories, click on them
338 while holding down <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key to select. After
339 selecting, click on the appropriate
340 <guibutton>Transfer</guibutton> button located between file
341 list panels. For detailed instructions, see <xref
342 linkend="gftp-transfer"/>.
343 </para>
344 </sect2>
345 </sect1>
347 <!-- =========== Connecting To a Remote Site ========================= -->
348 <sect1 id="gftp-connect">
349 <title>Connecting To a Remote Site</title>
350 <para>
351 The first step in transferring files is establishing a
352 connection to the remote site.
353 &gftp; provides several ways to connect to a remote site,
354 described below. These descriptions assume that you are already
355 connected to the Internet. Please note that
356 If you are behind a firewall and use HTTP or FTP proxy, you will
357 need to configure &gftp; before connecting as described in <xref
358 linkend="gftp-configuring"/>. Configuration changes are also likely to
359 be required when connecting to an SSH site; see <xref
360 linkend="gftp-ssh"/>.
361 </para>
362 <para>
363 To disconnect from a remote site, click on
364 <guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button or choose
365 <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu>
366 <guimenuitem>Disconnect</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
367 </para>
370 <!-- =========== Using toolbar ======== -->
371 <sect2 id="gftp-connect-toolbar">
372 <title>Connecting Using the Toolbar</title>
373 <para>
374 To connect to a remote site, enter the connection information in
375 the appropriate fields in the toolbar.
376 </para>
377 <variablelist>
378 <!-- ############### -->
379 <varlistentry>
380 <term><guilabel>Host</guilabel></term>
381 <listitem>
382 <para>Enter the remote site hostname (e.g., <systemitem
383 class="systemname">ftp.gnome.org</systemitem>). Do not
384 include <systemitem>ftp://</systemitem> prefix or the
385 directory (e.g., <systemitem>/pub</systemitem>). You can
386 select one of recently visited sites by clicking on the down
387 arrow and selecting it from the drop-down list. You can also
388 drag the URL from any GNOME application to the
389 <guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button.
390 </para>
391 </listitem>
392 </varlistentry>
393 <!-- ############### -->
394 <varlistentry>
395 <term><guilabel>Port</guilabel></term>
396 <listitem>
397 <para>Unless you know that the server uses non-standard
398 port, leave this field blank
399 </para>
400 </listitem>
401 </varlistentry>
402 <!-- ############### -->
403 <varlistentry>
404 <term><guilabel>User</guilabel> and <guilabel>Pass</guilabel></term>
405 <listitem>
406 <para>
407 If you have an account on the server you are connecting to
408 and want to use this account, enter your username and
409 password. If connecting to an anonymous FTP site (i.e.,
410 one that allows connection to everyone, without requiring
411 an account), leave these fields blank.
412 </para>
415 <note>
416 <title>NOTE</title>
417 <para>
418 Most anonymous FTP servers ask that you enter
419 <systemitem>anonymous</systemitem> for username and
420 your e-mail address for password. Most of them only use
421 the e-mail address for statistics. However, there is a
422 potential risk that some less scrupulous FTP sites
423 will use your e-mail to send you spam. To avoid this,
424 &gftp; uses fake addresses (that is, strings that look
425 like a valid e-mail address) as passwords.
426 </para>
427 </note>
428 </listitem>
429 </varlistentry>
430 <!-- ############### -->
431 <varlistentry>
432 <term><guilabel>Protocol</guilabel></term>
433 <listitem>
434 <para>Select the protocol to use (by default,
435 <systemitem>FTP</systemitem>). Possible protocols include
436 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP and SSH (Secure Shell, a
437 protocol for encrypted communications, described in <xref
438 linkend="gftp-ssh"/>).
439 </para>
440 <warning>
441 <title>SECURITY WARNING</title>
442 <para>
443 Using non-anonymous FTP connection is a serious
444 security risk, as your username and password are
445 transmitted unencrypted over the Internet and can be
446 easily intercepted by a third party. It is recommended
447 that you only use FTP for anonymous sites. When
448 username and password is required, use SSH instead.
449 </para>
450 </warning>
452 </listitem>
453 </varlistentry>
454 </variablelist>
455 <para>
456 After entering this information, click on
457 <guibutton>Connect</guibutton> button (see <xref
458 linkend="gftp-mainwin-fig"/>). &gftp; will try to connect to the
459 server. If successful, the files on the remote server will be
460 shown in the right file view pane. If there was an error when
461 connecting, the error message will be shown in the lower part of
462 &gftp; window.
463 </para>
464 </sect2>
466 <!-- =========== Using menu ======== -->
467 <sect2 id="gftp-connect-url">
468 <title>Connecting Using URL</title>
469 <para>
470 An equivalent way of connecting to a remote site is by
471 choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu>
472 <guimenuitem>Open URL</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (<keycombo>
473 <keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>U</keycap></keycombo>). This
474 will prompt you for a URL to connect to. The following are
475 examples of valid URL's:
476 </para>
477 <simplelist>
478 <member>
479 ftp://ftp.myhostname.com/pub (anonymous FTP connection)
480 </member>
481 <member>
482 ftp://user@ftp.myhostname.com/pub (non-anonymous FTP
483 connection with given
484 username. You
485 will be
486 prompted for a password)
487 </member>
488 <member>
489 ftp://user:pass@ftp.myhostname.com/pub (non-anonymous FTP
490 connection, with given
491 username and password)
492 </member>
493 <member>
494 ssh://user:pass@myhostname.com (SSH connection, with given
495 username and password)
496 </member>
497 </simplelist>
498 </sect2>
500 <!-- =========== Using toolbar ======== -->
501 <sect2 id="gftp-connect-bookmarks">
502 <title>Connecting Using the Bookmarks</title>
503 <para>
504 You can also use &gftp; bookmarks for connecting to frequently
505 used sites, as described in <xref
506 linkend="gftp-bookmarks"/>.
507 </para>
508 </sect2>
509 </sect1>
510 <!-- =========== Viewing and Selecting Files ========================= -->
511 <sect1 id="gftp-viewing">
512 <title>Viewing Files and Directories</title>
514 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
515 <sect2 id="gftp-file-list">
516 <title>File List Panel</title>
517 <para>
518 After connecting, the right file list panel will show the files
519 on the remote computer (see <xref
520 linkend="gftp-fileview-fig"/>. Similarly, the left file view
521 panel shows the files on the local computer.
522 </para>
523 <para>
524 At the top of file view panel there is the location field which
525 shows the path to current directory. Immediately below it, there
526 is the status line which shows remote computer name, file
527 selection filter (see below), and protocol.
528 </para>
530 </para>
531 <para>
532 You can refresh file list panel by choosing
533 <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu>
534 <guimenuitem>Refresh</guimenuitem>
535 </menuchoice>
536 </para>
537 </sect2>
539 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
540 <sect2 id="gftp-navigate">
541 <title>Navigating Directories</title>
542 <para>
543 To see the contents of a subdirectory, double-click on this
544 directory name in the file list window. To go up one level in
545 the directory tree, double-click on <filename>..</filename>
546 (usually the first item in the list). By a common Unix
547 convention, <filename>..</filename> stands for parent directory.
548 </para>
549 </sect2>
551 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
552 <sect2 id="gftp-viewing-files">
553 <title>Viewing and Editing Individual Files</title>
554 <para>To view an individual file, select this file in the file
555 view window and choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu>
556 <guimenuitem>View...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (for files on
557 the remote computer) or <menuchoice><guimenu>Local</guimenu>
558 <guimenuitem>View...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (for files on
559 the local computer). Alternatively, you can select the file,
560 then right-click on it and choose
561 <guimenuitem>View</guimenuitem> from the context menu.
562 </para>
563 <para>To edit an individual file, select this file in the file
564 view window and choose
565 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local/Remote</guimenu>
566 <guimenuitem>Edit...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Alternatively,
567 you can select the file, then right-click on it and choose
568 <guimenuitem>Edit...</guimenuitem> from the context menu.
569 </para>
571 <para>
572 Advanced users may configure which applications should be used
573 for opening files of different types by manually editing
574 &gftp; configuration file as described in <xref
575 linkend="gftp-configuring-advanced"/>.
576 </para>
577 </sect2>
579 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
580 <sect2 id="gftp-filter">
581 <title>File Filter</title>
582 <para>
583 You can configure &gftp; so that the file list window only
584 shows files matching a given pattern. To do so, choose
585 <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Change
586 Filespec...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (for files on the
587 remote computer) or <menuchoice><guimenu>Local</guimenu>
588 <guimenuitem>Change Filespec...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
589 (for files on the local computer) and enter the pattern in
590 <guilabel>Change Filespec...</guilabel> dialog. The pattern
591 may use wildcards <keycap>*</keycap> (matches any string) and
592 <keycap>?</keycap> (matches any single symbol). For example,
593 pattern <filename>*</filename>
594 matches all files, while <filename>*.tar*</filename> matches
595 all files with extension <filename>tar</filename>, possibly
596 followed by any sequence of symbols, for example
597 <filename>filename.tar.gz</filename>. Please note that
598 filenames in Unix are case-sensitive, so the pattern
599 <filename>*.jpeg</filename> will not match files with
600 extension <filename>.JPEG</filename>.
601 </para>
602 <para>
603 Once you have selected a filter, the file list window will be
604 updated to show only files matching the pattern. To remind
605 you of that, this pattern will be shown under the location
606 field.
607 </para>
608 <para>
609 To clear the filter and show all files, choose
610 <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Change
611 Filespec...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and enter
612 <filename>*</filename> as the pattern.
613 </para>
614 </sect2>
616 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
617 <sect2 id="gftp-custom-view">
618 <title>Customizing File View</title>
619 <para>
620 </para>
621 </sect2>
624 </sect1>
626 <!-- =========== Selecting and Transferring Files ========================= -->
627 <sect1 id="gftp-transfer">
628 <title>Transferring Files</title>
629 <para>
630 This section describes how one transfers files between local and
631 remote computer. It assumes that you have already established
632 the connection with the remote computer as described in <xref
633 linkend="gftp-connect"/>.
634 </para>
636 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
637 <sect2 id="gftp-transfer-single">
638 <title>Transferring a Single File</title>
639 <para>
640 To transfer a single file, double-click on the file in the
641 file list window, or drag the file from one
642 file list window to another using the mouse.
643 </para>
644 </sect2>
645 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
646 <sect2 id="gftp-transfer-multiple">
647 <title>Transferring Multiple Files</title>
648 <para>
649 To transfer multiple files in the same directory, you need to
650 select files to transfer. To do so, click on each of the files
651 and directories you want to select while holding down
652 <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>. To select a continuous block of files
653 from the list, click on the first file, then hold down
654 <keycap>Shift</keycap> key and click on the last file of the
655 block. All files between them will be selected.
656 </para>
657 <para>
658 You can also select all files and subdirectories in the
659 current directory by choosing
660 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Select
661 All</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> (respectively,
662 <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Select
663 All</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>). You can also choose
664 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Select
665 All Files</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> which selects all files
666 but not subdirectories.
667 </para>
668 <para>
669 To transfer selected files between the local and remote
670 computers, click on the appropriate
671 <guibutton>transfer</guibutton> buttons, located between the
672 file list windows. The arrow on the button shows the direction
673 of the transfer, so the top button will transfer files from
674 the local computer to the remote one, and the bottom button
675 will transfer files from the remote computer to the local
677 </para>
678 <para>
679 Once the transfer has started, its progress will be shown in
680 <guilabel>Transfer progress</guilabel> window. NEEDS WORK
681 </para>
682 </sect2>
684 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
685 <sect2 id="gftp-transfer-options">
686 <title>Transfer Options</title>
687 <para>
688 By default, &gftp; preserves file permissions and follows
689 symbolic links. It also starts transfers immediately after you
690 click on <guibutton>transfer</guibutton>` button and does one
691 transfer at a time, i.e. it only starts transferring the next
692 file after completing transfer of the previous file. These and
693 many other options can be modified as described in <xref
694 linkend="gftp-configuring"/>.
695 </para>
696 <para>
697 In addition, you can select whether the files should be
698 transferred in binary or text mode. In binary mode, the file
699 is transferred <quote>as is</quote>, without any changes. This
700 is the default mode, and in most cases, you should use it.
701 </para>
702 <para>
703 In text (ascii) mode, &gftp; will also make necessary conversion of
704 end-of-line symbol. DOS and Microsoft Windows systems use
705 different way of denoting end-of-line than Unix and Linux
706 systems, which can lead to minor inconveniences if text files
707 are transferred between Windows and Unix/Linux systems
708 <quote>as is</quote>. Therefore, when transferring text
709 files between Windows and Unix/Linux systems it is recommended
710 that you use text (ascii) mode.
711 </para>
712 <para>
713 You can switch between binary and ascii modes using
714 <guimenu>FTP</guimenu> menu.
715 </para>
716 </sect2>
720 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
721 <sect2 id="gftp-queue">
722 <title>Transfer Queue</title>
723 <para>
724 By default, &gftp; starts the
725 transfer immediately after you click on
726 <guibutton>transfer</guibutton>
727 button or double-click on a file. You can configure it
728 so that instead, it just adds the filename to the list of files
729 to be transferred but does not start the actual transfer until
730 you choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Transfers</guimenu>
731 <guimenuitem>Start transfer</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. This
732 mode is especially convenient if you need to transfer a number
733 of files in different directories.
734 </para>
735 <para>
736 To switch to this mode, open <guilabel>Options</guilabel>
737 dialog by choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>FTP</guimenu>
738 <guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem>
739 </menuchoice>(<keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
740 <keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>) and unselect <guilabel>Start
741 file transfers</guilabel> option in
742 <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab.
743 </para>
744 </sect2>
750 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
751 <sect2 id="gftp-overwrite">
752 <title>Overwriting Existing Files</title>
753 <para>
754 If some of the files being transferred already exist in the
755 target directory, &gftp; will open <guilabel>??</guilabel>
756 dialog shown in <xref linkend="gftp-overwrite-fig"/>.
757 </para>
758 <para>
759 This dialog allows you to choose for each file one of the
760 following options:
761 </para>
762 <itemizedlist>
763 <!-- ############### -->
764 <listitem>
765 <para><guilabel>Overwrite</guilabel>:
766 transfer the file overwriting the existing file.
767 </para>
768 </listitem>
769 <!-- ############### -->
770 <listitem><guilabel>Skip</guilabel>: do not transfer the file
771 <para>
772 </para>
773 </listitem>
774 <!-- ############### -->
775 <listitem>
776 <para><guilabel>Resume</guilabel>: this option should only
777 be used if the existing file in the target directory is a
778 result of interrupted file transfer. This option will resume
779 the transfer from the place it was interrupted (provided
780 that the remote computer supports this functionality; most
781 FTP servers do). This is faster than starting the transfer
782 form the beginning.
783 </para>
784 <warning>
785 <title>WARNING</title>
786 <para>
787 <guilabel>Resume</guilabel> option should only be used
788 if the file in the target directory is the result of
789 interrupted transfer. Selecting this option in any other
790 situation - for example, if the file in the target
791 directory is a complete copy of an older or newer
792 version of the file being transferred - will result in
793 corrupted file.
794 </para>
795 </warning>
796 </listitem>
797 </itemizedlist>
798 <para>
799 To choose one of these options, select the file in the
800 <guilabel></guilabel> dialog and click on the appropriate
801 button (<guibutton>Overwrite</guibutton>,
802 <guibutton>Skip</guibutton>, <guibutton>Resume</guibutton>) at
803 the bottom. After selecting the appropriate options for each
804 of the files in the dialog, click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
805 </para>
806 <para>
807 By default, &gftp; uses <guilabel>Resume</guilabel>
808 option. You can change this using <guilabel>Options</guilabel>
809 dialog, as described in <xref linkend="gftp-configuring"/>.
810 </para>
811 </sect2>
813 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
814 <sect2 id="gftp-resume">
815 <title>Resuming Interrupted Transfer</title>
816 <para>
817 If file transfer was interrupted for some reason (e.g., a
818 server overload or network or dialup problems), you do not
819 have to start the transfer again form the beginning. Instead,
820 &gftp; allows you to resume the transfer from the point where
821 it stopped. This requires that the remote computer supports
822 resume function of FTP protocol; most FTP servers do.
823 </para>
824 <para>
825 To resume transfer manually, reconnect to the same server,
826 select again the files you want to transfer and start
827 transferring them. &gftp; will recognize partially
828 downloaded file in the local directory and then ask you whether to
829 resume the download or overwrite the partially downloaded
830 file and to start all over (see <xref
831 linkend="gftp-overwrite"/>). Choose
832 <guilabel>Resume</guilabel> and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
833 </para>
834 <para>
835 You can also configure &gftp; so that if connection closes for
836 some reason during file transfer, &gftp; will try to reconnect
837 again and continue with the file transfer where it left
838 off. You can also specify how many times to reconnect and how
839 long to wait for connection. All these options can be set
840 using <guilabel>Options</guilabel> dialog described in <xref
841 linkend="gftp-configuring"/>.
842 </para>
843 <para>
844 In order to specify reasonable reconnect options you need to
845 understand some of the things that can go wrong with a
846 download.
847 </para>
848 <para>
849 The most common cause of download problems is an overloaded
850 FTP server. When a server becomes overloaded there will be
851 times when the server just can't get around to passing gFTP
852 the next block of data. In the gFTP progress window you will
853 get a message that the transfer is stalled. If the transfer
854 is stalled for over 30 seconds gFTP will time out the transfer
855 and disconnect. (Don't mess with the Read timeout Option
856 unless you know what you are doing. You can get timeouts for
857 a lot of other reasons that an overloaded server.) gFTP then
858 waits the time interval specified in Options and then
859 reconnects.
860 </para>
861 <para>
862 Some servers recognize when they are overloaded and begin
863 deliberately disconnecting clients until they get back down to
864 the maximum number of downloads that they can reasonably
865 serve. If gFTP gets disconnected it waits the time interval
866 specified in Options and then reconnects. These servers
867 sometimes remember who they have just bounced off and if you
868 try to reconnect immediately they tell gFTP to stop trying to
869 automatically reconnect. So in the Options
870 (Ftp->Options->Network->Retry sleep time) you want to wait
871 just long enough that the busy server will have forgotten you
872 and then reconnect. The gFTP default is 15 seconds.
873 </para>
874 <para>
875 The other reconnect Option that you are interested in is
876 Connect retries (Ftp->Options->Network->Connect retries).
877 Connect retries is the number of time that gFTP will reconnect
878 before giving up altogether. There two ways to approach this
879 option.
880 </para>
881 <para>
882 If gFTP has to keep reconnecting to a remote server then the
883 download can be very slow. You might want to switch another
884 remote server which is faster. If the file name on the new
885 server is exactly the same as the file name on the first
886 server then you can resume the download at whatever point you
887 got to on the first server. In this case set Connect retries
888 to 3, which is the default.
889 </para>
890 <para>
891 If you want to keep chugging away at the download until it
892 finishes, no matter what, then set Connect retries to 0.
893 (Incidentally, I once had a download shut down after 100
894 reconnects. gFTP and that remote site just weren't getting
895 along and I was in bed asleep)
896 </para>
898 </sect2>
901 </sect1>
903 <!-- =========== File operations ========================= -->
904 <sect1 id="gftp-fileops">
905 <title>Other File Operations</title>
906 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
907 <sect2 id="gftp-delete">
908 <title>Deleting, Renaming, Editing and Viewing Files</title>
909 <para>
910 To delete files or directories on local computer, select them
911 (see <xref linkend="gftp-transfer-multiple"/> for information
912 about selecting multiple files) and choose
913 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local</guimenu>
914 <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. Similarly, to
915 delete files or directories on remote computer, select themand
916 choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu>
917 <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>
918 </menuchoice>. Alternatively, after selecting the
919 files you can right-click in the corresponding file list panel
920 and choose <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> from the context
921 menu.
922 </para>
923 <para>
924 To rename, view, or edit file, select this file in the list
925 and choose corresponding command form <guimenu>Local</guimenu>
926 or <guimenu>Remote</guimenu> menu (or right-click and choose
927 the command from the context menu). You can only rename, view,
928 or edit a single file; if you have selected more than ne file,
929 &gftp; will give an error message.
930 </para>
931 <para>
932 &gftp; will use the programs specified in
933 <guilabel>Options</guilabel> dialog (see <xref
934 linkend="gftp-configuring"/>) for viewing and editing
935 files. It is also possible to configure &gftp; to use
936 different programs for different file types by manually
937 editing configuration file (see <xref
938 linkend="gftp-configuring-advanced"/>).
939 </para>
940 </sect2>
941 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
942 <sect2 id="gftp-chmod">
943 <title>Changing File Permissions</title>
944 <para> To change
945 permissions of a file or directory, select it and choose
946 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local/Remote</guimenu>
947 <guimenuitem>Chmod...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> or right-click
948 and choose <guimenuitem>Chmod...</guimenuitem> from the context
949 menu. You can only change permisions of one file at a time.
950 </para>
951 <para>
952 As usual, you can set three types of permissions: read, write,
953 and execute, independently for file owner, group of users
954 owning the file, and everyone else. If you are not fmailair
955 with Unix notion of file permission, read info page for GNU
956 <application>fileutils</application> package (if you are using
957 Linux), or any introductory book or document on Unix, such as
958 <citetitle>If you are new to Linux/UNIX</citetitle>, included
959 in GNOME desktop environment.
960 </para>
961 </sect2>
962 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
963 <sect2 id="gftp-makedir">
964 <title>Creating Directories</title>
965 <para> To create a
966 subdirectory in the current directory, choose
967 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local/Remote</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Make
968 Directory...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> or right-click and
969 choose <guimenuitem>Make Directory...</guimenuitem> from the
970 context menu. &gftp; will prompt you for directory name.
971 </para>
972 </sect2>
973 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
974 <sect2 id="gftp-compare">
975 <title>Comparing Directories</title>
976 <para>
977 &gftp; allows you to compare the directories on local and
978 remote computer, showing the files that are different in
979 them. This feature is very convenient for synchronizing you
980 local directory with the remotre one, as it shows the files
981 that were added or updated since your last synchronization. To
982 compare current directories on local and remote computer,
983 choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
984 <guimenuitem>Compare
985 windows</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. &gftp; will show and
986 select in each window the files that are different from the
987 files in the other window. That is, it will select all files
988 that are not present in directory but not the other and those
989 files that are present in both directories but have differnt
990 sizes or modification dates.
991 </para>
992 <tip>
993 <title>TIP</title>
994 <para>
995 If you maintain on your local computer a copy of a directory
996 on the remote computer, you can easily update your local
997 directory as follows. First, choose
998 <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Compare
999 windows</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (this will select in the
1000 remote directory all files that were added or changed since
1001 your last update). Next, click on lower
1002 <guibutton>transfer</guibutton> button (the one that
1003 transfers from remote computer to local one). This will
1004 automatically transfer all selected files from the remote
1005 computer to the local computer. For the files that were
1006 changed, &gftp; will ask you whether it should overwrite
1007 existing files in local directory or resume transfer (see
1008 <xref linkend="gftp-overwrite"/>). Select
1009 <guilabel>Overwrite</guilabel> and click
1010 <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
1011 </para>
1012 </tip>
1013 </sect2>
1017 </sect1>
1018 <!-- =========== Bookmaks ========================= -->
1019 <sect1 id="gftp-bookmarks">
1020 <title>Bookmarks</title>
1021 <para>
1022 &gftp; allows you to create bookmarks for quick access to
1023 frequently used sites. Each bookmark contains the
1024 information about a connection:
1025 </para>
1026 <itemizedlist>
1027 <listitem>
1028 <para>
1029 Host name, port, username and password (for non-anonymous
1030 connection)
1031 </para>
1032 <warning id="gftp-security-warning">
1033 <para>
1034 Storing your username and password in bookmarks is a
1035 potential security risk! &gftp; stores this information
1036 unencrypted in the configuration file. Thus, anyone who
1037 has access to your account (including any hacker who
1038 managed to break into your account) will be able to read
1039 these usernames and passwords.
1040 </para>
1041 </warning>
1042 </listitem>
1043 <listitem>
1044 <para>
1045 Protocol (FTP, HTTP, SSH)
1046 </para>
1047 </listitem>
1048 <listitem>
1049 <para>
1050 Directories on the local and remote systems
1051 </para>
1052 </listitem>
1053 </itemizedlist>
1054 <para>
1055 To use one of bookmarked connections, choose the connection name
1056 from <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> menu.
1057 </para>
1059 <para>
1060 To add current connection to the list of bookmarks, choose
1061 <menuchoice> <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Add
1062 Bookmark</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>
1063 (<keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap> <keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>).
1064 </para>
1065 <para> To delete, rename, or edit a bookmark, choose
1066 <menuchoice> <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Edit
1067 Bookmarks</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. This will open
1068 <guilabel>Edit Bookmarks</guilabel> dialog described below.
1069 </para>
1070 <sect2 id="gftp-edit-bookmarks">
1071 <title>Edit Bookmarks Dialog</title>
1072 <para>
1073 This dialog allows you to create, delete, edit, and rename
1075 </para>
1076 <para>
1077 To delete a bookmark, click on it to select, then right-click
1078 and choose <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> from the context
1079 menu.
1080 </para>
1081 <para>
1082 To create a new bookmark, right-click in the list of bookmarks
1083 and choose <guimenuitem>New Item</guimenuitem> from the context
1084 menu. &gftp; will prompt you for the bookmark name. After
1085 creating the bookmark, you should edit it as described below
1086 to enter the required information.
1087 </para>
1088 <para>
1089 To edit a bookmark, double-click on it. You can also click on
1090 it to select, then right-click and choose
1091 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> from the context
1092 menu. This will open <guilabel>Edit Entry</guilabel>
1093 dialog. In this dialog, you can enter bookmark name and
1094 connection information: hostname, port, protocol, directories
1095 on local and remote computer. If using anonymous connection,
1096 select <guilabel>Log in as ANONYMOUS</guilabel>. Otherwise,
1097 unselect this option and enter your username and
1098 password (see <xref linkend="gftp-connect"/>). In addition, for SSH
1099 connections you can also enter path to <command>sftp</command>
1100 command (see <xref linkend="gftp-ssh"/>). If unsure, leave
1101 this field blank.
1102 </para>
1103 </sect2>
1104 </sect1>
1106 <!-- =========== Using SSH Protocol ========================= -->
1107 <sect1 id="gftp-ssh">
1108 <title>Using SSH Protocol</title>
1109 <para>
1110 This section contains some information about SSH (Secure Shell_
1111 protocol. Normally, you do not need to read this section to use
1112 &gftp;. However, if you have problems with configuring or
1113 troubleshooting SSH connection, you will find here information
1114 you need to fix it.
1115 </para>
1116 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
1117 <sect2 id="gftp-ssh-whatis">
1118 <title>What Is SSH?</title>
1119 <para>
1120 SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol for connecting to a remote
1121 computer encrypting all communications (including username
1122 and password). It was originally designed as a secure
1123 replacement for <application>telnet</application>
1124 command. Later versions of SSH also allow file transfers
1125 over the SSH connection.
1126 </para>
1127 <para>
1128 As with all communications programs, to connect to a remote
1129 computer using SSH it is necessary to have communication
1130 programs supporting SSH protocol both on your local computer
1131 (ssh client) and on the remote one (ssh ser`ver). There are
1132 many applications supporting this protocol; the most popular
1133 ones for Linux include SSH and OpenSSH.
1134 </para>
1135 </sect2>
1137 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
1138 <sect2 id="gftp-ssh-versions">
1139 <title>What Is the Difference Between SSH And SSH2?</title>
1140 <para>
1141 There are two versions of SSH protocol, SSH1 and SSH2. SSH1
1142 is outdated, so you should use SSH2 whenever possible. If
1143 you select SSH as the protocol, then &gftp; (and most other
1144 SSH applications) will try to use SSH2; if it is not
1145 available, then it will try SSH1. If you select SSH2, then
1146 &gftp; will only try to use SSH2 and produce an error
1147 message if SSH2 is not available.
1148 </para>
1149 </sect2>
1151 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
1152 <sect2 id="gftp-ssh-transfer">
1153 <title>File Transfer Over SSH</title>
1154 <para>
1155 SSH1 had no built-in mechanism for transferring
1156 files. However, there is an add-on program, called
1157 <application>sftp</application>, which allows transferring
1158 files over SSH1 connection. this program is available from
1159 <ulink type="http"
1160 url="http://www.xbill.org/sftp">http://www.xbill.org/sftp</ulink>.
1161 To transfer files over SSH1 connection, this program must be
1162 installed on the <emphasis>remote</emphasis>
1163 computer. &gftp; requires version 0.7 or later of
1164 <application>sftp</application>.
1165 </para>
1166 <para>
1167 SSH2 has built-in means of transferring files (so-called
1168 <quote>sftp subsystem</quote>). So if you are using SSH2,
1169 there is no need to install any additional programs.
1170 </para>
1171 <para>
1172 There are two options for transferring files using SSH2
1173 protocol:
1174 </para>
1175 <variablelist>
1176 <!-- ######### -->
1177 <varlistentry>
1178 <term>Using <quote>sftp subsystem</quote></term>
1179 <listitem>
1180 <para>
1181 This is <quote>the right way</quote> to transfer
1182 files. The downside of this method is that it is not
1183 enough to enter the password in
1184 <guilabel>Pass</guilabel> field;
1185 <application>ssh</application> will ask you for the
1186 password independently. It also requires that you have
1187 utility <application>ssh-askpass</application>, used by
1188 <application>ssh</application> for asking hte password,
1189 installed on your system. You can test whether this
1190 utility is installed by entering command
1191 <command>ssh-askpass</command> on the command line. If
1192 you get an error message, it means that
1193 <application>ssh-askpass</application> is not installed.
1194 If you are using OpenSSH, you should install one of the
1195 packages <application>openssh-askpass</application> or
1196 <application>openssh-askpass-gnome</application>.
1197 </para>
1198 <para>To use this method, open
1199 <link
1200 linkend="gftp-configuring"><guilabel>Options</guilabel>
1201 dialog</link> and make sure that in the
1202 <guilabel>SSH</guilabel> tab the option <guilabel>Use SSH2
1203 sftp subsys</guilabel> is selected. In most cases, you
1204 will also need to select <guilabel>Need SSH
1205 User/Pass</guilabel> and <guilabel>Use ssh-askpass
1206 util</guilabel>. FIXME: I do not quite understand what
1207 these options do. In my experiments, I was able to connect
1208 to SSH2 server (requiring password) whether or not these
1209 options were selected.
1210 </para>
1211 </listitem>
1212 </varlistentry>
1213 <!-- ######### -->
1214 <varlistentry>
1215 <term>Calling sftp-exec directly</term>
1216 <listitem>
1217 <para> Using this method, &gftp; calls the
1218 <application>sftp-exec</application> directly rather
1219 than through <application>ssh</application>
1220 command. This method does not require
1221 <application>ssh-askpass</application> utility; all you
1222 need is to enter the password in
1223 <guilabel>Pass</guilabel> field. However,
1224 it requires that the the executable file
1225 <application>sftp-exec</application> on remote computer
1226 be in PATH, i.e. in one of the standard locations where
1227 the system looks for executables. If it is not in PATH,
1228 you will need to explicitly specify its location in
1229 <guilabel>SSH</guilabel> tab of <link
1230 linkend="gftp-configuring"><guilabel>Options</guilabel>
1231 dialog</link>.
1232 </para>
1233 <para>
1234 To check whether <application>sftp-exec</application> is
1235 in PATH on the remote computer, connect to remote
1236 computer via ssh as described in <xref
1237 linkend="gftp-ssh-test"/> and enter comamnd
1238 <command>sft-exec</command> on remote computer. If you
1239 get an error message, this means that
1240 <application>sftp-exec</application> is not in PATH. In
1241 this case, you should ask the system administartor of
1242 the remote computer for help. You can also try one of
1243 standard locations (e.g., for OpenSSH server as packaged
1244 for Red Hat Linux, <application>sftp-exec</application>
1245 is in <filename>/usr/libexec/openssh</filename>).
1246 </para>
1247 <para>
1248 To use this method, open
1249 <link
1250 linkend="gftp-configuring"><guilabel>Options</guilabel>
1251 dialog</link> and make sure that in the
1252 <guilabel>SSH</guilabel> tab the option <guilabel>Use SSH2
1253 sftp subsys</guilabel> is unselected. If
1254 <application>sftp-exec</application> is not in PATH, you
1255 will also need to enter its location in <guilabel>SSH2
1256 sftp-server path</guilabel>.
1257 </para>
1258 </listitem>
1259 </varlistentry>
1260 </variablelist>
1261 </sect2>
1264 <!-- =========== Sect 2 ======== -->
1265 <sect2 id="gftp-ssh-test">
1266 <title>Testing SSH Connection</title>
1267 <para>
1268 If you have problems transferring files using SSH, you can
1269 test your SSH connection. To do so, open a terminal window
1270 and type <command>ssh
1271 <replaceable>username@hostname.domain</replaceable></command>.
1272 If you get no reply, it can mean that something is wrong
1273 with your internet connection, or that the remote computer
1274 is down, or that the remote computer is configured not to
1275 allow connections from your computer.
1276 </para>
1277 <para>
1278 If you are connecting to the remote computer for the first
1279 time, you should see a message like this:
1280 </para>
1281 <screen>
1282 The authenticity of host 'hostname (###.###.###.###)' can't be established.
1283 RSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
1284 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
1285 </screen>
1286 <para>
1287 This is normal; unless you are paranoid about security or
1288 have reasons to expect foul play (in which case you should
1289 consult an expert), answer <userinput>yes</userinput>. You
1290 only need to do it once; this message should not appear for
1291 the subsequent connections to the same computer.
1292 </para>
1293 <para>
1294 After this, remote computer should ask you for the
1295 password. After confirming the password, you should be
1296 logged to the remote computer.
1297 </para>
1298 </sect2>
1299 </sect1>
1303 <!-- =========== Configuring &gftp; ========================= -->
1304 <sect1 id="gftp-configuring">
1305 <title>Configuring &gftp;</title>
1306 <para>
1307 To configure &gftp; choose <menuchoice><guimenu>FTP</guimenu>
1308 <guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>
1309 (<keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
1310 <keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>). This will open
1311 <guilabel>Options</guilabel> dialog, shown in <xref
1312 linkend="gftp-options-fig"/>. This dialog contains several
1313 tabs described in detail below. After making your selections
1314 in these tabs, click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save the
1315 changes and close the dialog. You can also click
1316 <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> to save the changes without
1317 closing the dialog, or <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to close
1318 the dialog discarding the changes.
1319 </para>
1321 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1322 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-general">
1323 <title>General Configuration Tab</title>
1324 <para>
1325 This tab contains most general &gftp; options which are common
1326 for all protocols (FTP, HTTP, SSH).
1327 </para>
1328 <variablelist>
1329 <!-- ######### -->
1330 <varlistentry>
1331 <term><guilabel>Email address</guilabel></term>
1332 <listitem>
1333 <para>
1335 </para>
1336 </listitem>
1337 </varlistentry>
1338 <!-- ######### -->
1339 <varlistentry>
1340 <term><guilabel>View Program</guilabel></term>
1341 <listitem>
1342 <para>
1343 The default command to use for viewing files (when you
1344 select <menuchoice><guimenu>Local/Remote</guimenu>
1345 <guimenuitem>View</guimenuitem></menuchoice>). If this
1346 field is left blank, &gftp; will use built-in text viewer.
1347 </para>
1348 <para>
1349 You can specify different view programs for different
1350 file types as described in <xref
1351 linkend="gftp-configuring-advanced"/>.
1352 </para>
1353 </listitem>
1354 </varlistentry>
1355 <!-- ######### -->
1356 <varlistentry>
1357 <term><guilabel>Edit Program</guilabel></term>
1358 <listitem>
1359 <para>The default command to use for editing files (when you
1360 select <menuchoice><guimenu>Local/Remote</guimenu>
1361 <guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem></menuchoice>)
1362 </para>
1363 <para>
1364 You can specify different edit programs for different
1365 file types as described in <xref
1366 linkend="gftp-configuring-advanced"/>.
1367 </para>
1369 </listitem>
1370 </varlistentry>
1371 <!-- ######### -->
1372 <varlistentry>
1373 <term><guilabel>Startup Directory</guilabel></term>
1374 <listitem>
1375 <para>
1376 The directory on local computer to show in the file list
1377 when starting &gftp;.
1378 </para>
1379 </listitem>
1380 </varlistentry>
1381 <!-- ######### -->
1382 <varlistentry>
1383 <term><guilabel>Log File</guilabel></term>
1384 <listitem>
1385 <para>In this field, you can enter the location of the log
1386 file (see <xref linkend="gftp-logging"/>. Default location
1387 is <filename>~/.gftp/gftp.log</filename>, where
1388 <filename>~</filename> is your home directory.
1389 </para>
1390 </listitem>
1391 ` </varlistentry>
1392 <!-- ######### -->
1393 <varlistentry>
1394 <term><guilabel>Max Log Window Size</guilabel></term>
1395 <listitem>
1396 <para>This is the number of lines you can scroll back in
1397 the <guilabel>Log Window</guilabel>.
1398 </para>
1399 </listitem>
1400 </varlistentry>
1401 <!-- ######### -->
1402 <varlistentry>
1403 <term><guilabel>Append File Transfers</guilabel></term>
1404 <listitem>
1405 <para>
1406 </para>
1407 </listitem>
1408 </varlistentry>
1409 <!-- ######### -->
1410 <varlistentry>
1411 <term><guilabel>Confirm Delete</guilabel></term>
1412 <listitem>
1413 <para>If this option is selected, &gftp; will ask for
1414 confirmation before deleting files or directories.
1415 </para>
1416 </listitem>
1417 </varlistentry>
1418 <!-- ######### -->
1419 <varlistentry>
1420 <term><guilabel>Overwrite by Default</guilabel></term>
1421 <listitem>
1422 <para>
1423 This option controls behavior of &gftp; if the file
1424 being transferred is already present in the target
1425 directory. As described in <xref
1426 linkend="gftp-overwrite"/>, in such situation &gftp;
1427 prompts you to select one of three possible actions:
1428 <guilabel>Overwrite</guilabel>,
1429 <guilabel>Resume</guilabel>,
1430 <guilabel>Skip</guilabel>. If this option is selected,
1431 then the default action suggested by &gftp; will be
1432 <guilabel>Overwrite</guilabel>. Otherwise, the default
1433 action will be <guilabel>Resume</guilabel>.
1434 </para>
1435 </listitem>
1436 </varlistentry>
1437 <!-- ######### -->
1438 <varlistentry>
1439 <term><guilabel>Preserve permissions</guilabel></term>
1440 <listitem>
1441 <para>
1442 If this option is selected, transferred files will have
1443 the same permissions as the original files. This is the
1444 default behavior. Otherwise, transferred files will have
1445 the default permissions for newly created files.
1446 </para>
1447 </listitem>
1448 </varlistentry>
1449 <!-- ######### -->
1450 <varlistentry>
1451 <term><guilabel>Resolve Remote Symlinks</guilabel></term>
1452 <listitem>
1453 <para>
1455 </para>
1456 </listitem>
1457 </varlistentry>
1458 <!-- ######### -->
1459 <varlistentry>
1460 <term><guilabel>Show hidden files</guilabel></term>
1461 <listitem>
1462 <para>
1463 if this option is selected, &gftp; will show files and
1464 directories with names starting with a dot
1465 (<keycap>.</keycap>). By a common Unix/Linux
1466 conventions, such files are used for system data and
1467 applications' settings. Such files rarely contain user
1468 data.
1469 </para>
1470 </listitem>
1471 </varlistentry>
1472 <!-- ######### -->
1473 <varlistentry>
1474 <term><guilabel>Start file transfers</guilabel></term>
1475 <listitem>
1476 <para>
1477 If this option is selected, &gftp; will start
1478 transferring files as soon as you click on
1479 <guibutton>File transfer</guibutton> button or
1480 double-clicked on the file. This is the default
1481 behavior. If this option is unselected, &gftp; will just
1482 add the names of files to be transferred to the
1483 queue. It will only
1484 start the actual transfer when you choose
1485 <menuchoice><guimenu>Transfers</guimenu>
1486 <guimenuitem>Start Transfer</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
1487 </para>
1488 </listitem>
1489 </varlistentry>
1490 <!-- ######### -->
1491 <varlistentry>
1492 <term><guilabel>Bring up reconnect dialog</guilabel></term>
1493 <listitem>
1494 <para>
1495 </para>
1496 </listitem>
1497 </varlistentry>
1498 <!-- ######### -->
1499 <varlistentry>
1500 <term><guilabel>Do one transfer at a time</guilabel></term>
1501 <listitem>
1502 <para>
1503 If this option is selected (default), &gftp; will do file
1504 transfers consecutively, i.e. it will only start
1505 transferring the next file after the transfer of the
1506 previous file has completed. If this option is not
1507 selected, &gftp; will transfer files simultaneously,
1508 opening as many connections to the remote computer as
1509 necessary.
1510 </para>
1511 </listitem>
1512 </varlistentry>
1513 <!-- ######### -->
1514 <varlistentry>
1515 <term><guilabel>Passive file transfers</guilabel></term>
1516 <listitem>
1517 <para>
1518 If this option is selected (default), &gftp; will use
1519 <quote>passive</quote> file transfer; otherwise, it will
1520 use active file transfer. For most users, all you need
1521 to know about the difference between these two modes is
1522 that many firewalls will not let you download a file
1523 using active file transfer. Thus, if you are behind a
1524 firewall, you should use passive file transfer. On the
1525 other hand, not all FTP servers support passive file
1526 transfer. Thus, if you get error message when
1527 transferring files, try unselecting this option.
1528 </para>
1529 </listitem>
1530 </varlistentry>
1531 <!-- ######### -->
1532 <varlistentry>
1533 <term><guilabel>Refresh after each file transfer</guilabel></term>
1534 <listitem>
1535 <para>
1536 If this option is selected, &gftp; will refresh file
1537 list after each file transfer. Otherwise, &gftp; will
1538 only refresh file list when you choose
1539 <menuchoice><guimenu>Local</guimenu>
1540 <guimenutiem>Refresh</guimenutiem> </menuchoice> (or
1541 <menuchoice><guimenu>Remote</guimenu>
1542 <guimenutiem>Refresh</guimenutiem> </menuchoice>).
1543 </para>
1544 </listitem>
1545 </varlistentry>
1546 <!-- ######### -->
1547 <varlistentry>
1548 <term><guilabel>Save geometry</guilabel></term>
1549 <listitem>
1550 <para>
1551 If this option is selected, &gftp; will remember window
1552 size and position on the screen and will use same size
1553 and position when started next time.
1554 </para>
1555 </listitem>
1556 </varlistentry>
1557 <!-- ######### -->
1558 <varlistentry>
1559 <term><guilabel>Sort directories first</guilabel></term>
1560 <listitem>
1561 <para>
1562 If this option is selected, file list always shows
1563 directories before files. Otherwise, both directories
1564 and files will be sorted according to the order you have
1565 chosen (see <xref linkend="gftp-file-sort"/>).
1566 </para>
1567 </listitem>
1568 </varlistentry>
1569 <!-- ######### -->
1570 <varlistentry>
1571 <term><guilabel>Use cache</guilabel></term>
1572 <listitem>
1573 <para>
1574 </para>
1575 </listitem>
1576 </varlistentry>
1577 </variablelist>
1578 </sect2>
1580 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1581 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-network">
1582 <title>Network Configuration Tab</title>
1583 <para>
1585 </para>
1586 </sect2>
1588 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1589 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-ftp">
1590 <title>FTP Configuration Tab</title>
1591 <para>
1593 </para>
1594 </sect2>
1596 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1597 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-http">
1598 <title>HTTP Configuration Tab</title>
1599 <para>
1601 </para>
1602 </sect2>
1604 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1605 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-ssh">
1606 <title>SSH Configuration Tab</title>
1607 <para>
1609 </para>
1610 </sect2>
1612 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1613 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-local">
1614 <title>Local Hosts Configuration Tab</title>
1615 <para>
1617 </para>
1618 </sect2>
1620 <!-- ####### Sect2 ######### -->
1621 <sect2 id="gftp-configuring-advanced">
1622 <title>Advanced Configuration Options</title>
1623 <para>
1624 Advanced users can also configure &gftp; by manually editing
1625 the configuration file. This file is located at
1626 <filename>~/.gftp/gftprc</filename> (where
1627 <filename>~</filename> is your home directory). This file
1628 stores all the configuration options for &gftp;, including
1629 those that can be configured in <guilabel>Options</guilabel>
1630 dialog.
1631 </para>
1632 <para>
1633 In addition, there are some options that can only be
1634 configured by manually editing the configuration file. Most
1635 importantly, you can configure how &gftp; should treat files
1636 of different types. More precisely, for every mime type, you
1637 can select:
1638 </para>
1639 <itemizedlist>
1640 <listitem>
1641 <para>
1642 The icon to be used in file list window
1643 </para>
1644 </listitem>
1645 <listitem>
1646 <para>
1647 Default transfer type (binary or ascii)
1648 </para>
1649 </listitem>
1650 <listitem>
1651 <para>
1652 Default view/edit program
1653 </para>
1654 </listitem>
1655 </itemizedlist>
1656 <para>
1657 Each mime type is described by a line in the configuration
1658 file which looks like this:
1659 <programlisting>
1660 ext=.xcf:gimp.xpm:B:gimp
1661 </programlisting>
1663 The first token, <literal>.xcf</literal>, is the file
1664 extension (&gftp; uses file extensions to identify mime
1665 types). The next token, <literal>gimp.xpm</literal>, is the
1666 default icon to use in the file list windows. You don't have to
1667 specify one if you don't have to. By default, &gftp; will
1668 search <filename>~/.gftp</filename>,
1669 <filename>$(PREFIX)/share/gftp</filename> (where
1670 <filename>PREFIX</filename> is your installation prefix), and
1671 then <filename>/usr/share/icons</filename> in that order. The
1672 files have to be a valid <filename>xpm</filename> file. The
1673 next token, <literal>B</literal>, specifies whether &gftp;
1674 should use binary (B) or ascii (A) mode for transferring files
1675 of this type.If you omit this field, then &gftp; will download
1676 the file according to whether ascii or binary is selected in
1677 the <guimenu>FTP</guimenu> menu. The final token,
1678 <literal>gimp</literal>, specifies the name of the program to
1679 run to view or edit a file with that extension. You can omit
1680 this as well if you like.
1681 </para>
1682 </sect2>
1683 </sect1>
1684 <!-- =========== Troubleshooting ========================= -->
1685 <sect1 id="gftp-faq">
1686 <title>Frequently Asked Questions</title>
1687 <para>
1688 </para>
1690 </sect1>
1692 <!-- ============= About ================================== -->
1693 <sect1 id="gftp-about">
1694 <title>About &gftp;</title>
1696 <para> &gftp; was written by Brian Masney
1697 (<email>masneyb@seul.org</email>). To find more information
1698 about &gftp;, please visit the <ulink
1699 url="http://gftp.seul.org/" type="http">gFTP
1700 Web page</ulink>.
1701 </para>
1702 <para>
1703 This manual was written by Alexander Kirillov
1704 (<email>kirillov@math.sunysb.edu</email>), using previous
1705 documentation written by Brian Masney
1706 (<email>masneyb@seul.org</email> and ??.
1707 </para>
1709 <para> This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
1710 General Public license as published by the Free Software
1711 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
1712 any later version. A copy of this license can be found at this
1713 <ulink url="ghelp:gpl" type="help">link</ulink>, or in the file
1714 COPYING included with the source code of this program. </para>
1716 </sect1>
1717 </article>