changeset 422:701cc7f8aee3

Initial guidelines for translation
author Igor TAmara <>
date Fri, 17 Oct 2008 04:21:35 -0500
parents 1d277d6aa187
children 1afa6cce993d
files es/00book.tex es/Leame.1st es/Makefile
diffstat 3 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/es/00book.tex	Fri Oct 17 04:21:35 2008 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+% The use of oneside here is a temporary hack; \marginpar entries
+% don't show up on odd pages of PDF output without it.  Sigh.
+\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %accents in spanish
+% leave hyperref until last
+  revision control with Mercurial},pdfsubject={Revision
+  control},pdfkeywords={Mercurial, Revision control, Distributed
+  revision control},pdfauthor={Bryan O'Sullivan}]{hyperref}
+\title{Control de Revisiones Distribuido con Mercurial} \author{Bryan
+  O'Sullivan}
+\date{Copyright \copyright\ 2006, 2007 Bryan O'Sullivan.\\
+  Este material puede distribuirse únicamente bajo los términos y
+  condiciones establecidos en la versión 1.0 de la Licencia de Publicación
+  Abierta(OPL) Refiérase por favor al apéndice~\ref{cha:opl} en busca del
+  texto de la licencia.\\
+  Este libro fue preparado desde
+  \href{}{rev~\input{build_id}}
+  haciendo uso de Mercurial \href{}{rev~\input{hg_id}}.}
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/es/Leame.1st	Fri Oct 17 04:21:35 2008 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+= Organización del Trabajo. =
+ * Se mantienen los nombres de los archivos
+ * Se traduce solamente el contenido
+ * Copie los archivos de en a es y tradúzcalos
+ * Las gráficas son tan importantes como los archivos
+ de texto, si lo desea, comience por las gráficas,
+ especialmente los .dot resultan sencillos para traducir.
+= Traducción/Revisión =
+En esta sección indicamos quienes están traduciendo
+y quienes revisando lo traducido. Coloque su nombre 
+para que los demás colaboradores sepan en dónde 
+enfocar sus esfuerzos.
+= Traductores =
+ * Igor Támara <>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/es/Makefile	Fri Oct 17 04:21:35 2008 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# This makefile requires GNU make.
+sources := \
+	00book.tex \
+	99book.bib \
+	99defs.tex \
+	build_id.tex \
+	branch.tex \
+	cmdref.tex \
+	collab.tex \
+	concepts.tex \
+	daily.tex \
+	filenames.tex \
+	hg_id.tex \
+	hgext.tex \
+	hook.tex \
+	intro.tex \
+	mq.tex \
+	mq-collab.tex \
+	mq-ref.tex \
+	preface.tex \
+	srcinstall.tex \
+	template.tex \
+	tour-basic.tex \
+	tour-merge.tex \
+	undo.tex
+image-sources := \
+ \
+	filelog.svg \
+	kdiff3.png \
+	metadata.svg \
+	mq-stack.svg \
+	note.png \
+	revlog.svg \
+	snapshot.svg \
+	tour-history.svg \
+	tour-merge-conflict.svg \
+	tour-merge-merge.svg \
+	tour-merge-pull.svg \
+	tour-merge-sep-repos.svg \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	wdir.svg \
+	wdir-after-commit.svg \
+	wdir-branch.svg \
+	wdir-merge.svg \
+	wdir-pre-branch.svg
+image-dot := $(filter,$(image-sources))
+image-svg := $(filter %.svg,$(image-sources))
+image-png := $(filter %.png,$(image-sources))
+image-pdf := $( $(image-svg:%.svg=%.pdf) $(image-png)
+image-html := $( $(image-svg:%.svg=%.png) $(image-png)
+example-sources := \
+	backout \
+	bisect \
+	branching \
+	branch-named \
+	branch-repo \
+	cmdref \
+	daily.copy \
+	daily.files \
+	daily.rename \
+	daily.revert \
+	extdiff \
+	filenames \
+	hook.msglen \
+	hook.simple \
+ \
+	issue29 \
+	mq.guards \
+	mq.qinit-help \
+	mq.dodiff \
+ \
+	mq.tarball \
+ \
+	mq.tutorial \
+	rename.divergent \
+	rollback \
+	tag \
+	template.simple \
+	template.svnstyle \
+	tour \
+	tour-merge-conflict
+example-prereqs := \
+	/usr/bin/merge
+dist-sources := \
+	../html/hgicon.png \
+	../html/index.html.var \
+	../html/index.en.html
+latex-options = \
+	-interaction batchmode \
+	-output-directory $(dir $(1)) \
+	-jobname $(basename $(notdir $(1)))
+hg = $(shell which hg)
+hg-id = $(shell hg parents --template '{node|short}, dated {date|isodate},\n')
+hg-version = $(shell hg version -q | \
+		     sed 's,.*(version \(unknown\|[a-f0-9+]*\)),\1,')
+all: pdf html
+pdf: pdf/hgbook.pdf
+define pdf
+	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $<): pdflatex $(call latex-options,$@) $< || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
+	cp 99book.bib $(dir $@)
+	cd $(dir $@) && bibtex $(basename $(notdir $@))
+	cd $(dir $@) && makeindex $(basename $(notdir $@))
+	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $<): pdflatex $(call latex-options,$@) $< || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
+	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $<): pdflatex $(call latex-options,$@) $< || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
+	if grep 'Reference.*undefined' $(@:.pdf=.log); then exit 1; fi
+pdf/hgbook.pdf: $(sources) examples $(image-pdf)
+	$(call pdf)
+html: onepage split
+onepage: $(htlatex) html/onepage/hgbook.html html/onepage/hgbook.css $(image-html:%=html/onepage/%)
+html/onepage/%: %
+	cp $< $@
+split: $(htlatex) html/split/hgbook.html html/split/hgbook.css $(image-html:%=html/split/%)
+html/split/%: %
+	cp $< $@
+# This is a horrible hack to work around the fact that the htlatex
+# command in tex4ht is itself a horrible hack.  I really don't want to
+# include verbatim the big wad of TeX that is repeated in that script,
+# but I've given up and run a hacked copy as here.
+define htlatex
+	mkdir -p $(dir $(1))
+	cp 99book.bib $(dir $(1))
+	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $(2)): ./ $(2) "bookhtml,html4-uni,$(3)" " -cunihtf -utf8" "$(dir $(1))" "$(call latex-options,$(1))" || (rm -f $(1); exit 1)
+	cd $(dir $(1)) && tex4ht -f/$(basename $(notdir $(1))) -cvalidate -cunihtf
+	cd $(dir $(1)) && t4ht -f/$(basename $(notdir $(1)))
+	./ $(dir $(1))/*.html
+	rm $(dir $(1))/hgbook.css
+html/onepage/hgbook.html: $(sources) examples $(image-html) bookhtml.cfg
+	$(call htlatex,$@,$<)
+html/split/hgbook.html: $(sources) examples bookhtml.cfg
+	$(call htlatex,$@,$<,2)
+# Produce 90dpi PNGs for the web.
+%.png: %.svg fixsvg
+	./fixsvg $<
+	inkscape -D -e $@ $<-tmp.svg
+	rm $<-tmp.svg
+	dot -Tsvg -o $@ $<
+# Produce eps & pdf for the pdf
+%.pdf: %.eps
+	epstopdf $<
+%.eps: %.svg
+	./fixsvg $<
+	inkscape -E $@ $<-tmp.svg
+	rm $<-tmp.svg
+	dot -Tps -o $@ $<
+examples: $(example-prereqs) examples/.run
+examples/.run: $(example-sources:%=examples/
+	touch examples/.run
+examples/ examples/% examples/run-example
+	cd examples && ./run-example $(notdir $<)
+changelog := $(wildcard ../.hg/store/00changelog.[id])
+ifeq ($(changelog),)
+changelog := $(wildcard ../.hg/00changelog.[id])
+build_id.tex: $(changelog)
+	echo -n '$(hg-id)' > build_id.tex
+hg_id.tex: $(hg)
+	echo -n '$(hg-version)' > hg_id.tex
+	rm -rf dist html pdf \
+		$( \
+		$( \
+		$(image-svg:%.svg=%.pdf) \
+		$(image-svg:%.svg=%.png) \
+		examples/*.{lxo,run} examples/.run build_id.tex hg_id.tex
+install: pdf split $(dist-sources)
+	rm -rf dist
+	mkdir -p dist
+	cp pdf/hgbook.pdf dist
+	cp html/split/*.{css,html,png} dist
+	cp $(dist-sources) dist
+rsync: install
+	rsync -avz --delete dist