view x86/vp56dsp.asm @ 12530:63edd10ad4bc libavcodec tip

Try to fix crashes introduced by r25218 r25218 made assumptions about the existence of past reference frames that weren't necessarily true.
author darkshikari
date Tue, 28 Sep 2010 09:06:22 +0000
parents 417532548504
line wrap: on
line source

;* MMX/SSE2-optimized functions for the VP6 decoder
;* Copyright (C) 2009  Sebastien Lucas <>
;* Copyright (C) 2009  Zuxy Meng <>
;* This file is part of FFmpeg.
;* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;* Lesser General Public License for more details.
;* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
;* 51, Inc., Foundation Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

%include "x86inc.asm"
%include "x86util.asm"

cextern pw_64


%macro DIAG4_MMX 6
    movq          m0, [%1+%2]
    movq          m1, [%1+%3]
    movq          m3, m0
    movq          m4, m1
    punpcklbw     m0, m7
    punpcklbw     m1, m7
    punpckhbw     m3, m7
    punpckhbw     m4, m7
    pmullw        m0, [rsp+8*11] ; src[x-8 ] * biweight [0]
    pmullw        m1, [rsp+8*12] ; src[x   ] * biweight [1]
    pmullw        m3, [rsp+8*11] ; src[x-8 ] * biweight [0]
    pmullw        m4, [rsp+8*12] ; src[x   ] * biweight [1]
    paddw         m0, m1
    paddw         m3, m4
    movq          m1, [%1+%4]
    movq          m2, [%1+%5]
    movq          m4, m1
    movq          m5, m2
    punpcklbw     m1, m7
    punpcklbw     m2, m7
    punpckhbw     m4, m7
    punpckhbw     m5, m7
    pmullw        m1, [rsp+8*13] ; src[x+8 ] * biweight [2]
    pmullw        m2, [rsp+8*14] ; src[x+16] * biweight [3]
    pmullw        m4, [rsp+8*13] ; src[x+8 ] * biweight [2]
    pmullw        m5, [rsp+8*14] ; src[x+16] * biweight [3]
    paddw         m1, m2
    paddw         m4, m5
    paddsw        m0, m1
    paddsw        m3, m4
    paddsw        m0, m6         ; Add 64
    paddsw        m3, m6         ; Add 64
    psraw         m0, 7
    psraw         m3, 7
    packuswb      m0, m3
    movq        [%6], m0

%macro DIAG4_SSE2 6
    movq          m0, [%1+%2]
    movq          m1, [%1+%3]
    punpcklbw     m0, m7
    punpcklbw     m1, m7
    pmullw        m0, m4         ; src[x-8 ] * biweight [0]
    pmullw        m1, m5         ; src[x   ] * biweight [1]
    paddw         m0, m1
    movq          m1, [%1+%4]
    movq          m2, [%1+%5]
    punpcklbw     m1, m7
    punpcklbw     m2, m7
    pmullw        m1, m6         ; src[x+8 ] * biweight [2]
    pmullw        m2, m3         ; src[x+16] * biweight [3]
    paddw         m1, m2
    paddsw        m0, m1
    paddsw        m0, [pw_64]    ; Add 64
    psraw         m0, 7
    packuswb      m0, m0
    movq        [%6], m0

    movq         m5, m3
    punpcklwd    m3, m3
    movq         m4, m3
    punpckldq    m3, m3
    punpckhdq    m4, m4
    punpckhwd    m5, m5
    movq         m2, m5
    punpckhdq    m2, m2
    punpckldq    m5, m5
    movq [rsp+8*11], m3
    movq [rsp+8*12], m4
    movq [rsp+8*13], m5
    movq [rsp+8*14], m2

%macro SPLAT4REGS_SSE2 0
    pshuflw      m4, m3, 0x0
    pshuflw      m5, m3, 0x55
    pshuflw      m6, m3, 0xAA
    pshuflw      m3, m3, 0xFF
    punpcklqdq   m4, m4
    punpcklqdq   m5, m5
    punpcklqdq   m6, m6
    punpcklqdq   m3, m3

%macro vp6_filter_diag4 2
; void ff_vp6_filter_diag4_<opt>(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int stride,
;                                const int16_t h_weight[4], const int16_t v_weights[4])
cglobal vp6_filter_diag4_%1, 5, 7, %2
    mov          r5, rsp         ; backup stack pointer
    and         rsp, ~(mmsize-1) ; align stack
%ifidn %1, sse2
    sub         rsp, 8*11
    sub         rsp, 8*15
    movq         m6, [pw_64]
%ifdef ARCH_X86_64
    movsxd       r2, r2d

    sub          r1, r2

    pxor         m7, m7
    movq         m3, [r3]

    mov          r3, rsp
    mov          r6, 11
    DIAG4        r1, -1, 0, 1, 2, r3
    add          r3, 8
    add          r1, r2
    dec          r6
    jnz .nextrow

    movq         m3, [r4]

    lea          r3, [rsp+8]
    mov          r6, 8
    DIAG4        r3, -8, 0, 8, 16, r0
    add          r3, 8
    add          r0, r2
    dec          r6
    jnz .nextcol

    mov         rsp, r5          ; restore stack pointer

%define DIAG4      DIAG4_MMX
vp6_filter_diag4 mmx,  0

%define DIAG4      DIAG4_SSE2
vp6_filter_diag4 sse2, 8