1 2008.05.14 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
2 * Move function for before login packets storing to sendqueue
3 * Use transaction data structure to store before login packets
4 * Rewrite tcp_pending and packet_process in qq_network.c
6 2008.05.09 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
7 * Remove function _create_packet_head_seq in qq_network.c
8 * Create new function encap in qq_netowork.c
9 * Clean code of qq_send_packet_request_login_token and qq_send_packet_login in login_out.c
11 2008.05.09 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
12 * Clean code of packet_parse.c, enable PARSER_DEBUG
13 * Rewrite send_queue
15 2008.05.08 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
16 * Rewrite qq_network
17 * Add srv resolve function when qq_login
18 * Merge function _qq_common_clean in qq_proxy.c to qq_disconnect
19 * Move orignal qq_disconnect to qq_close
20 * qq_data alloc in qq_open and release in qq_close
21 * Network connect of QQ is created in qq_connect, and release in qq_disconnect
23 2008.05.05 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
24 * Merge function _qq_common_clean in qq_proxy.c to qq_disconnect
25 * Move orignal qq_disconnect to qq_close
26 * qq_data alloc in qq_open and release in qq_close
27 * Network connect of QQ is created in qq_connect, and release in qq_disconnect
29 2008.05.05 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
30 * Add qq_hex_dump function
32 2008.04.25 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>, csyfek <csyfek(at)gmail.com>
33 * Rewrite read_packet and create_packet functions, use qq_put and qq_get functions instead
34 * New logic in accord with protocol models to handle packets, some related functions rewritten
36 2008.03.24 - ccpaging <ecc_hy(at)hotmail.com>
37 * Remove qq_crypt function in crypt.c, use qq_crypt and qq_decrypt directly
39 ** since pidgin-2.4.0 ***